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The Russia Thread - AkiKinnunen - 08-06-2018

Quote: (08-06-2018 04:56 AM)modernist Wrote:  

I did have some girls that spent an unordinate amount of time in the bathroom shortly before sex. It was always a great indicator that they were DTF, specially if I have a bidet and I hear it working (bidets are very common in Spain). But I don't think they were shaving, just cleaning up specially if we had a long date in a hot day walking around a lot.

If she spends a long time at the bidet, she will be probably not only DTF but also down to a looong muff diving. She is expecting it ))

The Russia Thread - JimBobsCooters - 08-06-2018

Yeah have found Russian's are very hygienic, to an annoying level at times where you're in the mood and they have to go and clean the cooch first.

Add me to the never seen a hairy Russian list, generally they apologise if it's not freshly shaven even, to be fair outside of some regional areas in Asia I can't remember the last time I did see a hairy vagina though.

Does make the "lets have a shower" tactic a lot stronger to use as well (I find that to be one of the best LMR breakers in general) while simultaneously increasing chances of sex and BJ as she knows you're clean.

The Russia Thread - modernist - 08-06-2018

Quote: (08-06-2018 07:57 AM)JimBobsCooters Wrote:  

Yeah have found Russian's are very hygienic, to an annoying level at times where you're in the mood and they have to go and clean the cooch first.

Add me to the never seen a hairy Russian list, generally they apologise if it's not freshly shaven even, to be fair outside of some regional areas in Asia I can't remember the last time I did see a hairy vagina though.

Does make the "lets have a shower" tactic a lot stronger to use as well (I find that to be one of the best LMR breakers in general) while simultaneously increasing chances of sex and BJ as she knows you're clean.

You mean you propose to have a shower together, before having had any sex? Or just each of you taking a shower separately.

The Russia Thread - AkiKinnunen - 08-06-2018

In the heat of a splendid escalation the word "shower" can be a turnoff yes, but I have nothing against high hygienic standards, so for me not a big deal.

Quote: (08-06-2018 09:10 AM)modernist Wrote:  

You mean you propose to have a shower together, before having had any sex? Or just each of you taking a shower separately.

Usually she insinuate that both should take a shower, but I sometimes explain that I took the shower before the meeting, so no need for that again* (which is true), so I just giver the clean palatenza.
Except if it was a long walk under a hot sun, which happened a lot this summer, in this case I also do the walk into the tube, but separately as my bathroom is ridiculously small, hoping that she will be still there when I come out))) I saw a lot in this country))

*Once a girl "demanded" me to shower anyway, I was already clean and fresh, but fulfilled her wish for the sake of the holly bangus spirit, damn 2 showers in less than 2 hours)))

The Russia Thread - modernist - 08-13-2018

Finally broke the 3 date rule, and managed to bang a Russian within 4 hours of meeting for the first time. Curiously enough it all happened during the morning for once, and actually many first date possible bangs I lost because the girl was really sleepy, being quite late at night when the escalation finally arrived to kiss and groping. I'm starting to think that meeting as early as possible instead of dragging it out through the night might be an important factor around here. I'm still too much used to Spanish time where no one really goes out at all before 9pm usually.

But more importantly, it also gave me an insight into yet more confirmation of the 3-date rule though.

When discussing the fact post-sex, she confessed:

"If I told my friends that I had sex on the first date, they would despise me. They always say that if I do that, the guy will lose interest. But really, what is the difference? They would fuck the guy anyway after the third date, and then he can lose interest all the same, what is the difference between 1 date and 3 really?"

[Image: icon_lol.gif]

The Russia Thread - Банин - 08-14-2018

Alright boys. Apologise for not posting at all these last months, my old life needed to get wounded down.

I've now moved to Piter. Today. For the coming year. Loving it already. And you can expect some detailed data throughout the year. I'm actually thinking to start my own thread, would that be against the rules? [Image: huh.gif]

I have to head out, I'm meeting the park 9 from my previous trip, for those who remember. Probably should have left her waiting a few days after arriving, but what the hell, she's been on the back burner long enough. Hopefully won't be able to report until tomorrow morning chaps [Image: banana.gif]

The Russia Thread - JeanJaq - 08-14-2018

Quote: (08-13-2018 05:13 PM)modernist Wrote:  

"If I told my friends that I had sex on the first date, they would despise me. They always say that if I do that, the guy will lose interest. But really, what is the difference?

There is no difference. But many girls think there is. They think a SDL is something dirty, crazy and/or unsafe.

They would fuck the guy anyway after the third date, and then he can lose interest all the same, what is the difference between 1 date and 3 really?"

The longer they hold their most precious asset (the golden vagina) the longer they feel cherished, and the longer they wait, the longer they can dominate you, because they know exactly that what happens afterwards. Or they think they know.... the "talk" is coming. If the player bother to talks to begin with.

A small anecdote about the 3 dates rule for the time I was living in Piter: I met a young girl thru "metro game", no just kidding, I was using the metro for legit reason, but more or less by accident I asked a lady, a solid 8, almost 9, something and then we started to talk, I even missed my station just to prolong the chat, so we got out together, I could not escalate as I was busy that day and I still had to go back 2 stations. But got the number.
I had 3 dates with this lady. And always resisting. But on the end of the 4rd date (yes, I broke the rule, stupid Jean) she agreed to come to my place, for the 2nd time. I had very good expensive wines that day, so we drank and drank; but the LMR was huge, again. But I understood that she was trying to provoke me because she allowed touching and kissing , and even fingering, well a jeans fingering, because she refused to remover her cloths.
Then I had enough and after 4 hours of eating, drinking and talking I said 'I will call a cab for you", She said no, Id like to stay. and again we argued for at least 30 minutes more "why the rush? Its to early/I dont know you enough... bla bla bla".
I lost it, I took her by the arm and said "Lets go out" (it was already late at night). I tried to get her out of the building but she came back inside, as by that time she knew the code. Both already a bit drunk. She knocked my flat door, I didn't open.
I was exausted went to bed, no, fell into bed, and slept until the morning like a stone.
This is the good thing about oldschool Russian flat doors: they look ugly (hard steel covered with leather) but they will keep you safe thru the whole night, simply unbreakable. In the west, flat doors are usually made of plastic or wood, cheap wood, or some times fake wood, lol, one kick and it is open, a symbolic door.
The next morning I was preparing my coffee, and I heard some voices on the corridor outside, I went to the door peephole and saw her on the floor sleeping (it was summer) and one of my neighbors, who is a personification of a white knight came and said something to her like "Are you ok?" then she stood up and left, completely ignoring him, lol. Thanks god she finally left me alone. Some days later she again texted me and wanted to meet, I just blocked her.
Since then I follow the 3 dates rule by the book.

The Russia Thread - Kapocris - 08-20-2018

Any gyms in Moscow that you can pay per day? And they speak English?

The Russia Thread - Polero - 08-27-2018

I'm posting this here because I'm a new member and can't open my new thread.

This is a short data sheet on Volgograd - волгоград (former Stalingrad), Russia.

This will be my first data sheet and English is not my first language, so if the structure of my writing is not the best or if there are grammatical mistakes or misspellings I apologize in advance.

I’ll tell you guys a few things about myself:

I’m a mid-late thirties guy originally from southern Europe, I have lived in several countries in Europe and I’m currently in Asia. I’m around 183cm or 6ft and I used to be in good shape but I haven’t worked out for some time now.

My experience in Volgograd:

I lived there from September 2013 until November 2015, afterwards I moved to Saint Petersburg. In both cities I worked as a language teacher, my income for Russian standards was quite decent but I was no baller.

The City:
First named Tsaritsyn, then Stalingrad after the USSR’s Prime Minister and then Volgograd after WWII. Volgograd means the city on the (river) Volga. Volgograd is in south west Russia and has a population of around one million people, the city is quite long and it’s parallel to the river Volga.
Volgograd, being quite near for Russian standards to the Caucasus, has a pretty large community of people originally from Georgia, Armenia, Azerbaijan, Chechnya, Abkhazia etc.
Volgograd is not a beautiful city, most of it is made of Communist blocks built right after the battle of Stalingrad and during the 50’s, 60’s etc. There are a couple of nice long streets, ie the alley of the heroes аллея героев being one of them.

The weather:
It’s Russia so in winter it’s going to be freezing cold, plenty of ice and snow. Winter generally starts in November and it ends in April or sometimes even in May. In summer it can get really hot and sunny. I recommend visiting Volgograd in May or in September.

How to get there:
I personally took a train Simferopol in Crimea, at the time Crimea was part of the Ukraine, not it’s part of Russia (no politics here, just pointing that out), it was a very long train ride, if I remember correctly it was like 26 hours. The train was old, hot, smelly and crowded but a really eye-opening experience.

The Food:
There are some foreign restaurants in Volgograd, mostly Italian and some German, I used to like the food and beer at Bamber on Ulitsa Sovetskaya, 20, near the embarkment, or the pizza in Rimini on Ulitsa Gagarina, 9, near the planetarium, saying so, there were not many foreign food options in the city, perhaps now the situation has changed (I left this city almost three years ago). The fact of hosting a large community of people from the Caucasus also means there are plenty of restaurant that offer Georgian and Armenian food, Sashlik, Georgian wine etc were quite nice.

The girls:
I bet this is what most people wanted to read about. Yes, the girls were gorgeous, really high average when compared to western girls. I’ve read a lot about the three date rule in Russia and so on, I can confirm that ONS were not the rule in Volgograd, I had some but not many. Generally I had to date the girls a few times to seal the deal, I’d say if I had met the girls from the internet then the bang might have happened sooner but not always.
I used to use Mamba and Badoo for most of my bangs, Tinder was not that popular back then. Meeting girls in bars or clubs was fairly easy, given they knew I was a westerner and quite exotic, having an apartment by myself in the city center also helped big time.

I used to go to the bars by the pier quite often, near the main street in town, Ulitsa Lenina, there was a little bar, Mischka, that was the place to be during the week. I found that Volgograd’s nightlife was pretty weak but a city of its size, I guess the fact that most people didn’t have much money to go out didn’t help.

I had a blast in Russia, I really did. As I said earlier on, I left Volgograd after two years, mostly because the city didn’t have much to offer. I moved to Saint Petersburg but I was disappointed and left after a few months. I now live in Asia and I love it. I plan to stay here for many years. I’ll be happy to answer any questions.

The Russia Thread - Kaizen - 08-27-2018

Nice report ^ Where exactly in Asia are you now

The Russia Thread - Polero - 08-27-2018

Thanks, Kaizen. The info is a little outdated, I'd say after the World Cup in June/July 2018 Volgograd has improved. From people that I'm in touch with over there I know the infraestructures are better, specially the roads, which were a joke at the time.

I'm in China now. I travel very often to other countries in Asia and have been to a lot of places. I have a lot of free time to travel and I just want to give back to this forum because I've learnt a lot from you guys.

The Russia Thread - AkiKinnunen - 08-27-2018

Quote: (08-27-2018 11:06 PM)Polero Wrote:  

Thanks, Kaizen. The info is a little outdated, I'd say after the World Cup in June/July 2018 Volgograd has improved. From people that I'm in touch with over there I know the infraestructures are better, specially the roads, which were a joke at the time.

I'm in China now. I travel very often to other countries in Asia and have been to a lot of places. I have a lot of free time to travel and I just want to give back to this forum because I've learnt a lot from you guys.

You wrote that a large numbers of Caucasians (Armenians, Georgians etc.) live in Volgograd, does it mean that most girls have this brunetki looking ?

What exactly you didn't like in Piter?

Did you learn Russian before you went to live there, or you did it right there, more or less learning by doing (the girls)?

The Russia Thread - Polero - 08-27-2018

Quote: (08-27-2018 11:21 PM)AkiKinnunen Wrote:  

Quote: (08-27-2018 11:06 PM)Polero Wrote:  

Thanks, Kaizen. The info is a little outdated, I'd say after the World Cup in June/July 2018 Volgograd has improved. From people that I'm in touch with over there I know the infraestructures are better, specially the roads, which were a joke at the time.

I'm in China now. I travel very often to other countries in Asia and have been to a lot of places. I have a lot of free time to travel and I just want to give back to this forum because I've learnt a lot from you guys.

You wrote that a large numbers of Caucasians (Armenians, Georgians etc.) live in Volgograd, does it mean that most girls have this brunetki looking ?

Yeah, most girls of Caucasian origin were dark skin and hair, I was not attracted to them plus those dudes can be violent if they find out you banged their sister or cousin Lol. Where I come from, most girls have similar looks, I much preferred to be with blondes and the typical Russian girl.

What exactly you didn't like in Piter?

I was in Piter from November 2015 until May 2016, that means the whole winter. The weather was awful, way worse than in Volgograd. Every single day it was rainy, cloudy, foggy, very dark and just miserable. The sun comes up at 11am in January. I also found too many hipsters in the city, the prices were expensive, at least for Russian standards, and I found very little value in bars and restaurants in general.
Perhaps I just needed a change after almost three years in Russia.

Did you learn Russian before you went to live there, or you did it right there, more or less learning by doing (the girls)?
I didn't speak any Russian before moving to Russia. Zero. I learnt by talking to chicks, yeah. I found them to be very patient with me and they really helped me. I forgot to say that to live outside of Moscow or Piter, Russian language is a must. In Volgograd I was very limited when at first couldn't speak any Russian at all, very limited. As I started learning my life became much easier and my results got much better too.

The Russia Thread - AkiKinnunen - 08-28-2018

Quote: (08-27-2018 11:54 PM)Polero Wrote:  

Yeah, most girls of Caucasian origin were dark skin and hair, I was not attracted to them plus those dudes can be violent if they find out you banged their sister or cousin Lol. Where I come from, most girls have similar looks, I much preferred to be with blondes and the typical Russian girl.

Thanks for the fast reply.
Just one last question: was the majority of the girls Caucasian look, or rather European Russian (ok, let's say blond etc.) in Volgograd.
I am seriously interested in visiting that city.

The Russia Thread - Polero - 08-28-2018

Quote: (08-28-2018 12:06 AM)AkiKinnunen Wrote:  

Quote: (08-27-2018 11:54 PM)Polero Wrote:  

Yeah, most girls of Caucasian origin were dark skin and hair, I was not attracted to them plus those dudes can be violent if they find out you banged their sister or cousin Lol. Where I come from, most girls have similar looks, I much preferred to be with blondes and the typical Russian girl.

Thanks for the fast reply.
Just one last question: was the majority of the girls Caucasian look, or rather European Russian (ok, let's say blond etc.) in Volgograd.
I am seriously interested in visiting that city.

Most girls looked Russian, what we picture for Russian girls. Tall, blue and green eyes, many blondes to be seen etc. I'd say the stereotypical Russian look accounts for something like 75% of the girls in the Volgograd area, 20% Caucasian girls or mixed of Russian and Caucasian and 5% were Asians. Most of these Asians were from Kazakhstan and some other central Asian countries, some were really cute and they were totally Russian in terms of mentality, this is just my impression.
Interesting enough, about six hours north of Volgograd is the city of Elista -I think that's the right spelling - capital of the republic of Kalmykia, where there are lots of Russian Asians. I know many moved there from central Asia and many others were "relocated" by Stalin and other Soviet Prime Ministers. There are pagodas and Buddhist temples in that area, it really surprised me to see all that and to find so many Asians in the middle of Russia, when I looked at a map then I realized how close I was to Kazakhstan.

The Russia Thread - AkiKinnunen - 08-28-2018

The weather in Piter last summer was a pain in the ass. But this year it looks (looked) much better. So, there is hope :-)

The Russia Thread - Polero - 08-28-2018

Glad to hear, man. I left Piter in mid May 2016, I never experienced the white nights or the summer. I had a job lined up starting in August and I wanted to go home and spend time with family and friends.
I'm considering a trip to Vladivostok and to Khavarovsk, many people in Russia said the hottest chicks come from there and the few that I met were really pretty. Enjoy Piter and the devuchki!! Udachi moi drug

The Russia Thread - edlefou - 08-28-2018

Quote: (08-28-2018 05:14 AM)Polero Wrote:  

I'm considering a trip to Vladivostok and to Khavarovsk, many people in Russia said the hottest chicks come from there and the few that I met were really pretty. Enjoy Piter and the devuchki!! Udachi moi drug
I've been to VV, but not to Khabarovsk. The women are fine, on the level of Moscow.

Check it out if you're nearby, but not worth going out of your way or paying a premium to visit.

The Russia Thread - Polero - 08-28-2018

Quote: (08-28-2018 05:23 AM)edlefou Wrote:  

Quote: (08-28-2018 05:14 AM)Polero Wrote:  

I'm considering a trip to Vladivostok and to Khavarovsk, many people in Russia said the hottest chicks come from there and the few that I met were really pretty. Enjoy Piter and the devuchki!! Udachi moi drug
I've been to VV, but not to Khabarovsk. The women are fine, on the level of Moscow.

Check it out if you're nearby, but not worth going out of your way or paying a premium to visit.

Thanks for the info, Edlefou. I'm in southern China at the moment, it'd be a long and, I guess, expensive trip. Russia is a very special place for me. Even though I left, I still want to go back to visit. The craziness of the country is just great, it's like the wild west in the 19th century, anything can happen Lol

The Russia Thread - Kapocris - 08-28-2018

Hi all, I will be in Moscow from September 12nd to 26th.

Does anyone want to join me day gaming? PM me!

The Russia Thread - AkiKinnunen - 08-30-2018

Quote: (08-28-2018 05:54 AM)Polero Wrote:  

The craziness of the country is just great, it's like the wild west in the 19th century, anything can happen Lol

The real craziness were in the 90ies, long over. Compared to that time it's quite stable and organized at the moment. [Image: undecided.gif]
Well, I didnt live outside Piter and Moscow thou, maybe out there in the Oblasts the situation is more interesting. I am really considering to go further east, like for example Yekaterinburg or something similar.

The Russia Thread - Polero - 08-31-2018

I'm sure the nineties were totally crazy but a good night out in the middle of Russia in 2018 can be nuts too. From stories people told me, in the early nineties people really struggled to survive. Many people lost their jobs, factories closed downs, nothing really functioned, shops and supermarkets were virtually empty and many girls sold themselves for a few rubles. Police and military personnel did not get paid for months and sold their services and expertise to whoever had money. I'm not too sure if that period of time in Russia was fun.

The Russia Thread - Bikal - 08-31-2018

Quote: (08-31-2018 01:43 AM)Polero Wrote:  

I'm sure the nineties were totally crazy but a good night out in the middle of Russia in 2018 can be nuts too.
2018 nights out aren't 90s levels of nuts, that was a true Wild West.

The Russia Thread - Polero - 08-31-2018

Quote: (08-31-2018 02:21 AM)Bikal Wrote:  

Quote: (08-31-2018 01:43 AM)Polero Wrote:  

I'm sure the nineties were totally crazy but a good night out in the middle of Russia in 2018 can be nuts too.
2018 nights out aren't 90s levels of nuts, that was a true Wild West.

I believe you 100%. All I was saying is that in modern Russia a lot of crazy things can happen and do happen. I remember seeing people driving fast AF on the sidewalks, people getting out of the car to beat the hell outta each other after a minor car crash and way worse things. We all seem to agree that Russia is a very crazy country and that's one of the reasons we like it.
PS: I got a PM from a forum member but I can't seem to be able to reply, is that because I'm a newbie?

The Russia Thread - Naughty_Boy - 08-31-2018

Quote: (08-06-2018 11:07 AM)AkiKinnunen Wrote:  

Usually she insinuate that both should take a shower, but I sometimes explain that I took the shower before the meeting, so no need for that again* (which is true), so I just giver the clean palatenza.
Except if it was a long walk under a hot sun, which happened a lot this summer, in this case I also do the walk into the tube, but separately as my bathroom is ridiculously small, hoping that she will be still there when I come out))) I saw a lot in this country))

*Once a girl "demanded" me to shower anyway, I was already clean and fresh, but fulfilled her wish for the sake of the holly bangus spirit, damn 2 showers in less than 2 hours)))

Is this really common in Russia?? I hear that the first time but I have to confess that I only know Russians (male and female) which lived most of their lives in Germany.
I often hear that showering before sex in brothels is common practice so I am getting a bit suspicous[Image: huh.gif]