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NoPorn / NoFap Google Group - For Those Who're Serious - Captain Ahab - 01-22-2013

Quote: (01-22-2013 12:45 PM)slubu Wrote:  

Day 35. I'm back to the raging psycho I was and I love it. 3 bangs so far in this phase. Some quick notes:

- I never went through the flatline phase. Just pure horniness all the time.
- I use to monitor my progress. Very easy for those that did not know.

No flatline here either. Day 49. More than halfway there.

NoPorn / NoFap Google Group - For Those Who're Serious - Nascimento - 01-22-2013

Hey fellas.

Have been following Roosh and his posts for a while now. Been on the forums, mostly just lurking for a few months. Love the stuff on here, and have just recently started getting more into this 'manosphere' concept.

My experience with women - not so much. Although the past 7 months have been monumental, compared to my progress before that. It all changed when I turned 19, first kiss on birthday night, lost virginity with a girl I met through day game a few weeks later. Ever since, haven't been able to have sex again, although I had a couple close calls. Have had over a dozen make outs, nothing extraordinary, but I've been learning as I go. If anything noteworthy during this time was the number of approaches I've done. Day and night game, probably around 400-500. I am no longer scared of women. I can approach groups. I am not tall (5'7) but I approach taller women and have gotten them attracted to me before (I used to believe women taller than men could not be attracted).

Anyways, I hope my time on this forum will improve me, in all areas. I know there is a lot of hate for Toronto (where I am situated) but I will find the exceptions, make the exceptions, and be the exception.

Furthermore, about the no fap thing, currently at 4 days. I've known about its effects for a while. Have gone on many week long streaks. Haven't viewed porn in months. But I will go at this until I can get sex again. Logistically hard for me (at home, can't pull) So I have to resort to doing it at their place. I will find a way, and maybe nofap is the strength I need. Animal instincts and all that.

Thanks for reading my rant!

NoPorn / NoFap Google Group - For Those Who're Serious - GenJx - 01-23-2013

try fapping every day for a week then doing no fap , gives you a big energy boost

NoPorn / NoFap Google Group - For Those Who're Serious - Captain Ahab - 01-24-2013

Had a bit of a rough week with no fap. A lot of fantasy induced boners. Re-dedication once again.

NoPorn / NoFap Google Group - For Those Who're Serious - Nascimento - 01-28-2013

Update, I'm on day 10.

I went out 4 nights since my last update. I am more aggressive with girls in terms of letting my intentions be known. On the dance floor, if the girls is receptive to my advances I have been escalating very well, spinning her, picking her up, grinding to eventually trying a makeout.

I got 3 kisses during this time, and one really intense make out with a girl which I spent most of the night with at the club. I isolated her from her friends and took her to a corner booth where I rubbed her pussy over her jeans and led her hand to my dick. Unfortunately, I was not able to pull, I tried getting her to take me home but she said 'not tonight' a few times.. Just took her number but it went nowhere.

If only I had a place nearby.. I had to drive to the club (I stay sober) and I haven't tried to pull to the car yet. If I had a place I could have simply suggested something along the lines of 'Want to come over.. You can try my special drink, just no funny business' and I feel it could have worked.

NoPorn / NoFap Google Group - For Those Who're Serious - Sly - 01-31-2013

No Fapping is the way to go fellas.

I just got out of a 2 month relationship on Sunday.

Have not fapped in one week and already got 2 lays.

I was fapping a lot when I had my "girlfriend".. I don't know why, i just did. This resulted in me not cheating on her and only boning one girl the past 2 months.

I can not wait to go out this weekend and see what kind of damage i can do.

When I was fapping the past 2 months, I hardly ever felt like going out.

NoPorn / NoFap Google Group - For Those Who're Serious - Captain Ahab - 02-02-2013

Just dinged in Day 60.

The biggest change is my hard ons are super duper fucking strong. I don't think it is no fap that has done it, more so my work outs, kegals, and Testosterone boosting diet.

I am slowly getting a grip on my sexual fantasy. It still is dominant in my mind but I have gained a lot of willpower in not proceeding to jerk it when I have a mental movie on. By day 90 I think I will have put the sucker in its place.

Day 90. I am only 30 days away. Starting out it looked like Day 90 was a whole journey it is right around the corner.

Thank God.

NoPorn / NoFap Google Group - For Those Who're Serious - Nascimento - 02-02-2013

Day 15 update. I got laid yesterday for the first time in 6 months. Yes it was a long dry spell but I am 19 so most of this time where I went out was getting experience approaching, talking, and escalating with women. Had a few close calls, but last night I sealed it.

I can't say it is because of nofap, although it probably was a factor. I was horny as fuck. I have went on several 2-3 week streaks before, but this time I combined that with going out consistently, approaching and escalating, and I feel that was the factor. Experience and exposure from past nights out helped me a bunch.

On to day 90, at the very least.

Quote: (02-02-2013 07:16 AM)Captain Ahab Wrote:  

Just dinged in Day 60.

The biggest change is my hard ons are super duper fucking strong. I don't think it is no fap that has done it, more so my work outs, kegals, and Testosterone boosting diet.

I am slowly getting a grip on my sexual fantasy. It still is dominant in my mind but I have gained a lot of willpower in not proceeding to jerk it when I have a mental movie on. By day 90 I think I will have put the sucker in its place.

Day 90. I am only 30 days away. Starting out it looked like Day 90 was a whole journey it is right around the corner.

Thank God.

Have you noticed any differences since you started? Besides horniness and desire to always fuck. Has the way you interact with women changed?

NoPorn / NoFap Google Group - For Those Who're Serious - Chewbacon - 02-03-2013


Are there any negative health consequences to No Fap? Specifically, no ejaculation ie. you're on day x and haven't gotten laid, so you can't ejaculate. I've just heard random bits of science/pseudoscience associating ejaculation frequency with prostate cancer.

But don't get me wrong. I'm on day 14 and I've been experiencing noticeable effects. Perhaps it's just a placebo, but i definitely feel a spike in testosterone, I look better, am stronger, and have been getting a lot more attention from girls in my social circle lately. I also feel and act a lot more confident and relaxed around women.

NoPorn / NoFap Google Group - For Those Who're Serious - magellan - 02-03-2013

On day 7. Took me almost a week to really get going on this challenge after giving in twice within 2-3 days. Only made 2 approaches last night and pulled numbers on both. Maybe a placebo effect but being incentivized to be forward about your intentions can only help. I've experienced something of a flat line during the day (morning erections but otherwise dead dick) but there were signs of life as I was talking to the babes so I'll chalk that up to progress.

NoPorn / NoFap Google Group - For Those Who're Serious - soup - 02-03-2013

Go fuck a bunch of girls. Than you get the fapp burn; 10 girls

NoPorn / NoFap Google Group - For Those Who're Serious - Captain Ahab - 02-03-2013

Quote: (02-02-2013 11:30 AM)Nascimento Wrote:  

Have you noticed any differences since you started? Besides horniness and desire to always fuck. Has the way you interact with women changed?

I would say I am more sexual. I get hard when I am around a woman just talking to her. That was not the case pre-nofap.

NoPorn / NoFap Google Group - For Those Who're Serious - Zero Day Game - 02-03-2013

I've never made it much longer than two weeks before. Today is day eight.

I'm doing something differently this time that is helping me to stay focused: a day counting widget on my phone. It sits on the home screen, counting up the days since my last fap. Every day it goes up, giving me some positive reinforcement every time I open my phone.

Might be worth trying if you like tracking your progress and watching meaningful numbers increase.

NoPorn / NoFap Google Group - For Those Who're Serious - Teedub - 02-03-2013


[ Emphasis mine]

Quote: (06-04-2012 01:13 PM)_DC_ Wrote:  

I still don't get the hate from some people on these threads. Whatever reason you have to believe that abstaining or limiting masturbation/porn does not correlate at all with success with women, I don't understand how you can deny all of the positive anecdotal evidence and scientific theory (YBOP) all over the net for OTHER PEOPLE. It seems like a topic very relevant of discussion in a forum which deals with interactions with women.

and this:

Quote: (06-06-2012 12:41 AM)Docter Wrote:  

The primary issue is the porn. It's a totally unnatural, super-stimulus. It's like how modern processed foods are loaded with fats, salts, and sugars in order to make you inhale them -- there's a saying like "If you're not interested in eating an apple, you aren't hungry."

Don't understand the hate at all. I tried it for two weeks and can attest to the positive effects being true for me too. Might give it a go for a longer period.

NoPorn / NoFap Google Group - For Those Who're Serious - Nascimento - 02-06-2013

Day 19. Got a makeout this week during a date and a blowjob. Failed to get sex, unfortunately. Moved on from that.

I've noticed some days during the week I am up and down.. I will feel amazing at one point in the day, and feel really down at another point. Emotions can go all over the place. There are times my balls want to explode. From past weekend experience, though, as soon as I walk into the club and notice all the beautiful women, I jump into state. I get a high. I am on top of the world. Horniness to the extreme, gives me energy to dance, approach, and verbalize.

NoPorn / NoFap Google Group - For Those Who're Serious - MikeinMKE - 02-06-2013

Quote: (05-11-2012 02:22 PM)DareP Wrote:  

Hey Peeps,

There have been several threads about the effects of porn and quitting porn over the last few days. I'm current on Day 8 of no porn, no masturbation. The goal is to build real desire for women, to project more sexuality and to see women more three dimentionally.

There are a lot of different people who get different things from a challenge like this. I highly recommend reading through some of the 60 day and 90 day reports (linked to below) to see what kind of effect it can have on your life. If you're interested in game, the effects of quitting porn and/or masturbation can be huge on your life.

If you're interested in doing the 30, 60 or 90 day challenge and you're serious about it, I'm forming a Google group. The purpose for the group is to create a support network - Much like quitting any other addiction.

You can use the group to:

1) Get to know other people's challenges and how they're resolving it.
2) Send the group a message to vent or ask for support if you're going through a particularly hard time.
3) Know you're not alone and feel a sense of brotherhood as we all tackle an extremely difficult task.
4) Share your ideas, discoveries and breakthroughs as you have them.

If you're interested, drop me a line with your email and I'll send you the invite.

Resources / Recommended Reading:

Hey can somebody send me a pm with the link please?

NoPorn / NoFap Google Group - For Those Who're Serious - bacan - 02-07-2013

Quote: (02-02-2013 07:16 AM)Captain Ahab Wrote:  

Just dinged in Day 60.

The biggest change is my hard ons are super duper fucking strong. I don't think it is no fap that has done it, more so my work outs, kegals, and Testosterone boosting diet.

What testosterone boosting diet do you have?

I want to do this plus work out more plus nofap to boost my libido.

I'm in my 20's and notice it's not like it used to be.. damn

NoPorn / NoFap Google Group - For Those Who're Serious - JayRock604 - 02-07-2013

Hmm am I broken? It's been 9 days and I've stopped getting morning wood have no sex drive. I also feel really angry and pent up all the time, it's strange. I went two weeks before and was having results like all of you described but now it's like I just started in the flat line phase, I was like this on the first day what the eff. Hopefully it passes, maybe it's because I started this no fap/no porn with the wrong mind set this time around. The no morning wood is probably the scariest part, since last time I was waking up with a steel bar in my pants. O well, I'll give it another few weeks before I really start freaking out, good luck no fappers, keep your hands outta that crotch!

NoPorn / NoFap Google Group - For Those Who're Serious - Captain Ahab - 02-07-2013

Quote: (02-07-2013 02:35 AM)bacan Wrote:  

Quote: (02-02-2013 07:16 AM)Captain Ahab Wrote:  

Just dinged in Day 60.

The biggest change is my hard ons are super duper fucking strong. I don't think it is no fap that has done it, more so my work outs, kegals, and Testosterone boosting diet.

What testosterone boosting diet do you have?

I want to do this plus work out more plus nofap to boost my libido.

I'm in my 20's and notice it's not like it used to be.. damn

I eat about four eggs a day and three slices of bacon. I take four Tbs of extra virgin olive oil a night. I work out four days a week with weights.

Most work outs recommended on this forum are good. As long as you are doing bench presses, pull ups, squats, and dead lifts you should be straight.

Also, top it off with kegals 2x a day.

Avoid processed foods, sugars, white flour, etc.

Honestly, if it doesn't take like tree bark you probably shouldn't eat it. I understand we are human though so just limit the good tasting stuff and if you can't work out a lot more.

NoPorn / NoFap Google Group - For Those Who're Serious - Ovid - 02-07-2013

Alright, I'm in. I've come to the conclusion that porn is sapping my drive to approach or get anything done around the house, so it's time to go cold turkey and excise the problem at the root. Last night I sat down at the computer after work to do my taxes and ended up just jacking it to xhamster videos for a couple of hours instead. Then this morning I briefly trolled POF before work, saw a hottie, and proceeded to bust another nut. Aside from the occasional google search, I only get on the Internet for this forum and online game, porn, and email. Email and google waste a negligible amount of time, this forum teaches me something every day, and online game gets me laid... The only useful thing that porn teaches me is that there are basically an infinite number of thoroughly depraved sluts out there who will do dirty things on camera. I should spend more time finding them IRL and less time watching their performances.

When I was 18 I gave up porn and fapping when I went to college with only a handful of relapses until sometime after I was 21, so I know it's possible.

NoPorn / NoFap Google Group - For Those Who're Serious - Fatless - 02-07-2013

Just checking in here - one year ago I gave up porn (Feb 2012). Doing just fine without it. I can only handle ~3-5 days nofap before it messes with quality of sleep and I give in since my sleep is way more important to me.

NoPorn / NoFap Google Group - For Those Who're Serious - MikeinMKE - 02-08-2013

Can somebody please pm me the link

NoPorn / NoFap Google Group - For Those Who're Serious - RossTan - 02-08-2013

Quote: (02-07-2013 10:51 PM)Fatless Wrote:  

Just checking in here - one year ago I gave up porn (Feb 2012). Doing just fine without it. I can only handle ~3-5 days nofap before it messes with quality of sleep and I give in since my sleep is way more important to me.

Drink Chamomile tea to help you sleep. Also bad sleep can be due to a magnesium deficiency.

NoPorn / NoFap Google Group - For Those Who're Serious - Mr.Barbarian - 03-03-2013

I'd rather just use this thread as my basis for no fap/no porn support, rather than joining a Google group.

Day one. My girlfriend sent me some porn today, but other than that I've been cool.

NoPorn / NoFap Google Group - For Those Who're Serious - magellan - 03-05-2013

Had to give this up. I was blowing it way too fast. Still keeping off the porn though.