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The YouTube censorship thread - weambulance - 08-03-2017

Well they can't stop people using VPNs unless they are willing to spend quite a bit of time and money on the enforcement effort. Even if the local ISPs block known VPN IPs it's pretty easy to set up your own VPN in the cloud these days.

How draconian is Germany planning to become to try to control the flow information? Maybe they'll take a leaf out of North Korea's book soon.

The YouTube censorship thread - Belgrano - 08-03-2017

Quote: (08-03-2017 02:51 AM)Zelcorpion Wrote:  

Quote: (08-03-2017 02:41 AM)BoiBoi Wrote:  

The funny thing is that I spoke to several Germans about it and they were all in favor of the new law. All of them would self-describe as left leaning. Go figure.

They will all be in favor of it until the new Stasi puts their daughter in a re-education camp in the future.

You think so?

Well, if Solzhenitsyn and "The Gulag Archipelago" is to be believed, then a lot of people in the Soviet Union still zealously defended their government and the system even after they themselves were sent to the gulag. (To the great amusement and disbelief of their fellow inmates.)
"I'm not worried. I am sure it's just a mistake that will soon be corrected! Just wait and see, comrade."

Go figure.

The YouTube censorship thread - Simeon_Strangelight - 08-03-2017

Quote: (08-03-2017 09:16 AM)Belgrano Wrote:  

Quote: (08-03-2017 02:51 AM)Zelcorpion Wrote:  

Quote: (08-03-2017 02:41 AM)BoiBoi Wrote:  

The funny thing is that I spoke to several Germans about it and they were all in favor of the new law. All of them would self-describe as left leaning. Go figure.

They will all be in favor of it until the new Stasi puts their daughter in a re-education camp in the future.

You think so?

Well, if Solzhenitsyn and "The Gulag Archipelago" is to be believed, then a lot of people in the Soviet Union still zealously defended their government and the system even after they themselves were sent to the gulag. (To the great amusement and disbelief of their fellow inmates.)
"I'm not worried. I am sure it's just a mistake that will soon be corrected! Just wait and see, comrade."

Go figure.

You may be right -
in the future they will accept being chipped to protect themselves from Islamic terrorism that is never named as such.

In the future they will gladly accept their financial haircuts - bailins of their bank accounts.

And they will gladly accept the austerity, the power "brownouts" and the super-high living costs because they will be told that they are "saving mother earth from global warming". They will live in their little city-cubicles, go to their mandatory monthly vaccinations and wait until death comes for them.

It is as some communist leaders have said:

"Communism is socialism in a hurry."

[Image: newsweek-cover-we-are-all-socialists.jpg]

Restriction of freedom of speech and restriction of statements going counter to the state propaganda belongs to the socialist pillars.

The YouTube censorship thread - Foolsgo1d - 08-03-2017

This is like a work of fiction coming true and we're living the bits where the author fills you in on the previous 5 decades that led to the point in the book.

The tax burden is going to increase too and as we know those taxes will go to new organisations that will spring up to monitor, control and distribute material like what we see with the Open Society whilst depressing and eliminating sources which contradict the narrative they want to push.

Will Germany create no fly lists into Germany and possibly around other EU states for instigators?

The YouTube censorship thread - Simeon_Strangelight - 08-03-2017

< No fly lists - certainly.

In addition Germany's NetzDG encompasses taking your driving license away indefinitely - probably for life, if you post a "hate-speech" comment. That comment may be a quote by Winston Churchill, a quote of the Quran or a particularly bloody set of Hadiths etc. Essentially hate speech is simply any dissenting speech of the current mainstream postmodernist multicultural gender push.

Also keep in mind - that this is just the current year 2017 level of indoctrination.

[Image: 2d25c7efe7324d00544f8ba682db3e33.jpg]

IN 2007 it was fine for a gay man to make jokes about gays or transgenders.

In 2017 that same joke is hate speech.

In 2017 you also cannot say that transgenders are probably mentally sick and rather need psychiatric help and not an operation.

In 2027 the same hate-speech laws might encompass them saying that a 5yo girl not only has the right to take male hormones, but her "UN right of a child" includes her right to have sex with whoever she wishes to. And if she decides to go suck a 50yo man's cock, then that is her given right of the year 2027 level of "freedom".

And in truth - if she can take hormones, then why can't she have sex with whoever she wants?

And I am not kidding about this - this is the plan for sure. It may take until 2037, but it will happen.

The YouTube censorship thread - redpillage - 08-03-2017

Quote: (08-03-2017 11:34 AM)Zelcorpion Wrote:  

In 2027 the same hate-speech laws might encompass them saying that a 5yo girl not only has the right to take male hormones, but her "UN right of a child" includes her right to have sex with whoever she wishes to. And if she decides to go suck a 50yo man's cock, then that is her given right of the year 2027 level of "freedom".

The YouTube censorship thread - Leonard D Neubache - 08-03-2017

I still say there will be bloodshed in the extreme before parents are forced by the state to accept paedophiles fucking their child. That will always remain the bogeyman the left dangles in front of cuckservatives to make them think they've staved off total collapse. "At least they're not fucking our kids yet, right?"

The entire premise of left wing political creep is that it never affects the cuckservative too drastically on a personal level. He might see his society slipping into decay but nobody is burning down his house or slitting his throat except in tiny numbers driven by the Left's barbarian pets.

State-forced paedophilia breaks that rule, and even cuckservatives would get off the bench and do murder to protect their children or grand-children from that fate, either by gutting the pedo in question or the congress-clown responsible for signing the bill.

People that have kids understand this inherently.

The YouTube censorship thread - RexImperator - 08-25-2017

Quote:Bloomberg Wrote:

Starting on Thursday, Google will police YouTube like it never has before, adding warnings and disabling advertising on videos that the company determines crosses its new threshold for offensive content.

YouTube isn’t removing the selected videos, but is instead setting new restrictions on viewing, sharing and making money on them. A note detailing the changes will go to producers of the affected videos on Thursday, according to a spokeswoman for the Alphabet Inc. company.

Google outlined these moves in June, but the implementation comes as debate about extremism and political speech is front-and-center in the national spotlight -- and when tech giants like Google and Facebook Inc. face deeper scrutiny over how they moderate information distributed through their digital services.

"These videos will have less engagement and be harder to find," Kent Walker, Google’s general counsel, wrote about the plans in a June blog post. "This strikes the right balance between free expression and access to information without promoting extremely offensive viewpoints." A Google spokeswoman declined to comment further on the changes.

The new restrictions, which target what Walker called "inflammatory religious or supremacist content," are expected to hit a small fraction of videos, according to person familiar with the company. YouTube says it uploads over 400 hours of video a minute. Videos tagged by its new policy won’t be able to run ads or have comments posted, and won’t appear in any recommended lists on the video site. A warning screen will also appear before the videos, which will not be able to play when embedded on external websites. YouTube will let video creators contest the restrictions through an appeals process, a spokeswoman said.

The world’s largest video service has changed its policies several times this year. In March, Google introduced new software and staffers to monitor videos after a slew of marketers pledged to pull YouTube spending over concern their ads were running alongside extremist content.

Google added new features to restrict YouTube ads the following month. Executives claimed the number of impacted videos was minute, yet stressed that neither humans nor artificial intelligence systems could ensure YouTube is entirely free of controversial videos. A recent example of the challenge: YouTube recently reinstated thousands of videos documenting violence in Syria after civic groups criticized the company for pulling them earlier, arguing the footage could be used as documentation in war crime prosecutions.

Earlier this month, YouTube said more than 75 percent of videos removed for violating its policies were flagged by its new software before human intervention. With its latest policy, YouTube is targeting trickier borderline content, such as videos that espouse Holocaust denial theories and clips from white supremacist David Duke.

"YouTube doesn’t allow hate speech or content that promotes or incites violence," the Thursday letter to YouTube creators reads, according to a copy viewed by Bloomberg News. "In some cases, flagged videos that do not clearly breach the Community Guidelines but whose content is potentially controversial or offensive may remain up, but with some features disabled."

In the wake of a white supremacist rally in Charlottesville, Virginia, earlier this month, several tech companies, including Google, Facebook and Airbnb Inc., have taken steps to cut associated people and groups off their platforms.

TLDR: Because Charlottesville, we need internet censorship


The YouTube censorship thread - Handsome Creepy Eel - 08-25-2017

Sounds like y'all need some Sherman Antitrust Act.

The YouTube censorship thread - Roosh - 08-25-2017


The YouTube censorship thread - John Michael Kane - 08-25-2017

We're not censoring you, we're just putting you in a locked-down internet ghetto. Aren't we so tolerant?

[Image: Internet_censorship.gif]

The YouTube censorship thread - Roosh - 08-25-2017

Test embed of censored video:

The YouTube censorship thread - redpillage - 08-25-2017

Quote: (08-25-2017 11:44 AM)Handsome Creepy Eel Wrote:  

Sounds like y'all need some Sherman Antitrust Act.

Here in Europe we don't even have anything resembling the bill of rights, any vestiges of free speech have been long abandoned.

In less than quarter of a century the European Union evolved from a loose gathering of economic participants into a fascist super state. Well done!

The United States now is one of the few places on earth were free speech still [theoretically] exists. If we/you/I don't fight for it tooth and nail I guarantee you that it will be lost in less than a generation.

The YouTube censorship thread - redpillage - 08-25-2017

Quote: (08-25-2017 02:32 PM)Roosh Wrote:  

Test embed of censored video:

[Image: attachment.jpg37454]   

Throughout human modern history was there ever a time when feelings took priority over empirical evidence and proven facts?

The YouTube censorship thread - Simeon_Strangelight - 08-25-2017

Quote: (08-25-2017 02:39 PM)redpillage Wrote:  

Quote: (08-25-2017 02:32 PM)Roosh Wrote:  

Test embed of censored video:

Throughout human modern history was there ever a time when feelings took priority over empirical evidence and proven facts?

Yup - it has begun.

The funny thing is that the the 2 biggest factors of individual success in life are:

1) Intelligence - very high correlation
2) Conscientiousness
a) Industriousness - being the way more important factor
b) Orderliness - correlation to success is less obvious

Sooner or later even those videos will be restricted and later taken down.

The funny part is that if you absolutely ignore this matter and treat the 87-95 IQ family with the same measuring stick as the 120-140 IQ, then you are doing a great disservice.

Peterson has it right - both conservatives as well as liberals are wrong. "Working hard" alone is not going to solve the low IQ family's problem and neither is the mantra of the liberals who claim that it is just social circumstance that will catapult the 90 IQ man into higher academia or the top in business, corporate world or even a profession like acting, professional painting or music (many if not almost all high-level artists are also high-IQ).

Now regarding race - ignoring the issue is also doing a disservice. Since obviously high-IQ Africans in the 140+ range and beyond exist, all we need to do it is to replicate the Ashkenazi intellectual breeding coupled with modern knowledge about nutrition, lack of toxins during childhood etc.

The same processes could be applied to Whites and Asians to raise their IQs collectively to over 112 and beyond.

Either way - that is a different topic - the globalists have decided to repeat the liberal mantra of all being equal and to force 95 IQ engineers into positions in which they will fail miserably until this idiocracy society collapses.

The YouTube censorship thread - ivansirko - 08-25-2017

Quote: (08-25-2017 02:32 PM)Roosh Wrote:  

Test embed of censored video:

"Certain features have been disabled for this video
In response to user reports, we have disabled some features, such as comments, sharing, and suggested videos, because this video contains content that may be inappropriate or offensive to some audiences."

I can't even see who made the video.

The YouTube censorship thread - Sidney Crosby - 08-25-2017

I'd like to see someone start a new youtube, anything goes except a couple things such a child porn etc.

I wonder what the initial start up costs would be?

The YouTube censorship thread - PapayaTapper - 08-25-2017

Quote: (08-25-2017 05:47 PM)Sidney Crosby Wrote:  

I'd like to see someone start a new youtube, anything goes except a couple things such a child porn etc.

I wonder what the initial start up costs would be?

Your life

The YouTube censorship thread - Corollary - 08-25-2017

Quote: (08-25-2017 05:47 PM)Sidney Crosby Wrote:  

I'd like to see someone start a new youtube, anything goes except a couple things such a child porn etc.

I wonder what the initial start up costs would be?

Most of the engineering effort for a site like YouTube is for handling hundreds of millions of users. To build a YouTube clone with no users would be cheap and could be done quickly.

The hard part is convincing enough people to post videos on a new platform so it could become comparable to YouTube in reach.

The YouTube censorship thread - beta_plus - 08-25-2017

You know who else like mixing corporatism with socialism?

Yeah, that's right.

There was a video a while back when one of the first waves of YouTube demonitization occurred with Paul Joseph Watson and someone else who I can't remember.

They pointed out that not only were right wing videos being hit, but guys like PewDiePie (who was until that point apolitical) and Philip DeFranco (who is generally left wing) were as well. At the same time, corporate channels like CNN were not touched at all. They theorized that part of the censorship of hate speech, while obviously meant to silence the right, was also to censor YouTube personalities who were destroying established media companies with their huge followings.

While we should obviously worry about the free speech implications of this, we need to worry that this may very will be a corporatatist move as well.

This marriage between Big Statism and Big NewMedia is really disturbing.

I'm a small gov free marketer, but I now am beginning to understand just why anti-trust laws are necessary. I don't mind big corporations making "too much money" and that argument never persuaded me. I do mind when they get so powerful that they genuinely threaten to take away people's rights and freedoms. This looks a lot like that.

The YouTube censorship thread - redpillage - 08-26-2017

So let me get this right. 'Race Differences In Intelligence' is considered inappropriate or offensive. But this ISIS promotional video is just fine for public consumption:

What really gets me is that there is NOT A PEEP about this from anyone in the main stream but also alternative media. Youtube should be incessantly shamed about their moderation and censorship policies. Looks like an easy target to me.

The YouTube censorship thread - Roosh - 08-26-2017

[Image: attachment.jpg37461]   

The YouTube censorship thread - John Michael Kane - 08-26-2017

The ADL has a long and sordid history of censoring white people, Arabs, Armenians, conservatives, libertarians, masculinity, anti-phagotry and so on. They are the living, breathing stereotype of the SHUT IT DOWN Jew.

The YouTube censorship thread - redpillage - 08-26-2017

That's it. We need a new/different platform. Something that indexes content and provides commenting capabilities mixed with a distributed bittorrent style video distribution system. If I wasn't already working 12 hour days seven days a week I would jump on this. Would be rather surprised though if there wasn't already a crew of sharp kids implementing just that.

Youtube has to die. We can bitch and complain about them all day but as long as we keep uploading and consuming content there we are basically guilty of feeding the beast.

The YouTube censorship thread - Roosh - 08-26-2017

I uploaded a test video to Bitchute, which mainly uses torrent technology to display videos. Seems to work well:

Main drawback so far is that I don't see a way to embed videos.