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Unsolicited Input on My Game - Tuthmosis - 04-10-2012

Please forgive the indulgent story telling, but there's a lesson, or at least a question, in here.

I had some funny shit go down at a bougie specialty market that I frequent in my area. I'm a regular, so the staff knows me. This rastafarian-looking black dude ran up on me and we had the following exchange (paraphrased).

Imagine a light Caribbean accent:


Rasta: What's up, player?

Tuthmosis: What's up, homie.

Rasta: Yo, I saw you talking to that girl the other day.

Tuthmosis: Which girl? [being serious]

Rasta: [laughs] C'mon, man. The tall one. In the produce section? [points to the fruits]

Tuthmosis: Oh, yeah! I know who you're talking about.

Rasta: Yeah, though, you talked to her too long.

Tuthmosis: What? We talked like 10 minutes.

Rasta: It was more like 15-20 minutes. You were talking about roommates, about your noses, and all this crazy stuff. [standard Tuthmosian day-game rambling]

Tuthmosis: You mean to tell me you were peeping my game?!

Rasta: Nah, man, I was working in the area.

Tuthmosis: Hm. So you think I talked too much. I have to disagree.

Rasta: Yeah, you need to get in and get out quick. Get what you need and break out. Be like: 'Hi. I'm so-and-so. Whatchu doing on Saturday? Let's get some dinner.' [bad game] Did you at least call her?

Tuthmosis: No, dude. I don't really call girls, just text. And, I've been busy with other things.

Rasta: "Busy with other things"?! C'mon, man, this is the only thing!

Tuthmosis: I know, I know. I can't believe you're telling me this. I mean I'm busy with some other chicks.

Rasta: Right on. But you should call this one. She was nice.

Tuthmosis: Yeah, maybe.

Rasta: But why do you talk so much? If I was a female, I would have broken out. She might have had things to do, places to be. [this is where I started to get pissed]

Tuthmosis: But, see, you aren't a "female." This chick was glued to the floor, right? She was smiling and laughing, right?

Rasta: Yes.

Tuthmosis: That's cause my shit was on-point, player! You gotta give me some credit. I adjust my game according to the type of girl. I know this kind well.

Rasta: Ok, but call her.

Tuthmosis: Alright then, imma head out.

Rasta: Yes, but stay focused.


I had to laugh out loud at that last part. The interesting part is how he took exception to some, quite frankly, flawlessly executed day game. In fact, I remember the approach well. I made no real mistakes. I was pleased, at least, that he was a guy who had some consciousness about game, even though his wisdom was mad flawed.

Have any of you guys ever been called out on your game like this? I know I often talk around here about how much of an eavesdropper I am, but I rarely have the reverse done to me.

I certainly can't remember anyone ever calling my shit out to my face.

Unsolicited Input on My Game - Roosh - 04-10-2012

Yeah black guys with natural game almost always run direct, so they see indirect game in the wild and it looks weird to them. It's kind of like how we cringe at those direct game PUA videos.

Unsolicited Input on My Game - Perseus - 04-10-2012

Happened to me many times by buddies/random guys who were present at the time at a bar or club.

Almost always these guys regardless whether they have game or not, they will point out something "wrong" about my game, yet ironically i have not even seen them approach, which i call them out on it.

It's easy to be a spectator, and watch/critique, but i'd like to see one of these guys put his money where his mouth is.

Unsolicited Input on My Game - BadgerHut - 04-10-2012

Quote: (04-10-2012 08:03 PM)Perseus Wrote:  

Happened to me many times by buddies/random guys who were present at the time at a bar or club.

Almost always these guys regardless whether they have game or not, they will point out something "wrong" about my game, yet ironically i have not even seen them approach, which i call them out on it.

It's easy to be a spectator, and watch/critique, but i'd like to see one of these guys put his money where his mouth is.

Haters gonna hate. There are plenty of armchair alphas who love to pick on other guys in the field but wuss out of putting their necks out there, with lines like "oh I just don't feel like approaching tonight."

I've found real players and real-deal PUAs (i.e. learned players) are pretty low-key about the whole thing. They don't have a lot to gain from putting other guys on the defensive in the field. Recovering betas have some game knowledge but seem to want to critique everybody else (like they are threatened by bad game because they want to get out of the abyss), while omega/blue-pill guys are clueless whiteknights who give you bad information and are unpleasant doing it.

Women are another matter...every woman thinks she is a relationship expert and is entitled - nay required - to render her unconsidered opinion. 95% of the time she's wrong.

Unsolicited Input on My Game - HiFlo - 04-10-2012

Similar things have happened in the past to me too.

What I do is just shut up and don't speak & hopefully the guy will get the message that you don't like being lectured to about bullshit like that. Pointless to get into arguments (either IIRL or online) about that stuff.

It's similar to when my boss chews me out: I switch off my personality, and just nod, "yes you're right, excellent point, couldn't have said it better myself."

As a side note, the black culture game is quite different than white folk game too I've noticed.

Unsolicited Input on My Game - Deluge - 04-10-2012

Last week I had a wing have a go at me for running indirect. Funny thing is he's my more than twice my age and been "in the game" far longer than I have yet I had to pick a girl out for him and push him to approach each and every time.

Unsolicited Input on My Game - BadgerHut - 04-10-2012

Quote: (04-10-2012 08:58 PM)P Dog Wrote:  

Last week I had a wing have a go at me for running indirect. Funny thing is he's my more than twice my age and been "in the game" far longer than I have yet I had to pick a girl out for him and push him to approach each and every time.

I've gotten to the point where by the time one of my pals points out a good prospect I'm halfway into the opener already.

Unsolicited Input on My Game - rudebwoy - 04-10-2012

Guys I know that went through alot of women and had game never talked to women long.

Unsolicited Input on My Game - Parlay44 - 04-10-2012

Time will tell. Let's see if you can get her out. Each step validates your skills in the step before. Sounds like you did alright. The weakest part of my game has always been locking down girls that I really like into a LTR. I'm working on it.

You should feel lucky that you had someone to critique your game. Maybe the smash and grab method doesn't suit your style. That's alright.

Unsolicited Input on My Game - Timoteo - 04-10-2012

My philosophy is that if it worked, it was the right game for her. The first thing that came to mind is that the game Rastaman runs on the kind of chicks he likes works, and didn't factor in that white dudes maybe run different kind of game to the girls THEY like, or you calibrate depending on the feel you get from the particular chick you might be hollering at. The chick in the produce section didn't mind camping out and bantering with you, so it was the right move. That's a pretty funny exchange though, and it's kind of cool that he was interested enough in game to chop it up with you that way.

Unsolicited Input on My Game - CJ - 04-10-2012

Quote: (04-10-2012 07:40 PM)Roosh Wrote:  

Yeah black guys with natural game almost always run direct, so they see indirect game in the wild and it looks weird to them. It's kind of like how we cringe at those direct game PUA videos.

I can think of at least four black friends of mine that have recently said I waste too much time when I need to be going for the # (wtf, just the #?), but I really only run indirect game, and when the bar is closing - scramble like a mad-man game.

There was a dude the other night, telling me to back off some chick and not try to ruin my buddy's chances and that really pissed me off. I like how clueless guys automatically assume because you're talking or joking with a girl you're trying to sleep with her. I was trying to set my buddy up with this girl the whole night, more to the point, my buddy is my friend and you're not, jerkoff, so get lost!

Unsolicited Input on My Game - wolf - 04-11-2012

I get constant game advice, I befriend classmates/co-workers that have game.

Usually they tell me after the fact what I did wrong, if I'm doing something horribly wrong then they butt in to stop me.

Just bullshitting about life these guys enlighten me about game, and lifestyle.

Unsolicited Input on My Game - Handsome Creepy Eel - 04-11-2012

He seemed rather polite about it, I'd like to meet such a rasta!

Unsolicited Input on My Game - soup - 04-11-2012

I love this post. Tuthmosis has class, and shows in how he interacts with other people.

Unsolicited Input on My Game - Greek kamaki - 04-11-2012

Other guys dislike game because they think it spoils women.Think about that:Women get spoiled by money they get spoiled by looks and now by game.So what a common mortal has to offer becomes irrelevant.Whatever heightens the competition is not good at all.That is why they try to block other guys from using money,game or looks.Keep the competition low keep the value of pussy low.

Unsolicited Input on My Game - Caligula - 04-11-2012

Haha, good thread.

I was with a friend of mine talking to some girls at a bar a couple of months ago. We'd spoken to them for about ten minutes, built good rapport and had them join us at our table. They started throwing out shit-tests and teasing so I went cocky back, with an asshole vibe. Don't remember exactly what was said but my friend got uncomfortable and semi-scolded me in front of the girls for being an asshole. I just told him "lighten up, the girls get it" and smiled but the whole thing went downhill from there. He kept taking the conversation down dull, tingle-killing routes. Decided to just focus on having a good time with my friend instead of approaching more and having him cockblock again.

More recently I had some unsolicited, positive feedback. I was chatting to some Bosnian hotties at a bar in a hotel casino. They invited me to join them at their table, but as there weren't any chairs I squatted down and kept the conversation going. After a bit I got up to get a drink at the bar. A couple of guys stopped me with "hey man, that was awesome!" I said "What?" - "You know... Just like in The Game, you squat by the table and open the girls... you know what you're doing!" Had a hard time getting them to leave me alone after that as they wanted to introduce me to their bros and hop on my pussy-train.

Unsolicited Input on My Game - Gmac - 04-11-2012

In the example above, the random dude clearly has a different style. I'd take it with a grain of salt, smile and go on about my day without giving it much thought. 99 times out of 100, the dude has no fucking clue what he's talking about or he would be banging that chick.

VK and Rookie call me out if I drop the ball with an interaction when we go out (and vice versa). It's good to have someone else to keep you in check, but only if the intent is good and the criticism/advice is sound. If the friend has bad (or zero) game, you can just smile and laugh and ignore everything he says.

Unsolicited Input on My Game - at350zguyy - 04-11-2012

I have a friend who white knights for every girl I happen to hit on and then tells me I have bad game. It's kind of irritating, but he's stuck in an LTR with a fatty, so I can see why he'd get jealous and try to cockblock.

Unsolicited Input on My Game - Tuthmosis - 04-11-2012

I thought the same thing that was noted above: there's a big element of black-dude game--which is its own brand with a long, proud history in American cities--in here. That type of game suited his look. Granted, you guys don't know what I look like, but believe me: if I were to try that angle it would come off as weird.

I've gotten input on game from people before, just never like this. I've had girls come at me with compliments on my skills (usually to soften a rejection, which I can appreciate). I also ask chicks--often right after banging--about my game. They let the props flow. Girls are often proud of you when you bang them on the first date! It's pretty cool. Everyone's happy.

Unsolicited Input on My Game - Vaquero - 04-11-2012

Its a damned if you do, damned if you don't thing. If they seeing you talking too much they want you to get to the point. If they see you going too direct its like "Whoaa man, take it easy, you can't talk to chicks like that."

Unsolicited Input on My Game - Spike - 04-11-2012

Quote: (04-11-2012 10:45 AM)Tuthmosis Wrote:  

I've gotten input on game from people before, just never like this. I've had girls come at me with compliments on my skills (usually to soften a rejection, which I can appreciate). I also ask chicks--often right after banging--about my game. They let the props flow. Girls are often proud of you when you bang them on the first date! It's pretty cool. Everyone's happy.

I also ask girls this. Maybe not right after the banging but usually in bed. I ask them two things
1) At what point were you attracted to me ?
2) At what point were you thinking about having sex with me?

Ask them why also but be careful not to come of as beta.

The answers sometimes surprises me when i find out how soon it sometimes is. Some girls say that they thought about having sex with me after only a few minutes and others after a few hours.

Its very important to know because you can see a pattern developing after enough bangs and it teaches you a lot about your own game.

Expect a weird look on the girls face when you ask questions like this, you might have to explain them a bit.

Unsolicited Input on My Game - Giovonny - 04-11-2012

Some mexican homeless guy told me my game sucks. He is probably right!

Unsolicited Input on My Game - Parlay44 - 04-11-2012

I remember you said you look like Steve Carell from the Office.

Here's Tuth running his game on a few chicks [Image: lol.gif]

Unsolicited Input on My Game - Tuthmosis - 04-11-2012

Quote: (04-11-2012 02:44 PM)Parlay44 Wrote:  

I remember you said you look like Steve Carell from the Office.

I actually don't look like that at all. It was just the closest guess of all of the ones that people made.

Unsolicited Input on My Game - Zee - 04-11-2012

If you got what you were going for then it doesn't matter what anyone else thinks. No reason to waste time debating when you could be gettin it in =)