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Prince Harry is an alpha? Yet game still didn't work for him - Gaston - 10-13-2012


[Image: SNN1207H--6290_1600295a.jpg]


[Image: princeharry-e1316441218117-700x483.jpeg]

Prince Harry is an alpha? Yet game still didn't work for him - RichieP - 10-13-2012

come on dude lol. he's a prince of England.

re: armed forces - there were army officials talking about how he's more of a liability than an asset in the armed forces, because he's such a target and they need to assign extra troops and resources to make sure he's never in any big danger.

re: girls - He's preselected. Girls want him because of his status... prince of England. Anyone would feel entitled to act like he does, with girls throwing themselves at him and elite bodyguards ready to jump in at a moments notice if anything kicked off or to smooth things out.

that's not to say he's NOT alpha... but these things you see him doing are things that landed at his feet, in nice cushioned environments with caretakers always a few meters away ready to step in and smooth things out. He didnt carve this lifestyle out for himself - he just pointed and said "hmm, that lifestyle please" and it was given to him.

If anything, perhaps what's brave about him is he doesn't give a fuck what people think of him, lol. Alot of royals get so caught up in that it seems.

Prince Harry is an alpha? Yet game still didn't work for him - The Fantasist - 10-13-2012

Out of a family of genetically challenged fuckwits he is the most Alpha but that's mostly down to the fact his real dad was a true English cad.

Prince Harry is an alpha? Yet game still didn't work for him - Gaston - 10-13-2012

Quote: (10-13-2012 07:21 AM)RichieP Wrote:  

He didnt carve this lifestyle out for himself - he just pointed and said "hmm, that lifestyle please" and it was given to him.

Heh, very true.

Quote: (10-13-2012 07:21 AM)RichieP Wrote:  

re: girls - He's preselected. Girls want him because of his status... prince of England. Anyone would feel entitled to act like he does, with girls throwing themselves at him

It's interesting that you've mentioned that.

Check out this description from the Croatian island of Hvar (where I believed Roosh went this summer as well).

It does seem that Harry on his own couldn't have pulled anything there without being a prince, as his game didn't do shit for him. It was probably embarrassing to watch, so someone from his entourage or the club's reps. probably felt sorry for him and stepped in and dropped a prince card on those girls. It was only after that the 'sea parted'.

"...Miss Jusic also revealed how Harry was initially given the cold shoulder by female revellers, who snubbed his advances before realising the soaking wet, bare-footed, baseball cap-wearing clubber was actually a prince.

At first, nobody knew who he was,' she said. 'He kept on going up to tables of girls and standing there, trying to talk with them. But they weren't bothered at all as they didn't know who he was. Croatian girls can be quite cold and they were not interested even though he was trying quite hard. When the girls realised who he was, they started dancing and flirting with him."

Prince Harry is an alpha? Yet game still didn't work for him - TheMan - 10-13-2012

Quote: (10-13-2012 07:21 AM)Vorkuta Wrote:  

Out of a family of genetically challenged fuckwits he is the most Alpha but that's mostly down to the fact his real dad was a true English cad.

Which makes sense as there are questions about his parentage. Specifically that of his real pop. Apparently some say that his real father was one of his late mother's instructors or some such.

I forgot his name but he was definitely touted somewhere in the manosphere as being an alpha.

Prince Harry is an alpha? Yet game still didn't work for him - Gaston - 10-13-2012

So the question is,

is his manly Apache-helicopter pilot & gunner career

just a "feel better" fallback compensating for his lack of success with most women.

Prince Harry is an alpha? Yet game still didn't work for him - RichieP - 10-13-2012

Haha interesting story about Harry in Hvar... woulda been hilarious to see. Especially the "aha" moment when they realised who he was, lol.

I dont think his career is a compensation thing. It's probably the result of a discussion with him and his father along the lines of "Hmm ..what are we going to do with you Harry". It's tradition for UK princes to go into the armed forces, supposedly to make a man out of them. So that's what they decided he should do. He doesnt NEED to do anything, but presumably they didn't want him kicking around the palace all the time lol.

I'd be surprised if he's ever given picking up girls a second thought. Of course he doesn't have cold-approach game - when would he have ever needed to bother investing the effort? Like you said, all he has to do is keep standing there until they realise who he is. That's his angle, that's all he needs. He wouldnt have invested any thought into the matter atall, most likely. He'd find it bizarre that people have to even consider things like game, tactics, strategies or alphaness. That's my take.

Again none of this means he's "alpha" or "not alpha". It's like asking, is he a good businessman? Well, we dont know, he's never done business, nor had to.

Prince Harry is an alpha? Yet game still didn't work for him - scorpion - 10-13-2012

Quote: (10-13-2012 08:11 AM)RichieP Wrote:  

Haha interesting story about Harry in Hvar... woulda been hilarious to see. Especially the "aha" moment when they realised who he was, lol.

I dont think his career is a compensation thing. It's probably the result of a discussion with him and his father along the lines of "Hmm ..what are we going to do with you Harry". It's tradition for UK princes to go into the armed forces, supposedly to make a man out of them. So that's what they decided he should do. He doesnt NEED to do anything, but presumably they didn't want him kicking around the palace all the time lol.

I'd be surprised if he's ever given picking up girls a second thought. Of course he doesn't have cold-approach game - when would he have ever needed to bother investing the effort? Like you said, all he has to do is keep standing there until they realise who he is. That's his angle, that's all he needs. He wouldnt have invested any thought into the matter atall, most likely. He'd find it bizarre that people have to even consider things like game, tactics, strategies or alphaness. That's my take.

Again none of this means he's "alpha" or "not alpha". It's like asking, is he a good businessman? Well, we dont know, he's never done business, nor had to.
Spot on here.

A guy being born a British prince is like the one in a million girl who is naturally born a 10. Neither will ever develop anything approaching game, because neither will ever need it. The status is baked in. They just walk around and the seas part for them. The only difference is that for the 10 girl, her status is immediately apparent to everyone by looking at her, and with the prince, you have to recognize him.

Prince Harry is an alpha? Yet game still didn't work for him - Roosh - 10-13-2012


While Harry was dressed in a white T-shirt from the Veneranda nightclub

This is the club that watered down their vodka. It had a real bad ratio with few Croatian girls. This is a picture of the MAIN bar but look how empty it is with a total lack of talent.

[Image: article-0-0DA29F6100000578-139_634x604.jpg]

It doesn't seem like Harry knows how to roll with an entourage and do "celebrity game." A famous US rapper can go to Hvar, unknown to the locals, but project an aura where people ask, "Who is that guy?" Prince Harry looks just like any other British dude, so that's why he was getting bad responses. I'm sure some of those girls have heard of him before, but when he approached them drunk, they didn't put two and two together.