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The Asian Guy Travel Thread - Rocco81 - 10-20-2010

Czech Rep. would be good, Vienna (more expensive but nice) Hungary, Serbia etc....some of the lower Baltics might not really like Asian dudes (as far as the men hating on you) probably not a real issue, but it is worth mentioning. Remember they are probably not going to hate on you at all, but if they do it would be because they might think you are Kazahk or Uzbeck (asian looking muslim's ex communist countries who are immigrating to places like Russia, Bulgaria, Romania etc)

As far as places to live. I mean unless you live in a newer part of the city, just look around and rent a place near like an old cathedral or scenic bridge, castle, outdoor art structures (these cities are full of this kind of thing). With your income you can command a flat with good views of things (this will work amazing when inviting a few people over to share your view on your balcony or out your window..) I think its a great model for you. A well dressed tall Asian guy, who respects the local culture and is open to "learn" about the new women and society he has chosen to live in. They will be falling for you bro...invite me over once you are settled [Image: wink.gif]

The Asian Guy Travel Thread - Rocco81 - 10-20-2010

Brandon I think he meant (LA) Latin America.

The Asian Guy Travel Thread - exe - 10-21-2010

I just recently did a 6 month tour thru LA. Bottom line - is really depends on your nationality, your looks, and the country AND city you're visiting. In general, as an Asian, you'll have the exotic factor working for you unless you look low value - like a shopkeeper/mini mercado owner. Worst case scenario - you're in Buenos Aires and you look like William Hung.

Panama is mostly Afro Caribbean.

The Asian Guy Travel Thread - Poetik - 10-24-2010

Hi all,

Sorry midknight for hijacking your thread but I feel this is the right forum to introduce myself. I am Asian Australian, 24, and have been doing the travelling thing for a little while now.

I work in investment management, pull a good salary, and have a good social set up here in Melbourne (my home city). However, like many others on this forum, I find the local women lacking substance and beauty. I am also getting increasingly bored of the scene here and feel an extended period abroad will help me build the life experiences I need. That's why I am also considering moving to Europe for a few years, possibly through a combination of studying and working.

Last year, I started formulating a list of countries/cities I wanted to visit. And in April, I spent nearly 6 weeks in Europe and covered quite a few places in western Europe as well as a small sample of EE (Riga, Krakow, Prague). I have also spent considerable time in Japan, China, Hong Kong and will be in Singapore and KL in a week. Next on my list are Munich, Vienna, Belgrade, and Budapest in December.

Next year, I'm hoping to do Brazil, Colombia, Argentina followed by a permanent move to Europe. Hopefully I can also find time to squeeze in the US east coast and Montreal after reading all the positive stuff people have been saying.

I'll try write debriefs of the cities I know well in the relevant threads over time. But feel free to ask if you want to know anything specific. Just to clarify - I've never had problems dating Asian or non-Asian. In fact, I think all races are beautiful and my dating history reflects that. Generally speaking though, I find girls a hell of a lot easier to pull overseas. EE is an absolute goldmine for a well dressed Asian fella.
The exotic factor is easy to leverage although you still need to have at least decent game.

Anyway, hope to share my experience with yall and look forward to learning a thing or two as well. Good to be part of the community!

The Asian Guy Travel Thread - midknight - 10-24-2010

Quote: (10-24-2010 06:09 AM)Poetik Wrote:  

Hi all,

Sorry midknight for hijacking your thread but I feel this is the right forum to introduce myself. I am Asian Australian, 24, and have been doing the travelling thing for a little while now.

I work in investment management, pull a good salary, and have a good social set up here in Melbourne (my home city). However, like many others on this forum, I find the local women lacking substance and beauty. I am also getting increasingly bored of the scene here and feel an extended period abroad will help me build the life experiences I need. That's why I am also considering moving to Europe for a few years, possibly through a combination of studying and working.

Last year, I started formulating a list of countries/cities I wanted to visit. And in April, I spent nearly 6 weeks in Europe and covered quite a few places in western Europe as well as a small sample of EE (Riga, Krakow, Prague). I have also spent considerable time in Japan, China, Hong Kong and will be in Singapore and KL in a week. Next on my list are Munich, Vienna, Belgrade, and Budapest in December.

Next year, I'm hoping to do Brazil, Colombia, Argentina followed by a permanent move to Europe. Hopefully I can also find time to squeeze in the US east coast and Montreal after reading all the positive stuff people have been saying.

I'll try write debriefs of the cities I know well in the relevant threads over time. But feel free to ask if you want to know anything specific. Just to clarify - I've never had problems dating Asian or non-Asian. In fact, I think all races are beautiful and my dating history reflects that. Generally speaking though, I find girls a hell of a lot easier to pull overseas. EE is an absolute goldmine for a well dressed Asian fella.
The exotic factor is easy to leverage although you still need to have at least decent game.

Anyway, hope to share my experience with yall and look forward to learning a thing or two as well. Good to be part of the community!

I would love to hear more about your experiences and details on Prague and Riga.

Good to hear your experiences echo mine on Eastern European girls. It's like with them, we're different, but not toooooooo different, if you know what I mean.

I felt like I was suddenly James Bond over there. I also noticed that my traveling companions (white guys), didn't get the "special" attention that I was getting from some of the Eastern European girls. Now these guys weren't dressed stylishly and were more typical backpacker types, but still, it was a huge difference when we were interacting with groups of Eastern european girls versus groups of American girls.

The Asian Guy Travel Thread - Poetik - 10-24-2010

I’ll mention my experiences in Krakow as well for contrast/comparison (mainly because it was so positive). Here it goes.

Prague – stayed for 4 days and hooked up with a cute Canadian girl from my hostel so didn’t venture out for the women much. The city is definitely overrun with tourists, if not the British then the Italians, Spanish, Germans etc. I personally didn’t think the nightlife was all that but again I was not actively on the lookout for party spots. One of my best buddies lived in Prague for over a year and worked for a local bank, he is Singaporean but grew up in Aus. I’ll be catching up with him next week so anything interesting he says I will share with you. In terms of the Czech girls, they were above par but weren’t as amazing as other EE or even WE countries. I got glances of racial curiosity here and there and found a starbucks in the city centre excellent for striking up conversations. Overall though, I think Prague is alright but not filled with talent as one would have you believe. Too many tourists tend to ruin it, as they often do to most things. I’m not convinced I got to experience the best of Prague, women and nightlife wise, but just keep in mind it’s the 5th most visited city in Europe behind London, Paris, Berlin and Rome. That stat alone should tell you something about the place aka the locals frequently see tourists of all colours and the exotic factor doesn’t really play to your advantage. I would be more interested in a second tier Czech city next time. Prague is awesome in other respects but for banging women I would think twice about it unless if you set yourself up socially and achieve some sort of status through a good job there.

Riga – very quint town for what many believe to be the capital of the Baltic. Weeknights are basically dead except a few small café/lounges. Riga is surprisingly expensive, particularly if you drink and dine somewhere in old town as I did. I missed the Friday night which is apparently the most happening night of the week so can’t comment on what a mega club like Essential is like for a foreign dude. A mate I used to work with though reckons that scam artists are everywhere (in fact he has developed a strategy to bang the working girls without paying, more on that later). That said, I did go out every single night with my English wingman and both of us generally did well. One of the nights, we met 3 groups of girls in this one club. Honestly, all the chicks were 7 or 8, the average was easily a solid 7. I pashed one of them and danced a bit, we then went downstairs and spoke to 2 Air Baltic hostesses out for a “quiet” drink. By this stage I was feeling the alcohol, next thing I knew the girl I had pashed earlier came back to me looking pissy and jealous. She basically took my hand and pulled me away from the conversation and before long we were all over each other on the couch. I gave her my contacts but couldn’t escalate due to logistics plus I left a day later. Riga has a high concentration of Russians, and the hotter ones tend to be Russian and not Latvian (general rule of thumb not always the case). I had good eye contact with a lot of the girls walking on the streets but knowing I was only there for a few days, I kinda held back a bit (and now I regret it). I needed more time in Riga, but the city is definitely good for us Asian dudes. Probably more so than white dudes as the locals have a very bad perception of drunken brits there for stag nights.

Krakow – 6 days in Krakow was absolutely heaven! I stayed at the Sheraton to begin with which was one of the most expensive upscale locales in the city. Let me just say Krakow had the highest concentration of fit girls I have ever come across (OIOI Jam in Tokyo comes close but that is a teen girls department store so the audience is more targeted). Even the ones working at the Sheraton I would totally rate 8 or 9. A few Indian Brits I got to know were also staying at the hotel and I saw them with countless hotties over a 3 day period going in and out of the apartment. Shame I didn’t get to go out with them for 1 night but I had my own plans. I had made contact with a girl online who studied at the local economics university through a friend. She was good value and took me to her friends’ house parties, concerts, clubs etc. I was also approached by a girl at one of the cafes near the town square.. basically just sitting there reading my book and had her open me in Polish (yeah I’m sure there are Asian Polish dudes in this world). We hooked up on my 2nd last night there. I also got plenty of attention at this club called Frantic which plays hip hop music on Friday nights. I went with the girl I knew and the friends she brought were smoking hot. At one stage, it was me and 3 stunners. I then got approached by another Canadian hottie who was there studying on exchange, she came over twice and asked me where I was from, where I’m staying etc but I didn’t have the heart to flake on the girls I was already with. The local girls all speak good English and are just such good hosts. I basically passed out once drinking too much vodka at a house party and found myself tucked in bed with a bottle of water and a note to take the aspirin she left for me. That is wife material haha. For day game, I suggest the town square and a fairly sizeable shopping centre near the main train station. I didn’t bother trying day game because of the action I was already getting but one could easily do some damage there. In terms of the local guys, I have on authority from a friend who now lives in Krakow that the Polish guys must compete hard for their women. Poland is really fast becoming a shining example for other EE countries. The economy is growing and public services tend to be more western standards. The influx of foreign investments also means a higher concentration of foreign guys that the women can choose from. So yeah apparently life is getting harder for the typical male Pole. I sensed a bit of aggravation from the dudes in clubs, not all were friendly to me but heck I wouldn’t be very happy either if I was Polish and found the women throwing themselves at some chinky looking dude lol. I think if I had time and spent a summer in Krakow living in a posh apartment it would be the equivalent of Atlantis. Ohh and a good wingman would have helped too.

In summary, I felt genuinely comfortable in my own skin in Eastern Europe even though at times it felt like I was the first Asian bloke to ever cross into those countries. I’m looking forward to Belgrade and Budapest in December and really want to check out Croatia during the summer months. I don’t know yet how far east I will venture eventually. At the moment, Ukraine, Romania etc are off the table but who knows.. I’d like to visit Slovenia after reading Mixx’s post. The girls in Bratislava I hear are also god send.

Some strategies: everywhere in EE, I basically opened with this line – “hey I’m looking for X and Y, do you know a good place?” The conversation then moves to self introductions, some back and forth questioning, eventually I ask about the nightlife and propose to meet up again. Getting numbers is pretty useless as are emails because you will never have enough time to set up day 2s. In hindsight, I should have done more to fill up the pipeline with things like badoo which I plan on doing in prep for this upcoming trip in Dec.

In terms of specific perceptions of Asian guys anywhere in Europe (not just EE), the way you dress and present yourself is critically important. People are not necessarily racist but like someone said earlier, looking like William Hung will not get you laid anywhere. I also think that a more mature look helps a lot in those countries. I classify dressing well as looking polished and a few nights I even wore my Zegna suit out with a bow tie. Yes I was peacocking hard but if it works then who the f**k cares??

Oh and something else worth mentioning: some of these countries are getting a regular flow of Korean/Taiwanese dramas. And thank God for youtube because these girls now follow Kpop and sh1t. Take a walk around the Chinatown of Paris and you will be gobsmacked – hot French girls holding Nonno and other Jap mags, stunning Euroasian French chicks with hideously ugly boyfriends… makes you wonder why our parents chose Anglo countries to settle and not Europe…

The Asian Guy Travel Thread - OSL - 10-24-2010

"I would be more interested in a second tier Czech city next time. Prague is awesome in other respects but for banging women I would think twice about it unless if you set yourself up socially and achieve some sort of status through a good job there."

I haven't been to the Czech Republic yet but I plan to make a beeline for the ski resort city of Brno when I go.

"I needed more time in Riga, but the city is definitely good for us Asian dudes. Probably more so than white dudes as the locals have a very bad perception of drunken brits there for stag nights."

I skipped Riga at the recommendation of an Asian friend of mine who lives in Tallinn. He said that he got attacked by Neo Nazis twice in a ten day trip, which is pretty similiar to what happened to me in Vilnius. Did you ever feel unsafe there?

"I basically passed out once drinking too much vodka at a house party and found myself tucked in bed with a bottle of water and a note to take the aspirin she left for me. That is wife material haha."


You should have checked out the other Baltic countries.

"Oh and something else worth mentioning: some of these countries are getting a regular flow of Korean/Taiwanese dramas. And thank God for youtube because these girls now follow Kpop and sh1t. Take a walk around the Chinatown of Paris and you will be gobsmacked – hot French girls holding Nonno and other Jap mags, stunning Euroasian French chicks with hideously ugly boyfriends… makes you wonder why our parents chose Anglo countries to settle and not Europe…"

I noticed this too - the Kpop thing and the hot French chicks with busted Asian boyfriends. Coming from the US it was a mindfuck but I've gotten used to it at this point.

I had a similar experience in Krakow in terms of getting checked out by chicks. My program and I went there on a tour of energy facilities and waste management stuff. Most of the partying we did was limited to our group (There were 40 of us) and so due to logistics (three roommates) I didn't bone any chicks during that trip.

You could definitely feel the extra attention being paid to you, though. I never felt that Polish guys were hostile in any way, but that might be because I was in such a large group.

The Asian Guy Travel Thread - midknight - 10-24-2010


Would you also rate the Krakow girls as top notch as Poetik? I like really skinny girls with brown or black hair and green/blue eyes and pale white skin, so Polish girls sound like a perfect match.

Poetik, I'm really looking forward to hearing more about Belgrade and Hungary from you in December.

I'm telling you, Eastern European girls are just looking like a perfect match for guys like us.

The Asian Guy Travel Thread - Poetik - 10-25-2010


I haven't been to the Czech Republic yet but I plan to make a beeline for the ski resort city of Brno when I go.

Awesome. Definitely fill us in on your trip to Brno. I think we universally assume Czech women are amazing... maybe my expecations were too high but I honestly didn't notice too many girls in Prague who made my head turn.


I skipped Riga at the recommendation of an Asian friend of mine who lives in Tallinn. He said that he got attacked by Neo Nazis twice in a ten day trip, which is pretty similiar to what happened to me in Vilnius. Did you ever feel unsafe there?

Not once. Granted I was always with people but no unpleansantness of any sort to report from my trip. The Polish dudes thing was just my impression. I wasn't threatened or attacked but for example one dude shoulder bumped me intentionally when he saw the chicks I was with, another dude refused to move out of my way. That's about it. And yeah I wanted to check out Tallinn and Warsaw but ran out of time. How would you rate Vilnius??


I noticed this too - the Kpop thing and the hot French chicks with busted Asian boyfriends. Coming from the US it was a mindfuck but I've gotten used to it at this point.

I'll be in Paris for 4 days in Dec staying with a girl I met in Nice on my last trip. She has great personality but we are just friends. I'm hoping to really tap into her network and figure out these French chicks. They are so incredibly hot I squeak like a little girl when I hear them talk haha. My very first encounter with an European girl was on the streets of Paris in 06. I still vividly remember her asking for directions and I stood there in awe looking at this fine beast and repeatedly saying “je ne parle pas le français” whilst cursing that I couldn’t speak French.


Would you also rate the Krakow girls as top notch as Poetik? I like really skinny girls with brown or black hair and green/blue eyes and pale white skin, so Polish girls sound like a perfect match.

You will love it. I think my taste is identical to yours. Don't rule youself out with the blondies either. I have allocated a good 10 days in Budapest because I hear that the partying is non-stop plus I really want to give myself enough time to hit up those second dates.

The Asian Guy Travel Thread - OSL - 10-25-2010

"I wanted to check out Tallinn and Warsaw but ran out of time. How would you rate Vilnius??"

There is an entire trip report I wrote about the Baltics and Finland somewhere on this forum. Overall it is good for hooking up but I had a bad experience with neo nazis. I seem to be a magnet for them for some reason.

"I'll be in Paris for 4 days in Dec staying with a girl I met in Nice on my last trip. She has great personality but we are just friends. I'm hoping to really tap into her network and figure out these French chicks."

Yeah that is the way to go in France. Direct day game is also pretty good especially if you are a foreigners.....but lack of French is going to continue to be a problem for you.

The Asian Guy Travel Thread - manilaguy - 11-06-2010

Filipino-American here.

Stayed in Guatemala 8 months.

1.) Locals thought I was "chino", they do not really distinguish between Asian races
2.) I had a local girlfriend who was a pretty light skinned latina girl from a local university
3.) I think I was attracting the European female travelers more, and I felt they had always a huge interest in me. (do we sense a pattern here?)
4.) Hispanic culture worships WHITE so don't expect a big bump on your chances; I know this as in the Philippines it is kinda like this. [Image: sad.gif]
5.) Some local girls, Latinas, were attracted to me and flirted with me.

I would say bottom line if you were to travel to central america and score big time, like how our caucasian brothers do.. well, forget about it!!! You will not be able to compete as there is some post colonial mentality woven in the culture that affects local perception, increasing white desirability off the charts!

Let's trade notes!!

The Asian Guy Travel Thread - OSL - 11-07-2010

I keep hearing recurring things about Asian men in Latin America, particularly that

1. It's not as bad as the US for Asian men
2. Although you will probably get laid, you are definitely not at the top of the social hierarchy

When I was in Puerto Rico, the only Latin place I"ve really been to, women were pretty aggressive with me. That might just be secluded to San Juan but girls were going direct on me - even in public places. Something tells me some of them were pros but others definitely weren't. They weren't knockouts by any means and my logistics were sort of fucked up bc I was with my family.

Overall I thought they felt curious and attracted. Puerto Rico is a US territory though, and San Juan sees a lot of gringos. Maybe in a place like Medellin it would be very different.

The Asian Guy Travel Thread - manilaguy - 11-27-2010

Ok so let me expound on my experiences a bit. I stayed for 8 months in Central America for a work assignment, during said time I was completely oblivious to the world of pick up artists or to game.

=data sheet start=

The highlight is that I got (I just learned this term), a super-flag. I had a serious GF who is from a good family, attends a private university, very conservative in demeanour, and sweet personality; I would rate her attractiveness as a 7-8 with a nice latina ass and b sized cups. I had actually given up trying to bang her from all my previous attempts and had just been enjoying her company, but I guess the stress of me leaving made her bulge. Totally unexpected.

I got four flags from other Latinas, two of which I have doubts if they are of legal age.

When I travelled from Mexico to Panama and everywhere in between in bursts at a time, I got flags from two girls from Quebec (not same time), an african-american girl who practiced tantric love (holy shit), an asian girl from New Jersey, a French hippie girl (fyi, she shaves), a beautiful German girl, and a fat British girl who had big tits.

I k-closed (kinda weird to say that) with, say 8, mostly girls from Europe after salsa-ing and drinking.

Again, this was during a time I had no idea that game was being taken so seriously online!

=data sheet end=

The Asian Guy Travel Thread - Poetik - 11-27-2010

Quote: (11-27-2010 12:11 AM)manilaguy Wrote:  

Ok so let me expound on my experiences a bit. I stayed for 8 months in Central America for a work assignment, during said time I was completely oblivious to the world of pick up artists or to game.

=data sheet start=

The highlight is that I got (I just learned this term), a super-flag. I had a serious GF who is from a good family, attends a private university, very conservative in demeanour, and sweet personality; I would rate her attractiveness as a 7-8 with a nice latina ass and b sized cups. I had actually given up trying to bang her from all my previous attempts and had just been enjoying her company, but I guess the stress of me leaving made her bulge. Totally unexpected.

I got four flags from other Latinas, two of which I have doubts if they are of legal age.

When I travelled from Mexico to Panama and everywhere in between in bursts at a time, I got flags from two girls from Quebec (not same time), an african-american girl who practiced tantric love (holy shit), an asian girl from New Jersey, a French hippie girl (fyi, she shaves), a beautiful German girl, and a fat British girl who had big tits.

I k-closed (kinda weird to say that) with, say 8, mostly girls from Europe after salsa-ing and drinking.

Again, this was during a time I had no idea that game was being taken so seriously online!

=data sheet end=

Dude... sounds like you did some serious damage. Nothing to sneeze at!

The Asian Guy Travel Thread - manilaguy - 11-27-2010

Reflections on being Asian in Central America

I don't think being Asian propels you to top of the dating food chain in Latin America, but having good game will compensate for it. During the time, I didn't use that much game (well not game learned from online anyways) but I am generally a fun person to be with -- things sort of just happened. Also, my being exotic in a place where western social norms do not apply I think helped me a lot. My French buddy who is tall and blonde hair and blue eyes and who was getting approached by the locals, did not get as much play as me because his personality is.. well. depressing.

I found that the locals were friendlier to me, sometimes revealing things I am sure they will not say when white guys are around. I was never charged gringo prices if I did not open my mouth. Glances were thrown at me that made me feel like an object of curiosity.

The Latina girls were fascinated with me. They were always touching me in my face and playing with my hair. At first this was weird but I soon loved the attention and expected to be touched. I would draw them kanji equivalents of their names for a kiss (a kiss is really nothing over there) and I do not even know kanji. Latinas I find are very affectionate and remind me of the warmth of Filipina women I used to get in Manila. They loved to cook for me.

I told them that my ethnicity is Filipino/Japanese (US citizen by birth right) and they didn't have a fucking clue what to do with me. At one hand I have Asian eyes but I have Latino features that one will not be able to tell that I am Asian if I have shades on. They affectionately called me chino. Which leads me to say that there are Chinese immigrants who have set-up Chinese restaurants all over the place, and are generally liked by the locals whose kids intermix. Koreans seem to have a bad rep for non-payment of factory workers, but nevertheless intermarry. Japanese guys will do very well if they weren't so painfully shy.

In summary, I had a very positive experience of Central-America. I intend to do South-America next, but only as a short vacation. Maybe Colombia and Peru. I'd like to try my hand to Argentina just to see how cold the girls really are.

The Asian Guy Travel Thread - manilaguy - 11-27-2010

thanks Poetik! I am looking forward to your France report!

I heard Asian guys do well in France. Can anyone verify?

The Asian Guy Travel Thread - OSL - 11-27-2010

Asian guys will do well in France especially if they speak French - that is a big factor. I was there for five months and it took me the first three months to become conversational enough to the point where I could mack. From that point things started picking up.

Also you gotta dress well, in France there is no exception to this rule.

The Asian Guy Travel Thread - subutai - 11-27-2010

Quote: (11-27-2010 06:05 PM)youngmobileglobal Wrote:  

Asian guys will do well in France especially if they speak French - that is a big factor. I was there for five months and it took me the first three months to become conversational enough to the point where I could mack. From that point things started picking up.

Also you gotta dress well, in France there is no exception to this rule.

If I spoke French perfectly, I'd give serious thought to settling in Paris.

The Asian Guy Travel Thread - manilaguy - 11-28-2010

I found this article about French perception of Asian men.

French rap sounds amazing, youtube link Shurik'n - Samouri (don't ask me why he's wearing kung fu garb but rapping about samurais) I have to learn French from scratch, though.

The Asian Guy Travel Thread - Poetik - 01-06-2011

Back from Europe.. wanted to share my experiences so here is a write up of my second Euro trip of 2010. Bear in mind, I took it pretty easy this time and didn't go out as much as I did in April.

I had to cancel some planned visits to Paris and Belgrade due to (1) French girl couldn't host me due to unfortunate timing and (2) couldn't find cheap flights or any feasible way to get to Belgrade.

Instead, I spent a couple of days in Munich, few more in Dublin, 4 days in Amsterdam, 2 days stopover in London (literally did nothing) and the remaining 1.5 weeks in Budapest. My overall impression was that winter sucks if you want to party in Europe, particularly in the lead up to Xmas and indeed over the holiday period (except new years of course). The problem with December is mainly two folds - people naturally go out less because it's freezing cold! I'm from Australia, 10 degree for us is cold, so -15 is unimaginable. Also, there is a mass exodus of students leaving capital cities and returning to their native towns around this time. I avoided Bratislava for this exact reason only to find myself in fairly empty bars and clubs across the countries I visited. Even Amsterdam was somewhat tame. Lesson to learn - time your visits to Europe in warmer months, precisely Apr to Oct if possible. You will see much more fly chicks to day game and even people's attitudes change (bit more conversational and friendly).

Now the breakdown of cities:

Munich - didn't stay long enough to get a true sense of what this place is like. I did pick up on the fact that there was a small but certainly noticeable minority of home grown German Asians. They seemed fairly well integrated into German society as it was not uncommon to spot a lone single Asian guy or gal in a big group. Also found out that a member of the German interior ministry is of Vietnamese descent and that Asian kids are typically high achievers in schools (sound familiar?). The overall quality of girls is above average by broad European standards. I was too tired to check out a club but did hear another traveller mention that the night scene is off the hook. I went to a typical beer hall and had a few quiet pints over semi decent conversation, the place was rowdy but everyone sat in their own booths so it wasn't exactly inducive to talk to random girls. Nevertheless, I saw enough of Munich to want to come back one day, perhaps to tie in with Octoberfest. I haven't figured out the Germans yet.. something tells me the women are fairly open to foreign guys but Munich and Berlin ooze the sort of snobbish attitude that puts even Sydney to shame. Or maybe I'm mistaking snobbishness for shyness??? More investigation needed.

Dublin - this place is a hole. I will forever regret spending close to 500 Euro (enough for a round trip to New York) for my flights to Dublin. Terribly expensive, ugly looking girls, lack of interesting sights and things to do. Come to think of it, I don't know what I was thinking! The nightlife is centred around Temple Bar and you can expect to pay London/Paris prices for drinks. Again, due to the timing I didn't get to check out a student party which is apparently the best way to immerse yourself with the local talent (told to me by a black French guy who had stayed there for over 2 months). I did a pub crawl or two but they were nothing special. Conclusion: don't bother with Dublin, go to Edinburgh instead.

Amsterdam - I mainly visited and stayed with friends in Amsterdam. You need to know where to go and what is happening each night to find a decent party. There are way too many venues tailored to backpackers in the city. Walking around the city night and day, I'm pretty sure more than 50% of the people out were tourists. The bitter winter chill drove me inside coffeeshops for lengthy spells at a time. My mate chatted up some 18 year old blonde who looked like Denise Richards in a pub, her friends were really friendly to us but were too aloof. My mate is working as a corporate lawyer in Amsterdam and potentially there for 4 or 5 years so I will try get the low down from him soon (dude is also Asian and only moved there recently, he is pretty aggressive in approaches so I'm pretty confident he will pull). I saw enough in Amsterdam and Dutch girls to warrant a repeat visit. I was also told that 30 mins away from Amsterdam is a small student town called Utrecht which is known for lively nightlife options. Perhaps worth considering if you decide to visit Amsterdam.

Budapest - ok I had high hopes for Budapest, perhaps too high. Budapest left me with a bitter sweet experience. I loved the place in some respects but hated it in others. Let me explain...

Firstly, Hungarian girls are comparable to their central/eastern European peers. You will find a mixture of blonds/brunettes and girls with slightly darker features (altho not Romani). You will also find plenty of expats and other Europeans in Budapest either studying or working. Overall, the talent pool is good. I still think Krakow is far superior though. I also think Hungarians dress like sh1t for the most part. You will often find hot girls with killer bodies dressed badly and presented very sloppishly.

Second, there are plenty of nightlife options. My favourite place was a bar called Szimpla which had a good vibe going every night of the week. It's chilled out but easy to strike up conversations. Drinks are also dirt cheap. I only went to 1 club called Corvinetto which played dub step most nights and occasionally hosted a live band. My Dutch wing man fingered his girl on the dance floor and I did see plenty of smoking hot girls. The problem with Corvin tho is the boy to girl ratio which is badly in favour of girls (about 6 to 1 on most nights). I didn't have too much success here, clubs are not really my forte anyway. Another place is Morrisons which is like a giant pub with 5 or 6 different sections tailored to karaoke, pop music, live bands etc.. I found this place to be the most variable.. had some really good nights mixed with terrible ones. The ratio is still bad but better than Corvin. You can hook up conversations fairly easily but most of the hot ones come with dudes so don't expect to have an easy time. Most of the clubs are on the Pest side of the city although Buda is the nicer, richer, and the more pleasant side.

Third, Hungarian people are generally not very pleasant. Unlike cities such as Krakow or Riga, Budapest is big and interesting enough that you will want to explore the whole city and not just stay in the sheltered old town (in fact I don't even know if Budapest has an old town???). This is both good and bad because outside the main touristy areas you will find dodgy characters and less well off Hungarians who are p1ssed off with the state of their country, the economy, and the gypsies.. I didn't cop any outright racial slurs but had people spit in my direction, push and shove me in clubs, give me annoying glances, and also received plenty of random "Koonichiwa". As an Asian guy, you will still stand out but not necessarily in a good way. I often found myself explaining that I'm Aussie before the girls would engage in a serious conversation with me. I think there are some small groups of Chinese in Budapest and the locals generally don't like them very much because they are very closed off. On the flip side, Japanese food is considered a luxury for most Hungarians and I saw plenty of Hyundai and Kia cars on Hungarian roads. Overall, I would say that being Asian doesn't help you at all in Budapest. I actually felt more comfortable in my own skin in Poland and Latvia. That said, it's not exactly a hindrance either. You just need to tolerate the ignorance of the locals and be patient with their lack of worldly views and general lack of class. A Hawaiian girl I met in Dublin told me that her cousin is dating supermodels in Budapest because he did a MBA at a local university and is now running a few business ventures in Budapest. If somehow you can set yourself up socially and mix with the high society of any central/EE country, you are bound to discover a goldmine.

Now the good bit - I managed to hook up with 1 girl on my trip (pretty pathetic given the 3 weeks) and she was a really cute Hungarian, easily an 8. Surprise surprise, it came from day game. I did my usual routine and asked about Xmas markets, took her to coffee, then ice skating.. made out on our first date and from there it was pretty easy. I also met some of her friends who were all very friendly altho no way near as pretty. Now the girls in Budapest all speak good enough English, problem is that they are typically very clingy. Overall I'm glad I went to Budapest and definitely think I could have been more successful with the right strategy and day gamed more but -15 temperature didn't help my course. Otherwise the city is really beautiful and certainly far more interesting than most European cities, I'd say it's comparable to Prague in this respect but hell of a lot more cheaper. It's worth a visit for sure and I think you could do well if you are white. I met a Latino guy from Miami randomly at a sports bar (wonder if he's from the forum???) who did very well striking up conversations with a group of girls when we hung out at Morrisons and my other Dutch and English mates also hooked up with girls. Don't bother if you are Indian or Arab looking, the locals will think you are a gypsy. I saw some black guys do ok in Morrisons but they were literally rubbing up against every girl and acting like cavemen.

I'm now a lot poorer after the two big Euro trips in 2010. My next destination is undetermined at this stage but I'm thinking about HK, Taipei, Bangkok, and Seoul in early July. I will then spend a few weeks in NYC/Boston/Montreal and head to Europe again in August. This time I'm going to Spain, Croatia, Iceland and the Nordics. Contemplating checking out Helsinki and Tallinn after reading youngmobileglobal's review of those cities..

The Asian Guy Travel Thread - YoungGunner - 01-06-2011

Quote: (11-27-2010 01:11 AM)manilaguy Wrote:  

thanks Poetik! I am looking forward to your France report!

I heard Asian guys do well in France. Can anyone verify?

I personally can't but I've had friends who are Filipino and Indonesian do VERY well in Paris. They said there were always getting eyed on the street. Personally I recommend Vienna and Montreal, especially if you are Japanese/Chinese.

Manilaguy- how would you say Central America is towards half-Asians? You said you fared well as a combination of Asian/Pacific Islander, so do you think a half-japanese half-caucasian guy would do well?

The Asian Guy Travel Thread - Luckystar - 01-06-2011

Thanks for the report. I spent a summer in Budapest as my ex gf was hungarian. I had a very similiar view of the city. Beautiful place, but not very hospitable.

The Asian Guy Travel Thread - YoungGunner - 01-06-2011

Quote: (11-27-2010 01:11 AM)manilaguy Wrote:  

thanks Poetik! I am looking forward to your France report!

I heard Asian guys do well in France. Can anyone verify?

I personally can't but I've had friends who are Filipino and Indonesian do VERY well in Paris. They said there were always getting eyed on the street. Personally I recommend Vienna and Montreal, especially if you are Japanese/Chinese.

Manilaguy- how would you say Central America is towards half-Asians? You said you fared well as a combination of Asian/Pacific Islander, so do you think a half-asian half-caucasian guy would do well?

The Asian Guy Travel Thread - Poetik - 01-06-2011

Quote: (01-06-2011 04:56 PM)YoungGunner Wrote:  

Quote: (11-27-2010 01:11 AM)manilaguy Wrote:  

thanks Poetik! I am looking forward to your France report!

I heard Asian guys do well in France. Can anyone verify?

I personally can't but I've had friends who are Filipino and Indonesian do VERY well in Paris. They said there were always getting eyed on the street. Personally I recommend Vienna and Montreal, especially if you are Japanese/Chinese.

Manilaguy- how would you say Central America is towards half-Asians? You said you fared well as a combination of Asian/Pacific Islander, so do you think a half-japanese half-caucasian guy would do well?

YoungGunner, can you elaborate a bit more on Montreal and Vienna? I passed through Vienna on a train and the city looked impeccable, really keen to visit actually. And Montreal has been on my list for a long time..

The Asian Guy Travel Thread - machiavelli - 01-06-2011

First timer on the forum/first post [Image: smile.gif]

Gotta say really enjoying this particular thread, I'm an Asian decent myself but Americanized through time! I actually stumbled onto Roosh's site while searching for traveling tips to Brazil just wanted to say thanks to MidKnight for starting this thread. Thanks allot!