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Weight loss basics? - godfather dust - 06-05-2018

Bench 320 squat 480
I fucked up back first time deadlifting so I got shook, but will learn when my shoulder, I'll pm myself in a decent fitting t-shirt or something if you really want an idea of my frame/size

Weight loss basics? - godfather dust - 06-06-2018

Quote: (06-03-2018 02:35 AM)Fortis Wrote:  

Glad to hear it, man. I'm sure you'll make quick progress once you realize how much you're overeating.

I'm talking out of my ass but I'm going to assume that if you're 6'3 and 275, you're eating somewhere to the tune of 5000 calories a day. I can't guarantee it, but just a guess.

On a different note, you might be a prime candidate for Intermittent fasting since you have no problem eating enough, you just tend to go overboard.

I think 5000 is probably about right. I've eaten about 2000 calories the last couple days with a calorie app (my fitness pal) and I had no idea how much (ridiculous amount) I was eating.

Weight loss basics? - SamuelBRoberts - 06-06-2018

I saw some pics from Godfather Dust. Dude is a beast.

He had a jason mask on in the pics, and honestly looked like he could pass for jason if you gave him an axe. So we're not talking about a guy who's stuffing his face full of pizzas while he sits on the couch all day. You could easily mistake him for a guy who's just in a bulking phase.

The only weightloss advice he needs is "Eat clean" "Track your calories" and "Get tested for sleep apnea if you think you need it" (Particularly at that size.) and he'll be fine.

Weight loss basics? - Dulceácido - 06-06-2018

Damn, Godfather! Good shit. You took our advice and you're sticking to it.

I told you in my PM, when you decrease that time window of eating--if you're eating good nutritious food and drinking lots of water--it's almost impossible to overeat. I'll tell you, my first few days were not so bad, but still had some nagging hunger, but after less than one week, I started feeling perfectly satisfied with what I was doing. If you eat a bunch of bullshit, you can overeat (in calories), but with the diet you are describing, if you stick with that time window, it's almost impossible to overindulge. You'll crush a good solid meal with a protein shake and maybe a veggie additive with your meal. After that, you're stuffed. Then right before the window closes, you'll probably have a light, healthy snack (mine is a bowl of no sugar cereal with protein powder), then you're stuffed again. Keep chugging water and go to bed (start to slow your water consumption an hour before bed so your sleep isn't interrupted by going to take a piss a couple times in the night).

At the caloric intake you're now describing and the activity you're maintaining, you're gonna be a shredded beast soon.

Weight loss basics? - SamuelBRoberts - 06-06-2018

Yeah intermittent fasting works great.
I've been amazed after following it for a few months how I'm just... not as hungry anymore. I don't even think about it anymore it's just an ingrained habit.

Weight loss basics? - Dulceácido - 06-06-2018

Quote: (06-06-2018 01:48 AM)SamuelBRoberts Wrote:  

Yeah intermittent fasting works great.
I've been amazed after following it for a few months how I'm just... not as hungry anymore. I don't even think about it anymore it's just an ingrained habit.

That's exactly what I experienced. I only eat one meal now. It's a good solid meal. It looks like a lot of food compared to what I used to eat in one sitting (before, I ate several meals, used to do the "healthy grazing" technique), but it's good, nutritious food.

I've said this in other threads, but I'll say it here, I lost weight the first week (I'm not a huge guy nor overweight), but then I started gaining weight, but trimming down. I was putting on muscle but losing fat. Started fitting back into my old clothes and everyone that sees me on a regular basis have commented that I look more buff and my features are thinning out. And I'm putting up more weight in the gym, but my endurance has exploded. I can crush some fucking cardio.

Weight loss basics? - Dulceácido - 06-06-2018

Damn... Forgot to add some unintended effects:

saving money on food
saving a TON of time on meal preparation and washing dishes/cleanup (big time)
fast food and sugar are completely out the window. (I'm never rushed and the one meal I have is meticulously planned and prepared)
feeling more mentally focused
more energy
not feeling bloated
(not to be gross, but) my poops are great--no diarrhea, no constipation--I had stomach problems before, was taking omeperazol every day
much better sleep
wake up feeling rested and not groggy

This changed my whole life.

Weight loss basics? - godfather dust - 06-06-2018

So far despite the hunger I'm getting I find the window an easier way to discipline myself, there's no "I could slip _____ in" it's just "no food before 12 after 5"

My only concern is figuring out right amount of calories, 3000 would be absolute max but I'll have to figure out if 2000 range is too low.

Weight loss basics? - godfather dust - 06-06-2018

30 my minutes til 5, leaving house. 2045. So far this level is good only stomach and mind hungry. I'll stay at this level unless my muscles feel hunger, in which case I'll add a couple scoops of protein next day then go back down (next day after that.)

Weight loss basics? - godfather dust - 06-08-2018

I'm on day 4 of the intermittent fasting, and to my surprise starting yesterday the night time hunger pangs have been reducing quite a bit already.

Weight loss basics? - Dulceácido - 06-08-2018

Quote: (06-08-2018 12:06 AM)godfather dust Wrote:  

I'm on day 4 of the intermittent fasting, and to my surprise starting yesterday the night time hunger pangs have been reducing quite a bit already.

They go away totally soon. You won't even think about eating in another week. It'll just be a scheduled event you enjoy. You can push it forward or back... Just because you're eating in a 5 hour window doesn't mean you have to eat right at the opening of that window. Maybe you're busy with something else. Maybe you have other obligations and you can't eat right at that time. Don't worry about it. If you're like me, the time will become almost irrelevant because you'll probably only eat once a day.

Weight loss basics? - godfather dust - 06-08-2018

Yeah I barely even ate. Didn't have a scale handy but most of a 2.5 pound bag of chicken breast (I'd say 2 pounds) which is less than 1000 calories big bowl of green beans and a little more than 2.5 scoops protein, I also lifted and walked a couple times.

Edit: also found about 10 bronkaid (ephedrine) enough for 10 eca stacks, any benefit? Or harm for that matter I like the mild energy boost.

Weight loss basics? - Dulceácido - 06-08-2018

Quote: (06-08-2018 12:22 AM)godfather dust Wrote:  

Yeah I barely even ate. Didn't have a scale handy but most of a 2.5 pound bag of chicken breast (I'd say 2 pounds) which is less than 1000 calories big bowl of green beans and a little more than 2.5 scoops protein, I also lifted and walked a couple times.

Edit: also found about 10 bronkaid (ephedrine) enough for 10 eca stacks, any benefit? Or harm for that matter I like the mild energy boost.

I'm for it. There has been no general consensus on medications yet, but I'd do an ECA stack.

Weight loss basics? - ChefAllDay - 06-08-2018

I simply started eating cleaner around Christmas weighing in at 205 lbs, and 5'5'". I always "carried weight well" being very active with sports and working out throughout my military career. However once I retired a few years ago I ballooned up as high as 210. Hitting the 200 mark generally just pisses me off and I would battle down into the 190's. This happened 4-5 times over the past couple years.

Last fall a my wife was diagnosed with Renal failure due to long term T1 Diabetes, so at 46 I had to start making some serious diet changes for her, which I followed for the most part. In doing so I managed to get down to 190 lbs, but plateaued there for a couple months. I was still putting down 3-5 drinks most nights which added up to a lot of calories all from sugar.

At some point in the last couple months she had picked up a book called Ketogenics for T1 Diabetes. I hadn't even seen it on the book shelf until a couple weeks ago, but since I am the cook and caregiver I try to read as much literature as I can so I read it last week and decided to give it a go.

I downloaded the "Lose It" app because by all reviews it was simpler and quicker to use than My Fitness Pal", and for me every second counts in the kitchen. It allows you to set macronutrient goals which are critical to the a Keto meal plan.

So far a 10 days in and I am down to 180 (almost a 25 year low for me), still strong and have gained energy. I also rarely feel hungry, although that could be due to sporadic intermittent fasting over the past many years and serious IF since January.

I really am not a fan of running or weight training but do have 3-4 hours physical labor a day. The only thing I may do is track down a big tractor tire to beat with my sledgehammer (I like smash therapy), and to flip around the yard.

My goal is 160 lbs which is still on the bigger side for a short dude, but I just can't imagine myself getting much lighter without risking strength and vitality.

Anyways, so for I like the Keto thing. Should be fun to see where it goes in the next coupe months. I should add that this is not a plan for the light of heart. It looks intense and will require some discipline to follow and track. That's where the App will really help I think.

Weight loss basics? - godfather dust - 06-08-2018

I'm on very low carbs (chicken and vegetables) does my body need any?

Weight loss basics? - ChefAllDay - 06-08-2018

Quote: (06-08-2018 02:58 PM)godfather dust Wrote:  

I'm on very low carbs (chicken and vegetables) does my body need any?

I don't think you need any more than 25-50 grams worth per day. I am currently running around 70-80 grams per day, but I will keep trying to trim that back until I get to below 50 grams/day. I will get better as I learn the diet and get more used to not relying on carbs to fill me up at meals.

You might need to bump up your good fat intake though.

I did jump back on the scales this afternoon and I am actually down to 177. Best thing is no hunger issues at all so far.

Weight loss basics? - godfather dust - 06-10-2018

I'm weighing in on the 17th (don't want to be disappointed jumping on scale immediately) I seem to be losing a little already looking in the mirror.

Have maintained fast.

Today I had to work during the window and only got in about 1100 calories due to poor planning (turkey sub from Subway before, some sliced turkey during a break.)

Weight loss basics? - AmericanPharoah - 06-17-2018

Burn more calories than you consume. Simple right? Ok how about this calorie deficit...

1700 calories a day
30 from fat


1700 calories
1000 from fat

Does the individual who went low fat lose weight quicker than the person who eats high fat even though at the end of the day the over all calorie intake is the same?

Weight loss basics? - flanders - 06-17-2018

^^ Are you asking a question or making a statement?

General post not directed at anybody ahead - the guy who went higher fat is probably losing weight faster. Note: weight, not necessarily body fat. Dietary fat is not as muscle sparing as protein. Personally I don't think it's even as muscle sparing as carbohydrates.
That's not to say that higher fat diet means you're going to lose muscle, or higher % carb cutting diets are necessarily muscle sparing.

The point is if you are cutting you'd better be eating 180-200 grams of protein per day, no matter where the rest of your calories come from. From that standpoint is makes sense to orient any diet (cutting or otherwise) around protein and plan other macronutrients after.

If you are a fatter guy, lower carbs and higher fat is probably a good idea. It can rapidly and drastically increase insulin sensitivity, causing better and easier weight loss.

If you tend to get very hungry, higher protein (240+ grams/day) can help as well. Investing in some whey protein is never a bad idea. Even the "body fortress" crap from walmart is pretty decent quality, middling reviews be damned. Gluconeogenesis is a concept popularized by reddit retards and even if you are eating enough protein to induce it, there has yet to be a case of kidney problems in anybody due to high protein consumption and it's so metabolically taxing it's not going to make you fat. You're going to sweat like crazy though.

TL: DR - there is no guarantee given any activity level that any particular cutting diet is going to be muscle sparing if it lacks sufficient protein. Lower carbs and higher fat is a better idea for people new to dieting or who are fat to begin with.

Weight loss basics? - Dulceácido - 06-18-2018

Can we get an update, Godfather?

Weight loss basics? - Dulceácido - 06-20-2018

Does anyone know how to contact this guy outside of this site? Samuel? You mentioned you'd seen him. Not sure if you were serious. Is he suspended or something? I friggin' love this guy, I'd hate if something bad has happened to him.

Weight loss basics? - NoMoreTO - 06-20-2018

Quote: (06-01-2018 11:15 PM)godfather dust Wrote:  

I'm in the gym every other day going bananas, I would guess I'm 99% strength (people get shocked when I pick up an entire couch etc) but I'm ignorant on diet and would look much better 40 pounds lighter (6'3" 275pounds.)

If members could break down some cutting basics I would be greatful.

I'm a little old school.

If you want to lose weight, you have to get used to being hungry. Simple as that. That empty stomach burn is something you have to get used to.

I drop to my best weights by only eating between noon and 6pm then not eating for the next 18 hours. My brother did this with good results too. Problem is I'm hungry all morning.

Also: eat salad, exercise, cut sugar and carbs down, sleep well, reduce drinking especially beer for me.

Weight loss basics? - godfather dust - 06-21-2018

Weighed in at 274 (9 pounds less)

Weight loss basics? - H1N1 - 06-22-2018

I think the protein argument for cutting is an interesting one.

The following is probably total bro science, but it has been my experience from a number of training protocols and cutting efforts over many years.

My experience has been that it is much harder to lose denser muscles, built with heavier work over a long period of time, than it is to lose muscle that you've gained through pump work and force feeding.

I dare say that with a bodybuilder's attitude, discipline, and micromanagement of diet, my own experience would be negated. However, for me personally, I don't live that kind of lifestyle, nor do I want to. I like to eat with other people, I like a varied diet, I don't like to force-feed myself, nor do I want to go out to a restaurant and count calories in my lettuce. I like to eat 3 meals per day, and I don't like to sacrifice cognitive performance or be distracted by something as needless as hunger simply to maintain a fast.

Despite all that it is possible to get down to a conditioning level that most would describe as very lean whilst holding reasonable amounts of muscle simply through portion control. If this is the kind of lifestyle you lead, I think that muscle built with compound lifts, with most of the lifting done in a moderate rep range (3-8) is more favourably spared when the total quantity of food, and the total quantity of protein, is cut back.

It's very unexciting, but for a normal healthy guy, with normal genes, and a life that is not structured with lifting as the number one priority, the best way (and probably the only way you need) to lose weight, is simply to eat smaller portions, without restricting any particular food group/macro. If you can eat moderately enough that you are hungry without feeling like you're going to gnaw your arm off an hour or so before your next meal, then you'll probably find the weight comes off consistently right down to the point your abs are visible in outline, if that's a goal you're working towards.

If you're not trying to get abs on show lean, then I personally think all these professional diets, that restrict good fats, or valuable (and delicious) carbs simply to prioritise some chicken breast are wholly unnecessary. Reduce portion size, cut any sugar unless it's the occasional pudding - no big deal, and eliminate regular boozing. If you do this and exercise hard and regularly (Jack Lalanne's advice on exercising - to run as though you are being chased by a bear etc, is as ever, the wisest and best for body composition too), it is actually pretty difficult not to be lean.

Weight loss basics? - Dulceácido - 06-22-2018

Quote: (06-22-2018 06:43 AM)H1N1 Wrote:  

However, for me personally, I don't live that kind of lifestyle, nor do I want to. I like to eat with other people, I like a varied diet, I don't like to force-feed myself, nor do I want to go out to a restaurant and count calories in my lettuce.

This has been my only struggle with intermittent fasting. If I get invited out for a meal or a drink with my friends, I'm more than likely going to do that instead of being strict about my fasting. My social life and support of my friends is more important to me. But, I will and do try to manipulate the situation to my advantage, if they want to meet at 1100 for lunch and my eating window opens at 1300, I'll ask if we can meet then instead and the inverse of that for a late dinner--I'll ask if we can go earlier. I don't always get my way and I'd rather be with my friends. I can change my eating window and I can work out it off in the gym! Plus, I don't do the fasting on the weekends when most of my friends are off work and I am more likely to see them.