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Paris Yellow Vests - infowarrior1 - 12-08-2018

Quote: (12-08-2018 10:11 PM)911 Wrote:  

The most important aspects here are two things:

1-The movement is large, and has the potential to further snowball and reach a critical mass of several million active members.

2-The movement has a very broad national support, up to 80% of the country is behind the Gilets Jaunes.

Violence isn't important, because at a certain point these two factors alone will be enough to bring down the regime. If anything, overreacting could be counterproductive by jeopardizing item #2. The deep state is going to try to provoke it, or fake a large-scale violent event in a false flag operation.

Good vid below by French dissident Boris Le Lay, who touches on this subject, saying that the GJs are calm but are also taking note of excess CRS brutality, and won't tolerate it much longer... He also reaches out to good cops.

Le Lay is wanted by the French govt, having been sentenced to 18 months of jailtime for doxing illegal "passeurs" (leftie activists who are running migrant traffic into France). I believe he is exiled in Japan, where his wife is from. He is a legit nationalist.

(auto-translate available)

There is no english auto-translate subtitles.

Paris Yellow Vests - 911 - 12-08-2018

Quote: (12-08-2018 11:09 PM)infowarrior1 Wrote:  

There is no english auto-translate subtitles.

1- click on "CC" button at the bottom
2- click on settings cog wheel at the bottom and choose "auto-generate" option, french
3- click on settings cog again, choose auto-translate, and pick English from the scrolling list of languages. Quality is not perfect but it's fair and gets 90% of the monologue down.

Paris Yellow Vests - [email protected] - 12-09-2018

Yellow vest have impressive numbers but not intimidating. This is why having guns is a necessity. You can walk around with banners all you want but all the police have to do is shoot rubber bullets and use tear gas and you'll see everyone scatter in tears. Any unarmed people are slaves, or are subject to slavery at any given moment.

Paris Yellow Vests - CaptainChardonnay - 12-09-2018

[Image: 1544326567235.jpg]

Paris Yellow Vests - CaptainChardonnay - 12-09-2018

Stupid french protestors picking up live grenades [Image: tard.gif]

Paris Yellow Vests - 911 - 12-09-2018

[Image: Dtm7ydCWoAIHHV_.jpg:large]

Paris Yellow Vests - Leonard D Neubache - 12-09-2018

Quote: (12-09-2018 12:04 AM)[email protected] Wrote:  

Yellow vest have impressive numbers but not intimidating. This is why having guns is a necessity. You can walk around with banners all you want but all the police have to do is shoot rubber bullets and use tear gas and you'll see everyone scatter in tears. Any unarmed people are slaves, or are subject to slavery at any given moment.

I used to believe this but it's rubbish.

100,000 rural French with over/under shotguns would turn the pitiful police numbers to mince meat. The French have guns. We're supposed to pretend that the difference between slavery and freedom is whether we have bolt action hunting rifles or AR15s?

No, as always it's the will to power that decides whether you live as a slave or whether you fight against your oppressors. Americans are more oppressed now than they ever were by the British, and the British had every military advantage under the sun to maintain that oppression.

You start a civil war and five seconds later there will be an interested international party backing up a lorry full of AK47s in your driveway.

The guns are irrelevant. The will to power is all that matters.

Paris Yellow Vests - infowarrior1 - 12-09-2018

Quote: (12-08-2018 11:21 PM)911 Wrote:  

Quote: (12-08-2018 11:09 PM)infowarrior1 Wrote:  

There is no english auto-translate subtitles.

1- click on "CC" button at the bottom
2- click on settings cog wheel at the bottom and choose "auto-generate" option, french
3- click on settings cog again, choose auto-translate, and pick English from the scrolling list of languages. Quality is not perfect but it's fair and gets 90% of the monologue down.


Paris Yellow Vests - infowarrior1 - 12-09-2018

The french need find out what protection is needed to reduce the damage that all those weapons will do.

Simply dressing in yellow vests isn't enough anymore.

Paris Yellow Vests - lookslikeit - 12-09-2018

Quote: (12-09-2018 01:50 AM)Leonard D Neubache Wrote:  

Quote: (12-09-2018 12:04 AM)[email protected] Wrote:  

Yellow vest have impressive numbers but not intimidating. This is why having guns is a necessity. You can walk around with banners all you want but all the police have to do is shoot rubber bullets and use tear gas and you'll see everyone scatter in tears. Any unarmed people are slaves, or are subject to slavery at any given moment.

I used to believe this but it's rubbish.

100,000 rural French with over/under shotguns would turn the pitiful police numbers to mince meat. The French have guns. We're supposed to pretend that the difference between slavery and freedom is whether we have bolt action hunting rifles or AR15s?

No, as always it's the will to power that decides whether you live as a slave or whether you fight against your oppressors. Americans are more oppressed now than they ever were by the British, and the British had every military advantage under the sun to maintain that oppression.

You start a civil war and five seconds later there will be an interested international party backing up a lorry full of AK47s in your driveway.

The guns are irrelevant. The will to power is all that matters.

Indeed. It is about your brain not violence. Violence destroy wealth. It makes your poorer. Only a stupid population will do that. You don't go and burn your house to increase your living standards, do you?

Paris Yellow Vests - Leonard D Neubache - 12-09-2018

Quote: (12-09-2018 03:06 AM)infowarrior1 Wrote:  

The french need find out what protection is needed to reduce the damage that all those weapons will do.

Simply dressing in yellow vests isn't enough anymore.

As it was said previously, for many this is a first time run from which lessons will be learned.

Seeing those injuries personally made me realize that professional trauma kits are not just for war but for any situation where serious violence might occur. Even if you're hundreds of feet from the action an errant rubber bullet can still fuck you or a fellow protester up pretty badly. Hell, the local police brigade might decide that your sleepy little section of the protest needs to be riled up for some reason and attack unprovoked. People entering these situations have got to arrive prepared for violence, even if they do their best to avoid the worst parts of it. At very least, the people getting fucked up at the front lines are going to be getting dragged to the back, and it makes a big difference to have the right gear necessary to treat serious wounds immediately.

Secondly, hockey masks are not just for hockey anymore. Eye protection is also a must-have. Any concealable body armor is a bonus. That'd be the difference between a bean-bag round knocking the fight out of you or instead sending you to hospital with a ruptured spleen.

Thirdly, keep some (*water based) spray paint in your national colours handy. If you have to end up looking like a reject from a Mad Max film then you should at least look patriotic. It looks bad for black-clad Stasi to be beating down on guys that are obviously in patriotic colours. A hockey mask is intimidating but if it's striped in the right shades/patterns of red, white and blue then at least you'll be creating some beneficial footage when the gestapo start beating you down.

This was something I lamented with the Proudboys counter-demonstrations. If they wrapped themselves in the flag before fighting those black-clad communist faggots then the visual effect would have been ten times more potent.

*If you use oil based spray paint on a hockey mask then you're going to spend your time at the protest running away from hordes of hallucinatory spiders.

Paris Yellow Vests - HD668B - 12-09-2018

Long live eternal Christian France
Stop the great replacement (of population)
Guillotine to traitors
[Image: attachment.jpg40815]   

Yellow vests in Netherlands
[Image: attachment.jpg40816]   

Man loose his right hand to a highly explosive smoke grenade
[Image: attachment.jpg40817]   

Us right now.
[Image: attachment.jpg40818]   

Paris Yellow Vests - Polniy_Sostav - 12-09-2018

Guys , stop thinking rationally.
I don't know one yellow vest who doesn't want to continue the movement and isn't determined.
Police is not dumb and knows who is peaceful (most of yellow vests) and who is not (left wing / ghetto thugs)

The establishment cannot stop these (officially) 135.000 people to gather each week - it has reached the point of no-return

There are two interesting events in the close future :
1) Macron will talk "at the beginning of next week" . 99.99% sure he will talk total crap and will make people angry again....
2) The Marrakech "United Nations" pact on migrants.... french media are silencing this month but it seems that we will sign it. this will create a big anger on the most patriots yellow vests (remember a lot of yellow vests are left wing)

To be continued....

Paris Yellow Vests - Leonard D Neubache - 12-09-2018

Case in point in the picture above.

Imagine a fellow protester comes in your direction with a stump pissing blood everywhere and your tourniquet (if you even have one) is sitting at home in a first aid kit, or in your car.

That's the difference between life and death.

Paris Yellow Vests - SamuelBRoberts - 12-09-2018

Can anybody translate or summarize this?


Paris Yellow Vests - No More Mr. Soy Boy - 12-09-2018

I don't understand this, why are leftists in on this when they're the ones who have voted Macron into power in the first place and François Hollande before him? Shouldn't they just shut the fuck up at this point and let others finally solve the mess they created?

Paris Yellow Vests - Foolsgo1d - 12-09-2018

Quote: (12-08-2018 11:08 PM)911 Wrote:  

Scenes from yesterday, just the tip of the iceberg:

[Image: Dt7ZrMnU4AAKW7e.jpg]

For gods sakes people, if you're going into a mass protest or any situation where missiles are being thown and the police are shooting at you take protective face and eye guards.

Skateboarding, bikers helmet, paintball mask or if you're picky, a kevlar helmet with sturdy eye protection that covers every part of your eye and nose area is important.

This paintball mask is pretty good and offers protection for your entire face;

[Image: profiler_coyote-4__85544.1500936118.jpg]

Dont cheap out on this shit.

Paris Yellow Vests - Polniy_Sostav - 12-09-2018

@No More Mr.Soy Boys
You have to understand the results of 2017 elections

1-Macron (his own new party , created somehow with support of the deep state , PS & LR people) 24%
2-Le Pen (FN,now RN) 21.3%
3-Fillon (LR , moderate globalist right-wing) 20%
4- Melenchon (FI ,far left , no border type of stuff but recently also criticizes the lack of economical patriotism) 19.5%
5- Hamon (PS , socialists left wing angelists , former Hollande party)
6- Dupont-Aignan (DLF , pro-EU patriots asking to reform EU) 4.7%
7- Lassale (Candidate for hunters/countryside people) 1.2%
8- Poutou (anticapitalistic left wing) 1.09%
8-Asselineau ( Anti - NAto , anti EU candidate but also anti Le Pen) 0.92%

I will stop here , there were other candidates.
About half of macron voters are disappointed about him.

That makes about 90% of France against him. The reason why he was elected is because in the second round , all other "sold-out" candidates asked to vote AGAINST le Pen and not for MACRON

this includes FILLON , MELENCHON , HAMON and all other leftists. Only Dupont-Aignan allied with Le Pen officially for second round.
The conservative globalist right wing and the patriotic right wing hate each other in France.

If you check , there are about as many far left supporters in France than far-right . Basically almost every white person votes far left or far right. The system is crushing.
Only old people , businessmen or some enthusiastic African wannabee economists voted Macron.

This revolt is not patriotic , however I would estimate the amount of patriots in it at around 70%.

What is important is to shake the globalism and tarnish the image of the EU. France wants sovereignty back.

Paris Yellow Vests - nomadbrah - 12-09-2018

Quote: (12-09-2018 07:53 AM)No More Mr. Soy Boy Wrote:  

I don't understand this, why are leftists in on this when they're the ones who have voted Macron into power in the first place and François Hollande before him? Shouldn't they just shut the fuck up at this point and let others finally solve the mess they created?

They're just being narcissistic and wanting to get in on the action. Their entire identity is built on them being "rebels", which is of course hilariously false.

It also probably strongly triggers fear in them, aka The Last Psychiatrist wrote about this, they fear to be outgrouped more than anything (can't survive on their own).

Paris Yellow Vests - LeBaron - 12-09-2018

Quote: (12-07-2018 04:59 PM)911 Wrote:  

Best first hand report I've seen from inside the last protest in and around the Champs-Elysees, good coverage of the action from Vincent Lapierre.

A lot of well-spoken, woke protesters; hard-working French middle class not making ends meet:

(in French, but with English autotranslation available)

at 18:48 the guy is a gypsy. You know shit is about to happen when even gypsys who lives off benefits and theft protest about the government!

Paris Yellow Vests - ChicagoFire - 12-09-2018


Let's all hope it isn't business as usual because if faceless politicians and their toy poodles like Macron want to pretend like things are okay then they are dead wrong. Apparently this movement is spreading and the end goal is the EU and globalism is dealt a death blow.

Did anybody even relate this back to DAT Q ANON Trust the Plan retardation? Do we trust the plan because organic movements like this are utterly feared? Once the people start to unite and demand concessions like abolishing the IRS and punishing the bankers we wouldn't need some deep state psyop to tell us to sit on our hands.

Quote: (12-09-2018 08:52 AM)Polniy_Sostav Wrote:  

This revolt is not patriotic , however I would estimate the amount of patriots in it at around 70%.

What is important is to shake the globalism and tarnish the image of the EU. France wants sovereignty back.

Paris Yellow Vests - redpillage - 12-09-2018

Hey guys, appreciate the contributions but can you please size those images as they are blowing up the page. The way to do it is to simply add the image size to the tag.


Paris Yellow Vests - floor7 - 12-09-2018

Quote: (12-09-2018 08:52 AM)Polniy_Sostav Wrote:  

@No More Mr.Soy Boys
You have to understand the results of 2017 elections

1-Macron (his own new party , created somehow with support of the deep state , PS & LR people) 24%
2-Le Pen (FN,now RN) 21.3%
3-Fillon (LR , moderate globalist right-wing) 20%
4- Melenchon (FI ,far left , no border type of stuff but recently also criticizes the lack of economical patriotism) 19.5%
5- Hamon (PS , socialists left wing angelists , former Hollande party)
6- Dupont-Aignan (DLF , pro-EU patriots asking to reform EU) 4.7%
7- Lassale (Candidate for hunters/countryside people) 1.2%
8- Poutou (anticapitalistic left wing) 1.09%
8-Asselineau ( Anti - NAto , anti EU candidate but also anti Le Pen) 0.92%

I will stop here , there were other candidates.
About half of macron voters are disappointed about him.

That makes about 90% of France against him. The reason why he was elected is because in the second round , all other "sold-out" candidates asked to vote AGAINST le Pen and not for MACRON

this includes FILLON , MELENCHON , HAMON and all other leftists. Only Dupont-Aignan allied with Le Pen officially for second round.
The conservative globalist right wing and the patriotic right wing hate each other in France.

If you check , there are about as many far left supporters in France than far-right . Basically almost every white person votes far left or far right. The system is crushing.
Only old people , businessmen or some enthusiastic African wannabee economists voted Macron.

This revolt is not patriotic , however I would estimate the amount of patriots in it at around 70%.

What is important is to shake the globalism and tarnish the image of the EU. France wants sovereignty back.

Not that approval ratings mean much in France, but Melenchon's Insosumise party has the highest approval.

Macron was really disliked by the far left. In France Election thread, I posted a few articles from Jacobin that really went in on Macron in early 2017.

Paris Yellow Vests - Polniy_Sostav - 12-09-2018

22% for Bayrou is not credible.

Paris Yellow Vests - balybary - 12-09-2018

Quote: (12-09-2018 06:52 AM)SamuelBRoberts Wrote:  

Can anybody translate or summarize this?


If the author of this picture has put a link to a text file, it would be easy to translate.

The author claims that it's an "official" document from the Gilets Jaunes, which makes no fucking sense.

For the fuck of it, I have used automatic tools to catch the text and then translate it, and it ain't pretty.


OFFICIAL CHARTER OF YELLOW GILETS 25 proposals to get out of the crisis

GENERAL STATUS of your taxation. Inte craps in the Constitution!impossible for you to be able to take more than 25 te from the wealth of citizens
So that beautiful Permians do not want to misunderstand the claims of the One Heaven. As the rreendicaeroist of equipping t tensor/ wifinantes for 41111K wine serious and perennial change, voiced a non "churned" idea that deprived*, a 9arantle of united kinglet long tarnished

We do not fart clean.

the dwarf piaulai will do everything to tee, ernpecher, handle There remains week of IPPequer small and cry crumb.

INCREASE of 40% in pensions and social minrna by irrunedlate di SMIC.
MASSIVE EMBAUCHE of civil servants restores your quality of public service before thePP: stations. hospitals schools. posts_
JUSTKE quadruples* its budget and limits the duration of proceedings in law. Simplify and make justice totally free and accessible to all.

MEDIA: these" monopolies and the (op-r=meclUrtko-politbque. Make the MU accessible to citizens and guarantee plurality of opinion. Put an end to the propaganda of the ecetixrates. Remove public subsidy from macles (2 billion per year) and lily tax niches of the days- born.
HOUSINGS construction plan of 5 million HUA in order to distort rents, land and re-dynarnise California by hiring. Heavily punish prefects and mayors who allow SOF to decorate outside.

BANKS make them smaller in order to protect themselves 941 del (fis''', break monopolies. separate the specuaitive from the deposit and prohibit public bailout.

cancel the debt. this does not take place. it has been repaid several times


7 CONSTITUTING Rewrite your" Constitution by the people and for the inektts of the sovereign people. Implementation of refteersdurns in the popular tuttee.

INT'EROKTION OF LOBBYS cl other risk of mistrust. Defkutive exclusion from the political life of any elected official with a criminal record, end the accumulation of mandates

9 FREXIT out of the rut in order to regain our political, monetary and economic lifelines (compliance with the 2005 referendum). regain our right to mint coins when leaving Article 123 of the Lisbon Treaty (50 billion euros deco-standards per year).

10 TAX EVASIONS: recover the 80 billion euros abandoned by the state each time it swells. at the CAC 40

11 IMMEDIATE STOP OF PRIVATIZATIONS and receipt of public property motorways, airports. car parks, SNCF_ 12RADARS AND VERBALIZATIONS removal of imitated radars and video verbalisation which is nothing more than a disguised tax NATIONAL EDUCATION exclude any ideology from this ministry and review the techniques
sekaaaa Awt tin I ...LAIS...4. global -14. I ^

GUARANTEE THE UBERTY of citizens and enshrine in the Constitution the prohibition on rut to interfere in information, education, health and family life.

SANTA/ECOLOGY 17 PROGRAMMED OBSOLESCENCE: extend the manufacturer's guarantees to at least 10 years by ensuring the presence of spare parts.

18 PLASIKNES: ban in the short term the corn-modalhation of plastic bottles, other polluting packaging came

19 PHARMACEUTICAL LABORATORIES weaken their influence, general health and hospital conditions

20 AGRICULTURE . prohibition of OGht of carcinogenic pesti-cides. endocritical disruptors, monoculture_

21 ;if INDUSTRIALIZATION of France in order to be friendly/ imports and therefore pollution

22 NATO immediately emerged from the North Atlantic Treaty and Ban on engaging French troops in wars of aggression. 23 FRANÇAFRIQUE stop looting and political and military interference. To make repentant dictators and k-s property ill-gotten to the peoples of Africa repent. Immediately repatriate all French soldiers End the CFA franc system that keeps Africa in poverty. Weaving relationships on an equal footing with African states

24 liAMIGRATIOtl: Ornate me the migratory flows Im-possible 3 to welcome or integrate given the profonck, crvilizational crisis we are living in.

25 FOREIGN (scrupulous compliance with international law and signed commitments)

These 25 proposals will immediately change the daily life of the French people. Simple articles 9 and 10 of this charter can bring in up to 130 billion euros per year to the Treasury. France is a rich country, its people valiant and hard-working, it does not have to live in poverty.