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"500 approaches, 0 lays." What is this guy missing? - Printable Version

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"500 approaches, 0 lays." What is this guy missing? - Tenerife - 09-21-2013

This guy would kill it in SEA.

"500 approaches, 0 lays." What is this guy missing? - WestIndianArchie - 09-21-2013

Train wreck of a post.

Sorry for such a long post, but the thread bothered me.

Too Long? Didn't read? - dude has all the raw material, but he's following the wrong path to game success.


I suggest everyone watch his approach video. It's only a minute, and you can just FFW to the last 30 seconds.

He's not some weak mamby pamby dude that mumbles his words.

The stats
- 24
- white
- 5'9
- 145
- toned physique, but not jacked
- virgin
- awesome work ethic
- fearless/balls of steel
- has some inner game issues
- lives with mom, in basement, drives a hyundai

But this dude posts actual pictures AND VIDEO of himself.

Who has the balls (or stupidity) to put themselves out there like that?

The prey
- 18-19 year old white girls
- cheerleaders
- only "10"s
- only DTF girls

^as any RVF vet knows, this Barely Legal subset of hotness is the holy grail for the typical dude in the game. Cats will leave friends, family, and jobs to go to Eastern Europe just to make the odds slightly better than they can stuff the muffs of young skinny white chicks. (the benefits of them being more feminine and able to cook get balanced out by your lack of ability to communicate on a deeper level - but that's prolly snobbery and sour grapes on my part after dealing with this subset many times)

The method
- mix of day game and night game
- 6 months, everyday, all day (no job, no school)
- aggressive
- pull them back to HIS CAR
- using instadates
- using text and social media

Some negatives, some positives

If I was this dude? I'd be SWIMMING IN 18 YEAR OLD BLONDE PUSSY.

And the dudes on that board? fucking idiots. I'm pretty much suspicious of all the boytoystory and goodlookingloser, as I am the RSD posts that show up here. But seeing the advice that the mods were giving, and how the regulars were talking to him - EEDIOTS

Their advice
- Surgery?
- Hit the gym? Put on 20 lbs of muscle?
- Cut your hair
- don't cut your hair
- wear pink, don't wear pink, wear dark clothes

You notice how few if any of them comment on what he actually says during his approach?

Which brings me to a larger point that has been kinda rolling around in the back of my mind, but this post helped me crystallize it a bit.

There are a lot of pick up philosophies that just feed the male mind.

Society has planted in our mind what it means to be a man, and little by little that meaning has come under assault from various factions.

So a lotta you cats in your 20's and younger, hell some of us in our 30's, we've been missing those masculine values.

So a lot of pick up, dark triad, men's rights, mgtow, red pill - they just blow the dust off of those male concepts and feed that shit to you unadulterated.

Vital medicine that a lot of us need.

You'll swear your cock gets bigger everytime you read Roissy (no homo)

But reminding ourselves on how to be men
- getting strong
- making money
- traveling
- really experiencing life
- et cetera

That shit is ANCILLARY to bedding women. It's a supplement, maybe even a complement to GAME.

That's what that site is feeding him.

Be a better man, and the bitches will get on their knees.

Say what you want about Speed Seduction, NLP, Mystery Method, and all that old shit - but a big key to the success anyone had with it - was really trying to focus on how women think and their behavior.

*And as a brief aside, 10 years ago, maybe because it was a bunch of computer nerds - everyone talked about their success in MINUTE detail - cats don't do this, which means they don't really pay attention to what's going on when they're out there trying to fuck chicks. So when something fucks up, they don't know what to think about and analyze*

Pick up was basically mind hacking.

You were trying to say things to a chick to put her in a spot.
What you did verbally would make her react logically and emotionally.

At the highest level, when you're really on top of it, your words can cause a chick to physically react - blushing, turning away, putting her legs together, causing her to touch you.

A lot of modern day stuff focuses primarily on what used to be called external game.

Muscles, Clothes, Money, Housing, Car, Logistics..

Build the right lifestyle and more girls come into your life.
Focus on your passive game, and you'll reap rewards.
I personally advocate that everyone trying to bed chicks do these things.
They will make you a better man, and put you into a different class of pussy altogether.

But there is still active game.

And a big part of active game is breaking through a chick's natural hesitance to open her legs for strange meat.

For us older cats, we can't really be in the gym going ass to grass with 400+ lbs on our shoulders like we did in our mid 20s.

And relying on lifestyle (which is really just showing off wealth and power in a non-flashy way), can attract the wrong kind of chick. Believe me, I know. Broad would come to the flat in DC and she was already mentally moving herself in.

"I can see myself as the girlfriend/wife of a successful professional"
Even a so-called good girl, a non gold digger, will kick in her hypergamy when she senses that you might be a good long term bet. Alpha enough to get her into your bed, with enough largesse that the bed has nice sheets.

So it comes back to what you say to a chick when she gives you the opportunity to talk to her.

The active game.

That's his main problem. He is unaware of active game. He thinks he knows, but he actually doesn't it.

He mentions that he did better with Mystery Method. Which brings him some kind of pain.

Reading further, there's a bit of an argument that different pick up methods work for different Archetypes better. A 6'2" super jacked, tight clothes wearing, swearing, hard drinking dude would have a very hard time pulling bitches at Tegan and Sara show, the same way a 5'2" guy couldn't pretend to be a pro-baller. (bowler maybe...)

A lot of people believe that there needs to be congruence between how you look and your game.

These same people will also routinely not understand how a 5'10 model chick who wears 5" heels on the regular gets with a dude that's 5'8".

They see it, but they have to rationalize it some other way.
It can't be true, not for them to keep their world view. Rather than let new information change the way they think, they ignore it.

That's *his* primary inner game issue.
He's stuck on the idea that phenotype determines destiny.

But a lotta guys in the game believe this bullshit. (lot of em Roissy readers - cheap shot, I know)

They see a fat dude with a hot chick, and they think - rich, coke dealer, gay friend...

They see a good looking dude with a busted chick, and think - he has low self esteem, or she must have pornstar level dick sucking skills.

They don't see that the game isn't primarily played on the physical and visual level. People get each other to behave in certain ways primarily by motivating them through pain avoidance and pleasure seeking, and that happens all kinds of ways.

So his technical problems are

1. He doesn't understand game. (and nobody on that board understands it either - so they can't help him)

And aside from all the other problems this guy has, he really doesn't know what to say to a chick.

He's basically a "social robot" that has internalized all of the techniques, understands the theory from one pov, but he doesn't realize the empathy, and getting into a woman's mind that is required for success.

If you read the thread closely, he's analyzed the language and kino of who ever "Good Looking Loser" is, and basically done the same thing 500 times.

The model over there seems to be
- look jacked
- wear cool clothes
- spot a bitch
- step up to her
- screen for her DTF
- put your hands on her, kino
- close (kiss, instadate, fuck-close)

And most of the "bro's" there seem to just parrot that model back to him, despite the fact that's what he's been doing for 6 months, every single day, without a day off.

That right there is a major sign to me, but that entire board thinks that Ex-Jock game is merely "running the same play as the pro's"

That being said, I really got to give the dude props. I'm close to 3 figures in lays, but I know I haven't done 500 approaches, much less 500 approaches of the hottest bitches I've ever seen in my life. I wish I had his pussy work ethic.

2. Bad target choices,

He's shooting for the hottest chicks (many options, super flaky) in the flakiest demographic (young bitches with internet/social media ADD)

Plus 18-19 year old chicks, they might not be the most down to fuck as a class. Lotta them still haven't been pounded by too many dicks. (that's what college is for)

3. Horrible Logistics

He focuses on 18-19 year old chicks who probably live at home with their parents, or with hating ass roommates that don't want some random guy walking around in his boxers on a Tuesday morning.

He talks about pulling chicks back to his car (because he can't take them home)

Notice how he never puts himself into the head of these chicks.

"i just met this guy"
"he's kinda cute"
"sure, we'll hang out"
"why are we in your car"
"you want me to do what"
"let me out"

He's basically setting himself up for the Authorities to get involved.

4. Horrible expectations

Can you meet a teeny bopper at the mall and have her sucking your dick in your Rape Hyundai after getting super aggressive with her in the food court?

And let's say she's the head cheerleader.

Is it possible? yes.

If you approach her, open her, and then screen her to see if she's actually down to fuck RIGHT NOW while she's eating a corn dog and some fries from Wienerschnitzel - then I can see sliding some sausage into her buns in the Forever 21 dressing room.

Is this scenario likely? No.

5. His actual approach

He opens fine.
They seem receptive.

But then he goes into interview mode.
Throws in A smidgen of self-deprecation... (which is ignorable)
There's a little bit of neg/disqualification, but...


There's nothing interesting about what he's saying, especially to chicks.
He's not getting these bitches excited that Jesus just came back from the dead, and he's going to share the gospel of dick with THEM.

If there's one good thing about young American bitches, is that they have a lot of emotional energy. For a typical dude here, that means we have a lot to play with. That bitch is passionate about Miley Cyrus and the new wings @ McDonald's. She'll wax poetic about Fage versus Pinkberry. She's thinking about her long term future, and whether or not she's gonna go to the party tonight...

We only get a minute, but he's pretty much wasting that minute getting to know them ho's instead of trying to get into their minds and see how they work.

This was the advantage of egg head/nerd pick up artist game.


Later in the thread, he talks about keeping a crowd of people entertained and then getting bitches yanked from him by other dudes - he rationalizes that these chicks went with the next man cause he had some more pounds on him.

Which brings me back to the above discussion about why a lot of these new school pick up dudes don't get game.

As red pill dudes, we complain about female narcissism. Everything has to be about her.

The game that they're talking about is male equivalent. Everything they say he needs to work on, is about bettering and changing himself. It's all about him. His body, his hair, his clothes.

You want to fuck bitches?
Learn how to talk to bitches to get them to react.

So to recap

1. He's got great raw materials to work with
2. He's working on the wrong thing

Dude could easily be a top player if he were to talk to someone with actual game, not a guy who's worked out how to maximize his own assets, but fail to teach them to others.


"500 approaches, 0 lays." What is this guy missing? - deathtofatties - 09-21-2013

WestIndianArchie, well said.

[Image: clap.gif]

[Image: potd.gif]

"500 approaches, 0 lays." What is this guy missing? - WestCoast - 09-21-2013

WIA you killed it in this post.

That video alone told me he has no game at all "how old do you think I am" come on man. You can only play teasing stuff like ethnicities and age and where you're from in a joking manner once they have already decided they want to kick it with you.

Rep from me, if I was that guy I would be in an aids clinic.

Basically the advice they are giving him is "you're not good enough" he has zero self esteem

That is why he is only going for 18-19 y/o knock outs. It's validation for him if he snatches one up.

Agree with MRXY below lol'd in real life at Rape Hyundai.

"500 approaches, 0 lays." What is this guy missing? - MrXY - 09-21-2013

Why do people think it's necessary to quote an entire long post when they are the next post after the long post- I don't understand

"Rape Hyundai" lol

"500 approaches, 0 lays." What is this guy missing? - deathtofatties - 09-21-2013

Quote: (09-21-2013 08:07 PM)MrXY Wrote:  

Why do people think it's necessary to quote an entire long post when they are the next post after the long post- I don't understand

"Rape Hyundai" lol


"500 approaches, 0 lays." What is this guy missing? - NYJ - 09-21-2013

While his effort is admirable it's a problem when you're not getting a return on such an investment. If you spent almost half the day going after women, that's very telling that you have nothing else going on for yourself. What women would want to be a part of that lifestyle(hence why he is going after 18-19 year olds)?

lol@ at "Rape Hyundai"

"500 approaches, 0 lays." What is this guy missing? - eradicator - 09-21-2013

Thegoodlookingloser and RSV do have something to offer because they both advocate self improvement. GLL says to improve your physicality and wardrobe and women will be attracted right away and what you say to the girl doesn't matter. RSV says looks don't matter and having good game is everything.

Really, both game and looks matter and to do as well as possible we should be trying to max out both.

I don't think the dude in the OP is only going for instadates and bangs in his hundai? It sounds like he is trying to get a lot of numbers that don't go anywhere because he puts himself in the friendzone instead of escalating.

"500 approaches, 0 lays." What is this guy missing? - All or Nothing - 09-21-2013

Quote: (09-21-2013 06:32 PM)WestIndianArchie Wrote:  

But there is still active game.

Maybe my reading comprehension is off, but I am assuming that you are saying he should learn game techniques, and gain a deep understanding of female psychology.

I do not think this is the solution either. Learning active game or building passive game is not what is going to get this guy laid.

He has no friends, and he cannot get laid to save his life. These are signs that he is barely functioning human being. I come from the same place, so I bet his real problems are this:

-He is deeply insecure/self-loathing.
-He doesn't even have a basic understanding of how to socialize.
-He has generalized social anxiety.
-He has sexual anxiety.

These are his root problems. Learning active game or building passive game will improve none of them. On top of this, women can smell these underlying attributes on a man, and they reek.

Right now, he is at the first stage of grief: DENIAL. Until he becomes honest with himself, and accepts that he is insecure and very very afraid, he will never improve.

I started three years ago, and I went through the five stages. You can read my posts over the last two years and watch as I cycle between bargaining and anger for the first year and a half I have been on here. Then watch as I go through depression for the first 6 to 7 months of this year. I am just starting to come out of the depression stage and coincidentally, I am starting to finally get laid.

A large part of game is how you feel inside. This guy feels like shit inside, so all he gets is shit.

"500 approaches, 0 lays." What is this guy missing? - Vaun - 09-21-2013

Interesting WIA. Sort of a de-evolution going on. A couple things can happen here, like muscle memory he could have literally burned into his mind the wrong way to approach and will have a very hard time without some serious rewiring. Or, he will learn from his mistakes and will understand approach & SNL's better than anyone ever in the manosphere, lay 5000, write the first red pill New York Times bestseller approach guide, and have his life portrayed by Brad Pitt.

"500 approaches, 0 lays." What is this guy missing? - Menace - 09-21-2013

[Image: DIQFlt6.png]

"500 approaches, 0 lays." What is this guy missing? - Tenerife - 09-21-2013

This guy's problem is mostly external.

He needs to roll with buddies to a club. Fuck doing solo approaches. Roll with at least one wingman, drink at least 4 shots, chill the fuck out, and take higher percentage shots.

Also, his city might suck. Yep. Thats why RVF is so great. We can talk about reality, such as your environment. His country also sucks. America is a tough place to get your game "training wheels" rolling.

This type of guy is very very common. I was in a similar group to him a few years ago. I hundreds of approaches and didn't get laid.

He needs to go to latin america or SEA, fuck a few whores or semi-pros, then do some easy ass online game, where girls show up and are DTF. He has sexual anxiety. It's obvious, and I would too if I were 24 and a virgin.

"500 approaches, 0 lays." What is this guy missing? - WestIndianArchie - 09-21-2013

Quote: (09-21-2013 09:58 PM)puckman Wrote:  

Interesting WIA. Sort of a de-evolution going on. A couple things can happen here, like muscle memory he could have literally burned into his mind the wrong way to approach and will have a very hard time without some serious rewiring. Or, he will learn from his mistakes and will understand approach & SNL's better than anyone ever in the manosphere, lay 5000, write the first red pill New York Times bestseller approach guide, and have his life portrayed by Brad Pitt.

I think he could become a great player.

He certainly has a lot of internal/inner game issues, as well as some fixable logistic issues.

(mid 20's living in Mom's basement, no school, no job......)

But his main thing, in my mind at least, is that he's just doing the wrong thing, and so he's missing what needs to be done to make the connection.

He goes on and on about flaking chicks.

If a chick flakes on you, that means the impression you made on her wasn't so great that she drops everything.

It doesn't mean you'll never fuck that chick (although the odds are against you as time goes on) but you're just low on the # of options.

But his fearlessness and work ethic...he's like one of those wind up cars.

If you aim it at the corner, it's gonna smash into it.
If you let it go across the living room floor, it will go pretty far.


"500 approaches, 0 lays." What is this guy missing? - WestIndianArchie - 09-21-2013

Quote: (09-21-2013 09:52 PM)All or Nothing Wrote:  

A large part of game is how you feel inside. This guy feels like shit inside, so all he gets is shit.

I appreciate your candor.

I'm not gonna say he's 100% okay with himself.
He really has some concerns.
And my armchair psych degree says he might do good with some counseling.

What I get from him, is that he's a raging virgin, and he's desperately trying to stick his dick into something, and he's way too thirsty. Throw in following the wrong path, and it will only get worse.

That in mind, the following is little red pill.

Fucked Up People can Still Fuck

In a different post I talked about my sex addict homeboy.
He's got lots of self-esteem issues, but those don't get in the way of his ability to connect with women.

From a different vantage point, lots of actors and comedians, people who put their emotional lives out there for the entertainment and profit of others, are often VERY FUCKED UP internally. Heath Ledger, Andy Kaufman, Richard Pryor, Dave Chappelle... There was a whole TV show devoted to stars who lead fucked up lives despite having every external advantage out there.

Yet somehow they manage to connect with "regular" people who have "no" issues.

People love them.

Back to the game, lots of dudes grant these 22 year olds super powers. Somehow the non-lathering Garnier Fructis and Victoria's Secret Push Up bra has turned these bitches into Jean Grey - and they can read your mind, your emotions, and your soul.

They can't.

Women tend to read body language better than men through both nature (they need to in order to care for babies) and nurture (all they talk about is that kinda shit with their girlfriends).

But they don't see everything.

That's why they test so much. To see if you will crack. To see if you will say something off.

Indeed, the test machine is always on and will pick up a random sample. That's why you can just be yourself, make some comment, and it will cause a shitstorm.

"What do you mean you like Veal? THEY'RE BABY COWS"

And another vet tip, lotta these chicks you run into are
- mentally unstable - and I mean clinically, like take meds for panic attacks and shit
- beyond self conscious and prone to over analyzation
- aren't good people themselves

Not only do we give a hot chick Sherlockian powers of detection, we often feel that they are Morally and Spiritually superior to ourselves. (The media reinforces this view as well)

And when they act like real humans do, the sense of disappointment and despair is all consuming.

Our egos can be quite fragile.

So if a fucked up a chick can interact and attract with a normal dude, the opposite can happen. A fucked up dude can interact and attract a normal chick.

People do not want to believe this can happen, this evil asymmetry.

It happens a lot.


"500 approaches, 0 lays." What is this guy missing? - WestIndianArchie - 09-21-2013

Quote: (09-21-2013 09:37 PM)master_thespian Wrote:  

Thegoodlookingloser and RSV do have something to offer because they both advocate self improvement. GLL says to improve your physicality and wardrobe and women will be attracted right away and what you say to the girl doesn't matter. RSV says looks don't matter and having good game is everything.

Really, both game and looks matter and to do as well as possible we should be trying to max out both.

I don't think the dude in the OP is only going for instadates and bangs in his hundai? It sounds like he is trying to get a lot of numbers that don't go anywhere because he puts himself in the friendzone instead of escalating.

I don't mean to throw salt on RSD/BTS/GLL.
We can all learn something from each other.

But honestly, the get jacked and be a caveman, Jersey Shore/The Situation, Zyzz thing - that's not a universal approach to bedding chicks.

I can't speak on RSD, cause I don't know what they're preaching now, prolly a mix of Eckhart and Tony Robbins + Game Tech, but those dudes haven't drunk the protein shake that says you can only pull a broad by looking like the cover of some muscle mag.

With that said, perhaps the Rape Hyundai was a bit unfair.
He talks a lot about getting #'s, and then getting dissed on text, or on social media.

You already know I'm with GManifesto. Talk to bitches live and in person, and if you can't do that, get them broads on the phone.

I know a lot of you 2013 players can school an old dog like myself on POF or Seeking Arrangement, but a girl can't hear the sound, depth, and tone of your voice with emoticons, and you can't tell if she's laughing out loud just because she typed LOL on some screen.

This goes back to his approaches and the kind of impression that he's making.

The cowardly analysis is that his virgin-ness is seeping through and creeping out chicks.

But I have a feeling he's just not really engaging these chicks and leaving an awesome impression that makes them want to answer this texts.

Still, because he's newb to the game, he hasn't gotten into his head how important description is. Not just for help from the internet, but to learn how to be mindful about running game.


"500 approaches, 0 lays." What is this guy missing? - WestIndianArchie - 09-22-2013

Quote: (09-21-2013 07:59 PM)WestCoast Wrote:  

Basically the advice they are giving him is "you're not good enough" he has zero self esteem

That is why he is only going for 18-19 y/o knock outs. It's validation for him if he snatches one up.

That's a great point. I wish I'd thought of it.

In terms of self-esteem, I think it's a human issue.

I wish I had the intellectual chops to break down the difference between confidence and self esteem.

I think you can build confidence through action.
But a part of me feels like you can be very confident about doing something, but still suffer from low self esteem - and the self esteem will have a long term negative effect on all of your endeavors.


"500 approaches, 0 lays." What is this guy missing? - Fredster - 09-22-2013

How does he go about fixing these two ?

-He doesn't even have a basic understanding of how to socialize.
-He has generalized social anxiety.

Especially socializing with girls.

I want to fix this in myself. I feel this hold me back a lot. Like I have a few friends, but I do not have social skills to actually makes real friends that you can call to hang out or talk to.

I can hold conversations, but it is very generic small talk stuff that leads to dead conversations.

I have been working on this for quite sometime before thinking about girls. I reckon social skills are ultra important.

The scary thing is this guy is very similar to me, I do many approaches and get no where except for very rare make outs from drunk girls.

This thread is a godsend for some like me.

"500 approaches, 0 lays." What is this guy missing? - dog24 - 09-22-2013

Since the guy is so desperate to improve his game why dont any of you link him to this thread? I dont see how this analysis based on assumptions is helping anyone

"500 approaches, 0 lays." What is this guy missing? - All or Nothing - 09-22-2013

Quote: (09-21-2013 11:44 PM)WestIndianArchie Wrote:  

That in mind, the following is little red pill.

Fucked Up People can Still Fuck

In a different post I talked about my sex addict homeboy.
He's got lots of self-esteem issues, but those don't get in the way of his ability to connect with women.

From a different vantage point, lots of actors and comedians, people who put their emotional lives out there for the entertainment and profit of others, are often VERY FUCKED UP internally. Heath Ledger, Andy Kaufman, Richard Pryor, Dave Chappelle... There was a whole TV show devoted to stars who lead fucked up lives despite having every external advantage out there.

Yet somehow they manage to connect with "regular" people who have "no" issues.

People love them.

Good point.

This reminds me of my grandfather.

In his youth, my grandfather was a tall, good looking man. He was a successful doctor. He was also known to be an arrogant bastard and negligent father. Still, he had a way about him. This certain kind of charm he would turn on when he wanted something. At the end of the day, regardless of who he was deep down inside, he could get people, man or woman, to do what he wanted them to do.

My mother would refer to this dichotomy as Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde.

It has been awhile since I have thought about this dichotomy between who someone really is, and who they present to the world.

I am writing this story as an aside. It is a testament to my grandfather's charm. A few years ago, following my grandmother's death, my father flew out his sisters, and my grandfather to bury my grandmother's ashes in Buenos Aires, Argentina. This is where my grandfather and grandmother were born.

During the trip, my father was enjoying his favorite past time, exploring museums. He explored while my grandfather sat on the bench. When my dad got back, he saw my grandfather talking to a woman 30 years his junior. She was totally captivated by him. While my dad was gone, my grandfather had begun talking to a woman, turned on his charm (probably a natural reflex of sorts), and began crafting a dream for her. This dream was of him buying her a plane ticket back to the United States where she would enjoy the finer life with him, saved from the economic turmoil in Argentina. This dream was all it took to emotionally wrap this woman around his finger. The amazing thing, my grandfather did this as he was entering the first stages of dementia.

"500 approaches, 0 lays." What is this guy missing? - Sargon of Akkad - 09-22-2013

I aggree with WIA that being fucked up can't be the only reason either.

I was fucked up too when I got my first lay (at 21). I had practically no game and no Brad Pitt looks either. Still pulled, just by asking the girl out. It was the right place and right time.

When I first started systematically approaching women in China, having read almost none of Roosh's material, my basic tactic would consist of walking up next to a girl near the dancefloor and screaming "HI!!" at the top of my lungs into her eardrum. Yes...that was my MO. Shit, sometimes I wouldn't even bother to form coherent sentences in my early days. I've lost track of how many times I just tapped a girl on the shoulder in a club shouting "ee-awawo-uwawa-aah eo-oo" into her ear, with a tone that made it sound like I was saying something important. With the volume of club music, that's often indistinguishable from actual speech. Most of the time, she'd just blow me off or ignnore me, but at the right clubs with enough approaches and enough persistence, when I was in the right mood, I struck gold eight times in six months, most of the time with at least a 6. Those were my conversationn skills at the very beginning, and I got laid just the same.

My point: bad game and poor social skills are no excuse for not getting laid after five-fucking-hundred(!) approaches. I've gotten laid with far worse lines than "guess my age", with worse hair than him, and with probably poorer social skills to begin with. I mean it's not like this guy's a studdering imbacile, he can speak coherently enough and seem normal on the surface.

I strongly suspect this guy is trying the same thing over and over again and just isn't smart enough to realise he needs to try something new. Putting in the numbers is a big part of the equation, but it's not everything. Experimentation and a willingness to learn from your mistakes are just as important.

After the first 100 approaches without getting one single lay, he should've taken a step back and gone through his notes (if he was making any). Obviously this whole "directness > touch > pull into the rapemobile > try to makeout" formula is simply not working for him. There's a whole list of possible reasons for this: maybe it just doesn't fit his vibe, maybe the girls in his town aren't into that, maybe he's too shy to pull this kind of thing off.

Regardless, there's a whole plethora of other options. For example, when I returned to Germany from China in 2011, I tried the same shit that'd gotten me laid back in Beijing. Only German clubs in small university towns are a whole nother animal, and after about 70 blowouts, I realised that shit didn't work there for me. So I went into daygame for the first time, got an SDL from a tourist in Prague. Did a buttload of daytime approaches, which worked out fine and taught me loads about conversation and socializing.

My point: this guy needs to take a few weeks off to clear his head and consider what other options he has. What's the club atmosphere like in his town? Has he tried online game? Has he experimented with going indirect? Coffee shop game? Has he considered traveling (I really think he would benefit from joining this forum). I haven't read his whole thread, but there are so many options available to him, and he's severely limiting himself by robotically repeating the same thing half a thousand times.

"500 approaches, 0 lays." What is this guy missing? - Don - 09-22-2013

My guess would be that if he improved his logistics(which i know is hard as hell to do), work on his inner/outer game a little - but something other than RSD and SS, MysteryM - and start learning from his mistakes rather than doing 500 approaches the same way, he would start getting decent success. This case is simply the result of combining inability to adapt and learn with effort and volume.

"500 approaches, 0 lays." What is this guy missing? - aphelion - 09-22-2013

After reading through this thread and some of the responses I am inclined to agree.

There's something wrong about this kid's approach. He's a decent looking kid, but I think the strongarm game like GLL professes works better with jacked dudes. He's not going to be turning girls on with raw animal lust with his skinny frame. He's going to (sigh) have to use charm and learn how to have a conversation.

Day Bang is probably right up his alley.

"500 approaches, 0 lays." What is this guy missing? - Tenerife - 09-22-2013

Quote: (09-22-2013 02:58 AM)Sargon of Akkad Wrote:  

I aggree with WIA that being fucked up can't be the only reason either.

I was fucked up too when I got my first lay (at 21). I had practically no game and no Brad Pitt looks either. Still pulled, just by asking the girl out. It was the right place and right time.

When I first started systematically approaching women in China, having read almost none of Roosh's material, my basic tactic would consist of walking up next to a girl near the dancefloor and screaming "HI!!" at the top of my lungs into her eardrum. Yes...that was my MO. Shit, sometimes I wouldn't even bother to form coherent sentences in my early days. I've lost track of how many times I just tapped a girl on the shoulder in a club shouting "ee-awawo-uwawa-aah eo-oo" into her ear, with a tone that made it sound like I was saying something important. With the volume of club music, that's often indistinguishable from actual speech. Most of the time, she'd just blow me off or ignnore me, but at the right clubs with enough approaches and enough persistence, when I was in the right mood, I struck gold eight times in six months, most of the time with at least a 6. Those were my conversationn skills at the very beginning, and I got laid just the same.

My point: bad game and poor social skills are no excuse for not getting laid after five-fucking-hundred(!) approaches. I've gotten laid with far worse lines than "guess my age", with worse hair than him, and with probably poorer social skills to begin with. I mean it's not like this guy's a studdering imbacile, he can speak coherently enough and seem normal on the surface.

Right, but you were in china. You even admit that "just approaching" doesn't work in the West.


Regardless, there's a whole plethora of other options. For example, when I returned to Germany from China in 2011, I tried the same shit that'd gotten me laid back in Beijing. Only German clubs in small university towns are a whole nother animal, and after about 70 blowouts, I realised that shit didn't work there for me.

Right, but this guy probably has no idea about traveling to random ass countries, and how he can leverage his looks in foreign lands to rake in three times more ass than even top PUAs in the states, with almost zero game.


Has he considered traveling (I really think he would benefit from joining this forum).

This is really the solution for most guys. Cold approaching in the states is simply becoming harder and harder for learning game. Even if you have great social skills, it's still rough. Likewise, just starting out, you need other people to roll out with, and being friends with dudes with game is a big asset.

"500 approaches, 0 lays." What is this guy missing? - Vendetta - 09-22-2013


I strongly suspect this guy is trying the same thing over and over again and just isn't smart enough to realise he needs to try something new.

I agree.

And being a 24 yer old virgin will be making him (as someone else already stated) extremely thirsty and desperate to close the deal and therefore uncalibrated, in his head and not present.

Then go back to point one - "this guy is trying the same thing over and over again".

He should break the cycle by approaching an OK 6, not game her too much, make her a gf and try to just get fucking laid! (and not fall in love with her)

"500 approaches, 0 lays." What is this guy missing? - Aliblahba - 09-22-2013

He's gay.

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