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Are Australian girls ugly? - Deluge - 08-23-2014

Quote: (08-23-2014 09:33 AM)tonipepperoni Wrote:  

There are no major IB's in Australia except for Macquarie. There is no Goldmansachs.

This is completely false. All the BB IB's have offices in Sydney and off the top of my head all except Deutsche Bank do in Melbourne. The salaries (at GS at least) are the same as NYC's but the number of positions themselves is much smaller.

tonipepperoni: Surely a man who mingles with Swedish aristocrats and is so well versed in Russian and French literature has better things to do then write enough criticism Australia to fill a small book, all the while preaching to the choir. We get it, Australia sucks and the girls don't stack up to the FSU's. We did not need to waste 7 whole pages talking about this.

Are Australian girls ugly? - tonipepperoni - 08-23-2014

Quote: (08-23-2014 11:53 AM)Deluge Wrote:  

Quote: (08-23-2014 09:33 AM)tonipepperoni Wrote:  

There are no major IB's in Australia except for Macquarie. There is no Goldmansachs.

This is completely false. All the BB IB's have offices in Sydney and off the top of my head all except Deutsche Bank do in Melbourne. The salaries (at GS at least) are the same as NYC's but the number of positions themselves is much smaller.

tonipepperoni: Surely a man who mingles with Swedish aristocrats and is so well versed in Russian and French literature has better things to do then write enough criticism Australia to fill a small book, all the while preaching to the choir. We get it, Australia sucks and the girls don't stack up to the FSU's. We did not need to waste 7 whole pages talking about this.

The salaries for entry level positions are the same, but if you're talking about commissions + packages for seniors then you're kidding yourself. NYC and London are both recognisable as the cities where young men 'make it'.

Mate, I've posted 60 times on this forum on an off day, you've posted 3000 times for someone who's apparently getting results in Melbourne but is still in his teens. You don't have a foot to stand on when critiquing how someone spends there time.

If I were to take advice from a kid I would, but I don't.

Are Australian girls ugly? - tonipepperoni - 08-23-2014

And by the way Deluge, there is a complex philosophical discussion taking place about whether Civilisation is truly acceptable to a man and what genuinely makes him happy. This type of insight is what's necessary.

If you can't handle reading long posts then just jump on a different thread, mate.

Are Australian girls ugly? - tiggaling - 08-23-2014

Australia doesn't suck. Australian people who haven't really travelled are often deluded as how to much greener the grass is, but it aint so much greener in so many ways.

Australians are like the spoilt rich brat with low self esteem who has all this aspiration, but still feels somehow "less" than their neighbours who they feel have so much more! But it is not really the case. Because it is not about this materialistic "having", it is about the inner world, and in the development of the self, in the development of character and inner self. This is something that many Australians miss, they are so misguided, and seduced by the lameness of the superficial and exterior, this is what is missing I think: "russian soul"!

And a big part of that, as many have mentioned, is that Australian don't have that internal time that europeans have in their long winter, that contemplative, thoughtful reflectivity. And a large part of that is living in a culture whereby the reference point for a cultured Australian are the people descended from the English upper classes. People toni calls Private school rich kids. This is a culture not known for "navel gazing" or any kind of self reflection whatsoever. I largely avoid the upper middle classes in Australia, as they are super fucking flat and boring people for the most part. (with eccentric exceptions of course)

Most anglo Australians are descended from free settlers, people who came from Britain or elsewhere for a better life or for the gold. They are essentially greedy and mean pirates and less Junk convict stock than you would suppose. Only 30% of Australians have any convict stock in them whatsoever.

But there are lot of negative aspects of Australian culture, that a lot of Australian people are blind to. and I think toni has mentioned many of those, which align with my thoughts. This living in cotton wool culture, and this shallow, egocentric, tokenistic flimsiness that for many passes as "life"

Australia is like everywhere else, some aspects are good, some aspects are bad. Every place you go, there are going to be tradeoffs.

I still find myself compelled by Australia, I know the culture and can really make inroads in so many ways. I find my time there enriching and I make the most of it. Good luck getting that kind of access in a culture in which you don't fluently speak the language or know the culture. In those kind of environments you really trying to figure out what is going on a lot of the time and will be an outsider in so many ways.

And at the end of the day, every place is the same, in that I think you have a small number of really worthwhile and interesting people. I know Australian 9's who are super well read, but they don't quite have the charm or feminintiy of the ukrainian nine's. But they are still super gals.

For me, about half my time in Australia and half my time overseas in different countries where I work and travel works very well for me.

Are Australian girls ugly? - DaveR - 08-23-2014

Quote: (08-23-2014 12:05 PM)tonipepperoni Wrote:  

Mate, I've posted 60 times on this forum on an off day, you've posted 3000 times for someone who's apparently getting results in Melbourne but is still in his teens. You don't have a foot to stand on when critiquing how someone spends there time.

If I were to take advice from a kid I would, but I don't.

Quote: (08-23-2014 12:06 PM)tonipepperoni Wrote:  

And by the way Deluge, there is a complex philosophical discussion taking place about whether Civilisation is truly acceptable to a man and what genuinely makes him happy. This type of insight is what's necessary.

If you can't handle reading long posts then just jump on a different thread, mate.

Toni, I suggest that you tone down the 'discussion' a few notches. Your initial few posts were quite informative, but you've since descended into what I can only describe as a diatribe. There is no "complex philosophical discussion" taking place in this thread; you are merely dictating your own worldview with little consideration of what others have put forward. Some of it, I might add, is particularly illogical: the derision of nanny states one minute, then shortly thereafter extolling the virtues of none other than Sweden.

Quote: (08-22-2014 01:18 PM)tonipepperoni Wrote:  

There is also a destructive quality to living in a nation where men continuously try and out-peacock each other.
... and that is precisely what you have been doing, relentlessly, for the past three days. It would be wise to keep in mind that you aren't the only learned, well-travelled or successful man on this forum. There are many, in fact.

If you can't show respect for another man who has contributed significantly to this society (Deluge, specifically), I believe it is you who needs to grow up.

Are Australian girls ugly? - tonipepperoni - 08-23-2014

Quote: (08-23-2014 02:12 PM)DaveR Wrote:  

Quote: (08-23-2014 12:05 PM)tonipepperoni Wrote:  

Mate, I've posted 60 times on this forum on an off day, you've posted 3000 times for someone who's apparently getting results in Melbourne but is still in his teens. You don't have a foot to stand on when critiquing how someone spends there time.

If I were to take advice from a kid I would, but I don't.

Quote: (08-23-2014 12:06 PM)tonipepperoni Wrote:  

And by the way Deluge, there is a complex philosophical discussion taking place about whether Civilisation is truly acceptable to a man and what genuinely makes him happy. This type of insight is what's necessary.

If you can't handle reading long posts then just jump on a different thread, mate.

Toni, I suggest that you tone down the 'discussion' a few notches. Your initial few posts were quite informative, but you've since descended into what I can only describe as a diatribe. There is no "complex philosophical discussion" taking place in this thread; you are merely dictating your own worldview with little consideration of what others have put forward. Some of it, I might add, is particularly illogical: the derision of nanny states one minute, then shortly thereafter extolling the virtues of none other than Sweden.

Quote: (08-22-2014 01:18 PM)tonipepperoni Wrote:  

There is also a destructive quality to living in a nation where men continuously try and out-peacock each other.
... and that is precisely what you have been doing, relentlessly, for the past three days. It would be wise to keep in mind that you aren't the only learned, well-travelled or successful man on this forum. There are many, in fact.

If you can't show respect for another man who has contributed significantly to this society (Deluge, specifically), I believe it is you who needs to grow up.

I would never have given shit to Deluge if he hadn't been ironic.

I never mentioned that Sweden was a utopia. It is also a nanny-state. Personally I don't believe in Utopias. But in many ways it is no where near as insular as Australia. I'm simply mentioning that people in Europe with similar salary levels and living standards (like Sweds), especially those who are extremely well off, live more luxuriously.

I'd disagree with you on whether there isn't a complex discussion taking place. If anything the manosphere needs more philosophical enquiry into its beliefs.

Are Australian girls ugly? - AnonymousBosch - 08-23-2014

Quote: (08-23-2014 03:03 AM)tonipepperoni Wrote:  

Quote: (08-22-2014 03:45 PM)AnonymousBosch Wrote:  

Quote: (08-22-2014 01:18 PM)tonipepperoni Wrote:  

In many ways sex in australia is like masturbating using someones body, seduction is like two aspergers kids playing a game of chess. It's retarded in that way.

Where's the 'someone else's body' quote from?

Documentary called 'When Porn Ends'.

Found it, it was a concept of the French Psychoanalyist and Psychologist Jacques Lacan (1901-1981) and tied up with his theories of The Three Orders (Imaginary, Symbolic and The Real) building on Sigmund Freud.

Further on the concept:


"Jacques Lacan reminds us, that in sex, each individual is to a large extent on their own, if I can put it that way. Naturally, the other’s body has to be mediated, but at the end of the day, the pleasure will be always your pleasure. Sex separates, doesn’t unite. The fact you are naked and pressing against the other is an image, an imaginary representation. What is real is that pleasure takes you a long way away, very far from the other. What is real is narcis­sistic, what binds is imaginary. So there is no such thing as a sexual relationship, concludes Lacan. His proposition shocked people since at the time everybody was talking about nothing else but “sexual relationships”. If there is no sexual relationship in sexuality, love is what fills the absence of a sexual relationship.

Lacan doesn’t say that love is a disguise for sexual relationships; he says that sexual relationships don’t exist, that love is what comes to replace that non-relationship. That’s much more interesting. This idea leads him to say that in love the other tries to approach “the being of the other”. In love the individual goes beyond himself, beyond the narcissistic. In sex, you are really in a relationship with yourself via the mediation of the other. The other helps you to discover the reality of pleasure. In love, on the contrary the mediation of the other is enough in itself. Such is the nature of the amorous encounter: you go to take on the other, to make him or her exist with you, as he or she is. It is a much more profound conception of love than the entirely banal view that love is no more than an imaginary canvas painted over the reality of sex."

Are Australian girls ugly? - tonipepperoni - 08-23-2014

Quote: (08-23-2014 03:16 PM)AnonymousBosch Wrote:  

Quote: (08-23-2014 03:03 AM)tonipepperoni Wrote:  

Quote: (08-22-2014 03:45 PM)AnonymousBosch Wrote:  

Quote: (08-22-2014 01:18 PM)tonipepperoni Wrote:  

In many ways sex in australia is like masturbating using someones body, seduction is like two aspergers kids playing a game of chess. It's retarded in that way.

Where's the 'someone else's body' quote from?

Documentary called 'When Porn Ends'.

Found it, it was a concept of the French Psychoanalyist and Psychologist Jacques Lacan (1901-1981) and tied up with his theories of The Three Orders (Imaginary, Symbolic and The Real) building on Sigmund Freud.

Further on the concept:


"Jacques Lacan reminds us, that in sex, each individual is to a large extent on their own, if I can put it that way. Naturally, the other’s body has to be mediated, but at the end of the day, the pleasure will be always your pleasure. Sex separates, doesn’t unite. The fact you are naked and pressing against the other is an image, an imaginary representation. What is real is that pleasure takes you a long way away, very far from the other. What is real is narcis­sistic, what binds is imaginary. So there is no such thing as a sexual relationship, concludes Lacan. His proposition shocked people since at the time everybody was talking about nothing else but “sexual relationships”. If there is no sexual relationship in sexuality, love is what fills the absence of a sexual relationship.

Lacan doesn’t say that love is a disguise for sexual relationships; he says that sexual relationships don’t exist, that love is what comes to replace that non-relationship. That’s much more interesting. This idea leads him to say that in love the other tries to approach “the being of the other”. In love the individual goes beyond himself, beyond the narcissistic. In sex, you are really in a relationship with yourself via the mediation of the other. The other helps you to discover the reality of pleasure. In love, on the contrary the mediation of the other is enough in itself. Such is the nature of the amorous encounter: you go to take on the other, to make him or her exist with you, as he or she is. It is a much more profound conception of love than the entirely banal view that love is no more than an imaginary canvas painted over the reality of sex."

If you read into what I say for example I often use 'ideology' and 'fantasy' in my posts, I am referencing Zizek who is referencing Lacan. Hence my love for the french. [Image: heart.gif]

Are Australian girls ugly? - tonipepperoni - 08-23-2014

Australian society defined by Birds of Paradise. BoP's live in PNG, the females are ugly, the males are beautiful. The females select which male they want to mate with, all females choose one male, the most beautiful male with the most beautiful nest. The rest go on sexless and die off. While the female carries on the eggs of the most beautiful male, reproducing a more refined, genetically perfect bloodline of more beautiful males, uglier females with each and every increment.

After watching this, and having lived in Australia, you'll realise that reality is just a game.

Are Australian girls ugly? - RawGod - 08-23-2014

Quote: (08-23-2014 11:36 AM)tiggaling Wrote:  

“To live in Australia permanently is rather like going to a party and dancing all night with one's mother.”

Barry Humphries - (Writer, Actor and Comic, b.1934)


Are Australian girls ugly? - scotian - 08-23-2014

This thread is hilarious, I thought for a minute that tonipepperoni was really Hooligan Harry but then he mentioned that he loves the French so there's no way its him. Carry on toni you pompous prick, +1 from me!

Are Australian girls ugly? - Deluge - 08-23-2014

Quote: (08-23-2014 12:05 PM)tonipepperoni Wrote:  

If I were to take advice from a kid I would, but I don't.

For such a successful person this is a very incongruent mindset. Next time you visit PM me and I'll buy you a drink, no doubt we will both learn something.

Are Australian girls ugly? - tonipepperoni - 08-24-2014

Quote: (08-23-2014 11:37 PM)Deluge Wrote:  

Quote: (08-23-2014 12:05 PM)tonipepperoni Wrote:  

If I were to take advice from a kid I would, but I don't.

For such a successful person this is a very incongruent mindset. Next time you visit PM me and I'll buy you a drink, no doubt we will both learn something.

My main point and why I'm dismissive of most of your posting is

A) You're still learning the game in a city I grew up in.

B) You've probably never been outside the city or in the countries which I'm explicitly referring to.

C) You're using google and the forums to understand the world and you're accepting things as facts online without having verified the results in reality. This tells me you're accepting things based on what the consensus is.

D) You have zero depth or understanding when it comes to context. How do you even understand the gravity of difference between Australian and European women?

E) At the end of the day, you're not able to give a reasonable, sound, decent advice about how Australia rates with the rest of the world -- you're merely mimicking the consensus of the forums and reproducing a theatre of gestures, while relying on the forums ideology and commradrey to save you when an insult goes bad.

Are Australian girls ugly? - Deluge - 08-24-2014

Quote: (08-24-2014 12:34 AM)tonipepperoni Wrote:  

Quote: (08-23-2014 11:37 PM)Deluge Wrote:  

Quote: (08-23-2014 12:05 PM)tonipepperoni Wrote:  

If I were to take advice from a kid I would, but I don't.

For such a successful person this is a very incongruent mindset. Next time you visit PM me and I'll buy you a drink, no doubt we will both learn something.

My main point and why I'm dismissive of most of your posting is

A) You're still learning the game in a city I grew up in.

B) You've probably never been outside the city or in the countries which I'm explicitly referring to.

C) You're using google and the forums to understand the world and you're accepting things as facts online without having verified the results in reality. This tells me you're accepting things based on what the consensus is.

D) You have zero depth or understanding when it comes to context. How do you even understand the gravity of difference between Australian and European women?

E) At the end of the day, you're not able to give a reasonable, sound, decent advice about how Australia rates with the rest of the world -- you're merely mimicking the consensus of the forums and reproducing a theatre of gestures, while relying on the forums ideology and commradrey to save you when an insult goes bad.

What are you talking about? I'm taking you at your word for everything you're saying about other countries. You can tell me stories about EE and how you got a location independent income and I can teach you about style, give you access to my social circle and tell you what venues are hot here right now for your visit. If you really think you can't learn anything from me that'll improve your life, your loss.

Are Australian girls ugly? - tonipepperoni - 08-24-2014

And Deluge, if I were to give you a piece of advice, I would encourage spending less time/money on Game and more time focussing on getting a location independent income and/or investigate how you can have a career elsewhere. 70% of your energy should be focused on that rather than learning game. Because while learning game and getting notches under your belt is good, having a reliable source of income at a young age is even better, more beneficial and involves less hamsterizing.

Are Australian girls ugly? - Deluge - 08-24-2014

Quote: (08-24-2014 01:36 AM)tonipepperoni Wrote:  

And Deluge, if I were to give you a piece of advice, I would encourage spending less time/money on Game and more time focussing on getting a location independent income and/or investigate how you can have a career elsewhere. 70% of your energy should be focused on that rather than learning game. Because while learning game and getting notches under your belt is good, having a reliable source of income at a young age is even better, more beneficial and involves less hamsterizing.

Word. I went through a long period where I was heavily focused on game to the exclusion of all else. Now that I'm getting a steady flow of new 6's and 7's and can have sex on demand, I've been going much harder at my career (aim is to pursue my career abroad by my mid 20's) and my physique. I think I've found the sweet spot now, all area's of my life are at a constant upward spiral yet I still have the time to balance them all.

Are Australian girls ugly? - tonipepperoni - 08-24-2014

I'm also going to contest the idea of living a 'Domesticated Lifestlyle' i.e.. getting Married and having children in a place like Australia. I feel in many ways, if you've been practising game for significant periods, then you'll achieve death by boredom by doing exactly that.

What we have to realise is that marriage, love and settling down are all concepts relative to Death. If none of us age, if we remain in a 25 year old body, none of us will be thinking about getting wed at the age of 35. Modern medicine is accelerating at a frightening pace that by the time someone of Deluge's age is 35, he'll have access to treatments which will prolong his youth, slow down the process and in some ways reverse it.

While some might think this is science fiction - I think it's something that will be seriously considered within the next few 4 years.

Also, I studied Law and did subjects in Family Law.. and I can tell you the numbers are against you, especially if you're a successful male. 50% of marriage end up in divorces, this is inclusive of all age cohorts. This is including those who lived in the 1950s world of beta-provider. And probably doesn't include the brat generation of instagram addicts who are exposed to 1000s of images a day of the opposite sex to flood their addiction for desire.

The numbers are definitely against you... coupled by the extremely slow pace of the city, the lack of beautiful women, the insular nature of city, the protected reality... in the end the only thing that would be keeping you alive is the happiness of your children. And if hypothetically they were to be taken away from you (50%+ probability), then you will be forever doomed, a slave, rummaging away in a world of mediocrity. It's Don Draper reality.

The problem with men is they hamsterize their abilities too much.
"The 50% of divorcees wont be me, I'm a winner"
"I will keep my game air tight and ensure my wife doesn't cheat on me cos I'm alpha as phuck"

In many ways I would like to have children. But I can no longer imagine myself in a 1950s domesticated lifestyle with picket fences and a submissive stepford wife. That in itself is a fantasy that's been handed down to us via TV. IT is also a behavior which we have tried to continue on from the previous more conservative generation who have lived in a completely different era.

Australia merely suits the nice guy chode who is content with his high school girlfriend.

Are Australian girls ugly? - DogsBreakfast - 08-24-2014

I agree with income being more important. But wtf do you do if you are horny all the time and dont want to bang ugly aussies. Having the balance is key. I do wish I didnt study finance and instead did programming in university. Zz bad life decisions.

Are Australian girls ugly? - Rush87 - 08-24-2014

Quote: (08-23-2014 02:26 AM)tonipepperoni Wrote:  

While I make compromises with the reality I am in wherever I go, you choose to look at things with rose coloured lenses.

False. I objectively weigh up the pros & cons relative to my own existence & subsequently draw my own conclusions. If I looked at Australia through a rose coloured lens I wouldn't have criticised it's many flaws.

Quote: (08-23-2014 02:26 AM)tonipepperoni Wrote:  

I even mentioned to you that while I like Scandanvian girls, their intelligence and femininity can't be matched with Eastern European girls. I even know men in stockholm who come from a specific blood line, aristocrats, spend ridiculous amounts of cash in stureplan, spend 2 months of the year in the Riviera...and tour NY, Milan, Paris regularly. They make mince of any life afforded to an Australian kid who went to an exclusive private boys school and remains insular in some inbred clique.

Two points:

1.) Some of the worlds highest concentrations of wealth attend many of the private schools across Sydney. I can provide specific reference points if need be. [PS: I'm not one of them. I had a scholarship. Akin to that horrible poor kid who got a free ride on the Titanic [Image: wink.gif]]

2.) 'Insular inbred clique' - Highly emotional? Are we posting on Jezabel?

Quote: (08-23-2014 02:26 AM)tonipepperoni Wrote:  

EE girls don't name drop philosophers and artists. It comes implicitly in conversation. The fact that you haven't realised this disparity is telling, because it is making me realise that you had a bitter experience there, and went crawling back to your 'mates' + 'family' + 'creature comforts'.

To enjoy conversation with someone who has little education on the topic suggests that you have little education on said topic yourself.

I.E Two medical enthusiasts could have a grand ol time discussing Pubmed articles but they wouldn't peak the interests of a medical researcher.

Personally I have little interest in discussing philosophy or poetry on a date. If it was one of my interests however, I would save my discussion for someone who had done a little more than read a few books.

Quote: (08-23-2014 02:26 AM)tonipepperoni Wrote:  

I'll give you a specific example. Yesterday, a girl asked me if I wanted to watch a 'Streetcar named desire'. In Australia a girl would ask me to watch Transformers.

You're right; but you appear to worry too much about female behaviour.

BTW: Transformers is successful for a reason. It's creators might eventually join those wealthy 'high brow' Swedes who monetarily tower over the lowly Australian lol.

Quote: (08-23-2014 02:26 AM)tonipepperoni Wrote:  

Another example, would be that post-sex, she would play beautiful songs from her own playlist. An Australian girl would play Kee$ha. Again, another dopamine infused artist. This girl played a blues song from the 70s which I never heard of.

This is an exaggeration; but of course yes, this is definitely on par with the average girl. In any case, you appear to take women far too seriously.

Quote: (08-23-2014 02:26 AM)tonipepperoni Wrote:  

- If she's a 9 then she has to resist the temptation of joining instagram and getting 1,000,000 followers.
- If she's a 9 she has to resist the temptation of having braindead 9/10 friends.
- She will have to scour book libraries for Russian and French authors, because Australian consumers seem to be more interested in Dan Brown.
- She has to resist the world of reality tv, game shows, and so-called lifestyle channels featuring a homosexual host.
- She will probably have to delete facebook, because eventually 1000 thirsty followers will accrue and she will begin to get high off her likes.
- She may force herself to stay home in doors, or live on the country estate, where she doesn't get approached 10 times a day.
- She will have to block all brain-dead news media that's trying to paint Putin as the next Adolf Hitler

Once again we keep coming back to the same continual anecdotal statements re: 'Australian Girls are Garbage' [With which I have already agreed].

I wonder though, why you so ferociously keep attacking Australian women when this entire forum has agreed with the statement?

Are you looking for marriage or a long term relationship? If not, I wonder why you take women so seriously? For many of the men on this forum, the first thing they learn is to avoid giving women that much credit. To avoid taking them too seriously...

At the end of the day, whilst there isn't many feminine female 9's, there are a strong portion of attractive women on any given night. Now assuming you intend on living the life of a bachelor, it would make sense that your emotional vitriol re: Australian women is due to bitter feelings derived from an inability to get laid by them.

Are Australian girls ugly? - tonipepperoni - 08-24-2014

My main concern with you Rush is that you're still adamant that with enough pick up skills, social circles, and cliques + looks, you can still date feminine + attractive women who match that of the creme de la creme of EE.

Effectively, what you're doing is wagging your dick and pretending that you have the best of both worlds: a mining economy, pleasant sunshine, beaches and babes at your disposal. While everyone suffers a sexless existence.

I'm here to tell you that being a private schooled brat in Australia doesn't do much. Neither is earning 300k+ upwards. Fame, Being Obnoxious i.e. a shit dj or a bouncer, will get you places with Australian girls, as is being a professional football player. Tradesmen get bonus points because it is a redneck reality after all.

I had approximately 5 groups of friends:
1) The private school boys and the old boys club who continuously pat each other on the back and ensure everyone is well taken care of

2) The white collar professionals, businessmen and successful guys who were earning over 350k+.

3) Younger guys in University/White collar, who were bros, and who partied a lot

4) An exchange student society which ensured I met european girls straight off the boat

5) Night club owners, promoters, bouncer friends

The latter 4 & 5 were the only true cohorts which yielded sex for me. The rest were simply circle jerking themselves in a sexless existence, and I believe you're not being genuine with your experiences and results and only worried about your online reputation, trying to qualify your sexless existence in Australia when really you're there because of its obvious creature comfort value.

The girls which you idolize -- the blonde beach babe, who you'd see in the photo gallery of the IVY were secretly fucking my Bouncer Friends who were all doing doses of anabolic steroids. Whenever my bouncer friends would get an off day, they would ring up their groupies and go on a night out in the town. Since one security company usually controls the nightclub circuit in an Australian city, we were extremely well treated by all the other bouncers who were on shift (free drink cards, express entry, no entry fee etc).

By 2AM the girls were literally falling over themselves on the dance floor, piss drunk and completely oblivious to their surroundings. Most of the bouncers who were on shift, were laughing at the girls and never removed them from the club. By the end of the night, all these sheilas ended up in my apartment in the city, and there were literally 6 people having sex in my house.

One of the girls was so intoxicated that she spewed into the mouth of my bouncer mate. It's the reason why, while I was in the sack with some girl that I heard him say 'Fuck, cunt, she spewed in my mouth'

I can guarantee that the girls you idolize are the whores that soiled my crib.

The only way you can justify your existence and your false sense of security is by qualifying myself as a sexually frustrated beta chode who couldn't get laid.

I believe your Oil & Gas contract with severe bouts of loneliness in insular areas has made you desire sex less and opt for a more cushioned lifestyle. But in the end you're hamsterizing yourself because you've made a decision at a certain point in life, and Australia successfully gamed and seduced you in the process. Rather than admit that you moved explicitly for family + cushioned sexless reality, you tried to display social value by telling the audience how you've got access to top 1% game.

You're also trying to make it seem as though I'm 100% Ruled by women in my life. If anything I have a pretty good supply of pussy at my disposal, I have to work for it, but I enjoy the entire process. Nowadays, I spend less time having to go through less aspergers texting game and retarded western courting mechanisms, and thus close, within a more efficient time.

For the most part I'm working on projects in a lucrative area and enjoying the mastery aspect of it.

You will probably never hear me complain about women in the locations such as London, Scandinavia (including Denmark), and America.. which many people on here have issues with.

Are Australian girls ugly? - tonipepperoni - 08-24-2014


Personally I have little interest in discussing philosophy or poetry on a date. If it was one of my interests however, I would save my discussion for someone who had done a little more than read a few books.

I don't know what your interests are Rush, but the obvious difference is, if they're deep, complex and are probably some form of Art (It could be that you're a investment banker, who knows), I can tell you that the EE girl will be more emotionally invested and attracted to you because of it, and willing to learn more about it and become more interested in it in the process, because in general she has a higher attention span, and also because you're in the center of her reality.

A 9/10 in Australia will have extreme difficulty having a man in the center of her existence, having been thwarted along by dude-approaches consistently, validated daily and exposed to ridiculous forms of entertainment which will ultimately deteriorate her attention span.

This is patently obvious to anyone who has been in EE and has dated/bedded the women there.

Are Australian girls ugly? - Deluge - 08-24-2014

@tonipepperoni I am extremely skeptical of the experience Rush87 claims in this thread right now considering he said this two weeks ago.

Are Australian girls ugly? - tonipepperoni - 08-24-2014

Quote: (08-24-2014 03:53 AM)DogsBreakfast Wrote:  

I agree with income being more important. But wtf do you do if you are horny all the time and dont want to bang ugly aussies. Having the balance is key. I do wish I didnt study finance and instead did programming in university. Zz bad life decisions.

I used to target university exchange societies where fresh off the boat Europeans would get fucked within the first 4-8 weeks.
After that they became more reclusive and no one would get laid.
Student societies in general were much better sources than nightclub.
The girls however are not representative of the quality in the motherland.

As mentioned, I also lived in a hotel and I met girls in the recreational facility who were there on short stays.

Make friends with guys who work security + promoters.

Drink less and go to the gym.

Alternatively just save money and do cheap trips to obvious scoring locations.

Are Australian girls ugly? - tonipepperoni - 08-24-2014

Quote: (08-24-2014 06:18 AM)Deluge Wrote:  

@tonipepperoni I am extremely skeptical of the experience Rush87 claims in this thread right now considering he said this two weeks ago.

For someone who got a scholarship to a private school, wouldn't it be more wise to study for the HSC than go out with a fake id and game birds? [Image: tard.gif][Image: tard.gif]

Are Australian girls ugly? - Deluge - 08-24-2014

Australia's obesity levels are now on par with the United States. Control for race, and white Australians have to have much higher obesity rate then white Americans, since Australia has infinitely less Blacks and Hispanics (who are fatter) and more Whites and Asians (who are thinner).