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General Stalin's Progress Thread - Dr. Howard - 09-06-2016

Quote: (09-06-2016 01:31 AM)General Stalin Wrote:  

Thanks man. Interesting I just watched a video on it. I will try that out next timer I do back at the gym.

I've taken a few days off now and my back is feeling decent. Have not been stretching as much as I should be though. I think the next couple days I'm going to see where my Bench and OHP max is at seeing as how I'm at the end of my 2nd training cycle.

Most gyms don't have them, but if yours has a trap bar it does something similar. I like them.

General Stalin's Progress Thread - General Stalin - 09-06-2016

Yeah my gym has more than 1 I think. That will be with a try too.

General Stalin's Progress Thread - General Stalin - 09-14-2016

Been a week since I've posted wanted to give an update:

I took about a week off from lifting to try and let my back recover a bit and just deload a little. Back has been feeling better but still not 100%. I went to the gym a couple days ago and decided I would try for a bench PR. Still couldn't press 245. I'm going to blame it on taking a week off, and maybe inadequate warmup as I refuse to believe I couldn't gain 10 lbs on my max after 2 months of this training. My bench definitely seems to have been getting stronger so that was pretty discouraging. I am lifting more weight now at higher volume and with better technique than I could before when I maxed at 235.

It's alright. I'll get there just need to keep at it and train closer to my max if I want my max to go up.

General Stalin's Progress Thread - dies irae - 09-14-2016

I used to suffer lower back pain too. It was so bad that I was dreading the leg days.

I carefully analyzed the exercises I did and decided that dumbbell split squats and back extensions are the reasons for my lower back pain.

For the last two months I eliminated these two exercises from my training and I solved my lower back pain problem.

I replaced dumbbell split squats with low weight high volume squats. I didn't replace back extensions with anything. I just ditched them.

My point is, some replaceable exercises could be the enemy of your lower back.

Hope this helps.

General Stalin's Progress Thread - H1N1 - 09-14-2016

Quote: (09-14-2016 12:31 AM)General Stalin Wrote:  

Been a week since I've posted wanted to give an update:

I took about a week off from lifting to try and let my back recover a bit and just deload a little. Back has been feeling better but still not 100%. I went to the gym a couple days ago and decided I would try for a bench PR. Still couldn't press 245. I'm going to blame it on taking a week off, and maybe inadequate warmup as I refuse to believe I couldn't gain 10 lbs on my max after 2 months of this training. My bench definitely seems to have been getting stronger so that was pretty discouraging. I am lifting more weight now at higher volume and with better technique than I could before when I maxed at 235.

It's alright. I'll get there just need to keep at it and train closer to my max if I want my max to go up.

Don't be too discouraged. There are many ways to measure strength, particularly as you start putting up bigger numbers where progress is harder to come by. Even if your top set weights don't move, turning a 3 rep max into a 5 rep max represents a serious improvement in strength.

What you may be seeing an example of here is an end to linear progress associated with refinement of technique. If you have achieved the maximum efficiency technique-wise for your bench (as a non-professional, not receiving specific coaching), then there are no more gains to come by using this form through increased efficiency. That means your only option is to get stronger, and you do this by doing exactly what you're doing - using lighter weights for higher volume. You're at a point where you should be pleased to be adding 30-50lbs per year to your bench, if that. That may mean working for 4 months just to add 10lbs. It's important to accept this fact and just do the work in the meantime that will slowly bring progress.

General Stalin's Progress Thread - General Stalin - 09-14-2016

Thanks man. That makes a lot of sense. I mean, I am making gains in some way absolutely. Like I said there is a tangible gain in my abilities in the 80%-90% range so what I have been doing is working in some fashion.

General Stalin's Progress Thread - General Stalin - 09-21-2016

Restarting my program again this week and planning to be more strict while also adding some every-workout staples.

I will be doing some sort of squat every workout, shrugs every workout, pullups every workout, and eccentric leg curls to strengthen my weak right hamstring. I will also be doing 10-20 minutes of stretching and mobility for my back, hips, and hamstrings.

I benched yesterday and was feeling pretty weak but I sort of expected it since I just came back from a work trip and didn't set foot in a gym all week. Going to squat tonight.

Weight is still at 205 which I'm happy with considering for about 2 straight weeks now I have not been keeping up with diet or spending much time in the gym. Time to get back to the grind stone and make more gains here.

General Stalin's Progress Thread - General Stalin - 09-22-2016

Squat last night also was weak. Definitely not able to dive back in after 2 weeks like nothing happened.

Squat 1 x 8 x 115
1 x 8 x 135
1 x 5 x 185
1 x 3 x 225
2 x 3 x 255
1 x 3 x 245

I dropped the weight down for my last set because that 255 was feeling really heavy for me. Need to ease back into it a bit I suppose.

Eccentric Leg curl - 3 x 8 x 5 >SS> Leg Press - 3 x 15 x 200 >SS> Calf Raise - 3 x 15 x 200

Pull up - 3 x 6 >SS> Shrug - 3 x 20 x 180

Lower back is feeling a little tight today but not too bad. My chest, shoulders, and lats are feeling some DOMS from bench two days ago though. Forgot what that feels like.

Weight 204.2 lbs.

General Stalin's Progress Thread - General Stalin - 09-23-2016

OHP last night. Same deal, not quite as strong coming back into the gym as I was when I stopped 2 weeks ago.

OHP - 1 x 8 x 75
1 x 8 x 95
1 x 4 x 115
3 x 4 x 125 (I had a couple missed reps in these sets)

DB Press - 3 x 10 x 50 >SS> Shrugs 3 x 25 x 180

Side Lat Raise - 3 x 12 x 20 >SS> Front Lat Raise - 3 x 10 x 30 >SS> Seated Row - 3 x 15 x 70

I had plans and was about to run into them time-wise so I cute my workout short and didn't do my every-workout movements (squats, pull ups, leg curl). Feeling some pretty heft DOMS in my legs from Squat the other day now.

Weight: 204.6 lbs.

General Stalin's Progress Thread - redbeard - 09-23-2016

If you want to prioritize your "every day lifts," do them first. If you're doing them everyday you should not be training to failure or doing any super intense rep schemes, so it won't hinder your other lifts. I am focusing on doing abs everyday, and doing them first helps immensely. I walk in and discipline myself "no lifting until abs are done!" It's annoying but has kept me stuck to routine.

General Stalin's Progress Thread - General Stalin - 09-23-2016

Thats a great tip thanks. I've just got into this mode of doing my heavy lifts first before anything else but I think that makes a lot of sense instead of just super setting them randomly with other movements.

General Stalin's Progress Thread - General Stalin - 09-27-2016

Deadlifted for the first time yesterday in a long time. Kept it real light. Working sets were just doubles of 225 but felt pretty good. Kept my technique very tight. Straight back and a lot of focus on hamstring/glute activation.

DL - 1 x 8 x 95
1 x 6 x 135
1 x 3 x 185
6 x 2 x 225

Eccentric leg curls - 3 x 8 x 5

Single arm DB row - 3 x 10 x 60 >SS> Face pulls - 3 x 12 x 80 >SS> Shrugs - 3 x 20 x 200

Pendlay Row - 3 x 12 x 95 >SS> Sissy Squats - 3 x 10 >SS> Pull Up 2 x 5/1 x 3 (failure)

Light today at 202 lbs. In Colombia for the next week but will be getting a trial membership at the local gym and staying on schedule lifting.

General Stalin's Progress Thread - General Stalin - 10-11-2016

Took a slight step backwards with all the traveling I did this past month and my gym/diet routine has been dodgy. I've lost a few lbs and my lifts seem to have suffered from lack of consistency.

Starting a new program this week that I'm sort of frankenstein-ing together myself. I will be benching, squating, and deadlifting twice a week and will try to touch heavier weights on my main lifts 3 days out of the week. It will look something like this:

Day 1: Bench Press - work up to a heavy double, then drop weight and do 3 x 4/4 x 3 sort of rep scheme (10-15 reps moderate intensity) - then upper body accessory work for chest, tris, and lats
Day 2: Squat w/ DL variant - Same as above basically with squat, and then some sort of lower intensity DL (maybe lightweight deficits, rack pulls, romanian, etc.) then lower body accessory + core
Day 3: Bench variant/speed work - This day I will not go heavy. I will focus more on variable movements. Maybe close grip work, pause bench, and will also use this day to OHP and work on shoulders
Day 4: DL w/ Squat variant - Work up to a heavy double the back off same as Day 1 and 2 but with DL - then lower intensity Squat variant (front squat, pause squat, high bar, etc) then back accessory

I will also work-in certain exercises every workout: Stretches for my back, hips, glutes, and hamstrings - shrugs - pull ups - eccentric leg curls to strengthen my weak right hamstring if anyone knows a better way to treat a weak hamstring and gain back ROM then please let me know.

Rest and repeat.

I think this will be a fun program and continually working up close to my max will hopefully train my muscles to get use to heavier weight and get my strength to go up. As the weeks go by I will move my training sets up in weight if they feel easier.

Day 1 yesterday easing back into it. I did bench but got fatigued quickly as my body has fallen out of the routine of lifting 5-6 times a week. My chest and shoulders were feeling burnt out working up to my heavy double so I had to call it quits early and focused on accessory work.

Stretches ~10-15 mins.

Shrugs - 3 x 20 x 210 >SS> Pullups 3 x 5 (forgot to do leg curls)

Bench - 1 x 6 x 95
1 x 10 x 135
1 x 5 x 185
1 x 3 x 205
1 x 1 x 225 (failed rep - fatigue)
1 x 2 x 195 (still fatigued after adequate rest so I stoppped there)

Decline DB flys - 3 x 12 x 20 >SS> Incline seated DB Curls - 3 x 12 x 20 >SS> DB Kickbacks - 2 x 12 x 20

Facepulls - 3 x 12 x 70 >SS> Tri pulldowns w/ rope - 3 x 12 x 70

Weight: 201.2 lbs.

General Stalin's Progress Thread - weambulance - 10-11-2016

After my knee surgery I rowed a lot (on a Concept2) to get my ROM back. It helps with both flexion and extension.

For hamstring strength I mostly just did compound lifts that hit the hamstrings, and heavy kettlebell swings. Nothing else I tried, in PT or out, really helped fix the consequences of my injury (severe loss of strength, loose ankle joint) until I started lifting again. Deep squatting went a long way toward getting my full ROM flexion back too. I don't like isolation exercises.

That's what worked for me, IDK about everyone else. Note, physical therapists didn't recommend that stuff.

General Stalin's Progress Thread - redbeard - 10-11-2016

Single leg deadlifts are a highly underrated exercise. I started doing them for balance purposes after injuring my ankles (basketball) but continue to utilize them as a hamstring/glute isolator.

General Stalin's Progress Thread - General Stalin - 10-12-2016

Quote: (10-11-2016 09:11 PM)redbeard Wrote:  

Single leg deadlifts are a highly underrated exercise. I started doing them for balance purposes after injuring my ankles (basketball) but continue to utilize them as a hamstring/glute isolator.

Thanks I didn't even think of that. Good one!

General Stalin's Progress Thread - realologist - 10-12-2016

I had a partial tear on my hamstring this spring. What I did for rehab was.

Single leg deadlift(Redbeard already covered)
Stiff-Legged Deadlift
Weighted Back extensions like this but holding a plate or two.
[Image: back-extension-exercise.jpg]

Doing this I built my strength up and my hamstring is 100%. Took about 8-9 weeks to fully recover though.

General Stalin's Progress Thread - General Stalin - 10-13-2016

Had a good workout last night. Did squats and can already feel my strength starting to come back.

Squat - 1 x 6 x 95
1 x 8 x 135
1 x 5 x 185
1 x 4 x 225
1 x 3 x 255
1 x 2 x 275
3 x 4 x 225

Eccentric Leg curls - 3 x 8 x 10 >SS> Pull up 3 x 5 >SS> Shrug 3 x 20 x 200

Straight Leg DL - 3 x 8 x 135

Weight 201.4 lbs.

General Stalin's Progress Thread - General Stalin - 10-14-2016

Another another good day yesterday. Had my sort of Bench Accessory/OHP day. Also tried Single Leg DL with kettle bell like RB mentioned and it felt great. Really feeling a good stretch and today my hamstrings feel sufficiently worked.

After stretching I did:

Single Leg DL - 3 x 10 x 25 >SS> Pull up - 3 x 5 >SS> Shrugs - 3 x 20 x 200

Close Grip Bench Press - 1 x 8 x 95
1 x 10 x 135
3 x 10 x 155

OHP - 1 x 8 x 95
1 x 6 x 115
1 x 3 x 125
3 x 6 x 115

Side lat. raises - 3 x 10 x 25 >SS> DB flys - 3 x 10 x 25 >SS> Reverse bent over DB flys - 3 x 10 x 25

Hamstrings feel sore today, as well as upper back/lats and lower back (in a good way for a change)

Weight yesterday was: 205 lbs.

I ate pretty big the night before and throughout the day so I don't think that extra ~4 lbs is going to stay on me at the moment but I am getting back on my diet and putting weight back on so thats good.

Since my back is feeling sore I may take today to rest and then hit the gym tomorrow for DL and squat variation.

General Stalin's Progress Thread - General Stalin - 10-20-2016

Been a few days since I updated so I'll just give some cliff notes:

Lifts are coming back. Squatted last night and it was night-and-day stronger than my last squat. Started off the same way working up to a heavy double using the same weights and same reps, but this time did 3 reps of 275. Squat felt strong last night. Instead of dropping back to 225 I worked with 245 and it still felt a little light so I also upped reps. Squatted 2 x 3 x 245 then 2 x 4 x 245.

Back is feeling pretty good these days. Last night when I did my stretches my lower back didn't even feel stiff. Typically my first stretch is a sort of fetal position where I lay on my mid-upper back and hug my knees to stretch my lumbar/tailbone area. That usually is uncomfortable and I need to hold that stretch 3 times for 30 seconds before my back loosens up. Last night my back was already loose when I started stretching.

Bench the night before I worked up to 225 for 1 but it was a little ugly. Should have gone for 215 for 2 instead but I know I can do 225 for 2 from past experience so I was trying to make that my heavy double set. Next time. Bench is slowly coming back as well.

I've been focusing a lot on DL form and really trying to concentrate on engaging my posterior chain more. I've been doing a lot of movements and stretches focused on the hamstrings, hips, and glutes and I think it's gradually starting to make a difference. Since RB turned me on to single-leg DL I've been switching back and forth between eccentric leg curls and SLDL with kettle bell every other workout. Been practicing stiff leg deadlifts on my squat days and those are also helping.

Also did a couple Atlas stones last night with some of the strongman guys just for fun. Lifted 165 and 205 onto the platform wasn't too bad and didn't hurt my back, though I did get some serious roadrash on my forearms (now I know why they wrap their arms).

Weight lastnight was 203.6 lbs.

General Stalin's Progress Thread - redbeard - 10-20-2016

Glad to hear the SLDL have joined your routine, are you really feeling the squeeze with those? I regularly see people butchering them and a part of me dies each time.

General Stalin's Progress Thread - General Stalin - 10-20-2016

It's entirely possible the my form is shitty when doing them. I do them with a pretty stiff leg minimal knee bend with my other leg pointed out perpendicular behind me for balance. I feel a stretch in my hamstring on the way down for sure, but the way back up I feel my back is doing a little more work than my leg/hip.

General Stalin's Progress Thread - General Stalin - 11-10-2016

I've been a lazy piece of shit lately and letting myself get distracted from going to the gym. I have no good excuses really, just fucking up my priorities. Let this be a lesson to any readers on what a terrible thing lack of consistency in your training can really be.

I hadn't lifted in about a week. Hit the gym a couple nights ago and did bench. Felt weak as shit and also down 5 lbs. which is also having an effect. Weight that I could do for 4+ reps on any given day a couple months ago was a grinder getting 2 reps. Need to get back to work, back to eating, and back to sleep.



Eccentric single leg curl (machine) - 3 x 8 x 35 >SS> Pull up - 3 x 7 >SS> Shrugs w/ rickshaw - 3 x 25 x 210

Bench Press - 1 x 10 x 95
1 x 8 x 135
1 x 4 x 185
1 x 2 x 205 (2nd rep was grind)
3 x 4 x 185

Cable X-over - 3 x 12 x 40 >SS> Tri-pull down w/ rope - 3 x 12 x 80 >SS> Dips 3 x 10 (last 2 sets were to failure/forced reps)

Seated row - 3 x 12 x 110 >SS> Back Hyper - 3 x 12 x 100

I'm grateful my lower back pain seems to no longer be an issue, though I still need to work out this hamstring imbalance. Weight: 200 lbs.

Time to get back to being serious. A lifting buddy I used to work out with 2-3 times a week moved away last month which has been discouraging as it made lifting more fun when we lifted together and we also held eachother more accountable and hit PR's together so it was very motivational. That's fine. I shouldn't need to rely on anyone but me to make gains.

General Stalin's Progress Thread - General Stalin - 11-11-2016

Skwaaats last night. Was a decent workout, though again noticing a little less strength after inconsistent training.


Single Leg DL w/ Kettle bell - 3 x 10 x 45 >SS> Pull up - 3 x 7 >SS> Shrugs w/ rickshaw - 3 x 25 x 210

Squat - 1 x 8 x 105
1 x 6 x 145
1 x 5 x 185
1 x 4 x 235
1 x 1 x 285 (I actually attempted a 2nd rep but failed)
3 x 4 x 235

Leg Press - 3 x 12 x 290 >SS> Leg Press Calf Raise - 3 x 12 x 290

Leg Curl Machine - 2 x 15 x 45/ 3 x 15 x 55 (first 2 sets were not heavy enough)

Seated calf raise - 1 x 20 x 85/1 x 20 x 90/1 x 20 x 135 (new machine at the gym was try to find a weight that felt taxing enough)

All in all a pretty decent workout though pretty low energy. Need to get my diet back in gear. A couple guys in my gym who have been around my strength level have been bulking up some and lifting bigger weight. Getting me a little envious - need to get back on the wagon for real.

General Stalin's Progress Thread - General Stalin - 11-17-2016

Glad I am finally getting back in the gym. Hit a milestone during DL day the other night.

Finally hit 315 again for a couple singles after not touching that kind of weight for months.

Form was not perfect but I wanted to prove to myself that my strength was still there/coming back and it is for sure. A month ago I was not able to DL 315. That said, my bench still needs to catch back up after taking all that time of and being inconsistent with my training. Bench day a couple nights ago I was only able to hit 205 for a double and it felt heavy. Did 3 sets of 4 reps @ 185 after.

I might scrap my current program and go back to doing that GZCL-based program I was running during the summer. It was fun and I was making great progress with technique and being comfortable with working in the 85% - 90% range.

Finally did some grocery shopping the other day too and am getting my diet back in order. I'm still down about 5+ lbs from what I was previously which I believe is also affecting my lifts.