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The Canada Political Thread - Ghost Tiger - 03-03-2016

Quote: (03-03-2016 05:56 PM)Handsome Creepy Eel Wrote:  


I think Canada will be alright. We're diversified in the natural resource area.

I used to think exactly what you've written above about Croatia (a timber and water-rich country with a beautiful coastline, but it turned out I was sorely mistaken. Our water sources and coast are being privatized as we speak. A few years more, and we might not have anything left.

It seems to me that your country got fucked over huge by the globalist agenda, n'est-ce pas? Canada isn't just lucky in resources, we're also lucky to be the largest trading partner of the USA. We bask in the physical and economic security of our proximity to America. And also, you'd be hard pressed to exhaust our natural resources. We've got way more of them than people. Look at a map of Canada. It's just unpopulated land, water, and ice as far as the eye can see bro. We ain't running out of anything any time soon. And Trump loves Canada.

The Canada Political Thread - Handsome Creepy Eel - 03-03-2016

Oh no I get what you're saying - but imagine if Mr. Trudeau tomorrow sat with Mr. Jinping and arranged with him to sell the entire oil sands of Alberta to Sinopec for a few billion (in exchange for a few donuts and a Nobel Peace Prize nod for Mr. Trudeau)? Same like he has sold all of your gold right now?

Natural resources might be vast, but they still have physical limits. Corruption doesn't.

The Canada Political Thread - Ghost Tiger - 03-03-2016

Quote: (03-03-2016 06:39 PM)Handsome Creepy Eel Wrote:  

Oh no I get what you're saying - but imagine if Mr. Trudeau tomorrow sat with Mr. Jinping and arranged with him to sell the entire oil sands of Alberta to Sinopec for a few billion (in exchange for a few donuts and a Nobel Peace Prize nod for Mr. Trudeau)? Same like he has sold all of your gold right now?

Natural resources might be vast, but they still have physical limits. Corruption doesn't.

Well thanks for that worst-case scenario image bro. I bet you're a lot of fun at parties.

[Image: lol.gif]

The Americans took Troolander into a closed-door meeting and told him he wasn't allowed to legalize pot. I am hoping they'll do the same thing if he tries to pull a stunt like the one you described above. I'm expecting Trump to knock the shit out of the little snot-nosed punk in due time anyway. God speed Trump. God speed.

I'm actually trying to start a grassroots campaign to draft Conrad Black to run for Prime Minister. He is a good buddy of Trump's and would make a spectacular Canadian version of the new Emperor.

The Canada Political Thread - scotian - 03-03-2016

Don't you have to be Canadian to run for PM? Also, I don't know how well being an ex-con who did a bid in a Florida slammer would go over with the Canadian public. Myself, I would totally support OG Connie for a run at PM, he's bilingual unlike Kevin O'Leary (who I also like) which is pretty much a requirement to govern the country.

The Canada Political Thread - DjembaDjemba - 03-05-2016


Liberals won't rule out imposing a national carbon price, Catherine McKenna says

Canada's environment minister says all jurisdictions in Canada need a price on carbon, and she won't rule out imposing a national price if provincial leaders drag their heels.

"What is really clear … is that every jurisdiction needs to have a price on carbon, and the premiers have all recognized that a price on carbon is part of the solution [to fight climate change]," Catherine McKenna said in an interview with Chris Hall on CBC Radio's The House.

Trudeau and the provincial premiers announced after their meeting in Vancouver Thursday that they are working toward a national climate change plan that includes an agreement in principle for a carbon pricing mechanism — although they did not offer specifics on how it would work.

[Image: angry.gif]

The Canada Political Thread - Samseau - 03-05-2016

Quote: (03-05-2016 12:50 PM)DjembaDjemba Wrote:  


Liberals won't rule out imposing a national carbon price, Catherine McKenna says

Canada's environment minister says all jurisdictions in Canada need a price on carbon, and she won't rule out imposing a national price if provincial leaders drag their heels.

"What is really clear … is that every jurisdiction needs to have a price on carbon, and the premiers have all recognized that a price on carbon is part of the solution [to fight climate change]," Catherine McKenna said in an interview with Chris Hall on CBC Radio's The House.

Trudeau and the provincial premiers announced after their meeting in Vancouver Thursday that they are working toward a national climate change plan that includes an agreement in principle for a carbon pricing mechanism — although they did not offer specifics on how it would work.

[Image: angry.gif]

Wew lads, you guys aren't going to have much left of blue collar work after Trudeau is finished with you. Why are people going to pay for Canadian oil when it has a huge "Carbon tax" on it again?

The Canada Political Thread - Dr. Howard - 03-05-2016

Quote: (03-05-2016 12:50 PM)DjembaDjemba Wrote:  


Liberals won't rule out imposing a national carbon price, Catherine McKenna says

Canada's environment minister says all jurisdictions in Canada need a price on carbon, and she won't rule out imposing a national price if provincial leaders drag their heels.

"What is really clear … is that every jurisdiction needs to have a price on carbon, and the premiers have all recognized that a price on carbon is part of the solution [to fight climate change]," Catherine McKenna said in an interview with Chris Hall on CBC Radio's The House.

Trudeau and the provincial premiers announced after their meeting in Vancouver Thursday that they are working toward a national climate change plan that includes an agreement in principle for a carbon pricing mechanism — although they did not offer specifics on how it would work.

[Image: angry.gif]

Thats fine, open up a carbon market and let people buy from sellers who have carbon to sell/emit.

Wait what?...there is no actual buyer market for carbon being emitted to the atmosphere.

You mean the 'carbon market' is actually an artificial commodity that no one wants and it only forced to buy or sell to comply with government mandates.

Its a fancy carbon tax, with people making money off of the trades. It would actually cost less to just have a carbon tax as there would be no market, no middle men and no traders.

The Canada Political Thread - Handsome Creepy Eel - 03-05-2016

Exactly. Matt Taibbi (before he went the crazy SJW route) wrote about this (check "Bubble #6 near the bottom of the article):


The bank owns a 10 percent stake in the Chicago Climate Exchange, where the carbon credits will be traded. Moreover, Goldman owns a minority stake in Blue Source LLC, a Utah-based firm that sells carbon credits of the type that will be in great demand if the bill passes. Nobel Prize winner Al Gore, who is intimately involved with the planning of cap-and-trade, started up a company called Generation Investment Management with three former bigwigs from Goldman Sachs Asset Management, David Blood, Mark Ferguson and Peter Harris. Their business? Investing in carbon offsets. There's also a $500 million Green Growth Fund set up by a Goldmanite to invest in green-tech … the list goes on and on. Goldman is ahead of the headlines again, just waiting for someone to make it rain in the right spot. Will this market be bigger than the energy futures market?

"Oh, it'll dwarf it," says a former staffer on the House energy committee.

Well, you might say, who cares? If cap-and-trade succeeds, won't we all be saved from the catastrophe of global warming? Maybe — but cap-and-trade, as envisioned by Goldman, is really just a carbon tax structured so that private interests collect the revenues. Instead of simply imposing a fixed government levy on carbon pollution and forcing unclean energy producers to pay for the mess they make, cap-and-trade will allow a small tribe of greedy-as-hell Wall Street swine to turn yet another commodities market into a private tax collection scheme. This is worse than the bailout: It allows the bank to seize taxpayer money before it's even collected.

"If it's going to be a tax, I would prefer that Washington set the tax and collect it," says Michael Masters, the hedge fund director who spoke out against oil futures speculation. "But we're saying that Wall Street can set the tax, and Wall Street can collect the tax. That's the last thing in the world I want. It's just asinine."

The Canada Political Thread - Sidney Crosby - 03-05-2016

Trudeau is a huge pussy.

The Canada Political Thread - scotian - 03-05-2016

The oil sands majors made a deal with the NDP government to implement a carbon tax, which they're delighted to participate in because the costs of it will be passed onto consumers and not them:

The attractiveness of the NDP’s carbon tax regime to the oilpatch is, this time, the new levies will primarily be borne by those who consume electricity, gasoline, and natural gas, not produce them. This in itself is a major departure from the way carbon taxes have been packaged and sold to the public in the past. Historically, those opposed to carbon emissions have attacked producers of the energy such as oil companies and coal-fired power generators as the problem, leaving consumers all but blameless.

Once people's utilities skyrocket, the people of Alberta will be ready to kick the NDP out, I'd say that they already are based on the new government's first year performance and it will likely only get worse. Same goes for Trudeau, Canadians, especially young ones from the large urban centres seem to forget that we're a nation that digs shit out of the ground and chops down trees. The politicians can go on all they want about our thriving tech sectors (Nortel, Blackberry, lol) and how Canada is a green energy leader but if it doesn't result in jobs then the people will hopefully vote them out.

I guess Canada got tired of Harper's government so decided to swing left for a few years, we're going to get burned by Trudeau pretty badly based on his first few months in office. Hopefully the Tories can get their shit together over the next few years, pick a decent leader with wider, main stream appeal and we can get back to being hewers of wood and drawers of water.

The Canada Political Thread - rudebwoy - 03-05-2016

Quote: (03-03-2016 05:56 PM)Handsome Creepy Eel Wrote:  


I think Canada will be alright. We're diversified in the natural resource area.

I used to think exactly what you've written above about Croatia (a timber and water-rich country with a beautiful coastline, but it turned out I was sorely mistaken. Our water sources and coast are being privatized as we speak. A few years more, and we might not have anything left.

We have a lot more natural resources than Croatia, so I don't think it is a good comparison. Isn't tourism your biggest industry there?

I have been to Zagreb.

We are still relatively under populated, considering we are the second largest country in the world.

The Canada Political Thread - DjembaDjemba - 03-05-2016

Quote: (03-05-2016 04:10 PM)scotian Wrote:  

The oil sands majors made a deal with the NDP government to implement a carbon tax, which they're delighted to participate in because the costs of it will be passed onto consumers and not them:

The attractiveness of the NDP’s carbon tax regime to the oilpatch is, this time, the new levies will primarily be borne by those who consume electricity, gasoline, and natural gas, not produce them. This in itself is a major departure from the way carbon taxes have been packaged and sold to the public in the past. Historically, those opposed to carbon emissions have attacked producers of the energy such as oil companies and coal-fired power generators as the problem, leaving consumers all but blameless.

Once people's utilities skyrocket, the people of Alberta will be ready to kick the NDP out, I'd say that they already are based on the new government's first year performance and it will likely only get worse. Same goes for Trudeau, Canadians, especially young ones from the large urban centres seem to forget that we're a nation that digs shit out of the ground and chops down trees. The politicians can go on all they want about our thriving tech sectors (Nortel, Blackberry, lol) and how Canada is a green energy leader but if it doesn't result in jobs then the people will hopefully vote them out.

I guess Canada got tired of Harper's government so decided to swing left for a few years, we're going to get burned by Trudeau pretty badly based on his first few months in office. Hopefully the Tories can get their shit together over the next few years, pick a decent leader with wider, main stream appeal and we can get back to being hewers of wood and drawers of water.

I don't even think Trudeau is running the liberal party. He's just pretty boy poster child. The party has been hijacked by the same wing that tried to impose Ignatieff on us 5 years ago. It's becoming clearer every day. This Trudeau kid unlike his father isn't a strong leader. Maybe things will change but so far it isn't looking so good.

The Canada Political Thread - scotian - 03-06-2016

Most Canadians fcukin piss me off because they lovre to preach on Facebook about how much tolerant and open we are compared to the yanks. Of course, this is utter horse shit, especialluy since most of the posts I read are from my fellow east coasters who live in 98% white towns and have never experienced the negative side effects of mass third world immigration. Most of those cunts vote Liberal to ensure that flow of social benefits such as EI continues but don't consider that its in their best interest to vote for the party that wnts to continue expanding the oil biz. Its fuckin insane that Eastern canada imports most of it oil from third world shit holes and the city of montreal dumps billions? if litres of raw sewage into the st Lawrence river/ and those cockdcukers wanna protsest Alberta oil?

The Tories fucked up over the years, Harper didn't have cross over appeal, even my oil biz friends didnt like him but I guarantee that after a few years of Trudeau, they will be begging for a return of Harper stye politics. Ten years of a Tory govenment riding a commodity boom made canadians soft and a bit arrogant, thats why zoolander has a mahority. It will get worse before it gets better, fuckin, eary 90s Canada peso again.

The Canada Political Thread - Handsome Creepy Eel - 03-06-2016

Quote: (03-05-2016 06:41 PM)rudebwoy Wrote:  

We have a lot more natural resources than Croatia, so I don't think it is a good comparison. Isn't tourism your biggest industry there?

That's another good example of what I mean - our incredible coastline (on which tourism depends) is the most important natural resource that Croatia has and produces €10 billion per year, yet it is about to be ruined by our government who sold oil drilling rights to some dipshits for a one-time payment of €0,4 billion. With enough corruption, even a tremendous resource can be destroyed overnight.

Enough of Croatia. Of course Canada is vast and harder to destroy, even if I stand by my analysis [Image: biggrin.gif]

The Canada Political Thread - scotian - 03-06-2016

I may be off base but I don't think that the average Canadian realizes how our country works and the role that its played in the world over the years, there's a lot of indoctrination going on via the CBC and public schools, its almost to the point where I can't have a reasonable discussion with my friends and family because they don't have a clue, but its not surprise.

Canadian right wingers/Tories and anyone against the Liberal/NDP, SJW agenda need to find other people to rally around than Lauren Southern and Ezra Levant, they are implementing tactics that are used in the US to varying degrees of success but won't win over the Canadian public. Maybe they can keep Lauren and Ezra, I have nothing against them but outside of the Prairies, they aren't reaching Canadians and as sad as it is, its too easy for the upper/lower Canadians to write them off as "Prairie hicks".

Harper's decade long tenure as PM didn't reveal the "Hidden Agenda" that the opposition parties and the MSM predicted, but he did implement various conservative and "right wing" policies (as far as Canada goes) that brought Canada from the left toward the centre and in some cases, farther right.

Harper could have done a lot more, especially with a majority Tory government and $80-100/barrel oil but I think that his biggest success was showing the Canadian public that a Tory government is capable of good governance and nothing to fear, I hope the Conservatives can find a capable leader who will be able to challenge Trudeau in the next election.

The Canada Political Thread - [email protected] - 03-06-2016

Have you guys frequented reddit Canada? Probably not, since reddit is a cesspool sjw group think with a small minority of intelligent people that think for themselves. Been living abroad for 10 years now, I used to check the subreddit to keep myself informed with Canadian news but lately I cannot believe the things I am reading.

Ive been following it for 2 years now and what I have noticed is people cannot stop talking about how bad the economy is. I remember basic income was touted every week but since Alberta collapsed it is a mentioned daily. So much that Ontario is proposing a pilot somewhere. Yes, it's come down to this.

Another huge thing I've been reading about is changes in student loans. Starting in 2017 they want to make OSAP cheaper for lower income students. I havent sifted through all the details but it's along the lines of giving an extra $$$ grant to students whose parents make less than 50k. Could be wrong on the details so please check:

What I do know for certain is that starting September 2016, Osap borrowers will not be obligated to pay money back if they make less than 25K per year. Interest on loans will be paid by the government with tax payer money:

The Canada Political Thread - Dr. Howard - 03-06-2016

Quote: (03-06-2016 07:10 AM)scotian Wrote:  

I may be off base but I don't think that the average Canadian realizes how our country works and the role that its played in the world over the years, there's a lot of indoctrination going on via the CBC and public schools, its almost to the point where I can't have a reasonable discussion with my friends and family because they don't have a clue, but its not surprise.


Harper could have done a lot more, especially with a majority Tory government and $80-100/barrel oil but I think that his biggest success was showing the Canadian public that a Tory government is capable of good governance and nothing to fear, I hope the Conservatives can find a capable leader who will be able to challenge Trudeau in the next election.

Correct. A lot of canadians don't know what actually goes on in the country outside of Toronto, Calgary or Vancouver. In Ontario there are some easy tests to determine this. #1 is ask a person how far north they have ever been. (commonly Muskoka). #2 is ask if Ontario should have more parks (most people think all of the crown land should be preserved in parks because its going to get clearcut tommorrow) #3 is if they hunt or fish

People just have no idea of the scale of geography that makes up Canada. Its like trying to grasp a trillion dollars. Driving across canada is a good start, working in remote oil/gas, mining or forestry is better, flying in a small plane across the roadless wilderness or the arctic is probably the best.

This lack of understanding hurts canada when it comes to voter decisions. It is also not helped by teachers that know jack shit about what they are teaching to students.

The Canada Political Thread - Mojambo - 03-06-2016

Quote: (03-06-2016 07:10 AM)scotian Wrote:  

Canadian right wingers/Tories and anyone against the Liberal/NDP, SJW agenda need to find other people to rally around than Lauren Southern and Ezra Levant, they are implementing tactics that are used in the US to varying degrees of success but won't win over the Canadian public. Maybe they can keep Lauren and Ezra, I have nothing against them but outside of the Prairies, they aren't reaching Canadians and as sad as it is, its too easy for the upper/lower Canadians to write them off as "Prairie hicks".

Someone like Garth Turner (blog author of, former Conservative MP could be a good start for a voice outside the prairie provinces. I'd blame that the rise of the left to some degree has been fueled by the excess of artificial wealth from the housing bubble in the GTA and Vancouver area. A lot of feelings of being entitled to what everyone else has have been enabled with the low interest rates and high housing prices. Garth has no problem pointing this out and other bad habits of the left. Once housing inevitably corrects in these areas I think his popularity will soar as the poorly informed left begin to seek answers outside the MSM and discover this guy had the right idea all along. He's more of a fiscal conservative though and doesn't write about social conservatism, although there are hints of anti-SJW and anti-political correctness in his style of writing.

But you're right, there is hardly anyone but a few people found on the corners of the Internet to rally around, mainly due to the success of the left monopolizing the mainstream media here in Canada.

The Canada Political Thread - Mojambo - 03-06-2016

Quote: (03-06-2016 08:14 AM)[email protected] Wrote:  

Have you guys frequented reddit Canada? Probably not, since reddit is a cesspool sjw group think with a small minority of intelligent people that think for themselves. Been living abroad for 10 years now, I used to check the subreddit to keep myself informed with Canadian news but lately I cannot believe the things I am reading.

Ive been following it for 2 years now and what I have noticed is people cannot stop talking about how bad the economy is. I remember basic income was touted every week but since Alberta collapsed it is a mentioned daily. So much that Ontario is proposing a pilot somewhere. Yes, it's come down to this.

Another huge thing I've been reading about is changes in student loans. Starting in 2017 they want to make OSAP cheaper for lower income students. I havent sifted through all the details but it's along the lines of giving an extra $$$ grant to students whose parents make less than 50k. Could be wrong on the details so please check:

What I do know for certain is that starting September 2016, Osap borrowers will not be obligated to pay money back if they make less than 25K per year. Interest on loans will be paid by the government with tax payer money:

Never understood having hard limits for benefits like having loan forgiveness for those making less than 25K a year. All it does is discourages those with student loans from getting entry-level jobs since they will likely be in the 30K range, and encourages them to continue living with their parents so they won't have to end up paying back their loans and interest, and to also collect as many of the other benefits and handouts they can. I have a friend that does exactly this -- a professional student for life, living off of loans and government benefits. He discovered that as soon as you start working it is not "worth it" because of a combination of thinking he is entitled to start at a 50K+ job and that if you subtract the benefits he'll lose once he starts working, add the loan and interest payments, he is essentially working at close to $0/hr rate, whereas he could just stay and play video games at his parents' house and have the same net rate of income.

The Canada Political Thread - Ghost Tiger - 03-06-2016

Quote: (03-06-2016 11:04 AM)Mojambo Wrote:  

I have a friend that does exactly this -- a professional student for life, living off of loans and government benefits. He discovered that as soon as you start working it is not "worth it" because of a combination of thinking he is entitled to start at a 50K+ job and that if you subtract the benefits he'll lose once he starts working, add the loan and interest payments, he is essentially working at close to $0/hr rate, whereas he could just stay and play video games at his parents' house and have the same net rate of income.

This is going on YUGE in SW Ontario right now. Even at community colleges in trades. Students finish a program and then register in another one. They keep the gravy train rolling. I do a little turoring on the side (it's great day game) and I'm noticing a trend, especially amongst females, where they fail courses on purpose, just so they can stay in the system. And of course, none of them are interested in STEM tech fields. They all take nursing, social work, or fucking pottery. OSAP is the new welfare.

The Canada Political Thread - DjembaDjemba - 03-06-2016

Quote:Mojambo Wrote:

He discovered that as soon as you start working it is not "worth it" because of a combination of thinking he is entitled to start at a 50K+ job and that if you subtract the benefits he'll lose once he starts working, add the loan and interest payments, he is essentially working at close to $0/hr rate, whereas he could just stay and play video games at his parents' house and have the same net rate of income.

Even a $50k job in the GTA or Vancouver metro is complete financial suicide. The housing costs there are eye watering, there's no way $50,000/year is giving you a decent life.

I moved to Alberta for that reason, didn't see a long term future grinding in an office for $50-65k a year while trying to buy a house 2 hours drive from my place of work for $600,000.

Now that the oil patch is pushed off a cliff, I'm not sure where young Canadians who don't want to sink into perpetual debt have to go to make decent money.

A possibility is to get ticketed up and start exploring the 'global' market. A solid finance designation does wonders for global firms, or even start-ups in developing countries.

I've seen young professionals from the GTA who I used to work with slowly trickle either to Asia and Dubai/Qatar/Oman, or deeper into the interior of Canada (the prairies). I was in Cold Lake just recently. At the shopping centre there, I felt like I was walking through a Toronto mall.

The Canada Political Thread - Laner - 03-06-2016

It seems Notley is toughening up against Clark for a bit of a catfight.

She is threatening to not buy BC power if Clark doesnt ram the pipeline through. This is good, I like it, but it seems almost a desperate move from Notley. Her days are numbered so perhaps this is her final stretch and she will make some risky plays.

That pipeline has to go through. I am pressuring some of my Indian friends who have carrier blood to start running for their Bands as Conservative leaders. They look at me in shock, like its some sort of slap to their heritage. But slowly they seem to coming around.

The Canada Political Thread - DjembaDjemba - 03-06-2016

Quote: (03-06-2016 01:21 PM)Laner Wrote:  

It seems Notley is toughening up against Clark for a bit of a catfight.

She is threatening to not buy BC power if Clark doesnt ram the pipeline through. This is good, I like it, but it seems almost a desperate move from Notley. Her days are numbered so perhaps this is her final stretch and she will make some risky plays.

That pipeline has to go through. I am pressuring some of my Indian friends who have carrier blood to start running for their Bands as Conservative leaders. They look at me in shock, like its some sort of slap to their heritage. But slowly they seem to coming around.

Aboriginal Canadians are the fastest growing ethnic group in Canada, far higher population growth than from immigration. By the time I'm set to retire (30-40 years from now), they'll be able to swing an election in any direction. They voted in record numbers in the last election. The conservatives be wise to bring them into the fold.

This also ensures that any party that tries to run the American style us vs them political wedge game will get dismantled at the polls. Ideally our elections will remain issues based and not emotional pleas to the lowest common denominator.

The question becomes what can conservatives offer natives? Not a rhetorical question, for natives to show up for the Conservative brand, conservatives have to make them feel at home in the big tent, without pissing off a portion of the electorate that has a low opinion of them, who tend to also support conservatives. The age old question of politics, it's not a game of addition or subtraction, but of substitutions.

The Canada Political Thread - Laner - 03-06-2016


#1- Get the boys off ADHD meds. Fast.

#2- Get them back to nature. Its a joke that people look to them as the stewards of the land, yet most are further from being environmentalists than any university kid.

#3- Understand their bodies and diets. Get their people educated from within their community. They cannot live off the same foods as most people, and their bodies pay dearly for this. Obesity is the norm.

#4- Understand that the school system is not entirely out to get them. They need the basics, but their elders need to do more to lead them and show them that education is power.

#5- When they get educated, understand that Law is not the only place to go. They need more people in the trades, construction management and industrial engineering than they do lawyers. 10 years ago, yes. Law firms have made billions of Indian land claims while the people made hardly anything.

#6- Get the fuck off the reserve if you have to. Most of those places are only holding people back. 'Crab in the bucket' mentality.

#7- Stop getting pregnant/ knocking chicks up at 15.

#8- Band politics needs more integration into municipal, provincial and federal. If they can figure out a way to work together, rather than just vote on who makes the deeper promises or who is willing to wear a headress this year.

The Canada Political Thread - Dr. Howard - 03-06-2016

Quote: (03-06-2016 02:37 PM)Laner Wrote:  


#1- Get the boys off ADHD meds. Fast.

#2- Get them back to nature. Its a joke that people look to them as the stewards of the land, yet most are further from being environmentalists than any university kid.

#3- Understand their bodies and diets. Get their people educated from within their community. They cannot live off the same foods as most people, and their bodies pay dearly for this. Obesity is the norm.

#4- Understand that the school system is not entirely out to get them. They need the basics, but their elders need to do more to lead them and show them that education is power.

#5- When they get educated, understand that Law is not the only place to go. They need more people in the trades, construction management and industrial engineering than they do lawyers. 10 years ago, yes. Law firms have made billions of Indian land claims while the people made hardly anything.

#6- Get the fuck off the reserve if you have to. Most of those places are only holding people back. 'Crab in the bucket' mentality.

#7- Stop getting pregnant/ knocking chicks up at 15.

#8- Band politics needs more integration into municipal, provincial and federal. If they can figure out a way to work together, rather than just vote on who makes the deeper promises or who is willing to wear a headress this year.

I don't know if things are better for natives out west but in Ontario they are in a bad state. Population growth is huge but populations are messed right up. Natives are the vast bulk of criminals in places like winnipeg and thunder bay. Lots of drug problems and the chiefs and elections are a joke for the most part. They hire their families and just squander money.

Where they used to be into booze and sniffing glue, now bigger drugs are a problem. For example, the thunder bay hospital just announced that 30 percent of all babies born in the city are born to drug addicted mothers. That is a Yuuuge number, that means that natives are having all the kids and the moms are drugged out. Natives have a long way to go in northern ontario and Manitoba.

However, let me salute some of the chiefs who have made progress like Ms. Morriseau.

[Image: 1zJ33kOs.jpg]

WB the bells off her jingle dress