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How to get laid on okcupid like a boss - Gmac - 04-15-2011

Quote: (04-15-2011 08:06 AM)Samseau Wrote:  

Quote: (04-15-2011 06:07 AM)NeVerGymLess Wrote:  

Quote: (04-13-2011 07:23 PM)Roosh Wrote:  

I side with Samseau. Online game helps very little in IRL. It would be like training for squats by doing deadlifts. They look sort of similar to a newb, but they are in fact quite different.

Not sure if serious? If you have a heavy squat , unless your form is shit , you will have a heavy dead lift. Boxsquats work the same muscles as deads.

But if you have a heavy dead lift, will you have a heavy squat (if you've never done squats before)?

The whole point of online game is to meet girls to fuck/date. If you have poor game then you will bomb on your dates.

Online game gives you excellent targets, because if a girl is willing to meet then she is clearly interested in you. If you use online game to improve your game, you're wasting really good targets to learn game when you could have learned game on bitches who don't matter.

I think a lot of guys are confused about what game is. Game is just the process of building attraction/interest of a girl, and then making her comfortable enough to have sex with you. You don't even need to have sex with a girl to learn game (otherwise virgins would stay virgins) nor will having sex with a girl teach you game (otherwise you could fuck prostitutes to learn game). Where, I ask, does online game provide you with the chance to build attraction and/or comfort? Until you've met her, then you cannot game her. Online game sets up an extra barrier, if anything, through the enormous bullshit which is your dating profile, your messages, your screen name, etc.

And just to prove my point:

Here, we have some guy who was interesting enough on paper to get this girl's attention. But he was a gameless beta on the date, and she lost all interest in him before she even left the restaurant.

Imagine if he had game. He could have worked that lizard into a frenzy and gone for a kiss, then fuck close or 2nd date.

The blog above is pretty cliche, right down to her "True Love" being a picture of a cat.

She looks like a bitch anyway -- those glasses are another thing I can't stand in DC. These are today's american women who will disqualify you for the smallest detail. This is why evasive answers, re-framing, and overall game is so important.

How to get laid on okcupid like a boss - mtwersk22 - 04-15-2011

How long is good before texting after the first date??

How to get laid on okcupid like a boss - kerouac - 04-15-2011

Quote: (04-15-2011 08:06 AM)Samseau Wrote:  

And just to prove my point:

That's an interesting link, I clicked one post previous to the one you posted:

What I then understood is that girls go through "Casual Dating" in the U.S., getting a taste of all the different higher-value cock, to have unrealistically high-expectations out of the guy they settle down with BECAUSE they think these guys who are willing to take a dip into their punanis must like them for who-they-are (or their value). Then when a girl like this goes on a date with a good-looking MD/PhD who is most likely way out of her league she thinks she's in the Major Leagues, only to realize some-time out of her prime that she was nothing more than a backup ballboy. Surprisingly though, this conclusion probably won't escape her lips (or was battled away in her mind) because, oh look, feminist literature says she is Da Bomb, Girrrrl!

How to get laid on okcupid like a boss - mtwersk22 - 04-15-2011

Quote: (04-15-2011 10:52 AM)mtwersk22 Wrote:  

How long is good before texting after the first date??


How to get laid on okcupid like a boss - NeVerGymLess - 04-15-2011

Quote: (04-15-2011 08:06 AM)Samseau Wrote:  

Quote: (04-15-2011 06:07 AM)NeVerGymLess Wrote:  

Quote: (04-13-2011 07:23 PM)Roosh Wrote:  

I side with Samseau. Online game helps very little in IRL. It would be like training for squats by doing deadlifts. They look sort of similar to a newb, but they are in fact quite different.

Not sure if serious? If you have a heavy squat , unless your form is shit , you will have a heavy dead lift. Boxsquats work the same muscles as deads.

But if you have a heavy dead lift, will you have a heavy squat (if you've never done squats before)?

The whole point of online game is to meet girls to fuck/date. If you have poor game then you will bomb on your dates.

Online game gives you excellent targets, because if a girl is willing to meet then she is clearly interested in you. If you use online game to improve your game, you're wasting really good targets to learn game when you could have learned game on bitches who don't matter.

I think a lot of guys are confused about what game is. Game is just the process of building attraction/interest of a girl, and then making her comfortable enough to have sex with you. You don't even need to have sex with a girl to learn game (otherwise virgins would stay virgins) nor will having sex with a girl teach you game (otherwise you could fuck prostitutes to learn game). Where, I ask, does online game provide you with the chance to build attraction and/or comfort? Until you've met her, then you cannot game her. Online game sets up an extra barrier, if anything, through the enormous bullshit which is your dating profile, your messages, your screen name, etc.

And just to prove my point:

Here, we have some guy who was interesting enough on paper to get this girl's attention. But he was a gameless beta on the date, and she lost all interest in him before she even left the restaurant.

Imagine if he had game. He could have worked that lizard into a frenzy and gone for a kiss, then fuck close or 2nd date.

The blog above is pretty cliche, right down to her "True Love" being a picture of a cat.

My boy TommyTuffGuy off has a threesome with new girls every week from POF. If you're ugly , you will be better off in gaming at the bars , but if you're a 7 + , online game is so easy . I have a date with a hot bikini fitness competitor tomorrow night. Sunday , I'm meeting up with a hot 18 year old . I could make a date for every day of the week , just off POF game. Both girls msg me first. I dont even have to try .

How to get laid on okcupid like a boss - Kickb - 04-15-2011

Yeah you are right about it being easy. i have had quite a few girls message me on cupid. all but one have not been attractive enough to make me want to meet up with them, but in this instance,im ok with sitting back and waiting.

This particular message made me laugh

I am a bbeautiful Princess who is looking for her Prince. And who knows may be I have already found him.
If you areintterested to get to know me, please, write me back soon and I will send you adetailed letter with my picture.
Answer me on [email protected].
I am waiting for your letter impatiently.

here is her pic:" loading="lazy" alt="[Image: 17158937275421103568.jpeg]" class="mycode_img img-responsive" />


How to get laid on okcupid like a boss - Gmac - 04-15-2011

Quote: (04-15-2011 01:45 PM)kickboxer Wrote:  

Yeah you are right about it being easy. i have had quite a few girls message me on cupid. all but one have not been attractive enough to make me want to meet up with them, but in this instance,im ok with sitting back and waiting.

This particular message made me laugh

I am a bbeautiful Princess who is looking for her Prince. And who knows may be I have already found him.
If you areintterested to get to know me, please, write me back soon and I will send you adetailed letter with my picture.
Answer me on [email protected].
I am waiting for your letter impatiently.

here is her pic:

her self summary:
I am someone who is comfortable in a pair of jeans, i dont drink nor smoke nor used drugs.i like the outdoors as i like to just stay at home. hang around the house getting my hands dirty in the yard.

im meeting her for drinks and going for the bang in the bathroom.

no not really, she seems pretty damn stupid.

what do you guys think of this girl


First one looks like a typical scammer to me dude because of the message. Second I wouldn't touch, I'm assuming she's the one on the left?

P.S. You gotta fix your img tag.

How to get laid on okcupid like a boss - Chad Daring - 04-15-2011

Quote: (04-15-2011 08:06 AM)Samseau Wrote:  

Online game gives you excellent targets, because if a girl is willing to meet then she is clearly interested in you. If you use online game to improve your game, you're wasting really good targets to learn game when you could have learned game on bitches who don't matter.

This one I'll definitely agree with. This is something I hadn't though of before, but you're also assuming that after a month or so of practice, getting your game tight, that these girls are even gonna be there. From what I've seen on PoF its a HUGE revolving door.

There's no way that all the girls that fall off the radar are hooking up and bedding down, most are probably getting frustrated with lamers and betas. I figure, why not take a shot at them before they get swamped by all the other guys.

Quote: (04-15-2011 08:06 AM)Samseau Wrote:  

I think a lot of guys are confused about what game is. Game is just the process of building attraction/interest of a girl, and then making her comfortable enough to have sex with you. You don't even need to have sex with a girl to learn game (otherwise virgins would stay virgins) nor will having sex with a girl teach you game (otherwise you could fuck prostitutes to learn game). Where, I ask, does online game provide you with the chance to build attraction and/or comfort? Until you've met her, then you cannot game her. Online game sets up an extra barrier, if anything, through the enormous bullshit which is your dating profile, your messages, your screen name, etc.

I used to approach online dating in a very C&C way (granted I approached ALL dating that way at the time) and I never got anywhere. I would get maybe one reply out of 50. I've now shifted everything and made my profile and my messages based around the same fundamentals that are in Bang and are talked about on these forums.

Playing it cool, being aloof, showing disinterest, being direct, DHV, ect.

I dont really see how online game is much different then phone/text game. The only thing that online lacks is the practice of approaches, which is something thats damn important. If you completely replaced going out to bars with online dating then I'd agree with you, you would never learn true game, but when used in unison they work great together.

Also, the extra barrier you talked about doesnt really seem to even be there, from what I'm experiencing. The profiles are just a formality, they're bullshit. The couple dates I've set up for this weekend throughout this past week agreed to go out with me THEN looked at my profile. The information I posted on my page had nothing to do with them wanting to go out with me, it was all what I said to them.

The one big safezone that online dating does give you, and this is the thing that I could see being the biggest issue if you became to reliant on it, is that you aren't under a time crunch. You send a message, girl replies, you then have fuckall time to respond, where in a bar you have to talk NOW. As I said before though, I cant see how online game is going to hurt you if you're also going out weekly and practicing your game for real.

Quote: (04-15-2011 08:06 AM)Samseau Wrote:  

Here, we have some guy who was interesting enough on paper to get this girl's attention. But he was a gameless beta on the date, and she lost all interest in him before she even left the restaurant.

Imagine if he had game. He could have worked that lizard into a frenzy and gone for a kiss, then fuck close or 2nd date.

The blog above is pretty cliche, right down to her "True Love" being a picture of a cat.

Couldn't this be the same as a really good looking guy getting a girls attention out in a bar, yet he has no game so he completely flops with every girl he talks with?

How to get laid on okcupid like a boss - Chad Daring - 04-15-2011

Quote: (04-15-2011 12:01 PM)mtwersk22 Wrote:  

Quote: (04-15-2011 10:52 AM)mtwersk22 Wrote:  

How long is good before texting after the first date??


I believe its recommended to wait till late the next day, and never that same night.

How to get laid on okcupid like a boss - Samseau - 04-15-2011

Quote: (04-15-2011 10:54 AM)kerouac Wrote:  

Quote: (04-15-2011 08:06 AM)Samseau Wrote:  

And just to prove my point:

That's an interesting link, I clicked one post previous to the one you posted:

What I then understood is that girls go through "Casual Dating" in the U.S., getting a taste of all the different higher-value cock, to have unrealistically high-expectations out of the guy they settle down with BECAUSE they think these guys who are willing to take a dip into their punanis must like them for who-they-are (or their value). Then when a girl like this goes on a date with a good-looking MD/PhD who is most likely way out of her league she thinks she's in the Major Leagues, only to realize some-time out of her prime that she was nothing more than a backup ballboy. Surprisingly though, this conclusion probably won't escape her lips (or was battled away in her mind) because, oh look, feminist literature says she is Da Bomb, Girrrrl!

GMAC - She's definitely a entitled bitch, no question.

But K, yeah, she's just the typical Roissy girl: Wasting her youth chasing men out of her league until she's forced to settle by her decline sexual market value. But it's not just Feminism, it's our entire America culture which feeds a young woman's ego to unsustainable proportions.


So what hurts the most about The Lawyer (and even HS Boy) going kaputz is not losing some stupid guy. It's that I feel like I disrespected myself. Had I done things differently (ex: acted more confidently, addressed issues sooner), maybe The Lawyer would have never turned out to be a jerk? Did I have a hand in my own sabotage? And then I realized, no. Well mostly, no. The only thing being more assertive would have done is weed him out sooner.

I, personally, need to start demanding more than text messages and tentative dinner plans that are contingent on "how busy" he is. If you want to date me, prove it. Prove your worth it. Start by calling me, not texting me. For a date, confirm a time and place, and stick with it. Have a plan, don't ask me if "there's anything I want to do." Take an interest in getting to know me. Show me you care, and I'll do the same.

[Image: puke.gif]

How to get laid on okcupid like a boss - oldnemesis - 04-15-2011

Quote: (04-15-2011 12:10 PM)NeVerGymLess Wrote:  

My boy TommyTuffGuy off has a threesome with new girls every week from POF.

Dude, you're bragging to yourself. As for me, I don't believe anything you say.

How to get laid on okcupid like a boss - gringochileno - 04-15-2011

I don't understand why people are criticizing online game for not improving your game. Sure, it won't improve your approach game--duh, you're not doing approaches! I think it's a great way to tighten up your date and seduction game, though. Going on a date off of OKCupid is going to get me into a late game situation a lot more often than doing a random approach, and I've been on so many dates at my standard first date venues that I'm getting pretty consistent at getting a makeout and getting the girl back to my place, partly thanks to practicing on chicks I've met over OKC.

How to get laid on okcupid like a boss - Chad Daring - 04-15-2011

Is anyone running both OKC and PoF? Does one have any obvious advantages over the other?

How to get laid on okcupid like a boss - oldnemesis - 04-15-2011

Quote: (04-15-2011 08:06 AM)Samseau Wrote:  

Where, I ask, does online game provide you with the chance to build attraction and/or comfort?

It does indeed. After all, you admitted it yourself that people do dates with those they met online, so you'd assume there is at least some level of attraction and comfort.


Until you've met her, then you cannot game her. Online game sets up an extra barrier, if anything, through the enormous bullshit which is your dating profile, your messages, your screen name, etc.

Yes, but it also has its advantages. Can you approach 20 attractive chicks in a bar? No, you cannot, just because it is hard to find a bar with 20 attractive chicks. But you can do it online in ten minutes. Your chance of rejection online is higher, but you easily compensate for it by casting a wider net and approaching more people.


Here, we have some guy who was interesting enough on paper to get this girl's attention. But he was a gameless beta on the date, and she lost all interest in him before she even left the restaurant.

Imagine if he had game. He could have worked that lizard into a frenzy and gone for a kiss, then fuck close or 2nd date.

There may be a lot of reasons why he didn't game her. Just read her blog - I wouldn't game her as well even if she was 10, which she could not be. And she says nothing, for example, if she had recent pictures in her profile, and not those where she had long blonde hair and weighted 40lbs less. There are millions of reasons the guy might wish he didn't have this date at the first place. And it was a dinner date, so it is not possible to just make an excuse and leave.

How to get laid on okcupid like a boss - oldnemesis - 04-15-2011

Quote: (04-15-2011 01:45 PM)kickboxer Wrote:  

Answer me on [email protected].

That is a typical spam bot. You send "her" email, and you get back a link to some scam site with "her naked pictures", where you would be asked for your credit card number.

How to get laid on okcupid like a boss - NeVerGymLess - 04-15-2011

Quote: (04-15-2011 06:35 PM)oldnemesis Wrote:  

Quote: (04-15-2011 12:10 PM)NeVerGymLess Wrote:  

My boy TommyTuffGuy off has a threesome with new girls every week from POF.

Dude, you're bragging to yourself. As for me, I don't believe anything you say.

[Image: soeasy.jpg]

Uploaded with

Learn the game son. Just because you suck at it, doesn't mean we suck.

Ohh and tommy has a face book page just for threesome, he also uploads pics of him banging girls every other day.

How to get laid on okcupid like a boss - NeVerGymLess - 04-15-2011

[Image: toogreat.jpg]

Uploaded with

Im so far ahead of this game, I get 2 pages of msgs a day now. Setting up DTF's while on the can.

haters gonna hate..... [Image: catlady.gif] winning[Image: banana.gif]

How to get laid on okcupid like a boss - NeVerGymLess - 04-15-2011

[Image: 70755909.jpg]

Uploaded with

getting a dimes number , too easy.

oldnemesis lets see some of your convos of getting these girls, i helped a bunch of guys here with some copy pastas , lets see how you game them.

How to get laid on okcupid like a boss - Screwston - 04-16-2011

Quote: (04-15-2011 10:54 AM)kerouac Wrote:  

Quote: (04-15-2011 08:06 AM)Samseau Wrote:  

And just to prove my point:

That's an interesting link, I clicked one post previous to the one you posted:

What I then understood is that girls go through "Casual Dating" in the U.S., getting a taste of all the different higher-value cock, to have unrealistically high-expectations out of the guy they settle down with BECAUSE they think these guys who are willing to take a dip into their punanis must like them for who-they-are (or their value). Then when a girl like this goes on a date with a good-looking MD/PhD who is most likely way out of her league she thinks she's in the Major Leagues, only to realize some-time out of her prime that she was nothing more than a backup ballboy. Surprisingly though, this conclusion probably won't escape her lips (or was battled away in her mind) because, oh look, feminist literature says she is Da Bomb, Girrrrl!
Man, that girl sounded like a stupid bitch. Straight up. Hopefully the guy got put onto the game from the experience lol

How to get laid on okcupid like a boss - Gmac - 04-16-2011

Quote: (04-15-2011 09:49 PM)NeVerGymLess Wrote:  

getting a dimes number , too easy.

oldnemesis lets see some of your convos of getting these girls, i helped a bunch of guys here with some copy pastas , lets see how you game them.

Yeah I see your point Gym but we're all here for the same reason... and you are going a little overboard with the screenshots and all that.

What do you think of multiple accounts/angles?

How to get laid on okcupid like a boss - NeVerGymLess - 04-16-2011

Quote: (04-16-2011 06:16 PM)Gmac Wrote:  

Quote: (04-15-2011 09:49 PM)NeVerGymLess Wrote:  

getting a dimes number , too easy.

oldnemesis lets see some of your convos of getting these girls, i helped a bunch of guys here with some copy pastas , lets see how you game them.

Yeah I see your point Gym but we're all here for the same reason... and you are going a little overboard with the screenshots and all that.

What do you think of multiple accounts/angles?

Dude called me out and saying he doesn't believe I'm pulling girls on POF, so I made a few screens. He's mad because he likes the white knight approach on POF.

Some guys did the multiple accounts/angles with pics of Zyzz and they would find out stuff about the girl or get nudes/webcam action then msg them with there real account and will try and DTF using the info they already knew about her.

How to get laid on okcupid like a boss - mtwersk22 - 04-16-2011

Quote: (04-15-2011 09:49 PM)NeVerGymLess Wrote:  

[Image: 70755909.jpg]

Uploaded with

getting a dimes number , too easy.

oldnemesis lets see some of your convos of getting these girls, i helped a bunch of guys here with some copy pastas , lets see how you game them.

How's the message ending in "sexy kids" begin??

How to get laid on okcupid like a boss - mtwersk22 - 04-16-2011


How to get laid on okcupid like a boss - oldnemesis - 04-16-2011

Quote: (04-15-2011 09:04 PM)NeVerGymLess Wrote:  

Learn the game son. Just because you suck at it, doesn't mean we suck.

You probably didn't get an idea, so let me explain. Here in this forum we share the ideas and thoughts about how to be better in getting laid. It is not about bragging about how good you think you are. And we judge the people by the quality of advice they give. People earn their respect by providing the information which is valuable for the community - posting reports, answering questions, and so on.

Now, pretty much everything you posted in this thread was about bragging. In my personal opinion, it was also a kind of very childish bragging. There was little to no useful information, which would qualify you as someone who knows what he is talking about. The impression your screenshots give is that you're basically trolling here. We all know that getting hundreds of messages online is very easy if you do it for gigs (for example with a crafted profile with fake stats and pictures), but for our purpose it is meaningless because it will not bring you any lays. And lays are what we're here for.

Not to mention that your manners won't earn you any respect either. And thanks for your offer, but I prefer to learn from the people who I respect, and who know their shit and have proven it. You are not one of them. You have not qualified yourself as expert, you did not show you know your shit, and from your manners you look like an immature dude who just turned 21, and thinks he is the smartass of the world. Prove you know your shit first, and then we can talk.

PS. And could you please stop mentioning in every second post? It gets annoying.

How to get laid on okcupid like a boss - NeVerGymLess - 04-17-2011

^^^ thats why I'm getting dudes PMing me for info and pastas . Only advice you gave this thread is too be a white beta knight , that shit don't work . You been hating on the my advice since I told these guys , how easy it is. Said my profile sucks , but in reality , girls love it.