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Beta punk-ass in the closet. - Printable Version

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Beta punk-ass in the closet. - Pusscrook - 08-26-2012

You know , people are always encouraging homosexuals/bisexuals, to "come out of the closet". These days, it is hard to tell who is on the "down low", and sometimes, you can really offend the wrong person. I really don't give a rats ass since I figure if you are hiding what/who you really are , you should go fuck yourself. You are no better than the wretched whores who appear to be ladies.

Take for instance some motherfuckers who are like bitches in this forum... What exactly is your purpose? There are some telltale signs of a beta punk ass who is in the closet, yet, masquerades as some "alpha blah blah what the fuck ever" ,you want to call it . So, if you fuck 100 whores in 10 days , does that mean you are not a closeted punk ass beta? Contrary to popular belief, you can be both. These ambiguous creatures are the worst and you should not hesitate in distancing yourself from such a fake piece of scum.

Below are some classic forum beta punk ass moves. I am sure we can identify a punk ass quite easily. Never take such beta punks seriously, lest you stress over things reserved only for whores.

1. Whining to "bossman" about another forum member. You gots to be kidding me, right? People actually run to boss man and tell ? This is grounds for a stoning! You cant just fucking (pm) the guy and tell him how you feel? How hard is that? Well, it is very hard when you are a beta punk ass
2. Praising a forum member publicly ,yet, in private messages with your other beta punk ass buddies, chopping him down as if he reminded you of a rotten tree. How hard is it to just stay neutral and bridle that beta punk ass tongue of yours? Well it is very hard when you are a beta punk ass.
3. Constantly posting unconfirmed and unreliable information. This should also be grounds for some sort of stoning.I can't tell you how many "trip reports" I have read where the information is totally false. It gets worst when you read some of the reports about health and finances. How many of us are really fact checking some of the shit that is written on here? This shit is out of hand. Only a beta punk ass would continue to post unreliable/unconfirmed information.
4. Posting just to be popular. Some people have no regards for another man's time. So , you have 5k posts, yet, 4,999 of them are pure rubbish.I had to read all 5000 to get to the one. You are one with the attention whores. You're an addict , and your fuel is acceptance. Stop begging like a bitch. You get no respect when you post garbage. Posting shit like : "I hurt my hand fisting 500 whores last night"....Ummm, don't do this to yourself, we all know it's bullshit. I mean ,maybe one(1) whore, but 500? The most hilarious ones are the high roller " I flew my hawker to Venus last week" types. Seriously, go fuck yourself, you flew Delta to Vegas nigga , and it was coach, so cut it out.
5. Accusing fellow members of bullshit ,and you have no proof! This is blasphemy. Some of you beta punk asses wouldn't dare accuse a person of anything to their face, yet, you hide behind your little computer and bellow out accusations in order to ruin the reputation of someone. What do you gain? Do you get your dick sucked by other forum members when you do that? Do you masturbate to the accusation you have made? You should be banned if you don't have proof and you accuse someone of something that you have no proof of them doing. Some of you motherfuckers need to figure out yourself before you attempt to figure someone else out.
6. Airing personal business. So , a member has confided in you and trusts you with very sensitive information, and now you have the temerity to repeat the shit to people you don't even know. Not only have you repeated the shit, but you added a little twist to it just to make sure you could feel the cum oozing out of your ass. Had you been in front of that man, I am sure you would have been on the receiving end of the hardest bitch slap ever imaginable. This is a total beta punk ass move. You can never be too careful about who you tell what to on here. Guard your personal shit.
7. Friend today , (when we agree). These are the dreaded back stabbing gossip mongers.... Yes, so now that I have left, you have a a mountain of evidence to disparage my name? Be a man and tell me the shit whilst I am here . I wold rather some one call me on my shit than gossip like a bitch behind my back.I was a king , and now I eat grass like one of your famished mules? I can't believe some of the shit I am reading" after the fact". Like a pack of hungry buzzards, piling on. Some of you have no shame, and delight in the downfall of others. Cracks me up man.

Beta punk-ass in the closet. - Roosh - 08-26-2012

I wasn't expecting a meltdown today.

Whether your points are valid or not (and if they are they will apply to all online communities), there is a better way to present it without having an internet temper tantrum.

Beta punk-ass in the closet. - Basil Ransom - 08-26-2012

[Image: popcorn.gif]

Specific examples?

Beta punk-ass in the closet. - Tuthmosis - 08-26-2012

Very unexpected.

Let's face it: this would be better as a song/video.

Beta punk-ass in the closet. - Duke Castile - 08-26-2012

Damn. That is seriously a lot of curse words in a single post haha

Beta punk-ass in the closet. - Pusscrook - 08-26-2012

Quote: (08-26-2012 02:47 PM)Roosh Wrote:  

I wasn't expecting a meltdown today.

Whether your points are valid or not (and if they are they will apply to all online communities), there is a better way to present it without having an internet temper tantrum.

When have I not typed like that? It's the same person in case you forgot. I happen to love profanity. If you wish to call it a tantrum, I respect your interpretation. If you don't think my points are valid then it doesn't apply to you or this forum. Others might disagree but Im not really paying attention to the numbers.

Beta punk-ass in the closet. - Duke Castile - 08-26-2012

Pusscrook, chill man. Block whoever is bothering you. You'll forget all about them.

Beta punk-ass in the closet. - Tuthmosis - 08-26-2012

[Image: hijacked.gif]

Do you guys ever wonder what this community would be like if it wasn't virtual, like if we all lived in one big-ass apartment complex?

Would there be fist-fights all the time?

Would dudes be fucking each others' bitches?

Would we break up into ethnic gangs?

Or, would it peaceful and harmonious?

Beta punk-ass in the closet. - Roosh - 08-26-2012


5. Accusing fellow members of bullshit ,and you have no proof! This is blasphemy. Some of you beta punk asses wouldn't dare accuse a person of anything to their face, yet, you hide behind your little computer and bellow out accusations in order to ruin the reputation of someone.

Do you not see the incredible irony of writing that and then accusing the entire forum of bad behavior with not a single example????

This is why I labeled your rant a temper tantrum.

Beta punk-ass in the closet. - Samseau - 08-26-2012

Well he's not accusing all of us, he's accusing some of us. There's no need for a giant essay in it's own thread though. Pusscrook you could have just posted this in the forum lounge, a more acceptable avenue for ranting.

Regardless there are shitheads everywhere in life Pusscrook. Don't sweat it man, if you're legit it doesn't matter what the haters say.

Beta punk-ass in the closet. - RevolutionaryCause - 08-26-2012

The frame is weak with this one.

Beta punk-ass in the closet. - Duke Castile - 08-26-2012

Quote: (08-26-2012 03:26 PM)Tuthmosis Wrote:  

[Image: hijacked.gif]

Do you guys ever wonder what this community would be like if it wasn't virtual, like if we all lived in one big-ass apartment complex?

Would there be fist-fights all the time?

Would dudes be fucking each others' bitches?

Would we break up into ethnic gangs?

Or, would it peaceful and harmonious?

Things would definitely get physical.

Guys would definitely be trying to bang each other's girls out of competition or envy.

Ethnic clicks for sure with a few guys that would be cool with the various groups.

The truth is, as much as I hate to admit it. Guys and especially insecure guys are just as catty and bitchy as women.

Beta punk-ass in the closet. - Enfant_Terrible - 08-26-2012

Quote: (08-26-2012 04:14 PM)Fisto Wrote:  

Quote: (08-26-2012 03:26 PM)Tuthmosis Wrote:  

[Image: hijacked.gif]

Do you guys ever wonder what this community would be like if it wasn't virtual, like if we all lived in one big-ass apartment complex?

Would there be fist-fights all the time?

Would dudes be fucking each others' bitches?

Would we break up into ethnic gangs?

Or, would it peaceful and harmonious?

Things would definitely get physical.

Guys would definitely be trying to bang each other's girls out of competition or envy.

Ethnic clicks for sure with a few guys that would be cool with the various groups.

The truth is, as much as I hate to admit it. Guys and especially insecure guys are just as catty and bitchy as women.

I'll probably be sloppy seconds guy [Image: sad.gif]

Beta punk-ass in the closet. - el mechanico - 08-26-2012

It would be a disaster! Some sort of prison pecking order comes to mind. I say we pool our cash and get a plot of land to build a retirement complex someplace with great logistics. We could make some "Demo" homes/condos and take turns playing Realtor. Decorate them with chick crack and post pictures/place ads nation wide. A timeshare scam comes to mind also. Think Del Boca Vista from Seinfeld with a dirty pussy scam undertone.

Edit: Close to an airport that flies direct to the Phils

Beta punk-ass in the closet. - speakeasy - 08-26-2012

Quote: (08-26-2012 03:26 PM)Tuthmosis Wrote:  

[Image: hijacked.gif]

Do you guys ever wonder what this community would be like if it wasn't virtual, like if we all lived in one big-ass apartment complex?

Would there be fist-fights all the time?

Would dudes be fucking each others' bitches?

Would we break up into ethnic gangs?

Or, would it peaceful and harmonious?

That'd actually be a great idea for a reality show, so long as it wasn't staged drama. Get a bunch of international players a dope pad in an A-list city and see what ensues. I'd watch. Especially if the Indian troll makes it onboard.

Beta punk-ass in the closet. - Soma - 08-26-2012

Quote: (08-26-2012 05:18 PM)speakeasy Wrote:  

Quote: (08-26-2012 03:26 PM)Tuthmosis Wrote:  

[Image: hijacked.gif]

Do you guys ever wonder what this community would be like if it wasn't virtual, like if we all lived in one big-ass apartment complex?

That'd actually be a great idea for a reality show, so long as it wasn't staged drama. Get a bunch of international players a dope pad in an A-list city and see what ensues. I'd watch. ...

Like Jersey Shore?

Beta punk-ass in the closet. - MrXY - 08-26-2012

Quote: (08-26-2012 05:18 PM)speakeasy Wrote:  

Quote: (08-26-2012 03:26 PM)Tuthmosis Wrote:  

[Image: hijacked.gif]

Do you guys ever wonder what this community would be like if it wasn't virtual, like if we all lived in one big-ass apartment complex?

Would there be fist-fights all the time?

Would dudes be fucking each others' bitches?

Would we break up into ethnic gangs?

Or, would it peaceful and harmonious?

That'd actually be a great idea for a reality show, so long as it wasn't staged drama. Get a bunch of international players a dope pad in an A-list city and see what ensues. I'd watch. Especially if the Indian troll makes it onboard.

Oh god yes. The cast of characters:

Street Gamer- walks around town all day stepping in the girl's way

International Playboy- stalks the upscale lounges, clubs,charity events, and private parties

College Boy-a stream of coeds doing the walk of shame issue from the house

Cougar Hunter-specializes in hot, horny 40+ers

Mr Downscale-trolls the trailer parks, convenience stores, unemployment offices, and rundown commercial areas for his targets

Indian Race Troll-a must have. would need a comic signature line

The Newbie- a hapless PUA style beginner. would spout a lot of acronyms

The Natural-falls ass backwards into pussy constantly and can't understand why everyone doesn't

Any other suggestions?

Beta punk-ass in the closet. - I'mWaitingForTheMan - 08-26-2012

Quote: (08-26-2012 05:59 PM)MrXY Wrote:  

Quote: (08-26-2012 05:18 PM)speakeasy Wrote:  

Quote: (08-26-2012 03:26 PM)Tuthmosis Wrote:  

[Image: hijacked.gif]

Do you guys ever wonder what this community would be like if it wasn't virtual, like if we all lived in one big-ass apartment complex?

Would there be fist-fights all the time?

Would dudes be fucking each others' bitches?

Would we break up into ethnic gangs?

Or, would it peaceful and harmonious?

That'd actually be a great idea for a reality show, so long as it wasn't staged drama. Get a bunch of international players a dope pad in an A-list city and see what ensues. I'd watch. Especially if the Indian troll makes it onboard.

Oh god yes. The cast of characters:

Street Gamer- walks around town all day stepping in the girl's way

International Playboy- stalks the upscale lounges, clubs,charity events, and private parties

College Boy-a stream of coeds doing the walk of shame issue from the house

Cougar Hunter-specializes in hot, horny 40+ers

Mr Downscale-trolls the trailer parks, convenience stores, unemployment offices, and rundown commercial areas for his targets

Indian Race Troll-a must have. would need a comic signature line

The Newbie- a hapless PUA style beginner. would spout a lot of acronyms

The Natural-falls ass backwards into pussy constantly and can't understand why everyone doesn't

Any other suggestions?
I call being College Boy. I got two years of college done so far and about to turn 24...I'll never graduate. That's a good thing.