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The Ukraine Thread III - chochemonger1 - 09-20-2015

The young 7 is take for granted here in the forum. We all wish for the 8 or 9.
The beauty of Ukraine is the great quantity of those darling 7s, like no other country on Earth now.

The Ukraine Thread III - TripleG - 09-21-2015

Quote: (09-20-2015 10:26 PM)Rocha Wrote:  

Quote: (09-17-2015 11:01 PM)Rocha Wrote:  

Quote: (09-12-2015 11:09 PM)Rocha Wrote:  

I do not not want to desmistify anything, but I guess that for those who are familar with Asterix comics, maybe I am just a kind of Obelix, born inside the cauldron.

I drank a can of Revo, and the only thing I felt was more will to piss. Business as usual.
Went out solo, had dinner in Arena and number closed a couple of Yuliya's, proceeded to the bar, where hooked up with a Czech girl, a resident, and a perfect 9, one of those things that are only possible in Ukraine...stupid as I am sometimes, did not number closed, she and the friend told me that where going to skybar, and as it was also my plan, told that shall meet them again there. In skybar, went for a smoke, a hot blonde in a group with other girl and an older guy starts to hit on me hard, I proceeded as usual, and then the guy tells me in perfect english that it is his girlfriend, he his an expat I guess, a 50 year old UK guy, and he starts discussing with her, if she wants me she can go, blablabla. Still, she does not quit, and started making conversation again in front of him, I tried to pour some water in the fire, but she was crazy for me, I had to bail out before some problems arouse. After a while I returned to the smoking area, the same girl started to do the same thing, and I told her that better we do not talk again...she did not obliged, I had to gave her my business card, I can tell it was like soothe the baby, she grabed like it was the last Coke in the desert...2:00am, decided to bail, and hit Dlux, true, more easy to game and score some muff.
I am trying at this moment to figure all the numbers I have in the phone, for me it has been like a meat market the last times I have been there, contrary to what my feels about the place not long ago. Night ended in a karaoke I am familiar with, number closed another double Yuliya/Olga, sang Neangely songs, and made friends with 2 guys from Pravy Sektor, Lvivskie's, one of them just came now from Donbass and was very disappointed that was not getting any muff in Kiyv...My best advice to him, was to go to sleep and try again tomorrow during daytime. Anyway, cool guys, from "zapad Ukrainu". I have been meeting many people from this region lately, all of the the interactions and all of them seem to be nice people, also the 2 girls I met in Lisbon before coming are from there...I have been always a defender of "vostok Ukrainu", but sometimes there is no coincidences.

Well, bottom line, our opinions can change quickly by simple events. And on other notice, or I was born inside the cauldron, or Ligurian, you got to stop to blame yours midsemeanors on Revo [Image: smile.gif] We all know "The plan was for a quiet night last night".

Guys, I am owing you a quick update and since I am little excited and half drunk here it goes.


Had a wonderful date with one of the girls from D*lux, just managed to kiss her, solid 7, nice and clever girl from Western Ukraine.
Later on the day, a slut I had banged in a night out with Ligurian passed by my home to drink a couple of beers and eat some peanuts with a nice girlfriend from Luhansk, banged both. No photos, no proof, just my word of honor. 1 Beer.


Nice date with a hot blonde I had met on my last trip. It was an expensive date...decided to go out at night, shooters...20 minutes was enough to figure out the crappy place, 2 sluts again from western Ukraine wanted to come to my apartment, figured out orgy again, but grew tired of their undeciseveness, and one of them started yelleing with a clearly mentally disabled guy in the street. He started crying... I felt bad, bailed out of them. Booty call, and the slut came to me again, this time alone. 2 Beers.


Cool date again with a Hare Krishna girl, who can make people "disappear" In Ukraine...loved the paradox.
Went out again, nothing special happened besides a free ride home by couple of MILfs and a local. Heavy drinking.


Men's day. Hung out with the Revo crew for the Uefa Champions league match between Dynamo and FC Porto. Cool bro day, nice match, nice result for both teams, even tough FC Porto was robbed in the 2d Dynamo goal.
Went out again, Shooters a mess, I strongly advise against, Went to Caribbean, kissed closed a nice devushka, tried to take her away from her 3 girls group, but was not possible, a free ride home again. Heavy drinking.


Slep a lot, 10 hours or so. Guess alcohol has took some toll.
Date again with the cute blonde from Monday. Nice and friendly, but less intimate than the last one. I picked a 100 hryvna sushi set, and when the check came, she had ordered a 300 hryvna salad...It can happen to anyone here...worst of all, just a kiss in the cheek, and a goodbye. She wants to meet again today, It will not happen.
Then went with a local friend dinner to Obolon area. Nice residential area full of hot woman and nice coffees and restaurants. I recommend.
After this hung out with a former member, and decided to hit Sorry Babushka, it was not my intention, but what the hell, never been there, so lets try it. Typical village club in the center of Kiev, cheap, russian music, some sluts. Danced for a big part with a nice double, both crazy, but one was more (the less atractive at least for me)...decided to grab that fish before loosing both. Spent the rest of the evening by their table, not managed to bang, girl will work in an hour...I miss Kharkiv...Meanwhile the slut made a scene by sms...saying I do not love her enough etc...f**k I hope to not have seriously damaged this picture, it is too nice to loose it, she wanted to hook up yesterday also, and both times I tried to gain time...
Less than heavy drinking.

Tomorrow will date the hot blonde who had/has a old UK boyfriend, she found out my card...

Udaichi for me ))

No Revo since saturday...I strongly advise against...maybe will change my mind later today...I have two cans on the fridge like an SOS kit.

Final and last update of this trip. Writing already from the western part of Europe. After arriving at airport exit doors and lighting a cigarrette, got immediately approachead, this time not for a hot blonde Ukranian chick, but by a shady gipsy guy, asking me in english if I want to buy "hash" (who any local knows it is fake). Just gave him a big "Net!!" and told him to fuck off also with hand gestures...the guy turned his back on me and raised his hands looking to the sky, as if I was not in my right to refuse his generous offer...

Anway, proceeding.


Wooke up late again after thursday drinking, got out of home at late afternnon, and did a couple approaches all positive, and numbers closed, I just wish any number I can get in Ukraine was worth 100$...Still, we all know that a number is worth what is worth...
Hot blonde of the business card started to gave signs of flaking, and when the guys of the Revo crew invited me to hit some Kart racing track in the outskirts of Kiev, seemed a better program than to hang out with any flakey chick.
We went there, nice racing track, for me it was initially hard to get a feeling for the thing, and Turysta smashed the competition in the first race, got exceeded by more than a lap by all guys. Went for a beer, then second race, no braggging, but managed to beat all the Revo crew by a mile...
Felt good to beat them)) specially Turysta who bumped the back of my kart, while exceeding me on the first race, seems he did the same to the other guys...dirty bastard))
Got to give them credit for letting me depart first, after the lackluster first race performance, and seemed the second kart was faster.
Went again to city center, guys where tired and did not go out.
I decided to give Revo another try...this time drank half can. It was enough, along with the racing adrenaline, I felt good...hit the streets approaching, felt the monster inside me needing food, tonight I was not going home alone...a former member joined me, and we went for a quick meal in Arena, enough for me to approach a Dnipro hottie, then managed to put her group of 4 in a bigger table (halfway of their meal) at the restaurant with two of us. I was not happy, seeing all these 9s getting into Decadence, and I was there, seated at a table unable to act...girl into me felt the monster trying to get out...they bailed, we the hit "The Bar", prospects where not fine, this place is loosing, many men, hard to approach, no place to sit, hours to get served, guess it is getting smaller for the fame it gained. Then my wing bailed out...I was alone. Hit Decadence...seemed better from outside, again hard to get a drink, girls all in tables with local guys, and dance floor full of men...bailed out, hit skybar, a little better, but also the same feeling. Inside me something was telling that in Dlux I would get luck, bailed soon from skybar and went to Dlux...lost 800 UAH and 30 minutes in this reverie.
As I was climbing the Dlux stairs, my first sight is the Milf double from
Tuesday, they where happy to see me...never left them again that night, hit hard on the hottest, and secured the bang, drank the other half can of Revo in the middle of the sex, felt great, recommend this new Revo dosage tactic...nice lady, would definitely settle down with her (at least for a while) in the west.
Mission accomplished for the night. Bailed out again on the slut. Heavy drinking.


Hit gym in Hidropark with the boys at afternoon, then early evening Revo crew meetup. Wiskhy and Revo...recipe for tough man. Had 6 options for that night...should have bailed on all of them, decided to go the easy way and spent the night with the Milf, she deserved, I should have not did it, the monster was awaking again, a disaster was on the run...midway into this, Ligurian had a date and bailed, then has Kreshatyk was vibrant with hot woman walking around (never saw so many people there, it was a hot september summer night) hit the streets successfully approaching with the other boys (best wingmanship ever by Felix 5000, after half rejection by girl, saying that I was not imagining the amount of times she was hit that night, his briliant remark "yeah, but he is the best that hit you" also made my day [Image: wink.gif] ), while waiting for her, other options where open, one was coming to meet me with another girl...midway texted me "See you found another company..."...the monster was oficially awake again.
Crossed with the slut in Kreschatyk and found a lame excuse to bail on her, again.
Milf arrived around 11:30, the venues on the table where a quiet karaoke night, or a caribbean dancing night, boys went to Dlux...I vowed for the second, turned out to be a mistake, got approached in front of her more than once, and knowing the guys where at Dlux was burning me inside, the prospect to score a different one that night started to take its toll one me, left her in Caribbean, saying that will need to leave and return in a hour, went to Dlux, do not remember much of what happened there, except for hitting in some other woman, my mind was a mess, I was driving 200 miles and hour, and constantly looking at my watch...after 1 1/2 hour returned to Caribbean, she was on a table with some older local guys...went there, introduced me, and of course she was not happy, told me everything I am...still, entered my ears 200, left at 300 miles/hour...started hitting on other girls in the smoking area and dance floor...two turks shoved me at some point, and was at the verge of physical confrontation in the dance floor, managed to keep the distance...
Crazy mess of a night, is always like this when the departure hour is arriving. Left the place later on, with the milf...but clearly she saw who I am. No bang. No good terms. I left on my halfway in Arena, and ate there, destroyed, ending my night, and with the 1000 yard stare of my avatar here.


Slept a mere 3 or 4 hours, an old acquaitance from Kharkov was supposed to come and spent the sunday with me, when I woke up, I already had 5 no answered phone calls in the phone, it was late, I had to leave apartment soon. Quick shower and pack, left apartment and met her, she was already in town for 3 hours, desperately calling me. Midway needed to go back and return apartment keys, when I returned she had already payed the bill...I said she should have not, but her amazing reply was that last time we met (more than 2 years ago) I had payed...Wonderful girl indeed. Had a nice walk in the park, wich melted my cold heart, and made my return easier to handle.
Last coffee for now with the guys, and made my way to Boryspil.

Hope the be back soon. Still no 9s, I will get there..

I leave here below a music hit wich lyrics can resume my week stay, a remnant of the crazy 90s.
As with fashion, every 20 years the trends return, and how Ligurian wrote a few days ago "This is the good old days" of Ukraine.

Come and enjoy them.

Rocha's running around Eastern Europe, night-game and writing style remind me of Kip from Rules of Attraction (great movie for those who haven't seen it):

The Ukraine Thread III - superschalk - 09-21-2015

Quote: (09-20-2015 11:21 PM)chochemonger1 Wrote:  

The young 7 is take for granted here in the forum. We all wish for the 8 or 9.
The beauty of Ukraine is the great quantity of those darling 7s, like no other country on Earth now.

Fully agree. I think it is impossible here for a guy under 45 who is relatively fit to date anything lower than a 7. Some girls might not have a 7 kind of face but usually then they have an awesome body and dress super sexy.

The Ukraine Thread III - samsamsam - 09-22-2015

Random side question. I was reading something that said Ukraine has a 20% divorce rate and is rising. And there is a phenomenon where the single mothers leave the kids with their parents and migrate west to find higher paying jobs. A bit much too post and also I am not sure if this is of any interest to most of the guys here. But anyone have any insight into this? Seems like a lot of drinking (men - duh) and financial stress causes most of the divorces. The money they have to pay the women is very little. Not trying to white knight, but just observing this - seems very fucking tough.

The Ukraine Thread III - Secret - 09-23-2015

A few hours ago arrived in Dnepropetrovsk. First Impression of the City is not bad. Nice weather, clean, friendly People.
I have arrived this morning by night Train from Odessa . Was a hassle to find an Apartment, looking up , most places I called were occupied. Finally found something near the centre, Location is fine but the Quality of the Apartment is disappointing. Got much better Quality for Money in Odessa. Maybe lots of places are taken by refugees from Donbass? No idea, so far , but I will find out.

The main door of the building I live in is open night and day, my landlord told me, no Need of a chip to enter, I hope that s a good sign to be in a safe City.
Just had my first can of Revo and will soon leave for a walk around.
Any of you guys here in Dnepropetrovsk or planning to come during the next week? Pm me for contact Details.

The Ukraine Thread III - Amsterdamned - 09-23-2015

Looking forward to hear more about Dnipropetrovsk.

The Ukraine Thread III - Rocha - 09-23-2015


The Ukraine Thread III - Amsterdamned - 09-24-2015

I'm trying now Revo for the first time,i have the grey/silver one .tastes like beer/vodka/energy for me.
it burns in my stomach .like it's boiling .

let's see what the night will bring .

The Ukraine Thread III - Secret - 09-25-2015

Hey guys,

had my first full day yesterday in Dnipro. As it is my first Preference I concentrated fully on street game. Turns out to be not too easy.
At about 3 pm I started my walk aroun the Center and neighbouring streets.

Girls seem to be a little reserved but friendly and receptive to my approaches but mostly not interested in more than a short talk. 5 minutes talking, very friendly and nice, both contributing to the talk, we walk, and here she says, oh that s the shop I have to go into, was nice to meet you, bye! Gone in a second.

People seem to be Kind of busy here, probably they mostly have work or are studying (seriously). More than half of People in the streets are hanging on their phone. As I speak excellent Russian they just after 4 - 5 6 sentences get it from the Little Accent that I am a foreigner and ask where I am from and what s my Story.

Guys, let s talk more about the Details of gaming in Ukraine as Openers, Follow-Up Talk , Background Story and how to ask for number or instant date. I really miss that in this thread.

This is my way more or less:
Walking along a street, HB passes me, a few seconds later I turn around , get back to her and from the side (in Russian): Privet! Pause. Smile. Ok, sorry, that is of course pretty random and maybe unusual here, but I saw you and thought, you seem somehow interesting and sympathic. Pause .Smile. Are you from Dnepro? She probably "yes". And I am here for the second day, still exploring the City, all realy nice and interesting for me. Actually my Name is .... If there is anything coming from her side then I break this monologue of course and take her Topic.

My problems I recognize:
- no sexual spark jumping over
- creating an Impression to be a bit strange, desperate and beta.
- no time, most Girls have to go in a shop, meet a friend, go to work or catch a bus in less than 10 minutes after we met, what I would feel fine to ask her for a coffee and if she denies for the number.

I will try some approaches in English. For you fellows to figure out the English Level in Dnepro and for myself to see if that changes anything to the better. I know many of you fellows would jump to the sky if they knew so good russian as I do, but believe me it has also a Little downside. My initial opening often doesn t make clear I am a foreigner, and it s so stereotype as Hi! How are you? You look interesting..... I am sure some Girls take me just as another dumb and probably drunk local dude and off they are gone.

Even during further talk it seems that some Girls doubt my Story and cant figure out what s wrong with this guy claiming to be from Western Europe and speaking so well Russian.

Also I probably have to work on my Background Story. It is I am working in tourism, mainly in Odessa, lviv and the Carpathians and in between my Jobs I have come here to relax just for myself and explore a new City. Although it s not too far from truth I get the Impression that some Girls don t take me for serious.

At the end of the dayat about 9 pm I was tired from Walking but still up for some adventure and fun. Opened a low class Girl just finishing her Job in a shaurma Kiosk, ugly face but thin, sporty and sexy Body, and her aunt of the Age of maybe 50. Just wanted to have a beer, relax and talk to some locals, so took them both to a bar, drinking , later to my Apartment , continued heavy drinking, singing, heavy makeout with the Girl, no bang because of the aunt. Both completely passed out left at 4 am. Sure, this had nothing to do with Pick up, but it was real fun and a great insight into local culture.

The Ukraine Thread III - Rocha - 09-26-2015

Revo update from Wednesday night out in Lisbon.

Certainly a drink will not guarantee that you will get laid, but definitely there is some magical property in this drink that helps to that.
My friend and I hit a city zone of bars, and imediatelly on the streets my slavic radar started to give a signal. 2 Girls from Poznan, mine was cute, the other seemed better with some meters distance, the Polish butterface problem. Things where going Ok with mine, but the other started to give signs of cockblocking...I figured a timewaste situation, and started to pressure more, Revo now was starting running trough my system. They did not handle the pressure and bailed. Better for both I must say. Turned out where 2 "career woman", enjoying the experience of travelling all over the mediterranean lands...The more people I know from Poland, makes me less willing to return to that country. Some more funny interactions, including some swedish double, wich we bailed out...another country I am not willing to return.

We then hit the club, situation now a little bit different than the summer, in wich is full of tourists, now just local and the erasmus crew...But Revo never lets a man down in front of the challenges, so I picked up a nice 2 girl set of local 20yo girls, started their engines, dancing with both of them, putting them dancing together, then one was all over me touching and hugging, but my friend could not keep his posture, and after some 2 or 3 lines jumped to kiss the other, she obliged, his Revo powers where high, I do not remember last time I saw him kissing a girl in a Lisbon club, even less a local one, but...she freaked out and ran with mine to rest of their group of 5 girls, and one guy. Some guys might say he made the right move, I disagree, life taught me to be patient in front of a girl, hit just in the right moment, when there is no turning back, when comfort and attraction are already clearly established, more so in the west.
Latter on, the girl smilled to me in the dancefloor and I did went there and introduced me to all of the group...then, and how I did not missed the stupidity of western girls, the fat one starts to physically cockblock me, dancing with her back to me in an agressive way, sending herself up to me...Revo was still in my system, she did not know...I gave her a shove with one hand, she flew a little...luckily for the guy in the group, clever boy, did not make a move, but 2 or 3 of the girls wanted to confront me while the others where setting them back...I just put a hand in front of me to make sure distance was kept while laughing like a devil...
Revo is great, fun is guaranteed, in any environment.

We bailed out of the situation and soon from the club, next day both went working completely wasted and ruined, but it was worth seeing my friend with his Revo baptism.

Bottom lines:

- Revo is the devil ))))
- Time to work out in other stuff rather than wasting time and money going out here
- Future has to be where a man feels happy, with all his setbacks...моя земля ... Украина

The Ukraine Thread III - Akula - 09-27-2015

Quote: (09-20-2015 11:21 PM)chochemonger1 Wrote:  

The young 7 is take for granted here in the forum. We all wish for the 8 or 9.
The beauty of Ukraine is the great quantity of those darling 7s, like no other country on Earth now.

Hear hear. Most of the time you don't want to be dealing with the 8+s anyway such is the value of the slender, feminine but unappreciated 7 in Ukraine.

The Ukraine Thread III - Secret - 09-29-2015

It s finally getting better here in Dnepro but the weather became colder. Still focussing on Streetgame. The opener was not much changed from the above mentioned, maybe a Little more calibration and spontaneous momentum in the first minute. Had 3 NCs yesterday plus an Instant Date, means Walking along the centre and the naberezhnaya along the river for about 3 hours and having one drink in a bar. Juice, she does not dring Alcohol. This beautiful 23 year old Girl was talking way toooo much. Light Kino ok, but so far no real Chance for a kiss.
Calling me several times a day now, so let s see if there is anything more than her needing someone to talk with.
Another great Approach to a very cute Young Girl handing out election newspapers in front of a Shopping Center. Nc and some Messages today. How often do youu guys call or message a Girl normally? For me it seems they Need much more dominance and male initiative here. It seems to be quite normal for a Girl not to answer a call or a message but still when you finally catch here agreeing for a date with all Options open. It seems in Ukraine you cant expect her to call back and otherwise assume she snot interested as you would in the West. More persistence is necessary here.

The Ukraine Thread III - Cui Ri - 09-29-2015

Well gents, the eagle has landed, staying in a hotel across from rio's, went in for two whiskey's, not looking for p4p, so left before I got fleeced for a lap dance. If anyone wants to meet an Irishman for a beer tomorrow in city centre pm me

The Ukraine Thread III - Chengiz88 - 10-03-2015

All quiet on the eastern front...Has the Revo run out?

The Ukraine Thread III - Barron - 10-03-2015

It got cold then warmed back up today. I don't know if there will be many more warm days but the level of talent out and about has been astonishing. Beauty makes me thirsty and today that thirst betrayed me

The Ukraine Thread III - joy_stick - 10-04-2015

Ecoeing Cui Ri,

In kiev for the first time. Anyone wanna meet up, pm me.

The Ukraine Thread III - Barron - 10-08-2015

Went out on two dates this past week. Both were Kiev 8's and both ended up lying about having boyfriends. Nice girls, one admitted to it while on the date and I found out about the other when her bf hijacked her VK and unfriended me, but not before telling me to fuckoff.

It's a shame too because I had solid chemistry with the one that told me while on the date. She tried to play me by wanting to "hangout" again and I told her that the act of pretending to be friends wasn't going to fly. We're still talking but I doubt anything will go further. I'm pretty sure I could get the other girl (slutty vibe) with the stalker bf, just need to figure out how to isolate her since the bf has access to all her shit.

Will keep you guys updated

The Ukraine Thread III - 262 - 10-08-2015

Quote: (10-08-2015 08:51 AM)NomadofEU Wrote:  

Went out on two dates this past week. Both were Kiev 8's and both ended up lying about having boyfriends. Nice girls, one admitted to it while on the date and I found out about the other when her bf hijacked her VK and unfriended me, but not before telling me to fuckoff.

It's a shame too because I had solid chemistry with the one that told me while on the date. She tried to play me by wanting to "hangout" again and I told her that the act of pretending to be friends wasn't going to fly. We're still talking but I doubt anything will go further. I'm pretty sure I could get the other girl (slutty vibe) with the stalker bf, just need to figure out how to isolate her since the bf has access to all her shit.

Will keep you guys updated

Sounds like both of these girls have a foot out the door on their current "boyfriends." While I agree that the first one is a waste of time (unless you didn't try to escalate her to a kiss), the second one may not actually have a boyfriend, but a stalker sponsor or fuck-buddy.

At the end of the day though, pretty much any Game problem is resolved by ... approaching more girls. I'm pretty sure you already know that, so just a reminder. (And also a restatement for the newbies stumbling across the forum for the first time).

The Ukraine Thread III - samsamsam - 10-08-2015


One thing to keep in mind about the guy who hijacked her VK account is if you want to deal with all that drama. Also, you don't know who the guy is and what he would be willing to do. Sounds like he is unstable and coming after you instead of going after his gf for doing it in the first place may indicate bad things ahead.

Like 262 said just more approaches. It is a numbers game.

You are a good guy, would hate to see anything bad happen to you for a piece of ass.

The Ukraine Thread III - rishboy77 - 10-08-2015

A friend just sent me a great opportunity for day gaming. There is a big job fair coming up on October 28th being held at the Kiev planetarium which is 1 minute away from the Olympic subway.

The Ukraine Thread III - Barron - 10-08-2015

I just had one of the worst dreams I've ever had in a very long time. This thread has become a sort of diary for me so I thought I'd share since I won't be sleeping anytime soon.

From what I can remember, I had just returned home from being abroad for a while. In the dream I had been hanging out with friends and we were all unwinding after a day hanging out together. We were all tired and were laying down talking, throwing jokes at each other and laughing our asses off while trying to pass out. Everything was extremely pleasant and warm and I didn't have a care in the world.

We couldn't get to sleep because we'd told so many jokes and we kept messing with the first guy that looked like he'd fallen asleep. It became early in the morning and I decided to head into the other room because I felt like sleeping without having to worry about what would happen. When I got into my room my dad came in and he presented me with a few large gifts which he had spent a while wrapping. He placed them in front of me and looked at his wrapping job with pride. A feeling of dread swept over me because my dad understands nothing about me and if he's buying gifts its usually because he intends to obligate me to spend time with him, which is one of the most tiresome and self-submitting activities that exists for me. When I have to hang out with my dad it is a return to life under his rule, he has no respect or interest for what I desire in life, he's completely blue pill and just last week when I Skyped with him he was genuinely concerned for my safety in Ukraine because he gets all his information from the mainstream. When I tried to tell him that it was much safer here than in the US he looked at me as if to say, "I know you're lying just to make me feel better." He even tried to convince me to come home and take a teaching job, which he had found for me, where my student loans were guaranteed to be paid off in five years...

The presents consisted of the most expensive set of Callaway irons and woods I'd ever seen. They were sitting in a big fancy golf bag for presentation and pretty much looked like the kit of any PGA pro. Golf was forced on my brother and I as children, I got really good at it and even won a tournament in junior golf but I never enjoyed the game and was playing it purely because my parents insisted on it. In fact I hated golf because the golf course meant even more time submitting myself to life under my father's rule, even if I was practicing and he wasn't there. So there I was in a completely unimpressed "ugh, thanks dad" moment. "You're welcome, let's get dressed and head to the range!" he said, and I had no other choice but to oblige.

He left the room and I was dumbfounded looking down at the bag of irons and woods and began thinking about how much all this must have costed. I haven't played golf seriously in 20 years now but for some reason which I couldn't ascertain I was now back home, living with my dad, hanging out with old friends that never left the city they grew up in, and about to head to the golf course. I thought to myself about what was happening and all I could remember was that I had lived abroad for a time and now I was back home, living a life that was going no where. I asked myself, "Ok, I go to the range and after... then what? What am I doing tomorrow? What is my plan here?" I felt completely useless in that moment because I couldn't accept that I had no plan in life, and that I was now back home in some prison of a comfort zone. I went to my old desk and grabbed it in frustration. I looked up pure desperation and finally screamed, "AM I STILL IN UKRAINE??" before waking up.

I woke up in my bed here in Kiev. I'm sleeping on a thirty year old fold out sofa that is as unforgiving as a sheet of ply wood. The room is freezing because it's 3:30am and the temperature is 25 fahrenheit outside and the gas in the building hasn't been switched on yet. I couldn't believe the terror that had gone through my mind in that last moment of the dream and I knew I had to write it down. I can't convey in words the feelings of joy and relief when I woke up in my industrial shithole apartment.

Getting up and leaving isn't as easy as I thought it was. My mind is still disconnecting and letting go from good'ol California. I haven't lived with my parents in almost ten years. Perhaps an unconscious immature part of me is longing for easier, less challenging times. I don't know. But what has stuck with me was the feeling of dread I had in that moment when I looked at those horribly beautiful fucking golf clubs and hated everything about myself. Life not on my terms, living in a comfort zone, absolutely no control over what I was doing and just living for laughs and being a buddy to old friends that never went anywhere and a father that has no idea about life beyond the US.

More challenges lie ahead, changing one's life isn't as easy as flipping a switch. I had been planning this for nearly two years before I finally made it happen. Although I've been here just six weeks the transition is long from being final. I'm a little daunted by the severity of the impending winter, and my Russian courses turned out to be too advanced and I have to find another program which starts at a more beginner level. It's not like I was expecting zero obstacles upon settling down here, but this is my life now and everyday is amazing despite the challenges ahead. There is only one thing I am completely certain of now: I'm here to stay.

The Ukraine Thread III - Rocha - 10-08-2015

Quote: (10-08-2015 03:25 PM)rishboy77 Wrote:  

A friend just sent me a great opportunity for day gaming. There is a big job fair coming up on October 28th being held at the Kiev planetarium which is 1 minute away from the Olympic subway.

I will be there [Image: banana.gif]

The Ukraine Thread III - Akula - 10-12-2015

Quote: (10-08-2015 03:25 PM)rishboy77 Wrote:  

A friend just sent me a great opportunity for day gaming. There is a big job fair coming up on October 28th being held at the Kiev planetarium which is 1 minute away from the Olympic subway.

That's good to know because I just happen to be "hiring." [Image: lol.gif]

Lot of late nights, long hours, intensive work with the boss sometimes out of the office environment, etc.

Maybe set up a Roosh V both at the job fair? We're progressive guys so only hiring women!

The Ukraine Thread III - vanryan - 10-12-2015

What's the prevalence of tattoos on girls like over there? I have a real fetish for it. There's a nice percentage of tatted up girls here in Budapest. That sorta black raven hair look with tattoo sleeve type of thing. What's it like in Ukraine? Have a sense that they are more conservative in that regard in general.

The Ukraine Thread III - Barron - 10-12-2015

Quote: (10-12-2015 12:13 PM)vanryan Wrote:  

What's the prevalence of tattoos on girls like over there? I have a real fetish for it. There's a nice percentage of tatted up girls here in Budapest. That sorta black raven hair look with tattoo sleeve type of thing. What's it like in Ukraine? Have a sense that they are more conservative in that regard in general.

You'll find more girls with tats in western Ukraine but from what I've seen they're usually accompanied with dumbass haircuts. Full sleeves on women aren't very common (thank god) here.