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Natural ways to boost Testosterone? - Mig Picante - 07-30-2018

Quote: (07-30-2018 12:33 AM)N°6 Wrote:  

Quote: (07-29-2018 12:15 PM)Balkan Wrote:  

N6: Might be worthwhile to check out Mike Mahler’s aggressive strength testosterone booster. Has ashwaganda and several other herbs. Nothing will be like TRT but this may be cheaper and more efficacious than your current amazon cart

Thanks for that, I think the youtube video I posted mentioned MM. Will look into MM to see if he ships to the UK and whether the value is better compared to my amazon cart and local health shop.

My strategy so far is (tactics to be defined down the line):

0: Get a blood test to snapshot the present situation

1. Avoid direct attention to testosterone: look at estrogen and cortisol first by considering sleep, play and work.. In other words, take out the asbestos, rotting timbers and fix the roof before refurbishing the house.

2. Adopt a healthier and organic (grass fed) diet, quit beer (which could be worse than soy) and work out with weights intensely with HIIT style cardio. I suspect that using soy and corn fed chicken as a primary source of protein is counter-productive if it messes with our hormones.

So far the costs are negligible and probably beneficial if I quit alcohol and stop eating out completely.

3. With the structure of the house sorted, I can now look at the architectural detailing, decoration, fixtures and fittings: i.e. supplements. No point supplementing if I am not eating cruciferous vegetables however.

4. In 10 years or so, look into HRT as I will be at an age where I would have less to lose; the risk in the Cost, Risk Benefit appraisal will be less and the benefit higher.

I like your logical approach. I got my first blood test done recently out of curiosity. Results were Low T, Vitamin D deficient (middle of winter), High LDL and High cholesterol and elevated GGT (liver enzyme) from heavy drinking.

Similar to yourself, I plan to sort out the big items first by training more around heavy weights and intervals, improving my diet and reducing/removing alcohol prior to retesting.

Also decided on the full health screen to really assess where I am before bad habits become chronic diseases. Prevention is better than cure.

Natural ways to boost Testosterone? - N°6 - 07-30-2018

Quote: (07-30-2018 01:29 AM)Mig Picante Wrote:  

Quote: (07-30-2018 12:33 AM)N°6 Wrote:  

Quote: (07-29-2018 12:15 PM)Balkan Wrote:  

N6: Might be worthwhile to check out Mike Mahler’s aggressive strength testosterone booster. Has ashwaganda and several other herbs. Nothing will be like TRT but this may be cheaper and more efficacious than your current amazon cart

Thanks for that, I think the youtube video I posted mentioned MM. Will look into MM to see if he ships to the UK and whether the value is better compared to my amazon cart and local health shop.

My strategy so far is (tactics to be defined down the line):

0: Get a blood test to snapshot the present situation

1. Avoid direct attention to testosterone: look at estrogen and cortisol first by considering sleep, play and work.. In other words, take out the asbestos, rotting timbers and fix the roof before refurbishing the house.

2. Adopt a healthier and organic (grass fed) diet, quit beer (which could be worse than soy) and work out with weights intensely with HIIT style cardio. I suspect that using soy and corn fed chicken as a primary source of protein is counter-productive if it messes with our hormones.

So far the costs are negligible and probably beneficial if I quit alcohol and stop eating out completely.

3. With the structure of the house sorted, I can now look at the architectural detailing, decoration, fixtures and fittings: i.e. supplements. No point supplementing if I am not eating cruciferous vegetables however.

4. In 10 years or so, look into HRT as I will be at an age where I would have less to lose; the risk in the Cost, Risk Benefit appraisal will be less and the benefit higher.

I like your logical approach. I got my first blood test done recently out of curiosity. Results were Low T, Vitamin D deficient (middle of winter), High LDL and High cholesterol and elevated GGT (liver enzyme) from heavy drinking.

Similar to yourself, I plan to sort out the big items first by training more around heavy weights and intervals, improving my diet and reducing/removing alcohol prior to retesting.

Also decided on the full health screen to really assess where I am before bad habits become chronic diseases. Prevention is better than cure.

I get the feeling I might get similar results to you. I used to be a 5 mornings a week gym man. Then a stressful period at work, a holiday and the reintroduction of beer after work, on dates and most of the weekends with live TV sport broke my gym habit for a year.

My wake up from my cortisol and estrogen saturated slumber came when I moved a certain way and felt my chest wobble. I still don't have moobs but the wobble and the love handles that I have developed brought me back to reality. When I returned to the gym, I couldn't do one dip when last year, I was doing 8-10 weighted dips.

I saw on you tube yesterday that in the battle against estrogen stored in fat cells, men need to aim for 15% body fat. I am in the low to mid 20s.

Natural ways to boost Testosterone? - N°6 - 12-27-2018

I received my blood results. Pleasantly surprised at 36, my total T is 683 ng/dL.

I’m undergoing several symptoms that suggest low T however: low libido, grumpiness, depression and a general black pill view on women, not to mention a loss of gym strength.

I should look into T maintenance and possibly increasing it to 800 to see if this helps with gains.

Natural ways to boost Testosterone? - Heuristics - 12-27-2018

As I'm younger, most of the things I've done are pretty basic, but I've noticed a real difference in the past few months since I got serious about it.

Food: In general, grass-fed, organic everything. Lots of eggs for breakfast (emphasis put on egg yolks), tuna (canned) for lunch or snack, milk, legumes, and beef, lots of beef, sometimes some bison for variety. Olive oil in small amounts. Avocados. Greek yogurt. Blueberries. Grass fed butter. Onions and garlic, both are high t foods and good for immune system. I also avoid foods high in estrogen or related hormones. Pretty easy to find a list of foods to avoid online. I cook every meal and avoid anything processed.

Alcohol: I just cut back to vodka and soda. No beer. Beer is notorious for raising your estrogen levels. Noticed a huge difference after a month.

Working out: I'm in the habit of doing it, but I don't do things bad for my T like distance running/ jogging. Instead just switched to sprint training. My strength training was already optimized anyway.

Natural ways to boost Testosterone? - JackinMelbourne - 12-28-2018

Quote: (12-27-2018 06:45 PM)N°6 Wrote:  

I’m undergoing several symptoms that suggest low T however: low libido, grumpiness, depression and a general black pill view on women, not to mention a loss of gym strength.

I'm calling this the red pill effect, or the red pill depression. It fucks you up more than people realise and can spiral into other parts of your life (and body).

It would make a good thread topic... with poll.

Natural ways to boost Testosterone? - N°6 - 12-28-2018

^It could be. It’s a reminder that we are holistic beings and the psychological affects the hormonal and vice versa.

My T levels come from a morning in the summer when I was lifting 3 to 5 times per week. Although the reading is good for modern men in their 30s, I feel that my T levels have tanked during the winter under the weight of a diet which got out of control, alcohol and the loss of the gym habit.

I think it best to take quarterly blood readings to measure hormone levels during all seasons. If financial corporations do this, so should biological ones.

Natural ways to boost Testosterone? - StrikeBack - 12-28-2018

My list:

- Limited alcohol (only social occasions)
- Eat primarily home cooked meals from fresh quality groceries
- Get sufficient healthy fats (and stop obsessing about abs)
- Lift heavy weights regularly
- Take up a combat sports regularly (boxing for me)
- Regular sex
- Collect small wins and PBs in various areas of your life - anything will do: sports, fitness, finance, health, etc. Winning is good for T-level, and vice versa. It is the perfect feedback loop.
- Focus on achieving said wins in your life and read less of the doom & gloom shit on the Internet
- Get rid of negative people in your life and be ruthless about it

Mine was in the low 900s ng/dL at 31. Not sure what it is now (turning 36 next year) but every morning I wake up with glorious wood and feel like a million bucks so should be fine.

Natural ways to boost Testosterone? - ElFuerte - 12-29-2018

When my total T was ~300, Zinc supplements helped me boost free T to the middle of the normal range. Barely affected my the way I felt though.

Natural ways to boost Testosterone? - Shemp - 12-29-2018

>>I think it best to take quarterly blood readings to measure hormone levels during all seasons.

Nobody, and I mean nobody, including top PhD researchers in physiology, really understands hormones. Labs measure what they can measure. The human body is an incredibly complex mix of chemicals, hundred thousand or more different proteins interacting in ways we don't even begin to understand. It was only recently that ghrelin and leptin were discovered, which are major issues with hunger and obesity. Testosterone was discovered long ago, but what does it actually do? No one really knows. (Before someone spouts of that testosterone is what makes men men, please tell me the last time you read a pre-med university cell physiology textbook. You know, all that biochemistry and receptors and whatnot.)

The map is not the territory. The map only shows what the map makers thought important and what they could measure and depict on the map.

Likewise, lab tests are just a random collection of a few dozen chemical levels (out of a total of 100,000 or more) that physiologists decided they understand enough to justify measuring and which can be measured. Ranges are equally arbitrary: grab a bunch of college guinea pigs, measure their levels and call the average "normal", then draw a band around that average and make that the acceptable range.

Instead of lab tests, I suggest a more a holistic approach. Do you feel okay physically? If not, obvious things to improve. More and better sleep. Lose excess weight. Reduce stress. Get off the internet if addicted to it. Eat properly. Take a long vacation, preferably into nature, camping, canoing, something like that.

I do get tested myself each year, and everything is normal, but I am increasingly skeptical about such testing, and even more skeptical about the obsession with testosterone levels among younger men, and especially skeptical about younger men going on TRT. I think this obsession is a projection of fears about the decline of men's power relative to women, changing role of men in society, etc. (My own testosterone level was over 750 ng/dL (26 nmol/L) recently, which is fine for a man of 57, so I'm not pooh-poohing these tests just to make myself feel good.)

Natural ways to boost Testosterone? - keirank102 - 01-03-2019

When I was 22 I had a blood test that gave my testosterone as 479 ng/dL. I had a grade 3 varicocele at the time which is why I had my testosterone measured.

I never had issues with libido/morning wood/muscle building...ect. In fact I was in all of the sports teams had a really good physique from going to the gym.

After having my varicocele operated on (still grade 3 but it was massive before now it is reasonably smaller). My testosterone was more or less the same 493 ng/dL. And several years later my physique/ quality of life/ libido is the same as far as I can tell. (nice that my nutsack is smaller though)

The point I'm trying to make is that people shouldn't be so obsessive over their testosterone levels. Everyone is different so you can't really compare your results to someone elses.

I got these results from a 2011 paper on reference ranges on testosterone (J Clin Endocrinol Metab. 2011 Aug; 96(8): 2430–2439. doi: 10.1210/jc.2010-3012)
"In a reference sample of 456 men, mean (sd), median (quartile), and 2.5th percentile values were 723.8 (221.1), 698.7 (296.5), and 348.3 ng/dl for TT"
This means that the majority of men (68%) have a testosterone level from about 500 to 950.

I am slightly below this range but that doesn't bother me as I have no health issues related to testosterone.

If you are worried about testosterone the two things that have a major influence on your testosterone levels are sleep and diet.

For sleep you should make sure you get adequate amounts of sleep (~8 hours for most people) at regular times (going to sleep and waking up at the same time every day). Your sleep should be deep and undisturbed (don't eat 2 hours before sleep/ low light levels + no screens 2 hours before sleep/ good diet with zinc and magnesium).

For diet you should make sure that you are getting all the necessary vitamins and nutrients and good water intake. Personally I am on a whole foods plant based diet (like a vegan diet).

Natural ways to boost Testosterone? - Bluey - 01-03-2019

I suspect for a lot of people simply spending more time outside in the sun would help. Way too many people spend their time in an office, go to the gym indoors, eat out indoors, etc. etc.

Always noticed it when I spend more time outside, especially coupled with something that makes me sweat, be it manual labor or hiking.

Natural ways to boost Testosterone? - bortimer - 01-03-2019

Summer 2017 I had my testosterone levels checked, 605 at age 29. Not bad, not great, I was ok with it.

At the time I was doing tons of cardio (cycling), not lifting, drinking often, and pretty skinny (175 at 6'4").

Since then I started lifting and have been making good progress and gained up to 190 while still pretty lean. I rarely drink now and my diet has been clean with plenty of meat and good fats. Supplementing ZMA, Vitamin D, krill oil. Lots of sleep.

Fast forward to Winter 2018 and my testosterone levels dropped to 499. Must have fucked up but I'm not sure how. I read somewhere that T levels are supposed to peak in Nov/Dec too. WTF [Image: huh.gif]

Natural ways to boost Testosterone? - mataor - 01-10-2019

For me eating nuts, taking zink and vitamine D3 supplementation help. Not sure above the blood values though, but I measure the results by the morning woods and the ammount of patience I have for my mother-in-law bullshit.

Natural ways to boost Testosterone? - Thot Leader - 01-29-2019

Has anyone tried red light therapy, i.e. shining a red light on your balls to stimulate T production? I've heard it works. Wondering what the best wavelength is. I've heard around 660nm?

Natural ways to boost Testosterone? - heavy - 02-13-2019

So, I've noticed my testosterone has been up. I think I'm pretty good at self-awareness, at least way better than I used to be. I've noticed I feel more upright, more action-oriented, thoughts of owning a big dog (I'm not going to get one, but it's weird how I've recently started thinking it'd be nice to own and take care of a big dog), and obviously I'm hornier (waking up with boners, ability to fuck more, I had a wet dream the other day, etc).

I'm fairly certain it's simply because I have momentum in my life. I've started making money (and learning and working with my hands) on a side business. Doing things. Getting things done. Being busy. It's crazy the effect of simply having momentum will do for a man.

Natural ways to boost Testosterone? - HD668B - 02-14-2019

Quote: (07-29-2018 09:34 PM)greekgod Wrote:  

I wonder if doing heavy manual labor, outside under the sun jacks up your testosterone. That’s were 95% of humans during our existence spent their time and evolved.

Muscle beach comes to mind.

All I know is that in college when I landscaped or when I occasionally do ball breaking work outside, I’m ready to ride my mastodon into battle, put a few heads on a stake, and then toss some women over my shoulder for coitus in the cave.

Natural ways to boost Testosterone? - alexdagr81 - 02-15-2019

I eat popcorn before I sleep

Natural ways to boost Testosterone? - puckerman - 02-16-2019

I tried an Amazonian solution called uchu sanango to boost my testosterone. My levels actually went down.

I may try some other Amazonian plant solutions.

Natural ways to boost Testosterone? - Donfitz007 - 02-19-2019

Hey guys I’m getting a physical for the first time after 7 years, what kind of lab work should I ask my doctor to test for? I mainly want to see my testosterone levels

Natural ways to boost Testosterone? - Phanes - 03-24-2019

Quote: (01-19-2017 04:21 PM)zoom Wrote:  

Before trying supplements, I believe it's best to focus on where testosterone is naturally made. So don't cook your balls.

Your balls need to stay cool. Stay away from saunas, hot tubs, hot showers/baths. Wear boxers instead of briefs. To take it even further, you can ice your balls on a daily basis and sleep naked.

The above steps will also make you more fertile. So keep that in mind.

I enjoy the sauna a lot after every workout. So could you provide a source for sauna lowering T-levels? The short amount of googling I made says there is no evidence for the sauna having a detrimental effect on T-levels. In fact, since it is de-stressing it lowers cortisol so it actually has a positive effect on T.

Natural ways to boost Testosterone? - Iconoclast007 - 03-25-2019

I have been doing everything possible to raise my natural T levels. Everything. I have blood test this week to see what effect it has had. I told myself if its below 500 im going on trt.and blast and cruise gear. If above 500 im going to do a test e cycle for 20 weeks then PCT and see what my test is for maintenance.

Im 36 and I want to rock out for my middle age years!

Natural ways to boost Testosterone? - rottenapple - 03-26-2019

I did an online course on natural ways to boost testosterone on Udemy (link: I'd say it was interesting and definitely worth my money (it was like 12$). I will post my notes here, but people that are really interested can still follow the course as well for the extra info and the access to all the studies and learning materials that back up the claims made (or just to support the author). Many other stuff to be found in those documents as well. Hope the notes are a bit clear.

-Healthy amount of protein and fats
-Fats: saturated and monosaturated fats are great (avocados, nuts, olive oil, fatty fish, coconut oil), no polyunsaturated fats and trans fats (canola oil and processed foods). 40% from healthy fat sources is recommended.
-Protein: 0.8 gr per kg bodyweight, if more benefits diminish and diets very high in protein can even damage testosterone. 30% protein is ideal in a diet.
-26%-36% decrease of test in diets without animal protein, 10% decrease in free testosterone when replacing meat with tofu. Eggs and fish are excellent sources as well.
-Grass-fed meat is better and healthier, 2 to 4 times higher ratio of anti-inflammatory omega 3 acids compared to omega 6 fatty acids, better kinds of fats, more vitamins, higher amounts of linoleic acids, fewer antibiotics and other garbage.
-Carbs: diet too low in carbs can cut testosterone to 36%. Sugars are almost universally bad for the body. No sodas, pastries, bread and even fruits (genetically modified). Yes to cruciferous vegetables (kale, broccoli, etc.) for carbs. Avoid all grains also, even quinoa, oats etc. They cause inflammation and intestinal damage. They act as anti-nutrients, blocking other nutrients to be absorbed properly. Potatoes and rice are ok.
-Drink a lot of pure, clean water, always stay hydrated.
-Cholesterol: doesn’t cause heart disease, it’s a symptom of inflammation and dietary imbalance. C Reactive Protein is more important for heart disease. Cholesterol needs to be managed. HDL vs. LDL , particle size ratio and quality are what’s influencing health. Testosterone and other hormones are made of cholesterol. It is a good thing. Total cholesterol doesn’t matter.
-What to avoid completely: soy (tofu/protein powders), MSG flavouring agent (ramen noodles, spice mixes and sauces), dairy (influences insulin, comes from pregnant unhealthy cows with high estrogen, 80% of external estrogen in our bodies comes from milk products, might be linked to cancer, progesterone is also raised by milk, a little bit of dairy in cheese won’t be too bad, change to almond and coconut milk), flax seeds (decrease test by 10 to 20%), licorice (reduce test by 50% in rats), oils high in polyunsaturated fats (canola or sunflower seed oil), all kinds of mint (23 to 51% decrease in test in rats), trans fats.
-Foods you should eat more of: beef or bone broth, olive oil (but don’t cook it as it can become toxic), coconut oil, parsley, ginger (17% increase of test when used as a supplement), raw cacao, raisins, pomegranates (also the juice), eggs, argan oil (even better than olive oil), avocados, macadamia nuts, brazil nuts (because of selenium they are crucial, can give a significant increase by themselves), garlic, onions, beet juice, mushrooms (especially reishi), oysters, all vegetables.
-Alcohol: negative effect on testosterone through a variety of ways, increases cortisol/estrogen as well.
-Caffeine: increases cortisol and can decrease test in the long term by 14%, on the short term it can boost test. Better to use black tea or yerba mate. It can also disrupt sleep cycles.

-resistance training is much better than cardio, focus on few repetitions with heavy weights ( 5 to 8 reps of 85% to 90% of max weight), compound full body exercises are crucial (squads, deadlifts, bench press, Olympic lifts), be wary of injury and use caution + a spotter, use free weights not fixed machines, make sure posture and movements are perfect.
-Watch out for overtraining (decreases test, increases cortisol and inflammation and ruins sleep), recommended 2 to 3 full body weight exercise days/week. Use extra rest days if necessary.
-full two minutes rest after each exercise
-cross fit is recommended
-6 35 meter sprints instead of long runs (which might reduce test)
-Sitting too much is bad for our health. A standing desk can definitely help, even if only part-time.

-Aim for at least 7,5 or 9 hours of sleep (cycles are 1.5 hours), 6 is the minimum
-Sleep consistent, try to go to bed and wake up at regular hours
-Avoid white and blue light the hours before going to sleep, use apps like F.lux. Smart lights are also an option or blue light blocking sunglasses.
-Make sure to get as much sunlight during the day, use sunscreen but don’t use too much or too high a protection factor
-Design a sleep sanctuary, needs to be dark, make sure there is no artificial light either, it should be quiet (if there is noise use white noise to block it out), temperature should be cold (18 degrees Celsius), cold showers are good before sleep to reduce your body temperature.

-Testosterone peaks on seventh day of abstinence, but long term abstinence can decrease testosterone
-Having regular sexual contact with a partner increases testosterone, even the anticipation boosts testosterone
-Monogamy is not ideal, men in committed relationships have 21% less testosterone than those who do not. Testosterone is lower in men who’ve had a relationship for longer than six months that those who are in the early stages. Testosterone decreases with marriage and stays lower afterward and increases after divorce. Men who cheat and men who are in open relationships have higher testosterone.
-Mere exposure to the opposite sex increases testosterone, even when there is no physical contact.
-Masturbation does not increase testosterone.

5.Lifestyle adjustments
-Stress: meditation to reduce cortisol, increases testosterone and much more.
-Endocrine hijackers: BPA (canned foods, plastics with polycarbonate), Phthlates (plastics, products that enlist flagrance as a component), parabens (household goods), atrazine (buy organic produce and a water filter that specifically filters it). In general check the Environmental Working Group (EWG) to check if products are safe.
-Cold exposure: burns fat and thus can increase testosterone, decreases cortisone and improves sleep. Hot showers and baths are bad for test production most likely.
-Technology: avoid laptop on your lap, cell phone radiation lowers sperm counts. Avoid close contact with the genitals off all forms of technology.
-Body language: high power positions increase testosterone and decrease cortisol, low power positions do the reverse. Do power poses before important moments. Use open body language positions (take up space, expose body parts).

-Magnesium: 70 to 80% of all people are depleted in western society, magnesium bysglycinate, citrate is ok as well, avoid magnesium oxide or any form ending in –ide. 400-500 mg daily is recommended.
-Fish oil: protects test to bind to SHGB (thus increases free test) and increases LH, look for at least 900 mg of EPA and 600 mg of DHA
-Creatine monohydrate: increases test significantly among many other benefits
-Vitamin D3
-Ashwagandha: reduces stress and cortisol and slightly increases testosterone

I also did some reading on other studies non related to the course, some interesting quotes:

“The typical pattern is higher testosterone in men in richer, post-industrialized countries of Europe or North America compared with men living in poorer parts of the world or places where most of the population face higher rates of disease”
"Married participants and those with dependents had lower testosterone than unmarried participants and those without dependents respectively. Sexually active participants had lower testosterone levels than those who were not sexually active."
"Scientists have found that women in less-developed countries are more likely to prefer guys with faces that hint at high levels of testosterone than women in more-developed countries. That may be because women in less-developed societies are more focused on good genes for their offspring, whereas women in more-developed societies with less fear of disease may care more about commitment"
"In the United Kingdom, women liked men with high testosterone most in cases where his face also showed signs of high levels of the stress hormone cortisol (cortisol contributes to a softer, round-faced look). In the less-developed nation of Latvia, women simply preferred higher-testosterone men, with cortisol showing no effect."
"After adjustment for age and Quetelet's index, the levels of total and bioavailable testosterone were highest in Asian-Americans, intermediate in African-Americans, and lowest in whites. However, the DHT:testosterone ratio was highest in African-Americans, intermediate in whites, and lowest in Asian-Americans. Black people had a 15% higher testosterone level and a 13% higher free testosterone level than whites. Japanese men had similar testosterone to US whites but less DHT."
"While total testosterone levels were similar in men from Sweden, Tobago and the US, they were 16 per cent higher in men from Hong Kong and Japan. The Japanese men also had higher levels of a testosterone-binding hormone, however, so less of the testosterone was free to act on tissues. As a result, Japanese men had the lowest levels of active testosterone. However, Asian men who had moved to the US had similar testosterone levels to residents of European descent, suggesting that environment had an influence. Diet could play a role, suggests Cauley."
"Studies show that men’s testosterone levels have been declining for decades. The most prominent, a 2007 study in the Journal of Clinical Endocrinology and Metabolism, revealed a “substantial” drop in U.S. men’s testosterone levels since the 1980s, with average levels declining by about 1% per year. This means, for example, that a 60-year-old man in 2004 had testosterone levels 17% lower than those of a 60-year-old in 1987. Another study of Danish men produced similar findings, with double-digit declines among men born in the 1960s compared to those born in the 1920s."

Natural ways to boost Testosterone? - zatara - 03-27-2019

Thats a fantastic post rottenapple, really interesting stuff. Thanks for that.

Natural ways to boost Testosterone? - sterling_archer - 03-27-2019

Rottenapple and others, have you ever tried tribulus terestris, which is supposedly among the best T increasing natural substances?

Natural ways to boost Testosterone? - rottenapple - 03-27-2019

Quote: (03-27-2019 12:13 PM)sterling_archer Wrote:  

Rottenapple and others, have you ever tried tribulus terestris, which is supposedly among the best T increasing natural substances?

According to the science available (see, it does not improve testosterone (8 studies cited), except in otherwise infertile men. It can improve libido, erections and possibly DHT and DHEA though so that could explain why it is known as a supplement that seems to improve testosterone (through similar effects).