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Date Lab: Wedding planner disappointed that man wasn't "overwhelmingly" her type - soup - 12-22-2013

Quote: (12-22-2013 06:36 PM)AnonymousBosch Wrote:  

Quote: (12-22-2013 04:28 PM)gqntexas Wrote:  

I would estimate only about 1 in a 100 guys fit the perfect mold of what modern American women are all looking for..

What they think they are looking for. Women don't know what they want and never will. That's why I disbelieve every woman who ever says she has a 'type'. It's how they peacock for status with their gaggle of friends, by pretending they have the option to be ultra-selective and not settle for anything less than perfection because 'they're worth it'.

I remember reading of an experiment years back that showed women's stated preferences for what they find attractive in a man will change to match whatever qualities their current man has. You simply have to penetrate their bitch shield with game, and their utter lack of conviction will steer them towards valuing you as long as you continue to add positive value to their life. The hamster always finds excuses. This is why I am convinced that dominance, physicality and masculinity are more valuable to a man than looks, or money. And yes, even height, which is simply a signifier for presumed dominance.

If you spend time in the field, you will quickly notice that looks, height, and money definitely give the guys who have it an advantage in picking up girls.

Date Lab: Wedding planner disappointed that man wasn't "overwhelmingly" her type - Days of Broken Arrows - 12-22-2013

Quote: (12-22-2013 08:24 PM)josephkay Wrote:  

Quote: (12-22-2013 08:29 AM)Days of Broken Arrows Wrote:  

She's a gold digger and he didn't have enough money or power. I'm surprised none of you picked up on this. Must be a DC thing.

In DC, there is a clique of nice-looking ex-sorority women involved in the upper crust charity scene. They even did a (failed) show about it, "Blonde Charity Mafia."

This girl's sorority charity project, which she speaks of in the video, is a training ground for her to try to leap into the DC "society" scene -- the one covered on blogs like Pamela's Punch and K Street Kate.

The women that run in these circles generally will only date seriously rich men -- at least when it comes to putting on a public front. She is the junior version of these women. DC attracts these women. So does New York. If you're outside of these scenes, it's easy to not get how cliquish they are. But I've rubbed elbows with these people and they're a society unto themselves. Her goal, IMO, is to break into this scene, which is why she's trying to achieve low-level celebrity via Date Lab. The problem for her is they didn't set her up with someone "important" enough.

DOBA, do girls like this actually succeed in their gold-digging? In my experience, the type of guy who is obviously going to be rich and successful and who is also conventionally attractive with good social skills has no problem attracting girls before he's made it. Like a Wharton M.B.A. student dating a Penn undergrad. I don't know what Penn girls look like, but they might have more to offer than the DateLab girl. I can see those guys getting picked off early. And Caitlin doesn't strike me as sharp enough to find a guy who might become wealthy like say a Georgetown law student specializing in corporate law. So that leaves the ugly rich guys or ones with bad social skills. Would Caitlin be impressed with the guys who would be left? Or is that stuff even an issue? Or would she be okay with being the second-wife of a wealthy forty year-old? Is she aware of the trade-offs?

They exist. Google "The Young and the Guest List," Washington Life's listing of the creme de la creme of such types. Look who is featured in the blogs I mentioned, K Street Kate and Pamela's Punch. Or who attends the society parties like the Capital Ball, which was just held in Nov. You can also look up "Blonde Charity Mafia."

The trajectory, from what I see in DC, is girls become part of the scene from ages 22-26, meet someone, and marry by 29-30. They usually marry men in their thirties who have been around but now want to start families. Often, these guys are senior vice presidents of firms or work on K Street or something of the sort. These types meet at the charity balls, the exclusive happy hours, or private upscale parties.

Again, this is a "society" scene -- totally different from anything in the 'burbs or your average city hipster. Some do, in fact, end up single or as "kept women." Others try to break into the scene and fail because they lack the right background, looks, or social skills.

(Digression: I once dated a woman who was part of this scene. She would denigrate other women because they were "nouveau riche" and didn't have her Mayflower/DAR pedigree. What she was doing with a lowlife WOP like me I didn't ask, but I got in on the ground level as a sex buddy in college, so I guess I filled some sort of niche for her. Anyway, my point is the snobbery that goes on is often hilarious and soap opera-like. This is the type of woman who would keep Kaitlin from being accepted into DC society circles because her background wasn't quite right. Ohio! OMG! Meow!)

Back to the story. Rich men have wives that do charity work. Simple as that. So if you want to nab a wealthy husband, you hang with that crowd. I just found out Kaitlin is involved with DC's Cherry Blossom Celebration events committee and with Cupid's Undie Run and St. Jude's Walk. So I'm more convinced than ever this is the scene she's trying to break into and this is the type of guy she expects to meet. "The Young and the Guest List" ain't easy to get on, after all.

Addendum: The men often marry these types of women to plug into the scene as well. It's hard to explain, exactly, their motivations beyond that. Maybe they're private school types trying to marry someone like their mothers? But what they *don't* seem to want to do is settle down with the average hottie from the 'burbs. They want someone socially connected who knows people and can serve as a "hostess" as well as a wife. It's almost like they're hiring a co-worker as much as they're marrying a woman. This is DC for you.

Date Lab: Wedding planner disappointed that man wasn't "overwhelmingly" her type - soup - 12-22-2013

Not only is it hover hand but her body is repulsed by him and is tense and erect.

How did they start the start the date? Drinks? He missed his first shit test by arriving on time like a whipped beta boy.

Date Lab: Wedding planner disappointed that man wasn't "overwhelmingly" her type - Vaun - 12-22-2013

They both seem like two incredibly average American people realizing it on the date and getting annoyed with it. He's nothing special and you can meet one of her on any random night out in NYC, Boston, DC, hell even Baltimore or RI. DOBA is probably right in his assesment. Its like watching two reality show contestants act like they are too good to be on a reality show. You can't fault either for who they are but its hilarious to watch two of the most average urban 20 something types get together and be disgusted with each other. Its more satire from a clever journalist than anything else.

Date Lab: Wedding planner disappointed that man wasn't "overwhelmingly" her type - AnonymousBosch - 12-23-2013

Quote: (12-22-2013 09:17 PM)soup Wrote:  

If you spend time in the field, you will quickly notice that looks, height, and money definitely give the guys who have it an advantage in picking up girls.

And I've see men with all three who still strike out because they lack masculinity, physicality and the ability to dominate.

It's what I call the 'but'. Where the women talks with her friends and says "Oh I know he's rich, but..." or "He's very cute, but..." They know there's something lacking, but can't quiet put it into words. I've heard it in discussions a lot. "Are you going to have sex with him?" Those guys might get the number, and maybe they'll leave with her, but odds are she'll flake unless he asks to use the bathroom.

I remember overhearing some women at my last job discussing an upcoming party and how she needed a date:

"Why don't you ask [X]? He'd go with you."

"Yeah, he's very cute, but...

Awkward pause. The woman who asked her then says, "Yeah, I know..."

"...It's like he's just a big girl!"

Sure, it might make it easier to get in the gate, but my point is she'll quickly adapt to find your cursory-judgement deficiences attractive if you're good enough at what you do.

Think of it this way: have you ever known a girl to really stick to her guns about anything?

Date Lab: Wedding planner disappointed that man wasn't "overwhelmingly" her type - josephkay - 12-23-2013

Quote: (12-22-2013 09:36 PM)Days of Broken Arrows Wrote:  

They exist. Google "The Young and the Guest List," Washington Life's listing of the creme de la creme of such types. Look who is featured in the blogs I mentioned, K Street Kate and Pamela's Punch. Or who attends the society parties like the Capital Ball, which was just held in Nov. You can also look up "Blonde Charity Mafia."

The trajectory, from what I see in DC, is girls become part of the scene from ages 22-26, meet someone, and marry by 29-30. They usually marry men in their thirties who have been around but now want to start families. Often, these guys are senior vice presidents of firms or work on K Street or something of the sort. These types meet at the charity balls, the exclusive happy hours, or private upscale parties.

Again, this is a "society" scene -- totally different from anything in the 'burbs or your average city hipster. Some do, in fact, end up single or as "kept women." Others try to break into the scene and fail because they lack the right background, looks, or social skills.


Back to the story. Rich men have wives that do charity work. Simple as that. So if you want to nab a wealthy husband, you hang with that crowd. I just found out Kaitlin is involved with DC's Cherry Blossom Celebration events committee and with Cupid's Undie Run and St. Jude's Walk. So I'm more convinced than ever this is the scene she's trying to break into and this is the type of guy she expects to meet. "The Young and the Guest List" ain't easy to get on, after all.

Addendum: The men often marry these types of women to plug into the scene as well. It's hard to explain, exactly, their motivations beyond that. Maybe they're private school types trying to marry someone like their mothers? But what they *don't* seem to want to do is settle down with the average hottie from the 'burbs. They want someone socially connected who knows people and can serve as a "hostess" as well as a wife. It's almost like they're hiring a co-worker as much as they're marrying a woman. This is DC for you.

Thanks for answering my question. I'm not sure that the men in this scene have money so much as power and connections. Lots of children of congressmen, upcoming staffers, vanity philanthropists, and media people. If they have money, it's because their family has money and bankrolled their endeavors. I probably had contact with some of their brighter siblings when I was at a HYPS (Harvard-Yale-Princeton-Stanford) school.

This scene is so foreign to me. It seems like an incredible hassle to become a part of it in order to hang out with other mediocrities. It'd take the same amount of effort to meet hot people or brilliant people or fascinating people. But there's that cliche about politics being show business for ugly people.

Just as an aside, while I know DC's reputation, I had a wonderful experience meeting up with girls in DC the last time I was there for work. I knew the girls ahead of time, but they told me how desperate they were for an interesting guy who wasn't a bureaucrat or a lawyer. They were involved with the universities and weren't typical DC girls. And a random cute girl opened me in public. Still, I have no idea how many awful careerist girls I'd have to go through to meet girls I like if I was in the game there.

Date Lab: Wedding planner disappointed that man wasn't "overwhelmingly" her type - Kingsley Davis - 12-23-2013

Quote: (12-23-2013 01:58 AM)josephkay Wrote:  

Quote: (12-22-2013 09:36 PM)Days of Broken Arrows Wrote:  

They exist. Google "The Young and the Guest List," Washington Life's listing of the creme de la creme of such types. Look who is featured in the blogs I mentioned, K Street Kate and Pamela's Punch. Or who attends the society parties like the Capital Ball, which was just held in Nov. You can also look up "Blonde Charity Mafia."

The trajectory, from what I see in DC, is girls become part of the scene from ages 22-26, meet someone, and marry by 29-30. They usually marry men in their thirties who have been around but now want to start families. Often, these guys are senior vice presidents of firms or work on K Street or something of the sort. These types meet at the charity balls, the exclusive happy hours, or private upscale parties.

Again, this is a "society" scene -- totally different from anything in the 'burbs or your average city hipster. Some do, in fact, end up single or as "kept women." Others try to break into the scene and fail because they lack the right background, looks, or social skills.


Back to the story. Rich men have wives that do charity work. Simple as that. So if you want to nab a wealthy husband, you hang with that crowd. I just found out Kaitlin is involved with DC's Cherry Blossom Celebration events committee and with Cupid's Undie Run and St. Jude's Walk. So I'm more convinced than ever this is the scene she's trying to break into and this is the type of guy she expects to meet. "The Young and the Guest List" ain't easy to get on, after all.

Addendum: The men often marry these types of women to plug into the scene as well. It's hard to explain, exactly, their motivations beyond that. Maybe they're private school types trying to marry someone like their mothers? But what they *don't* seem to want to do is settle down with the average hottie from the 'burbs. They want someone socially connected who knows people and can serve as a "hostess" as well as a wife. It's almost like they're hiring a co-worker as much as they're marrying a woman. This is DC for you.

Thanks for answering my question. I'm not sure that the men in this scene have money so much as power and connections. Lots of children of congressmen, upcoming staffers, vanity philanthropists, and media people. If they have money, it's because their family has money and bankrolled their endeavors. I probably had contact with some of their brighter siblings when I was at a HYPS (Harvard-Yale-Princeton-Stanford) school.

This scene is so foreign to me. It seems like an incredible hassle to become a part of it in order to hang out with other mediocrities. It'd take the same amount of effort to meet hot people or brilliant people or fascinating people. But there's that cliche about politics being show business for ugly people.

Just as an aside, while I know DC's reputation, I had a wonderful experience meeting up with girls in DC the last time I was there for work. I knew the girls ahead of time, but they told me how desperate they were for an interesting guy who wasn't a bureaucrat or a lawyer. They were involved with the universities and weren't typical DC girls. And a random cute girl opened me in public. Still, I have no idea how many awful careerist girls I'd have to go through to meet girls I like if I was in the game there.

That's correct, you have no idea.[Image: angry.gif]

Date Lab: Wedding planner disappointed that man wasn't "overwhelmingly" her type - MikeCF - 12-23-2013

Man, this thread shows why it's smart roosh doesn't allow women on the forum.

Lots of white knighting and pedesalizing going on - and she's just some broad in a newspaper.

Imagine what would happen if she posted here!

Date Lab: Wedding planner disappointed that man wasn't "overwhelmingly" her type - Kingsley Davis - 12-23-2013

Quote: (12-23-2013 05:43 PM)MikeCF Wrote:  

Man, this thread shows why it's smart roosh doesn't allow women on the forum.

Lots of white knighting and pedesalizing going on - and she's just some broad in a newspaper.

Imagine what would happen if she posted here!

Atleast we still have the occasional accusation of hating women from random members.[Image: dodgy.gif]

Date Lab: Wedding planner disappointed that man wasn't "overwhelmingly" her type - soup - 12-23-2013

Quote: (12-22-2013 05:30 PM)Roosh Wrote:  


I would estimate only about 1 in a 100 guys fit the perfect mold of what modern American women are all looking for..

You know, the 6'3, talk dark and handsome with model good looks, higher education with high status 6 figure salary job.

Any public gathering (concert, sporting event, parade) will tell you it's closer to 1 in 1000.

I think you could say out out of American women, maybe 1 in 1000 represent the highest echelon of looks (9 - 9.5).

The difference is that most guys are willing to settle for less.

Date Lab: Wedding planner disappointed that man wasn't "overwhelmingly" her type - J.J. - 12-23-2013

Typical DC broad. You could see her rejecting him coming from a mile away. Wouldnt surprise me if she ended up with cats

Date Lab: Wedding planner disappointed that man wasn't "overwhelmingly" her type - Hotwheels - 12-23-2013

Quote: (12-23-2013 06:09 PM)soup Wrote:  

Quote: (12-22-2013 05:30 PM)Roosh Wrote:  


I would estimate only about 1 in a 100 guys fit the perfect mold of what modern American women are all looking for..

You know, the 6'3, talk dark and handsome with model good looks, higher education with high status 6 figure salary job.

Any public gathering (concert, sporting event, parade) will tell you it's closer to 1 in 1000.

I think you could say out out of American women, maybe 1 in 1000 represent the highest echelon of looks (9 - 9.5).

The difference is that most guys are willing to settle for less.

If you hold out for a unicorn you'll be fapping to a lot of porn for a very long time.

Date Lab: Wedding planner disappointed that man wasn't "overwhelmingly" her type - The Lizard of Oz - 12-23-2013

Quote: (12-23-2013 06:21 PM)J.J. Wrote:  

Typical DC broad. You could see her rejecting him coming from a mile away. Wouldnt surprise me if she ended up with cats

LOL, don't want to derail but it's funny that 20 minutes after I call "him" out as a female feminist [Image: troll.gif] on another thread "J.J." feels compelled to establish some RVF cred by posting the most mechanical meaningless one line [Image: catlady.gif] boilerplate on this one. It's mildly clever but come on.


Date Lab: Wedding planner disappointed that man wasn't "overwhelmingly" her type - soup - 12-23-2013

Quote: (12-23-2013 06:22 PM)Hotwheels Wrote:  

Quote: (12-23-2013 06:09 PM)soup Wrote:  

Quote: (12-22-2013 05:30 PM)Roosh Wrote:  


I would estimate only about 1 in a 100 guys fit the perfect mold of what modern American women are all looking for..

You know, the 6'3, talk dark and handsome with model good looks, higher education with high status 6 figure salary job.

Any public gathering (concert, sporting event, parade) will tell you it's closer to 1 in 1000.

I think you could say out out of American women, maybe 1 in 1000 represent the highest echelon of looks (9 - 9.5).

The difference is that most guys are willing to settle for less.

If you hold out for a unicorn you'll be fapping to a lot of porn for a very long time.

Giovanny just wrote that the Ass Lounge gives him more sexual satisfaction than banging out a 6, so what does that say?

Date Lab: Wedding planner disappointed that man wasn't "overwhelmingly" her type - J.J. - 12-23-2013

Quote: (12-23-2013 06:49 PM)The Lizard of Oz Wrote:  

Quote: (12-23-2013 06:21 PM)J.J. Wrote:  

Typical DC broad. You could see her rejecting him coming from a mile away. Wouldnt surprise me if she ended up with cats

LOL, don't want to derail but it's funny that 20 minutes after I call "him" out as a female feminist [Image: troll.gif] on another thread "J.J." feels compelled to establish some RVF cred by posting the most mechanical meaningless one line [Image: catlady.gif] boilerplate on this one. It's mildly clever but come on.


If you know me, you would know that I live in the DC area so I can attest to the compaints of DC broads from forum posters here. I'm not sure why you are obsessed with me.

Date Lab: Wedding planner disappointed that man wasn't "overwhelmingly" her type - Hotwheels - 12-23-2013

Quote: (12-23-2013 06:50 PM)soup Wrote:  

Quote: (12-23-2013 06:22 PM)Hotwheels Wrote:  

Quote: (12-23-2013 06:09 PM)soup Wrote:  

Quote: (12-22-2013 05:30 PM)Roosh Wrote:  


I would estimate only about 1 in a 100 guys fit the perfect mold of what modern American women are all looking for..

You know, the 6'3, talk dark and handsome with model good looks, higher education with high status 6 figure salary job.

Any public gathering (concert, sporting event, parade) will tell you it's closer to 1 in 1000.

I think you could say out out of American women, maybe 1 in 1000 represent the highest echelon of looks (9 - 9.5).

The difference is that most guys are willing to settle for less.

If you hold out for a unicorn you'll be fapping to a lot of porn for a very long time.

Giovanny just wrote that the Ass Lounge gives him more sexual satisfaction than banging out a 6, so what does that say?

Sounds like he agrees.

Date Lab: Wedding planner disappointed that man wasn't "overwhelmingly" her type - soup - 12-23-2013

Quote: (12-23-2013 07:23 PM)Hotwheels Wrote:  

Quote: (12-23-2013 06:50 PM)soup Wrote:  

Quote: (12-23-2013 06:22 PM)Hotwheels Wrote:  

Quote: (12-23-2013 06:09 PM)soup Wrote:  

Quote: (12-22-2013 05:30 PM)Roosh Wrote:  

Any public gathering (concert, sporting event, parade) will tell you it's closer to 1 in 1000.

I think you could say out out of American women, maybe 1 in 1000 represent the highest echelon of looks (9 - 9.5).

The difference is that most guys are willing to settle for less.

If you hold out for a unicorn you'll be fapping to a lot of porn for a very long time.

Giovanny just wrote that the Ass Lounge gives him more sexual satisfaction than banging out a 6, so what does that say?

Sounds like he agrees.

This woman is waiting for a superman to come give her a lot of money, maybe she's babyblocking herself in the same way that guys cock block themselves by being in a bar and saying "There's no hot girls here"

Chances are though, that she'll be able to get a baby, even when she's much older, from some thirty dude.

This why it's up to us guys to convince other guys not to drop standards just because the boner test is passed or because they are lonely.

Date Lab: Wedding planner disappointed that man wasn't "overwhelmingly" her type - Hotwheels - 12-23-2013

Quote: (12-23-2013 07:36 PM)soup Wrote:  

Quote: (12-23-2013 07:23 PM)Hotwheels Wrote:  

Quote: (12-23-2013 06:50 PM)soup Wrote:  

Quote: (12-23-2013 06:22 PM)Hotwheels Wrote:  

Quote: (12-23-2013 06:09 PM)soup Wrote:  

I think you could say out out of American women, maybe 1 in 1000 represent the highest echelon of looks (9 - 9.5).

The difference is that most guys are willing to settle for less.

If you hold out for a unicorn you'll be fapping to a lot of porn for a very long time.

Giovanny just wrote that the Ass Lounge gives him more sexual satisfaction than banging out a 6, so what does that say?

Sounds like he agrees.

This woman is waiting for a superman to come give her a lot of money, maybe she's babyblocking herself in the same way that guys cock block themselves by being in a bar and saying "There's no hot girls here"

Chances are though, that she'll be able to get a baby, even when she's much older, from some thirty dude.

This why it's up to us guys to convince other guys not to drop standards just because the boner test is passed or because they are lonely.

So should I assume you only bang 9's and up? That is what the conclusion must be from your recent posts...

Date Lab: Wedding planner disappointed that man wasn't "overwhelmingly" her type - Days of Broken Arrows - 12-23-2013

Quote: (12-23-2013 07:36 PM)soup Wrote:  

Quote: (12-23-2013 07:23 PM)Hotwheels Wrote:  

Quote: (12-23-2013 06:50 PM)soup Wrote:  

Quote: (12-23-2013 06:22 PM)Hotwheels Wrote:  

Quote: (12-23-2013 06:09 PM)soup Wrote:  

I think you could say out out of American women, maybe 1 in 1000 represent the highest echelon of looks (9 - 9.5).

The difference is that most guys are willing to settle for less.

If you hold out for a unicorn you'll be fapping to a lot of porn for a very long time.

Giovanny just wrote that the Ass Lounge gives him more sexual satisfaction than banging out a 6, so what does that say?

Sounds like he agrees.

This woman is waiting for a superman to come give her a lot of money, maybe she's babyblocking herself in the same way that guys cock block themselves by being in a bar and saying "There's no hot girls here"

Chances are though, that she'll be able to get a baby, even when she's much older, from some thirty dude.

This why it's up to us guys to convince other guys not to drop standards just because the boner test is passed or because they are lonely.

"Chances are though, that she'll be able to get a baby, even when she's much older, from some thirty dude."

Not necessarily. I'm in my forties and off the top of my head can easily name a bunch of women I know who found no one and are facing life alone. Several were like this girl, but others were carousel riders who didn't get when the ride was supposed to stop.

There is my uptight neighbor who once in a while gets dates, but complains men her age want women who are 29. There are two former party girls, both of whom look OK for fortysomething, but never get asked out. There is a 37-year-old I used to mess with when she was 18 (!!) who does not get contacted on OKC -- although she looks fine. Desperately wants "a family," which ain't gonna happen. There are a bunch more, but you get the idea. Most still look good, but the game seems over for them by 35 unless they "want to date 60-year-old men." Hahahaha.

The downside of this, of course, is that all the men who are ignoring these women are going for the 22-32 demographic. But rest assured that when they get past 35 it gets really hard. Now you know why that eternally-single HR women snaps at you at work! (Not a joke -- one woman I know who used to model is now an HR exec, single, and hangs in churches trying to meet men. Night and day from I knew her at 19 and it was easy street for her.)

Date Lab: Wedding planner disappointed that man wasn't "overwhelmingly" her type - soup - 12-23-2013

Quote: (12-23-2013 08:50 PM)Hotwheels Wrote:  

Quote: (12-23-2013 07:36 PM)soup Wrote:  

Quote: (12-23-2013 07:23 PM)Hotwheels Wrote:  

Quote: (12-23-2013 06:50 PM)soup Wrote:  

Quote: (12-23-2013 06:22 PM)Hotwheels Wrote:  

If you hold out for a unicorn you'll be fapping to a lot of porn for a very long time.

Giovanny just wrote that the Ass Lounge gives him more sexual satisfaction than banging out a 6, so what does that say?

Sounds like he agrees.

This woman is waiting for a superman to come give her a lot of money, maybe she's babyblocking herself in the same way that guys cock block themselves by being in a bar and saying "There's no hot girls here"

Chances are though, that she'll be able to get a baby, even when she's much older, from some thirty dude.

This why it's up to us guys to convince other guys not to drop standards just because the boner test is passed or because they are lonely.

So should I assume you only bang 9's and up? That is what the conclusion must be from your recent posts...

No- anyone can see on the forum that I'm not banging 9s (and have never banged a 9.. I'd remember probably).

But, it is my stated intention to do so.

Right now, I can't get them. The game I have, or the place I am in my life is not giving me access to these women.

The difference between me and the guys who end up with post-wall sluts, is that I am consciously trying, and I don't think I'm going to cave anytime soon. I might be doing something wrong, or there might be something that I should be doing that I'm not, and who knows- I may never bang 9s, but at least I'm making the effort.

There are two reasons why I'm hooking up with lower quality girls:

1) I have a faith that doing this is somehow giving me experience that is building towards 9s. This might be misguided as well, but from what it sounds like, and from what I've read, you have to start somewhere and there does seem to be a ladder.

2) I've chosen the player life. I haven't had an exclusive, long term relationship in eight years. I am a man, and I need some female company. Even if I knew for sure that 9s were somewhere down the road, I'd still need to be banging girls the interim.

I've even dipped below my pre-redpill standards (which are much higher than they were before I formally entered the game), just to get the experience. Hence, my notch count.

I wish there was some magic bullet that would get me my 9s. I haven't found one. Let me know if you do.

Date Lab: Wedding planner disappointed that man wasn't "overwhelmingly" her type - Hotwheels - 12-23-2013

There is no magic bullet for anything in life, women included.

The thing is, and I'm not slagging you here, is guys have different priorities. Currently yours is a mission to bang out some nines.

Go for it.

Thing is not all guys have the same goal in life. Most guys want to find a nice, feminine attractive woman to spend their time with, ultimately procreating while also building a comfortable lifestyle.

She doesn't need to be a 9 in appearance to satisfy him as he is looking for more than a cock holster. He is looking for a woman who will be an attentive spouse and good mother. Physical attractiveness certainly plays a part, but it is not the ONLY thing that is important unlike the main attribute the guy that is looking to carve a notch in his bedpost is in search of.

So what some may call settling is often simply a judgement made without knowing the entire scope of what the guy in question is looking for. I'm not advocating wifing up uggs, snarky feminists or fatties, rather saying a guy may be much happier with a feminine 7 than a high maintenance 9 depending on his goals.

Depending on where I am in life, I would likely make the same choice.

Keep doing what you are doing but be open to the fact others may not have the same goals in life. At 44 I know my priorities have changed from what they were at 24. Down the road your goals may change as well.

btw-Thanks for the rep, but I'm not a trucker. heh