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Ukraine impressions right now - Roosh - 06-16-2011


In just happy I was able to see the signs before pulling out my credit card

Now I know you hit on girls who were fresh off the boat, but I don't think you can duplicate an experience of hitting on girls in their country with hitting on them in yours. Things will be different, even if those differences are minor.

That said, I will eventually be pulling out my credit card and seeing what the deal is.

Ukraine impressions right now - Brian - 06-16-2011

how long are you there for? do you tell girls you will be leaving soon?

Ukraine impressions right now - psyrus - 06-16-2011

I recall a piece on NPR regarding Ukraine's fight against Russian influence a few years ago. One of the leading pop stars was an advisor to the president to promote Ukrainian-language music on the country's pop stations.

Also, NPR cited that ethnic Russians outnumber Ukrainians in the Crimean peninsula. So you may have better luck gaming in Russian down there.

Ukraine impressions right now - Sonsowey - 06-17-2011

Thing about Ukraine is that linguistically, it's pretty divided. I have Ukrainian neighbors who speak Russian, whose attitude is, ''Ukranian is something we had to study in school, I don't really remember any of it, it wasn't important''

With the imperial history between Russia and Ukraine, it's no wonder people who speak Ukranian don't care to speak Russian, since they probably learned it in schools that forced all sorts of imperialistic BS down their throats.

English speakers are LUCKY that they can go to lots of parts of the world and find girls so interested in English that they don't eve need to learn the local language. It's really fucking arrogant to be shocked that not EVERY part of the world has a hardon for gringos.

If you want to hit on Ukranian speakers, speak Ukranian, or go to the Russian speaking part and speak Russian. Just don't complain that you can't get pussy speaking English to someone in Ukraine. That's a ridiculous attitude.

[Image: ukraine-linguistic-division.jpg]

Ukraine impressions right now - Hooligan Harry - 06-17-2011

Quote: (06-16-2011 10:35 AM)MiXX Wrote:  

Quote: (06-16-2011 09:49 AM)Entropy4 Wrote:  

I know some basic Russian. So we'll see if that changes anything (in many countries it does).

Don't bet on it. They are PROUD to NOT speak Russian or pretend they don't. I learned basic Russian and not once dod I get a smile for my efforts.


Jesus, I dont know. That place was paradise for me. I can speak a little Russian though and I understand the culture a bit more I guess. You cant game those women like you do western broads, they will think you retarded.

Have you been to the Ukraine yet Mixx? What are you basing this on? There are parts of the Ukraine where they dont even speak Ukrainian, they speak Russian only. The closer you get to Poland the more they speak Ukrainian. You cannot compare how women react abroad to the way they react at home, that is a fools game Im afraid.

Its also important to remember that they are going through what they "Ukranianization", which is basically encouraging the people, predominantly in the capitals, to be pro Ukraine and anti old school Russia too, so its instilling a sense of national pride in them and that is something to be encouraged too.

Now when it comes to meeting women in Kiev, its also important to remember that the place has been turned into a sex tourist mecca over the last 20 years. Its something the local men and women feel a great deal of shame about, but its also something that has led to a lot of anger. So when she finds out you are on holiday, and she sees you hitting on or flirting with a lot of women, the first thing she does is classify you as a potential sex tourist. (which you are boys, you not going there for the arts and culture are you?) Which means that if her friends or people she knows see her with a foreigner, they think she could be turning tricks.

Another thing to consider is that many dont speak English. They are not going to bother with you if their English is very poor.

To make matters worse, if you are a Latino then you look like a Turk or Caucasian to them (not white, from Georgia or one of the Stans is Caucasian to them) and they have been the biggest pests when the Italians have not been spoiling it for everyone. So it does depend on how dark you are. If you look Spanish or Italian, no trainsmash. If you look more Turkish, then you need to work a bit harder.

Its a great place to pull, but you need to turn to the darkside a little when you are there. You are not on holiday, you are out on business. Or you are looking for an apartment, you need to move there for a year or so. Or you are stationed there for 6 months now, possibly more, and trying to get a feel for the place. Or you are visiting family in the countryside and came down for a little bit of fun.

Those women are DESPERATE for dick, but they are not going to be seen as whores to get it.

Ukrainian women are for me right up there with being the best women in the world overall. Looks, demeanour, attitudes, the works

If you think you are going to be treated like a rockstar because you are a foreigner, you are dreaming. Thats not going to happen in any major capital cities. If you hit up the smaller towns and villages, then you are going to be crushing ass. Thats not even possible though unless you can speak the language.

Ukraine impressions right now - K-man - 06-17-2011

Let me chime in that I've banged several Ukrainians all of whom I picked up in Russian. None have tried to pull that "proud to speak only Ukrainian" shit. That was a few years ago, however. Has this phenomenon emerged after their political turmoil and the gas war with Russia in 2009?

My conversational Russian is pretty fluent, although not always grammatically correct. This has been probably the single hugest factor for whatever success I've had with Russian, Belorussian, and Ukrainian girls. I remember one time a summer exchange student told me (after I banged her) "I liked you from the start, but I heard you talking to your friend with an American accent, and I said to myself "why bother"?" - but then I chatted her up in Russian and she immediately warmed up.

Ukraine impressions right now - Entropy4 - 06-17-2011

Hooligan Harry speaks wise words. This was a huge factor in Buenos Aires as well. Tons of gringos go there for the prostitutes, and some Argentinian girls told me towards the end of my time there that most of the women there assume that's why gringos approach them in the clubs. They have a lot of pride and don't want to be some gringo's weekend fuck-toy like the rest of the whores.

To Mixx and NN: with all due respect, as someone who lived in St. Petersburg and studied Russian 4+ hours a day for a month, Pimsleur and basic courses you buy in the states do absolute shit for that language. You may as well speak nothing. Also, I agree with Roosh that talking to girls in the US often in no way reflects the actual situation on the ground.

I'll be hitting Odessa next week. We'll see how things go...

Ukraine impressions right now - The Duke - 06-17-2011

Quote: (06-17-2011 05:08 AM)Entropy4 Wrote:  

I'll be hitting Odessa next week. We'll see how things go...

Please let us know how Odessa is for you.

Ukraine impressions right now - Brazmerican - 06-17-2011

Quote: (06-17-2011 05:08 AM)Entropy4 Wrote:  

To Mixx and NN: with all due respect, as someone who lived in St. Petersburg and studied Russian 4+ hours a day for a month, Pimsleur and basic courses you buy in the states do absolute shit for that language. You may as well speak nothing. Also, I agree with Roosh that talking to girls in the US often in no way reflects the actual situation on the ground.

Do you have a better suggestion then? I'm also going to Odessa in about a month, and started Rosetta Stone Russian. And before you say it, no, I don't expect to be fluent by then, but I'd like to have some basic conversational skills.

Ukraine impressions right now - Hooligan Harry - 06-17-2011

Odessa is pretty tough to do with minimal Russian, very little English spoken there.

Now in saying that, I think some of the most beautiful women in the Ukraine are from that region. My suggestion would be to hit up something like, and line them up before you get there. That way you can find the ones that do speak english. If you approach on the street, you could speak to 40 before you find one who speaks English.

Oh, and just remember, some bullshit along the lines of

1. You are on business and coming out to view apartments, or...
2. You are moving to Kiev, but want to see Odessa, or...
3. You are looking to open offices there.

Expect to pay for them a little. Dinners, that sort of shit. Some are happy to fuck a tourist though.

Ukraine impressions right now - Yams - 06-17-2011

Quote: (06-17-2011 02:15 AM)Hooligan Harry Wrote:  

Its a great place to pull, but you need to turn to the darkside a little when you are there. You are not on holiday, you are out on business. Or you are looking for an apartment, you need to move there for a year or so. Or you are stationed there for 6 months now, possibly more, and trying to get a feel for the place. Or you are visiting family in the countryside and came down for a little bit of fun.

This is spot on and the reason why I stay in apartments instead of hotels when traveling. For many places you have to have a good justification for being there or else you will get the "tourist" label stamped on you and will be dead in the water after that.

There are plenty of other places that are good for short term partying (i.e. Cancun, Ibiza, Ayia napa, etc.) but the more obscure places in the east would require you to be a lot more immersed in their culture in order to reap the rewards.

Ukraine impressions right now - Entropy4 - 06-17-2011

Quote: (06-17-2011 06:58 AM)Brazmerican Wrote:  

Do you have a better suggestion then? I'm also going to Odessa in about a month, and started Rosetta Stone Russian. And before you say it, no, I don't expect to be fluent by then, but I'd like to have some basic conversational skills.

There are a number of Russian teachers who give online lessons over Skype. They're pretty easy to find over Google or even YouTube. I haven't used them, but as with any language, the best way to learn it by far is with a teacher.

I downloaded Pimsleur and bought a little Berlitz book a few months before I went to Russia. I did about 15-20 of the Pimsleur lessons and studied the first few chapters of Berlitz. Russian/Ukrainian girls I met in the states were impressed that I could throw out little things like "I want to buy a beer," or whatever. But as soon as I got to Russia, I couldn't say a goddamn thing to anyone. It was borderline worthless. I learned more Russian in two days with my teacher there than I did with 20-30 hours studying Pimsleur and Berlitz. The way the language is constructed, you have to know the grammar to make any sense to anyone.

I kept my textbook that my teacher gave me there and continue to work through it on my own for about an hour a day. But I imagine I'm going to have to get some Skype lessons later this year if I want to nail Russian.

I absolutely agree with everyone who says that knowing a girl's native language is a HUGE leg up. But Russian isn't like Spanish/Portuguese/Italian in that you can say speak reasonably well within a month and be almost fluent after 3 months. Russian you need 1-2 months minimum of hard study to even be able to answer questions or get directions on the street. 3-6 months to be conversational. It's a time commitment. But considering it opens up an untapped region with the hottest, highest quality, most feminine girls in the world, I imagine it'll be worth it once I get it down. [Image: smile.gif]

Ukraine impressions right now - Ami5 - 06-17-2011

I am going to be in Kharkiv by next week.

I am 20, and have basic understanding of Russian (which I found is fine in that city). I am an Indian, not a bad looking - though I can work on it even better, and without that Indian accent!
I am not advanced in game, yet...but I have a good strong social circle of English speaking Ukrainian girls over there! [Image: wink.gif]
Moreover, I have been dipped in conversations with these girls for quite some time...they are quite emotional and need a bit of pay off as well.

Anyways, I will make a report when I am back. [Image: smile.gif]

Any suggestions/advice would be good

Ukraine impressions right now - georgec - 06-18-2011

I went out last night and things were a bit better, but I went to a club where the girls were significantly less pretty (called Vodka Bar). Girls spoke better English and were extremely friendly and even excited about meeting you (and they were not whores) . I think my view now is that you can probably get laid with average or mildly pretty girls fairly easily in certain venues, when you find the ones who speak English. Venue selection is crucial and you might have to weed through lots of non-English speakers. Not exactly an enticing proposition for me, but maybe it is for some.

It's very hard to know what to think when guys say a particular place is "paradise" for them - I used to run into something similar living in Thailand. So many guys think that place is paradise for them and describe hooking up with an endless train of beautiful girls who love foreigners. In fact, the reality is that they are getting the average to mildly pretty girls. To a lot of guys that's great, and there are times in my life where I'd be happy with that too, but I find that it is quite common for guys to delude themselves about the quality they are getting. Having so many girls - even if they are average - being into you creates too strong a compulsion to think you are getting beautiful girls, especially if you have not in the past gotten huge amounts of female attention. It's too delicious to your ego to think you finally made it to keep perspective.

In my experience, the guys in Thailand who really were getting the best pussy were doing pretty well in their own countries too, and never found Thailand "paradise", and never thought the girls were especially amazing. The "paradise" and the "tons of easy pussy" mentality seems to be something limited to guys who don't usually get very good quality.

The reason is that most countries have enough rich and high status guys to snatch up the top quality women, so what's left over goes to foreigners who can't get in with the elite crowd. If you're lucky and you're in a country where the girls are all thin and dress well, then even what's left over can be enticing, even if they aren't genuinely pretty.

This is what happens in Thailand, and, I now, I see the Ukraine as well. If you don't hang with the elite crowd you will get average girls (with maybe the occasional beauty thrown in), but since everyone here is thin, and the girls dress sexy, they are better than average girls back home even if they are not really pretty (even if, conversely, the pretty girls back home are much better looking than the pretty girls here). And if you do, as foreigner, get the real beauties, you will find it no better than your own country and thus no "paradise".

Having now been to Ukraine, I think those guys who describe the girls here as especially beautiful and as a paradise of pussy are probably experiencing what I did last night - lots of mediocore but really friendly girls. Which can be great if that's you're thing.

To all of you who say you have to learn Russian and make a large amount of effort to acclimate to the local culture -

For guys who think the girls here are the best they've ever seen, maybe that makes sense. I might be willing to make a serious effort to get with girls who are better than where I'm from. But to me, Ukrainian girls are nothing special, so that doesn't make sense.

I was hoping for a cosmopolitan, international atmosphere where it doesn't really matter where you're from as long as you're cool. In other words the atmosphere of a large Western city. In New York the girls will happily bang tourists - why not if he's cool? And the tourist girls will happily bang New Yorkers, even though they're going back to their own countries soon. If the girls demand that you speak the local language or be locally based long-term, then chances are it is a conservative place with no one-night stand culture and where the girls hook up with guys with the view to the long-term. I'm not into that at all - that's not my thing. If that's your thing, great.

To me, it's not worth traveling far to go to a place with a provincial mentality, to meet girls who are not better than where I'm from, who require me to make great effort to learn their language and understand their culture. I like the great cosmopolitan centers of the world, where who you are matter, not how you stand locally, and where you are not penalized for being foreign, which is the typical provincial attitude.

I thought Eastern Europe was more sophisticated than this, and perhaps it is in parts (Russia? Poland?).

To those who find this place paradise - more power to you. I wish I could find a place that is paradise for me. I am dying to hear the reports of Roosh and others who are coming here shortly. Good luck to you all in finding what you are after.

Ukraine impressions right now - Hooligan Harry - 06-18-2011

No, It was paradise for me because I was banging 8's and 9's with regularity. Just like I was in Russia. Other than Poland (which is also pretty damn easy even though its conservative) the whole Eastern bloc is one big pussy factory. I dont think you have bothered to a read thing has been posted here?

The problem is that you guys think you are going to step off a plane and the women are going to throw themselves at you simply because you are a foreigner. Or your skin is a different colour and you heard the chicks like MTV. Stop using that shit as a crutch. Way too often on this forum people make too big a deal of what race they are. Or even more retarded, they meet one or two women from a particular place and assume that it represents all of them in their home country. You need to show a bit of respect for the place and the culture of the people who live there.

Eastern Europe developed this reputation for producing easy to fuck women for one simple reason. POVERTY. During the 90's after the USSR collapsed, the women were so desperate that they were resorting to anything to make ends meet. They would chase a foreigner in the off chance that he would take them with him when he left, and even something as simple as a dinner date would have been a luxury to them. Thats changing though and the women are no longer as desperate, although there is such a severe shortage of men in the Ukraine, Latvia and Russia that the women try harder.

Kiev is a sex tourist mecca. I have told you already, if they see a lone wolf hitting on women, and you are there on holiday only, they assume you are looking for sex or hookers only. Many also dont speak English, so as soon as you talk to them they are going to ignore you. Its not that they dont want to meet men, its that they wont fuck anything with a pulse.

Another thing you need to understand is that not just Russians, but ALL eastern european women, expect men to be providers. Its not alpha to be an ill mannered cheap skate, which is what half the PUA community seems to think is the definition of alpha. They dont have time for drama like South American women and they have no desire for over the top independence like western whores.

Unless you speak Russian or Ukrainian, you are going to battle. Unless you prepare and plan it properly. Like I said, hit the dating sites and line up women who actually speak English. Dont tell them its a fun holiday, tell them you are there for a real purpose. This way she thinks there is a possibility of something long term if you both like each other. Expect to cover the costs of most time you spend with these girls. It works in your favour, they expect it as its a cultural norm, and most dont have much money either.

You should be up to your elbows in ass there guys. The sheer number of attractive women means the 8's are often as desperate as the 6's, while the shortage of eligible men makes it a cake walk. Jesus, if you are not an alcoholic, have a decent steady income and dont beat the shit out of her once a week, you are in the top 15% already.

Its way too easy to blame the environment for your own poor planning or approach chaps.

Ukraine impressions right now - Roosh - 06-18-2011

Gotta go with Hooligan Harry here.

1. Your standards are unreasonably high for the average game you've stated you have.
2. You expect girls to throw themselves on you because you're American.
3. You're sitting on your ass all day and then going out at night to do just a couple of approaches on girls you think should be horny for you from the first word.
4. You're not making adjustments.
5. You rationalize your failures with long-winded pseudo-intellectual excuses.
6. You generalize from very little experience.
7. You didn't make any attempt to learn the local language.

You're coming across as weak complainer. Even when I was in shitty Denmark I grinded it out to make it work for me while I was there, making the necessary adjustments, doing the nightlife research, studying the culture with a microscope, learning the right Danish game, and then making a large number of approaches. Traveling and thinking everywhere will be like NYC is silly.

Ukraine impressions right now - Entropy4 - 06-18-2011

Hooligan Harry is on the money (again). And although I'm not going to call you out as harshly as Roosh, you are definitely in need of hearing some painful truths about where you are and what you expected:

1. If you went to Ukraine expecting a "sophisticated" and "cosmopolitan" crowd, well then you were oblivious to the culture and its history and deserve to be disappointed.
2. The complaint that you have to weed through to find the English-speakers: DUH! You have to do this EVERYWHERE. South America, Eastern Europe, even places like France, you have to weed through to find the girls who speak English and like American culture. It's almost always the name of the game abroad.
3. My experience in Russia was that women were very friendly and open to me, but at any hint of weakness, they drop you like a bad habit. Eastern European women have no tolerance for the pussy-footing bullshit we Westerners loosely refer to as "Game." They expect a man to be a man, and when you don't display that, they move on very quickly.
4. Yes, E. Europe is hard. But my experience so far has been that it's worth it.
5. I lived in Thailand for a month. It's the easiest place on the planet to get laid. The girls there are gross and dirt poor. But comparing Thailand to Ukraine is lazy and totally rationalizing your own failures.
6. You live in NYC. NYC is not only one of the easiest places to get laid in the world. It's stocked full of hot girls who are generally pretty easy. You're spoiled. Welcome to the big leagues son.

Ukraine impressions right now - Belgrano - 06-18-2011

Hello everybody,
I was planning to travel to the Ukraine for 1 month during this summer. My plan was to visit the eastern, Russian speaking parts of the country including the Crimea. Especially the city of Zaporozhye, where I was hoping to encounter some parts of the Cossack heritage. In general also to enhance my knowledge of the Russian language.
However, I decided to cancel it due to a recent cholera outbreak in the south-eastern part of the country, in the city of Mariupol.

Unfortunately my parents (medical background) heard of this at work and after talking to some experts at the hospital asked me not to go, "for them". The guys at the hospital think that the scale of the accident has been censored by the Ukrainian authorities. I personally would not consider this to be a threat to my health, as the outbreak is relatively small, limited to only one city and seems to be already under control. (Although I read that the bacterium was also found in Donetsk, Zaporozhye and various lakes in the western parts of the country.)
So, being the good son I am, I switched to the Baltics instead.

I hope this information will be useful to some of you travelling in this region.
The Ukraine is not a third world country. Basic hygienic measures and common sense should do the thing, and prevent you from any harm.
Well, I hope that wasn´t too negative for my first post.

So guys, avenge me! ;-)

Ukraine impressions right now - georgec - 06-19-2011

To Hooligan Harry, Roosh, and Entropy, you all make make good points, but if I simply have it better in New York than it makes more sense for me to stay there.

Lets say everything Harry says is true, Kiev girls love to bang and are easy, but you have to learn Russian and pretend like you have a legitimate base in Kiev to get at them. New York girls love to bang and are easy too, so I'd be making a great effort to get something I can get at home.

The only way it would make sense is if I thought Kiev girls were the best thing on this planet - which I don't - or if I thought that by learning Russian and having a base I'd be banging the 9s and 10's I can't get in NYC. But the 9's and 10's seem pretty hard to get here in Kiev - I see them every night reject men by the dozen in the clubs. There are fewer of them here than in NYC, and there are very many wealthy men in Kiev. For these girls it wouldn't be enough just that I knew Russian and had a base here, I'd have to up my game, and I might as well do that in NYC.

The dream was that there was some kind of value differential between NYC and Ukraine - either I could get better girls in Ukraine, or more girls, or would have to put in less effort. But it seems I would have to put in more effort to essentially recreate what I have going for me in NYC. Does this make any kind of sense for me? No. Guys who have a special think for the Ukrainian look it makes sense. Guys who know Russian or who have to work in Kiev, it might make sense for them too. The idea that there is a kind of value differential on some level - like there is in Thailand, say - in the Ukraine doesn't quite add up, EXCEPT for those guys who love the look of the Ukrainian girls.

In any event I'm in Poland moving to countries further south the next day or so. On a side-note, the girls in Poland are much fatter than in Ukraine! Ukrainian girls are the thinnest I've seen anywhere, including Asia, with many being downright anorexic. A large number of girls are incredibly tall and elongated. Polish faces look much more familiar and Western, also. Ukraine was in the last analysis a very interesting place - the girls have a very distinctive, even exotic, look to them, and the city feels isolated from the rest of the world almost, floating in a bubble. Almost no English is spoken, and people are extremely subdued and soft spoken, easy going and cheerful, with no tense energy or aggression. Even when the streets are crowded it feels somehow sleepy. The whole atmosphere feels almost more Asian than Western. Kiev is a beautiful, pleasant city besides. It strikes you as utterly normal yet utterly strange at the same time. It truly is a world unto itself. Still, though, I'm glad I'm out. I felt a bit like I was suffocating.

To all you guys who are going there - it will be interesting whether or not the value differential works in your favor!

Ukraine impressions right now - Gringo - 06-19-2011

This is why I keep saying it's never a good idea to travel solely to pick up women. You've went to Ukraine, ill informed about the culture, unable to speak the local language, not aware of what the locals thought about foreigners and appear to have
failed miserably at picking up local women which means your whole reason for the trip was a failure and that can only be dissapointing. If you'd went to Ukraine because you really loved the culture, were interested in the history or there were tons of things you wanted to see / do and just had the women as a bonus then you wouldn't mind so much that you couldn't get laid. You would still have enjoyed the trip. Next time go somewhere you have a genuine interest in, there are women everywhere.

Ukraine impressions right now - Hooligan Harry - 06-19-2011

Quote: (06-19-2011 10:03 AM)georgec Wrote:  

To Hooligan Harry, Roosh, and Entropy, you all make make good points, but if I simply have it better in New York than it makes more sense for me to stay there.

Lets say everything Harry says is true, Kiev girls love to bang and are easy, but you have to learn Russian and pretend like you have a legitimate base in Kiev to get at them. New York girls love to bang and are easy too, so I'd be making a great effort to get something I can get at home.

The only way it would make sense is if I thought Kiev girls were the best thing on this planet - which I don't - or if I thought that by learning Russian and having a base I'd be banging the 9s and 10's I can't get in NYC. But the 9's and 10's seem pretty hard to get here in Kiev - I see them every night reject men by the dozen in the clubs. There are fewer of them here than in NYC, and there are very many wealthy men in Kiev. For these girls it wouldn't be enough just that I knew Russian and had a base here, I'd have to up my game, and I might as well do that in NYC.

The dream was that there was some kind of value differential between NYC and Ukraine - either I could get better girls in Ukraine, or more girls, or would have to put in less effort. But it seems I would have to put in more effort to essentially recreate what I have going for me in NYC. Does this make any kind of sense for me? No. Guys who have a special think for the Ukrainian look it makes sense. Guys who know Russian or who have to work in Kiev, it might make sense for them too. The idea that there is a kind of value differential on some level - like there is in Thailand, say - in the Ukraine doesn't quite add up, EXCEPT for those guys who love the look of the Ukrainian girls.

In any event I'm in Poland moving to countries further south the next day or so. On a side-note, the girls in Poland are much fatter than in Ukraine! Ukrainian girls are the thinnest I've seen anywhere, including Asia, with many being downright anorexic. A large number of girls are incredibly tall and elongated. Polish faces look much more familiar and Western, also. Ukraine was in the last analysis a very interesting place - the girls have a very distinctive, even exotic, look to them, and the city feels isolated from the rest of the world almost, floating in a bubble. Almost no English is spoken, and people are extremely subdued and soft spoken, easy going and cheerful, with no tense energy or aggression. Even when the streets are crowded it feels somehow sleepy. The whole atmosphere feels almost more Asian than Western. Kiev is a beautiful, pleasant city besides. It strikes you as utterly normal yet utterly strange at the same time. It truly is a world unto itself. Still, though, I'm glad I'm out. I felt a bit like I was suffocating.

To all you guys who are going there - it will be interesting whether or not the value differential works in your favor!

George, all due respect, but your expectations are ridiculous.

Dont bother travelling to any countries where the locals dont speak English. You have basically provided a textbook example of exactly how to waste your money and have a bad time when travelling for poon, and I dont think it matters where you go, you will have the same problem again. I hope Poland works out for you, but I expect it will probably be more of the same. Your planning and preparation has been terrible.

Comparing Eastern Europe to Thailand is like comparing a night club to a brothel.

To the rest of the guys who are considering Eastern Europe. Here are a few suggestions for you and some considerations you need to make before you take the plunge

1 - If you have no intention of learning the local language, go online. There are TONS of chicks looking to meet men. There is a genuine shortage of men there, but you need to spend your time with women who you can actually communicate with. You are not going to walk up to a chick, flash your passport and see her follow you back to the hotel. How do you expect to pick these broads up if you cant speak to them, or they dont know enough English to communicate with you?

2 - Drop the PUA shit. Cocky and funny, aloofness, all that other bullshit will do you no favours here. Asshole game does not work because Eastern European men are all natural assholes the likes of which you have never seen. Dont be a doormat, but show some manners and respect. Think of them as women from the 40's and 50's

3 - Expect to pay. You are not in a feminist coven anymore, you are in a place where men provide. They expect it, its normal, and its the way things are done unless she mentions otherwise. If she is paying her own way, chances are you wont be fucking.

4 - Dont tell them you are on holiday. You are there for business or you are opening an office. You are looking at real estate or you are currently researching a book. Anything that makes them think there is a chance you will be around for a while. Yes, they will fuck you the same night if they are into you, but these women are not all whores. Most are decent, conservative women who want to be wives. Most tourists are looking for whores.

Remember that a woman in EE that is unmarried by the time she is 30 is pretty much considered a spinster! Back in New York City, she is still getting fucked by the football team and doing lines of coke in the bathroom.

Ukraine impressions right now - Sonsowey - 06-19-2011

Quote: (06-17-2011 06:58 AM)Brazmerican Wrote:  

Do you have a better suggestion then? I'm also going to Odessa in about a month, and started Rosetta Stone Russian. And before you say it, no, I don't expect to be fluent by then, but I'd like to have some basic conversational skills.

Pimsleur is definitely BETTER than Rosetta Stone, no doubt. Rosetta stone allows you to point and say ''Two girls!'' ''A red ball!'' but doesn't give you shit for convo.

Pimsleur is kinda focused on travelling businessmen, but from day 1 you are in conversational mode. I've done it for Portuguese, don't expect a miracle, but it will definitely help you with basic conversation skills, especially the first 5 minutes of any normal conversation. Where are you from, what do you do, do you want to X etc.

Ukraine impressions right now - Entropy4 - 06-19-2011

Newsflash: 9's and 10's are hard EVERYWHERE. There are no easy 9's and 10's anywhere in the world. The only difference is that some countries have more of them than others.

Quote:Gringo Wrote:

This is why I keep saying it's never a good idea to travel solely to pick up women.


Ukraine impressions right now - Gringo - 06-19-2011


Rosetta stone allows you to point and say ''Two girls!'' ''A red ball!'' but doesn't give you shit for convo.

Let's not forget "the girls are eating an apple and rice" or "the dog ran across the road". I'd be lost without those two very valuable phrases I really would.

Ukraine impressions right now - Yams - 06-19-2011

Quote: (06-19-2011 10:32 AM)Gringo Wrote:  

This is why I keep saying it's never a good idea to travel solely to pick up women. You've went to Ukraine, ill informed about the culture, unable to speak the local language, not aware of what the locals thought about foreigners and appear to have
failed miserably at picking up local women which means your whole reason for the trip was a failure and that can only be dissapointing. If you'd went to Ukraine because you really loved the culture, were interested in the history or there were tons of things you wanted to see / do and just had the women as a bonus then you wouldn't mind so much that you couldn't get laid. You would still have enjoyed the trip. Next time go somewhere you have a genuine interest in, there are women everywhere.

Yep, if 100% of your reason for going somewhere is the women then your cost-per-notch will be insane and yes you will be wasting a lot of money regardless if you bang or not.

If you have no interest in any other country then just stay home. To me banging women in a foreign country is the reward I get for learning the local culture that I already have an interest in.

Quote:Sonsowey Wrote:

Pimsleur is definitely BETTER than Rosetta Stone, no doubt. Rosetta stone allows you to point and say ''Two girls!'' ''A red ball!'' but doesn't give you shit for convo.

Pimsleur + Assimil is the best combination there is if you're trying to learn a language. Assimil will give you a lot of input in the target language and is laid out pretty well just as long as you follow the directions. Rosetta Stone is an expensive flashcard program that pretty much prepares you for very little.