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Any strategies on drinking less? - _DC_ - 03-20-2012

I remember the glory days when drinking would make me ballsy, outgoing, destructive, go cave-man on girls, take risks, have fun, etc.

I'm in my upper 20s now and things are most definitely different. A few beers is always an improvement of the mood, but the risk/reward of heavier drinking from my younger days is gone. If I drink too much now I get reserved, anxious, and negative.

I usually have very good will power, and its seems simple enough. The advice is "drink less", however most of your know how its a slippery slope. I even went an entire month without drinking, so its not that I'm an alcoholic or at least I'm not hopelessly addicted to it.

Has anybody else noticed a huge swing in alcohol's effects over the years?

The only solid advice I've gotten before that I want to try is having a non-alcoholic drink between every drink, like a diet soda or water. This would both keep me hydrated and create half the drinking.

Any strategies on drinking less? - Brian - 03-20-2012

If you go out take only enough cash to get a couple of beers and nothing else but an ID. You cant hammered if you roll out w/$20. If you are worried about pregaming dont keep much alcohol around the house.

Any strategies on drinking less? - The Fantasist - 03-20-2012

Quote: (03-20-2012 02:23 PM)_DC_ Wrote:  

Has anybody else noticed a huge swing in alcohol's effects over the years?

I've certainly noticed that I take longer to recover from a heavy night as I get older,used to go to work the next day where as now I need 4 days to be back to normal.

I used to hit the weekends hard with the alcohol,my whole social group did but then as I got older I learnt the importance of taking care of my health more and so I now limit myself to maybe 2 or 3 glasses of wine on a night out,just enough to feel relaxed and merry but no more. I noticed my game improved too when I limited my intake.

Occasionally I'll have a blow out but I always regret it in the morning so they are limited to about once every six months ( or whenever I visit the FSU ). It's a great feeling now to go out for a night but still be up at 7 to hit the gym.

Any strategies on drinking less? - Kaizen - 03-20-2012

Quote: (03-20-2012 02:36 PM)Brian Wrote:  

If you go out take only enough cash to get a couple of beers and nothing else but an ID. You cant hammered if you roll out w/$20. If you are worried about pregaming dont keep much alcohol around the house.

Dont like this idea. Never know where the night will go. I like to have lots of cash with me plus c cards. Million things can happen in a night as everyone knows

Try drinking a bottled water between each alcoholic drink. You will inevitably drink less in the night.

Any strategies on drinking less? - germanico - 03-20-2012

If you cant control the amount of drinks you take, you shouldnt be drinking. Try a 12-step program.


I even went an entire month without drinking, so its not that I'm an alcoholic or at least I'm not hopelessly addicted to it.

So then you are an alcoholic who happened to go for a month without drinking.

ask yourself:

If you go out drinking, can you limit the number of drinks you take, or is it always "just this one more"?

Do you feel anxious or uncomfortable until you have one drink?

Do you get drunk everytime you go out?

Has your group of close friends diminished over the years?

Any strategies on drinking less? - Chad Daring - 03-20-2012

Quote: (03-20-2012 02:36 PM)Brian Wrote:  

If you go out take only enough cash to get a couple of beers and nothing else but an ID. You cant hammered if you roll out w/$20. If you are worried about pregaming dont keep much alcohol around the house.

This is what I do now.

If you want to keep your card on you, just in case some shit goes down like car gets towed, ect, open a tab and smash three STRONG drinks in the first hour, then get one more and close the tab and just ride the wave till 2am.

Also going out later helps me too. It can be harder to get into the mood with less time, but if you get there at say 11:30-12am vs 10:30-11:00 you'll be more apt to jump into the party, go dance, approach, whatever.

Any strategies on drinking less? - _DC_ - 03-20-2012

So then you are an alcoholic who happened to go for a month without drinking.

ask yourself:

If you go out drinking, can you limit the number of drinks you take, or is it always "just this one more"?

I can, but not always. I think the problem with me is that I don't have a normal job and I make my own hours. If I had to get up at a particular time I'd put a cap on it easier.

Do you feel anxious or uncomfortable until you have one drink?

Yes, I've mentioned in other threads that I have mild social anxiety. If it wasn't for me being good looking and girls approaching me, I would probably only have a few notches in my belt. I'm equally uneasy around all strangers though, guys and girls a like. It seems to be only bar environments though, and I'm fine at more chill events. If I'm alone for a moment, as in my buddy tastes a piss, I'm definitely uncomfortable.

Do you get drunk everytime you go out?

No, but most of the time.

Has your group of close friends diminished over the years?

No, its gotten larger and larger, though they are a bunch of degenerates as well (guys and girls).

I think its a bit presumptive to call me an alcoholic off the limited information above. It wasn't easy to not have a sip of alcohol for a month all while still socializing and going to bars with friends. I did it to lose a few pounds and give the liver a break (I didn't do anything regrettable).

Like I mentioned my issue is social anxiety. Like lots of yuppies from heavy drinking schools, I feel like I learned to socialize only when drinking. Unfortunately, drinking doesn't help me like it used to. Its lost is magical powers.

Any strategies on drinking less? - worldwidetraveler - 03-20-2012

Too many people throw around alcoholism too easily. It doesn't sound like you are an alcoholic but may have a drinking problem. If the problem persists, you could end up becoming an alcoholic. You can retrain yourself.

I was the same way. I wouldn't drink for months but end up going out and drinking too much. It was more of a social thing compared to a need. I just wanted to continue being social.

Here is a good book on the subject to help you retrain your behavior patterns when it comes to drinking.

You really need to focus on the number of drinks you allow yourself. After you reach a certain point, all inhibition goes.

Any strategies on drinking less? - _DC_ - 03-20-2012

Quote: (03-20-2012 05:22 PM)worldwidetraveler Wrote:  

Too many people throw around alcoholism too easily. It doesn't sound like you are an alcoholic but may have a drinking problem. If the problem persists, you could end up becoming an alcoholic. You can retrain yourself.

I was the same way. I wouldn't drink for months but end up going out and drinking too much. It was more of a social thing compared to a need. I just wanted to continue being social.

Here is a good book on the subject to help you retrain your behavior patterns when it comes to drinking.

You really need to focus on the number of drinks you allow yourself. After you reach a certain point, all inhibition goes.

Lol! They make a book for every problem. Thanks.

Any strategies on drinking less? - el mechanico - 03-20-2012

Take a marker with you and put a mark on the back of your hand with each drink. When you wake up if you have a hangover look at your hand. Subtract drinks to get balance. Wasted after 15? Next time stop at thirteen then switch to water. I stop drinking if I eat. I can't mix the two and won't drink after I eat for hours. Otherwise I can drink continuously. I know what an alcoholic is. I don't think real alcoholics post on game forums. Maybe sober recovery forums when thy're not drinking.

If you continue to drink you'll get a system down that works. Since I joined this forum I've stopped drinking at work. There would be about 30 people there everyday and weed getting sparked all over. I was staying there till 9 or so sometimes and driving home wasted and not chasing tail and slowly my friends stopped coming after work. I've noticed that hardcore drinkers will end up staying home. I wouldn't even dream about taking any of those dudes out with me these days.

Any strategies on drinking less? - Hotwheels - 03-20-2012

Over the years I've definitely changed a bit. I used to be "just right" with the cockiness and such when drinking years ago. Now, I can get to be a real asshole.

The solution is to not go out so early or just drink a bit more moderately so I'm buzzed but not shitcorked.

And hangovers last a lot longer now. Somedays I only get out of my Lazyboy to piss if it was a rough night previous whereas back in the day I didn't notice a thing.

And yes, the alcoholic thing gets thrown around WAY to easy these days.

Any strategies on drinking less? - teh_skeeze - 03-20-2012

What are you drinking? If I drink whiskey or Jagermeister I'm making a conscious decision that tonight is going to be rowdy and there's a good chance that I'm getting into a fight. So when I go out now I stick to beer. Preferably something with a lot of hops. Hops is in the cannabis family so the drunk is a little more jolly.

Do you smoke anything? I found that cigarettes and weed changed my drinking habits to the point that I won't drink without them.

Any strategies on drinking less? - babelfish669 - 03-20-2012

-No shots

-Drink really slowly and/or every other drink is water/non-alcohol

If you can't actually control your drinking, you have a drinking problem.

Any strategies on drinking less? - PDX - 03-20-2012

Drinking water between drinks is probably the best idea here, that being said...

If you're throwing back cocktails, switch to light beer. Much more volume + less alcohol = not getting drunk fast (or at all). Lighter on the wallet too.

I drink whiskey on the rocks. When I'm through with one, I fill it with water. The whiskey taste lingers, so my brain feels like it's a full drink. It sounds like bs, but it works for me.

Game harder. Seriously. When you're occupied with women, you're talking more, moving around, and ideally, dancing. All this takes your time and focus away from drinking. Personally speaking, it's when I got no action going on or am hanging with guy friends that I get the drunkest. Recognize this trap and approach harder or switch venues.

Start later. I used to start drinking around 7, now I don't start until around 10. Those are hours where there's not usually a whole lot going on night-life wise. I've even started drinking coffee during this time. Helps me sharpen up for the night ahead and replaces the booze I'd normally be pouring down my gullet. And when I get to the venue, the competition is 3+ hours ahead in intoxication. Advantage, me.

Any strategies on drinking less? - _DC_ - 03-20-2012

This is all good advice. I usually drink microbrews. I'm snobby when it comes to beers.

This is obviously a problem when my beers are 6-9% and everyone else's (lites) are 4%. I hate the taste of that swill though.

I'm going to try ordering a water or diet coke inbetween my drinks. I'm also going to switch it up to Corona or some other nice-weather, not very-flavorful, but not as bad as Bud-Lite beer.

Any strategies on drinking less? - durangotang - 03-20-2012

I would recommend not keeping any booze at home. Just drink when you go out socially if you still want to drink. It's the same principle as not having a half eaten bag of Lays potato chips in your cupboard when you start a healthy diet. Also, I recommend a solid meal before any drinking - like a nice steak, salad, and a baked potato. I have noticed that if I don't eat for 5 hours or more and I try to drink even one or two beers it can affect me terrible, anxious, off-centered, bad buzz kind of a weak feeling. On the other hand if I have eaten a proper meal, as I described above, I feel good and can handle a lot more alcohol. The only thing then to worry about is the logistics of not driving and just maintaining a nice buzz. I don't like to have hangovers at all the next morning and I usually don't get them. It's a good system.

Any strategies on drinking less? - Chad Daring - 03-20-2012

Quote: (03-20-2012 06:40 PM)_DC_ Wrote:  

This is all good advice. I usually drink microbrews. I'm snobby when it comes to beers.

This is obviously a problem when my beers are 6-9% and everyone else's (lites) are 4%. I hate the taste of that swill though.

I'm going to try ordering a water or diet coke inbetween my drinks. I'm also going to switch it up to Corona or some other nice-weather, not very-flavorful, but not as bad as Bud-Lite beer.

The problem with shit beer is it tends to go down A LOT faster after a few of them. Once you're buzzed enough to get past the taste you'll just pour them back.

Any strategies on drinking less? - Roosh - 03-20-2012

I was like you. I was getting horrible hangovers and felt like my glory days were over.

Then in Denmark I started drinking vodka straight. It took a month to get used to it.

One year later, I can not only drink FAR MORE than I used to (4 times more almost), but I get very mild hangovers. The secret is VODKA ONLY with ice... no juice, no mixing it with other alcohols. Absolut is good for not giving hangovers (Stoli gives me slight ones). Don't do this on rail.

To really kill it, take a daily multivitamin. The B vitamin helps process liquor.

The hardest part is getting used to drinking vodka alone. Try a flavored vodka like Absolut citron.

Any strategies on drinking less? - Chad Daring - 03-20-2012

Quote: (03-20-2012 07:59 PM)Roosh Wrote:  

I was like you. I was getting horrible hangovers and felt like my glory days were over.

Then in Denmark I started drinking vodka straight. It took a month to get used to it.

One year later, I can not only drink FAR MORE than I used to (4 times more almost), but I get very mild hangovers. The secret is VODKA ONLY with ice... no juice, no mixing it with other alcohols. Absolut is good for not giving hangovers (Stoli gives me slight ones). Don't do this on rail.

To really kill it, take a daily multivitamin. The B vitamin helps process liquor.

The hardest part is getting used to drinking vodka.


I put a bottle of multis and a half gallon of water by my bed if I know I'm gonna go out and get whiteboy wasted. WHen I undoubtedly wake up parched as all hell I'll chug down the water and two of the vitamins, I wake up clear as bell.

Any strategies on drinking less? - _DC_ - 03-20-2012

Quote: (03-20-2012 07:59 PM)Roosh Wrote:  

I was like you. I was getting horrible hangovers and felt like my glory days were over.

Then in Denmark I started drinking vodka straight. It took a month to get used to it.

One year later, I can not only drink FAR MORE than I used to (4 times more almost), but I get very mild hangovers. The secret is VODKA ONLY with ice... no juice, no mixing it with other alcohols. Absolut is good for not giving hangovers (Stoli gives me slight ones). Don't do this on rail.

To really kill it, take a daily multivitamin. The B vitamin helps process liquor.

The hardest part is getting used to drinking vodka alone. Try a flavored vodka like Absolut citron.

Yes, I have found B-Complex vitamins daily to help greatly with hangovers.

I had bottle service not too long ago with Kettle One. I mixed it and had an astonishing amount. I woke up feeling fine. Maybe there is truth to high-quality vodka.

Any strategies on drinking less? - durangotang - 03-20-2012

Quote: (03-20-2012 07:59 PM)Roosh Wrote:  

I was like you. I was getting horrible hangovers and felt like my glory days were over.

Then in Denmark I started drinking vodka straight. It took a month to get used to it.

One year later, I can not only drink FAR MORE than I used to (4 times more almost), but I get very mild hangovers. The secret is VODKA ONLY with ice... no juice, no mixing it with other alcohols. Absolut is good for not giving hangovers (Stoli gives me slight ones). Don't do this on rail.

To really kill it, take a daily multivitamin. The B vitamin helps process liquor.

The hardest part is getting used to drinking vodka alone. Try a flavored vodka like Absolut citron.

I think Roosh is onto something here. I love single malt scotch too much to go all Vodka, although one night last week I drank half of a fifth of this stuff with very little hangover:

Russian Standard
Russian Standard can be had for $20 (I have no idea what it's called in Russian because 'Russian Standard' is the only thing printed in English on the bottle). Tastes great.

Also, I have found that Tito's is distilled like 5 or 6 times I believe in a copper still and tastes great (made in America too). I am able to pick up Tito's locally for $20 a fifth:

I really recommend the Russian Standard vodka. I bought it on a lark and it's so popular the local liquor store frequently sells out. You can drink both straight up and I have done so on multiple occasions, and I cringe to think of doing that with lesser vodka.

Any strategies on drinking less? - kosko - 03-20-2012

When pre-drinking mix your liquor with Gatorade this is a classic fool proof method to keep tolerance up that me and my homies do.

Mix liqour with ice or water as mentioned above.

Stay hydrated. Drink clear stuff like Gin or Vodka and then switch off with a water - ice - lime in between each drink.

Pound back a water/Gatorade (lean meal if possible) before bed.

All these tricks will keep your rolling like a champ all night and keep you fresh in the AM.

As you get older dink more stiff drinks. At first the extreme taste will keep you from downing it to quick. Then eventually you get to used to it and then price keeps you in line lol.

Any strategies on drinking less? - Sourcecode - 03-21-2012

Just..don't drink to much.
Is it that hard

Any strategies on drinking less? - xsplat - 03-21-2012

I also have mild social anxiety, and sometimes drink eases that up and makes me feel in the flow. It's like a whole new personality comes out, and I become personable and engaging - even charming. I go from being uncomfortable and standoffish to being a center of fun.

It worked so well that I would rely on it for all social occasions - even going out clothes shopping or getting a haircut.

But like you say, as your body get accustomed to it, you need more to feel a buzz, and there can come a time when you alcohol doesn't really loosen you up - it only gets you too plastered to function well.

I drank heavily for years, and as each year added to the last, my relationship with booze slipped another inch down the slope. It got to the point where I was very conscious of my relationship with booze, and would try to limit my nightly intake. Limit it to what most would consider to be quite a lot - one (or on party nights sometimes two) 350 oz bottles of rum, with nothing before 7:00 pm. But I didn't always stick to plan.

Those good feelings of being just drunk enough and in the flow became more elusive. I'd need more booze to feel much. And I started to get strange hangovers, where I'd have the shakes and be wobbly in the knees until I had a bit of hair of the dog.

It sneaks up on you, I'm telling you. I'd take a month off regularly, and then start up again because I missed my alternate personality. But I'd wind up going on three day benders after the first beer. My personality started to deteriorate and I'd have bouts of being cranky in the morning, or being hot headed during a binge.

Eventually I had to completely stop drinking, only because my stomach gave out. I seriously hurt my health with the booze. Who knows what I did to my brain. Don't let anyone tell you that you can get that same feeling without booze as with it. For me it wasn't true. I haven't seen my alter ego since my last drink.

So it's a very different lifestyle now. No partying at all! I even have to stay away from clubs, as I can't afford one inch down that slippery slope.

If you are at a place where you have more control, now would be the time to exercise it. I'm telling you that that feeling of being in control can be a deadly illusion, and you don't know you've got a problem until you really, really have a problem.

I've tried to find a replacement drug, but nothing really does it for me like booze. Booze was my lifelong best friend. Pot no longer exacerbates social paranoia for me, and can be enjoyable now, however where I am it's tricky and dangerous to find. GHB was good for a while, but I learned it causes cognitive deterioration in rats, and some people were complaining of the stupids with it. I tried valium for a bit, but gave up on it - not a good replacement addiction, and that also causes the stupids when used long term.

It's just a more boring life now - but one that is no longer spending another chunk of my health in exchange for feeling mellow.

Any strategies on drinking less? - Hencredible Casanova - 03-21-2012

I cut out drinking altogether. I'm one of those people who can cut out a habit cold turkey and not look back. I can pick up habits just as easily too.

Drinking just doesn't make sense for me at this time in my life. I work long hours and need to stay sharp and alert and not do anything that brings down my energy levels. I workout for these reasons as well.

With girls, I like to be in complete control of the situation. Drinking just isn't the same it used to be.

The last time I went balls to the wall was in London last year. I was in RARE form. I kept taking endless shots of Jamieson and a few Caipirinhas at some bars around Camden. There was one point where I ordered two double shots of Jamieson (one for me and one for my friend). The bartender put down my cup and I immediately downed it. Then he served my friend his cup and I grabbed that and downed it too before my friend could reach for it. My bar tab that night was out of this world. You guys already know how expensive London is.

The last thing I remember was dancing with a girl to live Brazilian music. Apparently, I scared the crap out of the staff at that spot. My friend told me I tried to kiss a girl and when she moved away I proceeded to choke her LOL. Scary stuff. I also had to stay with a different friend than where I was supposed to stay that night due to my wild state and several times on the way to his place, the gypsy cab had to pull over so I could puke out the door/window.

I woke up in a room having no idea where I was and how I got there. My friend appears minutes later and had to go to work. He lived in a very posh area of London and we walked for about 15 minutes to the tube and split. (Apparently we took a whirl through the streets of London in his porsche the night before, after the cab dropped us off, but I have ZERO recollection of that).

Insane, but hey, American in London! Had to represent!