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The False Premise of 'Good Girls' - Suq Madiq - 04-23-2014

Quote: (04-22-2014 06:40 PM)Christian McQueen Wrote:  

-What actually defines a 'good' girl? Virgin? 1 cock? Less than 5 cocks? Every man has his own definition of what a 'good' girl means.

-I define a 'good' girl, by one who aspires to be loyal, prudent (NOT a prude), not easily swayed by her friends and from a good family. Well guess what? There's plenty of girls with those exact qualities who still sluts around.

Girls who slut around are statistically far less likely to stay loyal or have successful long-term relationships than women who wait for marriage. Your Vegas girl wasn't really my example since she wasn't waiting for marriage. She'll statistically become a worse long-term partner with every cock that enters her, especially one-night stands I'm sure. You guys can take your chances, I'd rather keep these types short-term only. The same goes in reverse, sluts make better short-term fuckbuddies, and that's all I'm interested in myself.

I'm sure there are girls out there who go from having 100+ sexual partners to settling down and being great stable wives and mothers. These are exceptions and there's a large difference between how girls turn out based on the number of partners they've had prior to marriage.

I don't mean to put any girl on a pedestal, because no girl is perfect. I'm just saying if someone like Nomad from the other thread wants someone more loving, his odds will be better with less promiscuous women and he may do best moving to a more conservative society.

The False Premise of 'Good Girls' - BDawg - 04-23-2014

A good girl is an anchor with low mileage.

She's never a materialista or one who travels with a fast crowd.

The False Premise of 'Good Girls' - conservative - 04-23-2014

So by banging a 10, 100, 1000 guys a girl is a "slut", but if you are banging 1000 women then you are a player and an alpha? Come on guys, something is wrong in the way you think. I don't care how many times a women did bang, I don't care if she cheated a few times on me (sexually) or looking for other sexual experiences.

A good women is a women that exchanges care with you, and that preserve your wealth. If you pick the wrong women for an LTR, and the women consumes a lot of your money, she can do irreversible damage to your wealth.

I've seen really great women (28-35) in my country. They are few but they exist (and there are more than I have thought)

1. They are professional (work as a doctor, lawyer, professor) and they contribute to the house income.

2. They take great care of the kids.

3. They are careful about expenses and managing money.

4. They are respectful, know what/how to wear, do their job toward your family and know how to manage your relations, the house...

So if my wife is doing the 4 points above, and went on a travel, and she hooked up with this alpha male that played her and banged her, does that mean she's a bad girl? heck no. Does that bother me? A little. and I prefer not to be told about it.

I'd bang that 9 or 8.5 when I'm travelling alone. I don't consider it cheating on my wife. I won't tell her.

P.S.: I don't know about women in the US or EU, so this is more of a personal, local, opinionated opinion.

The False Premise of 'Good Girls' - Handsome Creepy Eel - 04-23-2014

Quote: (04-23-2014 12:21 PM)internet alpha Wrote:  

I think a girl can still be good even if she is promiscuous. She can be hard working, polite, generous and still suck a mean cock. There is nothing wrong with liking sex and having a variety of partners.

The problem is that every girl who sucks a mean cock thinks that she is like that.

The False Premise of 'Good Girls' - berserk - 04-23-2014

I actually don't see your point.

You banged a virgin, what does that say about her being a good girl or not? You banged a married woman, of course a married woman alone in Vegas is not a good girl. It's good bragging material for sure, I don't dispute you are in a very good spot with regards to your game.

A good girl is a submissive girl raised to have some morals. Submissive is key. All women will lie and manipulate and be weak and needy and crave attention. Some girls will have enough basic human decency to do the right thing. They exist and we all know it. The woman who doesn't divorce rape her husband and lets him see the kids because she knows it's the right thing to do. They do exist.

That's all I demand from a girl to be a good girls: Basic human decency and a minimum of morals and that she is submissive. That she is a virgin would be great, but it is no guarantee that she has good personal qualities.

The False Premise of 'Good Girls' - berserk - 04-23-2014

Quote: (04-23-2014 01:05 PM)conservative Wrote:  

So if my wife is doing the 4 points above, and went on a travel, and she hooked up with this alpha male that played her and banged her, does that mean she's a bad girl? heck no. Does that bother me? A little. and I prefer not to be told about it.

Sounds more like your cuckold fantasy.

The False Premise of 'Good Girls' - Christian McQueen - 04-23-2014

"So by banging a 10, 100, 1000 guys a girl is a "slut", but if you are banging 1000 women then you are a player and an alpha? Come on guys, something is wrong in the way you think. I don't care how many times a women did bang, I don't care if she cheated a few times on me (sexually) or looking for other sexual experiences."

^^^With all due respect, you sir are a cuckold and an idiot and most likely a [Image: troll.gif]

The False Premise of 'Good Girls' - Vicious - 04-23-2014

I believe McQ is talking mainly out of a American perspective. It'd be interesting if you joined some of the RVF boys out in the world to get a feel for women of other cultures.

While this is an international forum a vast majority of the talk here concerns American women.

The False Premise of 'Good Girls' - No Habit - 04-23-2014


So by banging a 10, 100, 1000 guys a girl is a "slut", but if you are banging 1000 women then you are a player and an alpha? Come on guys, something is wrong in the way you think. I don't care how many times a women did bang, I don't care if she cheated a few times on me (sexually) or looking for other sexual experiences.

That's my opinion, too.

Where does this whole mindset come from anyway?

The False Premise of 'Good Girls' - Hotwheels - 04-23-2014

I see a couple guys that will probably not last long.

The False Premise of 'Good Girls' - Christian McQueen - 04-23-2014

[Image: troll.gif] [Image: troll.gif] [Image: troll.gif] [Image: troll.gif] [Image: troll.gif]

The False Premise of 'Good Girls' - Suq Madiq - 04-23-2014

Quote: (04-23-2014 01:35 PM)Bad-Habit Wrote:  


So by banging a 10, 100, 1000 guys a girl is a "slut", but if you are banging 1000 women then you are a player and an alpha? Come on guys, something is wrong in the way you think. I don't care how many times a women did bang, I don't care if she cheated a few times on me (sexually) or looking for other sexual experiences.

That's my opinion, too.

Where does this whole mindset come from anyway?

It's pretty widely known on this forum already that in the US, if your wife gets pregnant cheating on vacation, you're almost guaranteed to be tagged to financially support that child until it's 18.

The False Premise of 'Good Girls' - No Habit - 04-23-2014

Yea if my wife. Why would I want to marry?

The False Premise of 'Good Girls' - Christian McQueen - 04-23-2014

"You banged a married woman, of course a married woman alone in Vegas is not a good girl."

^Wasn't a married woman visiting Vegas, she actually lives in Vegas. Big difference. I should have been more specific.

The False Premise of 'Good Girls' - Suq Madiq - 04-23-2014

Quote: (04-23-2014 01:54 PM)Bad-Habit Wrote:  

Yea if my wife. Why would I want to marry?

You should clear that up when telling the forum you agree with a guy who said the following in the same quote:

Quote: (04-23-2014 01:05 PM)conservative Wrote:  

So if my wife is doing the 4 points above, and went on a travel, and she hooked up with this alpha male that played her and banged her, does that mean she's a bad girl? heck no. Does that bother me? A little. and I prefer not to be told about it.

The False Premise of 'Good Girls' - Slim Shady - 04-23-2014

Quote: (04-23-2014 01:43 PM)Christian McQueen Wrote:  

[Image: troll.gif] [Image: troll.gif] [Image: troll.gif] [Image: troll.gif] [Image: troll.gif]

Eduard Khil [1934-2012]: A True Hero

The False Premise of 'Good Girls' - No Habit - 04-23-2014


You should clear that up when telling the forum you agree with a guy who said the following in the same quote:

Thanks for the hint. I am a lazy reader sometimes. I only agree to the "no matter how much she fucked I would still bang" part of his post.

[Image: laugh3.gif]

The False Premise of 'Good Girls' - heavy - 04-23-2014


So by banging a 10, 100, 1000 guys a girl is a "slut", but if you are banging 1000 women then you are a player and an alpha? Come on guys, something is wrong in the way you think. I don't care how many times a women did bang, I don't care if she cheated a few times on me (sexually) or looking for other sexual experiences.
...and the rest of his post

Yes, a whore exchanges sex for resources, a slut exchanges sex for nothing. Girls are becoming sluttier because they don't need resources. They are free to sleep with *more* guys, thus more guys = sluttier and sluttier = more guys. A woman who gave away her sex for free is the equivalent of a man who gave his resources for free. This isn't because women don't have value other than for sex (personality, etc), it's because their sexual value *so high* when they're young and hot. It's not good, bad, holy, evil, or anything, it's just reality.


A good women is a women that exchanges care with you, and that preserve your wealth. If you pick the wrong women for an LTR, and the women consumes a lot of your money, she can do irreversible damage to your wealth.

True. And if you explore the annals of RVF and other resources, you'll generally find women you described as having certain traits and not having other certain fucking moron.

The False Premise of 'Good Girls' - soup - 04-23-2014

Conservative is making that shit up [Image: troll.gif]

The False Premise of 'Good Girls' - conservative - 04-23-2014

Sorry but I'm disappointed at the replies here. If someone has a different opinion or way of seeing life that makes him a troll?

I already mentioned that I'm talking about my country and I have no idea about (neither I did travel to) the US.

The False Premise of 'Good Girls' - cmrocks - 04-23-2014

I wouldn't consider a girl "good" if she had more than 10 sexual partners. In my eyes, a girl would be considered "good" if she only slept with guys she dated, didn't jump into bed with someone until at least date 5 or more dates, doesn't cheat, doesn't get shit face drunk, comes from a decent family, has an education etc.

There are definitely girls out there like that. Say a 25 year old girl started dating when she was 16. She's had a couple longer term relationships, probably a high school sweetheart, a couple shorter relationships in college etc. She goes out with her friends, drinks and has a good time but doesn't get shit faced and make out/go home with strangers. I know girls like this aren't common, especially if they're pretty, but they DO exist. In my mind, that's a "good girl".

The False Premise of 'Good Girls' - Christian McQueen - 04-23-2014

"Sorry but I'm disappointed at the replies here. If someone has a different opinion or way of seeing life that makes him a troll?"


You write like and are probably a girl. Go back to the kitchen doll.

The False Premise of 'Good Girls' - tawillionaire - 04-23-2014

Quote: (04-23-2014 05:17 PM)cmrocks Wrote:  

I wouldn't consider a girl "good" if she had more than 10 sexual partners. In my eyes, a girl would be considered "good" if she only slept with guys she dated, didn't jump into bed with someone until at least date 5 or more dates, doesn't cheat, doesn't get shit face drunk, comes from a decent family, has an education etc.

There are definitely girls out there like that. Say a 25 year old girl started dating when she was 16. She's had a couple longer term relationships, probably a high school sweetheart, a couple shorter relationships in college etc. She goes out with her friends, drinks and has a good time but doesn't get shit faced and make out/go home with strangers. I know girls like this aren't common, especially if they're pretty, but they DO exist. In my mind, that's a "good girl".

I dated a girl like this. You're right that they're hard to find. I would have never met her at the bars and clubs that I've been picking up chicks from since I found RVF. It's not like she never went out or was super conservative -- girl was born and raised in NYC -- but she just had a good enough upbringing to value relationships over fucking strangers.

Would she have fucked McQueen if she partied with him in Vegas? Probably. No homo but McQueen seems like a sexy motherfucker. This girl just didn't put herself in those situations and that's what made her a good girl to me.

The False Premise of 'Good Girls' - tylerdurden1993 - 04-23-2014

McQueen is spot on again.

I do think this is a blue pill fantasy though because me personally if I was in a LTR with a girl, and one night she goes out for some reason and gets approached by Leonardo Di Caprio I know 99 times out of 100 she'd go off with him. Does this make her a bad girl she's just doing the natural thing.

Like it or not its the law of the jungle if you're in a LTR what can you really do to stop her cheating lock her in the house, keep tabs on her, girls are sneaky if she wants to do it she can do it. I'm pretty sure 100 years ago a guy could get away with murder if he caught his wife cheating on him with another man. (I heard it on a documentary I was watching once)

Anyway even with these good girls who "only" have sex with guys who they're in a LTR with. These girls are still girls, one example a boy and girl are going out in my social group, two years pass and the girl suddenly dumps the boy "because he was getting too serious" what the fuck. Anyway 6 weeks after this she had a new boyfriend while the guy still obviously loves her its fucking tragic. Is she still a "good girl" because she isn't the town bike.

Women don't need to be "good girls" they can either jump from LTR to LTR only stopping for a few week gap each time, or they can slut it up and still pretend to be miss perfect when she becomes a "born again virgin" in her 30s. My point being that women don't need to be a stereotypical good girl, they can just do what feels "right" without any repercussions.

So there's no point idealising this "good woman" who's perfect and fucks you when you want and would never fuck any other man etc. At the end of the day woman are humans and like humans if society's not forcing you to behave in a certain way you probably won't.

So just keep your wits about you and enjoy the ride. Haha sorry for the rant

The False Premise of 'Good Girls' - soup - 04-23-2014

Conservative, do you come from the country Mangyneca?