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Migrant invasion of Europe - Rigsby - 06-17-2017

Quote: (06-12-2017 01:20 AM)Zelcorpion Wrote:  

Friend of mine is staying a bit longer in Vienna and maybe I will have to do so soon.

Here are his experiences - (friend grew up in Vienna, loves the city and spent 2 decades there):
... snipped...

I loved Vienna. With a deep passion.

My girlfriend was from the south of the country near to the Slovenian and Italian border, dominated by the Dolomites.

Paracelsus was born in her village.

Vienna just overwhelmed me with how homogeneous it was. We sat in coffee shops where the great scientists that discovered Quantum Physics probably sat, a century or so earlier. That whole scene was pretty famous. It didn't look like it had changed much. Apart from the people dying, that is.

The people had pride. Possibly a little arrogance too. But it was all meant to keep the wheels of Viennese society moving along nicely. Always attentive and genuine when it came down to it. I liked them a lot.

The architecture there is simply astounding. Weltklasse! Beyond world-class, even. We stayed in places that you could imagine Beethoven living in - high ceilings. No central heating, that dared to be tested to work anyway. It was a trip back 200 years. I drunk it in.

Then we stayed at the new apartments where my girlfriend's brother was living when he was studying to be a Vet. We also stayed in his gf's apartment. Super modern. Toilets that worked. It was like being in another world.

But I knew this was not my world. These were not my people. They were polite and liked me, but they did not welcome me as an old friend. I knew I would never be able to make that place my home. I knew also I would lose my stunning super-model Austrian gf. So be it.

So it is with a certain amazement that I see the destruction of their society now. Those coffee shops, those bars. Those trains - where you could order a beer as you wound and weaved through the Austrian Alps, from Munich, to Vienna, across the border, policemen with guns checking your passport on the big train.

One thing I always found weird about the Österreichers, was how passive they were. When we went out to clubs where they were playing some rocking music, they all just gathered in the centre of the dance floor and just... swayed... rocked back and for... no dancing... just... congregating. Very weird. It has been noted by others, but I saw it with my own eyes.

I don't think much is being lost. The people are already lost. They are very cold fish. Autistic even, like the Germans, perhaps even worse.

It's a shame to see all those old buildings go. All those coffee shops where all those fierce players and makers of future society would gather.

Say, for example, Arthur Schnitzler who wrote Dream Story:

This was the work that Kubrick used to create Eyes Wide Shut.

But you could pluck out Physicists as much as story tellers from that milieu.

That world is but an illusion now.

I do not pretend to understand the insanity that has gripped that nation and sent it in to some kind of societal suicide.

It will take a while to come about.

Austrian women are not so hard-faced or lacking in humour as their female counterparts just over the border.

I also appreciate the fact that they are extremely 'kinky' but not in such a hardened and crass way as their sisters who they share a common language with.

I wasn't welcome in their country. Though I was liked. And accepted to an extent.

I wonder what the fuck is going on there that they allow this situation to go on. They will never ever accept these people. That much I know. There must be something else going on.

Austrian men are kind of pussies, just like German men these days, but there are also quite a few 'real men' there too. And I wouldn't want to come up against them.

There seems to be a common theme here: the people of these countries are very arrogant and even a little racist too, but they are so cowed by their governments and social mores that they accept whatever is thrown at them.

Oh well. We had a lot of fun at the Dub Club (famous club in Vienna next to the Danube).

Things are changed now. They won't be going back. We are witnessing the changing of the guard for hundreds of years of history. The people are too weak to resist it. The powers that be have ordained it.

We are on the cusp of something very large. Just like the days before the previous world wars. It's all planned out. Change is going to come.

Like my namesake kicking his cat down the stairs - it's goodnight Vienna!

I'm glad I got to go there before it turned to shit.

But I won't be bugging out there. I think I'll just stay where I am and fight the fight of attrition that is about to come.

Oh, Vienna!

Migrant invasion of Europe - budoslavic - 06-17-2017

Holy shit...if that was true, that's quite a massive change.

Migrant invasion of Europe - dain_bramage - 06-18-2017

I like family history so I like the stories and trivia to do with Europe in general and specifically news from Germany, Austria, and Sweden. Thankfully I am not short like a hobbit. . I'm just over 6 feet. I've moaned about the massive changes occurring in Europe several times before on this thread. I'm feeling less inclined to go to the distant homeland and rather stick around in my current area. I have ancestry in my country, according to some of my family, that goes to the 1850s in my general area I live in. I'm distantly related to a lot of farmer type Germanic people. My homeland now is where I live currently. I have a romanticized idea of the old towns and cities in Germany, the forests and coasts of Sweden. I wanted to go to Berlin, see the Rhine, go to Kiel, walk in the foothills of the Alps. I can't do that now. But for the time being I live near mountains, a very big and important river. Farmlands, forests, close enough to get to the ocean. And its getting quite a lot like Europe where I am. The current Europe just with a restraint right now for some reason. But I am thinking the same kind of troubles will happen in my town eventually as the demographics change greatly and when the economy collapses or a huge natural disaster. I don't have to go to Germany to see large amounts of foreigners. If I want to see IRT I can just hop on a bus down south of me. Its a strange situation in the area near Vancouver, BC. I'm thinking if the shit hits the fan there will be several tribes killing each other or trying to assert dominance in the area.

The sadness I've had has been strong. But its becoming a simmering rage. I don't think non Euro-Canadians, Americans, etc can understand the dread and the rage related to the current wave, after wave of zerglings, and other swarm creatures. It is as if there's no safe areas to go to.

The rage has been helpful though. I'm hitting the gym often. I regularly use the leg press at the 500 pound setting. I can do about 31 reps in one go. I weigh about 300 pounds so its not too difficult. Just have to work harder on the upper body.

One thing I've been subjected to from the status updates of some 'friends' on facebook are talks about 'de-colonization'. Well I can sure as hell say that when European lands are flooded to the brink with hordes of people from the third world and other places that there will not be any European history month or de-colonization of European lands.

Its not just the shattered dreams that are making me angry. The suffering of my kin and the growing unease and fear is horrible.

Migrant invasion of Europe - Simeon_Strangelight - 06-18-2017

< De-colonization - I wonder if those fucking morons know what that means.

Colonists build the US and Canada out of nothing. When they came over there were only woods and pastures. Immigration is different - that is coming to a completely created functioning economy and society. So de-colonization would have to blow up all infrastructure, schools, buildings, vacate the positions and then we will whether the remaining people would actually be able to replicate that. They can have the land, the rubble of bricks for building material and can "colonize" anew.

Some immigrants likely could replicate a measure of success, but the majority of them would create something far far less inferior.

Ah well - propagand is deep.

Migrant invasion of Europe - Matsufubu - 06-18-2017

Well if the propaganda says that we're all from central Africa anyway, then every person on the planet is a colonist.

Migrant invasion of Europe - Simeon_Strangelight - 06-18-2017

Quote: (06-18-2017 07:37 AM)Matsufubu Wrote:  

Well if the propaganda says that we're all from central Africa anyway, then every person on the planet is a colonist.

That is old news.

Recent finds suggest that we all come from Europe:


7.2-million-year-old pre-human remains found in the Balkans

New hypothesis about the origin of humankind suggests oldest hominin lived in Europe

Migrant invasion of Europe - budoslavic - 06-18-2017

Quote: (06-18-2017 01:46 AM)dain_bramage Wrote:  

The sadness I've had has been strong. But its becoming a simmering rage. I don't think non Euro-Canadians, Americans, etc can understand the dread and the rage related to the current wave, after wave of zerglings, and other swarm creatures. It is as if there's no safe areas to go to.

Unrelated to the migrant invasion, but I totally understand what you are saying in regarding to how once a beautiful area turned into a major shit-hole.

Before the invasion of multiculturalism and diversity in small town USA, I grew up in an area surrounded by predominately European immigrants and families (Italians, Slovaks, Polish, Russians, Czech, Irish, etc.) of various religions, languages, etc. Back then, it was so common to see everybody socialized and mingled with one another. And most importantly, neighbors tend to help other neighbors while children played together.

When I was part of my school's sports teams, there was this one high school that was predominately Italian-Americans. The school always had the best looking (and hot) Italian-American girls and the best Italian-American athletes (boys) in baseball, football, and basketball. They were so good back then. They always kicked our asses. Most importantly, we always had friendly rivalries and remained friends - win or lose. This is pretty common and typical back then. Good attitude, good manner and good sportsmanship

Now? It is sad to see it's being taken over by multiculturalism and diversity. There is a lot of problems: drugs, crimes, kids threatening teachers (and administrators), graffiti, fights, etc. What is even worse, I've been told the school now has body scanner to check for weapons as well as security cameras.

Most of the Italian-American families bolted by moving elsewhere when those disgraced multicultural-fuckers took over and ruined once beautiful area into a war zone being occupied by freeloaders and criminals.

The school I graduated from - a much nicer area due to no housing developments and apartments - still remains (somewhat) the same except I am starting to see multiculturalism and diversity being crept into slowly.

Migrant invasion of Europe - redpillage - 06-18-2017

Quote: (06-17-2017 06:28 PM)budoslavic Wrote:  

Holy shit...if that was true, that's quite a massive change.

That city will never ever be the same again. And the whole of Britain is expected to follow over the coming decade or two. I don't know guys. Not to brag or anything but the implications of importing millions of morlocks into your well functioning first world country has always been blatantly obvious to me. Even back in the 1980s I very much dreaded seeing the growth of turkish 'communities' within Germany. They had a shitty reputation in those days as well and nothing good came from interacting with them - you employed them for minimum wage but you didn't trust them. At least in those days no self respecting German woman would have wanted to be seen with those fuckers. Things obviously changed quite a bit since I left that country in the early 90s. Best decision I ever made, even without the whole migration train wreck. Germany was always a very dire place to live despite all the wealth. That's my personal opinion and I know that some people love(d) it there.

My point is that there are things in life which should be glaringly clear to anyone with only two neurons to rub together. So the only explanation I can possibly come up with is that a large swath of the Western European population is a huge disgrace to itself and its ancestors as it obviously despises its own culture and wants to see it destroyed. The remaining portion of Europeans are an even bigger disgrace as they clearly don't have the balls to fight back. Boiling frog or not - a healthy society needs to draw the line somewhere and it most definitely starts at seeing your women and young children being attacked and raped by the same fuckers you have invited to live for free in your own country and exploit a huge amount of your social services.

So at this point zero fucks given here. A populace that does not at least attempt to fight its own slow motion genocide does not deserve to exist. Plus it's the 21st century, pick up a fucking history book and learn about the spread of Islam. If you still want it in your own country then you're nothing but a bloody idiot and deserve to be subjugated.

Migrant invasion of Europe - redpillage - 06-18-2017

Quote: (06-18-2017 01:46 AM)dain_bramage Wrote:  

I'm distantly related to a lot of farmer type Germanic people. My homeland now is where I live currently. I have a romanticized idea of the old towns and cities in Germany, the forests and coasts of Sweden. I wanted to go to Berlin, see the Rhine, go to Kiel, walk in the foothills of the Alps. I can't do that now.

The Rhine is now completely polluted - I lived nearby in Düsseldorf and other cities in NRW and basically all the rivers there have been a cesspool for decades now due to industrialization. If you want to get an idea of how Germany used to be go to Poland ;-)

The foothills of the alps are still pretty beautiful but I read that Garmisch Partenkirchen was recently terrorized by a gang of North Africans. I can't even imagine how I would feel if I lived there. Actually I'm glad I don't because I would probably wind up going to prison if someone tried to fuck with me or my girl.

Go to Austria - it's still gorgeous in the rural areas (I was just there). Stay out of Vienna, Graz, Innsbruck, Salzburg, the larger cities. Just go to the country side and you'll see only a small number of morlocks.

Migrant invasion of Europe - Simeon_Strangelight - 06-18-2017

Here a funny story from Canada, but it is identical to Europe.

A Syrian refugee family was moved to some rural Canadian area and they were warmly welcome by the community. They had a few teenage sons and the relationship between the locals quickly deteriorated.

Also you see them complain about the free housing and the Canadians who are not nice.

I guess being nice means to give your daughters as sex-slaves and bow down in submission to the new Muslim overlords. Those stories repeat themselves countless times across the Western world.

Migrant invasion of Europe - reciproke - 06-18-2017

Just returned from Germany's biggest Anti-Migration, Anti-Merkel Demonstration in Berlin. It was hosted by the Identitarian Movement, which is a patriotic youth movement in Europe, similar to the Alt Right in the US.

Watch the livestream here, I will provide timestamps.

We welcomed guests from all around Europe and chose a "multicultural" spot to demonstrate. Antifa was there, and they were easily recognizable due to their degenerated SJW appearance. This district in Berlin (Wedding) was completely non germans. Turks, lebanese and whatever other unholy non-compatible low IQ, low impulse control individuals threatened the procession with broken german. (32:37, but all the time)

The procession got stuck for hours in one spot because Antifa blocked our route (01:40:00). Police carried them away, but ultimately failed to dissolve this illegal counter protest. We think it was strategically botched to stop our demonstration. It is all politics, Berlin is a leftist shithole. Ultimately, we run out of time and the demonstration was officially dissolved. Now was the time for civil disobedience. So everyone tried to make a run for it and break through the barricades (Starting at 50 seconds):

Ultimately we were stopped by Anti-Riot Police. There were some minor clashes with the police before we got stopped again, and I got into contact with some pepper spray.

We were fucking angry at the police. This event resulted in us chanting "traitors of the people" and asking them "where were you on new years eve?":

After that we got escorted to the train station and left the place. Police did a pretty good job at seperating Antifa and us. Sadly, I was hoping for some Berkeley-style action.

Overall it was incredibly epic. We got the first real taste of the conflict that lurks in Europe's shadow. I feel like I have been part in something historical here. Europe is rising and I am part of it.

It's amazing to see that there are still sane people left fighting for everything that is right. Also, it is a great feeling to finally make a stand for what you believe in. Against all odds. I heartily recommend it.

Migrant invasion of Europe - Hell_Is_Like_Newark - 06-18-2017

Looks like another vehicle attack in London. No details yet...

Migrant invasion of Europe - Paracelsus - 06-18-2017


Perpetrator has been arrested. News media here are providing no details on race or religion, and therefore a good chance it's the religion of peace ™ again, even allowing for the fact it's a bunch of Muslims coming from a terror-linked mosque who got run over. Amusingly, local media is reprinting tweets alleging it was a "racist" and "Islamophobic" attack.

Migrant invasion of Europe - Travesty - 06-18-2017

video of arrested white man supposedly

Migrant invasion of Europe - dain_bramage - 06-19-2017

I appreciate all the information and responses on this thread guys. It means a lot.

At the most primal and base level in my mind I just don't like the feeling of being outnumbered by people that probably don't like me very much and possibly can't even communicate with me or have anything in common with me. Its a deep fear for some people.

The 'de colonization' bit is just about trying to guilt trip entire nations into feeling bad about their accomplishments. Then it goes to the whole argument that I'm a 'settler' or 'immigrant' as some kind of means of shutting me down. I have had ancestors in Canada for more than 100 years. Some even close to 160 years. My ancestors built houses, farms, helped create towns. They weren't coming in and raping, murdering, and pillaging all over the place. I know its not exactly related but Canada is basically just Europe but across the Atlantic. What is happening to it is connected to Europe on a smaller scale. The main point being is that the migration is coming from third world or second world countries moving north into the more prosperous European or European ancestry countries. Its simply a big pushing out of the inhabitants and replacing them steadily over the years until the people becoming out numbered and vulnerable.

I never saw or heard about Muslims before 2001. Now when I go to the university I see a fair amount of the women with the headscarf, one even in the full black thing near the apartment where I lived as a toddler.

I live near one of the most 'diverse' cities in Canada and even in my little part I am seeing new people and hearing about newcomers from the third world. Its only a matter of time. Some of the third world men have arrived already. They have better clothes than me. Much better. They are living like kings in comparison to their homelands.

At its root the massive demographic changes in Western Civ are happening be it Canada, the USA, Germany, UK, France... the thing is my country, Canada, is rather well protected by oceans. But believe me, they will just come by plane eventually because there are vested interests that want to flood the country with immigrants and migrants every year.

Migrant invasion of Europe - Simeon_Strangelight - 06-19-2017

It's a backlash by some guy who drove into the crowd.


'He was screaming, he was saying, 'I'm going to kill all Muslims, I'm going to kill all Muslims'. He was throwing punches.
'Then we managed to get him on the floor. Then he was saying, 'Kill me, kill me'. I said, 'We are not going to kill you. Why did you do that?' He wouldn't say anything.'
Salah Alamoudi said eight people were hit and up to three of them were in a 'life-threatening' condition.
He said that they had to hold the suspect on the ground for up to half an hour before police arrived.

Read more:
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There was a video of the arrest. The crowd was not calm contrary to how Dailymail described it. I think that some would have killed him if it were not in the middle of London.

I expected frankly way more of retributions even in the Rotherham cases.

We should not condone this, because this is not how the war will be won.

Still - you will see now Tommy Robinson and everyone who even remotely speaks out against Islamic terror or even be against mass immigration be branded as a terrorist.

Migrant invasion of Europe - RawGod - 06-19-2017

This would seem to be the first "backlash" attack of its kind (unless you count Breivik). The media and law have been waiting for this and will come down hard. It won't be effective, I think. Every time there is a 2-minutes of hate against this man, a few more white people will inwardly be stirred by his deed, knowing deep down, that however terrible it was, it was done by their own tribe against invaders.
Bad times ahead. Remember the Muslim colonists are opportunist pests, the real traitors are the native elite. As Breivik knew.

Migrant invasion of Europe - Simeon_Strangelight - 06-19-2017

It's a mix of news:


Use music to help Swedish teens poo, urges politician

Sweden: Migrant Stabs Passengers When Woman in Hijab Asked to Show Train Ticket, Blames ‘Racism’

Germany: Muslim Migrant with Four Wives and 23 Children Receives $390,000 a Year in Benefits

Germany Says 100 Million African Refugees Could Head North

OECD: Yes, immigration has hit New Zealand’s per capita growth rate. But if you get it right, you’ll benefit later; Also: why Auckland house prices matter

‘I am a thief’ tattooed into teen’s forehead after he’s caught stealing

71% of People in Poland Want to Ban Muslim Immigration

So while they bemoan the loss of life of one Muslim and the only attack I know on Muslims - Muslims keep on killing, raping and murdering across Europe without fail.

The incident in Sweden happened during a normal ticket control where a female Swedish controller just asked a Hijabi woman for a ticket. The man started getting angry and attacked a man with a long knife.


As for the 100 million of enrichers to come to Europe and then procreate with a welfare-driven fertility rate of 3+ - yes we know that those are the plans of the globalists. It is the Kalerghi plan in full motion. The truth of the matter is that Europe was conquered centuries ago by a hostile money elite. Everything that came afterwards - those are just continuous points of conquest. They cannot simply go on the offensive and cut off the heads of the men and enslave the women. They need to go the roundabout way or the 99,99% who are not in on the plan would revolt.

That is why they will keep on blasting the mantra of bullshit until the heads do get cut off.

The recent ticket incident in Sweden is hilarious:


An Iraqi man travelling from Stockholm to Hallsberg by train launched a brutal attack on passengers after a Muslim woman was asked to show her ticket, accusing them all of racism.
Karim Alaa Hussain, 25, became infuriated when the unnamed woman, who was wearing a veil, was asked to show her rail ticket by a female conductor.

The Muslim woman complained she had already been asked to show her ticket once before, although eyewitnesses say the conductor was “polite and correct”.

Hussain took a different view, according to a report by Fria Tider, corroborated by court documents seen by Breitbart London.

Hussain sprang to his feet and demanded to know why the conductor had asked to see the woman’s ticket, refusing to accept her explanation that she was “only doing her job” and he became “extremely intimidating”.

Other passengers intervened to try and calm him down, but this only increased his anger. He accused them of racism, threatening one of the men in particular and striking him in the face.

Alarmed, Hussain’s victim wrestled him to the floor – but the Iraqi managed to break free and produced a long kitchen knife, stabbing the man four times in the side and back and inflicting critical internal wounds.

Witnesses describe how Hussain then strode around the train cabin “as if he had won the national championship”, brandishing his bloody knife at the terrified passengers and demanding a father and his daughter tell him if they were “also racists”.

Of course - sucker-stabbing an infidel during a trifle dispute - that makes you the hero of the world!

Hussain then began lecturing his captive audience on equality, instructing them that everyone was of “equal value” and demanding they show respect while his victim lay bleeding.

Everyone is of equal value except the Muslims who are of higher value since no one is supposed to take their word when asked about a valid ticket. The controller should have known that Muslims are the better and higher beings.

When the train stopped Hussain fled and hid in a nearby garden, but was apprehended by the police.

He told officers he had acted in self-defence and was “proud” of what he had done, but the judge did not accept this, handing him a nominal eight-and-a-half-year sentence.

Yes - typical - he only defended himself. The Swede actually tried to pin him down thinking that this might end badly - and he was right. He just did it the wrong way. I personally don't try to pin down guys unless I fight with kids or friends. With fights you have to be decisive and deadly.

Hussain has an extremely long criminal record, and should have been serving a three-and-a-half-year sentence for a variety of offences at the time of his attack – but was released early.

He a good boy!

He will not be deported from Sweden after his current sentence is completed, having been awarded EU citizenship in 2008 despite having already wracked up several convictions.

Of course - he is already one of the new Europeans! Enriched!

Migrant invasion of Europe - Elster - 06-19-2017

Meanwhile you need to produce a certificate of having gone to the moon that isn't older than six months + an apostilled bank balance in order to go the normal immigration route to this progressive nations if you aren't a poor hapless victim of a war three countries away from your location

Migrant invasion of Europe - redpillage - 06-19-2017

"BREAKING: Reports of stabbings at Oval sub station in central London with casualties.

Damn, I can barely keep track today... busy Monday.

Migrant invasion of Europe - Nineteen84 - 06-19-2017

Man with axe and knives arrested near Kidderminster Army Reserve base

Anti-terror police have arrested a man with knives and an axe near an Army Reserve centre (formerly known as TA).

West Midlands Police Counter Terrorism Unit and officers from the West Mercia force held the 23-year-old by the Kidderminster centre on Sunday night.

Officers said there was nothing to indicate a threat to the premises on Birmingham Road or any link to the terror attack in Finsbury Park, London.

The man's motives are not yet known and he remains in custody, police said.
Asst Ch Con Martin Evans, of West Mercia Police, said: "On identifying the man our officers took prompt action to contain the threat and take him into custody.

"I understand that this will be extremely concerning for the residents of Kidderminster but I would like to reassure you that at this time we believe the suspect was acting alone and we are not looking for anyone else in connection with the incident."

He said an "extremely sensitive investigation" was under way and confirmed additional police patrols would take place in the town to reassure people.

Migrant invasion of Europe - redpillage - 06-19-2017

Quote: (06-19-2017 03:32 PM)Nineteen84 Wrote:  

The man's motives are not yet known
and he remains in custody, police said.

[Image: laugh5.gif]

Sure, maybe he had a dull blades emergency.

Migrant invasion of Europe - YoungBlade - 06-19-2017

Have they beaten their Ramadan Bombathon highscore since last year?

Migrant invasion of Europe - Dusty - 06-19-2017

Migrant invasion of Europe - scotian - 06-19-2017

Quote: (06-19-2017 09:18 PM)Dusty Wrote:  

@1:23 "The blacks, wogs, coons and arabs....and fucking Jamaicans" I love how he separates the Jamaicans from other blacks, Excelsior would be proud!