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On Fighting - scotian - 01-25-2018

This thread would be way better if El Mech and Ali B were still around.

Personally I think every guy should get his ass beat at least once in his life, it builds character.

On Fighting - Dulceácido - 01-25-2018

El Mech had the best stories EVER

On Fighting - Checkmat - 01-25-2018

Got my ass beatings over with before I was 18. Jumped and beat, bullied and beaten up...There’s no reason to pursue fighting strangers in the street when you’re a grown man and have an awesome life to lose. It just isn’t worth it.

And if you’re in your 20s and have never been in a fight, I recommend training in MMA or BJJ and doing a smoker or a tournament. I do agree that no man should be untested in fighting.

On Fighting - ChefAllDay - 01-25-2018

I am a bit of a savage when it comes to standing up. Not necessarily for myself, but also for friends and others like seniors etc. I rarly actually fight, but as a righteous ? personality I don't ever put up with disrespect in public. If a dude tries to cut lane in the coffee shop I will confront him, and in many cases held him back until the people who were waiting before him get served. I am not a big dude, but I have something that makes people stop, listen and do what I say. I guess I will add I have some strong PTSD left over from my overseas time, maybe makes me look crazy when I am angry. That may play a part too. Crazy Eye.

On Fighting - churros - 01-26-2018

It's hard because shit like this stays with you. Backing down is the more rational approach, but your animal brain doesn't let you forget it. Winning a fight is a major endorphin rush, and that's why nobodies pick street fights.

On Fighting - Teep - 01-26-2018

Untrained guys have no idea how helpless they are against somebody with even 1 year of training in boxing, muay thai, or any legit martial art.

The big problem is they can't handle the adrenaline dump. They're exhausted after about 30 seconds if they dont freeze up first. They also have no head movement so their melons sitting there like a pinata. On top of all that, they don't know how to put their bodyweight into a shot. So if they do luck out and land, it's unlikely to be a ko.

It's a lamb vs. a wolf situation. And it's absolutely terrifyiing if you've been there..

With so many people taking up MMA today, the OP or anybody should really think twice before they attempt the tough guy act. Could end very badly...

On Fighting - scotian - 01-26-2018

^You’re 100% correct and other than getting older, that’s the main reason I stopped fighting, You never know who can throw you on the ground and turn you into a pretzel. This changed around 2005-2008 with the increasing popularity of UFC and so many dudes training MMA.

Also it depends where you’re from, I grew up in a small fishing village where its all about the three Fs: fishing, fighting and fucking. Everyone knows each other and if someone beaks off and gets his head smashed in, the winner will have the decency to pick the guy, shake his hand and call it a night.

I remember back when all of us east coast Canadians moved west during the oil boom 10+ years ago the newspapers were literally telling people not to pick fights in Alberta because so many were getting knifed. Guys from towns like mine would challenge a bunch of “little fellers” then get stabbed by a pack of Asian dudes because that’s what they do.

On Fighting - Laner - 01-26-2018

Quote: (01-26-2018 03:08 AM)scotian Wrote:  

^You’re 100% correct and other than getting older, that’s the main reason I stopped fighting, You never know who can throw you on the ground and turn you into a pretzel. This changed around 2005-2008 with the increasing popularity of UFC and so many dudes training MMA.

Also it depends where you’re from, I grew up in a small fishing village where its all about the three Fs: fishing, fighting and fucking. Everyone knows each other and if someone beaks off and gets his head smashed in, the winner will have the decency to pick the guy, shake his hand and call it a night.

I remember back when all of us east coast Canadians moved west during the oil boom 10+ years ago the newspapers were literally telling people not to pick fights in Alberta because so many were getting knifed. Guys from towns like mine would challenge a bunch of “little fellers” then get stabbed by a pack of Asian dudes because that’s what they do.

I got the same talking to from my dad when I moved from Alberta to BC. He said to never get in any fight in BC, because the fuckers don't know when to stop and have not been schooled in fair fights.

Sure enough, a couple months after I moved to Vancouver I was jumped by 3 guys at random. A lucky shot knocked one guys teeth out which gave the rest a pause and allowed me to get my ass out of there. I took my boxing much more serious after that.

On Fighting - hedonist - 01-26-2018

Quote: (01-26-2018 05:51 PM)Laner Wrote:  

Quote: (01-26-2018 03:08 AM)scotian Wrote:  

^You’re 100% correct and other than getting older, that’s the main reason I stopped fighting, You never know who can throw you on the ground and turn you into a pretzel. This changed around 2005-2008 with the increasing popularity of UFC and so many dudes training MMA.

Also it depends where you’re from, I grew up in a small fishing village where its all about the three Fs: fishing, fighting and fucking. Everyone knows each other and if someone beaks off and gets his head smashed in, the winner will have the decency to pick the guy, shake his hand and call it a night.

I remember back when all of us east coast Canadians moved west during the oil boom 10+ years ago the newspapers were literally telling people not to pick fights in Alberta because so many were getting knifed. Guys from towns like mine would challenge a bunch of “little fellers” then get stabbed by a pack of Asian dudes because that’s what they do.

I got the same talking to from my dad when I moved from Alberta to BC. He said to never get in any fight in BC, because the fuckers don't know when to stop and have not been schooled in fair fights.

Sure enough, a couple months after I moved to Vancouver I was jumped by 3 guys at random. A lucky shot knocked one guys teeth out which gave the rest a pause and allowed me to get my ass out of there. I took my boxing much more serious after that.

I think there is more respect for life in some 3rd world countries than Vancouver...I grew up in one of the roughest parts of Australia if not the roughest part and it always seemed to stay 1 on 1.

For any young dudes self defense training is a must these days.

On Fighting - Dulceácido - 01-26-2018

Dang. I thought this was gonna be a cool MMA clip. Kinda easy to score a "head kick knockout" when the guy's lying on his back getting the shit beat out of him.

That's tough to watch.

Why the fuck was he paying someone to kick him in the balls???

On Fighting - SteezeySteve - 01-26-2018

I notice dudes these days have no sense of honor,and that's why I avoid fighting. I've had a group of dudes jump in and start wailing on me because I went for a low single on this absolutely huge tubby 6 foot 200 pound guy...meanwhile I'm only 5 foot 6 and 140 pounds. I was just awe struck because this guy already had such a major advantage on me. Pack mentality is real,and weak dudes will jump at the opportunity to punch someone in the face if 4 of their buddies are going in to.

This is also why I plan on getting good at boxing at somepoint,its more practical for being able to nail one guy hard enough to delay the other attackers and get the fuck out of dodge.

Being able to talk yourself out of a situation is just as important for survival as being able to fight your way out...being confident because you train and have scrapped a bit is just that platform that allows you to maintain your cool while talking your way out...fighting gives you the humbleness and confidence in your own abilities to talk yourself out of a situation.

On Fighting - El Chinito loco - 01-26-2018

I think casual fighting is thought of differently depending on the country. In the U.S. people pick fights and face off all the time for stupid shit. I used to see it all the time when I would go out to various L.A. clubs. This is especially true after hours when people are milling around in the parking lot or on the sidewalk.

I don't think this differs much from various english speaking western countries where there's a culture of a lot of amped up and thirsty macho dudes.

However, if you get into people's faces a lot in some asian countries it could end very badly. People view it as more personal because social etiquette and disrespect is thought of differently.

It's not unusual for someone to get pissed and come back with a huge group of friends, knives, or even a gun in some southeast asian countries to settle it...permanently. Plus if you end up getting seriously injured there's a good chance whoever stitched you up will get away with it. I've seen this happen first hand a couple times too. In my decade now of living abroad i've rarely seen fights out and about in asia but when shit does go down it tends to be pretty chaotic.

On Fighting - SteezeySteve - 01-26-2018

For the older cats not aware slap boxing is considered fine quality sport in high school hallways these days. Two dudes love tapping each other wildly and usually it looks soy as fuck and nobody is actually slapped. I was always disgusted by it when I watched it because I've never seen something so pussy and my friends would play "kill each other" in our front yards,and when we got older we'd add a ball and play smear the queer, but I guess if you never had that this is a decent substitute.

For harmless fun locker boxing is way better.

I figure a lot of kids in my generation didn't have this stuff growing up so i'd say I'm lucky to come from the hood that I did. Always debating and testing when there was no honor and the line had been crossed.

Although i'll admit past generations probably had it tougher than we played.

On Fighting - Kona - 01-26-2018

I don't get in fights anymore. I'm just too old, and like my assets lien-free.

Recently, my concealed carry permit expired, and with the change in laws I cannot really get another one.

I swear, since this happened, everybody is messing with me. Just last weekend some guy at a bar flashed one of those keychain spike things at me. Instead of becoming enraged, I found myself saddened. I walked away thinking "damn, i could have shot that guy. Nothing ever goes my way."


On Fighting - Teep - 01-26-2018

Quote: (01-26-2018 09:53 PM)SteezeySteve Wrote:  

I notice dudes these days have no sense of honor,and that's why I avoid fighting. I've had a group of dudes jump in and start wailing on me because I went for a low single on this absolutely huge tubby 6 foot 200 pound guy...meanwhile I'm only 5 foot 6 and 140 pounds. I was just awe struck because this guy already had such a major advantage on me. Pack mentality is real,and weak dudes will jump at the opportunity to punch someone in the face if 4 of their buddies are going in to.

This is also why I plan on getting good at boxing at somepoint,its more practical for being able to nail one guy hard enough to delay the other attackers and get the fuck out of dodge.

Being able to talk yourself out of a situation is just as important for survival as being able to fight your way out...being confident because you train and have scrapped a bit is just that platform that allows you to maintain your cool while talking your way out...fighting gives you the humbleness and confidence in your own abilities to talk yourself out of a situation.

Nothing pisses me off more than dishonorable fights.

A couple months back I saw 3 Mexican dudes wailing on a white kid who couldn't have been older than 16.

I didn't know the kid or who started it. But the lack of honor sent me into a rage! Grabbed one of them..headbutted him and let his unconscious body drop. I kneed the 2nd one in the face so hard...had a tooth embed in my knee cap. And the 3rd one blitzed.

In hindsight, it was retarded. They all could have had knives. But I'm not gonna felt good.

On Fighting - Dulceácido - 01-26-2018

I can't remember the last time I saw a "fair" fight that wasn't in sports competition. It's like dudes these days feel like it's obligatory to jump in or your friends are going to shame you later.

But in that video above of the "head kick knockout" there were so many wretched things that happened. Bunch of dudes on one dude. They take the boots to him when he's down (we never did that--dude goes down, he's down, fights over). Then to kick a helpless dude's head like a fucking soccer ball when he was clearly beaten. Geesh! Those thugs need to be rounded up and summarily executed.

On Fighting - Leonard D Neubache - 01-26-2018

Quote: (01-26-2018 10:20 PM)Kona Wrote:  

I don't get in fights anymore. I'm just too old, and like my assets lien-free.

Recently, my concealed carry permit expired, and with the change in laws I cannot really get another one.

I swear, since this happened, everybody is messing with me. Just last weekend some guy at a bar flashed one of those keychain spike things at me. Instead of becoming enraged, I found myself saddened. I walked away thinking "damn, i could have shot that guy. Nothing ever goes my way."


Then you got into your BMW M4 and cried all the way home while Mr Keychainspike took the bus back to his filthy apartment.

There is no God.

On Fighting - Teep - 01-26-2018

Quote: (01-26-2018 10:53 PM)Dulceácido Wrote:  

I can't remember the last time I saw a "fair" fight that wasn't in sports competition. It's like dudes these days feel like it's obligatory to jump in or your friends are going to shame you later.

But in that video above of the "head kick knockout" there were so many wretched things that happened. Bunch of dudes on one dude. They take the boots to him when he's down (we never did that--dude goes down, he's down, fights over). Then to kick a helpless dude's head like a fucking soccer ball when he was clearly beaten. Geesh! Those thugs need to be rounded up and summarily executed.

I spent part of my childhood in Europe, and part in the U.S. On both sides of the Atlantic, it was universally accepted that a fight was supposed to be 1-on-1. It's just part of the Western ethos.

It was the only the more recent arrivals (ie..non-whites) that behaved like a pack of hyenas.

I'd add that seeing that behavior was of the things that drove my politics right-ward. I was very libertarian..almost liberal...until I witnessed the tribalism that exists in other ethnic groups and in other parts of the world.

On Fighting - Cane Toad - 01-26-2018

99 per cent of bar fights are just about being drunk, jealous shit, showing off to girls, etc

If you find yourself outside of the 99 per cent...then you are in deep shit.

You have only two options...1. run, 2. fight....if you choose to fight you better be good. You will have about 5 seconds to take out your opponent and then you need to exit.

Bullshit about guys lasting 30 seconds, it happens in 3 seconds.

And boxing, MMA, kung-fu, karate doesn't mean's that 3 second window that matters. You know it when you need to.

Like Bruce Lee said... do not hit. It hits all by itself

On Fighting - Teep - 01-26-2018

Bruce Lee was an actor - not the martial arts beast he's made out to be. And wing chin, his base, is right up there with aikido in the bullshido rankings.

The 3 second fight is a myth that gets tossed around a lot. It's actually surprisingly difficuilt to KO someone (sneak attacks aside).

Factor in with bar fights both parties are usually intoxicated. It's also bare knuckle so you can't punch nearly as hard.

If you read up on the legendary bare knuckle fight of old (pre Queensbury Rules), those fights would often go on for HOURS. The ko percentage was far lower than it is today with gloved fighting.

Knees are the best way to end a fight quickly. Even a granite chin can rarely survive a good knee.

On Fighting - Dulceácido - 01-26-2018

Quote: (01-26-2018 11:06 PM)Teep Wrote:  

Quote: (01-26-2018 10:53 PM)Dulceácido Wrote:  

I can't remember the last time I saw a "fair" fight that wasn't in sports competition. It's like dudes these days feel like it's obligatory to jump in or your friends are going to shame you later.

But in that video above of the "head kick knockout" there were so many wretched things that happened. Bunch of dudes on one dude. They take the boots to him when he's down (we never did that--dude goes down, he's down, fights over). Then to kick a helpless dude's head like a fucking soccer ball when he was clearly beaten. Geesh! Those thugs need to be rounded up and summarily executed.

I spent part of my childhood in Europe, and part in the U.S. On both sides of the Atlantic, it was universally accepted that a fight was supposed to be 1-on-1. It's just part of the Western ethos.

It was the only the more recent arrivals (ie..non-whites) that behaved like a pack of hyenas.

I'd add that seeing that behavior was of the things that drove my politics right-ward. I was very libertarian..almost liberal...until I witnessed the tribalism that exists in other ethnic groups and in other parts of the world.

Agreed. Though, I must say that as a young child I lived in the "projects"--government housing (i.e. only two white families in this sprawling ghetto)--and I had only one white friend. All my other friends were black. Everyone got into fights all the time and they didn't behave like the guys these days. There was never a "gang" style assault. I could estimate that I saw 3 fights/week (or was involved in) and I never witnessed the pack behavior of these days.

I wish I could put my finger on the exact when/why everything changed and now we're stuck with this bullshit.

On Fighting - Cane Toad - 01-26-2018

(In a bar) It's not about the KO, it's about the shock/impact, Sure, you can stand your ground and punch on - but I'd rather just GTF outa there.

On Fighting - Laner - 01-27-2018

Quote: (01-26-2018 09:43 PM)hedonist Wrote:  

Quote: (01-26-2018 05:51 PM)Laner Wrote:  

Quote: (01-26-2018 03:08 AM)scotian Wrote:  

^You’re 100% correct and other than getting older, that’s the main reason I stopped fighting, You never know who can throw you on the ground and turn you into a pretzel. This changed around 2005-2008 with the increasing popularity of UFC and so many dudes training MMA.

Also it depends where you’re from, I grew up in a small fishing village where its all about the three Fs: fishing, fighting and fucking. Everyone knows each other and if someone beaks off and gets his head smashed in, the winner will have the decency to pick the guy, shake his hand and call it a night.

I remember back when all of us east coast Canadians moved west during the oil boom 10+ years ago the newspapers were literally telling people not to pick fights in Alberta because so many were getting knifed. Guys from towns like mine would challenge a bunch of “little fellers” then get stabbed by a pack of Asian dudes because that’s what they do.

I got the same talking to from my dad when I moved from Alberta to BC. He said to never get in any fight in BC, because the fuckers don't know when to stop and have not been schooled in fair fights.

Sure enough, a couple months after I moved to Vancouver I was jumped by 3 guys at random. A lucky shot knocked one guys teeth out which gave the rest a pause and allowed me to get my ass out of there. I took my boxing much more serious after that.

I think there is more respect for life in some 3rd world countries than Vancouver...I grew up in one of the roughest parts of Australia if not the roughest part and it always seemed to stay 1 on 1.

For any young dudes self defense training is a must these days.

Realize that its not the about growing up 'rough'. If that were the case, rural Canada would be dangerous as fuck.

No, its the bored that create the danger. None of these guys headstomping a downed man are doing so to diffuse danger to them or their friends. They are only doing it for story, and a story that gets more 'dangerous' every time its told.

Most of the Granville violence comes from a upper middle class kids who live in the suburbs. They are desperate for meaning and purpose, and this type of brutal cowardly fighting is their way to fill it.

On Fighting - Cane Toad - 01-27-2018

Quote: (01-26-2018 09:43 PM)hedonist Wrote:  

I grew up in one of the roughest parts of Australia if not the roughest

Ok, that sounds interesting...tell us some stories

On Fighting - Leonard D Neubache - 01-27-2018

Quote: (01-27-2018 12:31 AM)Laner Wrote:  


Realize that its not the about growing up 'rough'. If that were the case, rural Canada would be dangerous as fuck.

No, its the bored that create the danger. None of these guys headstomping a downed man are doing so to diffuse danger to them or their friends. They are only doing it for story, and a story that gets more 'dangerous' every time its told.

Most of the Granville violence comes from a upper middle class kids who live in the suburbs. They are desperate for meaning and purpose, and this type of brutal cowardly fighting is their way to fill it.

It's racial and it's class. Lower class whites knew when to call it a day because fights were routine but if you stomped in some kid's head then one day his dad was going to pull up beside you on the street and dump two barrels of buckshot in to your guts.

Lower class non-whites don't give a fuck. They don't see down the road that far, and when one of theirs catches that 12 gauge the rest just shrug and accept it as a part of life.

Middle/Upper class whites on the other hand have had no initiation into violence and don't understand how it starts or where it stops. They love their adopted street culture and absorb rap music like morons then think they "get it". They're so desperate for street cred they end up acting like those same lower class non-whites, right down to the total risk avoidance of five guys jumping some random dude out of the blue.

The difference is that they don't go back to the state housing districts and catch that 12G. Daddy moves them to another state and they come back for the court dates with a high priced lawyer before getting community service that they never bother to attend.