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Liberal Tears From 2016 election and presidency - polar - 11-10-2016

Quote: (11-10-2016 07:37 PM)Handsome Creepy Eel Wrote:  

There's plenty of craziness on my Facebook feed, but this one takes the cake:

So tolerant!

That's a good way to get intimately acquainted with the Secret Service.

Liberal Tears From 2016 election and presidency - kbell - 11-10-2016

[Image: xIskYUZ.jpg]

I predict a future massive meltdown for this citizen of Gotham city. He already almost cried on morning Joe before presidency.

[Image: 3806850172_d8dc587ffe_z.jpg?zz=1]

Liberal Tears From 2016 election and presidency - CynicalContrarian - 11-10-2016

Quote: (11-10-2016 07:51 PM)wi30 Wrote:  

So old ladies and chicks with ovarian cancer are dudes?

Now, now. You know exactly what I was implying.
Besides, exceptions do not disprove the rule.
Hermaphrodites are the real grey area...

Liberal Tears From 2016 election and presidency - LeeEnfield303 - 11-10-2016

God, I love to see shitlib tears. Is my rocket fuel to face every day with a smile on my face and pride in my President.

Liberal Tears From 2016 election and presidency - CynicalContrarian - 11-10-2016

[Image: lol.gif]

@PrisonPlanet 4h
"Chuck Johnson on a train telling a leftist offended by his Trump hat to "fuck off" repeatedly.

Because why not?"

Vid in link -

That's it. I'm ordering a MAGA hat to wear here in Australia!
What's the best link for a genuine American made Trump / MAGA hat?

Liberal Tears From 2016 election and presidency - wi30 - 11-10-2016

Quote: (11-10-2016 07:59 PM)CynicalContrarian Wrote:  

Quote: (11-10-2016 07:51 PM)wi30 Wrote:  

So old ladies and chicks with ovarian cancer are dudes?

Now, now. You know exactly what I was implying.
Besides, exceptions do not disprove the rule.
Hermaphrodites are the real grey area...

I'm just giving you a hard time. Whenever trannies/Bruce Jenner comes up in a conversation with a leftist, I always ask them if he has a y chromosome. That usually shuts them up.

Quote: (11-10-2016 08:12 PM)CynicalContrarian Wrote:  

[Image: lol.gif]

@PrisonPlanet 4h
"Chuck Johnson on a train telling a leftist offended by his Trump hat to "fuck off" repeatedly.

Because why not?"

Vid in link -

That's it. I'm ordering a MAGA hat to wear here in Australia!
What's the best link for a genuine American made Trump / MAGA hat?

You can't get them outside of the US. I've sent some Trump gear to a few members around the globe. I ordered it and shipped it to them and they paid me back on paypal.

Feel free to PM me and I'll be happy to help.

Liberal Tears From 2016 election and presidency - weambulance - 11-10-2016

Also posted in the Hillary thread:

Fake story about a woman randomly running into Hillary in the woods while walking her dog.



Facebook may bear some responsibility for Donald Trump’s election to the presidency, but it can still be a reassuringly heartwarming place. Take Margot Gerster’s most recent post: Feeling dejected over the election, New Yorker Gerster decided to take her daughter and dog for a walk in the woods in Chappaqua, New York, today. “I’ve been feeling so heartbroken since yesterday’s election and decided what better way to relax than take my girls hiking,” Gerster wrote. But instead of just finding some temporary peace in nature, Gerster wound up running into Hillary Clinton.

Ive been feeling so heartbroken since yesterday’s election and decided what better way to relax than take my girls hiking. So I decided to take them to one of favorite places in Chappaqua. We were the only ones there and it was so beautiful and relaxing. As we were leaving, I heard a bit of rustling coming towards me and as I stepped into the clearing there she was, Hillary Clinton and Bill with their dogs doing exactly the same thing as I was. I got to hug her and talk to her and tell her that one of my most proudest moments as a mother was taking Phoebe with me to vote for her. She hugged me and thanked me and we exchanged some sweet pleasantries and then I let them continue their walk. Now, I’m not one for signs but I think ill definitely take this one. So proud.

Gerster’s post has only been up a little over two hours and has already been liked more than 2,000 times and counting. Excuse me, while I hop the next Metro-North to White Plains to go hiking in the hopes of also hugging and thanking Mrs. Clinton.

Obvious photoshop is obvious:

[Image: 09-hillary-clinton-hike.nocrop.w710.h2147483647.jpg]

Liberals are absolutely eating this shit up in the facebook comments.

Edit - or is it someone wearing some kind of freaky cardboard Hillary mask?

Liberal Tears From 2016 election and presidency - Irenicus - 11-10-2016

Quote: (11-10-2016 07:52 PM)weambulance Wrote:  

Quote: (11-10-2016 07:19 PM)weambulance Wrote:  

Some of my uber progressive facebook friends are really freaking out, talking about preparing for war, etc because of the rash of SJW hoaxes like burnt rainbow flags and shit. Without saying anything about politics, I just recommended they buy guns and learn when/how to use them.

I think there's about a 1% chance they'll take responsibility for their own lives, but we'll see.

It was quickly decided that because I support people defending themselves when they perceive danger, I'm a terrible person.

I'm not going to copy the exact conversation here, but let's just say the people I was talking to are completely incapable of using logic and rational thought. This supports the assertion that I've been making for about 6 months: hardcore progressives are mentally subpar, in that their brains cannot process the world rationally. Cause and effect are alien, logic is like sanskrit. They are so damaged from years of bending their minds into pretzels to support their self-contradictory and observably incorrect worldviews that they will never recover short of hardcore deprogramming by methods like shock therapy.

These are not people we will ever be friends with.

...And the conversation was memory-holed. Deleted as if it never existed, before I could give a final "lol" response and bounce. This is absolutely consistent with every conversation like this I've had with leftists on facebook. They get fucking wrecked by simple logic--they hate it when I accurately rephrase what they said to make it clear how absurd it is--then delete it and act as if it never happened. Just rabbits trying to will away the figurative wolf in the field who is making them so uncomfortable.

The main thing that I have learned this is year is that SJW's are absolutely no different than ISIS.

They can't be bargained with, and they can't be reasoned with. Both use terror to achieve their aims. ISIS will blow you up to bits or behead you and SJW's will ruin your livelyhood, threaten your family and besmirch your name for eternity.

There should be no compromise and no discussion with them. They will perceive any such attempts as weakness.

Whether they are family, or should let them trigger themselves to death. Use that energy to help yourself, and the God Emperor.

Liberal Tears From 2016 election and presidency - Player_1337 - 11-10-2016

The post-election lib-lash is still running strong on FaceBook. Just going to sit back and continue to enjoy it.

Liberal Tears From 2016 election and presidency - CynicalContrarian - 11-10-2016

Those of merit & worth, build & create.
Those of self-loathing & envy, destroy.

Liberal Tears From 2016 election and presidency - komatiite - 11-10-2016

Quote: (11-10-2016 12:31 AM)Kona Wrote:  

Quote: (11-09-2016 11:55 PM)iop890 Wrote:  

[Image: 3fdb68067a.png]

First off, if that old lady is wearing that red jacket on election day, she voted republican.

Secondly, she has some type of commemorative ray gun mounted on her mantle. Buck rogers style.


HAHAHA! Totally dude -- clearly Grandma watched INFOWARS when Roger Stone and Alex Jones told ALL TRUMP SUPPORTERS to wear RED on election day to identify other Trump supporters in the event of Voter Fraud. #STOPTHESTEAL!

Liberal Tears From 2016 election and presidency - PrtSc - 11-10-2016

As a Canadian, I've been getting sick and tired of the misinformation and misrepresentations of Trump on Facebook. However, I've been enjoying the tears!

The following message was posted to Facebook:
[Image: cf5723bf_o.png]

I submitted a reply that rebutted each of the points mentioned. Unsurprisingly, my reply was deleted. A brief Facebook chat took place, until the girl melted down, unable to handle an opposing opinion. Here are the messages that then took place. There were some other messages outside of the thread where some other people ganged up as well, but this is the general just of it. Quite the smackdown if I do say so myself. Ultimately, I feel sorry there are people out there that are so misinformed or stupid - but likely both.

[Image: 292562a8_o.png]
[Image: 781263d4_o.png]
[Image: 15ce6358_o.png]
[Image: a2127951_o.png]
[Image: 667e1e02_o.png]
[Image: bb6d3aa5_o.png]
[Image: fd7eaa36_o.png]
[Image: d5d38d0a_o.png]
[Image: e393cfc7_o.png]

Liberal Tears From 2016 election and presidency - PrtSc - 11-10-2016

[Image: aee7981d_o.png]
[Image: cf9c1ea1_o.png]

After the last message, the original person who started the comments blocked me. It was a great success!

Liberal Tears From 2016 election and presidency - Suits - 11-10-2016

[Image: gQ7vjHH.jpg]

Liberal Tears From 2016 election and presidency - Player_1337 - 11-10-2016

Thee repeated/chained fb posts by the same user, are all too reminiscent of the paradigm of the thirsty chode who texts a girl to death... to no response.

Liberal Tears From 2016 election and presidency - PrtSc - 11-10-2016

Quote: (11-10-2016 09:05 PM)Player_1337 Wrote:  

Thee repeated/chained fb posts by the same user, are all too reminiscent of the paradigm of the thirsty chode who texts a girl to death... to no response.
Except these have lots of responses.

Liberal Tears From 2016 election and presidency - kbell - 11-10-2016

[Image: nTSE0pY.jpg]

Liberal Tears From 2016 election and presidency - Private Man - 11-10-2016

Quote: (11-10-2016 11:16 AM)Oz. Wrote:  

[Image: 2bf56b2d1d9b4e2fe440a65c82dc9b3d761a94f7...fa3b_1.jpg]

Eh, reeks of 4chan.

Liberal Tears From 2016 election and presidency - Rhyme or Reason - 11-10-2016

^ Even if it is, we should do whatever we can to get #CutForHillary trending. Maybe even #HangForHillary. #PlasticBagChallengeForHillary #AnHeroForHillary..ect

Liberal Tears From 2016 election and presidency - BortimusPrime - 11-10-2016

I've gotta be honest, at this point I'm having a hard time maintaining high energy. I'm in Portland, and the past couple days every single person I've interacted with has behaved like an absolute cunt. Service employees are surly and seem to be intentionally slowing down their work. I can't make polite smalltalk with anyone, just being in a good mood is apparently crimethink.

The schadenfreude was fun at first, but these pussies need to put on their big boy shorts and get over it because it's mentally wearisome having to go about one's day surrounded by petulant twats.

Liberal Tears From 2016 election and presidency - eradicator - 11-10-2016

Quote: (11-10-2016 07:57 AM)kbell Wrote:  

[Image: BayAreaProtest-640x480.jpg]

Rather than learning at a HIGH school who most of the population can't vote, they are protesting.

That's Berkeley High school C building, where I went to school! I may have just outed myself but oh well. People in Berkeley live in some sort of alternate universe(up is down, right is left, nothing makes any sense politically)

Liberal Tears From 2016 election and presidency - CynicalContrarian - 11-10-2016

Quote: (11-10-2016 09:35 PM)BortimusPrime Wrote:  

I've gotta be honest, at this point I'm having a hard time maintaining high energy. I'm in Portland, and the past couple days every single person I've interacted with has behaved like an absolute cunt. Service employees are surly and seem to be intentionally slowing down their work. I can't make polite smalltalk with anyone, just being in a good mood is apparently crimethink.

The schadenfreude was fun at first, but these pussies need to put on their big boy shorts and get over it because it's mentally wearisome having to go about one's day surrounded by petulant twats.

Tell them they can still implement Killary's plans by going over to Syria & fighting against the Russians, while alongside Obama & Killary's Islamic state...

Liberal Tears From 2016 election and presidency - Delta - 11-10-2016

I was against Trump, and even I think people have lost their minds. Some of the most intelligent people I know sound so brainwashed it's terrifying. They're spreading misinformation, going hysterical, and absolutely will not listen to reason. How do so many otherwise rational people get so irrationally emotional about politics?

Liberal Tears From 2016 election and presidency - eradicator - 11-10-2016

Quote: (11-10-2016 09:35 PM)BortimusPrime Wrote:  

I've gotta be honest, at this point I'm having a hard time maintaining high energy. I'm in Portland, and the past couple days every single person I've interacted with has behaved like an absolute cunt. Service employees are surly and seem to be intentionally slowing down their work. I can't make polite smalltalk with anyone, just being in a good mood is apparently crimethink.

The schadenfreude was fun at first, but these pussies need to put on their big boy shorts and get over it because it's mentally wearisome having to go about one's day surrounded by petulant twats.

I said something about this, still be polite with everyone, expect people to be salty for a very long time.

Here is a story about a Louisiana Muslim student admitting to lying about being attacked by trump supporters and stealing her hijab. Expect a lot more of these sorts of fake stories in the coming weeks and months.


Lafayette police said a woman made up a story about two men attacking her and stealing her wallet and hijab on Wednesday.

"During the course of the investigation, the female complainant admitted that she fabricated the story about her physical attack as well as the removal of her hijab and wallet by two white males," the Lafayette Police Department said in a news release.

The incident is no longer under investigation, police said.

The initial report came just after 11 a.m. Wednesday, when University of Louisiana at Lafayette police said they received a report of a robbery on Smith Street near campus.

In the initial report, the woman said two men hit her, made her fall to the ground, yelled racial obscenities, then stole her wallet and hijab, a head covering sometimes worn by Muslim women.

Initial reports also suggested at least one of the attackers was wearing a Donald Trump hat.

The alleged incident had garnered national attention and had drawn the response of the Louisiana affiliate of the American Civil Liberties Union.

The ACLU affiliate released a new statement Thursday evening, after Lafayette police's announcement.

"We don't know the full story of what happened yesterday, and we don't know what caused her to recant," the ACLU statement said. "We stand by our call for all Louisianians to reject anti-Muslim bigotry. Our Muslim neighbors' rights remain unchanged. We will continue to speak out against this harassment and bigotry, and call for equal protection under the law."

UL President Joseph Savoie posted a blog Wednesday. The post did not reference the robbery report, but urged students and staff to work to find common ground after the divisive presidential election.

“University campuses are places where men and women of all races and religions should be able to exchange ideas and learn from one another,” Savoie’s post read. “We grow as human beings by listening to others who have different backgrounds and experiences. The University strives to provide an environment that nurtures healthy discourse. I encourage you to take advantage of resources available on our campus that can help you contribute, in your own way, to a better future.”

Liberal Tears From 2016 election and presidency - BortimusPrime - 11-10-2016

Quote: (11-10-2016 09:57 PM)CynicalContrarian Wrote:  

Quote: (11-10-2016 09:35 PM)BortimusPrime Wrote:  

I've gotta be honest, at this point I'm having a hard time maintaining high energy. I'm in Portland, and the past couple days every single person I've interacted with has behaved like an absolute cunt. Service employees are surly and seem to be intentionally slowing down their work. I can't make polite smalltalk with anyone, just being in a good mood is apparently crimethink.

The schadenfreude was fun at first, but these pussies need to put on their big boy shorts and get over it because it's mentally wearisome having to go about one's day surrounded by petulant twats.

Tell them they can still implement Killary's plans by going over to Syria & fighting against the Russians, while alongside Obama & Killary's Islamic state...

I did suggest jumping the border to Canada so they could lead better lives as gardeners and McDonald's cooks.