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General Stalin's Progress Thread - General Stalin - 07-03-2016

Got my 300 lbs. squat last night. It was a grind/slight good morning at my sticking point (just above parallel coming out of the hole).

1 x 4 x 145
1 x 2 x 215
1 x 1 x 235
1 x 1 x 285
1 x 1 x 300

Also tested my 'training maxes' so I can build a program based on the GZCL method.

My working weight for my heavy sets in my programming moving forward are going to be:

Bench: 195
Squat: 255
Deadlift: 315
OHP: 125

For my accessory lifts I'm going to focus on strengthening my sticking points. Will be incorporating a lot of pause reps for the first couple weeks then possibly move to some sort of progressive overload for the next couple weeks.

Current weight is 202.8 lbs.

General Stalin's Progress Thread - General Stalin - 07-05-2016

Started my new program yesterday with Bench, and did Squat today. Hoping this cycle will help me plow through some weak areas and get better at my technique.

Here is a rough outline of my program, though I will like swap in/out some accessory/isolation movements every other week (gotta confuse the muscles right babe?)

Bench Day
T1: Bench press - 6 x 2 x 195

T2: Pause Bench press - 2 x 6 x 155 >superset> Close Grip Bench press - 2 x 6 x 135

T3: Decline DB Fly - 3 x 10 x 25 >superset> OH Tricep Ext. - 3 x 10 x 90

Side Lat. Raise - 3 x 12 x 15 >superset> Bentover DB Fly - 3 x 12 x 15

Squat Day
T1: Squat - 5 x 2 x 255

T2: Pause Squat - 4 x 6 x 175

T3: Leg Press 21's - 3 x 21 x 290 >superset> Calf Raise - 3 x 12 x 290

Bodyweight Walking Lunges - 6 x 50'

Overhead Press Day
T1: Overhead Press - 4 x 3 x 125

T2: Push Press - 3 x 8 x 135

T3: Front Lat. Raise - 3 x 12 x 25 >superset> Shrugs - 3 x 12 x 200

Incline DB Press - 3 x 12 x 40 >superset> Straight Arm Pulldown - 3 x 12 x 80

Deadlift Day

T1: Deadlift - 6 x 2 x 315

T2: Pause Deadlift 2 x 6 x 225 >superset> Deficit Deadlift - 2 x 6 x 225

T3: Pendlay Row - 3 x 10 x 95

Lat. Pulldown - 3 x 12 x 90 >superset> Seated Row - 3 x 12 x 90


So there it is. I completed the first two days so far I feel good. Mild DOMS. I actualy upped my squat weight to 265 today but will be backing it off to 255 moving forward because, while I did do it, was too difficult. The GZCL method recommends your training weight for your heavy sets should not be a grind. If it is then back off, so my original estimate was right. I actually failed my first squat ever today as I tried to go to 6 sets but the second rep I got stuck on the bottom and had to dump the weight on the safety rails. Lesson learned.

Current weight is 203.2 Lbs. I've been steady gaining the past two weeks, but I actually think its due to the fact that I have not been really working out at the gym while retesting my maxes. Now that I'm putting in work I may see a decline. Would like to see myself a little more lean than I am. May need to make an rough adjustment to my macros.

General Stalin's Progress Thread - ball dont lie - 07-07-2016

That's some serious iron man. Keep up the good work.

How does your split work during the week? Do you exercise 6-7 days a week? Are you taking days off ever or just plowing through?

I like the look of your workouts and am thinking of trying something similar.

General Stalin's Progress Thread - H1N1 - 07-07-2016

Looks pretty good. A few suggestions that may help:

Bench T2 - a big part of the idea behind this is to get volume in that lets you practice the lift as you will perform it in T1, allowing you over time to handle heavier weights. I think you are short changing yourself by doing 2 sets of moderate reps for bench, then 2 sets of what is essentially a T3/superfluous exercise supersetted with it. Same thing with the deadlifts. I'd pick one method, and do it for a 4 week cycle. You can always swap it out for the next 4 weeks. It's one of the good things with the program.

Backwork - superset it with your pressing T2 work. There is a real lack of balance in that program. Same goes for the T3 stuff, I think you'd be better served by pairing antagonist muscles

T2 work generally - I'd swap bench T2 with OHP T2, and vice versa, same for the lower body work. If you've not tried this before, you'll be amazed at how much fresher you are going into it, and how much better you move the weight accordingly.

T2 rep ranges - I'd try to hit a wider range of reps, and vary the weight accordingly. So week 1 4x8, week 2 5x6, week 3 5x5, week 4 5x4, something like that.

General Stalin's Progress Thread - General Stalin - 07-07-2016

Thanks H1N1 - I had the same feeling about my T2 volume so I think I'll change up my rep scheme there and drop the supersets like you said. I think the pause lifts are more important given my weakpoints anyway.

As for T2 work - so you're saying basically supplement OHP with bench, supplement bench with OHP, supplement deadlift with squat, and supplement squat with deadlift? I'll give that shot. I do like the idea of doing those movements more often than once a week.

For supersets, I have been told before that supersetting with an opposing movement is best. I generally superset working on the same body area but slightly different grouping of muscles - though this does make me more sore. The idea is to get more hypertrophy getting a lot of volume on the same muscle groups if that makes sense. I just want to make sure in my T3 workouts I'm stimulating a lot of growth.

I will finish off the week with the program I wrote then make some changes next week per your recommendations and see how that goes moving forward.


How does your split work during the week? Do you exercise 6-7 days a week? Are you taking days off ever or just plowing through?

So far I've worked out 3 days straight since starting this program, and I may do deadlifts today. My legs are actually pretty sore still from legs the other day but I'm thinking I might just plow through it. I may do something like 4 days on 1 day off, so 6 days a week.


Did OHP yesterday and felt pretty good. The weight I picked was sufficiently challenging but doable. Weight was 202.8 lbs.

Once I get to ~210ish I'm going to need to start buying new clothes. All of my pants and dress shirts are getting too tight for me. In fact one of my pairs of jeans I can't wear anymore and one of my dress shirts is also just about unwearable. I retook my measurements the other night and much to my satisfaction I've grown about 1" - 1.5" everywhere over the past 4 months - except my waist has grown 4 inches which I'm not too stoked about. Would like to keep my waistline down.

I think I need to stop gaining once I get to the 210 area simply because I don't feel like I'm strong enough to justify putting on much more weight than that. There are guys a hell of a lot smaller than me who are putting up a hell of a lot more weight. I don't need to be a beefcake to be strong.

General Stalin's Progress Thread - H1N1 - 07-07-2016

4 inches is a lot of fat gain dude, probably in the region of 20lbs. Worth being mindful of that. You'll also probably start putting fat on more easily now, so it may be a good idea to go to maintenance, or even cut a little before you keep going with the bulk.

As far as the program goes, yes, that is what I mean re: T2. That little tweak will keep you so much fresher, and better able to focus on performing quality reps. That means the total of quality practice you do in a week will increase, and hopefully you will increase strength and muscle accordingly.

Up to you on the T3 stuff, obviously, but I would personally work antagonist muscle groups.

I would seriously find a way to double the amount of back work you are doing. Supersetted in with T2 work on OHP and Bench is the best way in my opinion.

General Stalin's Progress Thread - General Stalin - 07-08-2016

I've gained about 15 lbs. since I start training back in Feb, and obviously I did not gain 15 lbs. of muscle in 5 months. Especially only training 4 days a week at most.

I am definitely a lot stronger than I was when I started, but a large amount of my strength gains are surely just perceived gains (beginner gains) related to becoming more experienced with the movements and getting the most out of the muscle I already had.

I definitely would like to keep my waistline down so it is probably a good idea to slow down on the intake a bit and focus more on training at the size I am to get the most out of it.


I did Deadlifts last night even though my legs were still sore from Squat day Tue.

I stuck to the program I had written down originally just to finish out the week, though I fucked around a lot with my T2 workout.

Originally I had written pause deadlifts supersetted with deficit deadlifts. My reasoning for this was to work on weak areas, but my weakest area is speed off the floor so deficits would be the better lift for that.

I started off doing pause deadlifts and I paused on the way up and the way down (just below the knee). It was fucking exhausting. It may have been better to use a lighter weight so that I could keep my back tighter without fatiguing so much. Instead, after 2 sets I switch to deficits and did 2 x 6 x 225 on a 2" platform.

I also really need to get my hands on some type of knee sleeve for DL. I always hit the tops of my knees with the bar on the way down and it fucks up my form because I try to avoid touching my knees which causes me to keep the bar away from my body during eccentric portion of the movement.

General Stalin's Progress Thread - H1N1 - 07-08-2016

^ swapping your T2 work will take care of some of those issues. I don't know about you, but after I hit 10 heavy top set reps on my deadlift, the last thing I feel like doing is a bunch of high rep sets of deads @70%+ of my TM. Mentally that is tiring. I had deadlift day today, and my T2 work was front squats. Working a different movement with a weight that felt light after deadlifts made my T2 work comparatively easy. I would not have got the required work in had I had to do 4x8 or some such with deficit deads.

General Stalin's Progress Thread - General Stalin - 07-08-2016

^ That's what I will do moving forward. I definitely like that idea.

I should probably rest tonight, but a gym bro of mine is hitting the gym and asked if I was gonna be there so I might go and do bench/OHP and just fuck rest.

I got a couple steaks marinating in the fridge that will make for a great post workout reward.

General Stalin's Progress Thread - General Stalin - 07-09-2016

Worked out last night and swapped out my Bench T2 for an OHP workout and loved it. Did 6 x 2 x 195 bench press, then 4 x 6 x 95 pause OHP (stopping on the way up just above my head). Then did high volume isolation work. Felt awesome. Had a whole upper-body pump going on. Weight 202.6. Went home and ate a huge steak and some broccoli.

General Stalin's Progress Thread - H1N1 - 07-09-2016

Nice mate - it's amazing the difference a little tweak can make to a whole training template. I only recently discovered it myself thanks to some advice from a friend, and it's been transformative.

General Stalin's Progress Thread - General Stalin - 07-13-2016

Had a shit day yesterday and don't know why. Got plenty of sleep and ate plenty but my squats were weak as hell. Almost failed on my 2nd set of 2 x 255. So I dropped down to 145 and did 4 x 8.

Maybe I didn't adequately warm up enough. I've been losing some weight since starting this routine. Was only 200 and change last night. Need to get that diet back up.

I'll do OHP tonight and I'll get in my squats on DL day Thur. I'll squat heavy again Sat and I'll make sure to bring my A game.

Since it's been getting so hot here a lot of dudes been working out shirtless and I'm mirin'. Eager to get my physique more developed and look more like I lift. I've been getting some size on my, but need to get more upper body mass - traps, shoulders, arms, upper back.

General Stalin's Progress Thread - H1N1 - 07-13-2016

It may just have been one of those days.

That said, looking back through your log, it looks like 255 is a pretty high weight for you, and one you've only recently been comfortable with hitting (I think on the last page you barely made it for a double) - not a weight you can hit comfortably for a couple of reps on any given day.

I'd probably have run the cycle off 235 rather than 255 in your position. I'd seriously consider dropping it down for the next 3 weeks, and focus on having a good cycle. You won't get any weaker squatting 235 for a good, solid set of doubles (in fact I'm sure you'd get stronger).

Then at the end of the cycle, in 3 weeks time, on your 5th set go for broke. If you hit 4 or 5 good reps, then you can slap 10lbs on your training total for the next month.

General Stalin's Progress Thread - General Stalin - 07-13-2016

Quote: (07-13-2016 11:40 AM)H1N1 Wrote:  

That said, looking back through your log, it looks like 255 is a pretty high weight for you, and one you've only recently been comfortable with hitting (I think on the last page you barely made it for a double) - not a weight you can hit comfortably for a couple of reps on any given day.

I'd probably have run the cycle off 235 rather than 255 in your position. I'd seriously consider dropping it down for the next 3 weeks, and focus on having a good cycle. You won't get any weaker squatting 235 for a good, solid set of doubles (in fact I'm sure you'd get stronger).

Then at the end of the cycle, in 3 weeks time, on your 5th set go for broke. If you hit 4 or 5 good reps, then you can slap 10lbs on your training total for the next month.

I suppose you're right, although my strength has increased considerably since then. I did 5 x 2 x 265 last weak, and I have done 6 x 3 x 235 as well no problem. 255 should not have been that challenging for me. I really believe it's more of just having a bad day rather than the weight being too much for me, though we'll see how I feel this weekend. I'll make sure to get a more substantial warmup and if 255 feels really heavy then I'll take a couple dimes off.

That said, with the modularity of the GZCL, I can easily change the weight/rep scheme up to 5 x 3 x 235 which may actually be a good idea - actually I think I've made up my mind and that's what I'm going to do.

General Stalin's Progress Thread - H1N1 - 07-13-2016

Quote: (07-13-2016 12:22 PM)General Stalin Wrote:  

Quote: (07-13-2016 11:40 AM)H1N1 Wrote:  

That said, looking back through your log, it looks like 255 is a pretty high weight for you, and one you've only recently been comfortable with hitting (I think on the last page you barely made it for a double) - not a weight you can hit comfortably for a couple of reps on any given day.

I'd probably have run the cycle off 235 rather than 255 in your position. I'd seriously consider dropping it down for the next 3 weeks, and focus on having a good cycle. You won't get any weaker squatting 235 for a good, solid set of doubles (in fact I'm sure you'd get stronger).

Then at the end of the cycle, in 3 weeks time, on your 5th set go for broke. If you hit 4 or 5 good reps, then you can slap 10lbs on your training total for the next month.

I suppose you're right, although my strength has increased considerably since then. I did 5 x 2 x 265 last weak, and I have done 6 x 3 x 235 as well no problem. 255 should not have been that challenging for me. I really believe it's more of just having a bad day rather than the weight being too much for me, though we'll see how I feel this weekend. I'll make sure to get a more substantial warmup and if 255 feels really heavy then I'll take a couple dimes off.

That said, with the modularity of the GZCL, I can easily change the weight/rep scheme up to 5 x 3 x 235 which may actually be a good idea - actually I think I've made up my mind and that's what I'm going to do.

Remember the principle - T1 is 10-15 reps max. And for every rep you do in T1, you need to do 2 in T2. So no less than 30 reps for your back off T2 work if you do 5x3 for T1.

General Stalin's Progress Thread - General Stalin - 07-15-2016

Been a shitty week - letting my social life get in the way of time in the gym. Took more "rest days" than I wanted to. Did OHP yesterday and had another weak day. Again, failed on my 2nd set of 3 x 125. Dropped the weight down to 115 and did 3 x 4 x 115, then 3 x 8 x 155 pause flat bench press.

On the other hand, I felt pretty strong on my T3 work - maybe it was a warm up issue? I was able to do 3 x 12 x 32.75 Front Lat Raises no problem, 3 x 12 x 90 seated rows, and 3 x 12 x 50 incline DB press. More weight/reps than I normally have done for those exercises.

Dead lift tonight, but I'm actually going to stray from my normal routine and do strongman stuff with some guys at the gym. I will get a lot of back/lower body workout in so I'm not worried about it. We'll be doing deadlifts for reps, atlas stones for reps, axle bar presses for time, sandbag carries for distance, yolk carries for distance, and truck pulls for best time.

General Stalin's Progress Thread - H1N1 - 07-16-2016

Your training is all over the place, and that is probably the issue. If you look back through this thread, a progress thread, there is very little progress to show. Not trying to be a dick mate, but for the amount of weight you've put on and the 2.5 months you've been keeping this log, there's not much sign of improvement.

By the looks of things your GZCL number estimations are way off, and your training fluctuates based on good days and bad days. That means most likely you are not building much in the way of strength, you are simply better able to demonstrate what strength you have on some days more than others. This isn't the point of training. I've been there, and wasted a lot of time on it, hence my frankness now. I had to look back at a year's worth of training and realize that I'd made almost no progress. You are going to find yourself in a similar position if you aren't careful, and I hope a little tough love will get you back on the right track. Don't waste as much time as I did.

There is no reason you should see training as some great good for which all else must be sacrificed. You could now eat moderately, train as you are doing a couple of days a week, maintain a perfectly respectable level of strength, and a decent physique, and not worry so much about progress. That's noone's business but your own.

But if you want real progress, and real gains, you're making a mess of it. If I were in your position, and wanted to commit myself to making progress with training, I would restart GZCL with significantly lower working weights, and focus on getting quality reps in with every single movement.

General Stalin's Progress Thread - General Stalin - 07-16-2016

I appreciate the insight and I suppose I may be shooting higher than I should be realistically given the program parameters.

I wouldn't say it's accurate to say I haven't been showing much progress since starting this thread. I've added 25 lbs to my squat, 50 lbs to my DL, and 10 lbs to my bench in just a couple months - and my strength with reps have gone up considerably as well. Example: my max DL starting this was 315, and it took me two attempts. Last night I did 315 x 6.

I've been sucking with consistency, obviously, which I think is a major factor. Getting to the gym everyday every week, getting an optimal amount of sleep every night, getting consistent daily food intake. I'm not making it as much of a priority as it needs to be in order to make the progress I actually want to make.

Restarting GZCL isn't a bad idea. I will rest today then Sunday start fresh with bench press day.


Last night I did strong man events with a group of bros at the gym and it was great. We did a lot of movements I've never done with way more weight than I have ever used and it was great to see what I was capable of:
-3 x 370 yolk walks which was more weight than I have ever put on my back - and walked 60' with it 3 times.
-Deadlifted 315 for 6 reps which is a huge PR for me.
-200 lbs. Sandbag carry for 185 feet (could have done a lot more distance if I could get the bag on my shoulder).
-3 x 6 x 140 axle bar press. The most weight I've ever put overhead - and cleaned it from the floor on a 3" bar.

Definitely a little sore today, but was pretty happy with what I was able to do last night.

General Stalin's Progress Thread - H1N1 - 07-16-2016

Have you really added those numbers though mate, if you're honest with yourself? On a bad day, are you any stronger than you were at the start of this thread? From the outside it doesn't look like that's the case. If you've eaten a ton more food, and hit a squat day well rested (you're taking quite a lot of rest days from what I can tell), and you hit a 25lb PR, one time, and subequently struggle with weights much lower, have you really added 25lbs, or did you just manage to display some strength on that day that isn't available to you most of the time?

If you'd really added that much to your max - to your every day max - a weight you can hit on a bad day - there is no way you'd be struggling with the weights you're using now. And that is the proper measure - what you can do on a bad day, not what you can do when the stars align, or you let yourself go an inch or two short of parallel, or whatever we all may do to convince ourselves sometimes of progress.

Again, only you can really know if you've actually added to your strength, or whether you've just improved at a lift a bit and had a good day in the gym. With only this log to go on, it looks more like you've eaten more, had more energy and created a bigger platform to spread the weight across, and consequently are able to push a little more weight. That's progress of a kind, but not really the kind of progress you'd choose. If you were making good progress, I'd expect your log to be reading along the lines of: 'Crappy day today, slept badly and didn't eat enough. Hit my reps. A month ago this would have been a grind on a good day. Today it was a little slow, but still comfortable'.

General Stalin's Progress Thread - General Stalin - 07-16-2016

Quote: (07-16-2016 12:04 PM)H1N1 Wrote:  

Have you really added those numbers though mate, if you're honest with yourself? On a bad day, are you any stronger than you were at the start of this thread?

Yes. Are you looking at the beginning of the thread compared to now? I'm all for constructive criticism but I feel like you're just dogging me here because I said I had two poor days at the gym this week.

On my "bad" squat day this week I still did 2 x 2 x 255 with little warmup, where at the beginning of this thread I was proud of myself for working up to 1 x 2 x 235. Hell, only a month ago I was proud of doing 1 x 2 x 255 and almost failed the second rep. Those were on "good" days. I also squat lower now than I used to. Objectively, I'm lifting more weight for more reps than I could 2 months ago. I'm not going to let a couple of shit days discourage me and make me question whether or not I'm actually getting stronger.

If I'm at a plateau I'll know it.


If you were making good progress, I'd expect your log to be reading along the lines of: 'Crappy day today, slept badly and didn't eat enough. Hit my reps. A month ago this would have been a grind on a good day. Today it was a little slow, but still comfortable'.

Like I said, I'm doing weights/reps even on bad days that I could not do 1 month ago, as looking through this thread proves. If I had copied a squat workout from one month ago and did it on my bad squat day this past week I'm confident that it would not have been as challenging for me.


I'll add that I taught myself a great squat technique the other day. It's really nothing magical just normal in how one should be doing squats. I know in my head that you are supposed to keep your whole upper body tight when performing the lift - but in practice my upper body always played a factor. I could feel the weight on my back, I could feel it wanting to compress my torso; I could feel it being a limiting factor in the lift.

This week, on my bad day, while repping 145, I taught myself to brace and firm up much tighter. I learned to completely eliminate my upper body from the movement so it is strictly lower body. No special explanation to it other than I just really squeeze and tightened my lats, braced the hell out of my stomach, and just firmed up my entire torso making a really sturdy platform to support the weight. I physically felt the difference in my legs.

General Stalin's Progress Thread - H1N1 - 07-16-2016

It's not my intention to 'dog' you (here in England that's something two consenting adults get up to in a car park) - I don't know you, it doesn't change much for me whether you meet your goals or not. I've no reason to give you a hard time for the sake of it, and I would trust the fair-mindedness of our audience when I say that my general post history here isn't characterised by that kind of behaviour.

Perhaps the best proof I can offer that I have no interest in e-beef, and little to gain from arguing on the web, is simply to refrain from commenting any further in this thread. GZCL is an excellent program, and I wish you every success with it.

General Stalin's Progress Thread - General Stalin - 07-16-2016

I don't honestly believe you are the type as you're a solid member of the forum and have given me a lot of good advice so far, I just don't like being discouraged by claims that I've not actually made progress when the whole point of this thread is to track such a thing - and the proof is in the pudding. Reading from page 1 - 3 so far the numbers clearly show progress. I felt your questioning of it seems solely based on my last two training days being lack-luster, even though I still put up better numbers than I have since starting out.

General Stalin's Progress Thread - General Stalin - 07-20-2016

Restarted my program per H1N1's suggestion and am back at it, 3 days under my belt so far. I lowered some of the weights I'm working with so as not to compromise form to get reps.

This program has been a bit of an adjustment from the training I have been doing the past couple month, mainly because I've gotten so used to doing a lot of volume of the main movements so I feel like I'm cheating myself if I'm only doing 12 reps of bench press on bench press day.

Which brings me to my only concern about this program - am I doing my main movements too little?


Sunday 7/17
Bench Press - 2 x 5 x 135
3 x 4 x 185

Incline DB Press - 3 x 8 x 60

Cable X-over - 3 x 12 x 50 >superset> Tri rope pulldown - 3 x 12 x 90

Weighted Decline Situp - 3 x 15 x 25 >superset> Pull up - 3 x 5

EZ Bar Curl - 4 x 15 x 40

Monday 7/18
Squat - 2 x 4 x 145
4 x 3 x 235

2" Deficit Deadlift - 3 x 8 x 235

Leg Press 21's - 3 x 7 x 290 >superset> Calf Raises - 3 x 12 x 290

Pause Squat - 3 x 6 x 165

Tuesday 7/19
Overhead Press - 1 x 8 x 95
1 x 4 x 115
4 x 3 x 125

Pause Bench Press - 1 x 8 x 135
3 x 8 x 155

Front Lat. Raise - 3 x 12 x 32 >superset> Reverse Fly - 3 x 12 x 15

Pullover complex 21's - 3 x 7 x 50 >superset> Seated DB Press - 3 x 10 x 35

Wednesday 7/20
Deadlift - 1 x 8 x 135
2 x 4 x 225
6 x 2 x 315

Pause Squat - 1 x 8 x 175
1 x 7 x 175
1 x 6 x 175

Pendlay Row - 3 x 12 x 75 >superset> Decline DB fly - 3 x 12 x 25

Back Hyper - 3 x 10 x 90 >superset> Facepull - 3 x 12 x 70/80/90 (went up each set)

Lat Pulldown - 3 x 15 x 80


Workouts have been good, but likie I said my only concern is whether or not I'm getting enough volume in my main movements, though the T2 workouts on the other days are obviously supplementing that.

Still feel like I have a lack of energy even on daysd where I get 9-10 hours of sleep. Wondering if it may be a dietary issue. Might start taking a multi-vitamin or something see if that makes a difference.

General Stalin's Progress Thread - General Stalin - 07-22-2016

I'm thinking diet may very well be the culprit for my energy levels as yesterday I carbed up a lot before I went to the gym and I had a great workout. Plenty of strength and energy. Benched a lot more than usual as the workout I had written was simply not taxing enough.

My benchpress I had planned was just a warmup and then 3 x 4 x 185, well I ended up doing 4 x 4 x 185 and didn't feel taxed enough do did another 4 x 3 x 195.

I had a small morning banana/PB/Whey protein/milk smoothie, a bowl of steel cut oats, and a bowl of quick cooking ramen before I went to the gym in the afternoon.

Tonight I squat. Going to try to really pile on some complex carbs and see how that affects my workout.

General Stalin's Progress Thread - General Stalin - 07-23-2016

Had a good night last night, albeit a short but exhausting workout. I didn't end up getting to the gym until real late and didn't feel like being their until 1 am so I cut my workout short, but I did squat 5 x 3 x 235, then did 2" deficit deadlift 4 x 8 x 225 (that was incredibly tiring and my low back was feeling the fatigue). I then did overhead barbell walking lunges with a heavy bar 4 x 50' x 55 and called it a night. 6 days in a row at the gym I'm going to take the rest of the weekend to rest up and hit OHP on Monday.

Also was pretty heavy last night - 205.2 lbs. Haven't really been making any crazy changes to my diet although like I said I've been trying to eat more carbs before going to the gym to give me more energy.

I'd like to note that last night I was pretty happy about my DL sets. When I first started lifting "seriously" back in February, I remember being very proud of myself when I lifted 225. It felt heavy and it was hard, but I did 1-2 reps a couple of times just to see how strong I was and I was stoked on it. Last night I did 32 reps with 2" deficit.