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Creation of 5-man fireteam to deal with SJW's - The Beast1 - 11-15-2014

Pulitzer would be proud. 19th century muckraking brought in a lot of ad dollars and made some very powerful media tycoons. Something similar could occur here.

Creation of 5-man fireteam to deal with SJW's - Veloce - 11-15-2014

I'd volunteer for one of the fire teams but my inconsistency is a problem, some days I have to unplug because of work.

However, I'm all about being on a zerg rush.

Creation of 5-man fireteam to deal with SJW's - Roosh - 11-15-2014

Quote: (11-15-2014 12:56 PM)Veloce Wrote:  

I'd volunteer for one of the fire teams but my inconsistency is a problem, some days I have to unplug because of work.

However, I'm all about being on a zerg rush.

We would be very selective in getting involved. Maybe one event each month at the most.

Creation of 5-man fireteam to deal with SJW's - ABCDEFGH - 11-15-2014

Quote: (11-15-2014 08:29 AM)Ocelot Wrote:  

At the same time, we need banners to march under and slogans/buzzwords. The important thing is to make sure they're appealing to the average guy, and to the people on the fence. A big problem with calling our opponents "Social Justice Warriors" is that, whilst it might sound demeaning to us, the majority of the general public associates the term "social justice" with positive things.

I agree with this. It is important that they are seen as bad guys in every way, so that no one wants to be associated with them.

Moral authoritarians and cultural marxists (some feel this one is misleading) are the other names I see used.

Maybe a name that makes you think of a cult or something else that most americans will distance themselves from.

Creation of 5-man fireteam to deal with SJW's - Marmite - 11-15-2014

I would recommend a general research team, that can pull and sort raw data that the researchers in each team would then be able to utilise as needed / starting points for their own needs.

Maybe have a thread for each Target that the research team can post the raw data to, then the lead researchers can sort and extract what's useful.

Creation of 5-man fireteam to deal with SJW's - Ocelot - 11-15-2014

Quote: (11-15-2014 01:04 PM)ABCDEFGH Wrote:  

Quote: (11-15-2014 08:29 AM)Ocelot Wrote:  

At the same time, we need banners to march under and slogans/buzzwords. The important thing is to make sure they're appealing to the average guy, and to the people on the fence. A big problem with calling our opponents "Social Justice Warriors" is that, whilst it might sound demeaning to us, the majority of the general public associates the term "social justice" with positive things.

I agree with this. It is important that they are seen as bad guys in every way, so that no one wants to be associated with them.

Moral authoritarians and cultural marxists (some feel this one is misleading) are the other names I see used.

Maybe a name that makes you think of a cult or something else that most americans will distance themselves from.

Cultural Marxist is about as useful a term as "Reactionary", i.e. not very. It's only beneficial in political discourse with people who already agree with your narrative. The only thing "Cultural Marxism" will bring to mind for most people is impassioned Fox News presenters on their soapbox. Not good.

Terms like "Progressive" and "Liberal" for instance, are very well thought out. They sound like good things from the start, even if you don't know what they mean. Everyone likes progress! Everyone likes being able to do what they want!

Personally, I think any name we choose to fly under needs to emphasise freedom, liberty, dignity etc., as these are all fundamentally good things that feminists/SJWs seek to destroy. Likewise, any pejoratives describing feminists/SJWs should emphasise their neurosis, authoritarianism and mental ill-health. These are things which merit serious discussion, but are best done in private. At this stage, it would do more harm than good if a new buzzword was seen to originate from this corner of the internet.

Quote: (11-15-2014 12:57 PM)Roosh Wrote:  

Quote: (11-15-2014 12:56 PM)Veloce Wrote:  

I'd volunteer for one of the fire teams but my inconsistency is a problem, some days I have to unplug because of work.

However, I'm all about being on a zerg rush.

We would be very selective in getting involved. Maybe one event each month at the most.

If that's the frequency you're talking about, I should be available if you need more manpower. I understand this will probably be a clandestine operation, and I'm not the most prolific poster here, but if you have any low priority work that needs doing, hit me up.

Credentials: I played a lot of Command & Conquer as a kid [Image: icon_lol.gif]

Creation of 5-man fireteam to deal with SJW's - TonySandos - 11-15-2014

I'd like to reiterate the point on having a private board. There are many excellent counter measure ideas that have gone to waste because of the lack of viability in applying them, since the board already gave away their source.

"Yet again, another reason a private IRC would be useful is that we don't really want any ideas we make trend to be seen as originating from this community. To the masses, we're woman-hating-virgin-neckbeards, and therefore all our ideas are crimethink. Anything we push has to appear to have emerged organically from the collective unconscious, then it can be "troubling" and "problematic" instead, and they won't actually know how to deal with it."

I'd like to reiterate this again as well.

I've said before in another thread, the word choice and language used in think pieces is critically important to the number of positive results.

I've seen many brilliant ROK articles written that were incredibly persuasive in form, but fell from the ears of mainstream thinkers because of needless use of manosphere slang like hamster and cock carousel.

There are alternative words and phrases available that can replace these to make any essay come off more scholarly or professional.

Subtlety is key to subverting thoughts in a neutral to already propaganda immersed mind.

Creation of 5-man fireteam to deal with SJW's - Andy_B - 11-15-2014

We need some kind of private forum to organize this, I've noticed that Jezebel et al have made a practice of screencapping 4chan threads where raids are being organized and using them as evidence that any campaign is just a "4chan prank."

Creation of 5-man fireteam to deal with SJW's - Marmite - 11-15-2014

Private boards would be the best way to organise this and keep it out of the public eye, but you would need to be selective about who has access.

Creation of 5-man fireteam to deal with SJW's - Ocelot - 11-15-2014

Quote: (11-15-2014 01:53 PM)TonySandos Wrote:  

I'd like to reiterate the point on having a private board. There are many excellent counter measure ideas that have gone to waste because of the lack of viability in applying them, since the board already gave away their source.
Quote: (11-15-2014 02:03 PM)Andy_B Wrote:  

We need some kind of private forum to organize this, I've noticed that Jezebel et al have made a practice of screencapping 4chan threads where raids are being organized and using them as evidence that any campaign is just a "4chan prank."

[Image: JWCxTGx.jpg]

Seriously though, there's 656 guests online right now. Is that more than usual?

Creation of 5-man fireteam to deal with SJW's - TonySandos - 11-15-2014

Uh oh. I guess it's time to scourer the catlady boards to see who's screaming, "THOSE CAVEMEN ARE ORGANIZING!" [DEFCON 1 alarm sounds in background, fires breaking out intermittently]

Creation of 5-man fireteam to deal with SJW's - Roosh - 11-15-2014

The fireteam would operate privately and no one, not even you guys, would be alerted when we are working.

The designer and writer position are likely to be filled.

We need a researcher and a seeder. Any takers for these two?

Creation of 5-man fireteam to deal with SJW's - Snowplow - 11-15-2014

I like doing research. The two problems I run into though are working the midnight shifts (which I have a lot of free time doing) and I only really look stuff up on Google. If not a problem I would be down.

Creation of 5-man fireteam to deal with SJW's - kbell - 11-15-2014

You need to research twitter as well and their blogs. They will often leave things that contradict their current view. Or are just plain hypocrisy. You need to screen capture since once they are aware of it, they will try to plug up the memory hole.

Creation of 5-man fireteam to deal with SJW's - Snowplow - 11-15-2014

Yeah, that stuff I can do.

Creation of 5-man fireteam to deal with SJW's - AnonymousBosch - 11-15-2014

Quote: (11-15-2014 06:43 AM)Glaucon Wrote:  

I thought you will create an actual hit-squad, kicking doors and windows.

The most obvious proof I see that the patriarchy doesn't exist is the fact that there's only about 10 female typists churning out anti-male propaganda propaganda across multiple media sources.

If women like Laura Penny, Amanda Hess and Amanda Marcotte were truly any threat to the patriarchy - if it actually controlled the police, military and government to the degree the SJW's claim it does - these women would have simply vanished long ago. Yet these little twits think they're revolutionaries delivering staggering blows for female superiority with each stupid little typequeef they toss out into the public sphere.

As such, there is obviously nothing threatening in what they do to the existing power structures. Contrast with, say, Julian Assange.

Creation of 5-man fireteam to deal with SJW's - TonySandos - 11-15-2014

I'd like to be the researcher as well, but I may not be the best qualified since I didn't know that you can view over a thousand past tweets.

Other than that I'm very well qualified, actual OCD included. heh

Creation of 5-man fireteam to deal with SJW's - JoyStick - 11-15-2014

Quote: (11-14-2014 06:36 PM)Dr. Howard Wrote:  

who would have thought "do you know where I can find a petshop around here?" would turn into this.

Haha yeah, I was thinking the same thing. The first post I read of Roosh`s was about wearing grocery bags on your shoulders so you wouldn't have to carry it while walking from the store. Now he's leading a team to change the world!

[Image: clap2.gif]

Creation of 5-man fireteam to deal with SJW's - TonySandos - 11-15-2014

SJW has no clear end goal. If we somehow subverted this madness and gained the position that they have now, our goal shouldn't be endless posturing and subjugation; we should promote redpill thinking for the masses over any other philosophy that we support. Here's to hoping for a new enlightenment. Another poster made a good point parallel to mine.

Quote: (11-15-2014 03:21 PM)jimukr104 Wrote:  

I know we all like to vent and stuff but we can't loose sight that feminists(SJW'S) are being used also. Even the old hardcore feminists who started the movement are unhappy.

The 1% who runs the western world and controls our gov't support feminism and are their biggest champions for it. Like most things it comes down to MONEY.

As I said multiple times before, our capitalist system profits and gets stronger from Feminism and liberalism. That is all corporations care about. Women having the right to be independent is a godsend for them:

1. Can deflate real incomes because they don't have to pay 1 worker enough to support a family of 4 anymore.
2. more workers competing for the same job , means they can pay less and get more productivity, which in turn:
3. More consumers to purchase their goods , giving them profit which in turn:
4. increases GNP and the revenue gov'ts bring in from both corporate and individual taxation.

In other words , all the venting and manoshere blogs might be a good read and make some of you money(Roosh for example) but they aren't going to amount to much because we aren't actually countering the real culprit.

It isn't feminists or SJW's(they are stupid victims who just don't know it) , it is the corporate elites and their government cronies that are profiting off this new system.

If you don't believe me, just look globally. The countries that the gov't controls the corporations have very little feminism or/and Social justice. China and Russia comes to mind. The countries that have it the most are the countries with the biggest corporate logo's working in combination with a democratic liberal govt. In other words a gov't that can be bought , lobbied and deposed of when needed.

You want change. Start a lobby in Washington. Contact corporations threatening boycotts. Men own most assets so ultimately men actually could win the war if we actually organized.
Problem is unlike women, mn aren't going to get powerful sponsors. The opposite: the corporate giants and richest men will want a manosphere movement to fail.

The unfair irony of it all is that the rich and powerful in their private life can totally degrade women if they want. They have anti feminist mistresses , etc. And when they lose a few billion in a divorce , it is tiny price to pay for them.

We also know the lower class doesn't get hurt by feminism since ghetto thugs slap their women with impunity and the justice system can't touch them economically.

It is middle class that suffers.

He should be our hero. He only apologized because his job/legacy was threatened. In other words it was blackmail.

Creation of 5-man fireteam to deal with SJW's - ABCDEFGH - 11-15-2014

Sorry if I am being a buzzkill but if you have confidence in this then ideally you should gather dirt on the most obvious and important targets before you do anything else.

If these hit pieces have the desired effect then the people who are likely to be targeted will go through their twitter, tumblr etc. accounts and delete anything that can be used against them.

One thing GamerGate did wrong was jump all over the comments Sam Biddle and Max Read made instead of milking them for more. It is not exactly the same thing but the point is these people learn fast if you are using something succesfully against them.

Creation of 5-man fireteam to deal with SJW's - Hades - 11-15-2014

Quote: (11-15-2014 12:56 PM)Veloce Wrote:  

I'd volunteer for one of the fire teams but my inconsistency is a problem, some days I have to unplug because of work.

However, I'm all about being on a zerg rush.

Great reference IMO.

I think researcher could and should be crowdsourced due to the immense volume of hypocrisy exhibited by the SJWs.

At the least, researcher could be it's own five man goon squad.

Creation of 5-man fireteam to deal with SJW's - RIslander - 11-15-2014


RVF TEAM 6 responding to reports of a 'rape mattress' at a California university.

Creation of 5-man fireteam to deal with SJW's - Dr. Howard - 11-15-2014

I don't have any additions to the 5 man team, but if you need a 2 man, nuclear scorched earth, we're all going down anyway 'team' thats clearly going to just be Ali B and El Mech in a stolen dodge charger

Creation of 5-man fireteam to deal with SJW's - Safado - 11-16-2014

What would a fireteam look like in the real world?

Do the opposite of what Femen does. Femen tries to advance Feminist ideas by disgracing the local culture through the use of provocative and self degrading displays of female nudity and trashy language.

A Red Pill task force could advance Red Pill ideas by being verbally outspoken about their beliefs while solving problems that feminists pretend to care about.

Imagine the headlines:
"PUA task force in Uganda prevented 16 rapes after distributing baking soda based rape-defense kits."
"Men's rights activists eliminate gender wage gap in Laos after building a medical school for female nurses."
"Misogynists tour Russia giving workshops aimed at reducing domestic violence."

It's despicable the level of self absorption and entitlement that western women have to be taking up national media attention for their phony rape culture when there are actual rape cultures in the world.

If we really want to shut these birds up we should solve these problems and take away their ability to complain.

Creation of 5-man fireteam to deal with SJW's - Roosh - 11-16-2014


What would a fireteam look like in the real world?

Hard to imagine any kind of real counter-ops without using the internet. For better or worse, it's an important battlefield.