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The TV Series Thread - Kurgan - 02-17-2019

I finished the Castlevania series on Netflix, not a bad ending. I'm kind of wondering if they'll do some episodes with Hector breaking free from Carmilla and enlisting Trevor and Sypha's in killing her now that Dracula's gone.

I could see that going into a season. Then it can follows other storylines like:

1) Simon Belmont's fights against Dracula
2) The Dracula X and Symphony of the Night storyline
3) Castlevania: Bloodlines
4) Castlevania: Portrait of Ruin
5) The Castlevania stories that follows into the 21st century

The TV Series Thread - WalterBlack - 02-17-2019

Episode 1 of the DC Comics based Doom Patrol, starring Brendan Fraser has just been released. I thought it was pretty good.

The TV Series Thread - loremipsum - 02-18-2019

New Swedish series called "The first Swedes".


It is modern DNA technology that has given the researchers a new picture of how Sweden was colonized after the last ice age.

Genetics professor Mattias Jakobsson at Uppsala University works in the so-called Atlas project, which aims to map the genetic mass of the early humans.

He believes that a first group of pioneers came in from the south and settled in the present Skåne and Bohuslän already about 11,000 years ago, as the latest ice sheet retreated.

[Image: sLfzcOh.jpg]

Sweden never fails to disappoint.

[Image: laugh2.gif]

The TV Series Thread - Pride male - 02-25-2019

Medici masters of Florence is really a good show.

The TV Series Thread - Richard Turpin - 02-25-2019

Much lolz at 'The First Swedes'! They tried that shit in the UK with 'Cheddar Man' (10,000 year old Brit skeleton) recently. The 'scientists' behind it later admitted there was no way they could prove Cheddar Man had dark skin. So why do it then?

Unrelated, you should check out 'Dirty John' on Netflix. Absolutely awesome show. Great performance by Eric Bana as the titular John. Based on an incredible true story. Don't want to spoilt it, but there are a lot of lessons on game to be found here, if anyone had strong frame, as well as 'abundance mentality', it would be 'Dirty' John Meehan.

The TV Series Thread - Simeon_Strangelight - 02-25-2019

The funny part is that they previously claimed that we evolved out of Africa - that is until they found a skeleton in Europe of our ancestor who was 1.3 mio. vs 1.2 mio. old.

The same goes for showing blacks and Muslims living in Medieval Europe in order to justify mass 3rd world migration.

The TV Series Thread - TigerMandingo - 02-25-2019

I forced myself to sit through the Oscars last night just to see where we're at with the propaganda and it was horrible. The gist of it was black man/woman good and white man bad. They had Javier Bardem speak Spanish to the audience while he was presenting, I guess to let us know where the future lies.

The TV Series Thread - Simeon_Strangelight - 02-25-2019

Quote: (02-25-2019 10:50 AM)TigerMandingo Wrote:  

I forced myself to sit through the Oscars last night just to see where we're at with the propaganda and it was horrible. The gist of it was black man/woman good and white man bad. They had Javier Bardem speak Spanish to the audience while he was presenting, I guess to let us know where the future lies.

So descendant of the White Conquistadors = good? So long as he speaks Spanish....

Don't want to watch a bunch of paid celebritards berate me about everything and shit on the country that made them famous and rich. Someone will soon compile all the SJW highlights and I can take a look at that on Youtube.

Fuck them all. There are certainly decent people as well in Hollywood as they sometimes by chance get a career (usually due to one of their movies being very successful or they being very talented/lucky), but the majority of them is getting mentally and actually physically fucked - both men and women. I don't need to be reminded that the Rock sucks dick for his roles at a likelihood of 99,99%. At least Stallone and Schwarzenegger never had to do this.

The TV Series Thread - Manbeline - 02-25-2019

What did you guys think of the Oscars? I came straight here and noticed that there is no thread about it. Also realized I could not search without an account, so here I am. Lurker status destroyed.

The TV Series Thread - BlastbeatCasanova - 02-25-2019

^The only people I know that watch the Oscars are women and NPC sheep. Not hating on you, it just seems like a “we are rich and famous, bask in our glory” circlejerk. Especially as shitty as entertainment media(propaganda) has become in recent years, it seems extra pointless to watch. If there is a good reason to watch them then I am open to your points.

As far as TV goes, I begrudgingly starting watching Americans Housewife with my LTR. I had pretty low expectations but actually started to low-key enjoy it. There is virtually no poz, very little diversity (my LTR made a comment how they killed two birds with one stone by having a black lesbian as a very minor character, and that’s about it) and it’s pretty witty feel-good humor without the in-your-face vulgarity of a lot of modern media. Probably wouldn’t watch it by myself but it’s the only thing on TV I’ve seen lately that I’ve been pealsantyl surprised by

The TV Series Thread - Tail Gunner - 02-25-2019

Quote: (02-25-2019 02:11 PM)Manbeline Wrote:  

What did you guys think of the Oscars? I came straight here and noticed that there is no thread about it. Also realized I could not search without an account, so here I am. Lurker status destroyed.

"Black Panther" nominated for best picture. What else do you need to know? Seriously.

The TV Series Thread - Richard Turpin - 02-25-2019

I'm at a complete loss as to who watches the Oscars nowadays. Seriously. Absolutely nobody in my circle at work mentioned it apart from the fact that someone-someone Jenner wore a dress showing her snatch.

At home, nobody talks about it. Even Fakebook can't be bothered with it.

As a Brit, the media expects me to be 'proud' of Olivia Colman if that's what she's called. I'm supposed to be impressed that she once worked as a cleaner and had no money. The masses will eat up that shit, but a five minute search tells me that her parents were well off and put her through private school and then fucking Cambridge! No fucker went to Cambridge from the council estate I grew up on. That bitch has never been short of money.

The TV Series Thread - Simeon_Strangelight - 02-25-2019

Quote: (02-25-2019 03:48 PM)Richard Turpin Wrote:  

I'm at a complete loss as to who watches the Oscars nowadays. Seriously. Absolutely nobody in my circle at work mentioned it apart from the fact that someone-someone Jenner wore a dress showing her snatch.

At home, nobody talks about it. Even Fakebook can't be bothered with it.

As a Brit, the media expects me to be 'proud' of Olivia Colman if that's what she's called. I'm supposed to be impressed that she once worked as a cleaner and had no money. The masses will eat up that shit, but a five minute search tells me that her parents were well off and put her through private school and then fucking Cambridge! No fucker went to Cambridge from the council estate I grew up on. That bitch has never been short of money.

Well - I knew once a girl whose father/mother were worth 10 mio. EUR, but she worked as a waitress to support herself during the studies. But that was more the frugal and proud work-ethic instilled in her - essentially a pride thing than real necessity. It might have been the same with that Colman woman.

But the media likes to twist things around to tell you a fluff piece. The reality is that most of the stars now are inter-generational, are born wealthy and have the connections or the really upstart ones do unspeakable things, are the girlfriends of producers/directors for years before given a chance. And even then - most of them suck cock of 70-year-olds for years getting little out of it. The few who then make it like Brie Larson and her cocksucking paid off then are all about #metoo after having prostituted themselves for years before.

The TV Series Thread - Monty_Brogan - 02-25-2019

Quote: (02-25-2019 02:55 PM)BlastbeatCasanova Wrote:  

^The only people I know that watch the Oscars are women and NPC sheep. Not hating on you, it just seems like a “we are rich and famous, bask in our glory” circlejerk. Especially as shitty as entertainment media(propaganda) has become in recent years, it seems extra pointless to watch. If there is a good reason to watch them then I am open to your points.

As far as TV goes, I begrudgingly starting watching Americans Housewife with my LTR. I had pretty low expectations but actually started to low-key enjoy it. There is virtually no poz, very little diversity (my LTR made a comment how they killed two birds with one stone by having a black lesbian as a very minor character, and that’s about it) and it’s pretty witty feel-good humor without the in-your-face vulgarity of a lot of modern media. Probably wouldn’t watch it by myself but it’s the only thing on TV I’ve seen lately that I’ve been pealsantyl surprised by

Concur. I stopped at the gas station before work today and overheard an old timer say, "I haven't watched the Oscar's since John Wayne." I laughed and nodded.

On topic, just started season two of Fargo and this show is honestly one of the best I've ever seen. Halfway through 2, and I think I like it more than one.

Highly recommended.

The TV Series Thread - Nonpareil - 02-25-2019

Watched That 70's Show on my vacation back to visit my family...Well most of it anyways. Still one of my favorites for when it's time to sit back, twist one up and Crack a few beers and not have to deal with my family and their mounting bullshit.

You know how it goes; season 1-most of 4, awesome, seasons 5-6 the wheels start to fall off and it gets up its own ass and gimmicky (musical episode at the end of season 4, gay), season 7-8 going through the motions, people clearly not wanting to be there anymore (Kelso and Forman left season 8).

Yeah I know it's old (20 this year...screw that, I'm fuckin old), but I am finding it harder and harder to get into new shit for three reasons.

1. I live in China and its hard to keep up with new shit.
2. Have you guys been exposed to the syrupy, overacted, feel good 'very special episode' pap that's being put out by the major networks, shit like 'A million pieces' and 'This is us'? If no then good, they suck a bag of ass.
3. The new shit, even on the cable networks, is starting to get bogged down by 'the message'. Apparently Don Cheadle has a new show he hosts SNL wearing a shirt that says 'Protect Trans Kids' and making the same 'orange man bad!' jokes SNL has been making for going on four years now. ..don't fucking tell me they got Don Cheadle...

So with a few days left I turned into The Ranch on Netflix, hearing it was sort of a 'spiritual sequel', in the sense that it's got one or two things the same but mostly everything else is different.

I'll probably only make it through the first season (3 seasons in two parts of ten episodes each), so if anyone has seen it and it veers off the rails into ultra lefty bullshit (I do know they fired Danny Masterson because he got pound me tooed...).

It is actually not horrible, in fact I'd even call it pretty decent.

First, you have Sam Harris, a guy you'll never see shilling for Hil or telling us to protect only a small majority of half a percentage of all kids. Sam Harris was allegedly snubbed a few years ago at the same Oscars people are discussing in this thread probably because he doesn't stand for any of their satanic bullshit.

They drink whiskey and beer, all the chicks they bang are country blondes.

Kelso and Hyde are brothers this time, and Kelso isn't disabled and Hyde isn't predictably jaded at everything.

There's a laugh track but it's not used every five seconds like on the deplorable Big Bang Theory and other dumb shows of that ilk.

Lots of jokes about Democrats, California and liberals...although again since Kelso is a card carrying member of the cabal I expect them to take the foot off the gas there.

The three mains (Harris, Kelso and Hyde) are all unapologetic men who love country music, guns and God, but they aren't made to look like inbred yokels.


Again ill probably only make it through another five or so episodes, and I hope it doesn't go off the rails, but I can't hate on it so far - not as good as early 70s Show but way better than the mid and late run.

The TV Series Thread - SeaFM - 03-23-2019

True Detective season 3 was ok. Almost got through the story without any faggotry, but they had to throw some in at the end.

Of course.

Seems every show has some kind of homosexual agenda these days, and if it doesn’t have that, it has some 5’0, 100lbs girl beating the shit out of multiple Brock Lesnars.

The TV Series Thread - RoastBeefCurtains4Me - 04-22-2019

I just started binge watching "The 100" this weekend. It's a damn good show. I'm early in season 2 right now. I've heard it stays really good for the next few seasons as well.

It reminds me of Babylon 5, in which the producers and writers had a story arc in mind from the beginning of the series, and they stuck with it pretty well. So many series start out with a certain setting and group of characters, and the setting never really changes. Already in this series, the whole setup that the characters live in has changed dramatically with the start of season 2, but in a way that was foreshadowed from the beginning of the series.

It's good science fiction. There are some kickass girl characters beating huge warrior guys here and there, and a lot of female leaders of the various groups, but nowadays you have to just accept that kind of thing. Otherwise, I like pretty much everything about the show.

The TV Series Thread - Malone - 04-22-2019

Quote: (04-22-2019 11:23 AM)RoastBeefCurtains4Me Wrote:  

I just started binge watching "The 100" this weekend. It's a damn good show. I'm early in season 2 right now. I've heard it stays really good for the next few seasons as well.

Wow, are you going to be disappointed!

You should be very suspicious about the person who told you that.

It degenerates into girl-power wankery and is stupid to boot. I agree it had a promising premise and start and it completely squanders it. It's WB/CW-level garbage. Enjoy!

The TV Series Thread - Tail Gunner - 04-22-2019

Quote: (04-22-2019 01:21 PM)Malone Wrote:  

Quote: (04-22-2019 11:23 AM)RoastBeefCurtains4Me Wrote:  

I just started binge watching "The 100" this weekend. It's a damn good show. I'm early in season 2 right now. I've heard it stays really good for the next few seasons as well.

Wow, are you going to be disappointed!

You should be very suspicious about the person who told you that.

It degenerates into girl-power wankery and is stupid to boot. I agree it had a promising premise and start and it completely squanders it. It's WB/CW-level garbage. Enjoy!

I agree with your assessment. "The 100" had a great premise and a very interesting start. For the reasons that you stated, I lost almost all interest in the show by the end of season one. I watched an episode or two at the beginning of season two -- and bailed.

I have been watching "Blacklist" recently. I like the cocky and cerebral James Spader character. I have read that I have a few more seasons to go before the show declines substantially (around season five).

The TV Series Thread - ChefAllDay - 04-22-2019

Quote: (03-23-2019 10:16 PM)SeaFM Wrote:  

True Detective season 3 was ok. Almost got through the story without any faggotry, but they had to throw some in at the end.

Of course.

Seems every show has some kind of homosexual agenda these days, and if it doesn’t have that, it has some 5’0, 100lbs girl beating the shit out of multiple Brock Lesnars.

That homo shit in every show pisses me off too. Another fucked up trend is how it seems almost every show now has a "bad ass" female star with a black male sidekick. It's getting annoying as fuck. Most bad guys are white males, even if they are terrorists, they male them Croatian or Serbian white dudes. Brutal.

Forgot it was the Oscars, haven't watched them in 10 years or so.

The TV Series Thread - Simeon_Strangelight - 04-22-2019

Quote: (04-22-2019 01:27 PM)Tail Gunner Wrote:  

Quote: (04-22-2019 01:21 PM)Malone Wrote:  

Quote: (04-22-2019 11:23 AM)RoastBeefCurtains4Me Wrote:  

I just started binge watching "The 100" this weekend. It's a damn good show. I'm early in season 2 right now. I've heard it stays really good for the next few seasons as well.

Wow, are you going to be disappointed!

You should be very suspicious about the person who told you that.

It degenerates into girl-power wankery and is stupid to boot. I agree it had a promising premise and start and it completely squanders it. It's WB/CW-level garbage. Enjoy!

I agree with your assessment. "The 100" had a great premise and a very interesting start. For the reasons that you stated, I lost almost all interest in the show by the end of season one. I watched an episode or two at the beginning of season two -- and bailed.

I have been watching "Blacklist" recently. I like the cocky and cerebral James Spader character. I have read that I have a few more seasons to go before the show declines substantially (around season five).

Haha - yeah - the 100 had a good setup and quickly devolved into the matriarchal super-warrior-women and insanely stupid plots. If you care to watch 90 pound 16yo girls beating 300 pound strongmen in a real warrior-culture, then fine. The survivers are even more stupid sending out their hottest youngest women onto the frontlines, because everyone knows that women are the bestest and a tribe survives by sending out their women.

Oh - and if anyone is excited for the Mandalorian - Kathleen Kennedy and her all-female Last-Jedi storygroup of strong empowered diverse women has your back - they are heavily involved in it and it will drip with third wave feminism and lots of very important diversity (the last word spoken with a high-lisp voice).

The TV Series Thread - Pride male - 04-22-2019

Who else is watching Veep?

The TV Series Thread - Bluto - 04-22-2019

Quote: (04-22-2019 03:29 PM)Pride male Wrote:  

Who else is watching Veep?

I have seen about half of the seasons out there and have like it. The mocking of the power players is what I like the most about it. Ironically they do manage to lambast a few left wing causes from time to time, which is odd given which company produces it.

The TV Series Thread - Simeon_Strangelight - 05-17-2019

This could be good for once.

The Boys is an adaptation of a gritty dark comic that showed the Superheroes as insane power-mad crazies with lots of sex and violence.

And in truth that would happen - when you suddenly have the means to rip off someone's head, then you would do it - even by accident. Plus they put it in that the chemical that gives them powers also unhinges them in terms of psyche.

But the difference to cultural marxist crap is that they created it's own crazy universe that was even more shit than ours. They did not take old heroes and rape them.

The TV Series Thread - WalterBlack - 05-21-2019

Warrior on Cinemax is pretty good. It's based on an idea from Bruce Lee. Lots of female nudity and violence.