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Primer on Nightclubs for Introverted Newbs - Ethan Hunt - 03-28-2015

Quote: (03-26-2015 02:55 PM)Redwood Wrote:  

night game is excellent for newbies and (and guys who manifested their aloof disposition), but horrible for blue-pill egomaniacs who believe they have game.

potential bangs will be lost if your wingman isn't up to snuff.

edit: on number three, i'm a fan of both rick ross and run the jewels. have to broaden my musical palette when it comes to the nightlife.

The best wingman is yourself, at least IMO. Back when I used to have a wingman we'd get too bogged down micro analysing every approach until I almost snapped and found a list on the internet of some "Challenges" put them in a numbered order and would ask people to pick number between 1 and (I think) 35.

These challenges range from get a girls number by only asking questions through, get a girls number without letting her speak. Convince a girl you have the same job as her, approach three sets in 5 minutes etc.

Playing this game with a friend was great fun. The added competition from this game made game more fluid. Almost results independent mindset that eased any AA. I've still got the list of challenges on my phone but I have not played this game in well over 6 months now. It was great for crash learning though. I'll dig it out and post the challenges if anyone is interested.

Primer on Nightclubs for Introverted Newbs - jariel - 03-28-2015

WIA has a great thread here, and I'd like to add my personal Top 10 Real Talk Points on Night Game:

1. If you don't have any pussy in your life, you should be going at a minimum three nights a week, especially if you live in a big city.

2. Since you're now going out regularly, you should not be masturbating. You can't expect to masturbate all week, and then go out with any real level of sexual prowess on Friday night.

3. Upgrade your wardrobe. You don't have to be the "best-looking" guy in the club, but you should at least look good, and by good, I mean above-average. Most guys wear polos or button-ups with a pair of jeans, you can and should do better than that.

4. Keep a couple of loosies on you and a lighter. At this point in the game, I assume every girl smokes, even if casually -- a lot of girls only smoke when they drink, especially latinas. If you have anything harder than that, keep it in a secure place, and when you're talking to a girl about it, let her do the most of the talking on it, the later it gets, the more likely you'll find a girl who wouldn't mind getting into that.

5. Get you car washed on Friday afternoon/evening before you go out. This is pretty much a Miami tradition, the car washes are jam packed on Fridays since everyone is preparing to go out on the weekend nights. You don't want to pull up to valet or take a chick back to your car for a chat, and your wheels are looking bummy -- in night club game, perception is everything, girls don't go out to clubs hoping to score with bums, you can look like you have a lot more than you actually do.

6. Seize the moment. You have to treat every interaction with a female as if you'll never see her again. Run your game and push the envelope as far as you can. A chick will never punish you for trying to hit it, she expects you to at least try -- this is especially true for Black guys, you're viewed as a potential sexual experience, first and foremost, so you should fuck her first, try to date her later if that's in the cards.

7. Have an idea of multiple places that you want to check out for the night, that way, if one place is wack, then you have another one to go to. Don't waste time hoping for the venue to get better, if the vibe is wack, and you're not feeling the talent, it's time to move on.

8. Avoid concert nights. I go to pretty much nothing but Latin clubs, if you don't have a date, avoid nights when there will be a salsero or bachatero performing. The beginning of the night isn't too bad, since the clubs intentionally wait for the performers to start around 2:00, but the crowd will mostly be couples, and once the performance starts, everyone's attention turns towards the stage.

9. Keep your date nights for Friday and Saturday, gaming nights should be Wednesday, Thursday, and Sunday. Your chances of running into girls who are out by themselves or with one other friend are off-nights. It's too complicated for groups of girls to coordinate schedules on off-nights, so they go out light on off-nights, and group up on the weekends. Also, girls who go out on off-nights are either on their way out of relationships, stuck in wack relationships, or completely single. Any chick who goes out by herself is 1000% available; you'll find that usually older females (35+) tend to be ones out by themselves. They understand the game, when you're trying to meet a man, you don't bring along interference.

10. Don't worry about your "dance skills". I'm an incredible dancer, but since I can dance, I hold it against girls, often cute ones, who can't dance. In the process, I've noticed, the better dancer you are, the less girls you'll find who can keep up. I also see a lot of guys who can't dance out with girls, cute ones, which tells me that dancing isn't that important. If you go out and make an effort, and look like you're having fun, that's what's really important, and that's better than just sitting up against a wall and nursing a drink while everyone else watches others having fun. If you see guys with girls and they're not dancing, chances are, they're not really a couple, they're just a mixed group out on the town. Back in the day in my city, guys would actually go up to other guys, ask if the girl was the guy's chick, and if the answer was no, politely ask if he wouldn't mind if he danced with the girl. Guys have become too insecure for that now. I only would do that if you see the other guy going up to other girls and asking them to dance, that's pretty much the green light that she's available.

Primer on Nightclubs for Introverted Newbs - Agreddor - 03-29-2015

How do you deal with 18 year olds who wont leave their group of friends?

Primer on Nightclubs for Introverted Newbs - HighSpeed_LowDrag - 03-29-2015

Grab the number and move on. If she's not willing to isolate, your time is better spent searching for a better prospect.


Primer on Nightclubs for Introverted Newbs - Soaked - 03-29-2015

So I reread this thread today and motivated myself as a (somewhat) introverted (somewhat) newb to go out tonight when I finished work.

I knocked off at 10:30 and went to pick my mate up but he was passed out so despite the set back I pushed on and went it alone.

I avoided the Sunday night "hotspot" as it's too loud and sardine like and doesn't help my game from my experience the week before and went instead to a night club that is more of the weekend hotspot but quiet during the week.

Walking in it was quiet as well, maybe 30 people or less but I ordered a drink and scanned the room. I spotted a girl sitting by herself and tried to discern her body language and if she was open but previously mentioned newbness and slight myopia didn't return any useful data. I'd say a 7, ~20 yo, slim, nice hair and face, good body, rocking some excellent high heels and a very cute summer dress.

I took the plunge and went over. An awkward hello was met with a seemingly disinterested response and an assurance that her friends would be right back but I stuck at it and sat next to her. Minutes later she transformed and seemed really into me despite how awkward I felt (and probably sounded).

As the conversation progressed she said some things that worried me like how I wasn't sleezy and what a good friend I was so I responded with some clumsy attempts at kino which were thankfully reciprocated and things moved along nicely.

At this point it got a little weird though. I was worried about some resistance from her friends but they were completely the opposite and did things like gesturing that I should kiss her when we were on the dance floor and later made comments that we could all take a taxi back to her place together.

This girl was definitely into me. Maybe a little too much repeatedly giving me compliments about my looks, body and personality. Kind of set off some stalker material alarm bells but that was a worry for another day.

I could see that it was going to be a huge hurdle if I wanted the bang though as she didn't even seem to know how to kiss refusing to open her mouth and preferred to just run her hands over my body and under my shirt.

I was really digging this girl though, perfect feminine qualities combined with intelligence and good looks is rare so I had no issue putting in the extra work.

Venue change to McD's with her friends and then walked them to the cab rank. Her friends suggested we catch a taxi home all together but that it was up to her but she preferred to set up another date. I feel like with better game I could have got to her place but I'm not sure how I could have increased her comfort or desire enough for that and I doubt it would have gone very far anyway.

She wants coffee and shopping tomorrow as its her day off. Not sure if it's too soon and if I should evade. If I do I'm thinking of taking her for a bike ride elsewhere to set my own frame and be in a more private setting with a swim in the local waterhole and some good look outs.

I'm determined to avoid oneitis at all costs despite how good she seems to be for LTR so I may have to tread very carefully with the appropriate amount of push and pull.

Primer on Nightclubs for Introverted Newbs - WestIndianArchie - 03-29-2015

Quote: (03-29-2015 08:50 AM)Agreddor Wrote:  

How do you deal with 18 year olds who wont leave their group of friends?

hate to dish out the tough love but,
1) read the post
2) think about what was said

In the initial post

"The RSD/Boomerrang approach - Talk to every set for 2-5 minutes, get phone #'s and get the logistics for every girl. You'll know quickly if you have some chemistry with a chick. You'll also know fairly quickly if she lives by herself around the corner....

After working the room, pick one chick - hottest? most in to you? best logistics? - and focus on her. Call all the other ones the next day."

A girl with hater friends is NOT THE BEST LOGISTICS.

So if you're a newb, you don't concentrate your time and effort on a case that you can't handle.

But how would you handle that case?

There's really not enough information provided to tell you how to manage a group of 18-19 year old girls in a night game situation.

HSLD gives the proper advice for barely described situation, get the # and bounce.

Years in the club game have told me that even if you manage to get the #, it's unlikely to convert into a date if you don't have the game behind it.

The two groups of chicks most likely to flake
- super young girls (18-21) that you meet online
- super young girls (18-21) that you meet in night game

2015 Game technology basically says that you need to have really good "beta/chump/norm" game - i.e. the conventional attraction markers, that we now term lifestyle game or in my case passive game.

Succinctly, for that # to not flake, you have to be
- tall
- attractive
- cut/ripped/jacked/built
- well dressed
- outgoing, commanding, take charge
- maybe rich? (flashy) maybe somewhat famous? (local celeb, the guy) maybe in a power situation? (bartender)

That's the thought process at least. But chicks get a charge out of rejecting high status/high SMV men. I read about it all the time. Salt from Salt n Pepa recently said that she should have let Will Smith date her. I digress.

Pretty much everything that you can learn by watching TV and observing who chicks dig.
There's nothing secret about that shit.
Everyone does it, or aims for it.

And if you're talking about a chick online, there are dozens of "hot" guys vying for her attention.

In the offline situation, the situation is much better, in that you have her attention.

How good is that attention?

Her group is pulling her away, and she's typically drunk or high. Even when she's not mind altered, she's young and hot and undependable.

When she is sober, she flakes on her family, friends, school, and work.
She even flakes on herself.

Hers is a charmed life where she just follows anything shiny that catches her eyes.

She's easily lead and mislead. Which is why there's so much social prohibition about young chicks.

If you were to isolate her from the group, work your magic, you wouldn't need the #. You'd physically escalate until the bang. Be it in the club itself, out back behind the dumpster, or in the parking lot in your Hyundai. (this is more difficult than I suggest her, but infinitely easier than trying to send a Hail Mary text hoping that results in a meet)

If you're new to the game, you can't "con the group". You're just getting used to dealing with a set of 2 girls and or a set of 3-4 girls. You aren't approaching huge groups, hen parties, or mixed groups when you start out.

If you're an intermediate, you have to get the ring leader to follow you, she in turns get everyone else to follow. Typically you need to promise an afterparty, and nowadays that means more than a few bottles of jack and Malibu at your flat - but more like cool people, weed, and drugs.

You - "Yo, I got some dope shit at the crib, plus some other folks are coming through"
Your girl - "Sounds great"
The leader of the pack - "Naw we've got things to do tomorrow, Caitlin you're coming with us"

You - "Yo leader, what kinda lame shit you guys gonna do. Watch Catfish and then go to sleep, eating Ben and Jerry's....

- call the leader out
- promise and bring some shit to the table in terms of an after party
- isolate your target at home, while the group is occupied

This all goes back to your mindset, experience, confidence, and all that hard to describe stuff that goes on within your mind.

It's definitely not for newbs, much less introverted newbs.

But like I said above, you're always thinking about logistics.

How hard will this pull be?
Assuming that I can attract this girl, what else stands in my way from making it happen?

You don't need to memorize much content, but you do need to start thinking critically about the situation.


Primer on Nightclubs for Introverted Newbs - jariel - 03-29-2015

It's threads like this one that remind me I really have to bring it when I post threads, props again to WIA for it.

Here's what I'll add on working with groups.

1. It helps to have a wingman. A wingman can defuse situations in which one girl is getting attention from you, meanwhile her friend is feeling lonely and rejected. If you're going to have a wingman, don't have one who brings your game down. I remember being at a club one night, and seeing a guy who most women would describe as good-looking, and he was out with what had to be the two dorkiest friends he could find to come out. Women were physically attracted to him, dancing with him, etc. but as soon as he brought his friends into the mix, it was a wrap, the girls were gone. Bad wingmen will sabotage your efforts, not necessarily on purpose, but you lose reception if a girl is interested in you, but she has friends who aren't interested in your friends.

2. Young girls are shallow, they like HOT guys. If you want hot, young girls, hit the gym and upgrade your style. You don't need to suit up around them, like maybe you would for older, more mature women, but you should look good. If you're hitting the gym, then you can slim-fit tee it with some slim, not skinny, jeans, and some stylish shoes.

There are neighborhoods in Miami that have club nights where you can bet that 90% of the girls are between 18-21 and I'm in that motherfucker like swimwear. At most spots I rock blazers, vests, etc. I look dope, but my body game is on point, so I roll to those clubs in a slim-fit Armani t-shirt, slim Diesel jeans, and some Jimmy Choo sneaks, and I'm playing to win.

If girls can't buy drinks, then you buy them. Young girls respond very well to liquor and weed. If you have one you're interested in, then you're going to have to deal with the fact that she has two homegirls with her, so be cool to them, let them know how much you like their friend, but friends of hers are friends of yours, they will not only like you as well, but they will fuck you too -- these hoes ain't loyal doesn't apply to just chicks behaving with dudes, when girls like you, they don't give a fuck, they'll still take the dick, and then text their girl afterwards on some "Hey, what's up girl" type shit.

I'm not a fan of opening your wallet too much, but I make exceptions for PYTs because you know they're broke -- they're very low maintenance as well, so you won't be broke at the end of the night -- the same can't be said for some bitch who has her masters and has been pushing papers for five years, she can break out her own cash.

Primer on Nightclubs for Introverted Newbs - Sonoma - 03-29-2015

I've always split bars and clubs by dancing and cover charge.

And to be honest the clientele of a club is a little less desirable to be around, and 10x more thirsty and straightforward than most beginners can compete with.

Primer on Nightclubs for Introverted Newbs - Takamura - 04-21-2015

One of my favourite post.

very useful

Thanks WIA

Primer on Nightclubs for Introverted Newbs - jariel - 06-07-2015

Another tip for you guys:

Most guys are what I call Saturday Night Players, they go out on an obvious night when there will be a lot of women out, it's their one night of the week they actually put something decent on, get a haircut for, etc.

To become good at night game, you're going to have to pick 3-4 nights out of the week to go out consistently.

I live in a city where it's easy to go out six nights a week, any night but Monday.

I would say use Wednesday, Thursday, and Sunday night for gaming, and line up your dates for Friday and Saturday.

You can game on Friday and Saturday, it's just a little more difficult, especially since on those nights a high percentage of chicks either go out with groups of friends or they have a date for the night, which makes the pool of available women awfully shadow.

Chicks who go out on weeknights are more apt to go alone or with one other friend, which makes for a more friendly gaming environment. Rest assured, no chick who's not available is going out on Wednesday nights. No chick who's not available is going out by herself. Those are telltale signs that a chick is available, even if she may have a fuck buddy or some guy she calls her boyfriend for appearance sakes, that's just noise, her actions say "I'm available".

Don't expect to do very well in night game if you're just going to be a Saturday Night Player, this is some shit you have to live, it's a lifestyle decision, just like going to the gym and getting your nutritional habits right, these are lifestyle choices that can make you a better man.

Also, since I'm talking about going out several nights a week, you're going to have to man up and not depend on liquid courage.

There's no way you can nor should be binge drinking several nights a week while you're out hitting on women.

I'm of the Nate Green mindset, you can keep your drink intake for the week at five drinks, how you spread them out is on you, if you're going out several nights a week, that's one drink, no more than two in one evening.

You don't want to become dependent on liquor because you're not always going to be in situations where you want to talk to a girl and liquor is available.

Good luck.

Primer on Nightclubs for Introverted Newbs - Rang off the Pipe - 08-09-2015

I find this to be a great thread for myself and other introverts. A lot of great advice has been put here by WIA and jariel.

That being said, I find it interesting to think about the forces at play when an introvert comes into contact with the elements that are present in night game. Naturally, introverts get energy from being by themselves and focusing inward, and so too much social interaction can be a drain on an introvert. It's no surprise that extroverts are likely going to do the best in the active environment of a bar or club. It's more natural for an extrovert to be in a situation where he is rambling to a group of targets, whereas an introvert is more likely to make a mistake if he tries to do the same thing. A true introvert has to process his thoughts for a better conversational response, which could be a death sentence for an approach in your standard western nightlife environment.

But we introverts are better at being analytical. By being observant and finding a better target, we can get into a situation where a girl is more likely to be receptive to an approach, thus being more efficient. Game helps in bringing a positive final result to the approach, but the efficacy of the work from the first word to the bang is very dependent on the person doing the approach.

It is almost necessary for an introvert to go out multiple times a week for practice, since they are more prone to make mistakes in a nightlife environment than their extrovert counterparts. It's not fair, but that's how it goes.

Primer on Nightclubs for Introverted Newbs - MMM - 08-11-2015

Bump. This is a solid thread.

Primer on Nightclubs for Introverted Newbs - WestIndianArchie - 08-11-2015

It's okay, I'd write it differently today.

There is a significant internal mental component that this doesn't address.

But bigger than this is the that most Newbs to the game need to understand what Game actually is versus what dating is.

I only seem to gleam the matrix when I solve a problem.

The young cat, hell veterans too, need to understand what it is they're attempting to do, what good results are, and what to do with "success".


Primer on Nightclubs for Introverted Newbs - Baltimore Bachelor - 08-20-2015

I have never been a big fan of nightgame as I feel it doesn't match my personality but I might have to suck it up and start going out at night more often. The way I see it, Day game is better for quality but nightgame is better for giving you a large quantity to practice approaching as well as the chance to bang a few hours later.