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Liberal Tears From 2016 election and presidency - Printable Version

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Liberal Tears From 2016 election and presidency - Dusty - 11-12-2016

Liberal Tears From 2016 election and presidency - Enoch - 11-12-2016

Quote: (11-12-2016 03:02 PM)kosko Wrote:  

Quote: (11-12-2016 02:54 PM)weambulance Wrote:  

I don't know if this counts as liberal tears, but:

[Image: f1aMiVr.jpg]

One can only hope these marxist missionaries end up in the stew pot.

No Startbucks in UP Michigan tho.

Silver lining - more HS students will be able to bang their teachers.

Liberal Tears From 2016 election and presidency - Germanicus - 11-12-2016

Quote: (11-12-2016 02:54 PM)weambulance Wrote:  

I don't know if this counts as liberal tears, but:

[Image: f1aMiVr.jpg]

One can only hope these marxist missionaries end up in the stew pot.

That's rich-- that any leftist has something to teach to "dumb" people. A Marxist is going to teach evolution and history. Right. Up till the data starts pointing to non-egalitarian differences in human populations and the sexes, right bitch?

I can't post this vid on various internet platforms enough. To all leftists sour about Trump's victory:

Liberal Tears From 2016 election and presidency - kbell - 11-12-2016

Liberal Tears From 2016 election and presidency - Captainstabbin - 11-12-2016

Quote: (11-11-2016 08:48 PM)Dusty Wrote:  

[Image: CxBm45rUQAIp6P9.jpg]

The one that gets me the most is Glenn Beck. His talks about the coming Caliphate were both prophetic and eye-opening. To see him turn into an establishment shill is sad.

Liberal Tears From 2016 election and presidency - Dusty - 11-12-2016

[Image: ThreadDelivers2.jpg]

Liberal Tears From 2016 election and presidency - kbell - 11-12-2016

[Image: Mcp7eu3.jpg]

He's been whining non stop since the win and its rather boring too. Spinal Tap is a great movie, its a shame he is quoting from it.

Liberal Tears From 2016 election and presidency - Snowplow - 11-12-2016

I wish these liberal's tears weren't so salty, it usually makes for an excellent gun lubricant.

Liberal Tears From 2016 election and presidency - debeguiled - 11-12-2016

Charles Barkley voted for Hilary.

He is failing outrage 101.

We have an election where one of the sanest voices on the air is Sir Charles:

Liberal Tears From 2016 election and presidency - kbell - 11-12-2016

[Image: 8KHldvH.jpg]

What's wrong with this picture? Is that his "wife" lovers son?

[Image: Kce0yu6.jpg]

I don't even know what that means. She is retreating into fantasy to cope.

Liberal Tears From 2016 election and presidency - Easy_C - 11-12-2016

I've got a good one. So I have a buddy that lives out in Portland. He's the oldest son in a family of Arab immigrants to the US and a strong Trump supporter.

This guy decides to crash a protest and finds a group to strike up a conversation with. Speaking in an arabic accent he used the"agree and amplify" strategy and was able to convince them that Trump is going to build internment camps for immigrants where they will brainwashed into loving America. One person kept apologizing profusely that America elected Trump. Eventually he asked why Trump got elected. The libtard responds that its "Because people are racist against people like you". At this point he drops the accent, calls the guy a racist, and says "Trump got elected because I voted for him".

Leftie was massively triggered and stormed off.

Liberal Tears From 2016 election and presidency - komatiite - 11-12-2016

[Image: qLgCPeWl.jpg]

I saw this on Ace of Spades HQ... imagine being so butthurt that your mom is a Trump supporter that you delete her from Facebook. Good grief!

Liberal Tears From 2016 election and presidency - ElFlaco - 11-12-2016

Quote: (11-12-2016 03:29 PM)kbell Wrote:  

At some level I'm surprised at the bald admission of incompetence by the media. Their job is to know what's going on in the country and here there are admitting the obvious, that they aren't good at their jobs. Virtue signaling at work, I know. Don't they teach the quote from NY film critic Pauline Kael, who said of Nixon's 49-state landslide:


"I live in a rather special world. I only know one person who voted for Nixon. Where they are I don’t know."

Liberal Tears From 2016 election and presidency - Penta Sahi - 11-12-2016

Fat loser fuck Michael Moore tries to get to Donald Trump in Trump Tower so he can tell Trump to "step down" as President-Elect, saying "you lost". (Trump did not)

Loser crybaby lefty fucks don't get what they want so they resort these stupid stunts.

Moore needs to die of a clogged artery sometime soon before he rides Trump's coattails into relevancy again.

Liberal Tears From 2016 election and presidency - Penta Sahi - 11-12-2016

Here's another gem.

A news anchor for a Fox affiliate posted on Facebook how relieved she was that Trump won. She was immediately bashed and forced to apologize.

Of course, if she had been rooting for Hillary, and Hillary had won, and the anchor had posted how relieved she was that Hillary had won, there would be no outrage.

But really I'm sharing this because the anchor is a solid WB. So OF COURSE she's a Trump supporter. We have the best anchors don't we folks?

[Image: attachment.jpg34623]   

[Image: attachment.jpg34624]   

Liberal Tears From 2016 election and presidency - Latinopan - 11-12-2016

Quote: (11-12-2016 06:46 PM)ElFlaco Wrote:  

Quote: (11-12-2016 03:29 PM)kbell Wrote:  

At some level I'm surprised at the bald admission of incompetence by the media. Their job is to know what's going on in the country and here there are admitting the obvious, that they aren't good at their jobs. Virtue signaling at work, I know. Don't they teach the quote from NY film critic Pauline Kael, who said of Nixon's 49-state landslide:


"I live in a rather special world. I only know one person who voted for Nixon. Where they are I don’t know."

These people spend their time between cocktail parties, private meeting, and fundraiser 100K a plate.

If your life is all about that without stepping out NYC, DC, LA, you develop complete ignorance about the common people.

Liberal Tears From 2016 election and presidency - doc holliday - 11-12-2016

Quote: (11-12-2016 06:22 PM)Easy_C Wrote:  

I've got a good one. So I have a buddy that lives out in Portland. He's the oldest son in a family of Arab immigrants to the US and a strong Trump supporter.

This guy decides to crash a protest and finds a group to strike up a conversation with. Speaking in an arabic accent he used the"agree and amplify" strategy and was able to convince them that Trump is going to build internment camps for immigrants where they will brainwashed into loving America. One person kept apologizing profusely that America elected Trump. Eventually he asked why Trump got elected. The libtard responds that its "Because people are racist against people like you". At this point he drops the accent, calls the guy a racist, and says "Trump got elected because I voted for him".

Leftie was massively triggered and stormed off.

That's a great story. I have an older Pakistani lady as a client, devout Muslim, came into my office and she was giddy with joy. Told me she was the only one in her family who voted for Trump and she was so happy to rub in their faces. I was laughing my ass off. In my next room I had an elderly black gentleman who I was working on. Great guy. Vietnam vet but supported Hillary. I had been ribbing him good naturedly and unlike these millennial nut jobs, he took it in stride. So when my Pakistani patient and I were in hysterics, I leaned over and asked him if he was hearing us. He just shook his head but even he was laughing by now. I was already having a great day but that moment may have been one of the funniest moments I've had in that office.

Liberal Tears From 2016 election and presidency - Dusty - 11-12-2016

Liberal Tears From 2016 election and presidency - Conscious Pirate - 11-12-2016

Ben will be fine. Ben just wants to MAGA

[Image: gXgz74D.png]

Liberal Tears From 2016 election and presidency - MajorStyles - 11-12-2016

Quote: (11-12-2016 02:08 AM)robreke Wrote:
[Image: 64418956-5eff-4a1b-b1bc-d77e1a3cadc5-lar...8893401750]
^ Physiognomy is real:

Reminds me of what Nietzsche said about Socrates in Twilight of the Idols:

“We are told, and can see in sculptures of him, how ugly he was…Ugliness is often enough the expression of a development that has been crossed, thwarted in some way. Or it appears as declining development. The anthropological criminologists tell us that the typical criminal is ugly .”

Liberal Tears From 2016 election and presidency - Conscious Pirate - 11-12-2016

A heartwarming tale [Image: smile.gif]

[Image: TCirEpb.png]

Liberal Tears From 2016 election and presidency - Conscious Pirate - 11-12-2016

[Image: lgDHrsn.png]

Liberal Tears From 2016 election and presidency - Kona - 11-12-2016

Quote: (11-12-2016 10:27 PM)Conscious Pirate Wrote:  

[Image: lgDHrsn.png]

They were so upset they had to pet a dog!

I hope Trump makes pet therapy illegal. Its out of control. They give service dogs to everybody now.


Liberal Tears From 2016 election and presidency - Paracelsus - 11-12-2016

I'm trying to extrapolate the societal trends that will play out from these whinging assholes, bearing in mind that -- bar major Red Pill administrations via female rejection or entry into the job market -- most of these people are never going to change their liberal attitudes.

I said before in jest to buy pharma stocks. I don't think I'm jesting anymore. The guys making antidepressants must be rubbing their hands with glee watching all this. Psychological and psychiatric services will increase, because if they're taught to seek crutches for everything at this early stage in their lives, they're going to run back to those services for smaller and smaller adverse life events - job loss, relationship breakup, arguments with friends. Suicide or attempted suicide rates may trend up over the next ten, twenty years among this cohort, women especially. Casual employment may well rise as assorted dipshits keep taking days off suddenly and employers start deciding "Fuck this for a joke, I'm going to keep a roll of people I can call who might actually show up for work when asked and when their dog is ill."

We should be asking where the local pet store is, so we can buy in. Pet therapy will increase, meaning breeding of dogs is going to increase due to the demand. They'll all be wimpy, pissy little dogs that have as many emotional insecurities as their owners, but there will be an increase in demand. Consequently veterinarian services should increase too.

Career advice or CV writing services should increase. These pricks are not going to hold down for-profit jobs for long and are going to be desperate to find more work to fund their prescription drug addictions. The image of the millennial as not loyal to an employer may well metastasise into all-out prejudice against hiring young people because of their emotional insecurities. For the young men watching, if you want to make your position at an employer stronger, be sure to show your boss that you take in all this election stuff with a shrug and a smile, and be sure you lie and say you supported Hillary Clinton. This should make your shitlib employer's eyes boggle as he looks around at the rest of his millennial employees and sees them losing their shit over the election.

Liberal Tears From 2016 election and presidency - Scoundrel - 11-12-2016

Seeing all these ridiculous meltdowns, I can't help but think . . .

[Image: vDG4M45.jpg]