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Mark Minter is getting married? - Kingsley Davis - 07-27-2013

Quote: (07-27-2013 01:30 PM)MikeCF Wrote:  

Think about this.

Kate has known about Minter's writings. She knew he'd get blowblack.

She didn't even love him enough to say, "Honey, let's keep this quiet at first. After we've been married for a while, we'll use this as a success story. But there's no reason we need to tell anyone right now."

Instead, she ran her fucking mouth off. She put herself first. She was just dying to tell everyone she got engaged.

It's a pretty funny look at what marriage means to an American woman. It's not about the man. It never is. It's about the woman's ego trip.

Right about now is where someone should insert that pic where the woman's ring is in the forefront and her fiance is in the backdrop, blurred out.

[Image: attachment.jpg13473]   

Mark Minter is getting married? - Samseau - 07-27-2013

Well, now that we've establishes Minter's weaknesses, it's time to move this conversation forward.

Let's place some bets. How long till the divorce? Does anyone know what state they're getting married in? How long does Kate need to stay married before she can divorce for cash?

If someone can fill me in on this I'd be willing to bet up to $500 on this. I think we can make some reasonable guesses as to how long before we hear about the divorce.

Mark Minter is getting married? - Humanist - 07-27-2013

Yeah, what's up with his talking about her "photos that make him sit up and pay attention"?

It sounds like he hasn't met her in person?

Mark Minter is getting married? - Samseau - 07-27-2013

Quote: (07-27-2013 01:58 PM)Humanist Wrote:  

Yeah, what's up with his talking about her "photos that make him sit up and pay attention"?

It sounds like he hasn't met her in person?

I know! He also said, "I've seen photos you guys haven't."

LOL? Does he believe he's really the only guy who's seen these magical photos? And is he marrying this broad just off some pics he saw on the internet?

Mark Minter is getting married? - Dusty - 07-27-2013

Quote: (07-27-2013 01:58 PM)Humanist Wrote:  

Yeah, what's up with his talking about her "photos that make him sit up and pay attention"?

It sounds like he hasn't met her in person?

That's what I said way back. Chances are they don't live in the same city. But is it possible they never met in person??

Mark Minter is getting married? - Menace - 07-27-2013

On a more positive note that's why this forum is so valuable. Lots of guys have met each other and we can be more certain that people are who they say they are and do what they say they do.

Mark Minter is getting married? - bacon - 07-27-2013

Quote: (07-27-2013 02:14 PM)Dusty Wrote:  

Quote: (07-27-2013 01:58 PM)Humanist Wrote:  

Yeah, what's up with his talking about her "photos that make him sit up and pay attention"?

It sounds like he hasn't met her in person?

That's what I said way back. Chances are they don't live in the same city. But is it possible they never met in person??

Jesus if this is the case he is really a lost cause.

Mark Minter is getting married? - arafat scarf - 07-27-2013

It's important to keep things in perspective. First of all, this news is 2 days old and this could all be a hoax. But whether it's a hoax or not, it puts us through an interesting thought experiment about what happens when somebody goes against the community.

tl;dr- It's probably best to keep from frothing at the mouth.

There's a taxonomy of sorts in this part of the web.

Roosh, Rollo, and Roissy (who has slipped spectacularly) seem to be the most prominent. On a plane far below, there's a few influential others who come to mind like Krauser, MikeCF, and Dalrock. And then you have a handful of all-star commenters: Samseau, GBFM, Quintus Curtius and of course, the artist formerly known as Mark Minter.

In this community, as in any, some people wield more influence than others. This is a diverse group and everybody forms an identity. Roosh has planted himself as a nomadic, pensive womanizing bohemian. Rollo as a married man on the sidelines with a highly analytic ability for framing modern social & sexual dynamics. And Roissy as a wry, calculating, nihilistic seducer with a heavy touch of bitterness and racism.

Why are we here? I think everybody innately understands that women, love, companionship, and sex are a critical part of a man's life. We all have or have had mothers, sisters, girlfriends, lovers, daughters. And though many consider it inadvisable, some of us even have wives and platonic female friends. These relationships are critical to our health and well being, and they each fulfill different needs that allow us to stay sane and functioning. One of our biggest needs is having fulfilling romantic relationships, and this is incredibly difficult in the modern age. I would argue that the biggest contribution of this area of the web is the collective wisdom on the forces of attraction that makes a sexual relationship happen, the proper behaviors that allow one to maintain a lover on advantageous terms, and why it is strongly advisable to stay out of a marital relationship.

Where does Mark Minter fit into all this?

Mark Minter held a unique place in the community. Since our views of relationships our mostly new-founded, heretical, and outside of the realm of polite discussion within Anglo culture, there aren't many people with a lifetime of perspective on our views of women. Mark Minter's role was that of an older, battle-tested kindred spirit who had seen it all - and the bulk of his experiences had been shaped by a dating environment where it was nearly impossible for a man to inform oneself of what was happening. Basically Mark was a living example of someone who was subjected, unconsciously, to the soul punishing forces of the female specie in modern society. Imagine how you would've turned out if there were no language to describe phenomena like oneitis, hypergamy, and the lover/provider distinction. To me, Mark provided us with that perspective- what could have happened to any one of us had there been no 'sphere. He also had the potential of giving us a perspective of what our romantic lives might be like as we age, as Father Time slowly nudges us out of the game.

So there is a sense of loss and Mark Minter's credibility is shot, and he'll probably be excommunicated by means of ridicule 'round these parts. It's one thing to evolve, to have a change of heart as Roosh seems to be doing, but I think most people agree that it's another thing to flagrantly go against strongly announced convictions in the face of what appears to be comically weak temptation. A red pill marriage? Haha get the fuck out of here!

I don't think any of us want to be like that, that kind of person, and it looks like he didn't deserve our respect. But this isn't the first time we've been wrong about somebody in our lives and more importantly, it won't be the last. I don't know about you guys, but I've been wrong about lovers, friends, and family- I've even been wrong about myself. Those stakes are a lot bigger. Regardless, there's still many amazing thinkers here, many exemplars, and good ideals to aspire to.

Personally, I still can't pull a 9. I still can't squat 300 lbs. I still don't like my mother. I still need to work harder and smarter in my career. I don't know about you but I'll keep cultivating my garden: watering plants, planting the right seeds, and pulling the weeds. We've lost one man's perspective, a guy who seemed inspirational, but like many times before, we were mistaken.

That's unfortunate, but I still have shit to do.


Mark Minter is getting married? - Icarus - 07-27-2013

Is Mark Minter blogging at Marky Mark's Thoughts on Various Issues? I find their writing style similar in many ways. The blog in question was targeted by SPLC at the same time they targeted Roosh.

Mark Minter is getting married? - nek - 07-27-2013

Quote: (07-27-2013 09:38 AM)MikeCF Wrote:  

This is a fucking soap opera - which is what always happens when you bring women into a boys club.

I see this dynamic play out in every MMA gym I've been in. A lot of the girls (not all) who join these gyms gravitate to them more so for the guys in the gym than the actual sport of MMA. But then again, women's lives really are all about relationships. Men get together and talk about all sorts of shit (women, politics, philosophy, cars, etc). Women talk about relationships mostly, and to a lesser extent, food, their houses (nesting instinct) and their pets (their "children). It's their all-encompassing interest in life.

On a separate note, and I think a poster above alluded to this, is that even though he might have "sold out", try to read Mark's stuff objectively. Even though he might have gone against his own advice, it doesn't make the advice necessarily wrong, and much of it still holds true. Some can teach and not do (Phil Jackson). Some can do and not teach (Isiah Thomas). Just because a person might not like the message, the messenger, or how the message is being conveyed doesn't mean the message is wrong.

Mark Minter is getting married? - Hades - 07-27-2013

I'm still waiting for this to be revealed as some kind of practical joke. With these newer developments (he might have not even met her, she's a single mom living with her parents, etc) it's almost too crazy to be believed, coming from Minter.

Mark Minter is getting married? - Roosh - 07-27-2013

Is there any proof that "Mark Minter" actually exists?

Mark Minter is getting married? - Veloce - 07-27-2013

Quote: (07-27-2013 06:05 PM)Roosh Wrote:  

Is there any proof that "Mark Minter" actually exists?

Seriously. I smell a rat. The whole thing is just a little too "perfect". The ultimate joke and defacement of the manosphere: blog posters congratulating some "chick" about her engagement on, of all sites, Chateau Heartiste.

This is the equivalent of a well respected Jezebel author writing an article saying, "Men really are better at everything and deserve to be exalted."

I think we've been had.

Mark Minter is getting married? - Roosh - 07-27-2013

Mark's ex-wife leaves some comments on manboob:


Mark Minter is an absolutly insane person. 1st off, we have been divorced for ten years, dont you think it is time to get over it? Secondly, if you Google me or look me up on FB you will get images of me and my current husband. I am 52 – 5’7 and 135 pounds, not quite the pig Mark makes me out to be – and oh yeah – my current husband is 44. On another note, the reason I Show up in Google searches is because I am an energy analyst who travels and gets paid to speak about the emerging US energy markets – I am clearly a moron.

Mark Minter has 2 children, including a 19 yr old daugther. He has never paid a dollar of child support in his life, so all of the crap he spews is crap. He has not worked in 5 years because no one will hire him. Amazingly, he has been fired from EVERY job he ever had. He lives with his sister because without her support he would be homeless.
This is the man that people are calling “great” – he is a bitter ass.

This might not be the most direct way to get my point out but it was the easiest. Please share as you think appropriate.


Yes, I really am his ex wife. Thank you for your replies. I am sure this will make it’s way around the web.
I am sad for my children when they day comes and they do a Google search on ther father whom they have not seen in several years, and start reading.
And BTW, my son and I get along great, plus he and his step brother get along great. Despite Mark’s bullshit claims, I NEVER pushed my kids out of the way for a “new man”. We, like millions of other families, just try to make the new blended family work.


This is my last post on this because something tells me it will do. I am from oyster bay, Long Island if you look at my FB page. I read one of mark’s rants naming me by name and location. That is what pushed me over the edge.
I met mark in 1982 at UT Austin. We got married in 1987. We moved to boulder in 1992 Our kids were born in 1994 and 1998 and we split up shortly thereafter in 1999. Mark moved around between Atlanta, boulder and South America after that. He came back to the states about 6 yrs ago and got laid off from his last job. About 4.5 yrs ago he moved back to Austin to live with his sister as he ran out of money. Given his charming, sociable personality, you might understand how it has been difficult for him to recover in the new economy.
The web is wide and I am sure that anyone can do the slightest bit of digging to confirm these facts. I need to protect my kids so this is more than enough information.

Plus, seriously, who the hell would lay claim to this disaster if it were not true?

As I read some of his rantings I was seriously saddened. Mark is brilliant, one of the most academic and intellectual people I have ever known. His writing style can be amazing and it is such a waste that the content is such crap. He is lost and alone and has no interaction with the “real” world anymore. He has found a voice and audience on the web that he could never interact with in person. I am sad that this is the message he chose to broadcast and sorry for my children.
That’s it. Thanks.
Dave, please check the user name on this again after I post it. TY


Physically impossible – Mark lives in his sister’s spare bedroom and has not worked in 5 years. I hope it is true – if some crazy person is willing to marry him the IRS will take him down. I cant get child support but he owes the IRS tens of thousands in back taxes and interest.


I can’t get the child support because he is a troll who doesn’t have a dime. He has no wages to garnish, and he emptied out his IRA years about 8 yrs ago to finance his 1st trip to South America. (True story, in a manic episode after he lost yet another job, he took off to Peru for a few months)

Even if he married Oprah the kids wouldn’t get child support because that payment is a formula based on mark’s earnings, not the spouse. Then again, if he married Oprah it might be pretty funny and I would t least ask for new cars for the kids.

I don't know what to believe right now, but our manosphere "innocence" has been violated.

[Image: fuckthat2.gif]

Mark Minter is getting married? - Roosh - 07-27-2013

Our enemies will use this against us for a long time. Minter has done serious damage. I accept blame since I helped spread his writing. My troll radar seemed to have failed me this time.

Mark Minter is getting married? - MikeCF - 07-27-2013

Good grief.

Mark Minter is getting married? - Dusty - 07-27-2013

His ex:

[Image: SuzanneMinter.jpg]

Mark Minter is getting married? - arafat scarf - 07-27-2013

Holy shit this story is becoming fascinating!

There's a 2 month lag in between his supposed exwife's comments at manboobz and when all this shit exploded over the last 2 days. I don't think this is a joke and it looks like there might be many more layers to this onion.

After Rollo posted the manboobz link, the supposed bride-to-be had this to stay at Rollo's blog:


Rollo, I am mad at you. Why do you want to dig this stuff up and hurt someone I thought was your friend? This is a time to be happy for him, not a time to dredge up comments his ex-wife wrote. She even commented at heartiste yesterday. The whole thing is beyond weird for both of us. We simply have faith in each other and plan to be married. End of story. Still hope you’ll get over your paranoia and join us.

The entertainment is incredible - either as an elaborate hoax or something stranger than fiction.

edited to add: I found her linkedin profile, but i'm not posting it. It confirms the details from some of Minter's comments...
double edited to add: Yep that's her pic up there...

Mark Minter is getting married? - Dusty - 07-27-2013

Quote: (07-27-2013 07:37 PM)Roosh Wrote:  

Our enemies will use this against us for a long time. Minter has done serious damage. I accept blame since I helped spread his writing. My troll radar seemed to have failed me this time.

Don't be too quick to think that. Take the long view. Like any movement, there will be crackpots who need to be purged, and then the movement learns from it's mistakes and focuses and improves its message.

The manosphere is onto something big. I only discovered it several months ago. Every guy of every background that I pass long "red pill" knowledge too laps it up. It's the message the ideas that are the strength. Purging fringe characters like Minter will ultimately be good for the movement.

Mark Minter is getting married? - Roosh - 07-27-2013

So I guess you can say he literally was a basement dweller troll.

I think the reason we got duped is because so many of us on this side of the manosphere aren't close to his age. How can guys 35 and under do a reality check on the writings of a 60 year old? His anti-marriage rants fit our model of the world, so we quickly accepted them as a sort of truth and validation of our beliefs.

What I like about the forum is that many guys are meeting each other, so the seed is already planted to prevent this from happening again. At the minimum, I will be looking for a "I met him... he exists" level of verification. Otherwise, I will believe nothing.

We're arriving at the point where if you want to be a prominent member of this community, you must be prepared to shake hands with others.

Mark Minter is getting married? - Samseau - 07-27-2013

Quote: (07-27-2013 07:29 PM)Roosh Wrote:  

Mark's ex-wife leaves some comments on manboob:


Mark Minter is an absolutly insane person. 1st off, we have been divorced for ten years, dont you think it is time to get over it? Secondly, if you Google me or look me up on FB you will get images of me and my current husband. I am 52 – 5’7 and 135 pounds, not quite the pig Mark makes me out to be – and oh yeah – my current husband is 44. On another note, the reason I Show up in Google searches is because I am an energy analyst who travels and gets paid to speak about the emerging US energy markets – I am clearly a moron.

Mark Minter has 2 children, including a 19 yr old daugther. He has never paid a dollar of child support in his life, so all of the crap he spews is crap. He has not worked in 5 years because no one will hire him. Amazingly, he has been fired from EVERY job he ever had. He lives with his sister because without her support he would be homeless.
This is the man that people are calling “great” – he is a bitter ass.

This might not be the most direct way to get my point out but it was the easiest. Please share as you think appropriate.


Yes, I really am his ex wife. Thank you for your replies. I am sure this will make it’s way around the web.
I am sad for my children when they day comes and they do a Google search on ther father whom they have not seen in several years, and start reading.
And BTW, my son and I get along great, plus he and his step brother get along great. Despite Mark’s bullshit claims, I NEVER pushed my kids out of the way for a “new man”. We, like millions of other families, just try to make the new blended family work.


This is my last post on this because something tells me it will do. I am from oyster bay, Long Island if you look at my FB page. I read one of mark’s rants naming me by name and location. That is what pushed me over the edge.
I met mark in 1982 at UT Austin. We got married in 1987. We moved to boulder in 1992 Our kids were born in 1994 and 1998 and we split up shortly thereafter in 1999. Mark moved around between Atlanta, boulder and South America after that. He came back to the states about 6 yrs ago and got laid off from his last job. About 4.5 yrs ago he moved back to Austin to live with his sister as he ran out of money. Given his charming, sociable personality, you might understand how it has been difficult for him to recover in the new economy.
The web is wide and I am sure that anyone can do the slightest bit of digging to confirm these facts. I need to protect my kids so this is more than enough information.

Plus, seriously, who the hell would lay claim to this disaster if it were not true?

As I read some of his rantings I was seriously saddened. Mark is brilliant, one of the most academic and intellectual people I have ever known. His writing style can be amazing and it is such a waste that the content is such crap. He is lost and alone and has no interaction with the “real” world anymore. He has found a voice and audience on the web that he could never interact with in person. I am sad that this is the message he chose to broadcast and sorry for my children.
That’s it. Thanks.
Dave, please check the user name on this again after I post it. TY


Physically impossible – Mark lives in his sister’s spare bedroom and has not worked in 5 years. I hope it is true – if some crazy person is willing to marry him the IRS will take him down. I cant get child support but he owes the IRS tens of thousands in back taxes and interest.


I can’t get the child support because he is a troll who doesn’t have a dime. He has no wages to garnish, and he emptied out his IRA years about 8 yrs ago to finance his 1st trip to South America. (True story, in a manic episode after he lost yet another job, he took off to Peru for a few months)

Even if he married Oprah the kids wouldn’t get child support because that payment is a formula based on mark’s earnings, not the spouse. Then again, if he married Oprah it might be pretty funny and I would t least ask for new cars for the kids.

I don't know what to believe right now, but our manosphere "innocence" has been violated.

[Image: fuckthat2.gif]

Looks like all of these comments are on the legit side.

The only thing that doesn't fit in was that in one of Minter's essays he spoke about how he met his wife in NYC, not Texas. That's a big difference between each other's accounts.

On the other hand, her info about her children seems to match what Minter has said before. As to whether or not he's paid child support, I do not know. We do know that he went to South America for some time, as both Minter the man and Minter the ex-wife confirm it.

Mark Minter is getting married? - Sailor - 07-27-2013

Why does she still use his surname?

Mark Minter is getting married? - bacon - 07-27-2013

Wow, every time I read this thread the story takes a new turn. The manosphere is becoming a fucking soap opera!

Mark Minter is getting married? - NYJ - 07-27-2013

Quote: (07-27-2013 07:49 PM)Roosh Wrote:  

So I guess you can say he literally was a basement dweller troll.

I think the reason we got duped is because so many of us on this side of the manosphere aren't close to his age. How can guys 35 and under do a reality check on the writings of a 60 year old? His anti-marriage rants fit our model of the world, so we quickly accepted them as a sort of truth and validation of our beliefs.

What I like about the forum is that many guys are meeting each other, so the seed is already planted to prevent this from happening again. At the minimum, I will be looking for a "I met him... he exists" level of verification. Otherwise, I will believe nothing.

We're arriving at the point where if you want to be a prominent member of this community, you must be prepared to shake hands with others.

The only people I trust from online are the ones who I've met in person. I've been on forums for years and have seen way too many keyboardjockies and people straight up making up online characters.

I always thought there was something funny about the guy.

Mark Minter is getting married? - Quintus Curtius - 07-27-2013

Just heard about this. Kind of dismayed...don't know what to think.