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AcftW’s Progress Thread - AcftW - 06-14-2018

Simple leg workout, nothing crazy. Have a little over a week until I head back to the ME, getting things sorted out so my workouts have been the fuckaround kind, just doing what I feel like.

AcftW’s Progress Thread - AcftW - 06-15-2018

Seated OHP


T Bar Row



4 sets EZ Bar Curls
3 sets Hammer Curls
5 sets Tricep Pushdowns
5 sets Overhead Cable Extensions

First time doing T Bar Rows in a while, going to stick with 180 (4 plates) and just do rep work, I keep hurting myself when I go higher (center of gravity changes since you’re only adding to one side of the bar).

AcftW’s Progress Thread - AcftW - 06-16-2018




4 sets Face Pulls

Realized today that my lower traps aren’t getting tired during Face Pulls anymore. It’s about time my rear delts are getting fatigued first.

AcftW’s Progress Thread - AcftW - 06-18-2018

Rack Pulls


Leg Press



4 sets Face Pulls

Wanted to get a heavy rack pull day in before traveling, going to be irregular the next week or so.

AcftW’s Progress Thread - AcftW - 06-25-2018

Hyperextension bench in the sandbox gym has handles on top, so that sucks. Not able to get a full range of motion and lockout at the top. Still going to work on progressing, I’ll just have to work on the last few inches when I get back home. Or order one and stick it in that gym.

AcftW’s Progress Thread - AcftW - 07-02-2018

Been hitting the gym and will continue to with a 3 on 1 off schedule while I’m out here. Long days and a lot of outdoor work. I probably won’t track my workouts as well as I had, just when there’s something new.

TBar Rows


Working on my 4x plate T Bar Row for reps.

AcftW’s Progress Thread - AcftW - 07-04-2018

Got 270x2 on Hypers the other day, failed the third rep. This machine is at a different angle than back home, and it feels like my knees are the weak link when using it. I feel a strain just off the floor that goes away once I get to the top, and I don’t want to push it.

I did some low weight with them today after rack pulls (535x6, felt great), and I think I’ll keep doing that for a bit.

AcftW’s Progress Thread - AcftW - 07-05-2018

Starting to get back into dips, I can’t just quit. The sternum pain is gone, and I’m making a huge effort to warm up properly before doing them, plus making myself stop just before parallel, form-police be damned. No pain at all with them, so I’m pretty happy. A little of my workout below.



T Bar Row


Did a good amount of accessory work for arms on the cables, and measured 17, 7/8” with a nice pump after. Haven’t measured in a while, but I’m probably around 17.25 and 17.5” without a pump. Body weight is fluctuating between 225-230 @6’1

AcftW’s Progress Thread - AcftW - 07-11-2018

Busy as hell with work. No days off as a contractor haha.

Figured out something on dips. If I make myself look up it helps me keep my chest up as well. I still have to consciously keep my shoulder blades pressed together but I haven’t had any issues with with sternum pain from dips since I started doing that a week or so ago. Plus I’m making myself warm up a LOT more. When I was 160 I could absolutely knock out a set of 10 BW dips without warming up, but I’m finding it doesn’t work out that well at 220. I’m also stopping about an inch above parallel to parallel. I don’t need to impress anyone with hitting great depth on them.

Aiming for 90lbs again, hurt myself going too low last fall at that weight.

AcftW’s Progress Thread - AcftW - 07-13-2018

Rack Pulls


Also hit 490x5 on leg press.

AcftW’s Progress Thread - AcftW - 07-22-2018

Doing nSuns from reddit again, but just for dips. Hit 5 reps +30lbs no pain.

Making progress.

AcftW’s Progress Thread - AcftW - 07-23-2018

Nailed 540x5 on rack pulls.


AcftW’s Progress Thread - AcftW - 07-28-2018

Some accomplishments lately:

+35x5 Weighted Dips
500x5 Leg Press

I’m going to be applying nSuns 5/3/1 to hyperextensions as well, see if I can boost it a bit. Somewhat stagnated on my cut, down to 219 from 232, though a bit was water weight for sure.

AcftW’s Progress Thread - AcftW - 08-05-2018

Last week’s achievements:

545x3 Rack Pulls
45x4 Weighted Dips

nSuns is going great, and no sternum pain from dips thanks to aggressively fixing my lack of warm up routine and keeping form in check.

AcftW’s Progress Thread - AcftW - 08-17-2018

+55x4 Weighted Dips
545x4 Rack Pulls
260x4 Hypers

All on different days over the last week and a half or so. I’ve been somewhat unfocused in the gym lately, at least on certain exercises. Dips and hypers are going well with nSuns programming for the sets/reps, but other ones have just stagnated. I’m cutting right now as well so I’ve been pretty tired, mentally and physically. Working 12s every day of the week takes a toll over here as well.

I need to bump up rack pulls to 2x a week again, my grip is barely keeping up.

AcftW’s Progress Thread - AcftW - 08-27-2018

270x4 Hyperextensions

Nailed it, that week off the gym was great. I was getting a little achy in my lower back and all is well now.

AcftW’s Progress Thread - General Stalin - 08-28-2018

Numbers are looking awesome here man! Going up and up, but you've only gained 5-10 lbs over 6 months? You must be looking bigger and leaner now than when you started yeah?

AcftW’s Progress Thread - AcftW - 08-28-2018


And yeah I think I was around 220 when I started made this thread, though I was 200-205 at the start of 2018. I gained more fat than I wanted, so at 232 I decided to cut again.

AcftW’s Progress Thread - General Stalin - 08-28-2018

I'm in the same boat man. I got up as high as 220.8 and have since cut back down to around 206 (current weight) over the course of a few months. My strength has noticeably suffered but I feel and look better, so I'm going to dedicate myself to getting stronger and stronger at this size.

AcftW’s Progress Thread - AcftW - 08-29-2018

I’m definitely bigger than I was at this same weight last year. I’m wearing a few 2XL shirts now, whereas last year I was mostly XLs with one or two larges.

AcftW’s Progress Thread - General Stalin - 08-29-2018

Crazy how different our physiology is. We were essentially the same size for a while (I'm 6'1" and was sitting at ~220 a month or 2 ago) but I've never touched XL sized shit, and only recently started wearing larges. Even still some larges feel too baggy on me. Either too long or the sleeves to wide. Unless of course you prefer to wear loose fitting clothes - I don't see myself ever being a size where I will be buying anything larger than L.

AcftW’s Progress Thread - AcftW - 08-29-2018

It all depends on the brand for me. Larges are almost always too short for me, and some XLs can be too baggy (more around the arms than shoulders) even while I’m wearing a 2XL in another brand.

I don’t really wear anything too baggy, but that is pretty interesting how different it is for you.

AcftW’s Progress Thread - doc holliday - 09-01-2018

I tried those barbell hyperextensions that you've been doing, at a considerably lower weight and man they kicked my ass, felt great. I'm definitely adding this one to my routine.

AcftW’s Progress Thread - AcftW - 09-04-2018

Nice, they’ve been great for me. Had a few people come up and ask me about them. I do them 3 days per week, 2 light days (135-165 for reps as of now) and one heavy day going for a new max.

Just hit 280x3 actually. Was going for 4 but wasn’t quite going to make it.

AcftW’s Progress Thread - AcftW - 09-05-2018

+65x4 for dips today. Had some pain in my right forearm about 1/3 of the way toward my elbow from wrist. Only when I releasen my grip though, and just for a split second each time. I’ll keep an eye on things and try to warm up my forearms ahead of time and see if there’s any difference.