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The Canada Political Thread - scotian - 09-20-2016

Laner I feel for you man, I saw the exact same thing happen up in Fort McMurray over the past few years, the Somalians have also flooded into the city and Edmonton as well, many come from Ontario and bring gang violence with them. I've seen this shit up close and personal in both cities, about two months ago my company in Fort Mac put me in a condo downtown that was a nice building but the surrounding complexes were low rent shit holes full of Somalians. One night I heard a scuffle so went on the patio and then saw a guy beating his wife in the next apartment, he was screaming and swinging, I just went back inside, fuck them. A few days later I heard on the radio that a Somalian guy was arrested for selling crack on my street, I Googled the story and sure enough, he was dealing in my apartment parking lot. Some other shit went down including a native guy trying to rob my co-worker in the parking lot so I went to my boss and told him that I didn't grow up around Somalian crack dealers and don't live around them in Edmonton either so you can move me the fuck out, which they did promptly.

Now I"m back on the east coast in Halifax and this place is fucked too, Maritimers are so out of touch with reality its almost charming, when the refugee crisis was happening last year and Little Selfie Potato was elected, Maritimers were begging for refugees! It probably won't take long for them to regret this decision but I"m hoping that the Syrians won't be as bad as those shit head Somalians. You guys wouldn't believe how out of touch Maritimers are when it comes to immigration.

Actually I do have a good example of how retarded Maritimers are: Do you guys remember the Dalhousie Rape Joke Scandal?, basically a group of male students made a private Facebook group and joked about raping chicks in their class, pretty crass but nothing you wouldn't hear in a locker room. Well everyone in Halifax freaked the fuck out, it was all over the news and Facebook with people basically calling for these guys to be imprisoned, castrated and put on a sex offender's list for life. Now two years later and we have a bunch of cases in the news of foreign (Arab men) taxi drivers who are sexually assaulting and raping drunk women after picking them up at bars down town and guess what, not a fucking peep in the news or Facebook, no outrage!

The Canada Political Thread - Ghost Tiger - 09-20-2016

Quote: (09-20-2016 09:08 AM)scotian Wrote:  

Laner I feel for you man, I saw the exact same thing happen up in Fort McMurray over the past few years, the Somalians have also flooded into the city and Edmonton as well, many come from Ontario and bring gang violence with them.

The Somalian gangs in Ontario are a plague. I investigated some of them for WSIB insurance fraud years ago and when they found out the identities of me and a few other PI's via court disclosure, we got warnings from the cops that they were "hunting" us. They weren't smart enough to catch any of us so we weren't worried, but think about their reaction to the situation. They break the rules, get caught, and then decide they want to retaliate against the people that caught them. No feelings of guilt or shame, just feelings of resentment at "the man" and planning even more wrongdoing. Savages.

The Canada Political Thread - komatiite - 09-21-2016

I love how the Toronto "Red" Star is pumping out articles against Mr Trump, this is some Low-Energy bullshit right here.
[Image: 35kp77Sl.jpg]

What a joy it would be to see Trump's first meeting with Trudeau...

The Canada Political Thread - HighSpeed_LowDrag - 09-29-2016

University of Toronto professor is standing up to university administration and the Trudeau Government on the issue of transgenderism:


U of T professor attacks political correctness, says he refuses to use genderless pronouns

As part of an hour-long YouTube lecture on political correctness, University of Toronto professor and clinical psychologist Jordan Peterson is objecting to the Trudeau government’s Bill C-16, which proposes to outlaw harassment and discrimination based on gender identity and gender expression under the Canadian Human Rights Act and the Criminal Code.

Peterson, a white male in his mid 50s, also decries what he claims are attempts by the university to transform its human resources department into “a politically correct institution.”

The news was first reported by the University of Toronto student newspaper, The Varsity.

Gender identity is defined by the Ontario Human Rights Commission as “each person’s internal and individual experience of gender. It is their sense of being a woman, a man, both, neither, or anywhere along the gender spectrum.” The commission defines gender expression as “how a person publicly presents their gender,” which can include behaviour and outward appearance such as dress, hair, make-up, body language and voice, as well as a person’s name and the pronouns they use.

Peterson is critical of these terms and their definitions as outlined by the commission, and compares the changes Bill C-16 would bring about to the policing of expression in “totalitarian and authoritarian political states.”

He also argues against the existence of non-binary gender identities, or those that are not exclusively masculine or feminine‍, saying “I don’t think there’s any evidence for it.”

Peterson said that if a student asked him to be referred to by a non-binary pronoun, he would not recognize their request: “I don’t recognize another person’s right to determine what pronouns I use to address them. I won’t do it.”

Peterson told the National Post that he decided to make the video and go public with his views after receiving a memo from university HR outlining new mandatory anti-racist and anti-bias training. “That disturbs me because if someone asked me to take anti-bias training, I think I am agreeing that I am sufficiently racist or biased to need training,” he said in an interview.

Peterson also said he doesn’t believe there is sufficient research to show these kind of HR practices, which he said may constitute “psychological intervention,” are effective.

He said he is concerned the university is consulting groups like the Black Liberation Collective on campus policy matters, noting he respects their right to exist and protest, but questioning their credentials to offer expert opinion. “I have no problem with them, people can organize themselves however they want, but I have an issue with U of T considering them a legitimate policy advisor,” he said. “I don’t think there is any evidence U of T is a racist university. I think we have done an extraordinary job of building a multi-racial and multi-ethnic university and community, better so than almost all schools.”

“The pronoun issue is straightforward,” added Peterson. “I won’t mouth the words of ideologues, because when you do that you become a puppet for their ideology.” The professor said he believes the writing in the Ontario Human Rights Commission’s terms and definitions is in his view “incoherent, over-inclusive and all encompassing” and has had a disproportionate impact on language used by other government bodies, including the federal Department of Justice. He said he fears Bill C-16 could lead to legal action against legitimate discussion and research on gender and sexuality, including research on the “biological origins of gender.”

However, a legal expert says the proposed legislation will advance human rights from a practical and symbolic standpoint. “Bill C-16 is important and plays a practical role because it will allow trans people a means with which to seek redress under the law,” said Kyle Kirkup, a professor at the University of Ottawa Faculty of Law who specializes in laws regulating contemporary norms of gender identity and sexuality. “It also plays the symbolic function of letting trans people know that the government recognizes them.”

And a colleague at U of T said that Peterson is wrong in his assumptions and is failing to live up to his responsibilities as a faculty member. “All that is necessary to invalidate a faulty claim is one counterexample,” said physics professor A.W. Peet. “Here, I am that counterexample. I openly defy Peterson by existing: I am nonbinary and transgender.”

Peet said that, while Peterson has a right to free speech, he is held to a higher standard as a professor, which includes a professional duty of care for the entire student body: “I refuse to stand by and just let him hurt vulnerable genderqueer members of the university community… Academic freedom was never intended to be used as a general-purpose shield against professorial accountability.”

“If Peterson fears the Trudeau government passing Bill C-16 into law, he should smarten up his act by upgrading his ethics circuits, not by trying to marshal opposition to basic human rights protections for people he refuses to even try to understand,” added Peet.

The University of Toronto said there have been no formal complaints about Peterson’s video lecture. “If we do receive any we will consider them through our policies, which are consistent with provincial legislation,” said spokesperson Althea Blackburn-Evans.

“Universities are places where people exchange ideas and have different opinions,” she added. “Discussion and debate happen at U of T every day.”

Blackburn-Evans noted that Professor Peterson’s views are his own, and that “all members of our community are expected to comply with U of T’s policies and guidelines around creating a teaching and learning environment that is free from discrimination and harassment on any of the prohibited grounds.”

In his video, Peterson suggests the “overrepresentation of social justice warrior-type activists” in government may have impacted the tabling of legislation, noting also “our current Premier (Kathleen Wynne) is lesbian in her sexual preference.” He goes on to claim the LGBTI community “has become extraordinarily good at organizing themselves and has a fairly pronounced and very, very sophisticated radical fringe.”

Peterson, who is an expert on personality and the psychology of religion, joined the University of Toronto in 1998. Prior to that he taught at Harvard University.

Professor Anderson's Youtube lecture, attached below:

The Canada Political Thread - scotian - 10-01-2016

I finally came across a Canadian news article on what a Trump presidency could mean for Canada that is actually fair and balanced, it could bring great things for us in the oil industry and all of the anti-NAFTA talk is directed at factories moving to Mexico:

The Canada Political Thread - komatiite - 10-01-2016

Good find Scotian, here is the chart the RBC ibanker has in his report

[Image: 750x-1.png]

The brain drain idea is interesting. I keep hearing about it in Medicine. How many of you guys have Canadian educated doctors? Does Canada really lose a lot to the US, hence the high amount of South Africans and Indians poached to come to Canada?

Still negative on Trade, I personally don't know enough about it to comment. Maybe he knows that Canada has no hope in renegotiating a fair deal with Trudeau and Chrystia Freeland at the negotiating table...

The Canada Political Thread - ed pluribus unum - 10-01-2016

Quote: (10-01-2016 04:56 AM)scotian Wrote:  

I finally came across a Canadian news article on what a Trump presidency could mean for Canada that is actually fair and balanced, it could bring great things for us in the oil industry and all of the anti-NAFTA talk is directed at factories moving to Mexico:

I'm not sure how to take this article; Komatite the 'brain drain' is a real thing but almost in the same breath this guy seems to be saying that all the illegal Mexicans who would have gone to the US will come to Canada instead, and somehow that will be a net benefit for us?!?!
On a somewhat related note, Canada will lift the Visa restriction imposed on Mexicans as of Dec 1 2016, which means we will once again be flooded with "refugees".

The Canada Political Thread - Laner - 10-01-2016

Quote: (10-01-2016 09:06 AM)ed pluribus unum Wrote:  

Quote: (10-01-2016 04:56 AM)scotian Wrote:  

I finally came across a Canadian news article on what a Trump presidency could mean for Canada that is actually fair and balanced, it could bring great things for us in the oil industry and all of the anti-NAFTA talk is directed at factories moving to Mexico:

I'm not sure how to take this article; Komatite the 'brain drain' is a real thing but almost in the same breath this guy seems to be saying that all the illegal Mexicans who would have gone to the US will come to Canada instead, and somehow that will be a net benefit for us?!?!
On a somewhat related note, Canada will lift the Visa restriction imposed on Mexicans as of Dec 1 2016, which means we will once again be flooded with "refugees".

Not sure where you live, but the Mexicans I know here, and there are LOTS, are almost all middle- upper class. These kids come here, learn english, bang ESL girls and are great kids. No issues with them at all.

Getting on a plane and flying to Vancouver is much different then boarding the Beast in Chiapas and crawling through the desert into USA. Mexican immigration is fully competent and would not let anyone on a plane that did not have a passport or visa for Canada.

We had a wave of Honduran refugees about 10 years ago, and they FUCKED UP Chinatown pretty bad, but they are gone.

The Canada Political Thread - scotian - 10-01-2016

Quote: (10-01-2016 11:17 AM)Laner Wrote:  

Quote: (10-01-2016 09:06 AM)ed pluribus unum Wrote:  

Quote: (10-01-2016 04:56 AM)scotian Wrote:  

I finally came across a Canadian news article on what a Trump presidency could mean for Canada that is actually fair and balanced, it could bring great things for us in the oil industry and all of the anti-NAFTA talk is directed at factories moving to Mexico:

I'm not sure how to take this article; Komatite the 'brain drain' is a real thing but almost in the same breath this guy seems to be saying that all the illegal Mexicans who would have gone to the US will come to Canada instead, and somehow that will be a net benefit for us?!?!
On a somewhat related note, Canada will lift the Visa restriction imposed on Mexicans as of Dec 1 2016, which means we will once again be flooded with "refugees".

Not sure where you live, but the Mexicans I know here, and there are LOTS, are almost all middle- upper class. These kids come here, learn english, bang ESL girls and are great kids. No issues with them at all.

Getting on a plane and flying to Vancouver is much different then boarding the Beast in Chiapas and crawling through the desert into USA. Mexican immigration is fully competent and would not let anyone on a plane that did not have a passport or visa for Canada.

We had a wave of Honduran refugees about 10 years ago, and they FUCKED UP Chinatown pretty bad, but they are gone.

I can't remember the exact details but back in the early years of Harper's reign, maybe 2007, the government slapped restrictions on Mexicans and Hungarians (Gypsies) because so many of them were flying in and immediately claiming refugee status. It worked but has always been a thorn in the side of Canada/Mexico relations during the Three Amigos Summit and Trudeau and Nieto seem keen to improve that. If Trump is elected and actually does go ahead and deport a ton of illegal Mexicans, it will be interesting to see what help, if any, Canada will offer to Mexico. I hope that we don't see a surge in Mexican refugee claims like we did in the past but I would be ok with Canada accepting some deported Mexicans who speak English and are skilled.

The Canada Political Thread - kosko - 10-01-2016

Quote: (10-01-2016 08:54 AM)komatiite Wrote:  

Good find Scotian, here is the chart the RBC ibanker has in his report

[Image: 750x-1.png]

The brain drain idea is interesting. I keep hearing about it in Medicine. How many of you guys have Canadian educated doctors? Does Canada really lose a lot to the US, hence the high amount of South Africans and Indians poached to come to Canada?

Still negative on Trade, I personally don't know enough about it to comment. Maybe he knows that Canada has no hope in renegotiating a fair deal with Trudeau and Chrystia Freeland at the negotiating table...

There are far to few residences here in Canada for green eared Doctors.

Plus the reality and blunt fact is that *most* of these Canadians in Medical Schools are not your typical (white) multi-generational Canadians. Many are 1st-2nd generation Canadians, maybe some 3rd generation Japanese kids from Lower Mainland, who are ethnic.

These Canadians who have some moral lump on them to rush back to their hometowns and help things out. If they do, many from these rural or smaller towns return back to see the horror show of Provinces who will give them pennies to work with all in exchange for a high stress workload if they try to fix things in their hometowns. It isn't worth it which is why you are more likely to find some dude from South Africa in a small Canadian city as a MD then any Canadians.

But overall you see more ethnic Canadians who, if they have to, spend 2-3 years in Pittsburgh for a residence and have a pathway to making some good coin might re-think things. Maybe just stay in the USA and move to a better State with better lifestyle options. Some will go back to their hometowns but it is few that I know within my circles that went the Med School route that are actually back practicing in Canada.

The Canada Political Thread - Laner - 10-01-2016

Quote: (10-01-2016 03:58 PM)scotian Wrote:  

Quote: (10-01-2016 11:17 AM)Laner Wrote:  

Quote: (10-01-2016 09:06 AM)ed pluribus unum Wrote:  

Quote: (10-01-2016 04:56 AM)scotian Wrote:  

I finally came across a Canadian news article on what a Trump presidency could mean for Canada that is actually fair and balanced, it could bring great things for us in the oil industry and all of the anti-NAFTA talk is directed at factories moving to Mexico:

I'm not sure how to take this article; Komatite the 'brain drain' is a real thing but almost in the same breath this guy seems to be saying that all the illegal Mexicans who would have gone to the US will come to Canada instead, and somehow that will be a net benefit for us?!?!
On a somewhat related note, Canada will lift the Visa restriction imposed on Mexicans as of Dec 1 2016, which means we will once again be flooded with "refugees".

Not sure where you live, but the Mexicans I know here, and there are LOTS, are almost all middle- upper class. These kids come here, learn english, bang ESL girls and are great kids. No issues with them at all.

Getting on a plane and flying to Vancouver is much different then boarding the Beast in Chiapas and crawling through the desert into USA. Mexican immigration is fully competent and would not let anyone on a plane that did not have a passport or visa for Canada.

We had a wave of Honduran refugees about 10 years ago, and they FUCKED UP Chinatown pretty bad, but they are gone.

I can't remember the exact details but back in the early years of Harper's reign, maybe 2007, the government slapped restrictions on Mexicans and Hungarians (Gypsies) because so many of them were flying in and immediately claiming refugee status. It worked but has always been a thorn in the side of Canada/Mexico relations during the Three Amigos Summit and Trudeau and Nieto seem keen to improve that. If Trump is elected and actually does go ahead and deport a ton of illegal Mexicans, it will be interesting to see what help, if any, Canada will offer to Mexico. I hope that we don't see a surge in Mexican refugee claims like we did in the past but I would be ok with Canada accepting some deported Mexicans who speak English and are skilled.

Yeah, I forgot about that. Harper had a sound reasoning for that. Its funny to see now that its been a year, that Harper Haters are now slowly admitting how nice it was to have a very analytic leader.

Its crazy to me that Mexicans can actually be granted refugee status here! Millions of Canadians go to Mexico every damn year. What a fucking joke, two years ago I would never have believed the kind of shit I do today. My own government hiding 'economic migrants' in the form of 'refugees'.

I am beginning to see how revolutions start. Or I guess would have started in the past. These days, no one cares. What a great time to be a shady government leader, really.

The Canada Political Thread - ed pluribus unum - 10-01-2016

Quote: (10-01-2016 06:20 PM)Laner Wrote:  

Its crazy to me that Mexicans can actually be granted refugee status here! Millions of Canadians go to Mexico every damn year. What a fucking joke, two years ago I would never have believed the kind of shit I do today. My own government hiding 'economic migrants' in the form of 'refugees'.

Dude, if you only knew. Here in Montreal at its peak (before Harper introduced the visa requirement for Mexico) there were 3 flights a day coming in (Aero Mexico, Mexicana and Air Canada) direct from Mx City, and Immigration were processing an average of 50 refugee claims per day. No middle class here, we're talking uneducated peasants. I was told that each one represented $70k per year in terms of what it costs taxpayers; while I'm inclined to believe that, I'm not sure how accurate that figure really is.

As for "never have believed" re:Mexicans claiming refugee status, it is worth noting that our #1 source country of refugee claimants is the USA. Not many actually get accepted, but it still ties up huge amounts of taxpayer $ processing the BS claims.

The Canada Political Thread - komatiite - 10-01-2016

deleted, bad link

The Canada Political Thread - Laner - 10-02-2016

Quote: (10-01-2016 07:19 PM)ed pluribus unum Wrote:  

Quote: (10-01-2016 06:20 PM)Laner Wrote:  

Its crazy to me that Mexicans can actually be granted refugee status here! Millions of Canadians go to Mexico every damn year. What a fucking joke, two years ago I would never have believed the kind of shit I do today. My own government hiding 'economic migrants' in the form of 'refugees'.

Dude, if you only knew. Here in Montreal at its peak (before Harper introduced the visa requirement for Mexico) there were 3 flights a day coming in (Aero Mexico, Mexicana and Air Canada) direct from Mx City, and Immigration were processing an average of 50 refugee claims per day. No middle class here, we're talking uneducated peasants. I was told that each one represented $70k per year in terms of what it costs taxpayers; while I'm inclined to believe that, I'm not sure how accurate that figure really is.

As for "never have believed" re:Mexicans claiming refugee status, it is worth noting that our #1 source country of refugee claimants is the USA. Not many actually get accepted, but it still ties up huge amounts of taxpayer $ processing the BS claims.

Wow, no idea. The invasion of Canadian large cities is almost complete. The culture war that started in Toronto then spread to Montreal and Edmonton is now set to invade Calgary and Vancouver.

What is there left for Canada, if no one in our pansy government, local or provincial, will have the balls to stand up to the entrenched liberals of our bloated public sector.

This is how great men are spurred to action. Some days I feel actual bile rise up into my throat at the disgusting self serving, virtue signalling policies of late. It is actually starting to make me sick.

The Canada Political Thread - Ghost Tiger - 10-02-2016

Quote: (10-02-2016 05:34 PM)Laner Wrote:  

Quote: (10-01-2016 07:19 PM)ed pluribus unum Wrote:  

Quote: (10-01-2016 06:20 PM)Laner Wrote:  

Its crazy to me that Mexicans can actually be granted refugee status here! Millions of Canadians go to Mexico every damn year. What a fucking joke, two years ago I would never have believed the kind of shit I do today. My own government hiding 'economic migrants' in the form of 'refugees'.

Dude, if you only knew. Here in Montreal at its peak (before Harper introduced the visa requirement for Mexico) there were 3 flights a day coming in (Aero Mexico, Mexicana and Air Canada) direct from Mx City, and Immigration were processing an average of 50 refugee claims per day. No middle class here, we're talking uneducated peasants. I was told that each one represented $70k per year in terms of what it costs taxpayers; while I'm inclined to believe that, I'm not sure how accurate that figure really is.

As for "never have believed" re:Mexicans claiming refugee status, it is worth noting that our #1 source country of refugee claimants is the USA. Not many actually get accepted, but it still ties up huge amounts of taxpayer $ processing the BS claims.

Wow, no idea. The invasion of Canadian large cities is almost complete. The culture war that started in Toronto then spread to Montreal and Edmonton is now set to invade Calgary and Vancouver.

What is there left for Canada, if no one in our pansy government, local or provincial, will have the balls to stand up to the entrenched liberals of our bloated public sector.

This is how great men are spurred to action. Some days I feel actual bile rise up into my throat at the disgusting self serving, virtue signalling policies of late. It is actually starting to make me sick.

We need a Canadian Alt-West political party.

The Canada Political Thread - ed pluribus unum - 10-02-2016

Quote: (10-02-2016 06:08 PM)Ghost Tiger Wrote:  

We need a Canadian Alt-West political party.

Your West-centric exclusion of those of us left in La Belle Province is triggering to me... [Image: biggrin.gif]

The Canada Political Thread - Ghost Tiger - 10-02-2016

Quote: (10-02-2016 07:02 PM)ed pluribus unum Wrote:  

Quote: (10-02-2016 06:08 PM)Ghost Tiger Wrote:  

We need a Canadian Alt-West political party.

Your West-centric exclusion of those of us left in La Belle Province is triggering to me... [Image: biggrin.gif]

It is ironic that the phrase "Alt-West" coincides with the fact that the best right-wing minds in Canada have come from Alberta in the modern era, and so I appreciate the humour of your comment.

But, to be clear, I mean Alt-West in the Vox Day sense, i.e. west = Christian. So the French do technically count as western in this sense. Unfortunately, they're still fucking French.

The Canada Political Thread - ed pluribus unum - 10-02-2016

Quote: (10-02-2016 05:34 PM)Laner Wrote:  

Wow, no idea. The invasion of Canadian large cities is almost complete. The culture war that started in Toronto then spread to Montreal and Edmonton is now set to invade Calgary and Vancouver.

The Mexicans are coming here as 'refugees'. Another little nugget that most people are blissfully unaware of is the daily Royal Air Maroc flight into Montreal direct from Casablanca. One widebody a day, 7 days a week (except in the summer, when it used to be two a day). A sizeable number of those on board deplane and go straight to Immigration to get 'landed' i.e. receive Permanent Resident status. How is this possible, you may wonder? Well, the Quebec government basically rubber stamps the immigration application of any Maghrebian applicant because they speak french, don't you know.

Recent trips to the north end of Ville St Laurent or Montreal North, I've noticed you can go a long time before seeing a woman whose head isn't covered.

The Canada Political Thread - Ghost Tiger - 10-02-2016

Quote: (10-02-2016 07:12 PM)ed pluribus unum Wrote:  

Recent trips to the north end of Ville St Laurent or Montreal North, I've noticed you can go a long time before seeing a woman whose head isn't covered.

Ah yes, Montreal Noir.

The Canada Political Thread - kosko - 10-02-2016

Much easier for Mexicans to jump into the USA, get status there, then migrate to Canada.

My old boss jumped 3-4 fences from Central America, to Mexico, then USA. He moved to Canada with his Canadian wife and is now a citizen here after a number of years.

There are still very few Mexicans in Canada. If I got my numbers correct I believe we have more people from places like Colombia, Venezuela, or Central American shitholes like Nicaragua, El Salvador than Mexico.

I remember growing up and we had lots of El Salvadoran people. I didn't meet a Mexican till HS, one broad I knew of versus tons of Central Americans.

I see much more Mexicans using the sponsor route, or who are rich kids here to play around in visas "learning english".

The Canada Political Thread - MrRoundtree - 10-03-2016

Quote: (10-02-2016 07:12 PM)ed pluribus unum Wrote:  

Quote: (10-02-2016 05:34 PM)Laner Wrote:  

Wow, no idea. The invasion of Canadian large cities is almost complete. The culture war that started in Toronto then spread to Montreal and Edmonton is now set to invade Calgary and Vancouver.

The Mexicans are coming here as 'refugees'. Another little nugget that most people are blissfully unaware of is the daily Royal Air Maroc flight into Montreal direct from Casablanca. One widebody a day, 7 days a week (except in the summer, when it used to be two a day). A sizeable number of those on board deplane and go straight to Immigration to get 'landed' i.e. receive Permanent Resident status. How is this possible, you may wonder? Well, the Quebec government basically rubber stamps the immigration application of any Maghrebian applicant because they speak french, don't you know.

Recent trips to the north end of Ville St Laurent or Montreal North, I've noticed you can go a long time before seeing a woman whose head isn't covered.

Yeah but honestly we receive the creme de la creme here, morrocans and algerians are not an issue in Montreal. Most of those I met are good partyers and come from rich family and are not an issue.

Go to Netherlands, France, Spain and compare or go to Morroco itself and you will see a huge difference.

The Canada Political Thread - 911 - 10-03-2016

Agree with Roundtree. ^^^^

There is a growing Colombian and Venezuelan community in Montreal and Toronto, good people, lots of young women, middle class, educated community a bit like what you'd find in say Orlando. Canada should focus on those types of immigrants from Latin America.

The Syrians that came in recently are mostly middle class families, they're not that different from the wave of southern Europeans that came to Canada in the 50s and 60s, but more upper-mddle class, like the Iranians that came to SoCal in the 1970s.

I've recently met a few recent Honduran political refugees. Legit refugees, one guy, a journalist, had the bullet wound to prove it. He was a leftist mestizo, but he hates Clinton, which he blames for the coup which destabilized his country and unleashed death squads on community leaders like him. The Haitians also hate the Clintons for the same reasons (at least those that have some education).

The Canada Political Thread - ElFlaco - 10-03-2016

Linked on Drudge:


So what’s the country with the most personal freedom? Canada, followed by New Zealand, Norway, Luxembourg and Iceland.

Personal freedom, as defined by the London-based Legatum Institute, measures a nation’s performance at both guaranteeing individual freedom and encouraging social tolerance. Canda was ranked No. 1 due to 94 percent of its citizens saying they believed they had the freedom to choose the course of their own lives and 92 percent saying there was tolerance for ethnic minorities and immigrants.


[The US] "is also the only Western country to register high levels of state-sponsored political violence," the study says. "According to Amnesty International [the US] has the same level of political violence as Saudi Arabia."

Freedom = Slavery

The Canada Political Thread - Dr. Howard - 10-03-2016

Quote: (10-03-2016 08:44 PM)ElFlaco Wrote:  

Linked on Drudge:


So what’s the country with the most personal freedom? Canada, followed by New Zealand, Norway, Luxembourg and Iceland.

Personal freedom, as defined by the London-based Legatum Institute, measures a nation’s performance at both guaranteeing individual freedom and encouraging social tolerance. Canda was ranked No. 1 due to 94 percent of its citizens saying they believed they had the freedom to choose the course of their own lives and 92 percent saying there was tolerance for ethnic minorities and immigrants.


[The US] "is also the only Western country to register high levels of state-sponsored political violence," the study says. "According to Amnesty International [the US] has the same level of political violence as Saudi Arabia."

Freedom = Slavery

What a shit story. The devil is in the details. The assessment of canadians was based on a citizen opinion survey.

The problem with such a survey is that the vast majority of canadians have the wool pulled over their eyes. Personal freedoms are incredibly limited when compared to america when actually looking at laws. Most canadians think they have freedom of speech (they don't) or freedom of association or freedom to make independent choices yet are trapped by a gov't run, single payer health system and silly insurance laws where you have to have top tier auto insurance or HAVE to have snow tires.

Canadians, as a whole are successfully brainwashed, like europeans as a whole.

The Canada Political Thread - TheFinalEpic - 10-03-2016

It's now going to be a hell of a lot harder to get a mortgage in Canada for the average person. Regulations that are intended to stop the ballooning markets in Toronto and Vancouver are going to fuck over the struggling markets everywhere else in the country.