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Tinder App - kirdiesel - 10-15-2018

Quote: (10-15-2018 09:38 AM)quaker13 Wrote:  

I still do pretty well with tinder but im also 220lbs and have shirtless pics. I don't even have professional pics though that will change shortly. if you don't like an adonis with your shirt off or john stamos in your shirt you probably should go back to the drawing board

This is the realization I have come to recently. Trying to work on this now. Its the only way. Pro pics and at least one with your shirt off.

Tinder App - Ten Feet Tall Right Now - 10-15-2018

I found tinder hack. After a ban I restored purchases after setting up a new account on a fresh SIM. It worked. For awhile. Then tinder stopped showing anyone new around me.

It might be that I swiped through all the chicks in a few cities. But after passporting around the world it’s stopped showing me anyone new ANYWHERE. It happened so quick I don’t even have any matches.

I’ve lost count of how many accounts I have. Some old accounts turned out to be just suspensions. I’m able to log in if I find the old sim.

I keep getting “this subscription is tied to an existing tinder account”. I can make new accounts but I can’t upgrade them. This makes Tinder pretty much useless.

25 swipes per day is a joke.

Tinder App - jacknap - 10-15-2018

Quote: (10-15-2018 12:52 PM)Ten Feet Tall Right Now Wrote:  

I found tinder hack. After a ban I restored purchases after setting up a new account on a fresh SIM. It worked. For awhile. Then tinder stopped showing anyone new around me.

It might be that I swiped through all the chicks in a few cities. But after passporting around the world it’s stopped showing me anyone new ANYWHERE. It happened so quick I don’t even have any matches.

I’ve lost count of how many accounts I have. Some old accounts turned out to be just suspensions. I’m able to log in if I find the old sim.

I keep getting “this subscription is tied to an existing tinder account”. I can make new accounts but I can’t upgrade them. This makes Tinder pretty much useless.

25 swipes per day is a joke.

you got a cost effective solution for new sim? 15-30$ for the same shit I used to use feels like a low blow.

Tinder App - Ten Feet Tall Right Now - 10-15-2018

Depends on your country. A new sim only costs me about $2-3 with a few GB of data.

I found a solution. I deleted the account. Created it again. Restored purchases again. Now I’m being shown results. Passport around. Results.

The problem was over swiping + using passport too much. I swiped through two cities in an hour. This seems to be the limit before you get shadow banned. Must seem like bot behavior to Tinder.

This means Tinder is still banning phone numbers but NOT Apple IDs. However trouble arises if an account gets suspend then reinstated, but you already went ahead and started a new one.

Now your Apple ID is tied to a tinder account you no longer have the phone number for and probably forgot about. When you try to upgrade or purchase it will be tied to an existing account you have no way to delete.

This seems stupid if not illegal. It’s liekly to be the downfall of tinder. They are mismanaging basic account access. Seems more focused on dumb shit like gifs. Every time some girl sends me one of those i deduct 50 IQ points.

Fuck Tinder. I want to shit in their mouth. I now have tinder gold accounts working on two out of three phones but this last one is stubborn. The weird thing is it’s a brand new Apple ID. sometimes when I try to purchase boosts it works. But when upgrading I get that tied to another account message.

How do I scrub an Apple ID of tinder accounts?? I’ve already checked subscriptions and there’s nothing there. It’s strange. Open up tinder. I want you to eat dog shit. Stupid fucks.

Also. How long does it take to swipe through Bangkok? The whole city must be on it. Has anyone swiped out here? How long did it take you?

(I like to swipe out and let it sit for a week to gauge my SMV.)

Tinder App - pancakemouse - 10-15-2018

Quote: (10-15-2018 10:30 AM)Player_1337 Wrote:  

Quote: (10-15-2018 09:57 AM)corsega Wrote:  

Quote: (10-14-2018 05:53 PM)Hacknmash123 Wrote:  

Gold is an absolute scam tbh.

Tinder’s heyday was 2013-2015. It’s shit now

Gold has always been a waste of money. Plus is still worth it for most guys because it lets you swipe more.

However, even as the biggest proponent of Plus, I cancelled my subscription a few months back and have been running multiple duplicate non-Plus accounts and been doing well enough to survive (1 match a day on each account).

Are you running the multiple accounts using several phone numbers or fb profiles?

Several Facebook profiles. I believe I verified the accounts with two different phone numbers (it appears Google Voice works again for verification, it didn't for a while).

Tinder App - jacknap - 10-15-2018

google voice is only for the USA. Where do you get a sim for 2-3$ in Canada they're like 20$ for my company and other companies seems about the same.

Tinder App - MikeS - 10-15-2018

I'm sure this has been asked before but I'm using Tinder for the first time in a few years.
Are you typically presented with several matches (could be many of course depending on your profile and the location) the first days of using a new account or reusing a long inactive one, only for the matches to then drop or dry out completely in a way that seems statistically odd compared to those initial days?

Tinder App - griffinmill - 10-15-2018

Had a pretty good pic of me taken during recent travels. Fired up Tinder for the first time in a a while and used this photo as my main Tinder pic.

30 matches in 3 hours, and some pretty hot talent too. Amazing. Last few times I'd used the app my matches were few and far between, and all fatties and 4s. What a turnaround.

Using a new pic really does work.

Tinder App - Ten Feet Tall Right Now - 10-15-2018

Yeah that’s the shit end of the stick. In North America or Europe you are much more likely to get banned. Then you have to pay a ridiculous amount for a new sim or number.

Can anyone confirm tinder still charges less for Facebook accounts?

I have an older account that is using my original FB (I know right?). It’s only costing me $3/month for tinder gold. I thought it was lowering my age. But that doesn’t seem to work anymore. Standard price on new accounts is $14.99/month.


My suggestion to guys stateside. Start making phony Facebook accounts well in advance. When you get suspended or banned just login with a fresh and phony FB. Fuck you Tinder.

Hit restore purchases. Restore saves you from losing $15 plus paying again. Hilarious that this works but I’ve tried for several times now! Fuck you Tinder.

You have to start swiping from zero. So you will match some of the same girls again. Put something on your profile that says “my new phone” or “can’t access old account”.

If you recognize a previous match best to unmatch immediately. Take it offline to WhatsApp or whatever. Avoid getting reported. This is much less of a problem if you are traveling.

Tinder usually will unsuspend your account after a few days (unless you see error 40303). If you don’t see the red suspend screen then forget about using that FB or phone again. It’s burnt.

It’s possible to get around the red suspend screen with a hack. It’s annoying but allows you to respond to matches and tell them you’re closing your account or whatever. I won’t post it here, sorry. Fuck you, Tinder.

If it’s just a suspend, you’ll be tempted to reuse the account later. I don’t recommend this. You're much more likely to be banned after a suspend. Just delete that account. You can use it again later as an emergency backup when your current account gets suspended. It’s my hunch that deleting the account resets your warning thresholds.

The advantage of this method is you only need a few FB to use in rotation. Unlike old phone numbers, old FB can easily be accessed later.

Phone numbers are easy to forget, lose the sim, get recycled, etc. If you’re traveling to a new country and get signed out you can’t receive confirmation texts either.

FB method is good if you travel from country to country. Your cheap sims may still be active but may not get service across the border.

Am I correct in remembering that signing up to Tinder with FB does not require a phone number? Or are they requiring both now?

Setting up a new Facebook is a hassle, but it’s actually a cheaper and easier solution over the long term. To avoid confusing yourself remember to delete the FB once they are banned.

Can anyone confirm the FB Tinder parameters? How old does the FB account have to be? How many friends do I need? I remember having problems when I tried this before despite the account being a month old and having random friends.

I’ll play around with it in the next few weeks to figure out the parameters. Fuck you, Tinder.

Tinder App - pancakemouse - 10-16-2018

Quote: (10-15-2018 04:42 PM)MikeS Wrote:  

I'm sure this has been asked before but I'm using Tinder for the first time in a few years.
Are you typically presented with several matches (could be many of course depending on your profile and the location) the first days of using a new account or reusing a long inactive one, only for the matches to then drop or dry out completely in a way that seems statistically odd compared to those initial days?

Yes, but this is how it has always worked, as long as I've known the app. It's unofficially known as a "noob boost":

Quote: (10-15-2018 11:51 PM)Ten Feet Tall Right Now Wrote:  

Am I correct in remembering that signing up to Tinder with FB does not require a phone number? Or are they requiring both now?

Can anyone confirm the FB Tinder parameters? How old does the FB account have to be? How many friends do I need? I remember having problems when I tried this before despite the account being a month old and having random friends.

You need to have a phone number, no matter what. You used to be able to skip this step by adding at least 100 Facebook friends, but they've changed it and now all accounts require a phone number verification.

Your account can be recently created and can have 0 friends. Neither of those parameters are taken into account.

Tinder App - DJ-Matt - 10-17-2018

Trying photofeeler and see which one of my pics is best, I'm not getting enough matches to really tell that way. Anyone who used PF have any correlation showing your best pics get more matches?

Also as a side note I'm a real asshole, I find myself writing "lose weight" and/or "grow your hair out" a lot in the comments for photofeeler. Put in a few "get rid of the green hair you look like a psycho".

Tinder App - jacknap - 10-17-2018

Quote: (10-17-2018 12:20 PM)DJ-Matt Wrote:  

Trying photofeeler and see which one of my pics is best, I'm not getting enough matches to really tell that way. Anyone who used PF have any correlation showing your best pics get more matches?

Also as a side note I'm a real asshole, I find myself writing "lose weight" and/or "grow your hair out" a lot in the comments for photofeeler. Put in a few "get rid of the green hair you look like a psycho".

it's what they need to hear but people put women's feels above all in society.

Tinder App - pupdawg82 - 10-18-2018

In Amsterdam for dance event and must have swiped 1000+ profiles and got two matches only. I agree with other posters that Tinder has been on decline and it is dead especially in Netherland.

Back to night game I guess

Tinder App - No More Mr. Soy Boy - 10-19-2018

The most common openers I get from girls are these ones:

"Hi! Who are you?" or "Hiii, who is this nice looking man?" or just a flirty GIF or smiley with eyes made of hearts.

But what are some good response to this? I normally have some great openers myself that shows personality and almost always starts off a good conversation and I have plan where to take it but when the girls write to me it's like I don't know what to respond to a bit odd questions and gifs.

Tinder App - Mentavious - 10-19-2018

Quote: (10-18-2018 08:43 AM)pupdawg82 Wrote:  

In Amsterdam for dance event and must have swiped 1000+ profiles and got two matches only. I agree with other posters that Tinder has been on decline and it is dead especially in Netherland.

Back to night game I guess

Damn bro.

I don’t think that’s it though. I just think tinder isn’t for you lol.

Tinder App - NextStop100 - 10-19-2018

All depends if he was getting good quantity and quality before

Tinder App - dirty_old - 10-20-2018

Tinder is getting harder to use, more bs from the girls, but still worth it to spend 10 minutes a day swiping in my case.

Some setup/optimization tips & my experiences:
-On bluestacks still (barely) do-able to change location for free (using OLD 4.x.x version apk) / other pain in the ass workarounds....(built in bluestacks location app & fake gps apps no longer work to change location with the newer versions of tinder on bluestacks).
-Bluestacks is a pain so...You can also use the web version tinder(dot)com on chrome (desktop not mobile site), and with a little googling, you should be able to set chrome's coordinates (location) wherever you want in chrome developer mode or perhaps fake gps location on other 3rd party desktop or chrome add-on apps. Not sure with Internet explorer, Mozilla, Safari, etc.. didn't work as well for me when I tried briefly so I stuck with chrome.

-As corsega & others have alluded to, it might be worth considering using 2 tinder accounts. My strategy has been one "normal" profile, and one "sex" profile with photos that can't be linked easily. Use care when switching between accounts. You must fully log out...(I personally use separate old cell phone/tablet on wifi for each account for least amount of effort), or at the minimum make sure to clear tinder/facebook/chrome app data on device when switching between accounts. Iphones are harder to log out/clear data on than android. Best to delete the facebook app off device rather than have to deal with clearing data on that too.

-As has been mentioned, but not recently... to start a new fresh tinder account (using google voice voip # to verify): don't sign up with phone # on tinder directly. Get a new free email, sign up for facebook with that email (no need to use facebook or add friends or photos), sign in to tinder. Tinder will then ask you to verify your phone #. You can use a (free in US) google voice # for this verification. Then you should be good to go although tinder MAY ask you to verify phone # again in the future especially if you try to log in with a different device, from a distant location, forget to clear data when switching between tinder accounts, or something else unusual. If you are asked to re-verify phone #, in my experience it doesn't have to be the same one you used initially. I'm not sure how many times you could re-use a phone # for this, with different accounts, I haven't tried it. I suspect this is where people are having issues with getting banned.

Those in the US can get google voice numbers/(free phone # tied to a gmail address (use for texting through gmail, google voice, or hangouts app), must have a actual phone # to link/forward the google voice # to). It's also possible to delete your google voice #/gmail account, and get a new google voice # pretty quickly/easily.

Those outside the US could try other cheap VOIP providers. In the past I used a lesser known 3.99/month voip provider with tinder verification successfully. Or if you do buy a new active sim card with a few minutes on it, use it initially to verify tinder, then call the cell provider & request a new phone # (if necessary tell them you are getting spam calls, too many calls to the old cell owner, or someone is harassing you). You should be able to do this 2 or 3 times or more with one cheap sim and 10 or 100 minutes on it. So really not that expensive. Probably possible to set up a few verified accounts in advance like this, (I've never had problems being banned, but sometimes delete an account and start a new one just for the newbie boost).

With 2 free accounts optimized like this, I'm having at least as much success (meet ups/lays) as I have with one tinder plus account in the "good old days" so many talking about of tinder past. So I let my plus expire & haven't really felt the need to renew it (yet). Gold is worthless, at least for most guys. Plus is marginal..if you're in a big city and often run out of daily likes...OR if you find the extra superlikes useful, probably worth paying for plus. Boosts are seeming to have less and less results.

-I've also experimented with having another 3rd "scouting only" account--- fake with model hot guy or girl photos, in my target's desired age range, and I use that account just for swiping through girls and "recommending to a friend" a couple of the hottest girls that are still somewhat in my niche... -via email link to my main profile. I think if you are too far out of their settings/range, it will show "user not found", and you must click on the link in your email while logged in to the other account within a day or 2.. but it has paid off for me, in terms of showing my profile to girls who likely wouldn't have been shown it otherwise...I do find that frequently enough I match with these girls that my "friend" recommended, and they are in the age range or "tinder ELO score range" that would not normally show up to my main profile at all. Sometimes I use my superlike(s) on them, if appropriate.

Tinder App - Harryhonolulu - 10-20-2018

tinder has NEVER worked for me.
I get a ridiculously low number of matches.
Bumble and Hinge is a whole different story.
Interesting how some apps "Get" you and others don't!!
also amazing how I was dying a slow death on Bumble until I changed my pics and, voila. Watched the matches grow like weeds.

Quote: (10-20-2018 05:40 PM)dirty_old Wrote:  

Tinder is getting harder to use, more bs from the girls, but still worth it to spend 10 minutes a day swiping in my case.

Some setup/optimization tips & my experiences:
-On bluestacks still (barely) do-able to change location for free (using OLD 4.x.x version apk) / other pain in the ass workarounds....(built in bluestacks location app & fake gps apps no longer work to change location with the newer versions of tinder on bluestacks).
-Bluestacks is a pain so...You can also use the web version tinder(dot)com on chrome (desktop not mobile site), and with a little googling, you should be able to set chrome's coordinates (location) wherever you want in chrome developer mode or perhaps fake gps location on other 3rd party desktop or chrome add-on apps. Not sure with Internet explorer, Mozilla, Safari, etc.. didn't work as well for me when I tried briefly so I stuck with chrome.

-As corsega & others have alluded to, it might be worth considering using 2 tinder accounts. My strategy has been one "normal" profile, and one "sex" profile with photos that can't be linked easily. Use care when switching between accounts. You must fully log out...(I personally use separate old cell phone/tablet on wifi for each account for least amount of effort), or at the minimum make sure to clear tinder/facebook/chrome app data on device when switching between accounts. Iphones are harder to log out/clear data on than android. Best to delete the facebook app off device rather than have to deal with clearing data on that too.

-As has been mentioned, but not recently... to start a new fresh tinder account (using google voice voip # to verify): don't sign up with phone # on tinder directly. Get a new free email, sign up for facebook with that email (no need to use facebook or add friends or photos), sign in to tinder. Tinder will then ask you to verify your phone #. You can use a (free in US) google voice # for this verification. Then you should be good to go although tinder MAY ask you to verify phone # again in the future especially if you try to log in with a different device, from a distant location, forget to clear data when switching between tinder accounts, or something else unusual. If you are asked to re-verify phone #, in my experience it doesn't have to be the same one you used initially. I'm not sure how many times you could re-use a phone # for this, with different accounts, I haven't tried it. I suspect this is where people are having issues with getting banned.

Those in the US can get google voice numbers/(free phone # tied to a gmail address (use for texting through gmail, google voice, or hangouts app), must have a actual phone # to link/forward the google voice # to). It's also possible to delete your google voice #/gmail account, and get a new google voice # pretty quickly/easily.

Those outside the US could try other cheap VOIP providers. In the past I used a lesser known 3.99/month voip provider with tinder verification successfully. Or if you do buy a new active sim card with a few minutes on it, use it initially to verify tinder, then call the cell provider & request a new phone # (if necessary tell them you are getting spam calls, too many calls to the old cell owner, or someone is harassing you). You should be able to do this 2 or 3 times or more with one cheap sim and 10 or 100 minutes on it. So really not that expensive. Probably possible to set up a few verified accounts in advance like this, (I've never had problems being banned, but sometimes delete an account and start a new one just for the newbie boost).

With 2 free accounts optimized like this, I'm having at least as much success (meet ups/lays) as I have with one tinder plus account in the "good old days" so many talking about of tinder past. So I let my plus expire & haven't really felt the need to renew it (yet). Gold is worthless, at least for most guys. Plus is marginal..if you're in a big city and often run out of daily likes...OR if you find the extra superlikes useful, probably worth paying for plus. Boosts are seeming to have less and less results.

-I've also experimented with having another 3rd "scouting only" account--- fake with model hot guy or girl photos, in my target's desired age range, and I use that account just for swiping through girls and "recommending to a friend" a couple of the hottest girls that are still somewhat in my niche... -via email link to my main profile. I think if you are too far out of their settings/range, it will show "user not found", and you must click on the link in your email while logged in to the other account within a day or 2.. but it has paid off for me, in terms of showing my profile to girls who likely wouldn't have been shown it otherwise...I do find that frequently enough I match with these girls that my "friend" recommended, and they are in the age range or "tinder ELO score range" that would not normally show up to my main profile at all. Sometimes I use my superlike(s) on them, if appropriate.

Tinder App - pancakemouse - 10-20-2018

Quote: (10-20-2018 05:40 PM)dirty_old Wrote:  

Tinder is getting harder to use, more bs from the girls, but still worth it to spend 10 minutes a day swiping in my case.

Some setup/optimization tips & my experiences:
-On bluestacks still (barely) do-able to change location for free (using OLD 4.x.x version apk) / other pain in the ass workarounds....(built in bluestacks location app & fake gps apps no longer work to change location with the newer versions of tinder on bluestacks).
-Bluestacks is a pain so...You can also use the web version tinder(dot)com on chrome (desktop not mobile site), and with a little googling, you should be able to set chrome's coordinates (location) wherever you want in chrome developer mode or perhaps fake gps location on other 3rd party desktop or chrome add-on apps. Not sure with Internet explorer, Mozilla, Safari, etc.. didn't work as well for me when I tried briefly so I stuck with chrome.

-As corsega & others have alluded to, it might be worth considering using 2 tinder accounts. My strategy has been one "normal" profile, and one "sex" profile with photos that can't be linked easily. Use care when switching between accounts. You must fully log out...(I personally use separate old cell phone/tablet on wifi for each account for least amount of effort), or at the minimum make sure to clear tinder/facebook/chrome app data on device when switching between accounts. Iphones are harder to log out/clear data on than android. Best to delete the facebook app off device rather than have to deal with clearing data on that too.

-As has been mentioned, but not recently... to start a new fresh tinder account (using google voice voip # to verify): don't sign up with phone # on tinder directly. Get a new free email, sign up for facebook with that email (no need to use facebook or add friends or photos), sign in to tinder. Tinder will then ask you to verify your phone #. You can use a (free in US) google voice # for this verification. Then you should be good to go although tinder MAY ask you to verify phone # again in the future especially if you try to log in with a different device, from a distant location, forget to clear data when switching between tinder accounts, or something else unusual. If you are asked to re-verify phone #, in my experience it doesn't have to be the same one you used initially. I'm not sure how many times you could re-use a phone # for this, with different accounts, I haven't tried it. I suspect this is where people are having issues with getting banned.

Those in the US can get google voice numbers/(free phone # tied to a gmail address (use for texting through gmail, google voice, or hangouts app), must have a actual phone # to link/forward the google voice # to). It's also possible to delete your google voice #/gmail account, and get a new google voice # pretty quickly/easily.

Those outside the US could try other cheap VOIP providers. In the past I used a lesser known 3.99/month voip provider with tinder verification successfully. Or if you do buy a new active sim card with a few minutes on it, use it initially to verify tinder, then call the cell provider & request a new phone # (if necessary tell them you are getting spam calls, too many calls to the old cell owner, or someone is harassing you). You should be able to do this 2 or 3 times or more with one cheap sim and 10 or 100 minutes on it. So really not that expensive. Probably possible to set up a few verified accounts in advance like this, (I've never had problems being banned, but sometimes delete an account and start a new one just for the newbie boost).

With 2 free accounts optimized like this, I'm having at least as much success (meet ups/lays) as I have with one tinder plus account in the "good old days" so many talking about of tinder past. So I let my plus expire & haven't really felt the need to renew it (yet). Gold is worthless, at least for most guys. Plus is marginal..if you're in a big city and often run out of daily likes...OR if you find the extra superlikes useful, probably worth paying for plus. Boosts are seeming to have less and less results.

-I've also experimented with having another 3rd "scouting only" account--- fake with model hot guy or girl photos, in my target's desired age range, and I use that account just for swiping through girls and "recommending to a friend" a couple of the hottest girls that are still somewhat in my niche... -via email link to my main profile. I think if you are too far out of their settings/range, it will show "user not found", and you must click on the link in your email while logged in to the other account within a day or 2.. but it has paid off for me, in terms of showing my profile to girls who likely wouldn't have been shown it otherwise...I do find that frequently enough I match with these girls that my "friend" recommended, and they are in the age range or "tinder ELO score range" that would not normally show up to my main profile at all. Sometimes I use my superlike(s) on them, if appropriate.

You can use to easily spoof your location. Works way better than BlueStacks and Tinder's official webapp.

Like you mentioned I run two free profiles now, I got rid of Plus at the start of the summer. And I use to always stay logged into one account while I use the other account on my phone.

As far as the scouting account, it's definitely a good way to get some of the hotter girls to the forefront with a good Elo score profile. However, keep in mind that Elo score determines who sees YOU, not who you see. So if you kept swiping, you would eventually see these girls anyway. Tinder doesn't hide profiles. Personally, too much work in my case to run a third profile.

Tinder App - Player_1337 - 10-21-2018

Thought tind3r and the Chrome extension were dead.

Tinder App - sterling_archer - 10-21-2018

Wow, I am definitely punished for multiple resets of my profile. Is there any way to circumvent this? I cannot buy new phone number just because of this.

Tinder App - Ten Feet Tall Right Now - 10-21-2018

Tinder keeps adding stupid features like gifs and places. All they need to do is allow you to see everyone in your area at once. Select your top 100 people each month. See who does the same. Then get to chatting. Whoever makes an app that does that could destroy Tinder in 6 months. Swiping is so time consuming and stupid. It rewards losers who are glued to their phone more than beautiful people.

Tinder App - Lino - 10-21-2018

Quote: (10-20-2018 05:40 PM)dirty_old Wrote:  

Tinder is getting harder to use, more bs from the girls, but still worth it to spend 10 minutes a day swiping in my case.

Some setup/optimization tips & my experiences:
-On bluestacks still (barely) do-able to change location for free (using OLD 4.x.x version apk) / other pain in the ass workarounds....(built in bluestacks location app & fake gps apps no longer work to change location with the newer versions of tinder on bluestacks).
-Bluestacks is a pain so...You can also use the web version tinder(dot)com on chrome (desktop not mobile site), and with a little googling, you should be able to set chrome's coordinates (location) wherever you want in chrome developer mode or perhaps fake gps location on other 3rd party desktop or chrome add-on apps. Not sure with Internet explorer, Mozilla, Safari, etc.. didn't work as well for me when I tried briefly so I stuck with chrome.

-As corsega & others have alluded to, it might be worth considering using 2 tinder accounts. My strategy has been one "normal" profile, and one "sex" profile with photos that can't be linked easily. Use care when switching between accounts. You must fully log out...(I personally use separate old cell phone/tablet on wifi for each account for least amount of effort), or at the minimum make sure to clear tinder/facebook/chrome app data on device when switching between accounts. Iphones are harder to log out/clear data on than android. Best to delete the facebook app off device rather than have to deal with clearing data on that too.

-As has been mentioned, but not recently... to start a new fresh tinder account (using google voice voip # to verify): don't sign up with phone # on tinder directly. Get a new free email, sign up for facebook with that email (no need to use facebook or add friends or photos), sign in to tinder. Tinder will then ask you to verify your phone #. You can use a (free in US) google voice # for this verification. Then you should be good to go although tinder MAY ask you to verify phone # again in the future especially if you try to log in with a different device, from a distant location, forget to clear data when switching between tinder accounts, or something else unusual. If you are asked to re-verify phone #, in my experience it doesn't have to be the same one you used initially. I'm not sure how many times you could re-use a phone # for this, with different accounts, I haven't tried it. I suspect this is where people are having issues with getting banned.

Those in the US can get google voice numbers/(free phone # tied to a gmail address (use for texting through gmail, google voice, or hangouts app), must have a actual phone # to link/forward the google voice # to). It's also possible to delete your google voice #/gmail account, and get a new google voice # pretty quickly/easily.

Those outside the US could try other cheap VOIP providers. In the past I used a lesser known 3.99/month voip provider with tinder verification successfully. Or if you do buy a new active sim card with a few minutes on it, use it initially to verify tinder, then call the cell provider & request a new phone # (if necessary tell them you are getting spam calls, too many calls to the old cell owner, or someone is harassing you). You should be able to do this 2 or 3 times or more with one cheap sim and 10 or 100 minutes on it. So really not that expensive. Probably possible to set up a few verified accounts in advance like this, (I've never had problems being banned, but sometimes delete an account and start a new one just for the newbie boost).

With 2 free accounts optimized like this, I'm having at least as much success (meet ups/lays) as I have with one tinder plus account in the "good old days" so many talking about of tinder past. So I let my plus expire & haven't really felt the need to renew it (yet). Gold is worthless, at least for most guys. Plus is marginal..if you're in a big city and often run out of daily likes...OR if you find the extra superlikes useful, probably worth paying for plus. Boosts are seeming to have less and less results.

-I've also experimented with having another 3rd "scouting only" account--- fake with model hot guy or girl photos, in my target's desired age range, and I use that account just for swiping through girls and "recommending to a friend" a couple of the hottest girls that are still somewhat in my niche... -via email link to my main profile. I think if you are too far out of their settings/range, it will show "user not found", and you must click on the link in your email while logged in to the other account within a day or 2.. but it has paid off for me, in terms of showing my profile to girls who likely wouldn't have been shown it otherwise...I do find that frequently enough I match with these girls that my "friend" recommended, and they are in the age range or "tinder ELO score range" that would not normally show up to my main profile at all. Sometimes I use my superlike(s) on them, if appropriate.

Thanks for sharing your tricks, a lot of guys come to brag on this thread or to bash other dudes but many are actually using tricks to optimize their account and don’t share them, instead they just tell you « tinder is still good for me ».

I am not on tinder since a few months and not planning to use it again unless I travel very far from home.
I think your post is very informative for a dude whose results decreased on tinder (mine decreased drastically, that’s why I stopped using it), but ultimately I think it’s not worth trying to optimize an app which is doing everything to lower a man’s SMV and maximizing the chicks one.

I am quite sure at some point a better app for men will be created, more generally I think at some point men will gather to defend themselves against the aggressive feminism which denies their masculinity and is spreading very quickly and everywhere.

Tinder App - Lino - 10-21-2018

Quote: (10-21-2018 05:54 AM)Ten Feet Tall Right Now Wrote:  

Tinder keeps adding stupid features like gifs and places. All they need to do is allow you to see everyone in your area at once. Select your top 100 people each month. See who does the same. Then get to chatting. Whoever makes an app that does that could destroy Tinder in 6 months. Swiping is so time consuming and stupid. It rewards losers who are glued to their phone more than beautiful people.

Agreed but Tinder is just pricing the pussy at the maximum they can, they are making it more and more difficult for men so that they spend more and more money, I believe the best IRL players won’t necessarily do well on tinder, you need to have time to spend on it, be kind of geeky OR be a 8,5/9. Ultimately game has very little to do with having success on tinder and I say this as a man who had great success with it in the past.

Tinder App - pancakemouse - 10-21-2018

Quote: (10-21-2018 01:22 AM)Player_1337 Wrote:  

Thought tind3r and the Chrome extension were dead.

Still going strong for me.

Quote: (10-21-2018 05:54 AM)Ten Feet Tall Right Now Wrote:  

Tinder keeps adding stupid features like gifs and places. All they need to do is allow you to see everyone in your area at once. Select your top 100 people each month. See who does the same. Then get to chatting. Whoever makes an app that does that could destroy Tinder in 6 months. Swiping is so time consuming and stupid. It rewards losers who are glued to their phone more than beautiful people.

The point of an app company is to optimize for user engagement, i.e. how much time you spend on the app. Tinder knows exactly what they're doing, and no one would ever start that company because of that.