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First day in the terrorist hotspot of Mindanao, Philippines - Printable Version

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First day in the terrorist hotspot of Mindanao, Philippines - chamele0n - 10-05-2012

I've been in the Philippines for the past month or so living in Cebu. When I was choosing my original destination I basically relied on the factor of safety vs access to large amounts of poon, i.e. cities with largest populations. I figured I can't go wrong there. I therefore made my pick out of three largest cities in the Philippines - Manila, Davao, and Cebu.

Being on a limited budget I researched which city was the most expensive and thus excluded Manila as it was supposed to be at least 30% more expensive than Cebu or Davao.

Then I excluded Davao. I would not say I was that afraid of it being in a province known as a terrorist hotspot, but what tipped the scales was that the week that I was picking my destination they had a terrorist attack when a large number of civilians was injured.

So I went to Cebu. I will probably post a datasheet sometime if someone cares enough to read it. I only do daygame, no night/clubgame and very minimal pipelining just for the giggles to try to understand what other members are talking about when they talk about online game. Exclusive daygame so far has gotten me a rotation of 2 HB8+s with 2-4 more 8+s solidly in the comfort-building stages so I could probably increase the rotation to 4 within a couple of weeks had I stayed in Cebu. But I got tired of the city after a month and wanted to do something new.

I then thought that perhaps I could go to a city with better quality. I thought perhaps a city with a history of Spanish colonization, which is known as Ciudad Latin of Asia (something like 80000 soldiers from Spain were stationed here a few hundred years ago, making it Spain's main base in the Philippines from my research) would be best for the purpose. I could not say I was disappointed in the Philippines, far from it, but on average in Cebu I found that I would have to wait about 30 minutes or so between the times I saw girls worth hitting on so it was not perfectly productive. I thought perhaps another city not as well-explored as travelers as Cebu could be a match made in heaven for me.

So after a month in Cebu I flew in to Zamboanga City, Mindanao province. I was not as concerned about the terrorist threats as the attacks typically are directed at the military or the likes. I also found that the locals for some reason don't stare at me (foreigner) as much as in Cebu, which was a VERY pleasant change. In Cebu the locals would frequently freak out the girls: if I opened one in the street many of the moving girls, being unaccustomed to being approached randomly in the street, would freeze to respond to me and any local Filipinos that were in the vicinity (usually about 10 or so bystanders) would turn and look in my mouth listening to every word I say. Needless to say, it's pretty weird both for me and the girl I approached which would often freak out due to the attention as many girls here seem to be apprehensive of being seen with a foreigner.

However, after I arrived in Zamboanga City and researched the city a little more I found that besides the bombings, kidnappings of foreigners for ransom are quite common, albeit in the provinces surrounding Zamboanga City and perhaps not in the city itself. I also found that my government issued a strong warning against citizens traveling to the southern islands.

My first impression of the city was that it was cleaner than Cebu, there were not near as many beggars in the street. The canals running through the city seemed much cleaner than the filthy stinky cluttered canals in Cebu. But the most interesting difference is that in this city, if you arrive early in the morning, just about every storefront is covered with metal protection like in Brooklyn.

But anyway the first day was not quite eventful. I was looking for some decent accommodation. For some reason could not find any apartelle or apartments with reasonable prices although I did check out about 5 or so complexes as I was looking around. One had cockroaches probably twice the size of my thumb running on the walls, another one was asking what country I was from so they could charge me the "appropriate" rate, and others were just full.

Because having reliable accommodations is a roosher's number 1 priority I naturally did not focus on daygame so much today although I did see some solid honeys as I was searching for a nice apartment. Hopefully if I find a nice place to settle in I will post some updates on that.

Anyway if anyone is in Mindanao province let me know, it seems that having a wing is more of a safety precaution here, not as much something you need for game. I don't know how much longer I will stay here, although it will probably depend on whether I find appropriate accommodations within a week or so. If not, I'll just resume working on my rotation in Cebu. My goal is smashing 10 babes in the Philippines before I move to Europe or Africa for the next 10.

First day in the terrorist hotspot of Mindanao, Philippines - 20Nation - 10-05-2012

I was actually thinking about checking out Zamboanga. I speak spanish pretty well and when I heard they spoke it I thought it might be fun to live there. I went on a date here in Cebu with a girl from there, and her Spanish accent was very strange. Was hard for me to understand, but I think i could get used to it fast. I'll be in Cebu for a few more days and then I will be off to Davao. But if I head over there i will send you a pm.

First day in the terrorist hotspot of Mindanao, Philippines - Vacancier Permanent - 10-05-2012

Nice report man. I am also looking into checking Zamboanga when I return there as I have been seen very nice talent on the dating sites from that city. I'll be following your reports with a great interest, so please post a detailed data sheet once you can for both Cebu and Zamboanga.

First day in the terrorist hotspot of Mindanao, Philippines - WanderingSoul - 10-05-2012

Good stuff, man.

Do the girls look much different than the girls in Cebu? Or does it seem only a small percentage have a more Spanish look?

First day in the terrorist hotspot of Mindanao, Philippines - chamele0n - 10-05-2012

Quote: (10-05-2012 01:19 PM)RioNomad Wrote:  

Good stuff, man.

Do the girls look much different than the girls in Cebu? Or does it seem only a small percentage have a more Spanish look?

Hard to say so far, as I've only been out for a few hours, definitely not the majority, but I did see a couple unique looks that I didn't see in Cebu. Majority seem to look somewhat similar to Cebu, but it was hard to tell if they were higher quality in the limited amount of time I had; they had some kind of a university parade going through the city today, I even saw a young white dude eyeballing the cheerleaders in the parade which looked very nice btw (the cheerleaders, not the dude). Maybe another roosher under cover. The girls seem to dress slightly more conservative here, this is a city with about 20% Muslim population, i.e. a lot more jeans, but that doesn't stop them from wearing the tightest jeans they can with some high heels and often bright red lipstick so it's hardly a problem.

First day in the terrorist hotspot of Mindanao, Philippines - chochemonger1 - 10-05-2012

Quote: (10-05-2012 01:32 PM)chamele0n Wrote:  

Quote: (10-05-2012 01:19 PM)RioNomad Wrote:  

Good stuff, man.

Do the girls look much different than the girls in Cebu? Or does it seem only a small percentage have a more Spanish look?

Hard to say so far, as I've only been out for a few hours, definitely not the majority, but I did see a couple unique looks that I didn't see in Cebu. Majority seem to look somewhat similar to Cebu, but it was hard to tell if they were higher quality in the limited amount of time I had; they had some kind of a university parade going through the city today, I even saw a young white dude eyeballing the cheerleaders in the parade which looked very nice btw (the cheerleaders, not the dude). Maybe another roosher under cover. The girls seem to dress slightly more conservative here, this is a city with about 20% Muslim population, i.e. a lot more jeans, but that doesn't stop them from wearing the tightest jeans they can with some high heels and often bright red lipstick so it's hardly a problem.

Commend you for going to an unexplored city, as we will need more of them, as Americanization is so rampant in the Philippines.
plus 1 from me

First day in the terrorist hotspot of Mindanao, Philippines - Spike - 10-05-2012

A bit weird you choose Zamboanga over Davao which is actually the safest city in the Phils but props for going there. That would be a city i would have doubts about and i'm not easily scared.

First day in the terrorist hotspot of Mindanao, Philippines - chochemonger1 - 10-05-2012

Quote: (10-05-2012 02:28 PM)Neil Skywalker Wrote:  

A bit weird you choose Zamboanga over Davao which is actually the safest city in the Phils but props for going there. That would be a city i would have doubts about and i'm not easily scared.

Yes Neil a blond haired dutchman who is looking to have orgies with the local women woud be a nice target for a terrorist lol. He shouldnt have any problems though if he stays in the city. Just like Colombia, the danger is mostly media hype.

First day in the terrorist hotspot of Mindanao, Philippines - Spike - 10-05-2012

I think you mean a tall and hansom blond haired Dutchman [Image: pimp.gif]

First day in the terrorist hotspot of Mindanao, Philippines - Menace - 10-05-2012

Neil wasn't looking for orgies, they just found him.

First day in the terrorist hotspot of Mindanao, Philippines - Big Nilla - 10-05-2012

Quote: (10-05-2012 03:40 PM)Neil Skywalker Wrote:  

I think you mean a tall and hansom blond haired Dutchman [Image: pimp.gif]

Hey, did you guys see Neil's sex tape? Tall, handsome, blond hair... I think this is him...

First day in the terrorist hotspot of Mindanao, Philippines - Liger - 10-06-2012

Quote: (10-05-2012 01:32 PM)chamele0n Wrote:  

Quote: (10-05-2012 01:19 PM)RioNomad Wrote:  

Good stuff, man.

Do the girls look much different than the girls in Cebu? Or does it seem only a small percentage have a more Spanish look?

Hard to say so far, as I've only been out for a few hours, definitely not the majority, but I did see a couple unique looks that I didn't see in Cebu. Majority seem to look somewhat similar to Cebu, but it was hard to tell if they were higher quality in the limited amount of time I had; they had some kind of a university parade going through the city today, I even saw a young white dude eyeballing the cheerleaders in the parade which looked very nice btw (the cheerleaders, not the dude). Maybe another roosher under cover. The girls seem to dress slightly more conservative here, this is a city with about 20% Muslim population, i.e. a lot more jeans, but that doesn't stop them from wearing the tightest jeans they can with some high heels and often bright red lipstick so it's hardly a problem.

Man, that sounds awesome. Looks like the philipines might be worth a try.

First day in the terrorist hotspot of Mindanao, Philippines - chamele0n - 10-06-2012

I got really close to renting a huge 3-bedroom 2-floor duplex for less than $300. Staying in the hotel was another option, but I would have had to test the waters with whether I could bring in different girls every day because I have to turn in the key when I leave the hotel and then pick it up when I come back.

The duplex I found was huge, although unfurnished. My main concern with it was that it didn't have any security so I passed. The city definitely has some serious talent with probably the strongest infusion of Spanish genes in Philippines, but the situation is really tense for any foreigner in the city.

This city is modern-day wild west. I spoke to an old local in the street, who said he almost got capped in a drive-by by masked guys on motorcycles (not directed at him) two nights ago as he was walking out of his apartment in the middle of the city in the afternoon. He said that foreigners are targeted for kidnappings, and it doesn't matter where you are, and that the cops are in on it a lot of times. The kidnapping gangs have scouts in the city which could put together a kidnap squad within an hour or two so if you are in one place for too long you may be done. So key is to keep moving and taking taxis to make it as difficult as possible for you to be followed. The only problem is, there are not too many daygame spots as the city is not that big and you would have to keep showing up at the same spots whether you want to or not.

Another thing I keep hearing is that it's common practice for foreigners in the city to get "escorts." Not the kind of escorts you may think, these are retired or off-duty cops that you hire for something like $150 a month to follow you around and guard you. I asked the old guy what he thought of those. He said it's hardly a guarantee of safety, and that they would a lot of times turn you in to the gangs themselves. So I am guessing if one were hellbent on scoring here it would be more reasonable to bring in your own security (preferably a couple of off-duty cops from another part of the country to make sure they are not connected to the gangs).

From my research a lot of the kidnappings also involved at times up to 15-20 victims at once so on second thought I don't think having a wing would make a difference in a city like this, they would just put you both in a van and drive off.

This brings me to my final conclusion. Today I spent about 2 hours hanging out in busy parts of the city and have seen a couple of really shady-shading dudes taking an unhealthy interest in me. After thousands of approaches in my life I can read social situations with men and women pretty well and I could tell this was not mere curiousity from locals that had never seen a foreigner. It was more of a cat looking at a mouse look. The old guy I spoke to mentioned he had noticed me the day before in the street so if he noticed me, the whole midtown must have too. So for now, even though there is some serious talent in that city and judging from the eye-fucking, which I could feel more of than in other parts of Philippines I visited, maybe due to the fact that I only saw two foreign guys in my time here, I could tell that sarging here would be like shooting fish in a barrel, I'll have to pass on this city for now because most of my daygame is usually based on hanging out in the street and in public places all day and here it seems you are not only the hunter but the hunted at the same time if you do that.

So I'm bouncing to a more quiet city for now but if someone were interested in spending some time here I'd be willing to go with a wing and a couple of off-duty cop escorts from another part of the country to assure loyalty preferably armed with automatics (I am not sure it would be legal for them to carry off-duty; I know foreigners are not allowed to carry in the Philippines) to hold off a likely squad of about 5 kidnappers. The security would likely not run into more than $500-$800 a month. Having a car would also be helpful obviously. This city would just take more preparation to stay safe. If a member wanted to go and could afford proper security, I could even play the match-maker with non-pro student 18-year olds I find for him in exchange for the security and covered housing, etc.. But for now I'm out.

First day in the terrorist hotspot of Mindanao, Philippines - Travel85 - 10-06-2012

Yeah, given what you've said, leaving the city seems like the wise and smart choice for you. Have you heard of Makati? I have heard a lot of good things about it, although it's supposed to be a little pricey.

First day in the terrorist hotspot of Mindanao, Philippines - chamele0n - 10-06-2012

Quote: (10-06-2012 03:52 PM)Travel85 Wrote:  

Yeah, given what you've said, leaving the city seems like the wise and smart choice for you. Have you heard of Makati? I have heard a lot of good things about it, although it's supposed to be a little pricey.

Makati is basically the Manhattan equivalent neighborhood of the capital of Manila. It's safe but a lot more expensive than the rest of the country. I would not expect any provincial talent there, maybe some jaded westernized local rich girls.

First day in the terrorist hotspot of Mindanao, Philippines - chochemonger1 - 10-06-2012

Quote: (10-06-2012 04:27 PM)chamele0n Wrote:  

Quote: (10-06-2012 03:52 PM)Travel85 Wrote:  

Yeah, given what you've said, leaving the city seems like the wise and smart choice for you. Have you heard of Makati? I have heard a lot of good things about it, although it's supposed to be a little pricey.

Makati is basically the Manhattan equivalent neighborhood of the capital of Manila. It's safe but a lot more expensive than the rest of the country. I would not expect any provincial talent there, maybe some jaded westernized local rich girls.

No my just get girls from all over Manila to meet you in Makati. Those who dont want to go or ask you for 10 dollars for the cab ride....with those dont even bother. But the ones who do go and meet you at the Makati malls, including Makati girls, in general are DTF.

First day in the terrorist hotspot of Mindanao, Philippines - chamele0n - 10-06-2012

double post

First day in the terrorist hotspot of Mindanao, Philippines - Dr. Howard - 10-06-2012

yeah, thats balls on going to Zamboanga, good for you. I was in Davao and the mountains outside of General Santos earlier this year for work. Army check points everywhere, police check points with cops asleep holding their assault rifles. The locals didn't seem to bothered though as they said that the MILF...yes, MILF..hilarious..tends to have camps out in the mountains not the city.

Just like 2nd tier cities anywhere else, you get out of the main cities and being a well built white dude was like being a celebrity and just increases from there in attention. I was working in villages where there were no roads, running water etc and no one even had shoes so it was beyond crazy, being a tattooed white guy with a beard was like being an alien.

Again, I'm a little too paranoid for Zambonaga, I got enough heeby jeebies flying into Davao where the bombed out airport from the mid 2000s milf attack is just sitting on the right side of the runway while you taxi into the new one on the left. Enjoy!

First day in the terrorist hotspot of Mindanao, Philippines - Glass Walker - 10-07-2012

Dude.. Zamboanga is probably the most dangerous place in the philippines. Get the fuck out of there.

On the other hand, Davao is very safe - more so than Cebu and Manila. Yes, bad things sometimes do happen, but, statistically speaking, you are morely like to get run over by a jeepney or be killed by a falling coconut.

Keep in mind that Mindanao is a very, very large island - it's about 100,000 square KM - only a little smaller than pensylvania, and bigger than each of the countries in roosh's trilogy. If you are in Davao, you'd have to work very hard and go very far to locate the terrorists.

By comparison, if you want to get yourself ganked in NYC, all you need to do is take few extra stops on the wrong train in brooklyn or the bronx.

First day in the terrorist hotspot of Mindanao, Philippines - Liger - 10-07-2012

Quote: (10-06-2012 02:11 PM)chamele0n Wrote:  

I got really close to renting a huge 3-bedroom 2-floor duplex for less than $300. Staying in the hotel was another option, but I would have had to test the waters with whether I could bring in different girls every day because I have to turn in the key when I leave the hotel and then pick it up when I come back.

The duplex I found was huge, although unfurnished. My main concern with it was that it didn't have any security so I passed. The city definitely has some serious talent with probably the strongest infusion of Spanish genes in Philippines, but the situation is really tense for any foreigner in the city.

This city is modern-day wild west. I spoke to an old local in the street, who said he almost got capped in a drive-by by masked guys on motorcycles (not directed at him) two nights ago as he was walking out of his apartment in the middle of the city in the afternoon. He said that foreigners are targeted for kidnappings, and it doesn't matter where you are, and that the cops are in on it a lot of times. The kidnapping gangs have scouts in the city which could put together a kidnap squad within an hour or two so if you are in one place for too long you may be done. So key is to keep moving and taking taxis to make it as difficult as possible for you to be followed. The only problem is, there are not too many daygame spots as the city is not that big and you would have to keep showing up at the same spots whether you want to or not.

Another thing I keep hearing is that it's common practice for foreigners in the city to get "escorts." Not the kind of escorts you may think, these are retired or off-duty cops that you hire for something like $150 a month to follow you around and guard you. I asked the old guy what he thought of those. He said it's hardly a guarantee of safety, and that they would a lot of times turn you in to the gangs themselves. So I am guessing if one were hellbent on scoring here it would be more reasonable to bring in your own security (preferably a couple of off-duty cops from another part of the country to make sure they are not connected to the gangs).

From my research a lot of the kidnappings also involved at times up to 15-20 victims at once so on second thought I don't think having a wing would make a difference in a city like this, they would just put you both in a van and drive off.

This brings me to my final conclusion. Today I spent about 2 hours hanging out in busy parts of the city and have seen a couple of really shady-shading dudes taking an unhealthy interest in me. After thousands of approaches in my life I can read social situations with men and women pretty well and I could tell this was not mere curiousity from locals that had never seen a foreigner. It was more of a cat looking at a mouse look. The old guy I spoke to mentioned he had noticed me the day before in the street so if he noticed me, the whole midtown must have too. So for now, even though there is some serious talent in that city and judging from the eye-fucking, which I could feel more of than in other parts of Philippines I visited, maybe due to the fact that I only saw two foreign guys in my time here, I could tell that sarging here would be like shooting fish in a barrel, I'll have to pass on this city for now because most of my daygame is usually based on hanging out in the street and in public places all day and here it seems you are not only the hunter but the hunted at the same time if you do that.

So I'm bouncing to a more quiet city for now but if someone were interested in spending some time here I'd be willing to go with a wing and a couple of off-duty cop escorts from another part of the country to assure loyalty preferably armed with automatics (I am not sure it would be legal for them to carry off-duty; I know foreigners are not allowed to carry in the Philippines) to hold off a likely squad of about 5 kidnappers. The security would likely not run into more than $500-$800 a month. Having a car would also be helpful obviously. This city would just take more preparation to stay safe. If a member wanted to go and could afford proper security, I could even play the match-maker with non-pro student 18-year olds I find for him in exchange for the security and covered housing, etc.. But for now I'm out.

Dude, sounds like paradise (except for the safety issues). keep on posting, sounds like you're having an adventure. Any photos you can share?

First day in the terrorist hotspot of Mindanao, Philippines - Kona - 10-07-2012

Quote: (10-07-2012 03:35 AM)Glass Walker Wrote:  

Dude.. Zamboanga is probably the most dangerous place in the philippines. Get the fuck out of there.

Far north, and far south of PI are some fucked up parts of the world that get no attention.

ARMM's really been cleaned up thanks to the good old USA.

The MILF is really only protected in Apatuan and they run wild in Basilan.

Watch it over there.


First day in the terrorist hotspot of Mindanao, Philippines - Spike - 10-07-2012

The Philippine government is getting any smarter either. This article was on the Dutch News today

In short and translated:
The Phil gov plans to make an autonomous state for the Muslim rebels in the south in 2016 after a 40 year rebel war and 100K deaths. The Rebel Muslim army named MILF (yes seriously) is trying to separate from the Phils for all those years. The Phil gov. now caved in and gives them semi-autonomous parts of the country. This includes Mindanou where also huge and unexplored oil and gas reserves are found.

My theory: Since we all know how much we can trust Muslims and we all saw what the Arabian spring brought in countries like Egypte,Libia and Tunesia, they will for sure try to separate after in the years 2016 with more threats of war and make it a strict Muslim state. Meanwhile there will be another country with huge oil and gas reserves in hands of a muslim gov.

Nice going Phil government [Image: sad.gif]

People here best enjoy Davao while they still can. All will be lost in a few years.

First day in the terrorist hotspot of Mindanao, Philippines - Kona - 10-07-2012

Quote: (10-07-2012 05:14 AM)Neil Skywalker Wrote:  

The Philippine government is getting any smarter either. This article was on the Dutch News today

In short and translated:
The Phil gov plans to make an autonomous state for the Muslim rebels in the south in 2016 after a 40 year rebel war and 100K deaths. The Rebel Muslim army named MILF (yes seriously) is trying to separate from the Phils for all those years. The Phil gov. now caved in and gives them semi-autonomous parts of the country. This includes Mindanou where also huge and unexplored oil and gas reserves are found.

My theory: Since we all know how much we can trust Muslims and we all saw what the Arabian spring brought in countries like Egypte,Libia and Tunesia, they will for sure try to separate after in the years 2016 with more threats of war and make it a strict Muslim state. Meanwhile there will be another country with huge oil and gas reserves in hands of a muslim gov.

Nice going Phil government [Image: sad.gif]

People here best enjoy Davao while they still can. All will be lost in a few years.

I can't read that Neil because it's in Hollandaise, but I bet they'll give them Basilan, Sulu and Tawi-Tawi, which they've talked about doing for years.

I had first hand experience with the MILF in the US Navy and despite the funny name those guys are no joke.


First day in the terrorist hotspot of Mindanao, Philippines - username - 10-07-2012


The 11,000-strong MILF, which used to be part of a largest seccessionist group, had been waging rebellion in the southern Philippines since 1969 in one of Asia's longest-running insurgencies.

So 11,000 guys get together and form a military and they will now get their own country, eventually. I don't know how many forum members we have here but I imagine if we got the Rooshians together maybe we can band together and get control of our own country. Imagine what it could be... public shaming of fatties, radical feminism banned, mandatory prison for cockblockers and more. Peoples Republic of Roosh?

First day in the terrorist hotspot of Mindanao, Philippines - chochemonger1 - 10-07-2012

Quote: (10-07-2012 06:41 AM)username Wrote:


The 11,000-strong MILF, which used to be part of a largest seccessionist group, had been waging rebellion in the southern Philippines since 1969 in one of Asia's longest-running insurgencies.

So 11,000 guys get together and form a military and they will now get their own country, eventually. I don't know how many forum members we have here but I imagine if we got the Rooshians together maybe we can band together and get control of our own country. Imagine what it could be... public shaming of fatties, radical feminism banned, mandatory prison for cockblockers and more. Peoples Republic of Roosh?

We would have to pillage Eastern European and South American women to bring back to the country. We would need at least a 3 to 1 ratio of women to men. And some betas to do the administrative work and drudgery needed to run a country.[Image: idea.gif]