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On Fighting - scotian - 01-27-2018

Steezy steve, I have to ask, what the fuck is “smear the queer”? It sounds hilarious!

A wake up call for me in regards to fighting was shortly after I moved out to Alberta and went to a club with a buddy of mine and we got really drunk. He was so wasted that I put him up against the wall outside of the club and told him to wait there for a couple of minutes while I got us some pizza from the shop next door. As I returned, pizza in hand, I saw a crowd of dudes around a guy on the ground then quickly realized it was my buddy on the sidewalk getting boot fucked in the face by 3-4 guys. I tossed the pizzas and jumped full body on my buddy to cover him and also got boot fucked a bit in the process. Other bystanders helped out and broke it up and the pack of savages fucked off but there I held my unconscious friend with a massive gash on his forehead and it looked like one of his eyes was falling out of the socket, a bloody mess. An ambulance arrived but the paramedics wouldn’t get out because there were still fights going on in the street so we hailed a taxi and took him to the ER. He spent the night there, had a CAT scan and was released the next day with 16 stitches to his forehead and both eyes swollen shut, he also suffered a concussion.

Some people really are savages and as noted above, they’re worse in numbers.

On Fighting - Genghis Khan - 01-27-2018

Scotian, damn, that sounds horrible. Did you ever find out why they were kicking your friend? Was it just boredom from those savages?

On Fighting - heavy - 01-27-2018

Quote: (01-27-2018 04:20 AM)scotian Wrote:  

Steezy steve, I have to ask, what the fuck is “smear the queer”? It sounds hilarious!

Allow me, as I also grew up playing smear the queer. We used a football. Whoever has the football is the queer, and everyone is trying to tackle, punish, and mame him into giving up the football. The goal? There really isn't one, except to get the ball and keep it for as long as possible.

My friend's mom wouldn't let him say queer. My mom didnt like it either but my dad thoight it was hilarious, so we still used the expression. I realize now my friend's mom was the first social justice warrior I ever knew.

Other point...BJJ changed my life in my mid 30s. I grew up as a non fighter, but I'm addicted to this. Sure we arent beating the shit out of each other, but it is combat. I'm actually sitting on the mat in my gym right now typing this, waiting for class.

On Fighting - Montrose - 01-27-2018

Never been in a fight or even witnessed one (I’m 47). Never been mugged, assaulted or threatened.

On Fighting - jamaicabound - 01-27-2018

Quote: (01-27-2018 11:52 AM)heavy Wrote:  

Quote: (01-27-2018 04:20 AM)scotian Wrote:  

Steezy steve, I have to ask, what the fuck is “smear the queer”? It sounds hilarious!

Allow me, as I also grew up playing smear the queer. We used a football. Whoever has the football is the queer, and everyone is trying to tackle, punish, and mame him into giving up the football. The goal? There really isn't one, except to get the ball and keep it for as long as possible.

My friend's mom wouldn't let him say queer. My mom didnt like it either but my dad thoight it was hilarious, so we still used the expression. I realize now my friend's mom was the first social justice warrior I ever knew.

Other point...BJJ changed my life in my mid 30s. I grew up as a non fighter, but I'm addicted to this. Sure we arent beating the shit out of each other, but it is combat. I'm actually sitting on the mat in my gym right now typing this, waiting for class.

We used to always play smeer the queer as well, never gave a second thought to the name back then was just what we called the game and nobody ever got offended. Obviously today there'd be hate crime charges and front page news stories if kids were caught playing smeet the queer. We also had the same rules or lack there of, it was basically throw the ball up in the air, whoever gets it runs like hell, everyone else tries to punch them, tackle them, trip them, whatever it takes to get the ball away. Oddly enough looking back we were all trying to get the ball and be the queer lol

On Fighting - hedonist - 01-27-2018

Quote: (01-27-2018 12:31 AM)Laner Wrote:  

Realize that its not the about growing up 'rough'. If that were the case, rural Canada would be dangerous as fuck.

No, its the bored that create the danger. None of these guys headstomping a downed man are doing so to diffuse danger to them or their friends. They are only doing it for story, and a story that gets more 'dangerous' every time its told.

Most of the Granville violence comes from a upper middle class kids who live in the suburbs. They are desperate for meaning and purpose, and this type of brutal cowardly fighting is their way to fill it.

Realize that its not the about growing up 'rough'. If that were the case, rural Canada would be dangerous as fuck.

No, its the bored that create the danger. None of these guys headstomping a downed man are doing so to diffuse danger to them or their friends. They are only doing it for story, and a story that gets more 'dangerous' every time its told.

Most of the Granville violence comes from a upper middle class kids who live in the suburbs. They are desperate for meaning and purpose, and this type of brutal cowardly fighting is their way to fill it.

Quote: (01-26-2018 09:49 PM)Dulceácido Wrote:  

Dang. I thought this was gonna be a cool MMA clip. Kinda easy to score a "head kick knockout" when the guy's lying on his back getting the shit beat out of him.

That's tough to watch.

Why the fuck was he paying someone to kick him in the balls???

Quote: (01-26-2018 10:53 PM)Dulceácido Wrote:  

I can't remember the last time I saw a "fair" fight that wasn't in sports competition. It's like dudes these days feel like it's obligatory to jump in or your friends are going to shame you later.

But in that video above of the "head kick knockout" there were so many wretched things that happened. Bunch of dudes on one dude. They take the boots to him when he's down (we never did that--dude goes down, he's down, fights over). Then to kick a helpless dude's head like a fucking soccer ball when he was clearly beaten. Geesh! Those thugs need to be rounded up and summarily executed.

Yeah its fucking disgusting to see the disregard for human life in a place that tries to pride itself in being some "tolerance" utopia etc etc

Only gotta see shit like the Stanley Cup 2011 riot to realize how quickly it can fall back into Lord of the Flies

But saying that places like Gold Coast Australia are fucked for the same kind of thing (more so king hits)

The 2nd video the guy said he would pay the homeless guy to kick him in the balls...the sadder part is the pokemon/instagram crowd just VRing it through their phones....that is a fucking scary sign of where society is heading.

Quote: (01-27-2018 01:11 AM)Cane Toad Wrote:  

Quote: (01-26-2018 09:43 PM)hedonist Wrote:  

I grew up in one of the roughest parts of Australia if not the roughest

Ok, that sounds interesting...tell us some stories

This probably explains it better than I ever could lol [Image: biggrin.gif] (skip to 32:17 on the first video)
It was horrible...whether you are a lover or a fighter its impossible to not grow up there and have a certain amount of intensity....lots of racial tension.

On Fighting - SteezeySteve - 01-28-2018

Yeah its basically what others have said. I remember playing it with everything from a basketball to a football,with different rules depending on the day.
Idk if anyone ever played kill each other..that was basically just an all out brawl with everyone...from 7 to 14 years old going at it attacking each other. Its just funny looking back because we were all pretty privileged and did everything from airsoft guns,basketball to playing lacrosse,but somedays we'd just try to mutilate each other instead.
I set up this game in elementary school once cause I thought it would be fun,but all the teachers put it to a stop after noticing what was going on at the back of the playground. Idk how I didn't get caught.

Then there was the variations of those games on the trampolines which made things slightly more complex.
Ironically i'd say street football and was the one thing that actually caused people to get hurt.Kill each other and smear the queer were probably safer than being bored and figuring out what to do because that's when the genius ideas like nailing each other with air potatoes and extreme tree climbing come into play.

The point was in those games its a fight of sorts but everyone is constantly pushing the line,and when someone steps over the line everyone jumps in to let that person know they crossed it,but a lot of kids depending on the hood never played smear the queer because its not allowed so they never learned the concept of that line. So they may not have ever experienced normal amounts of fighting with their buddies so when a fight occurs you see yuppie middle class whit kids jumping at the opportunity to score their first scrap because they listened to to much migos. Even the rap music these days never mentions anything about the "g-code" being a "g" "respect" "talk to much get shot" etc...after 2008 everyone dropped that aspect of rap music.

Funniest story was when I was around 9 years old. One time this kid who we didn't like for good reason tried playing in the swamp in someones yard so we told him to get the fuck out of our swamp. He got pissed and grabbed one of our friends by the leg to throw him in the water moccasin infested water which was no joke in our opinion. Our buddy was stuck holding on to a tree to save himself so while this struggle was going on my bestfriend threatened to stab him with a big ass hunting knife...the kid we didn't like ran home to tell his mom,and my bestfriend got grounded when his dad got the phone call. I remember going over to his house even though I knew he wasn't supposed to have anyone over and making a heart felt speech for why he was justified to pull the bayonete sized hunting knife on that kid. That was late elementary school. We took the water moccasin dodging game seriously and that kid almost got himself stabbed because of that,but who knows flashing that knife may have saved him from being killed buy a water moccasin...if you're bit buy one you can die within 30 minutes. Our fathers would kill them on site.

On Fighting - bucky - 01-28-2018

Quote: (01-27-2018 11:52 AM)heavy Wrote:  

Quote: (01-27-2018 04:20 AM)scotian Wrote:  

Steezy steve, I have to ask, what the fuck is “smear the queer”? It sounds hilarious!

Allow me, as I also grew up playing smear the queer. We used a football. Whoever has the football is the queer, and everyone is trying to tackle, punish, and mame him into giving up the football. The goal? There really isn't one, except to get the ball and keep it for as long as possible.

My friend's mom wouldn't let him say queer. My mom didnt like it either but my dad thoight it was hilarious, so we still used the expression. I realize now my friend's mom was the first social justice warrior I ever knew.

Other point...BJJ changed my life in my mid 30s. I grew up as a non fighter, but I'm addicted to this. Sure we arent beating the shit out of each other, but it is combat. I'm actually sitting on the mat in my gym right now typing this, waiting for class.

Smeer the queer, just as you describe it, was a pretty standard game for all kids when I was growing up in the 1970s. Good to hear it's still out there, apparently.

On Fighting - Teep - 01-28-2018

Old article but shows you how lethal boxing is. 72 yr old ex champ beat the living shit out of this 24 yr old burglar.

On Fighting - BlastbeatCasanova - 02-01-2018

Quote: (01-22-2018 12:01 PM)jamaicabound Wrote:  

When I was young ie early 20's I wouldn't say I went out looking for fights, but certainly wasn't one to back down from one either. Looking back I almost felt it was kind of a right of passage type thing being young stupid, getting in barfights, etc.

Over the years I've seen some things happen that really illustrate how stupid most fights are. One buddy of mine wound up being paralyzed for life in a street fight. The kid who did it "won the fight" but went to jail for a couple years, my buddy was in the hospital for over a year, multiple surgeries, will never walk again adn will essentialy live with his parents needing someone to do everything for him for the rest of his life.

Another buddy of mine had a lot going for him, owned a mortgage company, fit handsome guy all the chicks a dude would ever want, nice house, owned some properties, etc. Got into a bar fight over something stupid spilled drink or something, hit the guy one time, guy falls wrong goes into a coma. He wound up trying to pay another buddy of ours who is kind of a screwup 20k to take the rap. I believe the bar had surveillance footage. Never got to the bottom of what happenned stopped hanging around with those guys but I imagine he got taken for everything he was worth.

Point being really think carefully about what fights your willing to take and if it's worth it. If someone punches your girl in the face or spits on her or something handle your business but anything along the lines of you got bumped into, drink spilled, someone wants to act tough its just not worth it.

I can honestly say looking back at all the bar fights and stuff I got into, I can't honestly say a single one was worth it

*Edit, one last thing, someone brought up weapons. In the town I used to live in at some yuppie upscale bar two guys go into an altercation, basically the type of place you don't expect fights and would probably expect to be able to take almost anyone in the bar. Guys bumps into someone spills their drink, guy gets into a altercation, guy who bumped into him pulls out like a fucking bowie knife and stabs the guy in the heart and he dies. All over a spilled drink.

This. I hope I would have the sense to deescalate, I've read a few stories of people getting killed in stupid bar fights. Quite a few years ago a kid at my brother's college got in a fight with a bouncer at a bar. The bouncer beat the shit out of him, killed him, and is now doing 25 in prison. The bar scene there still hasn't recovered, I think they passed some new law named after the dead kid as well. I'll go at it if absolutely necessary but 25 years of my life ain't worth pounding some scrub

On Fighting - PUSSYPOUNDER - 02-04-2018

Don't fight. Walk Away. Try getting arrested after a fight and thrown in jail in the hole 23 hr lockdown 1 hr light a day to Pace back and forth outside your cage within another cage.Walk away my friend walk away. Didn't you hear of the African entertainer in Uganda who got jumped right into a he's dead...walk away my friend. I'd recommend fighting sober but only when necessary and you have to knock out opponent and dip before the pigs show face..!.good luck p.s sorry about your buddy that's horrible

On Fighting - Rob Banks - 02-11-2018

I was once at the Eiffel Tower in France with my girl (serious relationship, been together since our teenage years, she was a virgin when we met, etc.). There were all these street vendors coming up to us trying to sell us shit. All of a sudden, this Arab-looking street vendor comes up to us trying to sell us roses, and he takes one of the roses and literally shoves it in my girl's face (not violently, but the rose touched her face). I immediately stood between them and pointed with my finger while telling the guy "Keep walking that way" (or something to that effect). He says to me "No, you keep walking. I'll stay here." At this point, I dropped everythinyg I was carrying and shoved the guy, and put my arms up like a boxer, ready to fight (I have trained at a boxing gym before, and I have been in fights). He called all his street-vendor friends over, and they told me to calm down. I was getting ready to leave, and I feel a tap on my shoulder. It's the guy, and he says to me "You like boxing?" (an invitation to fight). I responded "Sure, let's go." But instead of fighting me, the guy immediately calls his vendor buddies over again to complain (what a pussy!). They surrounded me, but I explained to them that the other guy was the one starting trouble, and they pretty much took my side and told the other guy to calm down, and they advised me to leave the area, which I eventually did (although I purposely took my time, so as not to be perceived as scared or running away).

In this situation, should I have been the "better man" and walked away without saying anything when the guy shoved the rose in my girl's face? Remember, I've been with this girl since we were kids. She lost her virginity to me. We are legally married in order to get her a US resident visa (I feel weird calling her my "wife" since we don't live together yet). This is a woman I would die to protect. She is the future mother of my children. Should I have just ignored some guy putting his hands on her? I don't think so. Go ahead and call me a "white knight" if you like. I think one of the duties of a man, once he is in a serious relationship, is to physically protect his woman.

As a matter of fact, when I first started dating this girl at 16 (I'm 26 now), I punched out a drunk guy at a bar for feeling up her hair (he was a stranger who just walked up to her wihout saying a word and started grabbing her hair), and I got thrown out of the bar. My girl now says this incident was one of the things that made her attracted to me at first.

Women, especially women worth being in relationships with (yes they do exist), want a man who will physically protect them.

To all the people saying "a wise, mature man never fights unless his life is in danger," you're wrong. You have a valid point in that fighting could leave you with a criminal record due to the ridiculous laws that criminalize any and all violence (even between two willing parties). However, if someone disrespects you, and you're in a situation where you won't get arrested, then go ahead and fight. Even if it's a big guy and you know you'll probably lose the fight, you'll still feel better about yourself if you fight than if you pussy out.

I once had a guy get road rage on me because I flipped him off while driving. The guy was about 6-foot-5 and 300 pounds (I'm 5'9'' 160). He walked up to my car at a red light, opened my door, and punched me in the face. I used my legs to kick him away from me, then jumped out of the car and threw a few punches, at which point the guy threw an uppercut and knocked me to the ground. I got up immediately, but my vision was blurry for the next few hours and I felt weird. I didn't remember being knocked down, but my girl, who was there, told me it had happened.

Although I got my ass kicked, I don't regret fighting that guy. In fact, my only regret was not continuing the fight when I got up after he knocked me down.

I could have seen the guy approaching my car, said to myself "Oh my god, he's huge! He'll kill me!" and proceeded to apologize in order to avoid a fight. But if I would have done that, I would have felt like a pussy.

Like I said, I don't think that avoiding fights makes you a "better man." Of course, I'm not saying to be an idiot who purposely looks for fights. And I'm not saying you should fight when you risk being arrested for it. All I'm saying is that if somebody disrespects you and you feel like you need to fight them, and it is safe for you (no risk of getting arrested or killed), then do it. For God's sake, men used to duel when one of them felt disrespected. There's nothing wrong with sticking up for yourself with violence, contrary to what the leftists and SJW's want you to believe.

On Fighting - LionHound - 02-11-2018

Quote: (02-11-2018 08:23 PM)Rob Banks Wrote:  

I was once at the Eiffel Tower in France with my girl (serious relationship, been together since our teenage years, she was a virgin when we met, etc.). There were all these street vendors coming up to us trying to sell us shit. All of a sudden, this Arab-looking street vendor comes up to us trying to sell us roses, and he takes one of the roses and literally shoves it in my girl's face (not violently, but the rose touched her face). I immediately stood between them and pointed with my finger while telling the guy "Keep walking that way" (or something to that effect). He says to me "No, you keep walking. I'll stay here." At this point, I dropped everythinyg I was carrying and shoved the guy, and put my arms up like a boxer, ready to fight (I have trained at a boxing gym before, and I have been in fights). He called all his street-vendor friends over, and they told me to calm down. I was getting ready to leave, and I feel a tap on my shoulder. It's the guy, and he says to me "You like boxing?" (an invitation to fight). I responded "Sure, let's go." But instead of fighting me, the guy immediately calls his vendor buddies over again to complain (what a pussy!). They surrounded me, but I explained to them that the other guy was the one starting trouble, and they pretty much took my side and told the other guy to calm down, and they advised me to leave the area, which I eventually did (although I purposely took my time, so as not to be perceived as scared or running away).

In this situation, should I have been the "better man" and walked away without saying anything when the guy shoved the rose in my girl's face? Remember, I've been with this girl since we were kids. She lost her virginity to me. We are legally married in order to get her a US resident visa (I feel weird calling her my "wife" since we don't live together yet). This is a woman I would die to protect. She is the future mother of my children. Should I have just ignored some guy putting his hands on her? I don't think so. Go ahead and call me a "white knight" if you like. I think one of the duties of a man, once he is in a serious relationship, is to physically protect his woman.

As a matter of fact, when I first started dating this girl at 16 (I'm 26 now), I punched out a drunk guy at a bar for feeling up her hair (he was a stranger who just walked up to her wihout saying a word and started grabbing her hair), and I got thrown out of the bar. My girl now says this incident was one of the things that made her attracted to me at first.

Women, especially women worth being in relationships with (yes they do exist), want a man who will physically protect them.

To all the people saying "a wise, mature man never fights unless his life is in danger," you're wrong. You have a valid point in that fighting could leave you with a criminal record due to the ridiculous laws that criminalize any and all violence (even between two willing parties). However, if someone disrespects you, and you're in a situation where you won't get arrested, then go ahead and fight. Even if it's a big guy and you know you'll probably lose the fight, you'll still feel better about yourself if you fight than if you pussy out.

I once had a guy get road rage on me because I flipped him off while driving. The guy was about 6-foot-5 and 300 pounds (I'm 5'9'' 160). He walked up to my car at a red light, opened my door, and punched me in the face. I used my legs to kick him away from me, then jumped out of the car and threw a few punches, at which point the guy threw an uppercut and knocked me to the ground. I got up immediately, but my vision was blurry for the next few hours and I felt weird. I didn't remember being knocked down, but my girl, who was there, told me it had happened.

Although I got my ass kicked, I don't regret fighting that guy. In fact, my only regret was not continuing the fight when I got up after he knocked me down.

I could have seen the guy approaching my car, said to myself "Oh my god, he's huge! He'll kill me!" and proceeded to apologize in order to avoid a fight. But if I would have done that, I would have felt like a pussy.

Like I said, I don't think that avoiding fights makes you a "better man." Of course, I'm not saying to be an idiot who purposely looks for fights. And I'm not saying you should fight when you risk being arrested for it. All I'm saying is that if somebody disrespects you and you feel like you need to fight them, and it is safe for you (no risk of getting arrested or killed), then do it. For God's sake, men used to duel when one of them felt disrespected. There's nothing wrong with sticking up for yourself with violence, contrary to what the leftists and SJW's want you to believe.

Question about the road rage guy. Why was your door unlocked? Was the lock broken or do you not habitually lock your doors? Also, do you live in the USA?

On Fighting - Leonard D Neubache - 02-11-2018

You got in a street vendors face because he assaulted your girl with a flower.

You flipped off a stranger while driving but you don't go looking for trouble.

Cool story, bro.

On Fighting - Rob Banks - 02-11-2018

Yes my door was unlocked. It was an old, beat-up car and I don't remember if the door locked from the inside or not.

Leonard, the road rage incidend happened 7 years ago, and the vendor happened almost 2 years ago. Both of those guys started trouble with me instead of the other way around, so no, I don't go around looking for trouble.
I admit I shouldn't have flipped that guy off, but I was 19 and stupid.

I don't think anybody would consider those two incidents in seven years to constitute "looking for trouble."

On Fighting - TripleG - 02-11-2018

@Rob Banks, this is bad advice, shows lack of life experience:
"To all the people saying "a wise, mature man never fights unless his life is in danger," you're wrong. You have a valid point in that fighting could leave you with a criminal record due to the ridiculous laws that criminalize any and all violence (even between two willing parties). However, if someone disrespects you, and you're in a situation where you won't get arrested, then go ahead and fight. Even if it's a big guy and you know you'll probably lose the fight, you'll still feel better about yourself if you fight than if you pussy out."

Nowadays in the west a normal person has too much to lose in a fight unless their life is truly in danger. Controlled fights can be OK but not the no-holds barred contests we see on the streets...all it takes is a punch gone bad and someone can "shank" you.
Even if someone disrespects you unless it is in a public location and something truly awful is said I still would not fight and would walk away with my head held high. This is not the wild-west of the 19th century where anything go's and no one finds out. Today a sane person has everything to risk in a fight and little to gain from it. Just some of the things one should think about is getting killed by weapons, to ending up with a criminal record-felony (and not being able to get a legit job after that), to ending up in a lawsuit or maiming another person, there is a lot of risk and little reward.

Back in my younger days I was in several fights where I felt that if I let my frustration get the better of me during the fight that I could have crippled the other guy or worse. Thank God I had common sense and usually ended fights when I had the other person restrained. However, I had heard from too many others of similar stories where people lost control of the fight, in some cases even died. No insult is worth getting crippled or killed for. Just a quick example, in HS I fought a bully who had kept calling me names for weeks in front of other classmates. I finally had enough of insults and confronted him at school. During the fight I managed to dodge a couple punches and got him in a neck hold (i had done martial arts and wrestling during for several years of HS), then I pushed my classmates head into a concrete wall during the fight, though consciously I slowed down my action. He ended up with a gash on his forehead and a concussion but if I had done that full force without restraint i'd probably have ended up in jail and he may have had a broken neck. Instead I got a one day suspension from school whereas the bully whom I beat up transferred schools.
While I felt vindicated and became more respected that school year to this day I think that the fight was not really worth it....what would have happened if I lost control of my actions like so many others do in fights and more seriously injured my opponent?

On Fighting - LionHound - 02-11-2018

Quote: (02-11-2018 10:03 PM)Rob Banks Wrote:  

Yes my door was unlocked. It was an old, beat-up car and I don't remember if the door locked from the inside or not.

Leonard, the road rage incidend happened 7 years ago, and the vendor happened almost 2 years ago. Both of those guys started trouble with me instead of the other way around, so no, I don't go around looking for trouble.
I admit I shouldn't have flipped that guy off, but I was 19 and stupid.

I don't think anybody would consider those two incidents in seven years to constitute "looking for trouble."

19 when the road rage incident happened, driving an old beater with broken locks. I can see that happening, at 19 I was a pretty impulsive guy and can see myself flipping off another driver. Was looking at it through the lens of my current, older self. These days if some guy tried to pull something like that on me he would first of all have to break the window, as my doors would be locked. Then he'd have to contend with the blunt force to his face from the baton I keep in my car at all times. That is, of course, if me pointing at the 9mm I keep loaded and visible on my dashboard doesn't deter him.

On Fighting - Leonard D Neubache - 02-11-2018

Quote: (02-11-2018 10:03 PM)Rob Banks Wrote:  

...the vendor happened almost 2 years ago. Both of those guys started trouble with me instead of the other way around, so no, I don't go around looking for trouble.

Quote: (02-11-2018 08:23 PM)Rob Banks Wrote:  

All of a sudden, this Arab-looking street vendor comes up to us trying to sell us roses, and he takes one of the roses and literally shoves it in my girl's face (not violently, but the rose touched her face). I immediately stood between them and pointed with my finger while telling the guy "Keep walking that way" (or something to that effect). He says to me "No, you keep walking. I'll stay here." At this point, I dropped everythinyg I was carrying and shoved the guy, and put my arms up like a boxer, ready to fight (I have trained at a boxing gym before, and I have been in fights).

I want you to try and put yourself outside of the situation and read your own words as if they were written by some other member. Afterwards, explain why this isn't a bat-shit crazy escalation of an otherwise benign situation.

Until you can figure this out, don't have kids. Why? Because by escalating this situation you put your woman in far more danger than she was before, and that danger is multiplied when you have kids in tow, especially small ones.

You could have just placed yourself between him and the girl and maintained eye contact as you moved away casually. Instead you shove the guy and take a fighting stance because the dude refused to move away from you? All I can say is that if your girl is impressed by this kind of dumb shit then she must be very low class.

Being a man is about charting a suitable destiny through life's dangers and opportunities. Not jumping up and down waving your spear like a dumb fucking ape in order to impress a girl.

On Fighting - Rob Banks - 02-12-2018

I only said she was impress by the incident in the bar when we were 16 and just met. You think she is "low class?" If you knew her and her family, you would know that she is quite far from being "low class.

If you think it was reckless to fight these people, that's a fair criticism. Maybe I shouldn't have. It's something to think about. But there's no reason to call people who you don't know "low class."

And I do think girls are more attracted to men who are willing to fight to protect them. Of course, having restraint and knowing when not to fight is important too, but no girl wants to be with a wimp who is not capable of violence to protect them.

On Fighting - Rob Banks - 02-12-2018

I only said she was impress by the incident in the bar when we were 16 and just met. You think she is "low class?" If you knew her and her family, you would know that she is quite far from being "low class.

If you think it was reckless to fight these people, that's a fair criticism. Maybe I shouldn't have. It's something to think about. But there's no reason to call people who you don't know "low class."

And I do think girls are more attracted to men who are willing to fight to protect them. Of course, having restraint and knowing when not to fight is important too, but no girl wants to be with a wimp who is not capable of violence to protect them.

On Fighting - Dalaran1991 - 02-12-2018

Rob Banks should go visit me in Vietnam or Gare du Nord in Paris and pull that "go ahead and fight" shit with people there. Or try to rob a bank [Image: lol.gif]

He will certainly "feel much better" when he feels that machete/shiv punching up his spine and his wet blood spill down the pavement. The girl will definitely be impressed at how much blood a human being can squirt out.

This is the kind of naive behavior of someone who is banking on people NOT wanting to kill him, so he keeps running around talking tough shit. All the while other people are thinking "if I dont mind being behind bars, this fucker would be painting the floor red by now". But hey, if that wins the lady's heart, guess it's worth it. And sometimes "you have no choice but to fight! You have to defend your women", right? Right?????

It's doubly stupid if you are doing this to impress a girl. What "impress" me the most is that after all these years he still think this is a good idea.

Girls are attracted to all 1001 different things. Banking on that one thing that will see you kill to attract girl is a sure fire way to end your casanova career right there.

Sometimes I really miss natural selection.

On Fighting - Rob Banks - 02-12-2018

Yeah, because I totally advocated picking random fights with people for the sole purpose of impressing a girl.

Why don't you go back and read what I wrote. In every single example I gave, I was provoked. Maybe I didn't handle each situation in the ideal way. I'll concede that. But I definitely handled it better than if I would have walked away and done nothing.

I've been in a few fights over the years when People blantantly provoked me by literally putting their hands on my girl or opening my car door and punching me in the face. I would have preferred if those fights didn't happen. It's just that when I was provoked (or straight-up punched in the face), I felt obligated to do something about it.

But I'm just some wannabe badass who goes around picking fights with random people in order to impress a girl, right?

Are you saying that I should have done nothing in these situations and just walked away with my tail between my legs? If that's not what you're suggesting, then we don't even disagree all that much. Like I said, I'm open to the idea that I could have handled these situations differently. My point was just that a lot of guys in these situations will just pussy out and walk away with their tail between their legs and then tell themselves they were taking "the high road" pr being "the better man."

If you think there was a way I could have avoided these fights without sacrificing my dignity or masculinity, I'm open to hearing it.

Everyone seems to interpret my post as a story about how I supposedly seduced my girl by punching out some guy that drunkenly tried to hit on her, and how this supposedly makes me some kind of badass. I see how it may have come off thay way, and I agree that that would be totally ridiculous if that had been my point.

First of all, I had known my girl for some time before we started officially dating, and there were lots of things that we liked about each other before this fight happened. My point was just that this was one of the many things that attracted her to me at the beginning. This was the first time she had seen be be violent. She values a man who can physically protect her, and before this, she probably assumed I was just a skinny white guy who was not capable of any type of violence.

Also, my point was not that I'm some kind of "badass." I'm not. I've had some training in boxing so I'm somewhat competent in a fight, but there's still lots of men who could kick my ass in a fight. And there's certain situations in which I have run away from fights, such as when I'm alone and being threatened by a large group of people, or when the other guy has a weapon and I'm unarmed. And I don't regret running away from these fights at all.

My point was simply that "avoid all fights unless your life is in danger" is bad advice, in my opinion. I think there are plenty of situations where responding to a provocation with violence can be the right thing to do, even if your life is not in danger. Like I said before, if you think I'm wrong, I'd be glad to hear why.

By the way, Jack Donovan, in The Way of Men, talks about how men should be capable of violence, and I've seen other people in the manosphere talk about it as well, so I can't be the only one who thinks this way.

On Fighting - king bast - 02-12-2018

Quote: (02-12-2018 04:53 PM)Rob Banks Wrote:  

My point was simply that "avoid all fights unless your life is in danger" is bad advice, in my opinion. I think there are plenty of situations where responding to a provocation with violence can be the right thing to do, even if your life is not in danger. Like I said before, if you think I'm wrong, I'd be glad to hear why.

You do have a point. I bet 100% of the people saying to "avoid all fights unless your life is in danger" would also say "you can't trust a man who's never been punched in the face". You can't have it both ways.

Obviously it's a terrible idea to go around getting into fights all the time because the risk of getting seriously hurt is there, as is the risk of legal trouble, but to focus on these gives a disproportionate perception of those risks. The vast majority of fights end without anyone getting seriously hurt, but when we analyse it in the cold logical light of day, we can see that the pay off isn't often worth that risk...but occasionally it can be. I'm sure I'll be accused of boasting here, but Ive been in dozens of fights (mostly through work as a bouncer, and not in the last 15-odd years) and have suffered zero legal ramifications, and only a few very minor injuries. It's totally exhilarating and can raise status and solidify friendships.

While it's generally good advice, I'd like to think most of us are smart enough to realize there are exceptions to the rule.

On Fighting - TripleG - 02-12-2018

One who hasn't been in a real fight doesnt realize that it actually does not take that much to kill someone in a fight yet the consequences that go with it would scar one for life.
For example, a well placed punch and an off-balance rival hitting his head against a railing or even the ground can cause this. Too many people who get into serious fights are unfortunately not able to properly control their anger and level of violence until it is too late. Someone posted a video earlier on this thread in Vancouver of a guy getting kicked in the head multiple times. Obviously the guy was already knocked out and the kicks were not that hard but all it takes is even a weak kick into someone's temple to cause a brain hemorrhage which can turn deadly.

I stand by my words when I say that unless one's life is in danger one should not fight or in cases if someone attacks you first then you have the right to do just enough damage to force the attacker off, ie, self-defense and hopefully no more than that.

On Fighting - Leonard D Neubache - 02-13-2018

So, RB, you insist that a man should be able to defend his woman yet of the three instances you've provided one ended with you having the shit kicked out of you, another ended with a bunch of street vendors trying to diffuse the situation despite your worst intentions and the third I suspect ended with you scruffing some guy before being tossed out of the bar.

You seem to be confusing the act of starting a fight and the act of actually winning it. Only one of those is handy, but you seem to be an expert only in the other.