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Chicago - Snowplow - 10-05-2015

You guys planning a meet up should drop me a PM. I head the Chicago tribe. I like to vet everyone before they meet more senior members.

Chicago - Fader - 10-06-2015

Quote: (10-03-2015 04:34 PM)Londoner Wrote:  

I'm here solo right now and I'm a bit lost. Here until the 10th if anyone is around. I'm in River North


Wednesday: Wrigleyville - the neighborhood around Wrigley Field where the Cubs play. Take the Red Line El from Chicago Ave stop to Addison stop. Bars like Cubby Bear, Murphy's etc will be packed for the Cubs playoff game. Personally I hate that neighborhood, but it'll be your best bet for a big night out on Wednesday. And even if you know baseball, I'd go with "Dumb Foreigner" game and use lack of baseball knowledge to start convos.

Start with happy hour (5pm-8pm) at City Winery on the Chicago River, Godfrey Hotel...or possibly the Wit Hotel or Virgin Hotel roof decks. All these places are weather permitting.

Dinner: My fav is Roka Akor (sushi/jap) in River North near Hubbard St bars. It's got a decent bar/lounge area - some nights it's really happening, others not so much. I know most of the staff so it's always good for me but even if you're only eating there, it's a good spot.

Frontera Grill: excellent Mexican, though pricey.

Steak houses: Just about all of them.

Post-dinner: If you try Roka or Frontera -which is across the street from Roka), make a stop @ Bub City (country bar next to Frontera). I don't like country music but the place is typically packed and decent ratios too. Again I think "dumb foreigner" game would work - striking up convos about what in the hell country music is, cowboys and the country scene in general.

My fav place in Riv North right now is Sienna Tavern. Lots of girls at that place.

Lots of other places on Hubbard that I'm sure have already been mentioned.

Late night...maybe head over to Wicker Park / Bucktown hoods (they're basically connected) if you want to mix it up.

Chicago - 4profit - 10-11-2015

Quote: (10-06-2015 09:52 PM)Fader Wrote:  

My fav place in Riv North right now is Sienna Tavern. Lots of girls at that place.

I work security at a bar down the street from there, so I know a few of the guys at Sienna, too. If it's as good as you say, I might prod the security manager and ask him if he has any openings.

That being said, if any of you guys party in my neck of the woods often, it's possible we may have brushed shoulders. Keep your eyes peeled for the devilishly handsome Persian man escorting shitfaced people out of the bar.

Chicago - beta_plus - 12-01-2015

my 2 cents on Chicago

These are my observations from one weekend in Chicago in August 2015. I do not claim them to be definitive by any means (well maybe except with comparisons to Toronto below [Image: wink.gif]).


north american fatty alert in effect, but girls are very cute in Chicago.
However, some of it may be due to them simply being blond.
I always ask myself "if she was brunette, would points be docked?". In many cases that's true in Chicago (think worldwide, not Toronto here).

However, they are definitely approachable by the standards of hardened forum veterans. While I was mostly doing the tourist thing, the few approaches I did were absolutely more comfortable than what I have to deal with in DC or TOO (Toronto-Occupied-Ontario)

day street talent does not match night venue talent:

I was not expecting much from what I saw of day street talent in Loop, Mag Mile, and Neighborhoods. Boy was I wrong. Night venue talent was impressive. I have never seen a city with a bigger discrepancy. I have no idea why.


Good but not great faces.
I'm a face man.

Impressive, and would be outstanding if not for America's obesity crisis. When they take care of themselves, Chicago girls have all the right curves in all the right places (not the fucking wrong places I'm used to in TOO & DC)


It's not to be dismissed. They don't call Chicago the city of big shoulders for nothing. Many of the guys there were physically impressive. But I did not get the impression that they were using a lot of game and I saw
plenty of examples of 6 to 7.5's with guys who were average.

People are bumpy in Chicago:

In crowded situations, especially when alcohol was involved, I did notice getting bumped more than I am used to. Again, it is called the city of big shoulders.

The sights:

Take the architecture boat tour. No, you probably won't pull, but if the day is sunny it's a tour of the greatest modern architecture in the world in an idyllic setting. The boat leaves from around the Michigan Avenue Bridge.

The opportunity to find your niche:

While the loop & mag mile are great, what is equally if not more impressive are the neighborhoods that go one for miles west & north of the loop. The variety and enormous scale is truly jaw dropping and maybe the most impressive example of America making itself, well, America. People from all over the world contributing to a basic common culture of hard work, law following, respect, and honesty while bringing their own contributions to the melting pot.

For an aspiring player, I get the feeling it allows you to find a niche that fits you that I am not sure even New York would allow on an unlimited budget. Even if you're funds are unlimited, the talent's funds are probably not in NYC.

Compared to other North American cities:

A bit unfair since Charleston is tiny in comparison, but Charleston pretty much cleans Chicago's clock on white and black women, though Chicago puts up a respectable fight.

As I said in Dallas if she has to blonde, Dallas may not be the place for you.

In Chicago, if she has to be Latina, Chicago may not be the place for you.

For whatever reason, blondes are rare in Dallas despite what the Cowboys cheerleaders may suggest.

For whatever reason, Dallas Latinas are very impressive and Chicago ones, well, from what I saw, not so much.

For the white girls in the 2nd City vs the Big D - it does come down to blonde hair. There are a lot more blondes in ChiTown, but in most cases they were failing "what if she was brunette test", while the brunettes sailed in Dallas. ChiTown girls were still quite attractive, but the blonde hair had something to do with it.

Girls are definitely thinner in Montreal. However, if blondes are your thing Montreal is slim pickins unlike Chicago.

It would seem that Chicago likes to dump its obese female in name only SJWs on DC. Smart move. Asshole move. But smart move. Something tells me that Mayor Daley's ghost is smiling while reading this part.

On a slightly more serious note, I probably have not seen an approachable set in 3 years in DC. In Chicago, they are definitely still to be found.

This is where it gets interesting. While everyone likes to compare Toronto to either New York or DC, Chicago may be the more appropriate city by which to measure Toronto.

Of the major Great Lake cities:
& Toronto

Only Toronto and Chicago have managed to escape to varying degrees from going into permanent decline in the post industrial world.

However, Chicago simply crushes Toronto when it comes to women.

I would love to do a separate travel thread:

Chicago vs. Toronto: A Poosy Success Story vs. A Penis Tale of Disaster

Unfortunately, this would probably degrade into a race thread which would lead to the banhammer. But still, I do think that Chicago is the city that you need to compare with Toronto to understand why Toronto is so awful.

Because for the crowd on this forum, Chicago is anything but awful.


Boring but important details:

I won't talk about travel, immigration, COLA, etc ...
but I did leave with one interesting detail. The day starts EARLY in Chicago.

If you are there to party, You MUST put the DO NOT DISTURB sign on your hotel door.

On Saturday morning, I got a knock at 8 AM for housekeeping. That has never happened to me anywhere else, and I've been to a lot of places. Even when staying at a business hotel next to Grand Central, it did not have
even 10:15 housekeeping. Again, if you are there to party, make sure you put up the do not disturb sign.

Chicago - ponzored - 12-02-2015

Are there many Australians in Chicago? How do they go down? Late 20s professional, white.

Chicago - blacknwhitespade - 12-03-2015

The problem I have with Chicago is it's a very monochromatic city. The suburbs actually have more diversity/integration than the city proper. For example, you have to go to ethnic neighborhoods, Polish neighborhoods, Salsa/Bachata dance venues, etc if you're gonna find Euro, Hispanic, or other ethnic talent. Otherwise, these types are somewhat scarce in the mainstream/in-crowd Chicago scene. Only token ethnic types are found in Chicago's happening downtown and near northside, otherwise it's 90% white kids from small town Michigan or Indiana. Many of these girls are homely and have the washed-out Germanic face, dishwater blondes. The young people who transplant to this city are run-of-the-mill American and can be pretty annoying. I've had girls reject/balk at me because I live in the surburbs (a creepy foreign country to many urban dwellers around here). Chicago has some noticeable Midwest provincialism and people are small-minded about geography. I lived in Los Angeles prior to Chicagoland, a much more auto-oriented metro where people are more open to longer drives to hang out, meet up, etc. Even a smaller Midwest metro like Milwaukee (where I went to university) is in some ways better, the people are not so snobby and constantly trying to compare their city to New York like Chicagoans do.

I had it on my list to cruise the suburbs more, most Chicagoans do live in the suburbs, but there are simply limited nightlife/venues/attractions to meet girls at or take one out when you do have a prospect in your stable.

Chicago - The Black Knight - 12-03-2015

Quote: (12-03-2015 10:57 AM)blacknwhitespade Wrote:  

The problem I have with Chicago is it's a very monochromatic city. The suburbs actually have more diversity/integration than the city proper. For example, you have to go to ethnic neighborhoods, Polish neighborhoods, Salsa/Bachata dance venues, etc if you're gonna find Euro, Hispanic, or other ethnic talent. Otherwise, these types are somewhat scarce in the mainstream/in-crowd Chicago scene. Only token ethnic types are found in Chicago's happening downtown and near northside, otherwise it's 90% white kids from small town Michigan or Indiana. Many of these girls are homely and have the washed-out Germanic face, dishwater blondes. The young people who transplant to this city are run-of-the-mill American and can be pretty annoying. I've had girls reject/balk at me because I live in the surburbs (a creepy foreign country to many urban dwellers around here). Chicago has some noticeable Midwest provincialism and people are small-minded about geography. I lived in Los Angeles prior to Chicagoland, a much more auto-oriented metro where people are more open to longer drives to hang out, meet up, etc. Even a smaller Midwest metro like Milwaukee (where I went to university) is in some ways better, the people are not so snobby and constantly trying to compare their city to New York like Chicagoans do.

I had it on my list to cruise the suburbs more, most Chicagoans do live in the suburbs, but there are simply limited nightlife/venues/attractions to meet girls at or take one out when you do have a prospect in your stable.

I agree with much of this based on a visit I had. Some random thoughts:

1. There is a very strong inferiority complex present at times where people compare themselves to NYC. I think this where some of the snob attitude comes from (they must think that is how city people role or something). Make sense since its the only major tier 1 city in the midwest and I suppose the people who make it there feel like they are tip top escaping from their farm town.

2. I didn't find the talent to be impressive. The looks weren't anything special (worse than expected) but in particular, there was this lingering passive attitude I picked up on from a lot of people (both men and women) there. Polite but a constant tension in the air. It seemed really phony to me and really put me off at times.

3. Real lack of diversity. You better like average American white women if you go there. Nothing like NYC and many other major US cities in this regard. I did see some impressive talent at night in the Gold Coast/River North areas (8+) but it felt like every bar I walked by was PACKED with men. Like 4 or 5 to 1 ratios or something.

4. Terrain wise, very boring. Very flat.

5. City was very clean, which I do appreciate a lot.

6. Affordable places in upscale areas.

7. Flight prices elsewhere seem a bit high despite having two airports.

8. The dudes seem to be taller (6 ft +) and significantly more stocky than NYC. Farm boy genetics I guess.

9. WTF is with all the toll roads on the suburban highways?

Overall, I was pretty disappointed in Chicago despite expecting to like it since it's often sold as a cheaper, cleaner NYC. On paper and from what many have said on the forum, it seemed like a really legit place. I suppose if you value city living at an affordable rate above all, then Chicago is about as good as it gets.

But between the shit weather, lack of diversity (to comparably sized cities), the odd attitudes, and non-impressive talent, I rather just pay a bit more money and get a significant upgrade in some or all of the aforementioned categories.

Chicago - jbkunt2 - 12-17-2015

Did you guys ever get together for a meet up?

I'm down for a few drinks some time. 29 y/o Brit with my shit together. I live in River North.

Chicago - doc holliday - 12-19-2015

Quote: (12-17-2015 09:30 PM)jbkunt2 Wrote:  

Did you guys ever get together for a meet up?

I'm down for a few drinks some time. 29 y/o Brit with my shit together. I live in River North.

We did have a meetup a couple weeks ago. I would pm Snowplow and let him know you want to hang out with us. We have a really good group of guys here. Be forewarned however because some of the members have SJW hit men looking to assassinate them (if you can call SJW males men that is).

Chicago - presidentcarter - 03-01-2016

Hey guys, would like a little intel on Chicago. I've read most of the thread and all I'm asking is, if you've got anything extra or more up-to-date to add about the topics, please let me know.

- Best location for 30 yo, ~75-90k gross a year? Logistics are king, but not looking to break the bank either.
- Car or no car? Do the nicer apt complexes have provided parking or no?
- Thoughts vs other major US cities? If you're well traveled, but are currently in Chicago, what makes it a good choice comparably?
- Ease of travel from CHI airports to S. America? Spirit direct flights look time consuming but cheap. What else? How is getting to and from the airport from your flat?

That's about it for now, thanks in advance.

Chicago - Shimmy - 03-02-2016

Quote: (03-01-2016 07:08 PM)presidentcarter Wrote:  

Hey guys, would like a little intel on Chicago. I've read most of the thread and all I'm asking is, if you've got anything extra or more up-to-date to add about the topics, please let me know.

- Best location for 30 yo, ~75-90k gross a year? Logistics are king, but not looking to break the bank either.
- Car or no car? Do the nicer apt complexes have provided parking or no?
- Thoughts vs other major US cities? If you're well traveled, but are currently in Chicago, what makes it a good choice comparably?
- Ease of travel from CHI airports to S. America? Spirit direct flights look time consuming but cheap. What else? How is getting to and from the airport from your flat?

That's about it for now, thanks in advance.

You don't need a car if you are in the right area. I've traveled to every major city in the US. The only thing that beats Chicago for ratios and ease of picking up girls is NYC, and after those two it gets much worse. Depends on where you live for getting to the airport. If you are downtown you can take a train to either airport in 40 min or so. $30 uber ride if you want to get there quicker. Most spirit flights stop in Ft Lauderdale.

Chicago - Nalgas - 03-02-2016

If you want easy access to O'Hare, you need to live by the Blue Line, which is Wicket Park. Lots of Hipsters there. Midway is more accessible, I would recommend Old Town or River North. Lincoln Park is nice too, but lots of college students. You don't need a car.

Chicago - Jestx - 08-09-2016

I just moved to River North about a month ago. Let me know if anyone wants the scoop on any places around here, I'm still checking them out.

Trying to livin' this thread up again.

Chicago - Kid Twist - 08-10-2016

Quote: (03-02-2016 02:29 PM)Shimmy Wrote:  

Quote: (03-01-2016 07:08 PM)presidentcarter Wrote:  

Hey guys, would like a little intel on Chicago. I've read most of the thread and all I'm asking is, if you've got anything extra or more up-to-date to add about the topics, please let me know.

- Best location for 30 yo, ~75-90k gross a year? Logistics are king, but not looking to break the bank either.
- Car or no car? Do the nicer apt complexes have provided parking or no?
- Thoughts vs other major US cities? If you're well traveled, but are currently in Chicago, what makes it a good choice comparably?
- Ease of travel from CHI airports to S. America? Spirit direct flights look time consuming but cheap. What else? How is getting to and from the airport from your flat?

That's about it for now, thanks in advance.

You don't need a car if you are in the right area. I've traveled to every major city in the US. The only thing that beats Chicago for ratios and ease of picking up girls is NYC, and after those two it gets much worse. Depends on where you live for getting to the airport. If you are downtown you can take a train to either airport in 40 min or so. $30 uber ride if you want to get there quicker. Most spirit flights stop in Ft Lauderdale.

which areas do you frequent?

Chicago - oilbreh - 08-16-2016

Will be in Chicago Wed and Thursday if anyone wants to shoot the shit pm me.

Chicago - Unchained - 10-07-2016

Quote: (03-02-2016 02:29 PM)Shimmy Wrote:  

The only thing that beats Chicago for ratios and ease of picking up girls is NYC

Bold move cotton is this forreal?

For a black guy who likes black girls would Chicago be a better city or would Atlanta be better?

I hear that ATL is black poosy paradise but you're making Chicago sound pretty damn promising considering time and time again I see guys on the forum say NYC (Manhattan) is hands down the best American city for getting laid.

Chicago - Shimmy - 10-07-2016

Quote: (12-03-2015 10:57 AM)blacknwhitespade Wrote:  

I've had girls reject/balk at me because I live in the surburbs (a creepy foreign country to many urban dwellers around here).

This is one of the great advantages of Chicago. If you are in one of the best neighborhoods your ratios are insane. If you live in River North not only are there more single women than men, but to top it off those single women who live near you generally will only date guys in that neighborhood while you have all kinds of girls from the suburbs and other neighborhoods who are willing to go there to meet you. If you live in a neighborhood thats on the path home from downtown you might have 100s of thousands passing you on the way home from work which makes it even easier.

Chicago - jkray_ - 10-08-2016

22 year old Brit. Will be in Chicago for election week next month for work

Shoot me a PM if you're in the area and free for a few beers

Chicago - Travel Museums - 10-10-2016

I found wicker park to be a younger college-ish crowd. River north an older young professional crowd. Both are great because you can just tell girls "let's hangout in wicker park". I never once had a girl ask what we'd do there. When I lived downtown for two weeks almost every girl asked what we'd do there at night bc it's a ghost town.

Chicago - fucksong - 10-11-2016

Quote: (10-07-2016 02:02 PM)Unchained Wrote:  

Quote: (03-02-2016 02:29 PM)Shimmy Wrote:  

The only thing that beats Chicago for ratios and ease of picking up girls is NYC

Bold move cotton is this forreal?

For a black guy who likes black girls would Chicago be a better city or would Atlanta be better?

I hear that ATL is black poosy paradise but you're making Chicago sound pretty damn promising considering time and time again I see guys on the forum say NYC (Manhattan) is hands down the best American city for getting laid.

I'm not black nor have I ever visited Atlanta but I did visit a few hip hop clubs in Chicago and I've never seen more fashionable and cute black women in my life. I went to Jay Z's 50/50 club (is that what it's called?) in NY and using that as a reference, it wasn't that great compared to the hip hop club in Chicago. Mind you, the hottest black women I've personally ever seen were in LA but ONLY during Halloween so unless you know the right venue, not easily accessible. SF Bay Area, fuck that place for any ethnicity you're into.

Chicago - Naughty By Nature - 10-19-2016

I went to college 30 miles north of Chicago (Northwestern mafia) and I can vouch that it is an excellent city for meeting women. 3rd largest city in the country and tons of foot traffic. Very diverse, too. Just stay away from the south side. Extraordinarily dangerous.

Chicago - Naughty By Nature - 10-19-2016

Quote: (10-11-2016 02:36 AM)fucksong Wrote:  

Quote: (10-07-2016 02:02 PM)Unchained Wrote:  

Quote: (03-02-2016 02:29 PM)Shimmy Wrote:  

The only thing that beats Chicago for ratios and ease of picking up girls is NYC

Bold move cotton is this forreal?

For a black guy who likes black girls would Chicago be a better city or would Atlanta be better?

I hear that ATL is black poosy paradise but you're making Chicago sound pretty damn promising considering time and time again I see guys on the forum say NYC (Manhattan) is hands down the best American city for getting laid.

I'm not black nor have I ever visited Atlanta but I did visit a few hip hop clubs in Chicago and I've never seen more fashionable and cute black women in my life. I went to Jay Z's 50/50 club (is that what it's called?) in NY and using that as a reference, it wasn't that great compared to the hip hop club in Chicago. Mind you, the hottest black women I've personally ever seen were in LA but ONLY during Halloween so unless you know the right venue, not easily accessible. SF Bay Area, fuck that place for any ethnicity you're into.

fucksong, mah boi, Halloweiner is in 2 weeks. Where should I go out here in LA? I love me some big booty black babes. [Image: smile.gif]

Chicago - Unchained - 10-27-2016

Chicago might just be the place I move to after what I've seen in this thread.

I'd love to sell my car and move to an actual affordable urban city with walkable neighborhoods, reliable public transportation, good nightlife, decent black women, and lots of foot traffic.

LA shouldn't even be considered a city it's just a bunch of smaller cities and suburbs. There's no centralization just urban sprawl.

Chicago - blacknwhitespade - 01-04-2017

Quote: (10-07-2016 05:10 PM)Shimmy Wrote:  

Quote: (12-03-2015 10:57 AM)blacknwhitespade Wrote:  

I've had girls reject/balk at me because I live in the surburbs (a creepy foreign country to many urban dwellers around here).

This is one of the great advantages of Chicago. If you are in one of the best neighborhoods your ratios are insane. If you live in River North not only are there more single women than men, but to top it off those single women who live near you generally will only date guys in that neighborhood while you have all kinds of girls from the suburbs and other neighborhoods who are willing to go there to meet you. If you live in a neighborhood thats on the path home from downtown you might have 100s of thousands passing you on the way home from work which makes it even easier.

Good thing if you live in one of those handful of select urban neighborhoods (Lincoln Park, River North, Wicker...), bad thing for everyone else in the less "sexy" parts of Chicagoland. That's the most disappointing thing about Chicago -- a global metro of over 9 million and it has the geographical mentality of Toledo, Ohio.

Chicago - Unchained - 01-04-2017

Quote: (01-04-2017 01:23 PM)blacknwhitespade Wrote:  

Quote: (10-07-2016 05:10 PM)Shimmy Wrote:  

Quote: (12-03-2015 10:57 AM)blacknwhitespade Wrote:  

I've had girls reject/balk at me because I live in the surburbs (a creepy foreign country to many urban dwellers around here).

This is one of the great advantages of Chicago. If you are in one of the best neighborhoods your ratios are insane. If you live in River North not only are there more single women than men, but to top it off those single women who live near you generally will only date guys in that neighborhood while you have all kinds of girls from the suburbs and other neighborhoods who are willing to go there to meet you. If you live in a neighborhood thats on the path home from downtown you might have 100s of thousands passing you on the way home from work which makes it even easier.

Good thing if you live in one of those handful of select urban neighborhoods (Lincoln Park, River North, Wicker...), bad thing for everyone else in the less "sexy" parts of Chicagoland. That's the most disappointing thing about Chicago -- a global metro of over 9 million and it has the geographical mentality of Toledo, Ohio.

90% of game is logistics