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Tinder Internship. Game over. (or just beginning?) - Kamikaze - 02-17-2015

Yea, solid list Travesty, although a lot of those requests will require access to data that I'm unsure would be given to an intern. Tinder can do lots of interesting data analysis, but they choose not to do it. Sharing data analysis is what made OKCupid popular early on, with their OKTrends blog posts. Tinder's secretive policy probably won't change, especially since they're owned by the same people who presently own OKCupid and put a halt to their OKTrends, IAC/Match. Tinder's owners are not fans of data-mining and sharing.

Having said that, here is the easiest and most practical bit we could learn and employ about the algorithm:

1a. How is the lineup decided?
By this I mean, do guys who swiped 10 hours before get placed on top? Or is it the guys who swiped just 5 minutes before she started?

1b. When are girls most actively swiping
What time of day, per weekday, are girls most active?

1c. Given the answers to 1a and 1b, what is the most beneficial time for a guy to go on a swiping session?
Say girls are more active at 7pm on a Sunday night or whenever. Would it benefit me to have swiped right before her session since the algorithm dictates the more recent swipers go on top? Or would it benefit me to go right after she's done?

1d. How long does a girl's swiping session usually last? 10, 100, 1000 swipes? How imperative is it that I be within a certain range of her list?
The information needed to answer these questions is relatively tame and general info about the algorithm, that doesn't require data mining. If you come away with just this, that would be a victory. Even if the answer is that they're ordered randomly.

The next few requests, though, really require ninja data-mining and statistics skills.

2. What are the gender ratios in different cities, and at different mile radii within a city?
Self explanatory. But I am envisioning a Choropleth map where you can interactively zoom in to a city and check where there are more males and females to like a 5-mile resolution. This would change where a lot of people live, not just what states or cities, but within which areas in a city. Making them is relatively straightforward using software, or linking the data yourself using the D3.js javascript library. If you just get a spreadsheet with two columns, gender and GPS coordinates, you can build something like this interactive map:

[Image: attachment.jpg24768]   

I'm not saying this is feasible or realistic, but hey, this is my wish list!

3. What ratio of swipes (for girls) end up in an exchange of numbers? What is the average number of messages exchanged before this happens? What is the highest success rate, 3-4 messages exchanged? 19-20?
These questions sound easier than the above, but actually require acquiring more sensitive user data... what they're actually messaging.

4. Are there any taglines that rise to the top with regards to success rate/number exchange?
As Travesty referred to, does listing your height, a good instagram, etc help?

5. Picture trends
This is actually probably feasible, just going on anecdotal evidence. You can ask around for this, as Travesty's questions are really good. I would add to that the importance of photo quality. And I don't mean physical quality, I mean image quality... that it's obvious it's from a DSLR and is as flattering as possible. Does photo quality up the success rate of average looking dudes?

6. How active are girls when they visit cities outside their own?
Wouldn't be surprising in the least as we all know girls will slut it up when no one's looking. But it would be satisfying to have Tinder confirm that bitches are more swipe happy when vacation dick is on the line.

Mostly this shit just sounds fun man, I would love to work at a place like that, or OKCupid. I'll temper my expectations a bit since they'll probably take the necessary precautions to not let you get access to all that juicy data.

[Image: christian-bale-and-kermit-the-frog.gif]

Tinder Internship. Game over. (or just beginning?) - ManVsMachine - 02-17-2015

Some great posts and ideas ITT! OKTrends really did open up a can of worns for analytics here [Image: smile.gif]

I don't think the city radii would feasibly work because, it is an app on the go. I've seen girls at bars use tinder and other places in public - I think your results may get confounded unless you factored in time spent in that particular location (home as opposed to the mall). Its a brilliant idea though.

But I think you're right, the OP may not be privy to such information, especially as an intern

Tinder Internship. Game over. (or just beginning?) - Kamikaze - 02-17-2015

Quote: (02-17-2015 05:28 PM)ManVsMachine Wrote:  

I don't think the city radii would feasibly work because, it is an app on the go. I've seen girls at bars use tinder and other places in public - I think your results may get confounded unless you factored in time spent in that particular location (home as opposed to the mall). Its a brilliant idea though.

But I think you're right, the OP may not be privy to such information, especially as an intern

Agreed that it might be messy, but I think it would be feasible to get one single GPS coordinate from the frequency of swipes. The more they swiped in a place, that's the coordinate we'll use. That's the most relevant one anyway. Except if it's confounded by searching for strange on vacation... I know girls who opened a Tinder account just for that...

Yea, it could be more difficult to implement than I thought!

Tinder Internship. Game over. (or just beginning?) - delicioustacos - 02-19-2015

Dude-- be more paranoid.

Do not post in online forums about how you will publicize confidential corporate data gleaned from a high profile job you don't even have yet.

ESPECIALLY forums lurked by obsessive haters who make money getting people fired.

ESPECIALLY when the company is owned by IAC, erstwhile home of Justine "AIDS Tweet" Sacco.


(The most embarrassing picture of you on the entire internet goes here)

(Pithy caption with your real name, guaranteed to stay on page one of Google for 1,000 years, goes here)

By Sam Biddle (Gawker Staff)

(Adderall-fueled screed mocking you goes here)

(Choice quotes from Roosh's recent rape article go here)

(Statement of shock and apology from Barry Diller goes here; he assures that you've been forcibly removed from IAC premises)


(Hundreds of comments calling for your castration go here)

Tinder Internship. Game over. (or just beginning?) - -g- - 02-21-2015

If you really have an internship, you need to get ahold of Tinder's raw data or stats. That would be extremely valuable to the RVF community.

Tinder Internship. Game over. (or just beginning?) - DrewP - 02-21-2015

Quote: (02-19-2015 12:50 PM)delicioustacos Wrote:  

ESPECIALLY when the company is owned by IAC, erstwhile home of Justine "AIDS Tweet" Sacco.

I actually read that article you linked; scared me shitless. It paints a fantastic picture of what ruthless bullies SJWs are (compensating for having been bullied in high school?). If I was raising a teenager, I would force him to read that article 10 times over and quiz him on it before letting him near social media.

Tinder Internship. Game over. (or just beginning?) - Travesty - 02-21-2015

delicioustacos be more optimistic we are turning rape advocacy into being a good thing slowly but surely.

Tinder Internship. Game over. (or just beginning?) - RockHard - 02-21-2015

delicioustacos: [Image: potd.gif]

I appreciate where OP is coming from, but don't be fucking stupid.

Discretion is, in fact, the better part of valor.

My advice, if you really want to pursue this, is to make some solid contacts with well-repped guys on here, especially with local guys with whom you can have a face to face conversation, and work on your findings. Sanitize the results HEAVILY and publish via some anonymous site. Don't reveal where you got your data. You're a journalist, your sources are on background or on condition of anonymity, or you reverse engineered the app via multiple vectors. As I said before, they don't have that many interns and it's not that hard to triangulate suspects given a particular timeframe. Look at situations like Randal Schwartz vs Intel or worse, Aaron Swartz vs MIT. You have a bunch of SJWs and lawyers who are basically hungry dogs looking to make a career from somebody else's mistake. Don't be that guy.

Tinder Internship. Game over. (or just beginning?) - Gorgiass - 02-21-2015

Possible to upload the data as doc or pdf only viewable by non-lurkers?

Tinder Internship. Game over. (or just beginning?) - FireStarter - 02-22-2015

Quote: (02-21-2015 11:55 PM)Gorgiass Wrote:  

Possible to upload the data as doc or pdf only viewable by non-lurkers?

It may be possible but it won't be effective. It's not hard to join this forum so it wouldn't be all that difficult for one of the "journalists" from Gawker or any of the other equally trashy blogs to become a member, get a copy and write the piece that delicioustacos outlined.

Tinder Internship. Game over. (or just beginning?) - Deluge - 02-22-2015

Quote: (02-22-2015 02:38 AM)FireStarter Wrote:  

Quote: (02-21-2015 11:55 PM)Gorgiass Wrote:  

Possible to upload the data as doc or pdf only viewable by non-lurkers?

It may be possible but it won't be effective. It's not hard to join this forum so it wouldn't be all that difficult for one of the "journalists" from Gawker or any of the other equally trashy blogs to become a member, get a copy and write the piece that delicioustacos outlined.

Anything like this should only be available by PM, to members with a minimum rep/post count or membership length. Best to make it stringent to reduce the headache for OP.

Tinder Internship. Game over. (or just beginning?) - swuglyfe - 02-22-2015

Agreed. Thanks for the feedback Kamikaze, and wise words of warning delicioustacos. I most certainly will be saying nothing of this until well after this post concludes. After that, I'll work with mods and other high-level members only to disseminate general information as carefully and in as limited a manner as possible.

I concur that a rep point floor would probably be the best metric for this.

Tinder Internship. Game over. (or just beginning?) - presidentcarter - 02-22-2015

An 18 year old, attractive, "popular", Russian girl I've been seeing had never heard of Tinder until today. I gave her a tutorial. She said she'd never even heard the word Tinder.

There's still hope.

Tinder Internship. Game over. (or just beginning?) - Gorgiass - 02-23-2015

Quote: (02-22-2015 01:01 PM)swuglyfe Wrote:  

I concur that a rep point floor would probably be the best metric for this.

As long as the floor isn't more than three...[Image: confused.gif] Shit, I better write a datasheet or something.