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Training like Herschel Walker? - Printable Version

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Training like Herschel Walker? - Hannibal - 09-15-2012

Hey guys, I'm currently studying abroad and it seems like there are no gyms here. I've been doing convict conditioning consistently since January and I have been getting good results. I want to change up my program though because there's a lot in CC that I don't agree with. I've been reading articles about Herschel Walker, he's done everything from ballet to MMA. At age 47, he still looks like this

[Image: herschel-walker-2.jpg]

For those of you who don't know, here's a short summary of Herschel Walker's training program that he still follows, and I believe he's hovering around 50.


The Herschel Walker Workout Routine

So this is going to be quick. Herschel Walker says he has never lifted weights for his workout. That’s not to say he’s never picked up a dumbbell or a heavy bar. I am sure he has he is a former Heisman trophy winner, NFL Superstar, and current MMA fighter. However, for his workouts he doesn’t lift weights and he never has. This is his workout routine.

Every Day:

750 to 1,500 Pushups
2,000 to 3,500 Situps

That’s it. And he is this ripped and has been this ripped since High School. He jogs a little, sprints or does HIIT a little. But not regularly not even once a week. Currently he is training as an MMA fighter so he spars and rolls around on the mats, but it isn’t significant calorie burning or resistance training happening there. It really is just the push-ups and sit-ups for his muscle mass. But MORE IMPORTANTLY it is the DIET specifically the low calorie diet and regular fasting throughout the day that makes him look so shredded and have such a low body fat.

So eat less, do a lot of push-ups and sit-ups and look ripped to shreds.

And this is what he eats. It seems to contradict most everything I've learned about diet, since he doesn't get much for protein. He also sleeps 4 hours a night.


So what is the Herschel Walker Diet? And what makes it so simple and work so well. Herschel Walker eats one meal a day.

. . . .

So we know what the Herschel Walker Diet is now, but what does he eat? He says he doesn’t ever eat red meat. He says most nights he has a little fresh poultry with a salad and little soup. That could be anywhere from 400 to 1,200 calories depending on dressing used, and whether or not the soup is cream or broth based

So what I'm asking is, has anyone ever tried anything like this with good results? I know there's a thread called "hundredpushups" where people try to build up their endurance over the course of six weeks, but the work capacity required for a Herschel Walker workout is so insane, I don't even know if it's achievable or worth going after. I won't be doing 1500 pushups a day, but 100 would be a more realistic goal.

What do you guys think?

Training like Herschel Walker? - MikeCF - 09-15-2012

Google around and his former team mates will explain that he just trolls guys when he talks about his workout and famous, one meal a day of soup and salad.

He does it for the lulz.

Training like Herschel Walker? - The Fantasist - 09-15-2012

What results do you want? Do you want to get bigger or leaner?Doing Herscels workout won't give you his body unless you have his genetics. If you want to get bigger then doing a thousand reps of any exercise a day is not the best way to do it.

Define your goal and I'm sure people will come along and give their input as to the best way to get there.

Training like Herschel Walker? - WesternCancer - 09-15-2012

I think he's a genetic freak and you're not going to look like him by doing this. Like the article says he used to be NFL now he's doing MMA so you couldn't start from nothing and expect this.

Training like Herschel Walker? - Hannibal - 09-15-2012

Alrighty, I figured he was probably trolling. It sounded too good to be true.

Where I'm at
14% body fat at 180 lbs, though I haven't weighed myself in a month

My fitness goals are basically this:
8% body fat and about 190 lbs at 6 foot 2
Aesthetically pleasing physique, shoulder/waist ratio, that kind of thing
And the end goals of convict conditioning

One armed pushup : probably 3 months away on this one. I can do the lever pushup a couple times.
One armed pullup : I'm nowhere near this. Pullups by themselves seem to build up slow for me.
Pistol squat : I can do 5 on each leg, gonna build this up and then add weight in the upcoming months
Hanging leg raise : I can do plenty of these
Stand to stand bridge : probably a couple months away from this one, I can do them up and down a wall without much difficulty
One armed handstand pushup : Really close to doing a regular handstand pushup, I believe the one armed version is impossible

I do calisthenics because there's no gym here at the institute in Germany. I've been trying the whole "one meal a day" thing since Tuesday and I feel somewhat shitty. I'm getting leaner, but it's hard to tell if it's fat or muscle because I don't think my measurements are all that accurate. My belt went down at least 4 notches this last month and I've lost probably 15 lbs from doing intermittent fasting once or twice a week since June.

Once I get back to America I'll be back on the iron. Bodyweight exercises cannot replace the deadlift and the squat, but they are good for the upper body. I'm turning into a topheavy bastard with my current workout. If I get a good setup, I'll be doing novice/intermediate gymnastics for my upper body.

Training like Herschel Walker? - Giovonny - 09-15-2012

If you do over 1000 push-ups and over 1000 sit-ups you will get a great workout.

This is how I work out. All body weight stuff. Lots of pulls ups, push ups, dips, and stuff like this...

It works great. But, you must add weight to your body by using ankle weights or a weighted vest.

And, I must eat alot of protein if I want to build muscle.

Hershel Walker is a freak of nature.

Also, for better results, do plyometric stuff like this..

Training like Herschel Walker? - Don_Johnson - 09-15-2012

Quote: (09-15-2012 04:19 PM)Hannibal Wrote:  

Alrighty, I figured he was probably trolling. It sounded too good to be true.

Where I'm at
14% body fat at 180 lbs, though I haven't weighed myself in a month

My fitness goals are basically this:
8% body fat and about 190 lbs at 6 foot 2
Aesthetically pleasing physique, shoulder/waist ratio, that kind of thing
And the end goals of convict conditioning

One armed pushup : probably 3 months away on this one. I can do the lever pushup a couple times.
One armed pullup : I'm nowhere near this. Pullups by themselves seem to build up slow for me.
Pistol squat : I can do 5 on each leg, gonna build this up and then add weight in the upcoming months
Hanging leg raise : I can do plenty of these
Stand to stand bridge : probably a couple months away from this one, I can do them up and down a wall without much difficulty
One armed handstand pushup : Really close to doing a regular handstand pushup, I believe the one armed version is impossible

I do calisthenics because there's no gym here at the institute in Germany. I've been trying the whole "one meal a day" thing since Tuesday and I feel somewhat shitty. I'm getting leaner, but it's hard to tell if it's fat or muscle because I don't think my measurements are all that accurate. My belt went down at least 4 notches this last month and I've lost probably 15 lbs from doing intermittent fasting once or twice a week since June.

Once I get back to America I'll be back on the iron. Bodyweight exercises cannot replace the deadlift and the squat, but they are good for the upper body. I'm turning into a topheavy bastard with my current workout. If I get a good setup, I'll be doing novice/intermediate gymnastics for my upper body.

I'm 6'-2", and I looked pretty scrawny at 180 pounds. You need to be 195 minimum to even get chicks to comment on your physique. And this is at obviously a respectable body fat percentage.

Anyway, without steroids it's going to take you a while to get the results you desire. There are so many legit sources now, there is no reason not to use them.

Training like Herschel Walker? - Hannibal - 09-16-2012

When I get back to the States, I'll probably do the starting strength program until the end of the year. I figure I could put on some good size with starting strength in 4 months and after that continue with my convict conditioning.

I don't think I want to be taking steroids. I know that some of the common criticisms are probably not true, but I'd rather not risk my long term health for something I could just do in a longer amount of time. Especially since all the people I know back in highschool who took steroids are now getting heart attacks and other kinds of organ failure.

Training like Herschel Walker? - BLarsen - 09-16-2012

Quote: (09-15-2012 03:41 PM)Hannibal Wrote:  

I've been doing convict conditioning consistently since January and I have been getting good results. I want to change up my program though because there's a lot in CC that I don't agree with...

...I won't be doing 1500 pushups a day, but 100 would be a more realistic goal.

What do you guys think?

I've been doing CC for well over a year and while I HAVE seen good gains the volume prescribed is way too low IMO.

I came across this page:

Which led me to this video:

It's just a pullup program, but it led me to change my philosophy on training volume and frequency.

Training like Herschel Walker? - JohnKreese - 09-16-2012

Herschel Walker regularly comes back to Georgia and works out with the football team. Reports are that one, maybe two guys are able to keep up with him through the exercises. I mean, these are 18-22 year-old SEC athletes and the 47 year-old guy just smokes them. Insane.

Training like Herschel Walker? - bacon - 09-16-2012

i live in mexico there are gyms here but they dont have proper aircon so they smell bad.

i just do my workout in my apartment all i use are gloves, i bought a perfect pushup tool and a dumbell

i do bodyweight squats (leg muscles)
i do pushups (shoulders, chest, tricep)
i do bicep curls (bicep)
i do dumbbell rows (upperback)

not a perfect workout but i do it all in an hr with less than 2 min between reps. i do each rep to failure. i started this 3 mnths ago. i am getting good results.

i think people can get in shape with just kettlebell, just bodyweight, just dumbbells, or .cable machines. just find a workout that works for you but pushups and squats (pull ups too) to me are the best as they are compound exercises and you are less likely to injure yourself.

Training like Herschel Walker? - pitt - 09-16-2012

This guy has an ugly body, i dont understand the obsession over his body.

Training like Herschel Walker? - Beyond Borders - 09-16-2012

Quote: (09-16-2012 11:22 PM)pitt Wrote:  

This guy has an ugly body, i dont understand the obsession over his body.

haha I think I can jot that down as the first time I've seen a guy say that about another guy. To be fair though, I kind of was thinking something looks a bit strange about his build myself.

Training like Herschel Walker? - Hannibal - 09-17-2012

Well, yeah. If you overemphasize pushups (or something pushup-like), you're going to have a lot of definition in the trap/deltoid region. I agree, it looks weird (which is why I'd balance it out with handstand work and bridges), but the guy is strong and ripped as hell.

Training like Herschel Walker? - kikuyu1 - 07-20-2016

I used the search function but this thread didn't come up. My bad! Anyway as I said body weight exercises don't stress your joints though as a beginner to pushups you shouldn't go too fast. Go for proper form till you can do 50 properly. Add weekly til you're at 300-500 daily which will begin to show trap and delta development while improving core power enabling greater lifting.
Also since you're blow torching calories you can eat and drink as much as you feel like.
That real life strength and stamina will GREATLY help with nut control and let you leave pussy like this!
[Image: o6pmmGzb.jpg]

Training like Herschel Walker? - Chauncey - 07-20-2016

Quote: (07-20-2016 03:21 AM)kikuyu1 Wrote:  

I used the search function but this thread didn't come up. My bad! Anyway as I said body weight exercises don't stress your joints though as a beginner to pushups you shouldn't go too fast. Go for proper form till you can do 50 properly. Add weekly til you're at 300-500 daily which will begin to show trap and delta development while improving core power enabling greater lifting.
Also since you're blow torching calories you can eat and drink as much as you feel like.
That real life strength and stamina will GREATLY help with nut control and let you leave pussy like this!
[Image: o6pmmGzb.jpg]

Interesting timing on this necro bump. I don't work out but decided I want to do the 10k push ups in a month "challenge" to get me off my ass.

I am up to 160 a day, slowly increasing, up to 333/day to be able to hit 10k in 30 days. I figured it was a stupid thing to attempt, doing that many push ups daily would be an injury risk, but I travel a lot for work so lifting consistently right now is not really an option.

Do you have experience doing 300-500 daily push ups? How do you break them down, 3 big sets or lots of little sets? I am currently doing 53/43/33/23/13/3 sets spaced in the evening over 3-4 hours, increasing by 1 rep/set daily. The idea is to start doing them in the am and pm as I work up to 300+ daily.

Any tips? Different forms? How to avoid injury?

Training like Herschel Walker? - Leonard D Neubache - 07-20-2016

Quote: (09-16-2012 01:58 PM)BLarsen Wrote:  

Quote: (09-15-2012 03:41 PM)Hannibal Wrote:  

I've been doing convict conditioning consistently since January and I have been getting good results. I want to change up my program though because there's a lot in CC that I don't agree with...

...I won't be doing 1500 pushups a day, but 100 would be a more realistic goal.

What do you guys think?

I've been doing CC for well over a year and while I HAVE seen good gains the volume prescribed is way too low IMO.

I came across this page:

Which led me to this video:

It's just a pullup program, but it led me to change my philosophy on training volume and frequency.

WTF is with this guy's abs. They're staggered. One side is higher than the other.

Never seen that before. [Image: undecided.gif]

Training like Herschel Walker? - RexImperator - 07-20-2016

Clearly you haven't checked out enough shirtless guys. [Image: gay.gif]

It's a common thing.

Training like Herschel Walker? - Leonard D Neubache - 07-20-2016

Quote: (07-20-2016 07:03 AM)RexImperator Wrote:  

Clearly you haven't checked out enough shirtless guys. [Image: gay.gif]

It's a common thing.

Naw, I just like 'em soft 'n cuddly...

Ummm... I mean...

Girls right? Yeah! I'm so into having sex with vaginas, it's not even funny! [Image: unsure.gif]

Training like Herschel Walker? - Balkan - 07-22-2016

Quote: (07-20-2016 03:44 AM)Chauncey Wrote:  

Quote: (07-20-2016 03:21 AM)kikuyu1 Wrote:  

I used the search function but this thread didn't come up. My bad! Anyway as I said body weight exercises don't stress your joints though as a beginner to pushups you shouldn't go too fast. Go for proper form till you can do 50 properly. Add weekly til you're at 300-500 daily which will begin to show trap and delta development while improving core power enabling greater lifting.
Also since you're blow torching calories you can eat and drink as much as you feel like.
That real life strength and stamina will GREATLY help with nut control and let you leave pussy like this!
[Image: o6pmmGzb.jpg]

Interesting timing on this necro bump. I don't work out but decided I want to do the 10k push ups in a month "challenge" to get me off my ass.

I am up to 160 a day, slowly increasing, up to 333/day to be able to hit 10k in 30 days. I figured it was a stupid thing to attempt, doing that many push ups daily would be an injury risk, but I travel a lot for work so lifting consistently right now is not really an option.

Do you have experience doing 300-500 daily push ups? How do you break them down, 3 big sets or lots of little sets? I am currently doing 53/43/33/23/13/3 sets spaced in the evening over 3-4 hours, increasing by 1 rep/set daily. The idea is to start doing them in the am and pm as I work up to 300+ daily.

Any tips? Different forms? How to avoid injury?

When I couldn't get to a gym, I used to do ~300 push ups as a workout. I did sets of 50 and spaced the intervals around 5 minutes apart. My one set max is ~100. Surprisingly, after a few days you get minimal soreness. It's definitely doable but I wouldn't spread the push ups over anything more than an hour. I have a few qualms with it though. First, it's kind of a retarded workout as there's a lot of down time between sets and you get a bit hot and bothered going so high rep that you can't really do anything productive during the rest periods. Second, you should not neglect your back during this. Doing so much push work (chest/tris) and no pull (back/bi) builds some imbalances. I'd throw in some stretching and pull ups to even it out.

Edit: I'd do regular form for the majority. Perhaps every few days use pirouette bars (allows you to hit the negative) or do hindu pushups. I wouldn't do this for the rep count, but just to break the patterning of so many regular push ups. To avoid injury, consider doing a push up/pull up circuit. Spend ~3-5minutes warming up and stretch afterwards.

Training like Herschel Walker? - kikuyu1 - 08-01-2016

Quote: (07-22-2016 05:01 PM)Balkan Wrote:  

Quote: (07-20-2016 03:44 AM)Chauncey Wrote:  

Quote: (07-20-2016 03:21 AM)kikuyu1 Wrote:  

I used the search function but this thread didn't come up. My bad! Anyway as I said body weight exercises don't stress your joints though as a beginner to pushups you shouldn't go too fast. Go for proper form till you can do 50 properly. Add weekly til you're at 300-500 daily which will begin to show trap and delta development while improving core power enabling greater lifting.
Also since you're blow torching calories you can eat and drink as much as you feel like.
That real life strength and stamina will GREATLY help with nut control and let you leave pussy like this!
[Image: o6pmmGzb.jpg]

Interesting timing on this necro bump. I don't work out but decided I want to do the 10k push ups in a month "challenge" to get me off my ass.

I am up to 160 a day, slowly increasing, up to 333/day to be able to hit 10k in 30 days. I figured it was a stupid thing to attempt, doing that many push ups daily would be an injury risk, but I travel a lot for work so lifting consistently right now is not really an option.

Do you have experience doing 300-500 daily push ups? How do you break them down, 3 big sets or lots of little sets? I am currently doing 53/43/33/23/13/3 sets spaced in the evening over 3-4 hours, increasing by 1 rep/set daily. The idea is to start doing them in the am and pm as I work up to 300+ daily.

Any tips? Different forms? How to avoid injury?

When I couldn't get to a gym, I used to do ~300 push ups as a workout. I did sets of 50 and spaced the intervals around 5 minutes apart. My one set max is ~100. Surprisingly, after a few days you get minimal soreness. It's definitely doable but I wouldn't spread the push ups over anything more than an hour. I have a few qualms with it though. First, it's kind of a retarded workout as there's a lot of down time between sets and you get a bit hot and bothered going so high rep that you can't really do anything productive during the rest periods. Second, you should not neglect your back during this. Doing so much push work (chest/tris) and no pull (back/bi) builds some imbalances. I'd throw in some stretching and pull ups to even it out.

Edit: I'd do regular form for the majority. Perhaps every few days use pirouette bars (allows you to hit the negative) or do hindu pushups. I wouldn't do this for the rep count, but just to break the patterning of so many regular push ups. To avoid injury, consider doing a push up/pull up circuit. Spend ~3-5minutes warming up and stretch afterwards.

That's definitely true but as your muscular and cardio conditioning improves your recovery time shortens allowing you to maximise the push up workout gains. You'll go up to 3 sets of 100 in under 15 minutes.
I'm not there yet,though!

Training like Herschel Walker? - C-Note - 04-19-2018


At 56, Heisman Trophy winner Herschel Walker says he still trains as if he is playing in the NFL despite being retired from pro football for 20 years.

“I like to be known as a person who can compete,” Walker tells FOX Business. “I’ve been at the top of the world at everything I do. So I don’t just go out to be a part of something, I go to take over.”

The former running back has morphed from football player to mixed martial arts fighter to poultry producer after retiring from the Dallas Cowboys in 1997. He credits a strict diet of one meal a day and a regular workout that include 2,000 sit-ups and push-ups as keys to his success.

“People always talk to me about my workout, and I always say that my workout came from reading books,” Walker says. “Particularly, reading about a Marine who did all these push-ups and sit-ups and really dedicated himself. And that’s what I try to encourage kids to do.”

The former two-time Pro Bowler says a lot of people don’t realize that a successful person dedicates oneself and never gives up.

“You've got to sacrifice for whatever you want in life,” he says. “Even in business, you have to sacrifice because it’s not going to be easy. Whatever you want, a thousand other people want. So that means if they get up at 6 a.m. in the morning, you’ve got to get up at 5 a.m., and if they get up at 5 a.m., you get up at 4 a.m., or just don’t go to sleep.”

Walker says that philosophy is solely for the ones “who want it,” but adds that it’s OK to not want those things.

“The first thing people talk to me about is my age,” Walker says. “Age is really just a number, but people like to use it as an excuse, and that is really sad.”Walker adds that there is still so much left for him to accomplish, including competing in another mixed martial arts fight down the road.

“I want to do one more fight,” he says. “I love competition, and I’m still able to do it. I can still win. And people are shocked that I can still do it.”