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Fitness/gym: How do you motivate yourself? - CDRhodes - 03-21-2019

I think of my kids. So many men my age are skinnyfat or just outright fat sacks of shit. They stand around with each other at events and talk about sportball or COD or whatever and actually DO nothing. I never want my kids to see me like that. I want my sons to see me as the epitome of masculinity, as I saw my dad while I was growing up. Being fit is a major part of that.

Fitness/gym: How do you motivate yourself? - asdfk - 03-25-2019

I enjoy reaching goals, the good effects
on my body and exhausting
myself physically.

The vitality I feel because of the gym is irreplaceable. However, if I didnt go for a while it takes 6 months to regain it.

Going to the gym is an easy win. My business failing? Fuck it. My girl bitching about something? Whatever.

It is like masturbation: you only need your hands and afterwards you feel satisfied and depleted.

Fitness/gym: How do you motivate yourself? - LexisNexis - 03-26-2019

Through disgust

No better motivator honestly

Fitness/gym: How do you motivate yourself? - Investment Bro - 03-26-2019

I don't give myself a choice. If I'm scheduled to lift, I'm lifting.

Motivation is a crapshoot. Discipline on the other hand, is not.

Fitness/gym: How do you motivate yourself? - Philosopher - 03-26-2019

Find yourself a nice podcast to listen to like Dan Carlin’s Hardcore History and go to a gym on a cold day so that you have the sauna or pool to look forward too.

Fitness/gym: How do you motivate yourself? - Batman_ - 03-26-2019

If I go more than a few days without lifting my mood/stress levels start to get bad. I am usually excited to go to the gym because of how much it will benefit my mental health.

No willpower/motivation involved. Pay attention to how exercise makes you feel and let that be the thing that keeps you coming back.

Fitness/gym: How do you motivate yourself? - eradicator - 03-28-2019

Try classes. (Hiit, sculpt, spin etc)

Fitness/gym: How do you motivate yourself? - flanders - 03-29-2019

Just show up every day and don't plan a rest day. Life's regular bullshit will program a rest day for you.

Fitness/gym: How do you motivate yourself? - godfather dust - 03-29-2019

Quote: (03-29-2019 07:55 PM)flanders Wrote:  

Just show up every day and don't plan a rest day. Life's regular bullshit will program a rest day for you.

I go every other day if talking about lifting. But yeah excercise every day (I've started running a hill near my apartment for example) no matter what.

Fitness/gym: How do you motivate yourself? - Rendok - 03-29-2019

Rugby World Cup starts in September, by then I have to have a body that is worthy the All Blacks jersey.

Fitness/gym: How do you motivate yourself? - Penta Sahi - 04-02-2019

[Image: attachment.jpg41549]   

Fitness/gym: How do you motivate yourself? - Trent W. - 04-07-2019

I don't need much motivation 90% of the time. I thoroughly enjoy doing my Calisthenics and look forward to it most of the time. Shit, I even think about it sometimes when doing other things!

On the occasion that I feel tired, burned out or simply bummed, I think about the one single thing that consistently happens every time I train: without any exception, I leave the gym feeling better than how I felt walking in.

That thought alone makes me get my ass off the couch and go.

Fitness/gym: How do you motivate yourself? - Fortis - 04-07-2019

I have the gym on autopilot.

Today I went and trained for fun. I had a few beers before going and treated myself to some pork ribs after.

I think you just smash it until you make it a habit. Once it becomes habitual you will feel an urge to go.

I have to make myself take days off now.

I feel like it goes beyond physique goes now. Sure, I'm bulking but now I do it because I'm curious about how strong I can get or how good I can become at certain movements that I used to suck at.

Fitness/gym: How do you motivate yourself? - StrikeBack - 04-12-2019

My 68 year old dad sending me a selfie of him with his visible abs, and his ghetto home gym setup.

My grandfather's photo from the late 40s with a male model physique.

My newborn son. While my wife was pregnant with him, I was getting extra oomph in my lifting sessions simply because I wanted to make it as hard as possible for him to beat my PBs in the future. I'm going to be training extra hard too to inspire him. It's in our blood. [Image: smile.gif]

Fitness/gym: How do you motivate yourself? - luigi - 04-12-2019

set goals and go for them

if you have been working out for years, maybe its time to change activity?

Fitness/gym: How do you motivate yourself? - joost - 04-12-2019

I’ll give my 2 cents:

Don’t need a lot of time You need to lift weights 3 times a week for around an hour (using the Starting Strength method). So it’s not a big commitment. There’s no excuse for not doing it. If you can’t find 3 hours a week to take care of “you”, you’re doing something wrong.

Go in the early morning. Wake up, eat breakfast and go to the gym. Many people prefer going to the gym after work or at night. The problem with that is that when you have a busy or crappy day, you won’t be able, or be very tired to hit the gym at all.

Find a gym nearby. If you have to drive or walk for a long period of time to get to your gym, sometimes it’s going to mess with your schedule and you will use it as an excuse to not go.

Find a friend to join you I go by myself but if you’re starting, going with a friend can help since one will motivate the other to go. Later go solo. You don’t want to be the one calling all the time to hear excuses.

Pay a little extra for a fancier gym. There was a study evaluating men’s health. They realized that when the doctor was a female, the evaluated men performed much better (like 20% more resistance). Fancier gyms tend to have prettier girls around and your performance increases. I don’t know if it’s a spike in testosterone, maybe a “show off mode” wired into our brains, etc.

eat carbs. You need energy to lift weights.

You need results. nothing worse than going to the gym and not seeing results. What I like about the Starting Strength method is that your strength increases every week. You see results fast. That’s a good motivation.
Annotate the weights!!! Use a paper/pencil or an app (I recommend Strong).

Music. It’s an obvious one. I’ve been to gyms (early in the morning) and they were listening to reggae (WTF). If your gym don’t put energetic songs in their playlist, bring your own headphones.

Some days you won’t have the energy/motivation. Go to the gym and lift lighter weights (as the previous week). Just do it.

Fitness/gym: How do you motivate yourself? - Richard Turpin - 04-16-2019

If all else fails, you can call upon the expert help of former football hardman and sometime-Hollywood actor Vinnie Jones. For an extortionate fee, he will enrol you into his ATTACK CARDIO program and proceed to frighten you into fitness!

Fitness/gym: How do you motivate yourself? - roid - 04-17-2019

Quote: (02-17-2019 02:47 AM)idane Wrote:  


To me, exercising, going to the gym, jogging etc is just plain out boring and I have a hard time motivating myself. Best option so far has been listening to music - but still, it doesn't seem to solve the motivation problem fully.

How do you motivate yourself?


if you dont like it, then dont do it. motivation is intrinsic.