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Creation of 5-man fireteam to deal with SJW's - Nemencine - 11-14-2014

If this becomes successful, i can see it expanding to becomes its own separate website/business. Like a muckraker website focused on SJW crusaders.

It will fill a desperately needed niche market: defence against SJW lynch mob.

It will become popular because of massive hate-reading by SJW... also, it will struck deep fear into their hearts...

As a business, i like this much better than your video-gaming journalism idea... why? Simply because this exploits one of your areas of expertise + it fills a desperately needed niche market without any known competitor(nobody else is doing this in a coordinated, surgical version) + It has massive potential to gain huge market share i.e. the chances of it being viral is very high due to SJW hate-reading..

These 3 conditons are foundational to good business enterprise: expertise + niche market + potential for huge market share. They significantly increase your chances of success...

For this, i will say... the odds are good...



Creation of 5-man fireteam to deal with SJW's - Zyzz - 11-14-2014

Thank you for doing this Roosh. You are a saint. Bless you.

Creation of 5-man fireteam to deal with SJW's - kbell - 11-14-2014

You could call this something PC yet evil like Ministry of Reputation, or Public Reputation Management. An example of what I mean by the Ministry of Truth which goes out of its way to hide it.

Creation of 5-man fireteam to deal with SJW's - Veloce - 11-15-2014

Quote: (11-14-2014 07:01 PM)Snowplow Wrote:  

Quote: (11-14-2014 04:38 PM)Veloce Wrote:  

I mean, shit, right off the top of my head there's 4 standouts: Roosh, MattForney, Tuth, and Quintus.

I'd like to see Scorpion on there

Absolutely. Scorpion, DOBA, Excelsior, Merenguero, Slubu, MikeCF, Bosch, Sp5, 2Wycked, runsonmagic, Atlantic...there are some heavy hitters on the forum right now.

And if you need some brute force, call up Fisto...

Although it seems, anytime we need to find some serious dirt on a particular person or "behind the scenes" research, it's always some dude with like 300 posts that I don't recognize that has the skills.

Creation of 5-man fireteam to deal with SJW's - Veloce - 11-15-2014

Quote: (11-14-2014 11:59 PM)kbell Wrote:  

You could call this something PC yet evil like Ministry of Reputation, or Public Reputation Management. An example of what I mean by the Ministry of Truth which goes out of its way to hide it.

Or, how's this for an idea? Whatever team gets built, they call themselves SJWs. Think about it. What we're out for is justice, REAL justice.

And if you can infiltrate their ranks and get a few naive SJWs on your side before launching a major attack, think of the fireworks. Cause major internal turmoil.

Retake the name SJWs and make it our own, how's that for a strategy?

Creation of 5-man fireteam to deal with SJW's - Engineer - 11-15-2014

Here's a suggestion for one set of tactics: what SkepTorr does on youtube. His counterpoints to the feminist bs are amazing, logical, and hilarious. Note how he points out their fallacies by name (strawman, conflation, confirmation bias, etc).

This is on the recent pottymouthed little princess girl video:

These are on TEDx "sexism in video games" presentations:


Creation of 5-man fireteam to deal with SJW's - Veloce - 11-15-2014

The first order of business should be going after the pieces of garbage that caused an uproar over Matt Taylor.

Creation of 5-man fireteam to deal with SJW's - Handsome Creepy Eel - 11-15-2014

The true anti-discrimination team is being born in a supposedly the most discriminating place on the entire internet. I love it. Good luck with the idea guys!

Creation of 5-man fireteam to deal with SJW's - Uzisuicide - 11-15-2014

Would love to be a part of a group when I can contribute to the group fairly. In the mean time each of us can push back against the decay by challenging the white knights and those contributing to the death of western civilization on social media and everyday contact. That's what this means to me. I'm in.


Creation of 5-man fireteam to deal with SJW's - AnonymousBosch - 11-15-2014

Quote: (11-14-2014 09:59 PM)TonySandos Wrote:  

Don't act like you're not our best PSY OPS prodigy

[Image: agree2.gif]

Creation of 5-man fireteam to deal with SJW's - Sp5 - 11-15-2014

If you could leverage with 4chan and Anonymous, much more powerful.

Creation of 5-man fireteam to deal with SJW's - Marmite - 11-15-2014

I could probably contribute to the research section. I have strong Google-fu skills.

Creation of 5-man fireteam to deal with SJW's - Glaucon - 11-15-2014

I thought you will create an actual hit-squad, kicking doors and windows.

Creation of 5-man fireteam to deal with SJW's - Glaucon - 11-15-2014

[Image: dp4JLTL.jpg]

Creation of 5-man fireteam to deal with SJW's - ABCDEFGH - 11-15-2014

One strategy I have used during GamerGate when searching for dirt is to google the person together with some negative word.

Like "x douchebag" or "x racist" or "x is a racist". It often leads to people talking about a certain article or post that paints the person in question in a negative light.

Creation of 5-man fireteam to deal with SJW's - Hannibal - 11-15-2014

For all the members that aren't really good at forming cogent arguments or making good meme pictures, we should have a ton of members sign a list for a spam team.

The spam team would be responsible for filling up the comment sections on (influential) sjw articles with red pill ideas, or at the very least contrarian ideas. I know that sounds like a bad idea because they get more page hits, but if the articles are pretty viral anyways, might have well have a huge influx of redpill contrarian comments to sway socially moderate readers who stumble upon that shit on facebook. Maybe there could be guidelines on what we should and shouldn't say (like no swearing or saying faggot or whatever).

They want to invade our spaces and spam our articles with ridiculous comments, we could easily invade theirs.

Anyone think this is a good idea? I'll be the first one to put my name on the spam team list.

Creation of 5-man fireteam to deal with SJW's - Krusyos - 11-15-2014

The White Nationalist fools are experts on this... They spam comment sections with "anti racist is a codeword for anti white" and such.

I'm probably well suited for any of these roles, seeing as I can work almost 24/7.

Creation of 5-man fireteam to deal with SJW's - Hannibal - 11-15-2014

Yeah, could be just a team that regurgitates catchy slogans or "trigger" comments. That's how those dipshits managed to convince a lot of people that women make 70 cents on the male dollar, a figure that makes absolutely no fucking sense. It's been refuted a hundred times and facebook feminists still believe and "cite" it to this day as a talking point.

Creation of 5-man fireteam to deal with SJW's - Ocelot - 11-15-2014

I have been waiting for this moment for a long time. Thank you Roosh, sincerely; Western Civilisation will be indebted to you, even if it will be a thankless crusade.

I'm a bit busy sorting my life out at the moment, but I'll help in any way I can. I've done a fair amount of research on strategy, subversion, psy-ops, cyber-warfare and "perception management" over the years; I'll dig up some material to post later, it might be helpful.

One suggestion: at this stage, it would be a good idea to set up a private IRC server to discuss strategy/tactics privately. The great thing about IRC is you could create individual channels for each five man "cell", and various more closed channels that only people you personally trust could use, to minimise the risk of infiltration.

Quote: (11-15-2014 12:48 AM)Veloce Wrote:  

Quote: (11-14-2014 11:59 PM)kbell Wrote:  

You could call this something PC yet evil like Ministry of Reputation, or Public Reputation Management. An example of what I mean by the Ministry of Truth which goes out of its way to hide it.

Or, how's this for an idea? Whatever team gets built, they call themselves SJWs. Think about it. What we're out for is justice, REAL justice.

And if you can infiltrate their ranks and get a few naive SJWs on your side before launching a major attack, think of the fireworks. Cause major internal turmoil.

Retake the name SJWs and make it our own, how's that for a strategy?

This is a bad idea, IMO. It's far better to drive them to more extreme positions than to place "moderates" within their ranks, as they tolerate no moderation. You either agree with everything they say, or you're off to the gulags. You must tailor your tactics to the opponent you're dealing with. I recommend deep infiltration with Hugo-Schwyzer-esque characters, then promoting ever-more-radical rhetoric and encouraging high profile members to incriminate themselves. It's what leftist subversives did to the Christian establishments during the latter half of the last century, and it's highly effective.

At the same time, we need banners to march under and slogans/buzzwords. The important thing is to make sure they're appealing to the average guy, and to the people on the fence. A big problem with calling our opponents "Social Justice Warriors" is that, whilst it might sound demeaning to us, the majority of the general public associates the term "social justice" with positive things.

Yet again, another reason a private IRC would be useful is that we don't really want any ideas we make trend to be seen as originating from this community. To the masses, we're woman-hating-virgin-neckbeards, and therefore all our ideas are crimethink. Anything we push has to appear to have emerged organically from the collective unconscious, then it can be "troubling" and "problematic" instead, and they won't actually know how to deal with it.

Quote: (11-15-2014 08:01 AM)Hannibal Wrote:  

For all the members that aren't really good at forming cogent arguments or making good meme pictures, we should have a ton of members sign a list for a spam team.

This is actually a more useful tool than most people think. In fact, it's so useful that the US Military is investing millions in ways to do this automatically via software that generates believable, congruent "civilian" profiles for their agents to use on social networking sites. The problem is, it's costly in time and doesn't require much intelligence. Intelligent members are a rare resource (even if they're not up to scratch with internet warfare), and should be directed to more productive areas, which means we need an army of lifeless followers before such a tactic would look good if you do a cost/benefit analysis. Unfortunately, this mean the SJWs have the upper hand when it comes to sockpuppetting and brigading, as obese and childless women are an abundant resource.

I recommend everyone interested in this fight read "Rules For Radicals" by Saul Alinsky and watch this video to get a better idea how the the cultural war is being fought:

Most of these tactics can be used against them, and those that can't I'm sure this community can come up with viable counter-strategies.

Good luck, and if there's any way I can help, let me know. As far as I'm concerned, this is the most important battle of our generation.


Creation of 5-man fireteam to deal with SJW's - Libertas - 11-15-2014

This is a good idea. The writer seems like it would be the least work (if his skills are good enough) while the researcher seems like it would be the most. The researcher better be quite detailed and patient, and passionate in his beliefs.

Who knows? This could set a very good precedent.

Creation of 5-man fireteam to deal with SJW's - WD-40 - 11-15-2014

Frankly, I think the spam team people are barking up the wrong tree.

This is not some meaningless propaganda war between the Judean People's Front and the People's Front of Judaea.

Because what this comes down to is a struggle between Good and Evil. Swarming hordes are the nature of the Echthroi. The forces of the Good stand united at the gates of Thermopylae.

Creation of 5-man fireteam to deal with SJW's - Kingsley Davis - 11-15-2014

Quote: (11-14-2014 04:38 PM)Veloce Wrote:  

I mean, shit, right off the top of my head there's 4 standouts: Roosh, MattForney, Tuth, and Quintus.

Off my dome list. Aurini, K Galt, Kosko, Samseau, King Tut, 2wycked, Excelsior and Rollo Tommassi.[Image: icon_worship.gif]

Creation of 5-man fireteam to deal with SJW's - Handsome Creepy Eel - 11-15-2014

Quote: (11-15-2014 09:08 AM)Libertas Wrote:  

This is a good idea. The writer seems like it would be the least work (if his skills are good enough) while the researcher seems like it would be the most. The researcher better be quite detailed and patient, and passionate in his beliefs.

Who knows? This could set a very good precedent.

Spoken like a true researcher [Image: banana.gif]

Creation of 5-man fireteam to deal with SJW's - Libertas - 11-15-2014

^^ Yes indeed.

It might for that reason make more sense to make it a six man team instead of a five, and divide the research responsibilities as they will require the most work.

Creation of 5-man fireteam to deal with SJW's - Days of Broken Arrows - 11-15-2014

Along with this, we should write up a list of inaccurate SWJ talking points and shoot them down with articles drawn from facts.

To make the arguments tighter, I'd recommend using sources that come from the reasonable part of the (old guard) left, which makes for better ammo that conservative sites, which people will dismiss because of alleged bias.

The list could look something like this:

1. SJW opinion: Women earn 77 cents for every dollar a man earns.
Response: No, they don't. The Washington Post declared the White House's numbers to be wrong and the Daily Beast explains why there is still some discrepancy in pay -- and it has to do with job choice, not discrimination.

2. SWJ opinion: Men have an advantage because of male privilege.
Response: Then how do you explain that 67.5 percent of the homeless are men, and 92.9 percent of all prisoners in the US are male?

Etc. If this works, I think we should write up a full list and have people contribute in whichever area they know about most.