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The Contagion of Feminism [map] - durangotang - 08-18-2012

Earlier I posted a map that I made in this thread. You can find a full description there and that map represents the world as it is today. Basically the darker red the more culturally marxist the country, with feminist women, distorted gender roles, and generally a mediocre family structure. The lighter green the country, the more it has feminine women, traditionally evolved gender roles, and a sound family structure. The number in each country represents the total amount of women's/gender studies programs in colleges/universities in a country.

The map below is a modified version of that map to show how I think western feminism will spread over the next several years.

Red arrow = spread of feminism
Green arrow = force of resistance

[Image: NVapF.jpg]

For example, there are millions of Mexican immigrants living in the United States today. I know several Mexican women. Here they are taught to organize around minority rights/incentives, latino advocacy, and feminist teachings - many are drawn to it, though not all. As their numbers, wealth, and influence grow they will spread these beliefs and values across the border into Mexico. I see no resistance.

Hence the red arrow into Mexico with no green arrow pointed back.

As a matter of fact I see only pockets of token resistance in all of Latin America. I expect South America and Mexico to turn pink over the years, especially the more globalized metropolitan populations. I expect the numbers on women's/gender studies programs to increase, and eventually some will turn red on the map (e.g. Brazil). The growing latino population of the United States, the business ties, and media influence of Hollywood, music, magazines, and the Internet will all but insure this.

Globalization is a powerful force. The large red arrows shooting out of the United States represent the spread of feminist and cultural marxist values through globalization.

In Europe, the situation is similar, but there are two important areas of resistance: Russia to the east and Islam to the south. In a bizarre twist of irony, the Iron Curtain protected the economically marxist Soviet Union from the spread of cultural marxism from the west. Two decades later and after the rise of the European Union, the situation is different.

How long can a country such as Poland, virtually surrounded by a sea of red maintain her traditional culture? Poland shares the latin alphabet as well as Roman Catholic religion. A rising standard of living, ease of travel, and further integration into the EU spells a recipe for cultural disaster for Poland. How long until politically fueled grants from Brussels quadruples the amount of women's/gender studies programs. Coupled with globalization, Poland women may soon have the attitude of Czech women, and Czech women the attitude of Germans.

The Baltic states will continue to embrace NATO, the EU, and western institutions to ensure the do not have to fear for their autonomy from Russian domination. Belarus and Ukraine will do the same, although perhaps to a lesser degree. Undoubtedly the common ties of the Orthodox Church and the Cyrillic alphabet system, large Russian populations, and slavic blood ties them more to Russia. Russia will attempt to exert her political will, although it will remain unwanted in all of these states. To what degree will Ukraine and Belarus decline?

Russia will attempt to maintain it's rich culture and extend it's political influence. Hopefully globalization and outside influence will not wear her thin. To the south Islamic countries provide resistance to the spread of feminism, and their immigrants in the future may outbreed and fail to integrate culturally with western European nations, thereby causing cultural and political division.

South Korea may influence Japan, but Japan is a xenophobic country. Although their youth seem disaffected, they are an aging population and therefore not prone to vast cultural shifts such as occurred with American baby boomers. I see resistance from Japan, but influence through western globalization. They will mostly retain their traditional culture.

China as well is an aging population and therefore less exposed to vast cultural shifts, though they are becoming increasingly wealthy and more susceptible to globalization. They have a rich and ancient culture, sufficient language differences, and vast numbers. I see them as turning a darker green on the map. The same applies to SE Asia, although Singapore and the Phillipines will be under more direct western exposure.

India is similar to China, but has millions of Indians in the west, and was once colonized by the British. I do not see this influence as sufficient enough to overcome their vast numbers, and ancient/rich religious and cultural beliefs. Although perhaps because of their western ties they may be more eager to accept negative influences through globalization. I see them as becoming a darker green shade, but mostly unaffected and will retain their culture.

TLDR: If you like traditional and feminine girls then you have a couple of options. If you like white girls, then learn Russian. If you like latinas, then this is your heyday. If you like Asians, don't worry. And if you like blacks, there's always Africa [Image: smile.gif]

The Contagion of Feminism [map] - Cincinnatus - 08-18-2012

[Image: potd.gif]

Well done, durangotang!

The Contagion of Feminism [map] - Roosh - 08-18-2012

If there was a Manosphere University, this would be an actual lecture. Great work.

The Contagion of Feminism [map] - Excelsior - 08-18-2012

The long term trend is not in favor of the contagion's enduring spread, for reasons I've mentioned before.

The cultures most apt to capitulate to said feminist philosophy are the cultures with the worst long term growth trends. They do not breed, and are at serious risk of being overwhelmed (from within and without) by those who do not think like them. They are simply not built to last.

The rise of the kind of feminism we see in the Anglo-sphere requires a breed of male that is, in general, completely willing to supplicate himself to the feminine imperative and unable (or unwilling) to fight it for his own sake.

The Anglo-European (English, American, Australian) male fits this bill much more closely than any other, with the American example being the most blatant. Other Northwestern Europeans (ex: Scandinavians, Germans) are the next closest fits.

Eastern European, African, Latin (that includes many Southern Europeans), and Asian men simply are not willing to do this. Whether this is a function of culture or genetics is up for discussion (I suspect a combination of both), but either way this is going to severely limit the spread of the modern western feminist contagion.

It needs men to roll over, and at this point most men around the globe are unwilling to do that and show no signs of changing. Even within the most heavily infected areas (read: The UK, USA), men are starting to roll over with moderately less haste (though it is still done too often). The unwilling are also outbreeding the few men who are thanks to the ironic distaste feminists maintain for them.

TL;DR: I'm not worried. I see reason for optimism-this phase, like others, will pass. The modern west (particularly the USA) is just Rome 2.0, and looking more like it every day.

The Contagion of Feminism [map] - ColSpanker - 08-19-2012

684 Wimmins/Gender studies departments in the US? We are freaking doomed!
Shut down all the universities! Now!

The Contagion of Feminism [map] - RawGod - 08-19-2012

The contagion may be only a passing phase in the long run, but I think we have to plan on it being the defining factor in our lifetime. Gen Y (born 1980-2000) are largely a lost cause, the men being the weakest I have ever seen, and they are going to be influential until the middle of this century. We may be around to see the tide turn in our old age, but we have to make the best of the situation right now.

The Contagion of Feminism [map] - kolovrat - 08-19-2012


However, I strongly disagree with you on the pushback from Muslim countries, especially the Gulf states. They might be vs. feminism but they're hardly on our side dude. You can't game fat chicks in burqas who never go out of the house anyway.

Also don't quite see Japan as part of the Resistance. Their guys are so betafied they don't even need feminism.

Proof -

Now LA, EE, Thailand, China? Sure.

The Contagion of Feminism [map] - Excelsior - 08-19-2012

Quote: (08-19-2012 01:09 AM)RawGod Wrote:  

The contagion may be only a passing phase in the long run, but I think we have to plan on it being the defining factor in our lifetime. Gen Y (born 1980-2000) are largely a lost cause, the men being the weakest I have ever seen, and they are going to be influential until the middle of this century. We may be around to see the tide turn in our old age, but we have to make the best of the situation right now.

Fair enough. I'll be 59 years old in 2050. I expect some significant shifts by then, but you're right that this will be only at the tail end of our lifetimes.

Quote: (08-19-2012 01:30 AM)kolovrat Wrote:  

Also don't quite see Japan as part of the Resistance. Their guys are so betafied they don't even need feminism.

Proof -

They may not look particularly masculine, but note this example:

In the western world, the feminine imperative dictates that older women be seen as sexually on par with their in-prime counterparts ("40 is the new 30", for example).
Western men in Anglo societies largely accept this paradigm, and allow themselves to be shamed heavily by it. This is how we get the cougar phenomenon (whereby old women pursue young men, but the reverse is largely frowned upon) and the entitled attitudes of many older past-their-prime women.

Japanese men do not do this-while they're not opposed to finding older women attractive at times, a woman over the age of 28 is generally considered an old maid. You don't see nearly as many entitled older (30+, or even 27+) women there, and women in those age ranges are actually much more amicable to average dudes.

Why? Their men don't gas them up by rolling over and accepting the feminine paradigm regarding age. While men here feel compelled to act as though 35-45 year old women are as (if not more) beautiful as their 22 year old selves, Japanese men have zero qualms about ignoring them completely.

This is just one example-Black Passenger, Yellow Cabs contains many more illustrations of the gender dynamics in Japan, and how the cultural upper hand is still clearly in the hands of men. Suffice it to say that these "beta" Japanese guys, pussy as they can appear, are far less permissive of the type of BS you see going on in the western world regularly (i.e. fat acceptance/chubby chasing, age-delusion/cougar praising, acceptance of poor style/clothing on girls, you name it). Japanese men may appear quite weak, but they are in practice somewhat disparate from your average American. Dudes here let their women get away with far more crap than Japanese girls are allowed to even think about.

Which begs a question: if outwardly soft looking Japanese men are putting a firmer hand on their women than your average American, then how beta is the average American male?

The Contagion of Feminism [map] - RawGod - 08-19-2012

Japan is indeed a pretty unique case. The men have become betafied over the last few decades. You can see a big difference in the generations. A lot of the older guys have a certain macho swagger. This is the generation that built Japan up in the 1970s and 80s, and they were used to a successful career, getting married, and having women on the side whether paid or unpaid.

This generation is retiring now, and the young guys are a different breed. There are alphas of course and I think for sure the 80/20 rule applies - 20% of the guys are getting 80% of the sex. They tend to be more under the radar though.

The Contagion of Feminism [map] - Enfant_Terrible - 08-19-2012

Quote: (08-18-2012 11:59 PM)Roosh Wrote:  

If there was a Manosphere University, this would be an actual lecture. Great work.

I think there should be. I can't think of any university that teaches anti/counter-feminist, manosphere subject matter courses.

I also imagine elective courses like "El Mechanico Text Game 101"
where we just text and get drunk, but you fail if you don't get laid.

Doing a master's thesis on comparative sexual satisfaction between country x and y as a (insert race here) man.

I'm cool with piling debt while attending this university [Image: wink.gif]

The Contagion of Feminism [map] - Samseau - 08-19-2012

Japan's gender relations are fucked. I wouldn't consider it a land of sweet feminine women at all. Survey's say one in four women under 30 never had sex.

That's not even remotely male friendly... I would say Japan has it's own style of feminism, far worse than anything a university in America teaches.

Anyways, while I agree with Athlone that the long term trend shows a lot of conservative babies will be born in the future, I'm not sure that they will resist indoctrination from universities.

The only thing that will stop the rise of Feminism is if they stop receiving funding from the USA. Until the USA goes bankrupt, feminism will continue to grow.

The Contagion of Feminism [map] - Aureo - 08-19-2012

The case of Mexico, and in general Latin America, especially with the younger generations is much worse than this map shows.
I know this by first-hand experience, if you ask a bunch of junior high ir high school girls wether they want to get married, they say no. All of them are focusing on their future careers, rather than landing a good man. They complain, are lazy, a lot don't do anything feminine such as, I don't know, gymnastics, or playing a sonata in a piano.

All of this was reflected into them from their mothers, who were divorced and had to raise their kids alone, and from, yeah, influence from the north.

In Argentina, young girls (I'm talking 14-19 years old) are all sluts, but none is (hamstering).
You can get glimpses of their attitude in local pages, such as or

In conclusion, while in general feminism hasn't been openly embraced here, the symptoms appear already:

In Mexico City, there are bus routes allowed only to women, to prevent groping and rape.
The current mayor, Marcelo Ebrard, organized LGBT pride marches, started giving free condoms to young people (I was given some condoms when I was 11 years old, WTF).
There was a woman candidate for president, Josefina Vazquez, known feminist, has written a self-help book, during her campaign, she asked the voters to withold sex from marriage as a form of control, basically her campaign said this "Vote for me, I'm a woman, I'm better than the others for that". One third of the population voted for her.
Political correctness everywhere.
There are tons and tons of help programs aimed at women. None for men.
Women don't wear skirts anymore, unless it is asked by the school's uniform, or she's the slut at the party.
99% of the men under 30 believe in equality of the sexes, and have several other beta and omega traits.

Those are the things that I can think of right now.

OP, please make Mexico and Argentina appear a little more red.

EDIT: I did it for you
[Image: 5JOyP.jpg]

The Contagion of Feminism [map] - Luomu - 08-19-2012

I think the map based on the data mentioned is partly misleading for Finland, at least when it comes to the number of students at the women studies. You cannot choose women studies as your major in most of the Finnish universities and some will only accept students every other year. Based on the statistics from various Finnish universities on student acceptance, I would estimate that there are only perhaps some fifty women studies major in any given year.

The reason that all of the Finnish universities offer women studies is not perhaps that they want to have it in their arsenal but to get more funding from the government and from the various women organizations. Traditionally one can also study almost any subject in any university in Finland because of the peer pressure to offer these choices due of the great distances between individual universities and cities. That is why we have only maybe five new students per program per year in the smaller universities.

The Contagion of Feminism [map] - Samseau - 08-19-2012

Quote: (08-19-2012 01:45 PM)Luomu Wrote:  

I think the map based on the data mentioned is partly misleading for Finland, at least when it comes to the number of students at the women studies. You cannot choose women studies as your major in most of the Finnish universities and some will only accept students every other year. Based on the statistics from various Finnish universities on student acceptance, I would estimate that there are only perhaps some fifty women studies major in any given year.

The reason that all of the Finnish universities offer women studies is not perhaps that they want to have it in their arsenal but to get more funding from the government and from the various women organizations. Traditionally one can also study almost any subject in any university in Finland because of the peer pressure to offer these choices due of the great distances between individual universities and cities. That is why we have only maybe five new students per program per year in the smaller universities.

The number of women who take the studies is just one factor among many, the most important is that the feminist influence is alive and strong. There are no general indicators of how strong the feminist influence outside of women's studies departments.

The Contagion of Feminism [map] - rampant09 - 08-19-2012

Please explain the link between Marxism and feminism.

I do not understand what you mean by 'cultural marxism'.

The Contagion of Feminism [map] - username - 08-19-2012

Quote: (08-19-2012 01:12 PM)Aureo Wrote:  

The case of Mexico, and in general Latin America, especially with the younger generations is much worse than this map shows.
In Mexico City, there are bus routes allowed only to women, to prevent groping and rape.
The current mayor, Marcelo Ebrard, organized LGBT pride marches, started giving free condoms to young people (I was given some condoms when I was 11 years old, WTF).
There was a woman candidate for president, Josefina Vazquez, known feminist, has written a self-help book, during her campaign, she asked the voters to withold sex from marriage as a form of control, basically her campaign said this "Vote for me, I'm a woman, I'm better than the others for that". One third of the population voted for her.
Political correctness everywhere.
There are tons and tons of help programs aimed at women. None for men.
Women don't wear skirts anymore, unless it is asked by the school's uniform, or she's the slut at the party.
99% of the men under 30 believe in equality of the sexes, and have several other beta and omega traits.

Those are the things that I can think of right now.

I was just in Mexico City in July. The Mexicanas I know watch a lot of American TV shows and it has had a ton of influence on them. They are 5s and 6s, many are fat, and they demand guys who are 9s and 10s. At the same time they say they only want millionaires and rich guys while themselves have little money. They are already heavily influenced by Feminism/American propaganda.

The Contagion of Feminism [map] - deathtofatties - 08-19-2012

I'm sure the red zones of this map also correlates somehow with the Obesity and Fat Acceptance epidemics. If more women were better looking and genuinely happy with their health and sex life, they wouldn't feel a need to embrace the intellectual oppresive force and violence of modern Feminism.

The Contagion of Feminism [map] - kbell - 08-19-2012

Isn't feminism funded and spread to destroy the family unit? The destruction and replacement of the family unit with the State is a key aspect of collectivism.

The Contagion of Feminism [map] - Aureo - 08-19-2012

Quote: (08-19-2012 07:52 PM)kbell Wrote:  

Isn't feminism funded and spread to destroy the family unit? The destruction and replacement of the family unit with the State is a key aspect of collectivism.

Sort of like in 1984 and in Brave New World right?
We're heading straight into a mesh of those prophetic books.

The Contagion of Feminism [map] - kdolo - 08-19-2012

Furthermore, feminist policy can only be effected by socialism and /or communism.

It demands that resources are taken from those who earn it or have it (men) and forceably redistributed to women.
-outrageous divorce laws
-silly "make work" jobs: city, state, fed, bureacracy so that women can say they have a "career".

The Contagion of Feminism [map] - rampant09 - 08-19-2012

Ah...ok, so what you mean is that feminism and socialism/communism are intimately linked. I see, I didn't entirely understand what you meant.

You see, when I read Marxism, what I thought of was the theory that all of human history can be explained by class divisions, Marx's prophecy of the proletariat revolution, and of how capitalism alienates the people from their creative energies by forcing them to not own the product of their labor. And also of how capitalism undermines the familial relationship, replacing true family ties with simple monetary ones.

And when I read 'cultural marxism', I thought of neo-marxist extensions of Marx's economic theory into the social sphere, such as linking Freud and Marx together to form a detailed analysis of how the human psyche contributes to economic production. I also thought of the Dialectic of Enlightenment, written by two 'cultural marxists', Adorno and Horkheimer, a lengthy explanation of the manner in which facism was a result of man's changing orientation to Nature due to the enlightenment.


Isn't feminism funded and spread to destroy the family unit? The destruction and replacement of the family unit with the State is a key aspect of collectivism.

Marxism-Lenism. Marx did not speak of the all powerful Party. He did not speak of the State. He believed that the revolution would occur in the most democratic of nations, nations which were entrenched within a capitalist tradition. He believed a 'dictatorship of the proletariat' would occur for a short period before a Utopia could be reached. But there was no hope to destroy the family unit and replace it with 'the State'.

Furthermore, to define feminism's ultimate goal as 'to destroy the family unit' is sort of just...well, foolish. I dislike feminism, but that sort of talk doesn't really lead anywhere and is lazy thinking. Feminism's ultimate goal is 'equality' and, due to poor leadership and stupidity, there have been many awful consequences of that crusade.

I agree that feminism is a pervasive force that is doing wrong in the world. I agree that it is rather undesirable. That map is pretty great and I learned a lot from your post so thanks for putting it up.

I'm not here to derail the thread with frivolous semantics. No need for this piece of the discussion to continue.

The Contagion of Feminism [map] - BostonBMW - 08-19-2012

Keep that shit away from the Middle East

The Contagion of Feminism [map] - ColSpanker - 08-19-2012

On the other hand, a case of class divisions of a different sort does not affect the structure of an abstract underlying order. To characterize a linguistic level L, the earlier discussion of deviance suffices to account for a stipulation to place the constructions into these various categories. Suppose, for instance, that a subset of English sentences interesting on quite independent grounds delimits the traditional practice of grammarians. Thus the systematic use of complex symbols cannot be arbitrary in the requirement that branching is not tolerated within the dominance scope of a complex symbol.

The Contagion of Feminism [map] - Deluge - 08-20-2012

Quote: (08-19-2012 08:20 PM)Aureo Wrote:  

Quote: (08-19-2012 07:52 PM)kbell Wrote:  

Isn't feminism funded and spread to destroy the family unit? The destruction and replacement of the family unit with the State is a key aspect of collectivism.

Sort of like in 1984 and in Brave New World right?
We're heading straight into a mesh of those prophetic books.

We're already living "Brave New World", or at least something close to it.

The Contagion of Feminism [map] - Celtic - 08-20-2012

Sadly, I have to agree about Latin America. They are still much less fat, much more feminine, and more fashionable than American women. But if you talk to any young and educated and woman in Latin America, she is likely to describe herself as a feminist, will have no problems complaining about "machismo" and gender relations in Latin America, have ambitious plans for career and graduate education and no interest in family.

I think when it comes to beliefs Latina women are the same as American women. The question is the unfeminine mannerism, the way of acting loud and belligerent, the way of dressing unfeminine is going to follow their beliefs.