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Health benefits of saturated fat - Printable Version

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Health benefits of saturated fat - Veloce - 04-25-2012

A bit of preaching to the choir here, but this article has some excellent references and historical statistics regarding obesity and the diet trends of this country over the 20th century.

Health benefits of saturated fat - kosko - 04-25-2012

Thanks! I am big on saturated fats. The petro industry helped invent margarine and other hydroxided fats and tried to pawn them off as healthy. They die the shit, in places like Quebec and I think Vermont its illegal to die it yellow as it desired the public. But none the less saturated fats especially plant ones are extremely good for health. My historic family and tribe exclusively has used palm oil and nobody whom has lived full time in Africa has succumb to any heart ailments. For African-Americans this is huge. Your almost garunteed to get conoary or heart issues in later years if you don't watch what types of fats you take in. You see a rise in the Latin community also.

Palm oil takes a while to get used to it stinks like shit ( tastes like nothing tho ) and tints the food yellow to due high ammont of beta-carotene (West Africans for generations have had great eyesight due to the high levels in the oil) but you get used to it.

Cheers to good health. It's important for the manosphere to adopt health as a key tennant. We were created physically superior strength wise, but internally are resilience mechanisms are a quarter of what a woman's are due to us not needing to pop out kids.

Health benefits of saturated fat - Walnuts - 04-28-2012

In school we were taught;
Trans-fats/hydrogenated fats = very bad
Saturated fats = not good
Monounsaturated fats = good
Polyunsaturated fats = the fucking bomb!

I don't think eating a high saturated fat diet is good advice. Cholesterol is bad.

Health benefits of saturated fat - void - 04-28-2012

everything made with human intelligence (last 50 years) has to be observed with caution

Health benefits of saturated fat - Veloce - 04-28-2012

Quote: (04-28-2012 08:49 PM)Walnuts Wrote:  

In school we were taught;
Trans-fats/hydrogenated fats = very bad
Saturated fats = not good
Monounsaturated fats = good
Polyunsaturated fats = the fucking bomb!

I don't think eating a high saturated fat diet is good advice. Cholesterol is bad.

Read the article. Everything in moderation. And you can't make a blanket statement like "Cholesterol is bad" without doing some research on cholesterol first. Cholesterol is necessary to maintain healthy cells.

Health benefits of saturated fat - Walnuts - 04-29-2012

Yeah you need some cholesterol but high cholesterol leads to artherosclerosis.

Health benefits of saturated fat - Aliblahba - 04-29-2012

Quote: (04-28-2012 11:03 PM)thedude3737 Wrote:  

Quote: (04-28-2012 08:49 PM)Walnuts Wrote:  

In school we were taught;
Trans-fats/hydrogenated fats = very bad
Saturated fats = not good
Monounsaturated fats = good
Polyunsaturated fats = the fucking bomb!

I don't think eating a high saturated fat diet is good advice. Cholesterol is bad.

Read the article. Everything in moderation. And you can't make a blanket statement like "Cholesterol is bad" without doing some research on cholesterol first. Cholesterol is necessary to maintain healthy cells.

These fad diets keep coming up, then get debunked. I wouldn't trust any that tell you to eat a really high percentage of any one thing. Diet keeps coming back to the nutrition pyramid. Go figure. People like to reinvent the wheel.

[Image: attachment.jpg6006]   

Health benefits of saturated fat - kosko - 04-29-2012

Quote: (04-29-2012 06:16 AM)Aliblahba Wrote:  

Quote: (04-28-2012 11:03 PM)thedude3737 Wrote:  

Quote: (04-28-2012 08:49 PM)Walnuts Wrote:  

In school we were taught;
Trans-fats/hydrogenated fats = very bad
Saturated fats = not good
Monounsaturated fats = good
Polyunsaturated fats = the fucking bomb!

I don't think eating a high saturated fat diet is good advice. Cholesterol is bad.

Read the article. Everything in moderation. And you can't make a blanket statement like "Cholesterol is bad" without doing some research on cholesterol first. Cholesterol is necessary to maintain healthy cells.

These fad diets keep coming up, then get debunked. I wouldn't trust any that tell you to eat a really high percentage of any one thing. Diet keeps coming back to the nutrition pyramid. Go figure. People like to reinvent the wheel.

Even the pyramid is flawed though. Vegetables should be at the bottom. This Pyramid is a "fad" itself its only been around since 1991. What is happening more and more is people are realizing that modern advice is complete bullshit and going back to how humans used to eat.


While the government has stood by this regimen for 11 years, some critics say it's no coincidence that the number of overweight Americans has risen 61% since the pyramid was introduced -- and almost instantaneously appeared on the sides of pasta boxes, bread wrappers and packages of other food products in the pyramid's six-to-11-servings category.

For the most part Govt policy on health has just mirrored what industry told them. Industry told them Saturated fats we're bad and pumped tons of money into weighted research to try and back it up... they had a alternative in margarine which turns out is way more unhealthy for you.

This is the essence of modern food policy, industry funds something that ends up being bullshit decades later by then cultural habits are to deep to change and you get epidemics in which health agencies have to struggle to contain.

In Americas prime they were pounding back saturated fats like nobodys bussiness and they we're fine. Many cultures have high saturated fat diets with little to no heart issues. Humans knew for the most part what they we're doing aside from some science they did not understand a good portion of populations had complete diets.

If you honestly ate what the food pyramid says daily you would be fat , get heart disease, or diabetes.

Health benefits of saturated fat - Veloce - 04-29-2012

Yeah that nutrition pyramid is pretty flawed. Every year more and more studies come out about the "ideal" human diet. I'm a big fan of Michael Pollan, I think the guy is a great researcher and writer and agree with his summary: "Eat food, not too much, mostly plants."

Health benefits of saturated fat - DecoHappy - 04-29-2012

Quote: (04-29-2012 05:08 AM)Walnuts Wrote:  

Yeah you need some cholesterol but high cholesterol leads to artherosclerosis.

The evidence is shifting away from high cholesterol = atherosclerosis. There certainly seems to be good evidence that high cholesterol + chronic arterial inflammation => atherosclerosis. Current research SUGGESTS that arterial inflammation is a precursor to atherosclerosis. The causal linkage between elevated serum cholesterol and atherosclerosis is less clear. Some evidence suggests that elevated cholesterol, in the absence of chronic inflammation, is benign.

Health benefits of saturated fat - Big Nilla - 04-29-2012

I give my 4 and 3 year old sons 3 7-ounce bottles a day. 2 bottles are with organic whole milk, a 1/2 scoop of protein powder for each of them, and a teaspoon of liquid cod liver oil and the mid-day bottle is the same as above with a tablespoon of almond butter and banana blended in.

I'm loading them up with protein and good fats. Just wish they'd eat more organic eggs and try avocados. The 4 year old can already do 6 pullups non-stop and up to 35 in a day. Also have him do 100 yards of bear crawls, a 100 yards of alternating hopping on 1 foot, and also slamming a 4 pound medicine ball 20 times almost every day. My 4 year old was able to pick up my 25 pound medicine ball and give it to me at a bodyweight of 38 pounds starting a few months ago.

With my genetics and athleticism, the way I'm training them, and all the protein and good fats I'm giving them, I can't wait to see how they look compared to others kids from 10-20 years old. The fats will make them smarter and build up their testosterone levels. Can't wait to move to Costa Rica so they can get even more fats from drinking out of coconuts.

I won't let anyone stop me from turning them into the ultimate Alpha males.

Health benefits of saturated fat - Mon - 09-07-2012

Saturated fats are a MUST for your body to produce steroid/sex hormones. The precursor to all sex hormones is cholesterol, which is converted into pregnenolone & 17a-hydroxypregnenolone. Pregnenolone is the primary steroid hormone that's converted, or metabolized, into the other steroid hormones. That's why the low-fat diets are notorious for lowering libido.
I use copious amounts of coconut oil/butter and raw cacao butter in my smoothies.
I also make large amounts of my own coconut-almond "yogurt" by blending fresh coconut meat and soaked almonds in my VitaMix. Then I add in kefir starter and let it ferment overnight.
The whole saturated-fats-witch-hunt was based primarily on junk science.
In the 1960s when coconut oil was branded as some "evil," LDL-raising fat, it was actually the omission of essential fatty acids in the experimental diet that caused the cholesterol problems, not the coconut oil.
The best saturated fats, in my opinion, are: raw, unfiltered coconut oil; raw, unfiltered palm oil, raw cacao butter, raw, cultured butter (pasture/grass-fed cow, goat, sheep, buffalo).

Health benefits of saturated fat - BIGINJAPAN - 09-07-2012

Quote: (09-07-2012 12:26 PM)Mon Wrote:  

Saturated fats are a MUST for your body to produce steroid/sex hormones. The precursor to all sex hormones is cholesterol, which is converted into pregnenolone & 17a-hydroxypregnenolone. Pregnenolone is the primary steroid hormone that's converted, or metabolized, into the other steroid hormones. That's why the low-fat diets are notorious for lowering libido.
I use copious amounts of coconut oil/butter and raw cacao butter in my smoothies.
I also make large amounts of my own coconut-almond "yogurt" by blending fresh coconut meat and soaked almonds in my VitaMix. Then I add in kefir starter and let it ferment overnight.
The whole saturated-fats-witch-hunt was based primarily on junk science.
In the 1960s when coconut oil was branded as some "evil," LDL-raising fat, it was actually the omission of essential fatty acids in the experimental diet that caused the cholesterol problems, not the coconut oil.
The best saturated fats, in my opinion, are: raw, unfiltered coconut oil; raw, unfiltered palm oil, raw cacao butter, raw, cultured butter (pasture/grass-fed cow, goat, sheep, buffalo).

Probably the most informed quote on this whole issue. Not only is cholesterol used to produce testosterone ( body only manufactures 10 % of the daily need ) it is used to plug tears and weak spots in your arteries. I shouldn't even have to post any studies to prove this. Just look around, in 40 years since they discovered how to count cholesterol ( which means nothing and is just a number ) we have created a multi billion dollar industry of statins. Look further and lets see what that has given us. Heart disease is still the number one killer in North America, even though we have the highest rate (that is out of the stratospshere compared to other countries) of statin use. Let's look even further. How many men now have low cholesterol and are built like bags of milk ? Not to mention they couldn't get a hard on if their life depended on it. And on further examination we now have statin born diseases that weren't even around 40 years ago. Those being Alzheimers, Dementia, type 2 diabetes(also caused by our GMO food) and Parkinsons. Don't fane me with ignorance and tell me we just have better diagnosis now. That is a talking point to cover the atrocities created by allopathic medicine. The solid part of the brain and your nerves is made up of mostly cholesterol, by taking statins or eating a low cholesterol diet your body can't repair the myolin that surrounds the nerves or your brain matter. I am trying to break this down nice and simple and for all the red pills guys on here it should be easy to make the connection. Just like everything else we have been taught ( women, banking, medicine, schooling) it is all one big lie.

The overall cholesterol number means nothing. The real concern should be the % of HDL ( good cholesterol) vs the total number. Anything about 25 % and you are in great shape.

Finally on the " fact " cholesterol clogs arteries. This is another bold faced lie that has never been proven. Cholesterol is like a slimey substance flowing around your arteries. It does not have the physical capability to clog arteries. The theory stems from cholesterol being present at the blockages in arteries. I liken this to taking a giant shit and plugging the toilet. Your piss will be present at the point of the blockage caused by the shit. So modern medicine has come to the conclusion that the piss caused the blockage and not the shit. Back to your arteries, the main cause of blockage is calcium build up. This is usually caused by the horrible forms of calcium we consume on a daily basis. Most calcium sold in grocery stores is ground up fish bones. Our body cannot absorb properly. Also you need ample amount of magnesium to properly use calcium. Which is a huge problem in our diets.

Health benefits of saturated fat - BurnFirst - 09-07-2012

Quote: (04-28-2012 08:49 PM)Walnuts Wrote:  

In school we were taught;
Trans-fats/hydrogenated fats = very bad
Saturated fats = not good
Monounsaturated fats = good
Polyunsaturated fats = the fucking bomb!

I don't think eating a high saturated fat diet is good advice. Cholesterol is bad.

Yes, we were taught bad information, surprise surprise. Read up on omega 6 vs omega 3 ratio and systemic inflammation.

Health benefits of saturated fat - str8_thggn - 02-16-2016

This is an interesting lecture I saw on the history of fats over the last century.

Health benefits of saturated fat - gmoneysauce - 02-16-2016

Quote: (09-07-2012 04:54 PM)BurnFirst Wrote:  

Yes, we were taught bad information, surprise surprise. Read up on omega 6 vs omega 3 ratio and systemic inflammation.

I source my beef and bison, sometimes, from a local farm coop where there are a couple of producers that actually test the omega6/omega3 ratio of their beef. Awesome stuff.

I am surprised that no one mentioned the calcification of arteries which is what allows the cholesterol to stick to the arteries and seems like it might be due to a lack of some vitamins such as D and K2.