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What are some of the things that turn you off? - Printable Version

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What are some of the things that turn you off? - Hotwheels - 06-07-2012

What turns you into a turtle in a hurry?

I've been wondering this for a while, and the "turn on" thread has some good stuff, so what things turn you off? Obviously, some things are obvious like fat bitches, etc, but say the broad is pretty hot and then one of the traits you can't stand pops up...

Some of the things that shut me down are;

A gravelly smokers voice
Fucked up name (Minerva, Dorothy, Beulah, etc)
Really short hair like a lot of black broads seem to have
Loud personality

What are some of the things that turn you off? - YoungGunner - 06-07-2012

Tries to use retarted lingo

Tries to act like an expert on something she knows nothing about

Visible forearm hair

What are some of the things that turn you off? - Icarus - 06-07-2012

Narcissistic and histrionic behavior. Poor taste. Poor manners.

There is nothing hotter than a pretty, quiet girl who is impeccably well-bred and knows how to dress and behave.

What are some of the things that turn you off? - Tuthmosis - 06-07-2012

Well, first let's be explicit about what the obvious is, so that every dude doesn't repeat the same shit:


-Bitchy, cunty attitude
-Raging feminist
-Bad hygiene
-Bad dress
-Cell phone addiction

We all hate those. That said, here are some of mine less-than-common ones:

-A naturally smelly pussy (not from bad hygiene, per se)
-Gummy smile
-A girl who uses stupid vocal cliches, like the word "creepy"
-Short hair (especially in that retarded boy-cut that's so popular nowadays)
-Talks about her money problems
-Being a cheapskate
-Girl who makes no effort to clean up after herself at my apartment
-Girl who cavalierly talks about her sexual or relationship past (especially when I barely know her)
-Girl who brags about her sexual "skills" (usually doesn't have them)
-Girl who doesn't thank me for buying her a drink
-Girls who try to insult me--almost always in an unfunny way--as a way of being "charming"
-Girls who brag about their lack of domestic skills
-Girls who transparently wait a long time to text back just for the fuck of it

(To be continued.)

What are some of the things that turn you off? - soup - 06-07-2012

The biggest turn-off for me is when the girl becomes or is not-DTF, or she breaks the mood. It's a little different than LMR or a shit test.

I believe that in general, it's my job to make sure this doesn't happen, but when it does, I lose my hard-on immediately, and I want her to leave.

I don't care if it's subconscious or if she's aware that she's doing it. It's a huge form of disrespect. I tend to throw myself into the experience and it pisses me off when the focus gets lost.

What does this look like:

Girl just lays in bed and expects you to do all the work.

Girl doesn't want to give me blow-job.

Girl trying to show you how to fuck her.

Girl is un-responsive to kino (like neither a good or bad reaction).

Girl starts insinuating that you are being creepy when you both know that's not true.

I think this is beyond typical shit testing. It's probably a manifestation of some kind of mental illness like BPD. Anyway, my dick senses the bad fruit and is like "No way."


Also, a girl boasting about their past sexual experiences, or proudly talking about how she's a player is like laying a huge fart on my face.

some more:

Fatty arms
sweaty armpits / pit stains
armpit hair
piano legs
girl moustaches
thinking it's ok to take a shit with the door open
tattoo sleaves
big bones
bad hip to waist ratio
loose skin

What are some of the things that turn you off? - Kitsune - 06-07-2012

Any sort of possessive behaviour. I can't be dealing with it.

What are some of the things that turn you off? - The Fantasist - 06-07-2012

Girls with poorly manicured hands. Does it take that much effort to paint all of your nails nicely??

Same as girls who bight their fingernails,what are you 12?

Heavy smokers.

Women who swear a lot.

Tattoos. Ok some girls might be able to pull it off but tats to me imply that the girl is not very well brought up trash.

Girls who display any kind of rude behaviour.

Weird toes - I know I'm a perfectionist.

Girls who try not to be feminine.

Yeah cell phone addiction is a pisser.

What are some of the things that turn you off? - Hotwheels - 06-07-2012

a few more of mine;

gummy smile/small teeth (Thanks for the reminder Tuth)
big teeth
stubby fingers/thumbs (Cute older broad at the hotel bar the other night had my interest until I saw her fucked up, stubby, popsicallike thumbs that an army of asian manicurists could not make look decent)
broads dropping the f bomb

What are some of the things that turn you off? - theIVth - 06-07-2012

If I dont like the way a womans toes or feet look, Im turned off. No matter how fine she is, I wouldnt feel like i was missing anything.

What are some of the things that turn you off? - el mechanico - 06-07-2012

Southern accent. I fucking hate listening to stupid girl dribble and it just makes it worse.

What are some of the things that turn you off? - Veloce - 06-07-2012

My list would take hours to compile.

Off the top of my head:

Pretty much anything that comes out of a girls mouth, ever. From stupid jokes, to talking about relationship drama, to talking about TV or pop media, to talking about working on her life, to talking about work, talking about herself, talking about how crazy she was in her college years, fuck it all. The only time I can think of that I've been interested in what a girl says is if she grew up in a 3rd world country, because she has a different reference point and outlook on life that is grounded more in "reality" and less in "America's next whatever".

When a girl tries to act coy, cute, or flirtatious. Very few of them call pull it off successfully. Occasionally you find one that is genuinely seductive. This is rare.

Drunk girls. There should be a law that dictates when a girls BAC gets past a certain point and she's being obnoxiously drunk, belligerent, bitchy, or sloppy in public, it's required to take her to a back alley and run a train on her.

On the flip side of girls that talk too much about meaningless nonsense, girls that are expressionless or stone-faced. You couldn't get a reaction from her by slamming a chisel into her forehead. Wtf?

I guess by my logic, girls really should just sit there, look pretty, and laugh at my jokes. How could something so simple be so difficult?

What are some of the things that turn you off? - Tuthmosis - 06-07-2012

Thanks for some of the reminders above. It inspired this Phase II:

-British accent (sorry to the Brits in community)
-Tattoos (Credit: Vorkuta); don't know how I forgot that
-Piercings anywhere outside of the ear
-Over-plucked eye brows
-A big face
-Duck lips
-Padded bras
-Fake tits (even "good" ones)
-Girls with no ass (instant deal-breaker)
-Dirty feet; feet in general
-Running shoes when not running
-Morton's Toe
-Veiny arms/hands
-Hairy nipples (I've been seeing this a lot lately)
-Girls who think they can sing

What are some of the things that turn you off? - Sargon of Akkad - 06-07-2012


bitchy attitude, extreme arrogance
cold, frigid personalityugly face
general ugliness
constant need to text, especially on a date
fake tits

almost deal breakers:

half shaved head hairstyles (she would really have to be hot for me to hit it anyway)
bad breath (depends on how bad)
bad dress
dead fish in bed
deep religiosity

What are some of the things that turn you off? - Kid Strangelove - 06-07-2012

Being older than me. You can bet your ass that I wont call you after I find out your older than me, will still try to pipe though. (Some people say "but what about Adriana Lima, she's over 30??? You wouldn't call her back?" I'll deal with that issue when it actually happens).

Weight, of course

Insulting and crass attitude (will still fuck if sure thing, wont call after)

Lack of blowjobs

What are some of the things that turn you off? - Hotwheels - 06-07-2012

Quote: (06-07-2012 12:14 PM)el mechanico Wrote:  

Southern accent. I fucking hate listening to stupid girl dribble and it just makes it worse.

Dude!!!!! A Southern accent is a boner inducer for me. Add blond hair and I'll probably tag it even if she's 30 pounds overweight.

Of course you probably hear it a bit more than I do up in WI....

Now, if they talk like a hillbilly that's a different story. Was banging this broad from TN and I had to ask her to repeat herself constantly as it sounded like she was speaking a foreign language.

What are some of the things that turn you off? - I'mWaitingForTheMan - 06-07-2012

I've come to find that displays of anger are a huge turn-off for me. Mostly when it is directed at someone I am hearing stories about and she is getting worked up about it. I don't want to hear this crap about people I don't even know.

What are some of the things that turn you off? - Kish - 06-07-2012

Pimples around/near the lips. GROSS!!!

What are some of the things that turn you off? - at350zguyy - 06-07-2012

girls that look like dudes. one of the girls that turns me off the most is my colleague and its because of this fact. she also has many manly behaviors including using the men's bathroom at work.

What are some of the things that turn you off? - el mechanico - 06-07-2012

Quote: (06-07-2012 01:10 PM)Hotwheels Wrote:  

Quote: (06-07-2012 12:14 PM)el mechanico Wrote:  

Southern accent. I fucking hate listening to stupid girl dribble and it just makes it worse.

Dude!!!!! A Southern accent is a boner inducer for me. Add blond hair and I'll probably tag it even if she's 30 pounds overweight.

Of course you probably hear it a bit more than I do up in WI....

Now, if they talk like a hillbilly that's a different story. Was banging this broad from TN and I had to ask her to repeat herself constantly as it sounded like she was speaking a foreign language.
You get sick of it and it becomes very annoying.

What are some of the things that turn you off? - soup - 06-07-2012

Long labia lips can be a turn-off. Some girls have extra labia, others it just gets all messed up because they are major sluts.

Big arms, specifically the top part coupled with small tips and I know I'm not getting the best out of life.

fucked up teeth (dis-colored or impacted).

I hate almost all perfumes. It's like:
This Sex Act Brought to You by Designer Imposters™

When there's a tag sticking out of the back of her shirt, or any kind logos.

In the 1990s, I hated spaghetti strapped tops, and girls wearing wife beaters as well.

I don't like when they wear high-wasted jeans from the 70s.

Power suits.

Slut stamps.

Soft asses.

Wide shoulders with small tits.

Any kind of body hair except for a little around the pubes.


Door-knocker earings.

Hair tightly pulled back reavling too much farhead.

Visible/obvious use of hair product (and smell).

Painted eyebrows, too much makeup.


Can't dance.

Looks too much like some people in my family.


Scatalogical talk (eg. "Broccoli helps me shit")

Doesn't want to swallow.

Makes bad art.

What are some of the things that turn you off? - Screwston - 06-07-2012

Quote: (06-07-2012 01:25 PM)el mechanico Wrote:  

Quote: (06-07-2012 01:10 PM)Hotwheels Wrote:  

Quote: (06-07-2012 12:14 PM)el mechanico Wrote:  

Southern accent. I fucking hate listening to stupid girl dribble and it just makes it worse.

Dude!!!!! A Southern accent is a boner inducer for me. Add blond hair and I'll probably tag it even if she's 30 pounds overweight.

Of course you probably hear it a bit more than I do up in WI....

Now, if they talk like a hillbilly that's a different story. Was banging this broad from TN and I had to ask her to repeat herself constantly as it sounded like she was speaking a foreign language.
You get sick of it and it becomes very annoying.
Exactly how I feel about anyone with an East coast accent. Some guy with one called about my car for sale yesterday and I had to ask if he was mad about the price or was having a bad day. "sowwy man"

What are some of the things that turn you off? - tjames - 06-07-2012

When a girl burps or farts, or talks about taking shits that's a huge turn off for me. A girl who won't cook for me is a turn off. Wearing flip flops, hoodies and sweat pants guaranteed turn off along with those ug boots(in my neck of the woods they wear those with gray wool socks with red stripes pulled up to their knees almost in the winter). Short hair. Swearing a lot. Being against wearing make up and looking fly. Bitchy attitude. Clingy and needy behavior, crying a lot or getting angry a lot. Too much weight. Talking to me about shit I'm not interested in. Far left political viewpoints. Being a size queen omg I only like 16 inch dicks...yea right...

I'm sure there's more but that's the jest of it.

What are some of the things that turn you off? - tjames - 06-07-2012

Quote: (06-07-2012 12:31 PM)Tuthmosis Wrote:  

Thanks for some of the reminders above. It inspired this Phase II:

-British accent (sorry to the Brits in community)
-Tattoos (Credit: Vorkuta); don't know how I forgot that
-Piercings anywhere outside of the ear
-Over-plucked eye brows
-A big face
-Duck lips
-Padded bras
-Fake tits (even "good" ones)
-Girls with no ass (instant deal-breaker)
-Dirty feet; feet in general
-Running shoes when not running
-Morton's Toe
-Veiny arms/hands
-Hairy nipples (I've been seeing this a lot lately)
-Girls who think they can sing

I agree with a lot of what your saying but British accents on girls are pretty sexy to me. I like tattoos and piercings on girls, not too many. I saw a girl today with her entire eyebrows and lips pierced. I bet you two would get along good.[Image: banana.gif]

What are some of the things that turn you off? - flyfreshandyoung - 06-07-2012

Truly drunk girls.

Non adventurous girls. Recently invited this chick out to the beach and she was like "omg but I might get sand everywhere and bitten by bugs!" Could not believe it.

What are some of the things that turn you off? - Blue!!! - 06-07-2012

When a chick starts trying to review the ways in which she has higher socio-economic status than I do (makes more money, has more friends in higher places). I can walk away if it's actually true, because then I'm dead in the water anyway.

When it's not true and the chick is just trying to compensate for being a 5 or 6 by mentioning how she makes "a lot of money" (like, as a RN) and has so many important friends (cops, bartenders, drug dealers that sell dime bags, maybe a shitty DJ that only texts her when he needs a BJ etc.) I actually get a little pissed off for some reason. I'm usually not classist, because I had to work for what I have. However, I have zero tolerance for peasant girls trying to talk down to me like Im the one that lives in a trailer.