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Are Australian girls ugly? - Mig Picante - 08-03-2017

Ah well, I'm not trying to convince anybody.

I take your point that nightclub promo shots are pushing above average chicks definitely.

I'm travelling to Melbourne soon so it will be a good opportunity to view my surroundings with a new set of eyes and challenge my assumptions. I know there's lots of hipster chicks in Melbourne and edge styles that aren't necessarily flattering.

Are Australian girls ugly? - Leonard D Neubache - 08-03-2017

If you're a level 20 PUA you can do well for yourself on the Gold Coast. I nearly developed whiplash during the three days I spent there a few years ago.

Beyond that you can find them young, and I mean 18-23.

The hot women exist, but the difficulty level is simply much higher.

Are Australian girls ugly? - Mr.Carry - 08-03-2017

Quote: (07-31-2017 08:05 AM)manuel-86 Wrote:  

Australian women (IN THE TRADITIONAL SENSE MEANING WHITE ONES) have several strikes against them.

1. Plenty of Anglo blood! (Yacks!)

2. Australians culturally tend to have harsh personalities, they are blunt, straightforward, and curse a lot. That makes the women appear manly and cocky!

3. It's not the fattest country in the world, but it's up there!

4. One of the most feminist countries on the planet.

5. Terrible weather, Australian sun will ruin your skin within a year if you're not careful!

The following images were taken during the Melbourne cup. This is horse racing and it congregates usually middle class "CLASSY" Australians.

[Image: article-2487725-1933A44400000578-345_634x420.jpg]

[Image: royal-ascot-horse-racing-berkshire-group...CT6KJ5.jpg]

[Image: f40e31f5c1747aeb0f229b195f828d1b?width=650]

[Image: revellers-2016-melbourne-cup.jpg]



Just a normal day during Carnival in Rio.

Are Australian girls ugly? - ProGambler - 08-03-2017

Quote: (08-02-2017 01:51 AM)Australia Sucks Wrote:  

ProGambler you sound like a troll. 8s and 9s are rare in Australia and the ones that are around are hugely entitled and have thousands of thirsty dudes chasing them. What you are saying sounds highly unlikely to say the least.

Again you call me out [Image: biggrin.gif]

One met his girl outside a club in Goldy when she was 17 and has kept her ever since. She's stunning and has done modelling professionally. He's a 5 on looks.

The other is a former juice head from Adelaide that dates a girl with 500k followers on IG long term. He used to hang out with Kayla Itsines too.

Haters gonna hate

Are Australian girls ugly? - Leonard D Neubache - 08-03-2017

Is it possible that the distribution of hotties in Australia is no different from elsewhere around the world, yet that in other places the fatties and trogs have the decency to stay home and not eclipse the hotties in a sea of blubber and scraggly hair?

And by "decency" I mean "not enough enough money to pay for their own drinks".

Are Australian girls ugly? - ProGambler - 08-03-2017

It's probably just the same as cucked western societies - UK, USA, Germany. Not as bad as Mexico but worse than Eastern Europe. Available quality for the alphas but not for the bottom 80%.

Are Australian girls ugly? - JWLZG - 08-03-2017

Quote: (08-03-2017 08:24 PM)ProGambler Wrote:  

It's probably just the same as cucked western societies - UK, USA, Germany. Not as bad as Mexico but worse than Eastern Europe. Available quality for the alphas but not for the bottom 80%.

Are you honestly to God putting freaking Germany in the same league as UK, USA etc. etc.?

Not again.
[Image: mindblown2.png]
[Image: jordan.gif]

Are Australian girls ugly? - Transsimian - 08-04-2017

Quote: (08-03-2017 08:43 PM)JWLZG Wrote:  

Quote: (08-03-2017 08:24 PM)ProGambler Wrote:  

It's probably just the same as cucked western societies - UK, USA, Germany. Not as bad as Mexico but worse than Eastern Europe. Available quality for the alphas but not for the bottom 80%.
Are you honestly to God putting freaking Germany in the same league as UK, USA etc. etc.?

The problem isn't German girls, it's the insane gender ratio.

Are Australian girls ugly? - ProGambler - 08-04-2017

Another friend just reported he's got 5 aussie student birds 8/10+ staying at his Airbnb in Athens. More unicorns Australia Sucks?

Are Australian girls ugly? - Adrenaline - 08-04-2017

A group of 5 Aussie girls, all 8+? Hahaha 1-2 I would believe but to literally have 5 girls of that quality in one group is unheard of in most places, none the less Australia, especially considering an attractive western females tendency to surround themselves with lemons to make themselves look better.

Are Australian girls ugly? - manuel-86 - 08-24-2017

Last week I went down to Miami and took a bus tour to Key west.

There were about 20 people in the tour, including a group of seven Aussie chicks (I counted them).

The vibes I got from them were:

1. I think we've all experienced that feeling when you're around some mediocre looking woman you have no intentions of meeting, and then you realize she's sending you a "Do not approach me, I am off limits for you" vibe, however you know she does not meet your standards one bit and you wouldn't bang her! (I got that from them)

2. Harsh, just the accent and the whole macho vibe the women from there have kinda puts me off.

3. One of them was a solid 6, the rest were 3's or 4's.

4. That Anglo thing (Potato face, thick arms, thunder thigh thing) is VERY EVIDENT.
[Image: MV5BOTUyMjc1MzAzOF5BMl5BanBnXkFtZTcwNDUz...g%E2%80%8B]
5. All of them including the solid 6 were out of shape. (I'd say five of the seven were overweight.) . The solid six lacked definition, she was thin due to genetics, not due to working out and being healthy.

6. Four of them had bad skin. Australian sun is no joke! Wrinkly and aged skin.

The solid six stood out because the others were pretty bad. However she had that manly, trashy vibe Aussie women have!

(I do not know, it's hard to explain..... Aussie women truly have that rough "I will kick your ass because I am a stud with a vagina" vibe to them) . NOT FEMININE!

I'd say if you morphed them into one, they would look like Muriel Heslop but with a in your face attitude.
[Image: muriel.jpg]

Are Australian girls ugly? - RatInTheWoods - 08-25-2017

I travel between Thailand and Australia.

Imagine my reaction when I leave the land of the whale to go to Thailand....

Having said that, its the thin, blonde feminine Russians that I consider the top of the totem pole of women. (loads of them in Phuket)

Are Australian girls ugly? - Robert Plant - 08-26-2017

Australian women are one of the few things that make American Women seem kind of ok.

Are Australian girls ugly? - Ouroboros - 08-26-2017

I'm surprised this thread has gone on for so long haha. Some of them are hot, of course, but for the most part the answer to the OP's question is YES.

Are Australian girls ugly? - AussieChad - 07-17-2018

Quote: (08-21-2014 09:46 PM)RawGod Wrote:  

Northern beaches girls: tall, blonde helped by the hairdresser, tan on the way to giving them wrinkles by 25, hot body but the start of a paunch. "Sophistication" means talking referring to glasses of wine in the plural as "wines" i.e. "I only had 3 wines last night". Well-travelled, been to Europe and Bali. Has been plowed by one or more famous footballers. Lives on daddy's money. Mentioning any famous writer, composer or thinker from western history to her is the kiss of death.

That's the top tier girl in Australia.

I know your comment is 4 years old but i have to say how correct you are. You have honestly nailed the majority of our "hot girls". It is sad. There are gems around in every city and town but they get snapped up quickly or have a self entitled piece of shit personality. Can not wait to leave to see what is out there and there are so many of us Aussie guys doing like wise!

Are Australian girls ugly? - EndsExpect - 07-17-2018

Quote: (07-17-2018 08:20 AM)AussieChad Wrote:  

I know your comment is 4 years old but i have to say how correct you are. You have honestly nailed the majority of our "hot girls". It is sad. There are gems around in every city and town but they get snapped up quickly or have a self entitled piece of shit personality. Can not wait to leave to see what is out there and there are so many of us Aussie guys doing like wise!

Um... having never been to Australia I can't say too much. However, the Aussie women that come to visit my area tend to be generally good looking. Maybe the really fat ones can't handle the plane ride.

The one thing that puts Aussie women in a category all their own... is cheating. If Adultery was an Olympic sport... Aussie women would be wearing gold every year. Again... maybe that's just because I have not met them in country. I've gotten to the point where if I hear a woman say she is from Australia, then I can pretty much assume she is willing to cheat on any guy she is currently dating. I would recommend any man on this forum take the same approach.

Are Australian girls ugly? - Bluey - 07-19-2018

Only beaten by the kiwi's!

Quote:EndsExpect Wrote:

Um... having never been to Australia I can't say too much. However, the Aussie women that come to visit my area tend to be generally good looking. Maybe the really fat ones can't handle the plane ride.

The one thing that puts Aussie women in a category all their own... is cheating. If Adultery was an Olympic sport... Aussie women would be wearing gold every year. Again... maybe that's just because I have not met them in country. I've gotten to the point where if I hear a woman say she is from Australia, then I can pretty much assume she is willing to cheat on any guy she is currently dating. I would recommend any man on this forum take the same approach.

Are Australian girls ugly? - Que enspastic - 07-19-2018

The problem is the girls are very unfeminine on the whole in both appearance and behaviour, strongly built. The hottest are the Balkan ethnic girls and the half Asian / half Western girls. However, their numbers are too low and their attitudes are not great

Are Australian girls ugly? - TruePro - 07-24-2018

Australian girls have great genetic, but they ruin everything with shitty lifestyle and diet.

Anyway this is happening everywhere in the world, due to globalization.

Are Australian girls ugly? - Buddydowrongright2 - 07-25-2018

I don't know if they're the ugliest, but they definitely have the vilest personalities.

Are Australian girls ugly? - Biz - 07-25-2018

It's weird hearing all this. Almost every hot girl I see on Instagram ends up being from Australia

Are Australian girls ugly? - Adrenaline - 07-25-2018

^ Because they’re experts at filtering and even look pretty good in real life a lot of the time when done up, but when you hear them speak, see there mannerisms, and discover the way they act in general you’ll change your tune.

Are Australian girls ugly? - AlphaGP - 07-25-2018

I've only been living in Sydney for half a year, so I'm definitely not the one who can give a generalized answer, but from my experience, I wouldn't say they are ugly, but compared with the continental European girls (French, Dutch, etc), they can't match.

Do Australian girls age badly? Not sure, most girls here are younger ones on the college age.

Are Australian girls ugly? - Transsimian - 07-25-2018

Quote: (07-25-2018 06:49 PM)AlphaGP Wrote:  

Do Australian girls age badly? Not sure, most girls here are younger ones on the college age.

We are taught to slip slop slap from a young age, but the UVA protection in sunscreen only lasts a couple of hours, so women are effectively unprotected from skin aging rays if they don't want to reapply their make-up.

That, and there is a huge drinking culture here. Australia has the most goodlooking Anglo girls on the planet, but they age quickly due to their crappy lifestyle.

Are Australian girls ugly? - AussieChad - 12-09-2018

I know this is a very old post but i wanted to put my 2 cents in being an Aussie bloke and all. For anyone thinking about Australia as a place to game for a short or long stay then here is what you need to know about the local birds.

Many non Aussies have already said the average Aussie girl is not bangable and i agree. Whether you're in a city or small town, the majority of girls are not attractive. Because of the drinking culture they get blind every weekend and eat shit the day after so we are becoming a fatter country. Not close to being as fat as the yanks however.

You will see 8s and 9s regularly on a night out in a city but the catch is once she knows she is hot then do not even bother. Hot Aussie girls behave the same way as hot American girls, self entitled twats. Your only chance as someone has mentioned is to get them while they are young. A hot girl turns 18 and starts heading out and will get attention from hundreds of guys a month which in turn inflates her ego to the size of a Power Rangers bad guy.

Further more, the hottest of the hottest get snatched up all the time. If she is a stunner then chances are she has a bf. Hot girls in Aus hang around other hot girls but this makes it even harder to game them on a night out as the bitch shields and watching eyes of her egotistical friends make it near impossible. Your best bet to try pull decent talent is to DAY GAME. That way you get her with her shield down and away from her friends and secondly, competition.

A hot girl will have so many dudes around her and they can be aggressive and they will cock block. In the big cities you will come across flogs. Typical private school city boys who think they are top shit, they arent but they will cock block and if they have to, fight you. I can see why so many guys on this forum hate Aussie guys and you are right. The ones you will see in your countries and when travelling abroad can be dickheads. You all know what they are like. Every country has these types of dudes but i have seen it far more here. Not all of us are bad though, id buy you a beer and wing with you rather than fight you in the octagon for a drunk 6 even if my appearance would suggest otherwise.

There are of course some diamonds in the mine. You will meet plenty of down to earth, attractive girls but it really is a lottery when compared to so many other countries.

Maybe its my grass is greener mentality or maybe it is the truth but if i were any of you lads i wouldn't come here. So many great countries through out Europe, South America and Asia to game. Countries where you will have higher smv, abundance of hotties and a better time for your promiscuous activities [Image: wink.gif]