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Currently single, but wanting to start a family within next 18 months - Wayout - 04-08-2019

Philippines or Brazil are two countries come to mind. Reasonable women who are still of a child bearing age and will marry someone 20 years older. Personally though, I think one should marry from their own culture.
I have been looking into just arranging a child birth with a woman,for money of course. That can be done in the Philippines...but also decided it was a terrible idea.
In the same boat as the OP.

Currently single, but wanting to start a family within next 18 months - Sailor87 - 04-09-2019

Quote: (04-07-2019 09:53 AM)Elmore Wrote:  

I'm not mexican, just living here currenly, i think the flags a location thing on here but could be wrong... I don't want to go outside of European descended demographic to be honest. Colour me hate-crime, but i'm just not that into the idea of having mixed kids. Also having lived outside of Europe recently, i can see how superficial connections often are with people from very different cultures (eg latinas, s/e asians etc). My ideal scenario would be a northern euro family, somewhere in northern european countryside. That's what i relate to on an instinctive level. Not judging or besmirching anyone who goes another way, but it's not for me.

I can understand your sentiment, but this fantasy might be difficult to put into reality, not impossible, but there will be many obstacles.
First of all, it will be hard to find a young good girl who would want to move to the country side. There are alot of women approaching the wall who wants kids, most of these are carreer women, and most of them dont want to leave the city and their carreers. This is the land of "equality", and big age differences are not very common.
Second, 275.000 USD will not take you that far here, sure you can buy a property in the country side, but it will not take you that far.
Then there is the residence permit problem, most northern european countries its not easy unless you are a dark skinned refugee.
Sweden has a large beautifull country side but that country is going to hell fast, I would not go for Denmark, its a small country with little land, maybe Norway is more suitable but its a very expensive place to live. I dont know much about the rest, but I would think EE would be the better choice.

Currently single, but wanting to start a family within next 18 months - nomadbrah - 04-11-2019

Regarding the wanting to choose within white/european stock.

Are you american or european?

If you're European, you should definitely go to Eastern Europe. Do a tour of Poland, Hungary, Ukraine and if you're ok with, maybe prefer, a bit darker med look even with some turkic influence, then check out Bulgaria and Romania.

The average salary in each of those countries is less than $1000. Let me repeat. If you have $250.000 in savings, you have about 250 months of average EE salary. That's 25 years. That's stability and security.

If you're American, I imagine Eastern Europe will seem more foreign to you. I'm european and I'd be fine in any of the first 3 countries mentioned. I think it's important to go into this, looking to marry the whole country and the people. Study their history, understand their culture. I'm not a fan of trying to act like your polish wife and half-polish children are only american if that happens. I'm sure some disagree. The reason I say this, is that if you get divorced, then you risk your kids deciding to be polish instead of american and thus out of your ameri-ethnic lineage. The same goes for Europeans. Would you be ok if your lineage would be Hungarian or Polish going forward until eternity? If not, probably shouldn't have kids with a foreign woman. Just my take. That's why I would personally not have kids with an Asian woman. I would not be ok to have my lineage be absorbed by China or Thailand. On the other hand, I would be fine with most European countries. It helps that most European countries have had various influences on each other, so most countries can find some historical context for foreign europeans in their country.

Currently single, but wanting to start a family within next 18 months - It_is_my_time - 04-11-2019

Awesome thread. I am in a very similar situation to the OP. Over the last few years I have more and more felt the desire to have children. I think it is natural for men as we age and we start to feel our age. We are not invincible and when we are old who will be there for us and what will our life's purpose be? Even more so, I have amazing parents. I would do anything for them. But what can I do for them, they have everything they could want? I can give them grandchildren at least.

I'm just posting here for now so that I can come back at a later time seeking advice and to share what I have learned. I'm not quite where I want to be to look for the right woman but if one happened to come along I would jump on it.

Currently single, but wanting to start a family within next 18 months - GibsMeDat - 04-12-2019

So, what do you older guys have to tell us guys in our 20's?

Currently single, but wanting to start a family within next 18 months - Ouroboros - 04-12-2019

Quote: (04-12-2019 08:12 PM)GibsMeDat Wrote:  

So, what do you older guys have to tell us guys in our 20's?

There's an entire thread devoted to that: thread-72842.html

[Image: dodgy.gif]

Currently single, but wanting to start a family within next 18 months - RawGod - 04-12-2019

I can feel the anxiety behind the "18 months" specification. (Why not two years?) At 42 you're correct to want to get things moving. But you have a bit more time than you think.

Make a plan that is likely to bring you a good outcome, and stick to it. For example, relocate to country X and do Y and Z activities to increase your chances of meeting quality women.

You have several years for things to come together, before last call in your fifties with, for example, a woman from a poorer background/country than would have been your first choice. Which would not be the end of the world - I have no doubt that a 50 year old can find a quality 25-35 year old Filipina and be happy, if he knows how to vet women.

So, don't make an artificial timetable and then get desperate to wife up the first woman that comes along.

Currently single, but wanting to start a family within next 18 months - 66Scorpio - 04-13-2019

I had a few brushes when I was younger but didn't get married until I was in my 50s. I have been living in China for the last several years. Chinese women have a lot of upsides. Oddly, my wife is Filipina rather than Chinese. It's hard to make any conclusions on a sample size of one. Still, the average American girl has a BMI of 28.8 compared to 23.6 in China and 23.4 in PH. (My lady clocks in at about 19). Not the be all and end all but something to consider if you are giving up on playing the field.

Currently single, but wanting to start a family within next 18 months - Alpha_Romeo - 04-13-2019

OP, what is your target age range? That answer alone might narrow down the countries in which you might want to go wife hunting.

Although you may feel that you are running out of time, I would advise that you don't panic and rush the process. Being single and alone sure beats marrying the wrong person (or raising a child with the wrong person).

Currently single, but wanting to start a family within next 18 months - Design Engineer - 04-13-2019

Quote: (04-08-2019 08:49 AM)Cr33pin Wrote:  

In a few months I will turn 39 and I'm really starting to come to a unpleasant crossroads about my player lifestyle and what its actually done for me in the grand scheme of things. I'll share some more on this topic later but for now here is a brief story of something that happened last week.

I was out on a second date with a super sexy 19 year old (I smashed on the first date). Shes a cool girl by all accounts really and quite a "firecracker" in the bedroom. However on the second date we were at a restaurant and a small kid a few tables over starts to cry and be a little loud and she looks at me and says "I hate kids, I'm never having kids!" an it was one of the more unattractive things I've experienced in recent memory. It's not really a uncommon theme amongst younger girls these days, its certainly not the first time I've herd it. However for whatever reason this time it really chipped away at my soul. I just smiled and responded "solo gatos?" (only cats) she laughed and said yes.... I'll still see her on occasion but I certainly view her in a totally different light now

She's 19 man, a few more years she will likely change her mind. A lot of 19 years old cannot fathom having kids. Not sure if that is different in Greece.

Currently single, but wanting to start a family within next 18 months - mammal - 04-13-2019

Don't be in such a hurry. It takes time to get to know the real someone,not the impression you get sitting at bars and restaurants. You need to face difficulties and adversity before you consider marriage,then after, before you consider kids.

Seriously consider living together before marriage. You find out a lot about how she spends her time, her money (or yours) what her priorities in life etc. If you have a religious/social objection to "living together" remember that it need not entail sex. It can be just a roommate situation. If you've had roommates in college or after you've learned that great friends are not always great people to live with.

Otherwise, the "family" you start will be an ex-wife not allowing you to see your kids, then your kids referring to her new bf/husband as "my father."

Currently single, but wanting to start a family within next 18 months - Matt Warner - 04-13-2019

Quote: (04-06-2019 11:19 PM)Elmore Wrote:  

Shit situation, i know. Short story, I'm forty two, wasted my thirties being a player and passing on the girls i should've thought about deepening things with. Frankly I'm jaded and cynical of wider society and by extension game, and my goal is to meet a suitable girl to marry and start a family with, ideally moving to at least a semi-rural location, and living a life as close to nature as humanly possible.

Quite a task. However i am blessed in that i own a property worth approx 275,000USD, and having been living abroad for nearly a decade, and mobile with my work, could conceivably sell up, and buy a rural property for far less abroad. I am going to focus on this beyond all else in my life, as with time being precious, i have no option to procrastinate anymore. As a European and a recently rekindled Christian, i feel it is a moral and spiritual duty at this point.

Is anyone else is a similar position? Or how do single and childless guys feel about the prospect of never having children?
Mid fifties divorced with children here.

Personal opinion is I wouldn't want to be an older dad. Love my kids dearly and I'm really close to two and would do anything for them. But I think maybe having this plan meet someone now have the happy family in a rural location might not live up to the hype.
Something I disagree with is not to consider having mixed kids. Mine are Anglo by the way.
It is not the issue it used to be at all, in that if I met the right lady but from a different race I think it would be fine if I wanted a family.
Personally I think just live a good life if it happens sure the family and kids but I wouldn't have some plan with time frames and too many conditions.
That's what a lot of western girls seem to do career then settle down have family mid thirties. It just doesn't work like that as many find out the hard way.

My reply probably is not much help to you good luck with it all though.

Currently single, but wanting to start a family within next 18 months - Anchor Man - 04-13-2019

Quote: (04-08-2019 08:49 AM)Cr33pin Wrote:  

In a few months I will turn 39 and I'm really starting to come to a unpleasant crossroads about my player lifestyle and what its actually done for me in the grand scheme of things. I'll share some more on this topic later but for now here is a brief story of something that happened last week.

I was out on a second date with a super sexy 19 year old (I smashed on the first date). Shes a cool girl by all accounts really and quite a "firecracker" in the bedroom. However on the second date we were at a restaurant and a small kid a few tables over starts to cry and be a little loud and she looks at me and says "I hate kids, I'm never having kids!" an it was one of the more unattractive things I've experienced in recent memory. It's not really a uncommon theme amongst younger girls these days, its certainly not the first time I've herd it. However for whatever reason this time it really chipped away at my soul. I just smiled and responded "solo gatos?" (only cats) she laughed and said yes.... I'll still see her on occasion but I certainly view her in a totally different light now

Dude, she is only 19 yo. Most women love kids.

Currently single, but wanting to start a family within next 18 months - Roosh - 04-13-2019

Quote: (04-08-2019 08:49 AM)Cr33pin Wrote:  

I was out on a second date with a super sexy 19 year old (I smashed on the first date). Shes a cool girl by all accounts really and quite a "firecracker" in the bedroom. However on the second date we were at a restaurant and a small kid a few tables over starts to cry and be a little loud and she looks at me and says "I hate kids, I'm never having kids!" an it was one of the more unattractive things I've experienced in recent memory.

In short time, the "firecracker" quality in women you like will disgust you, too.

Currently single, but wanting to start a family within next 18 months - Glaucon - 04-14-2019

I am 33 and I see no possible way to have a family. I have a good friend with 3 small kids, they are amazing. It hurts, not going to lie that I most likely I will never have my own.

All the good women has been taken, the leftover just horrible, would be child abuse making them "mothers".

Currently single, but wanting to start a family within next 18 months - Leonard D Neubache - 04-14-2019

Indications seem to be that EE is on the rise after its catastrophic 20th century. Or maybe it's just standing still while everyone else is collapsing. Either way...

If you want kids that will largely blend in with the locals then EE seems like the place to go. Northern Europe is too wealthy and degenerate for an older guy with your limited resources to lock down a suitable mother.

If you're in a hurry (reasonable at your age) then find a strong, rurally situated young woman with an A1 body and a busted face. You can afford Viagra or you can fuck her from behind. Some guys are going to tell you "gurl, don't settle for anyone less than princess Charming!" Ignore them.

If you focus on attaining a woman to be the mother of your children rather than a live-in fuck toy then things will streamline quicker than you think. You would be surprised how many families in the sticks there are with plain daughters simply looking to make sure they end up with an honest man. You'll be best served with either one of these options.

Busted face, good body, poor but honest family.
Less busted face, good body, shit family you can/will-have-to cut out of the loop.

I'd advise the former. You're going to need an "in" with the locals so marrying into a tribe is the fastest way to achieve this.

Next. Whatever national pride you have, toss it in the bin. If you're going to become a rural Moldovan homesteader then you do it with your hat in your hand. Moving into a country town is like repenting before God. You cannot do it with a smirk on your face. You came to them, not the other way around. No matter how backward they seem, never forget that. You don't get a second chance at a first impression or for that matter you don't get a second chance at a second, third or fourth impression. It might seem like I'm jumping the gun on this but it's something you need to get into your head PRIOR to arriving in the nation and region you plan to settle.

Next. Country life is cheap ONLY if you live like country people live. That means cutting your own firewood. Maybe butchering your own meat and fixing your own car. Repairing your own roof etc etc. Don't move to the country thinking you can sit on your ass and still live cheap. You save money by working for yourself, but it's still work. It's also dangerous, and if you haven't been doing it since you were a kid you're far more likely to make mistakes and end up with serious injuries or worse. Be mindful of that.

If it were me in your situation I'd move to where my genetic ancestry hails from. It's hard enough to move to another country OR simply move to a rural area. Combining both is an extremely difficult proposition and at least being able to say that you're "going home" from the failed American experiment is a sort of compromise people from your legitimate motherland may have respect for.

Currently single, but wanting to start a family within next 18 months - Handsome Creepy Eel - 04-16-2019

Quote: (04-08-2019 08:49 AM)Cr33pin Wrote:  

I was out on a second date with a super sexy 19 year old (I smashed on the first date). Shes a cool girl by all accounts really and quite a "firecracker" in the bedroom. However on the second date we were at a restaurant and a small kid a few tables over starts to cry and be a little loud and she looks at me and says "I hate kids, I'm never having kids!" an it was one of the more unattractive things I've experienced in recent memory. It's not really a uncommon theme amongst younger girls these days, its certainly not the first time I've herd it. However for whatever reason this time it really chipped away at my soul. I just smiled and responded "solo gatos?" (only cats) she laughed and said yes.... I'll still see her on occasion but I certainly view her in a totally different light now

I'm late to respond to this, but my advice is to absolutely never commit to this girl in any capacity.

Girls start with an intrinsic, passionate love of babies and little children - not necessarily a desire to have them personally, but at the very least an instinctual patience and appreciation for them and the primal cuteness they embody. It's literally hardwired into them, not something that they gain through experience and age.

If she has already lost that instinct at 19, she's fucked. It will never get better, only worse.

Currently single, but wanting to start a family within next 18 months - gework - 04-16-2019

Quote: (04-11-2019 11:23 AM)nomadbrah Wrote:  

Do a tour of Poland, Hungary, Ukraine

Has anyone done that, but in the villages?

In light of this thread it's dawned on me it may be a very good option and maybe not too difficult.

All the girls I met have been from cities and they have ideas of career. If they have ideas of career your ideas of running the show and living traditionally will almost definitely not be compatible with them.

Ideally I'd like to live quasi-rural, on a smallholding near the edge of a town or village in Eastern Europe, with 8 children and a maid/nanny. None of the girls I have met really wanted this.

I have a house in EE, in a hamlet where about 50 people live. This year there were some new neighbours. I was a bit taken back to start with by how poor they appeared. They had a daughter who was about 16. A typically blonde Slavo-Grecco type, good looking with a nubile body from doing chores round the home. In another iteration of reality she could end up as a Insta-thot, but chances are she'll end up marrying a builder from the village. A lot of these village girls have a nice aire about them. They're poor, but have a dignity. They tend to carry themselves quite gracefully and without ideas of being some Insta-hotty. And they have a quietness I like.

She would sit looking at me intently and when she would say a few small things to me in "school English". When she did I got the impression her parents were quite keen for her to do so. Their body language seemed to suggest she was on the market.

I experienced something similar in South Serbia. I went into a grocery shop that looked more like a garage. They realised I was foreign and asked where I was from. They came to the conclusion, "Oh, he's from France." (not the first time that's happened) and the two older women began gesturing at the younger woman, who was smiling, as if she was up for grabs.

But how realistic it is you could just swan around villages in these countries saying you're looking for a wife, not (really) speaking the language and hoping for something to come out of it - I don't know. But something like that does seem the best for a lot of us who want a more traditional existence with lots of children.

Currently single, but wanting to start a family within next 18 months - aeroektar - 04-16-2019

Quote: (04-16-2019 12:16 PM)gework Wrote:  

Quote: (04-11-2019 11:23 AM)nomadbrah Wrote:  

Do a tour of Poland, Hungary, Ukraine

Has anyone done that, but in the villages?

In light of this thread it's dawned on me it may be a very good option and maybe not too difficult.

All the girls I met have been from cities and they have ideas of career. If they have ideas of career your ideas of running the show and living traditionally will almost definitely not be compatible with them.

Ideally I'd like to live quasi-rural, on a smallholding near the edge of a town or village in Eastern Europe, with 8 children and a maid/nanny. None of the girls I have met really wanted this.

I have a house in EE, in a hamlet where about 50 people live. This year there were some new neighbours. I was a bit taken back to start with by how poor they appeared. They had a daughter who was about 16. A typically blonde Slavo-Grecco type, good looking with a nubile body from doing chores round the home. In another iteration of reality she could end up as a Insta-thot, but chances are she'll end up marrying a builder from the village. A lot of these village girls have a nice aire about them. They're poor, but have a dignity. They tend to carry themselves quite gracefully and without ideas of being some Insta-hotty. And they have a quietness I like.

She would sit looking at me intently and when she would say a few small things to me in "school English". When she did I got the impression her parents were quite keen for her to do so. Their body language seemed to suggest she was on the market.

I experienced something similar in South Serbia. I went into a grocery shop that looked more like a garage. They realised I was foreign and asked where I was from. They came to the conclusion, "Oh, he's from France." (not the first time that's happened) and the two older women began gesturing at the younger woman, who was smiling, as if she was up for grabs.

But how realistic it is you could just swan around villages in these countries saying you're looking for a wife, not (really) speaking the language and hoping for something to come out of it - I don't know. But something like that does seem the best for a lot of us who want a more traditional existence with lots of children.

That's actually what I plan on doing this summer, specifically around the Carpathian Mountains. I'm not 100% focused on settling down and finding the mother of my children yet, but it's in the back of my mind, so going forward it makes sense to tie it into my future travel plans. I'm 32 and plan on settling down by 35. I'll also consider the Western US mountain states, Appalachia, and Chile seems interesting. If I do settle outside of the US, I'll dedicate myself to becoming fluent in the local language.

For me, the location and culture have to be the first consideration, finding the right woman is secondary. A suitable woman can be found almost anywhere, but I won't settle where I don't blend in, and I wont settle where disaster is waiting to happen. I ultimately want stability. 100% safety isn't possibly, but I want to feel confident that I've put myself and my family in the best situation possible to thrive and survive.

An ideal location would be as you described, on the edge of a small town or village, over 100 miles away from any large population centers, the farther the better, with Mountains and rugger terrain in between for protection. A place with a seasonable or temperate climate, access to plenty of fresh water, wild game and fertile soil.

As far as finding the woman goes, it's not something I've put a ton of thought into, but I'm sure it will make more sense once I'm on the ground.

Currently single, but wanting to start a family within next 18 months - Feyoder - 04-16-2019

I've spent the last 17 years chasing girls and having meaningless sex. For what? If I married young I would have a 17 year old son! I'd be a family man.

I want to be less dominated by my libido and to take a pause for perspective and to hopefully get "cleaned". I'm also looking for a wife.

Currently single, but wanting to start a family within next 18 months - Elmore - 04-16-2019

Quote: (04-16-2019 03:03 PM)aeroektar Wrote:  

Quote: (04-16-2019 12:16 PM)gework Wrote:  

Quote: (04-11-2019 11:23 AM)nomadbrah Wrote:  

Do a tour of Poland, Hungary, Ukraine

Has anyone done that, but in the villages?

In light of this thread it's dawned on me it may be a very good option and maybe not too difficult.

All the girls I met have been from cities and they have ideas of career. If they have ideas of career your ideas of running the show and living traditionally will almost definitely not be compatible with them.

Ideally I'd like to live quasi-rural, on a smallholding near the edge of a town or village in Eastern Europe, with 8 children and a maid/nanny. None of the girls I have met really wanted this.

I have a house in EE, in a hamlet where about 50 people live. This year there were some new neighbours. I was a bit taken back to start with by how poor they appeared. They had a daughter who was about 16. A typically blonde Slavo-Grecco type, good looking with a nubile body from doing chores round the home. In another iteration of reality she could end up as a Insta-thot, but chances are she'll end up marrying a builder from the village. A lot of these village girls have a nice aire about them. They're poor, but have a dignity. They tend to carry themselves quite gracefully and without ideas of being some Insta-hotty. And they have a quietness I like.

She would sit looking at me intently and when she would say a few small things to me in "school English". When she did I got the impression her parents were quite keen for her to do so. Their body language seemed to suggest she was on the market.

I experienced something similar in South Serbia. I went into a grocery shop that looked more like a garage. They realised I was foreign and asked where I was from. They came to the conclusion, "Oh, he's from France." (not the first time that's happened) and the two older women began gesturing at the younger woman, who was smiling, as if she was up for grabs.

But how realistic it is you could just swan around villages in these countries saying you're looking for a wife, not (really) speaking the language and hoping for something to come out of it - I don't know. But something like that does seem the best for a lot of us who want a more traditional existence with lots of children.

That's actually what I plan on doing this summer, specifically around the Carpathian Mountains. I'm not 100% focused on settling down and finding the mother of my children yet, but it's in the back of my mind, so going forward it makes sense to tie it into my future travel plans. I'm 32 and plan on settling down by 35. I'll also consider the Western US mountain states, Appalachia, and Chile seems interesting. If I do settle outside of the US, I'll dedicate myself to becoming fluent in the local language.

For me, the location and culture have to be the first consideration, finding the right woman is secondary. A suitable woman can be found almost anywhere, but I won't settle where I don't blend in, and I wont settle where disaster is waiting to happen. I ultimately want stability. 100% safety isn't possibly, but I want to feel confident that I've put myself and my family in the best situation possible to thrive and survive.

An ideal location would be as you described, on the edge of a small town or village, over 100 miles away from any large population centers, the farther the better, with Mountains and rugger terrain in between for protection. A place with a seasonable or temperate climate, access to plenty of fresh water, wild game and fertile soil.

As far as finding the woman goes, it's not something I've put a ton of thought into, but I'm sure it will make more sense once I'm on the ground.

Interesting. I'd certainly consider that region, it's awe inspiringly beautiful in parts. One thing though, it is a bit over-run with Gypsies in some regions, i'm guessing rurally. I dont have any major gripe with them, but having lived in EE see them for what they are, which frankly, is a fucking nuisance.

Currently single, but wanting to start a family within next 18 months - Iconoclast007 - 05-09-2019

You may want to look at Estonia OP. I think its a great location to find a wife and has high standards and relatively low costs of living. Also corpirate tax is zero. Free healthcare for residents. Cheap organic foods. High concentration of blue eyed blonde wife material. Feminism has not infiltrated too bad here. Very nice intl airport with easy connections to europe. Lots of clean nature.

You could buy a nice small farm in the countryside amongst rolling hills and forests. Deer and moose and boar run free. Brown trout and pike in rivers and lakes. A farmstead with a nice house will run you about 200k

Estonia could very much appeal to you wish to live in a northern european enclave of "your tribe" so to speak.

Im a 36 yr expat from USSA (Texan) . Started coming to Estonia at age 30 and now happily married and 2 beautiful healthy income is location independant. I made a concious decision to create this reality and escape the feminist imperative run and police state enforced tyrranical USSA.

Family life, here on the Russian Border is damn good if you ask me.!

Currently single, but wanting to start a family within next 18 months - MrLemon - 05-09-2019

I've read a lot of posts here but didn't see much talking about how much money you guys are bringing to the table.

Having a family is something men do when they have money to afford a family. Don't kid yourself. Women are marrying you for the meat you can put on the campfire.

Currently single, but wanting to start a family within next 18 months - Iconoclast007 - 05-10-2019

If you make over 2k per month in Eastern Europe you are in the top 10%.

Currently single, but wanting to start a family within next 18 months - aeroektar - 05-10-2019

Quote: (05-09-2019 11:36 AM)MrLemon Wrote:  

I've read a lot of posts here but didn't see much talking about how much money you guys are bringing to the table.

Having a family is something men do when they have money to afford a family. Don't kid yourself. Women are marrying you for the meat you can put on the campfire.

Only in the Clown World. 40 years ago men had kids because that's what men did. You found a way to support your family, even if it was one man earning a middle class income. Now everyone buys into what they've been told and thinks they need to make hundreds of thousands of dollars a year to raise 3 kids. It's bullshit. I think this is an overstated issue these days, most people don't know how to live within their means anymore, or demand some lavish lifestyle.