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Date Lab: Wedding planner disappointed that man wasn't "overwhelmingly" her type - Printable Version

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Date Lab: Wedding planner disappointed that man wasn't "overwhelmingly" her type - Cincinnatus - 12-21-2013

Most of the places I worked at over the last six years were involved in weddings in some way or another - and I met a lot of people in the industry. There were occasional dime pieces, but by and large, most of the wedding industry women I met were unmarried, probably due to the combination of their average looks and shitty personalities.

Date Lab: Wedding planner disappointed that man wasn't "overwhelmingly" her type - Quintus Curtius - 12-22-2013

Quote: (12-21-2013 09:50 PM)Hencredible Casanova Wrote:  

Kaitlin is wack. Typical delusional DC hamster. She has like no dating experience in DC and hardly gotten any attention (by her own admission) so what's a player to do? She starts off by saying the guy is not exactly her type, but what "type" does she even have when she doesn't date anyone? She undoubtedly suffers from various personality disorders. It be one thing if we were talking about a normal girl who normally gets swooped by dating guys out of interest in the opposite sex, but instead we're talking about a frigid cunt who lacks an iota of self-awareness or femininity and hardly ever goes out. No player in their right mind would want anything to do with a chick like that.


That's exactly what I was thinking...exactly. I'm late to this thread, having found it from Roosh's Twitter feed. Wish I had been here a few pages ago.

She is definitely your typical work-obsessed, self-absorbed, uptight pseudo-professional Americhick. He played a bad hand brilliantly by not giving a fuck and just saying whatever he wanted. A great illustration of what I call the "Ayatollah Khomeini" principle in action: when you know someone's not going to accept you no matter what you do, you might as well say fuck it and have a good time.

And Jesus H. Christ, what the hell is a wedding planner anyway? A great spender of other people's money...and yet I'm sure this bitch sees herself as an empire building J.P. Morgan of wedding receptions.

It's all about the chemistry and the initial tingles. If the attraction isn't there, you're done.

Date Lab: Wedding planner disappointed that man wasn't "overwhelmingly" her type - soup - 12-22-2013

Dusty I get that often, now I understand why. Thanks

Date Lab: Wedding planner disappointed that man wasn't "overwhelmingly" her type - LeBeau - 12-22-2013

She's cute enough, I'm sure most would bang assuming she had a good personality/attitude.

But even if that were the case, I don't see how people can describe her as "beautiful" "an 8" or "hot as hell" esp. after watching that vid (pics can be deceiving).

I would bet she wasn't even in the top for looks in her own sorority (that said, I don't know which sororities rank higher than others).

Based on responses in this thread, there seems to be about a 2 point Bid/Ask spread on the forum when it comes to rating girls.

Date Lab: Wedding planner disappointed that man wasn't "overwhelmingly" her type - Days of Broken Arrows - 12-22-2013

She's a gold digger and he didn't have enough money or power. I'm surprised none of you picked up on this. Must be a DC thing.

In DC, there is a clique of nice-looking ex-sorority women involved in the upper crust charity scene. They even did a (failed) show about it, "Blonde Charity Mafia."

This girl's sorority charity project, which she speaks of in the video, is a training ground for her to try to leap into the DC "society" scene -- the one covered on blogs like Pamela's Punch and K Street Kate.

The women that run in these circles generally will only date seriously rich men -- at least when it comes to putting on a public front. She is the junior version of these women. DC attracts these women. So does New York. If you're outside of these scenes, it's easy to not get how cliquish they are. But I've rubbed elbows with these people and they're a society unto themselves. Her goal, IMO, is to break into this scene, which is why she's trying to achieve low-level celebrity via Date Lab. The problem for her is they didn't set her up with someone "important" enough.

If you get to know the "charity mafia" women outside of the public sphere, they're often pretty cool. But when cameras are clicking and reporters are around, they're the ultimate social-climbing snobs. That's what you saw here: the public front. Only the best of the best for her! (But if you met her at an out of town bar it might be a different story.)

Had he said he was a venture capitalist or junior partner in a law firm, she'd have felt different about him.

Unlike men, who choose women based mostly on looks and personality, women often have arcane, sociologically-driven reasons for choosing men. Sometimes these have to do with "class" and "breeding" and are contingent on what crowd they wish to fit in with. We all saw the young versions of this is in high school, with the girl who only dated the top athletes, etc. When we get to our twenties, we laugh at the slightly older version of this: the athlete groupies and girls who only screw guys in indie bands. This girl is one that only screws captains of industry -- hence the lack of dates, since these guys are hard to come by.

"Sorority president" should have been the giveaway. You don't just become that without a serious plan as to how you're going to fit into the adult world. This guy didn't fit her plans or vision of who she should be with.

Date Lab: Wedding planner disappointed that man wasn't "overwhelmingly" her type - Screwston - 12-22-2013

Quote: (12-21-2013 03:00 PM)soup Wrote:  

Quote: (12-21-2013 02:56 PM)MikeCF Wrote:  

Quote: (12-21-2013 12:54 PM)Menace Wrote:  

#1 I miss these Roosh. Please keep the tradition alive.

#2 She is the epitome of what's wrong with American girls. She's pretty, let's be real, but she is not datable. Bang and done. Thing is, her personality is damaged; she's not "normal." So from the get go you're dealing with something that's not repairable and if you do not fit into her deluded preconceived archetype you're just out. Best bet with these girls is to let them know they're not as cool as they think they are and shun them mercilessly.

Two sentences sorta describe what American women believe.

1. I'm here.

2. Now you impress me.

That's what they all think, isn't it? Even the mediocre ones think merely showing up and existing entitles them to our affection and energy.

Yes it's because there are legions of beta white knights out there who believe that as long as it is human and has a pussy, that it is sacred.
True. The only reason they think they can bring nothing to the table and get their dream guy is because they never run out of new guys to talk to. I had a mediocore girl tell me I was lucky that she was talking to me the other day. Freshman, no car, no job, no money, lives with her parents , not even that hot.

Date Lab: Wedding planner disappointed that man wasn't "overwhelmingly" her type - WanderingSoul - 12-22-2013

Quote: (12-21-2013 02:50 PM)The Lizard of Oz Wrote:  

First, did guys actually watch the video??

We're talking about the girl being interviewed, not the interviewer, in case this isn't clear! Kaitlin (the Date Lab girl) doesn't appear until about 25 seconds into the video and she is not the girl in the youtube screen capture.

Kaitlin is f'ing hot as hell -- hotter in the video than she looks in her pics.

EDIT: I can't seem to embed the right start time but just go to about 25 seconds in.


Date Lab: Wedding planner disappointed that man wasn't "overwhelmingly" her type - JohnKreese - 12-22-2013

I'd like for sourcecode to chime in, but this girl is SOOOOO incredibly typical as far as College of Charleston broads go. Literally, some of the most try-too-hards, "I'm SOOOO important", types of people (it's not just the girls...sorry enigma) of any college group that I've ever been around.

Date Lab: Wedding planner disappointed that man wasn't "overwhelmingly" her type - soup - 12-22-2013

Quote: (12-22-2013 08:48 AM)houston Wrote:  

Quote: (12-21-2013 03:00 PM)soup Wrote:  

Quote: (12-21-2013 02:56 PM)MikeCF Wrote:  

Quote: (12-21-2013 12:54 PM)Menace Wrote:  

#1 I miss these Roosh. Please keep the tradition alive.

#2 She is the epitome of what's wrong with American girls. She's pretty, let's be real, but she is not datable. Bang and done. Thing is, her personality is damaged; she's not "normal." So from the get go you're dealing with something that's not repairable and if you do not fit into her deluded preconceived archetype you're just out. Best bet with these girls is to let them know they're not as cool as they think they are and shun them mercilessly.

Two sentences sorta describe what American women believe.

1. I'm here.

2. Now you impress me.

That's what they all think, isn't it? Even the mediocre ones think merely showing up and existing entitles them to our affection and energy.

Yes it's because there are legions of beta white knights out there who believe that as long as it is human and has a pussy, that it is sacred.
True. The only reason they think they can bring nothing to the table and get their dream guy is because they never run out of new guys to talk to. I had a mediocore girl tell me I was lucky that she was talking to me the other day. Freshman, no car, no job, no money, lives with her parents , not even that hot.

Guys this should be a wake-up call. This is why we all have to dress and act in a way that will make a girl not even dare to say this kind of shit to you.

Do you think a girl would say this kind of thing to Jim Morrison or "The most interesting man in the world"? Do you think she'd say this to a giant musclebound badass (not just a guy who goes to the gym who has big muscles, but a guy who actually lives the attitude)?

Hell no. She'd keep her mouth shut.

I christen a new type of game for these wretched lost women: scare the shit out of them game. This is game where your vibe is so powerful that it totally silences them. This could be done in a lot of ways. You could be so sharp with your tongue, that they'd be afraid to say anything back to you that would incur your wrath. You could also be dressed so well and surrounded by other hot women that they'd be shocked and awed.

Being around you makes them nervous and wet. It's the complete opposite of beta game. It drives them to drink because they are wrecked with anxiety.

Date Lab: Wedding planner disappointed that man wasn't "overwhelmingly" her type - Kingsley Davis - 12-22-2013

Quote: (12-22-2013 08:29 AM)Days of Broken Arrows Wrote:  

She's a gold digger and he didn't have enough money or power. I'm surprised none of you picked up on this. Must be a DC thing.

In DC, there is a clique of nice-looking ex-sorority women involved in the upper crust charity scene. They even did a (failed) show about it, "Blonde Charity Mafia."

This girl's sorority charity project, which she speaks of in the video, is a training ground for her to try to leap into the DC "society" scene -- the one covered on blogs like Pamela's Punch and K Street Kate.

The women that run in these circles generally will only date seriously rich men -- at least when it comes to putting on a public front. She is the junior version of these women. DC attracts these women. So does New York. If you're outside of these scenes, it's easy to not get how cliquish they are. But I've rubbed elbows with these people and they're a society unto themselves. Her goal, IMO, is to break into this scene, which is why she's trying to achieve low-level celebrity via Date Lab. The problem for her is they didn't set her up with someone "important" enough.

If you get to know the "charity mafia" women outside of the public sphere, they're often pretty cool. But when cameras are clicking and reporters are around, they're the ultimate social-climbing snobs. That's what you saw here: the public front. Only the best of the best for her! (But if you met her at an out of town bar it might be a different story.)

Had he said he was a venture capitalist or junior partner in a law firm, she'd have felt different about him.

Unlike men, who choose women based mostly on looks and personality, women often have arcane, sociologically-driven reasons for choosing men. Sometimes these have to do with "class" and "breeding" and are contingent on what crowd they wish to fit in with. We all saw the young versions of this is in high school, with the girl who only dated the top athletes, etc. When we get to our twenties, we laugh at the slightly older version of this: the athlete groupies and girls who only screw guys in indie bands. This girl is one that only screws captains of industry -- hence the lack of dates, since these guys are hard to come by.

"Sorority president" should have been the giveaway. You don't just become that without a serious plan as to how you're going to fit into the adult world. This guy didn't fit her plans or vision of who she should be with.

[Image: potd.gif]

Date Lab: Wedding planner disappointed that man wasn't "overwhelmingly" her type - Quintus Curtius - 12-22-2013

On a humorous note, actor Michael Shannon hilariously read an actual letter written by a sorority president named Rebecca Martinson to her "underperforming" sorority sisters.

It is priceless. Gives you a window into the mentality of sorority presidents.

This is what she looks like:

Date Lab: Wedding planner disappointed that man wasn't "overwhelmingly" her type - Dusty - 12-22-2013



Date Lab: Wedding planner disappointed that man wasn't "overwhelmingly" her type - gqntexas - 12-22-2013

Quote: (12-22-2013 08:29 AM)Days of Broken Arrows Wrote:  

This girl is one that only screws captains of industry -- hence the lack of dates, since these guys are hard to come by.

I would estimate only about 1 in a 100 guys fit the perfect mold of what modern American women are all looking for..

You know, the 6'3, talk dark and handsome with model good looks, higher education with high status 6 figure salary job.

If you go out into the real world, like I said, only about 1 out of 100..

I work with a guy like this.. Vice president of our company, makes 150 K.. He's married to a hot ex runway model and they have 2 kids..

I guess my point in all this is that there simply isn't enough of these guys to go around.. which is why I suspect that for the 1st time in American history single adult women outnumber married adult women

Date Lab: Wedding planner disappointed that man wasn't "overwhelmingly" her type - Kingsley Davis - 12-22-2013

An oldie but goodie that she would just hamster away.

Date Lab: Wedding planner disappointed that man wasn't "overwhelmingly" her type - Roosh - 12-22-2013


I would estimate only about 1 in a 100 guys fit the perfect mold of what modern American women are all looking for..

You know, the 6'3, talk dark and handsome with model good looks, higher education with high status 6 figure salary job.

Any public gathering (concert, sporting event, parade) will tell you it's closer to 1 in 1000.

Date Lab: Wedding planner disappointed that man wasn't "overwhelmingly" her type - pheonix500000 - 12-22-2013

Quote: (12-22-2013 05:30 PM)Roosh Wrote:  


I would estimate only about 1 in a 100 guys fit the perfect mold of what modern American women are all looking for..

You know, the 6'3, talk dark and handsome with model good looks, higher education with high status 6 figure salary job.

Any public gathering (concert, sporting event, parade) will tell you it's closer to 1 in 1000.

DAMN and then chicks say that WE have unrealistic expectations from them when we say be skinny and act feminine.

Date Lab: Wedding planner disappointed that man wasn't "overwhelmingly" her type - Glock - 12-22-2013

Quote: (12-22-2013 04:28 PM)gqntexas Wrote:  

Quote: (12-22-2013 08:29 AM)Days of Broken Arrows Wrote:  

This girl is one that only screws captains of industry -- hence the lack of dates, since these guys are hard to come by.

I would estimate only about 1 in a 100 guys fit the perfect mold of what modern American women are all looking for..

You know, the 6'3, talk dark and handsome with model good looks, higher education with high status 6 figure salary job.

If you go out into the real world, like I said, only about 1 out of 100..

I work with a guy like this.. Vice president of our company, makes 150 K.. He's married to a hot ex runway model and they have 2 kids..

I guess my point in all this is that there simply isn't enough of these guys to go around.. which is why I suspect that for the 1st time in American history single adult women outnumber married adult women

A VP who only makes 150k? You need to find a new company. No real upside there. That runway model can't be too hot.

Date Lab: Wedding planner disappointed that man wasn't "overwhelmingly" her type - Suits - 12-22-2013

Quote: (12-22-2013 06:01 PM)pheonix500000 Wrote:  

Quote: (12-22-2013 05:30 PM)Roosh Wrote:  


I would estimate only about 1 in a 100 guys fit the perfect mold of what modern American women are all looking for..

You know, the 6'3, talk dark and handsome with model good looks, higher education with high status 6 figure salary job.

Any public gathering (concert, sporting event, parade) will tell you it's closer to 1 in 1000.

DAMN and then chicks say that WE have unrealistic expectations from them when we say be skinny and act feminine.

Our expectations are comparatively rather low. This forum wouldn't even exist if the average guy who worked hard could count on landing a thin girl who would stay that way and maintain a pleasant attitude till the day she died.

Players exist because of years of rejection.

Date Lab: Wedding planner disappointed that man wasn't "overwhelmingly" her type - WesternCancer - 12-22-2013

Quote: (12-22-2013 03:12 PM)Quintus Curtius Wrote:  

On a humorous note, actor Michael Shannon hilariously read an actual letter written by a sorority president named Rebecca Martinson to her "underperforming" sorority sisters.

It is priceless. Gives you a window into the mentality of sorority presidents.

This is what she looks like:
Isn't this the same chick who wrote an article about her first double bj where she whored her friend out for a bottle of vodka to suck her bfs Dick with her?

Date Lab: Wedding planner disappointed that man wasn't "overwhelmingly" her type - AnonymousBosch - 12-22-2013

Quote: (12-22-2013 04:28 PM)gqntexas Wrote:  

I would estimate only about 1 in a 100 guys fit the perfect mold of what modern American women are all looking for..

What they think they are looking for. Women don't know what they want and never will. That's why I disbelieve every woman who ever says she has a 'type'. It's how they peacock for status with their gaggle of friends, by pretending they have the option to be ultra-selective and not settle for anything less than perfection because 'they're worth it'.

I remember reading of an experiment years back that showed women's stated preferences for what they find attractive in a man will change to match whatever qualities their current man has. You simply have to penetrate their bitch shield with game, and their utter lack of conviction will steer them towards valuing you as long as you continue to add positive value to their life. The hamster always finds excuses. This is why I am convinced that dominance, physicality and masculinity are more valuable to a man than looks, or money. And yes, even height, which is simply a signifier for presumed dominance.

Date Lab: Wedding planner disappointed that man wasn't "overwhelmingly" her type - Quintus Curtius - 12-22-2013

Quote: (12-22-2013 06:31 PM)WesternCancer Wrote:  

Quote: (12-22-2013 03:12 PM)Quintus Curtius Wrote:  

On a humorous note, actor Michael Shannon hilariously read an actual letter written by a sorority president named Rebecca Martinson to her "underperforming" sorority sisters.

It is priceless. Gives you a window into the mentality of sorority presidents.

This is what she looks like:
Isn't this the same chick who wrote an article about her first double bj where she whored her friend out for a bottle of vodka to suck her bfs Dick with her?

Yes, it is, unless that Vice article is a hoax. It's the same bitch. She seems to be a nice little piece of ass...the type you would want to just pin against the wall and make her deep throat your prong. Definitely WB...

But check out the Michael Shannon video...her crazy letter to her sorority sisters went viral and spawned a couple spoofs. His is the best.


Date Lab: Wedding planner disappointed that man wasn't "overwhelmingly" her type - josephkay - 12-22-2013

Quote: (12-22-2013 08:29 AM)Days of Broken Arrows Wrote:  

She's a gold digger and he didn't have enough money or power. I'm surprised none of you picked up on this. Must be a DC thing.

In DC, there is a clique of nice-looking ex-sorority women involved in the upper crust charity scene. They even did a (failed) show about it, "Blonde Charity Mafia."

This girl's sorority charity project, which she speaks of in the video, is a training ground for her to try to leap into the DC "society" scene -- the one covered on blogs like Pamela's Punch and K Street Kate.

The women that run in these circles generally will only date seriously rich men -- at least when it comes to putting on a public front. She is the junior version of these women. DC attracts these women. So does New York. If you're outside of these scenes, it's easy to not get how cliquish they are. But I've rubbed elbows with these people and they're a society unto themselves. Her goal, IMO, is to break into this scene, which is why she's trying to achieve low-level celebrity via Date Lab. The problem for her is they didn't set her up with someone "important" enough.

DOBA, do girls like this actually succeed in their gold-digging? In my experience, the type of guy who is obviously going to be rich and successful and who is also conventionally attractive with good social skills has no problem attracting girls before he's made it. Like a Wharton M.B.A. student dating a Penn undergrad. I don't know what Penn girls look like, but they might have more to offer than the DateLab girl. I can see those guys getting picked off early. And Caitlin doesn't strike me as sharp enough to find a guy who might become wealthy like say a Georgetown law student specializing in corporate law. So that leaves the ugly rich guys or ones with bad social skills. Would Caitlin be impressed with the guys who would be left? Or is that stuff even an issue? Or would she be okay with being the second-wife of a wealthy forty year-old? Is she aware of the trade-offs?

Date Lab: Wedding planner disappointed that man wasn't "overwhelmingly" her type - Dusty - 12-22-2013

Quote: (12-22-2013 08:24 PM)josephkay Wrote:  

Quote: (12-22-2013 08:29 AM)Days of Broken Arrows Wrote:  

She's a gold digger and he didn't have enough money or power. I'm surprised none of you picked up on this. Must be a DC thing.

In DC, there is a clique of nice-looking ex-sorority women involved in the upper crust charity scene. They even did a (failed) show about it, "Blonde Charity Mafia."

This girl's sorority charity project, which she speaks of in the video, is a training ground for her to try to leap into the DC "society" scene -- the one covered on blogs like Pamela's Punch and K Street Kate.

The women that run in these circles generally will only date seriously rich men -- at least when it comes to putting on a public front. She is the junior version of these women. DC attracts these women. So does New York. If you're outside of these scenes, it's easy to not get how cliquish they are. But I've rubbed elbows with these people and they're a society unto themselves. Her goal, IMO, is to break into this scene, which is why she's trying to achieve low-level celebrity via Date Lab. The problem for her is they didn't set her up with someone "important" enough.

DOBA, do girls like this actually succeed in their gold-digging? In my experience, the type of guy who is obviously going to be rich and successful and who is also conventionally attractive with good social skills has no problem attracting girls before he's made it. Like a Wharton M.B.A. student dating a Penn undergrad. I don't know what Penn girls look like, but they might have more to offer than the DateLab girl. I can see those guys getting picked off early. And Caitlin doesn't strike me as sharp enough to find a guy who might become wealthy like say a Georgetown law student specializing in corporate law. So that leaves the ugly rich guys or ones with bad social skills. Would Caitlin be impressed with the guys who would be left? Or is that stuff even an issue? Or would she be okay with being the second-wife of a wealthy forty year-old? Is she aware of the trade-offs?


Date Lab: Wedding planner disappointed that man wasn't "overwhelmingly" her type - Quintus Curtius - 12-22-2013

Quote: (12-22-2013 06:36 PM)AnonymousBosch Wrote:  

Quote: (12-22-2013 04:28 PM)gqntexas Wrote:  

I would estimate only about 1 in a 100 guys fit the perfect mold of what modern American women are all looking for..

What they think they are looking for. Women don't know what they want and never will. That's why I disbelieve every woman who ever says she has a 'type'. It's how they peacock for status with their gaggle of friends, by pretending they have the option to be ultra-selective and not settle for anything less than perfection because 'they're worth it'.

I remember reading of an experiment years back that showed women's stated preferences for what they find attractive in a man will change to match whatever qualities their current man has. You simply have to penetrate their bitch shield with game, and their utter lack of conviction will steer them towards valuing you as long as you continue to add positive value to their life. The hamster always finds excuses. This is why I am convinced that dominance, physicality and masculinity are more valuable to a man than looks, or money. And yes, even height, which is simply a signifier for presumed dominance.

You're a good man, Bosch. You make good comments.

Date Lab: Wedding planner disappointed that man wasn't "overwhelmingly" her type - aphelion - 12-22-2013

Someone get on this stat (edit: is she double BJ girl?)