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Drunk Lounge - soup - 10-19-2012

Did you come back drunk from a night of gaming with only your dick in your hand to show for your efforts?

Put drunk posts here.

Props to El Mechanico for the giving the inspiration for this thread.

Drunk Lounge - el mechanico - 10-19-2012

It was my idea but had nothing to do with not pulling. Rant about your boss or whatever's on your mind drunk here.

Drunk Lounge - Samseau - 10-19-2012

Promising thread.

Drunk Lounge - Beyond Borders - 10-19-2012

props to the first guy who makes a post in here while banging some girl with a beer bottle

EDIT: This thread might be a good reason to go get drunk.

Drunk Lounge - Idlenations - 10-19-2012

I made the mistake of drinking too much tonight but i don't care as still had an amazing night out with the lads. I assume even if i did get lucky and pulled tonight i would of had the case of whiskey dick, nothing worse than having to thumb your limp cock into some chubby whores hole.

Drunk Lounge - el mechanico - 10-19-2012

Ok I'll start this...

I'm 8 shots of Vodka in to the night and haven't taken a shower yet. My plan now is to burn the resin out of my pipe on the toilet and text. I have a date but got some other offers so....My date is giddy. I'm not sure now if I'm feeling getting picked up by her and might pull a dissapearing act. I have about 1200 dollars on me and may want to play at the casino and slum it in Tampa.

Drunk Lounge - Cincinnatus - 10-19-2012

This thread is a brilliant idea. A lot of the time I browse RVF while drunk, but I don't post because I'm not of clear mind enough to piece together coherent thoughts and write a complete sentence.

The awesomeness of this thread, though, is that I won't be expected to. I'll probably be back to this in a few hours, 6 pk. finished.

Drunk Lounge - RougeNoir - 10-19-2012

I'm shooting craps tonight. Putting money on the don't pass because i'm a cynical mofo and don't trust these other mofos[Image: dodgy.gif]. Tipping these old ass white waitresses a dollar per white russian because they're so sweet. Putting money on 6 and 8 then wait. Heinked up tonight. Green bottled up, whatever you want to call it. Hitting the strip, for some night day game. Get it? Like not in the club shit but walking the streets. I'm shooting for ONS, SNL, or whatever you pick-up guys call that shit.

Drunk Lounge - void - 10-19-2012

i am positively surprised by the evening. russian girls certainly have another socialization, it was a quite enlightening evening. my logic brain cant decide if they were bullshitting the whole time, but it seems like there is a really huge culture gap.
[Image: mindblown.gif]

Drunk Lounge - Cincinnatus - 10-20-2012

"I'm drunk."

Shall those two words alone be considered a positive contribution to this thread? Because that's how I feel right now. Cheap Canadian beer gets the job done about as good as anything else. It is hockey season, afterall.

Also, why is it my boners suddenly disappear when I go to slip on a condom? FFS.

Drunk Lounge - Therapsid - 10-20-2012

Cool thread. I'm totally sauced. I have a LTR, so I've gotten lazy as fuck about going out and going for same night lays. For example, this weekend, I've reserved tomorrow night for going for same nights.

If my long-term saw this, she would have a heart attack. Girls who are sincerely attached to a guy cannot understand - or rather *will* not understand - male promiscuity. Not even if you try to explain it to her. By contrast, chicks who are only formally involved with a dude are happy to indulge their hypergamous instincts and would never dream of trying to make their man understand. I love women but men are actually more empathetic today in 2012 than Western women.

Drunk Lounge - R Smoov - 10-20-2012

Sup muh fuckas! It's rosca and shit!

So like I got a few drinks of natural light on me and shit and my niggas are with me. We bout to go out here and fuck some of these white hoes. My game isnt as advanced as them or you guys but its alright man. Im getting accoustmed to this red pill lifestyle and shit. Its all good man! I lost my virginity to a fat bitch on the beach but its all good!

I'll be twenty next saturday too and shit so shits goin down. My roomie who sells dat work is gonna give me and my homie money so we all gonna ball man. But you know i can keep it gangsta while working on that masculine style thing my homie on here talks about. Just snapbacks though, it wont be all too ghettoed out with baggy shit homie.

A little pregame tatic. if you drunk, and you're trying to pee dont try to break your seal. breaking your seal means that you're going to pee and shit. so dont pee because that will kill your horniness if a hoe is trying to grind on that D. [underline]YOU NEED ALL OF THE TESTOSTERONE THAT YOU BODY CAN MAKE WHEN A HOE GRINDS ON THE DICK[underline]

but for guys who think im a skinny beta fag, i made out with a bitch last night and when i tried to take her back home shes like "i gotta go!". i didnt have my phone on me but fuck that shit. and fuck that hoe. its even more weird that hoes was pointing and looking at me last night. like they never saw a nigga or something. fuck them too.

but i realize guys, i really need to fucking lift and eat some more. theres too many pussy guys who try to stand up to me when drunk and after reading some rvf shit, i cant let that shit fly.. I almost fought this guy who lives in my fucking house (drunk ass pussy talking shit and im trying to chill. he was not ready to mix me though), these frat faggots who acted like they didnt know me o r my buddies and shit, this fucking dick sucking frat pledge faggot whos all like oh im a faggot pledge man if anyone outside isnt smoking cigarettes, they have to go inside.

guys who are in college, look out for pledges man. they're more of a faggot than frat bros.

so like, when i was with this bitch that night making out. she was about a 6. a 6 or above. she wasn't even fucking fat dude! so chubby chasing days are getting lesser and lesser!!. if only i had her to the spot i'd be posted in her vagina like a thread reply.

so to make a sumry of what happened tonight. i was about to fight so many pussies and like i made out with a bitch but no bang. but red pill life is fucking cool! fuck world of faggotcraft. i need to step up the game fitness and alphaness and then hoes gonna be on me like facebook.

my homie who i was winging with got ina fight. and like while i was practicing the dancefloor game and shit, him and my football bro was mixing some kids! my homie told me my friend got dropped and i was like wtf fuck no hes a blod he got this shit. called him and he was good.


Drunk Lounge - Beyond Borders - 10-20-2012

oh wow I'm going to be liking this thread

Drunk Lounge - Samseau - 10-20-2012

Just saw GZA live. They don't make rappers like that anymore. He used instruments and actually left the stage to perform with the audience during one song. Another kid passed a blunt up onto the stage for GZA to hit. One of the best concerts I have ever been.

Drunk Lounge - Drazen - 10-20-2012

how it is, yo. I saw the Wu Tang Clan at San Diego Street Scene. the thing is they all just shouted the whole time and it wasn't that good.

was the GZA show the entire Liquid Swords album from front to back? I know that's one thing he does...and i love that album.

Drunk Lounge - Drazen - 10-20-2012


Drunk Lounge - Drazen - 10-20-2012

Tonight I drank:

Red Berry Ciroc and 7up
Peach Ciroc and 7up
Gin and tonics
and a beer. some amber ale.

Drunk Lounge - The Fantasist - 10-20-2012

Great idea for a thread but there has to be a rule 'what goes on in drunk lounge stays in drunk lounge'. We all say all kinds of things when drunk that we'd rather not be reminded of in other threads.


Drunk Lounge - WesternCancer - 10-20-2012

Quote: (10-20-2012 03:44 AM)Vorkuta Wrote:  

Great idea for a thread but there has to be a rule 'what goes on in drunk lounge stays in drunk lounge'. We all say all kinds of things when drunk that we'd rather not be reminded of in other threads.


That's kind of like girls saying "whatever happens when drunk happens. We all fuck a guy we didn't actually want to that we'd rather not be reminded of."

Drunk Lounge - soup - 10-20-2012

I'm so angry. Went to Zara to by a suit. The Sailsman offered to to hold my leather jacket while I tried on suits. He left it somewhere, and a group of ghetto MFs convinced the retard recepion-bitch that the jacket was there's. I have to wait to Monday to get answers.


Drunk Lounge - The Fantasist - 10-20-2012

Quote: (10-20-2012 03:48 AM)WesternCancer Wrote:  

Quote: (10-20-2012 03:44 AM)Vorkuta Wrote:  

Great idea for a thread but there has to be a rule 'what goes on in drunk lounge stays in drunk lounge'. We all say all kinds of things when drunk that we'd rather not be reminded of in other threads.


That's kind of like girls saying "whatever happens when drunk happens. We all fuck a guy we didn't actually want to that we'd rather not be reminded of."

Dude,I've fucked lots of girls when drunk I wouldn't have when sober. I shudder at some of the chicks I've plowed after nights on the Vodka.

Drunk Lounge - Tengen - 10-20-2012

Maybe i'm just a classy drunk - i'm finishing off a 2005 Clare Valley Riesling right now - but a melancholy thought has occurred to me tonight. It'll be my dad's birthday in a few days and was discussing with my mom what restaurants to go to and getting some nice oysters, lobsters and abalone when i thought "Shit, will I ever have a son who will take me to a seafood dinner on my birthdays?"

More and more the answer seems to be "probably not". I still believe starting a family of my own is the ultimate endgame, but i have committed myself not to enter into it merely out of fear. To paraphrase Roissy, love is the only thing in this word that is not bullshit... so never compromise.

Drunk Lounge - Samseau - 10-20-2012

Quote: (10-20-2012 03:33 AM)PartyonBro Wrote:  

how it is, yo. I saw the Wu Tang Clan at San Diego Street Scene. the thing is they all just shouted the whole time and it wasn't that good.

was the GZA show the entire Liquid Swords album from front to back? I know that's one thing he does...and i love that album.

Yep, Liquid Swords, front to back. Complete with skits and poetry inbetween songs.

Drunk Lounge - Veloce - 10-20-2012

I think I'm still drunk from last night.

Showed up at a house party with my newly divorced friend. Hipster fest '12. Dipshits hangin around trying to sound smart talking about culture and travel. my friends whose house it is travel all the time to do whatever humanitarian shit. im sure theyve been to 50 countries by now but theyre a couple and i think theyre tight. Ive had a hardon for my friends gf ever since we were neighbors, half chinese girl with a bangin body and amazing face. she was drunk last night and id swear she was flirting heavy w me. I was w another girl who i made out with and slept with but no bang cuz lmr. One of the few guys Id respect though and wouldnt touch her unless she really threw herself at me at which point id say fuck it.

hipster girls everywhere pissing me off. Girl i was with saw some dude she's quote "in a casual sex relationship with" she mentions this directly to me and it kills my boner toward her which sucks for her cuz i think she likes me.

At some point I get a call and texts from my gf saying it's over for real this time, I don't do enough in this relationship, blah blah blah blah blah.

i'm pounding templeton rye out of the bottle and the douchebag that the girl with the casual sex relationship takes a few hits from the bottle when i'm not looking so I snatch it up, he's a big mofo though so I don't start shit.

my divorced friend and I leave, not a moment too soon, drop off casual sex girl and get some thai food. Super cute girls at thai restaurant, one of them eyefucking me but with a guy. story of my life these days. only the 7+ interest me and they're always paired up or otherwise non-gameable.

rolled into work, forgot to place my orders and im making stupidass tea sandwiches for an A-list event today on the rooftop, swear to god I saw the guest list and its every important fashion/model/tv personality out there right now. cant wait to deal with shit ton of eyecandy and i can't do a fuckin thing about it or get fired. its okay though cuz theres a new front desk girl who's hot as hell, bolivian, 21, new in town, gonna game HARD

Drunk Lounge - XXL - 10-20-2012

this will be the thread of the year, no joke.