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Indian Guy Game/Travel Thread - Banna - 05-22-2018

Quote: (05-22-2018 09:07 PM)kaotic Wrote:  

Man this shit ALWAYS devolved into fucking race baiting.

If you think a comment is outrageous, go report it.

Or call them out on their invalid points.

Noone is going to hold your hand on here, we're adults.

Unless you're a 20 year old having a racial identity meltdown and start looking for Jesus...

Pfft.....the OP I quoted wasn't coming off as vulgar and attacking like the banned member. Maybe your ass is fixated on race baiting

I'm just calling a spade a spade.

That IS outrageous that a man will openly admit he ignores even conversation with women of his own culture in a social setting while kissing white ass and only speaking to them....after a white person has broken the ice.

I'm not contacting any mod whatsoever as it doesn't require such action....his sellout ass already reported his own kind.

I hope my newly arrived to my city Punjab Co worker that wants to go clubbing this weekend with me don't pull that shit when I take him somewhere where all races of women congregate or else I'm leaving him to find his own way home at 3am 40 kilometres from home.

Anyways I'm outta here.....some of y'all can stay trying to figure out how to get in white folks good books.

PS: These Indian girls at my gym are smoking hawt!

Indian Guy Game/Travel Thread - Cobra - 05-22-2018

Quote: (05-22-2018 08:31 PM)Banna Wrote:  

Quote: (05-22-2018 02:00 AM)jselysianeagle Wrote:  

Quote: (05-21-2018 11:27 PM)Banna Wrote:  

All I can say is....WOW!

You pretty much doing the same thing as the bolded in the first statement and even worse you admit to shunning your own race of woman right off the bat to be seen in a higher light by white people and gain acceptance.

Yeah you're does sound crazy. White people aren't out here trying to be seen in a more favorable light by Indians. .

As the saying goes: "Talk about calling the kettle pot black"

Thanks for calling them out on this, lol. Was about to do it myself but you beat me to it. I tried hinting at it earlier in this thread too...

That imo is even as equally a offensive post as this banned Mr. Nobody troll.

But the fact such a outrageous comment has gone skipped over and not responded to by Indians of Roosh tells me all I need to know about where some of y'all heads are at......

The only reason I didn't respond to these full on pussified posts is because I was doing something more productive. Don't you worry, my socially inept and unaware friends, I'll break your post apart further when I can find a few minutes. You guys seriously sound like you're 12.

It's quite fun to see the Will Ferrels coming in trying out for a James Bond movie. Lame.

Indian Guy Game/Travel Thread - doc holliday - 05-22-2018

I was having a good time in this thread until Banna showed up to shit all over it. Banna dude chill the fuck out, no one cares if you're offended by some throw away comment, stop acting like some Queen St SJW hipster. Guys are on here just giving their experiences and points of view and if you don't like it, argue the point without all of the drama. In fact, I still don't know what the hell you're offended over. Even in the "I hate Toronto" thread you're getting all up in everyone's face because they prefer the more feminine Quebecois girls over your basic, boring, "I wish I was American" Toronto,Ontario bitches. Anyone who white knights for Toronto cunts over Montreal babes should most definitely not be throwing stones at glass houses.

Indian Guy Game/Travel Thread - Crash_Bandicoot - 05-23-2018

Haha this is exactly why Brown/Indian man threads never end up well. We all hate on each other when white girls are mentioned instead of having productive conversations. This mirrors what I have seen in real life - insecure brown guys competing and hating on eachother while the Asians/Blacks are working together

These discussions can be productive. People are just posting their experiences and hoping to get advice from other brown guys

After all, it's called the Indian Guy Game Thread - if Indian Guy game were 100% the same as white guy game, then, well, there would never be this thread in the first place. Same with the Black and Asian guy threads.

But if it's too sensitive of a topic, then by all means I'm down to talk about others. This thread actually covers a good amount of other topics too - like cultural analysis, foreign travel, exotic factor, etc.

Indian Guy Game/Travel Thread - jordypip23 - 05-23-2018

Quote: (05-22-2018 04:03 PM)Mr_Nobody Wrote:  

Quote: (05-20-2018 06:11 PM)Dulceácido Wrote:  

Damn... I just read through this whole thread and my initial thoughts were: "Indian guy game" that's hysterical. What could that possibly be? I'm white. I don't have "white guy game," nor do I think I could start a thread with that title without being crucified.

Yup. Because Roosh V is a typical kebab who only supports other shitskins. I will bet 100 bucks that any shitskin in this thread is a fucking loser... you guys stay on this loser ass forum all fucking day, and never even post a single picture of a girl that you banged. You guys look like Microsoft tech support.

Look, I get you shit-skins want to get a piece of them white wimmins. But here's the bad news... you guys honestly are the fucking pond scum of game. Even Asian guys I know do much better than any shit-skin Indian regarding white women.

Don't fool yourselves into thinking that even though some mudsharks will fuck you, that you can still bang like a white man. Asian pussy, Black pussy, Indian pussy and White pussy is for me, whenever I fucking like. I never even post on this disgusting ass forum, but It makes me laugh when DR. SANJAY GUPTA and his fucking buddies think that they're actually attractive looking.

Just face it. YOU GUYS ARE UGLY AS FUCK. I mean your country is a place where people literally shit in the streets... what kind of fucking craziness is that. Regarding places like Atlanta, you guys can fucking have it. Have fun getting mugged by Tyrone and his blood set. When it comes to places that are still white conservative, I will be doing my utmost best to kick any shitskins to the curb, in any country bar that I am part of.

I realize that Doosh V will quickly have me banned after this post. I've had enough of this brown-pill circle jerk.

Indian Casanova??? That's the funniest shit i've ever heard.

And btw Roosh, I'm glad your terrorist ass got kicked the fuck out of Poland. Have fun in DC you sand-nigger scum.

Hahahah, absolute classic post. 20 year old former nerd & former junkie that found Jesus after a brief jail stint. Didn't Jesus preach to you to share the love with everyone bro? Trying to call out an entire race of people. When I first got on this forum years & years ago he was a midgety pre-pubescent that couldn't even get his dick hard yet. LOL LOL LOL.

Indian Guy Game/Travel Thread - Bastard Sword - 05-23-2018

Quote: (05-22-2018 09:22 PM)jselysianeagle Wrote:  

Quote: (05-22-2018 07:50 PM)Bastard Sword Wrote:  

I have no clue why anyone is trying to bang bougie white women in Manhattan when there is a massive diversity of ethnicites in a place like NYC. Personally I'd take a Ukranian, Dominican, or Puerto Rican girl over Rebecca from Manhattan any day. It's not even a contest in my mind over which option is better.

That's exactly what I did during my time in NYC and it was amazing. It's the perfect place to sample a wide variety of women and find out exactly where you fit in. But you're wasting your time trying to convince the others in this thread - it seems that for them, if a girl ain't white, she ain't right [Image: icon_razz.gif]

I don't think any of the other users here are saying that, both beer and Crash have dropped some valuable intel and insights on this thread. From their posts I gather they've been successful with the women you and I just described and want to move on to being successful in a predominantly white venue. I understand wanting to do well in a variety of different niches, and I'm sure many of the women in this category are pretty hot (or at least present themselves that way).

Only point I'm making is that this crowd is overrated and can get pretty toxic. If you guys personally vibe with them, great, but if not there's no need to try and get in their good books. And if other minority women are shit-listing you based on your race, you don't need tips or tricks on how to circumvent them. They just deserve to be avoided. There's also no need to plot about how to seem as whitewashed/WASPy as possible. Like I said, that's fine if it's your fundamental personality. But if it isn't, it's a terrible strategy.

What WILL help is dedicated self improvement over time. Travelling, living abroad, doing martial arts, and building my skills has done a lot for me. It's helped attract women of all races including my current LTR (very sweet girl who takes great care of me). What's more, it made me a better person. "Acting whitewashed" or trying to avoid "seeming to Indian" would not have accomplished that. There were times I did try and do those things. If anything, they just made my life worse. Can't speak for anyone else but I wasn't being true to myself.

Said this before, but if girls of any race are looking down on you because of your ethnicity, they can go fuck themselves.

Also can someone clarify whether there are tons of self-hating ethnic women out in the East Coast? It's something I've heard a lot of people talk about, but it always surprises me. I can count the number of white washed Indian girls I've met on one hand.

Indian Guy Game/Travel Thread - kaotic - 05-23-2018

Quote: (05-22-2018 10:49 PM)Banna Wrote:  

Pfft.....the OP I quoted wasn't coming off as vulgar and attacking like the banned member. Maybe your ass is fixated on race baiting

I'm just calling a spade a spade.

I''m not fixated on anything, I'm pointing out what this thread had devolve into, which it always does, with only 200+ posts, I don't expect you understand what threads usually devolve into something like this.


That IS outrageous that a man will openly admit he ignores even conversation with women of his own culture in a social setting while kissing white ass and only speaking to them....after a white person has broken the ice.

Are you going to cry about it? Are you triggered?

You'll be really outraged when you find some black men on here don't fuck with black women.

Or that some white men ONLY date outside of their race.

Or that some folks date ONLY in their own race and see others of their race dating outside as traitors.

I know, shocking right.

This is an open forum, and things like this are discussed in an open manner, if you don't like that, then this forum ain't for you.


I'm not contacting any mod whatsoever as it doesn't require such action....his sellout ass already reported his own kind.

That's fine you can call him out, but don't go crying when someone hits you back with a retort.


I hope my newly arrived to my city Punjab Co worker that wants to go clubbing this weekend with me don't pull that shit when I take him somewhere where all races of women congregate or else I'm leaving him to find his own way home at 3am 40 kilometres from home.

Anyways I'm outta here.....some of y'all can stay trying to figure out how to get in white folks good books.

PS: These Indian girls at my gym are smoking hawt!

Hawt? What are you 12 on Misc boards? Next you'll be say kawk also.

You can run away that's fine, if you can't ask solid questions and respond logically then the forum is better off, you won't stand much of a chance here, especially the opinions within the deep forum and politics.

One thing you probably don't understand the dynamics of the Americanized Indian girls and their princess jasmine syndrome, throw in SJW and feminist thoughts and views, can be a major turn off.

It's definitely an epidemic, as I have quite a few female cousins like that. However, you can find some pretty cool ones, I have one in my rotation that's chill.

Indian Guy Game/Travel Thread - Cobra - 05-23-2018

^After Banna got shunned from this thread he decided to tske his hate into the Black man thread here: thread-44508...pid1788345

Maybe it makes him feel like a big boy. He did, however, fix "hawt" and said "beautiful girls" in there though. So maybe he's open to feedback.

Indian Guy Game/Travel Thread - jordypip23 - 05-23-2018

Quote: (05-23-2018 05:56 PM)Cobra Wrote:  

^After Banna got shunned from this thread he decided to tske his hate into the Black man thread here: thread-44508...pid1788345

Maybe it makes him feel like a big boy. He did, however, fix "hawt" and said "beautiful girls" in there though. So maybe he's open to feedback.

Before everyone gets up in arms I think we should try to understand the situation. In the Black Man game thread, Banna shares a story about how his brother was seriously involved with an Indian chick. The brother could not meet her parents or they had to keep it a secret or whatever? I think these dramas & insecurities are largely feeding into the animosity. Let's try to understand each other rather than get up in arms & beef. That's all I'm sayin' here. But Mr. Nobody (the banned gentleman) likely crossed the point of no return.

Indian Guy Game/Travel Thread - Dulceácido - 05-24-2018

#Mr. Nobody

That was funny as fuck. Like I said, I don't agree with anything he said, but holy shit I haven't laughed like that in ages. So many epic insults. I wonder how long it took him to write that post because, surely, that vitriol doesn't just roll off your tongue.

Too bad he got banned, which clearly he wanted, because like doc holiday, I too would love to provoke him even more--if that is even possible. Obviously that was the most deserved ban I've ever seen, but damn. Imagine the possibilities if he stuck around. Bummer.

Indian Guy Game/Travel Thread - Banna - 05-24-2018

Quote: (05-23-2018 06:34 PM)jordypip23 Wrote:  

Quote: (05-23-2018 05:56 PM)Cobra Wrote:  

^After Banna got shunned from this thread he decided to tske his hate into the Black man thread here: thread-44508...pid1788345

Maybe it makes him feel like a big boy. He did, however, fix "hawt" and said "beautiful girls" in there though. So maybe he's open to feedback.

Before everyone gets up in arms I think we should try to understand the situation. In the Black Man game thread, Banna shares a story about how his brother was seriously involved with an Indian chick. The brother could not meet her parents or they had to keep it a secret or whatever? I think these dramas & insecurities are largely feeding into the animosity. Let's try to understand each other rather than get up in arms & beef. That's all I'm sayin' here. But Mr. Nobody (the banned gentleman) likely crossed the point of no return. brother is a grown assed man mature enough to live with the consequences of his actions on his own. That has nothing to do with anything.

This Cobra character thought he'd come over and expose me and no one even paid his self hating uncle Tom ass any mind. He has to pull the "oh he's racist against Indians" to cover up his stupidity and white inferiority complex.

As I said before a Indian person has never done me anything in life that'd warrant me to dislike them. I could say that about Pakistanis, and Sri Lankans as well who I've many friends A black has multiple times....a white has. The only thing Indian people do here mostly is work and stack $$$ and open countless businesses.

Now I'm on his dude whatever helps you sleep at night lol.

This guy is here telling others:

"In the USA, I can vouch for NYC and Chicago as well but they're harder to find individually. Hot Indian girls in the US tend to hang out with hot white girls. 

Obviously, don't go to the ethnic Indian enclaves of either of these cities because that's where the ugly one"

He don't even think his own women look good if they aren't amongst white women? He telling fellow Indians not even to hangout in primarily Indian enclaves because that's where the ugly ones are?

So you acknowleding your women in these cities are eternally doomed to be ugly until they affiliate themselves with the almighty white woman?

Wtf kinda mentality is that? LOL.

And I said it before.....white people do not look at minorities and say: "Geez what do we have to do to look more appealing or fit in with these races of people?....I need to come out from my own kind'.

Indian Guy Game/Travel Thread - Dulceácido - 05-24-2018

They salt in this thread is hysterical.

Indian Guy Game/Travel Thread - Cobra - 05-24-2018

Quote: (05-23-2018 01:10 AM)Banna Wrote:  

Quote: (05-22-2018 01:21 AM)jordypip23 Wrote:  

It is not common sure, but in the two metro areas I have lived in, I have seen it happen once in a while. Back in the Chicago area, I'd say at least 3 or 4 times I've seen an Indian chick get with a black dude to date (some of them have even gotten married!). I know of an Indian dude near Detroit where I live right now that is seriously dating a Black chick & likely going to marry her. Word on the street is he has caught some serious flack from his family though (not surprisingly).

That's no surprise. Even their revered Ghandi who much of the world sees as some open minded peace loving prophet was a openly anti black racist cunt from his time spent in South Africa.

My brother in Atlanta planned to marry a girl from there. Dated for 3 years.....travelled all around the world with her. Was never once introduced to her parents as her actual boyfriend. She had to "hide" him. When he actually met her dad the first time she introduced him as some random friend of hers.

That said.....gosh my gym has some fine assed beautiful girls from there.

Quote: (05-24-2018 07:58 AM)Banna Wrote:  

Quote: (05-23-2018 06:34 PM)jordypip23 Wrote:  

Quote: (05-23-2018 05:56 PM)Cobra Wrote:  

^After Banna got shunned from this thread he decided to tske his hate into the Black man thread here: thread-44508...pid1788345

Maybe it makes him feel like a big boy. He did, however, fix "hawt" and said "beautiful girls" in there though. So maybe he's open to feedback.

Before everyone gets up in arms I think we should try to understand the situation. In the Black Man game thread, Banna shares a story about how his brother was seriously involved with an Indian chick. The brother could not meet her parents or they had to keep it a secret or whatever? I think these dramas & insecurities are largely feeding into the animosity. Let's try to understand each other rather than get up in arms & beef. That's all I'm sayin' here. But Mr. Nobody (the banned gentleman) likely crossed the point of no return. brother is a grown assed man mature enough to live with the consequences of his actions on his own. That has nothing to do with anything.

This Cobra character thought he'd come over and expose me and no one even paid his self hating uncle Tom ass any mind. He has to pull the "oh he's racist against Indians" to cover up his stupidity and white inferiority complex.

As I said before a Indian person has never done me anything in life that'd warrant me to dislike them. I could say that about Pakistanis, and Sri Lankans as well who I've many friends A black has multiple times....a white has. The only thing Indian people do here mostly is work and stack $$$ and open countless businesses.

Now I'm on his dude whatever helps you sleep at night lol.

This guy is here telling others:

"In the USA, I can vouch for NYC and Chicago as well but they're harder to find individually. Hot Indian girls in the US tend to hang out with hot white girls. 

Obviously, don't go to the ethnic Indian enclaves of either of these cities because that's where the ugly one"

He don't even think his own women look good if they aren't amongst white women? He telling fellow Indians not even to hangout in primarily Indian enclaves because that's where the ugly ones are?

So you acknowleding your women in these cities are eternally doomed to be ugly until they affiliate themselves with the almighty white woman?

Wtf kinda mentality is that? LOL.

And I said it before.....white people do not look at minorities and say: "Geez what do we have to do to look more appealing or fit in with these races of people?....I need to come out from my own kind'.

Your continued tryhard attempts to prove there is some kind of qualification going on by Indians is falling flat continuously and you continue to look asinine. Unfortunately for you, you are not socially aware enough to realize it.

So your opinion is that when white guys shun white women, it's game awareness but when minorities like black men, latin men and what not shun their own women, it's now self hate? Furthermore, when Indian guys do it and prefer white women, it's now self loathing?

Is that right?

By the way, I liked the rest of your meltdown including the "Uncle Tom." If you read one of my previous posts, I love being Indian. Some of us collectively, love white women and will continue to bang them. Of course, if you have more hateful conjecture, you should post them.

I'm entertained by you.

Indian Guy Game/Travel Thread - Banna - 05-24-2018

Come to Brampton and these REAL proud Indians that live amongst each other building a strong community with that BS and they'll surely deride your sellout ass lol. I don't know where on earth your ass lives but round here Indians don't need to be amongst whites to look "hawt".

You're advising fellow indian men to stay away from a large swath of your female diaspora that don't even affiliate with whites. Oh yeah they're the "ugly" ones.

Oh but I loooooove being a Indian man says you. Yeah you love being a a certain extent as you've admitted. When it comes to the almighty whitey.....whew feathers get ruffled and the approach changes.

YOU as a Indian man don't even wanna be amongst Indian women that don't have white friends.

YOU don't even think Indian women in your country look good unless they know whites.

I guess a insecure dickhead like yourself can't see the difference between simply liking another race of women and this nonsense you and that Bandaidcoot whatever his name is have posted.

Stay away from Indian enclaves...they're the ugly ones? That sounds like something a Storm front forum member would say......noooo this is coming from the mouth of a Indian man himself.

Haha. Who's the one "shunning" now?

Oh yeah me with this bullshit thread.

Indian Guy Game/Travel Thread - kaotic - 05-24-2018

Quote: (05-24-2018 07:58 AM)Banna Wrote:  

And I said it before.....white people do not look at minorities and say: "Geez what do we have to do to look more appealing or fit in with these races of people?....I need to come out from my own kind'.

[Image: 1346353449_eminem.jpg]

[Image: 220px-Rachel_Dolezal_speaking_at_Spokane...y_2015.jpg]

[Image: White-People-for-blm-720.jpg]

Indian Guy Game/Travel Thread - Crash_Bandicoot - 05-24-2018

Banna is clearly SJW triggered and going way outta line with his emotions

Thought this thread would be productive but no longer.... looks like A Beer is Enough left and I think I'll do the same

Indian Guy Game/Travel Thread - Arado - 05-24-2018

Quote: (05-23-2018 10:37 AM)Bastard Sword Wrote:  

I don't think any of the other users here are saying that, both beer and Crash have dropped some valuable intel and insights on this thread. From their posts I gather they've been successful with the women you and I just described and want to move on to being successful in a predominantly white venue. I understand wanting to do well in a variety of different niches, and I'm sure many of the women in this category are pretty hot (or at least present themselves that way).

Only point I'm making is that this crowd is overrated and can get pretty toxic. If you guys personally vibe with them, great, but if not there's no need to try and get in their good books. And if other minority women are shit-listing you based on your race, you don't need tips or tricks on how to circumvent them. They just deserve to be avoided. There's also no need to plot about how to seem as whitewashed/WASPy as possible. Like I said, that's fine if it's your fundamental personality. But if it isn't, it's a terrible strategy.

What WILL help is dedicated self improvement over time. Travelling, living abroad, doing martial arts, and building my skills has done a lot for me. It's helped attract women of all races including my current LTR (very sweet girl who takes great care of me). What's more, it made me a better person. "Acting whitewashed" or trying to avoid "seeming to Indian" would not have accomplished that. There were times I did try and do those things. If anything, they just made my life worse. Can't speak for anyone else but I wasn't being true to myself.

Said this before, but if girls of any race are looking down on you because of your ethnicity, they can go fuck themselves.

Also can someone clarify whether there are tons of self-hating ethnic women out in the East Coast? It's something I've heard a lot of people talk about, but it always surprises me. I can count the number of white washed Indian girls I've met on one hand.

What's weird is that frequently the self-hating Indian women who go after white guys are often the most hardcore SJWs out there.

Anyway, the point isn't about qualifying ones self towards white people. More so about what to do when an Indian guy is stuck in a city where many of the girls are closed off to his race. In those cases, could gimmicks be necessary? Not all of us live in NYC where Indian guys dominate the finance world.

I speak some non-Indian languages but never had the chance to show it off in front of attractive Indian girls unfortunately. I think if she saw that, that would be another way that an Indian guy could scramble the brain of any attractive self hating ethnic Indian girl. Again, here we are talking about racking up notches with attractive girls. I would never consider a self-hating ethnic girl for an LTR.

Indian Guy Game/Travel Thread - Bastard Sword - 05-24-2018

Quote: (05-24-2018 11:39 AM)Crash_Bandicoot Wrote:  

Banna is clearly SJW triggered and going way outta line with his emotions

Thought this thread would be productive but no longer.... looks like A Beer is Enough left and I think I'll do the same

Calling someone who disagrees with you an "SJW" is no different than an SJW calling someone who disagrees with them a "racist". You have to understand, suggesting that brown people should "act whitewashed" and scheme to bang self-hating ethnic women is going to rub people the wrong way. I get it that you want to widen your net and try banging in a different niche, but you shouldn't have to subvert your basic personality just to do so. I hooked up with black, Asian, and Mexican girls in college, I didn't tailor my approach to their respective race. I didn't try to talk to the black girls about hip hop or try spitting game at the Mexicans in Spanish, I was just myself (albeit a version of myself bettered by years of lifting, martial arts, and travel).

The biggest thing for Indian guys to understand is that their race actually doesn't matter all that much. It won't matter to most girls, and if some girls look down on you for it, they aren't worth your time anyway. A jacked, well traveled Indian guy who has had his share of life experiences and is making decent money is not going to have a problem with any particular type of women. The trouble is people like this are uncommon. Most Indian immigrants to America look like this:

[Image: Shailendra-Mathur-general-manager-India-ASYS-Group.jpg]

as opposed to this:

[Image: 8220_505.jpg?w=300&h=200&crop=1]

I doubt this guy would have any problems with women in the west. Even if women are "closed off". If you're in a place where your culture is despised and people want nothing to do with you, then get out and move somewhere where they do. That or switch up your niche. I've been in places where Indian and Persian girls were impossible to get with, but Latinas loved me. Unless you're in the Russian oblast or some seriously bumblefuck town in rural America, there should some way for you to be successful. Goes double if you've put serious work into your fitness.

Indian is just another ethnicity. Women don't really care if a guy is Mexican, Armenian, Persian, or Arab -- I've never heard of guys from these backgrounds complaining about their lack of success, and they don't look that different from us. The problem isn't fundamentally how women see Indians, it's how Indians see themselves. The level of self doubt in most Indians is what really holds them back. In America at least our culture does not represent itself in a masculine light (though it does in India, Canada, and the UK).

Indian Guy Game/Travel Thread - kaotic - 05-24-2018

Quote: (05-24-2018 12:02 PM)Bastard Sword Wrote:  

Indian is just another ethnicity. Women don't really care if a guy is Mexican, Armenian, Persian, or Arab -- I've never heard of guys from these backgrounds complaining about their lack of success, and they don't look that different from us. The problem isn't fundamentally how women see Indians, it's how Indians see themselves. The level of self doubt in most Indians is what really holds them back. In America at least our culture does not represent itself in a masculine light (though it does in India, Canada, and the UK).

This, so much this.

This is extremely important, I can't tell you how many messages I've gotten from Indian dudes asking how I'm successful - as always - the first thing they bring up is racial questions and what they should do.

Brown brothers need to break the mold that people see them in.

Be different period, doesn't matter the color of your skin.

Indian Guy Game/Travel Thread - doc holliday - 05-24-2018

Quote: (05-24-2018 06:51 AM)Dulceácido Wrote:  

#Mr. Nobody

That was funny as fuck. Like I said, I don't agree with anything he said, but holy shit I haven't laughed like that in ages. So many epic insults. I wonder how long it took him to write that post because, surely, that vitriol doesn't just roll off your tongue.

Too bad he got banned, which clearly he wanted, because like doc holiday, I too would love to provoke him even more--if that is even possible. Obviously that was the most deserved ban I've ever seen, but damn. Imagine the possibilities if he stuck around. Bummer.

Dude I was out last night watching game 7 of the NHL playoffs yesterday with a forum member and I was still laughing about it. I was laughing so hard I thought my abdominal muscles were going to burst. That seriously has to be the best racial troll ever. Some of the other WRTs or guys like Banna here could learn how to troll from that post. I can't even read any of my posts anymore without cracking up because I have his troll job in my signature.

Indian Guy Game/Travel Thread - Dulceácido - 05-24-2018

Quote: (05-24-2018 12:39 PM)doc holliday Wrote:  

Quote: (05-24-2018 06:51 AM)Dulceácido Wrote:  

#Mr. Nobody

That was funny as fuck. Like I said, I don't agree with anything he said, but holy shit I haven't laughed like that in ages. So many epic insults. I wonder how long it took him to write that post because, surely, that vitriol doesn't just roll off your tongue.

Too bad he got banned, which clearly he wanted, because like doc holiday, I too would love to provoke him even more--if that is even possible. Obviously that was the most deserved ban I've ever seen, but damn. Imagine the possibilities if he stuck around. Bummer.

Dude I was out last night watching game 7 of the NHL playoffs yesterday with a forum member and I was still laughing about it. I was laughing so hard I thought my abdominal muscles were going to burst. That seriously has to be the best racial troll ever. Some of the other WRTs or guys like Banna here could learn how to troll from that post. I can't even read any of my posts anymore without cracking up because I have his troll job in my signature.

I dunno... My brother Kaotic is one of the coolest guys on the forum and when he has lost his shit, it's usually time to abandon thread.

Not sure who this Banna dude, is, but whatever. I just keep sticking my head in here hoping for another Mr. Nobody.

Indian Guy Game/Travel Thread - kaotic - 05-24-2018

I didn't lose my shit lol, I never meltdown, I just logically break down quote by quote why I think some stuff is nonsense, and what realities are actual that most men don't want to admit.

Shit happens, every single dude on this forum has some sort of filter/preference when it comes to girls.

Sometimes accepting women for what they're capable can be a hard pill to swallow, some men overdose on that.

Banna is entitled to his opinion.

What I do want, is to get back on track with this thread, as a sub thread for improving the lives of brown dudes with their inner game, self love, and being better with women.

I'd love to read advice helping guys out instead constantly talking about the standard plights of the indian man with white women lol.

What can we do to maximize your looks, your game, your style, your lifestyle?

That's we need to get at!

Indian Guy Game/Travel Thread - Dulceácido - 05-24-2018

^^I know you're brown and it's okay. I'll be your white friend when we go live with Kona. I know I have to be an uncloseted racist, but ya'll gotta bring me out. I'm not ready yet.

Indian Guy Game/Travel Thread - kaotic - 05-24-2018

Bring on the ethno states! (But bring your own sod for your plot of land)


Indian Guy Game/Travel Thread - Dulceácido - 05-24-2018

(that was a shitty looking yard, for real). You're in fucking Hawaii, have some fucking pride. Take care of your shit.