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The Asian Guy Travel Thread - ZAMSKI - 02-22-2016

Quote: (02-21-2016 05:58 AM)El Chinito loco Wrote:  

Can't say this is necessarily true for asia. I've seen some nerdy super beta looking and acting guys with good jobs with some extremely hot wives or girlfriends. Forget about seen I actually know a couple guys like this. One is in Taiwan and his wife is literally cover girl quality and he's some high ranked IT guy. The other guy I know is Thai and he's short, has a not so handsome face, and wears glasses and he also has a smokeshow of a girlfriend. They are all from middle class families too. They are good guys but you would do a massive double take if you're not used to seeing that.

Go to some upscale local nightclubs in Thailand and it's not unusual to see a pretty average or below average looking Thai guy with amazing girls around him. One of which is his gf and her friends.

I see versions of this nearly everywhere in asia except for maybe Singapore where every other Sing national is a nerdy beta with a good job.

I talked about this before in the travel section in another thread.. the way things are in EE, Latin America, and Asia is far closer to normal than the shitshow that goes on in the anglosphere. These women abroad take into consideration all the other qualities a man brings to the table too and makes her decision. It's way more rational and practical.

It's not that unusual in asia really. The whole put your head down, rise up in your career, and get a hot wife thing isn't a pipe dream there like it usually is in the U.S.
^^ True. Been living here in Thailand in total for about 1.5 years. I see these types of pairings (average thai guy + attractive thai girl) almost everyday.

The Asian Guy Travel Thread - El Chinito loco - 02-22-2016

Quote: (02-21-2016 10:58 AM)Brosemite Wrote:  

Quote: (02-20-2016 09:32 PM)El Chinito loco Wrote:  

By the way avoid Reddit. It sucks for just about everything including the general redpill sub. I browsed a few of the asian related subs on there a year or two ago and there may be a few enlightened guys but most of it is young "azn pryde" nonsense with quite a bit of angry SJW crap too. It's toxic don't expose your mind to this type of stuff just get out there.

I never quite got Reddit. Maybe it's the interface that makes me feel dyslexic.

Is the part in bold similar to material from....the Fung Brothers?

Some of it is similar but a lot of it is outright SJW'ism, glorification of white feminism, and the worst sort of self defeatism on reddit. Last time I browsed those subs I remember cracking open a beer, reading it, and nearly pissing myself with laughter at some of the topics and comments.

Some of the subs really are that lame and bordering on satire.


There are examples of "nice" intelligent naive Asian guys getting hot chicks in Brazil. I know quite a few guys like that. However, Latin American women are even more "emotional" and "shallow" than chicks in the Anglosphere. You are TOTALLY judged on a superficial level by how you interact in social situations and dating wise by how you're capable of triggering the emotions of a girl as an Alpha...preferably seduced using slang in their native language due to what tends to be short attention spans.

Absolutely true that game is necessary with latin women. However, the point I make is more about how local men interact with their own women in these countries. There's much more of a home team advantage with regards to this. I feel no matter what as a foreigner you still have to have tighter game to get with quality women..even abroad. It doesn't matter if it's asia, EE, or latin america. You still need to do a bit better than the local men to get with the same quality. Local men of the same social and class tier get significant bonuses..especially social circle bonus for gaming the same girls. Just my random observations about this.


There's a reason why Latinas are crazy & that's because they base everything off of how they're emotions are triggered while at times not knowing how to control them, lol.

The latinas i've dated have always reminded me of more flighty and sexual versions of Thais. Some aspects of their mentality is actually not too different.


A sad exception might be São Paulo city (not the state) where their status on a social level is way off the mark.

Is this because the asians there mostly stick to enclaves? I thin you mentioned this before but don't remember what the reason was.

The Asian Guy Travel Thread - Brosemite - 02-22-2016

Quote: (02-22-2016 02:49 PM)El Chinito loco Wrote:  

Absolutely true that game is necessary with latin women. However, the point I make is more about how local men interact with their own women in these countries. There's much more of a home team advantage with regards to this. I feel no matter what as a foreigner you still have to have tighter game to get with quality women..even abroad. It doesn't matter if it's asia, EE, or latin america. You still need to do a bit better than the local men to get with the same quality. Local men of the same social and class tier get significant bonuses..especially social circle bonus for gaming the same girls. Just my random observations about this.

Totally agreed...and that home team advantage is even greater in Latam for highest quality gals...not to mention that first point made in bold.

My cousin once told me that living abroad in just one specific city is just scratching the surface. Two years was his preference because you're just getting used to things after that one year. Unfortunately, I don't have that luxury of one more year in my locale.

However, gals that blew me off politely back in August & September...have just started hitting me up..let's roll..

Quote: (02-22-2016 02:49 PM)El Chinito loco Wrote:  


A sad exception might be São Paulo city (not the state) where their status on a social level is way off the mark.

Is this because the asians there mostly stick to enclaves? I thin you mentioned this before but don't remember what the reason was.

There really isn't a true Asian enclave in São Paulo (the city). There are very very small communities, but they pale in comparison to the enclaves even in 2nd/3rd tier US cities outside of the mega 1st tiers being LA, San Fran, Houston, and NYC Tri-State area.

It's hard to explain really. Asian people in general are just better groomed in São Paulo state outside the capital and in Paraná state, which helps their cause.

São Paulo and Rio are also very winner take all societies in comparison to the 2nd Tier places such as Belo Horizonte or Curitiba where the super wealthy are more down to earth & possess many tight friendships with people in classes lower than theirs.

People born & raised in Sampa are 200% more concerned with climbing social ladders and hopefully trying to find some guy who's:
1) From a top tier family
2) Has great social connections

The chicks most open towards random Asian dudes in that city are middle class gals or transplants from other cities.

The root of the problem end of the day just stems from Asian guys not really putting any initiative towards game or their appearances...which is a big contrast from Asians in those other Brazilian areas mentioned above. São Paulo is also a much faster paced place where becoming integrated into mainstream society can be harder whether it be a race thing or transplant from another city thing. If you cannot manage to do it alone, then you're left behind.

The others were slower & smaller paced areas where people had the time to become acquainted with pretty much everyone in their community. This in turn lent a helping hand in integrating not just the Japanese, but all people of all ethnic backgrounds as happier contributors to their mainstream societies.

The Asian Guy Travel Thread - Wutang - 02-22-2016

Quote: (02-20-2016 09:10 PM)Gas Wrote:  

Quote: (02-20-2016 05:12 AM)Brosemite Wrote:  

Makes all the more sense now that you have re-scripted the text. When you're stressing that your kids just make good grades and keep in touch with their Asian roots, it fails to emphasize the development of other qualities such as strong communication skills in the A) social, B) professional, and C) believe it or not academic world as well.

This is because good grades and a good job were all that was needed to get a girl back in olden days. That comes from the arranged marriage culture. Parents of the girls from good families didn't care how good you were at sport or if you were a social retard. If you had a good job you got set up with the hottest girl. It's still like that today in the traditional rural communities.

Asian parents don't realize that nerds with good grades don't get girls in America. This is why Asian girls end up with white guys and Asian guys end up with Pornhub.

That's pretty much my theory on why East Asians and Indians tend to be on the bottom of the dating totem pole here in the US. What's the common factor between these two cultures? The prevalence of match making and both family and society basically guiding your hand through male/female relationships. I remember being in Taiwan a few years back and actually seeing brick and mortar match making businesses. Also, my grandparents actually had a pre-arranged marriage so it's not like it's some sort of long lost custom confined to the mists of history. My grandfather is a great man being intelligent, hard working, and with strong moral character but I think someone like him in today's American culture would have a good chance of being an incel just because those qualities aren't really relevant when it comes being seen as attractive by women and he just doesn't have the sort of bad boy game that women here love - or any game in general.

On a completely different subject, as an Asian guy the worst reactions I've gotten in cold approaching have always been from Asian girls. Actually the only time a girl has really gotten nasty with me, it's was an Asian girl in NYC. White girls will at least be friendly and talk to me while a lot of Asian girls will typicaly give me the deer in the headlights reaction.

The Asian Guy Travel Thread - worldtraveler3 - 02-22-2016

Why are Asian girls in the us or anglospherr like that?

The Asian Guy Travel Thread - Brosemite - 02-22-2016

Quote: (02-21-2016 06:48 AM)JWLZG Wrote:  

I personally think that Asian dudes growing up in the West have a leg up in terms of game. Even if we mightn't necessarily enjoy a home ground advantage, we were raised in cultures where the following traits mentioned by Gas:

Quote: (02-21-2016 04:36 AM)Gas Wrote:  

Sure, grades are important. But so is social savvy, communication skills, confidence, networking, leadership, determination, competitiveness etc. That's not stuff you learn studying for SAT tests in your bedroom all day.

are highly valued and encouraged in youth, as with independence and the ability to speak eloquently. Speaking for Australia and NZ (and hopefully the USA/Canada), a heavy outdoors culture was also endorsed, along with the social bonding that came with it -- growing up in sports circles really got you accustomed to hanging with hot fit birds. Sport was compulsory where I went to school, so was music for a time. It bred a sense of well-roundedness and adventure. In adult life, that translated to a good familiarity and taste in music, style, risk-taking and travel. There was a lot of importance placed on being well-read, appreciating the arts, world affairs and understanding food and alcohol.

How many guys from Japan or Singapore, for example, tend to be motivated to spend a few years in Europe or the Americas broadening their résumé (and chasing tail)? It's almost a rite of passage in most professional fields for Aussies and Kiwis -- the Asians among them are increasing. Would most Asian mums baulk at the idea of their sons being too far away from the family orbit -- and therefore, an un-Asian thing to do? Fuck that. My Dad travelled for work as a graduate so I'm glad he thinks otherwise.

1) There is the outdoorsy life and sports culture that is great for many Americans. It helps build personality, teaches kids how to deal with adversity, and creates bonds with added social skills.
2) Unfortunately, not many Asian Americans let alone Americans have a burning desire to see the world at a young age. People are spending 40K+ USD on weddings and engagement rings between the ages of 23-27 not to mention mortgages while complaining about how expensive it is to travel. Ironic...dont you think?
3) I think Australia being isolated from everything makes the entire population very curious & open-minded to see other parts of the world. Not only that, they're TAUGHT to work, save money, and put wheels behind that objective to make those travels happen. Quite the antithesis of American culture.

The best education you can acquire is a mix of A) professional work, B) in class, and C) in travel experiences. Not many Americans get the memo that you can find life's answers & actually educate yourself through travel. I can certainly say it's made me a smarter professional and better post-graduate student now as well.

Unfortunately, Americans that do travel outside of their country are even greeted with guilt trips from their colleagues & social peers as being "slackers."
Quote: (02-21-2016 06:48 AM)JWLZG Wrote:  

We also got to grow up taller and more built because of all this physical activity, and also to diets heavy in protein and calcium. How many of you can say that you're only of average height amongst your family? Not least, we ended up with white social circles and accents that are globally desired.

That's something most Asian guys born in the West need to capitalize off of in their travels. Blessing indeed.

Quote: (02-21-2016 06:48 AM)JWLZG Wrote:  

Realise that even though the game might be rigged against you, a lot of these are self-imposed limiting beliefs or within your means. Things like style are easily rectified -- I still see Asian dudes out in the city in Bermuda shorts and sandals, even in spring and autumn. Verbal delivery will take a while -- Anything else less than fluent written and spoken articulation might sound cute on the Latin lover or Anglo caveman archetypes, but downright off-putting on an Asian guy. Accents will take even longer but are doable; many Asian accents -- I'm thinking of Hindi, Cantonese and Indonesian, are adept at drying up Western vaginas.

This is a disadvantage unfortunately for those gaming in the West. Trying to think of a good solution to this....maybe perhaps saying a bunch of crazy politically incorrect shit with confident non-verbal language?

I'm sure great fashion could be a game changer too.

Input needed....

Quote: (02-21-2016 06:48 AM)JWLZG Wrote:  

Asians who grew up in California and Vancouver are at a slight disadvantage because of they can easily blend into their own communities and not absorb a whole lot of the values I've talked up. Maybe there's less incentive to do so, but even upon reaching adulthood, such a lifestyle should be actionable. They really have no-one else to blame when the beta, pasty white dude wearing specs and khaki cargo pants that's banging their sister is higher up in SMV than they are.

There's nothing wrong with sticking in an Asian Bubble. There is however something to be said about developing the great confident persona that can make a difference in the lives of others within and also outside of your comfort zone. Would go a long way in all respects of life.

Quote: (02-21-2016 07:43 AM)JWLZG Wrote:  

Brosemite, I get what you're saying in that mass media portrayals really aren't necessary in order to legitimise one's image or SMV, when you would be looking to develop your own name if you're that alpha enough. I certainly wouldn't advocate such a presence as someone who doesn't believe in Affirmative Action.
In a society that had such chequered attitudes towards it's Asian community, where that said community has become an immovable part of its social fabric, a positive media image really does go a long way in weaving us into societal legitimacy. Given that even though any poisonous Hollywood stereotypes actually don't have a huge effect here, young kids do gain so much of their formative ideas of the world from TV and other mass entertainment.

It'd always be nice to have more Asian media presence in mainstream societies. Agreed. End of the day, it's up to people (not just Asians) to evolve as a result of influences they value most. I've had many close friends that constantly seek and cling onto influences opposed to learning how to evolve from them.

I've noticed that many Korean and Japanese men are adept at evolving as a result of their popular media the way they socialize, dress, groom, and carry themselves.

Despite heavy influences from the popular Hong Kong film & entertainment industry, many guys from HK or Singapore with the means have not made the same progress as their counterparts from Japan/Korea.

The Asian Guy Travel Thread - erikak - 02-22-2016

If you're loaded, I suggest you try China. Only in China can you see an 18yo model tier girl with a local guy 10 years her senior and at least 150kg. Not exaggerating I saw that once. They just walked into KFC and my Chinese friend, a guy, glared in their direction and muttered "that's bullshit". That's China. Looks pretty much don't matter at all, there, and Asian guys are actually in demand now. Rich guys are seen as "powerful", it's a legit turn on to the girls there. Moreso than anywhere else I've been. Call it beta bux or not, but it's a strategy there. 9 times out of 10 a Chinese girl will choose the guy with his act together and a good job over a handsome guy.

You'd need to be making some serious cash online, though. Lots of money there now.

The Asian Guy Travel Thread - swuglyfe - 02-23-2016

In case any of y'all were wondering just what 'rich' means in China these days... new money is off it's fucking rocker over there

Weymi Cho picked me up at my hotel, in downtown Vancouver, in her new car, a white Maserati GranTurismo with a red leather interior. She had slept only two hours the night before. A new karaoke machine had been installed in her apartment, a four-million-dollar condo with a view of the city’s harbor, and she and some friends had spent the night singing and drinking Veuve Clicquot. Weymi is twenty years old and slim, with large eyes and waist-length hair that cascaded, on this occasion, over a silk Dior blouse. She has a reserved, almost aristocratic air. It was a little past ten, and we were going shopping.

Holt Renfrew, Vancouver’s equivalent of Barneys, is one of Weymi’s customary weekend haunts, though she is aware of its limitations. “It doesn’t compare to Vegas, where there is obviously a better selection,” she explained as we drove there. Weymi speaks English with a subtle but noticeable accent, and was relieved when I switched to Mandarin. Her speech was punctuated by European brand names, which functioned as a kind of currency. A maid’s monthly wages, she said, were probably the price of a pair of Roger Vivier satin pumps. A night out can cost half a suède Birkin bag. On Weymi’s last birthday, in March, she’d spent more than two Fendi totes—around four thousand dollars—on drinks in less than an hour.

On an unrelated note, off of Brosemite's comment, I'm glad I stuck through Boy Scouts all the way through Eagle. Really helped me grow as a person having to make my own fire and survive in the wilderness. Hell, that's why I'm going to hike part of the AT right after graduation.

Also, for me personally, being Asian made me less insular when wanting to travel, not more. Who knows, perhaps that's because I didn't grow up in an enclave. I always felt I needed to go to China at the very least to understand my heritage and culture, and further afield because I grew up aware of my feet in two cultures, and wanted to experience others. That's part of the reason I eschewed math and science (and straight As), and I'm now studying politics and 3 languages.

The Asian Guy Travel Thread - Brosemite - 02-23-2016

Random Thought:

One great thing about being brought up East/SE Asian is the fact that we endlessly hear dumb guilt trips from our families. As annoying as that is, we get so tired of hearing it that we automatically tune out the politically correct agendas of SJWs when getting older. I guess that explains why I myself and a lot of my Asian peers are so politically incorrect about everything.

The Asian Guy Travel Thread - Jack Of All Trades - 02-23-2016

Quote: (02-23-2016 12:00 PM)Brosemite Wrote:  

Random Thought:

One great thing about being brought up East/SE Asian is the fact that we endlessly hear dumb guilt trips from our families. As annoying as that is, we get so tired of hearing it that we automatically tune out the politically correct agendas of SJWs when getting older. I guess that explains why I myself and a lot of my Asian peers are so politically incorrect about everything.

Yes you get a lot of the stuff about fillial piety, I've noticed this mindfucks a lot of asian men when they're growing up, coming from personal experience. Your supposed to do everything for your parents and listen to whatever they say and even if it doesn't work out their response will always be you didn't try hard enough.

You need to get out of the loop and move ahead.

The Asian Guy Travel Thread - Brosemite - 02-23-2016

Quote: (02-23-2016 02:11 PM)Jack Of All Trades Wrote:  

Quote: (02-23-2016 12:00 PM)Brosemite Wrote:  

Random Thought:

One great thing about being brought up East/SE Asian is the fact that we endlessly hear dumb guilt trips from our families. As annoying as that is, we get so tired of hearing it that we automatically tune out the politically correct agendas of SJWs when getting older. I guess that explains why I myself and a lot of my Asian peers are so politically incorrect about everything.

Yes you get a lot of the stuff about fillial piety, I've noticed this mindfucks a lot of asian men when they're growing up, coming from personal experience. Your supposed to do everything for your parents and listen to whatever they say and even if it doesn't work out their response will always be you didn't try hard enough.

You need to get out of the loop and move ahead.

Yeah it can ruin Asians especially males at times. The plus side is that it makes us immune to the BS of SJW agenda pushers, haha. So..I'm grateful as there are pros & cons to every situation growing up as we have to work within those confines to find inner peace.

The Asian Guy Travel Thread - Wutang - 02-23-2016

Asians are pretty un-PC in general. I don't notice the same walking on egg shells approach to talking about controversial topics that you see with middle to upper middle class white people. Those fresh off the boat are even more so. I took a Chinese language class in university where the lecturer who was a FOB mainland Chinese actually said in class "Isn't it true that Jews control a lot of the wealth here in America?" And I'm sure we've all heard the comments middle aged FOB Asians make about blacks.

The Asian Guy Travel Thread - HOD - 02-23-2016

Quote:I think he meant more than that...we were not just referring to "social skills regarding women" in immediate surroundings but developing good communication, leadership, and a 6th sense in knowing how to deal with adversity outside of just getting good grades, which will in turn benefit your career & most

....doing business in Mainland China where a bunch of opportunistic people are waiting for a misstep so they can fuck you over.....or knowing how to avoid divorce rape..

Expecting Asian American Men to adapt to a society and learn leaderships, is going to be difficult, due to a hostile climate towards Asian American, especially for those who are seeking to compete for leadership roles. At the end of the day, very few Asian Americans know that, there image and face in the world, are totally control by non-Asians. This is very concerning. Because we as Asian American don't even control our own image. How can we expect to be leaders in America, if we can't even control our own image in the Anglo-sphere.

For example, Daniel Wu a famous Chinese American actor who found success in Hong Kong and now produce Badlands for AMC, comments about the image of Asian Men, Diversity in Hollywood Media and, how Asians don't really like each other and more importantly very unsupported of each other: 3:55.

The Asian Guy Travel Thread - Gas - 02-23-2016

Quote: (02-22-2016 06:23 PM)Wutang Wrote:  

On a completely different subject, as an Asian guy the worst reactions I've gotten in cold approaching have always been from Asian girls. Actually the only time a girl has really gotten nasty with me, it's was an Asian girl in NYC. White girls will at least be friendly and talk to me while a lot of Asian girls will typicaly give me the deer in the headlights reaction.

Interesting. Coming to think of it, that's true for me as well. The uber westernized Asian girls tend to have high bitch shields. Maybe a superiority complex of sorts.

The Asian Guy Travel Thread - Brosemite - 02-23-2016

Quote: (02-23-2016 06:27 PM)Gas Wrote:  

Quote: (02-22-2016 06:23 PM)Wutang Wrote:  

On a completely different subject, as an Asian guy the worst reactions I've gotten in cold approaching have always been from Asian girls. Actually the only time a girl has really gotten nasty with me, it's was an Asian girl in NYC. White girls will at least be friendly and talk to me while a lot of Asian girls will typicaly give me the deer in the headlights reaction.

Interesting. Coming to think of it, that's true for me as well. The uber westernized Asian girls tend to have high bitch shields. Maybe a superiority complex of sorts.

That can happen at times. The worst is when you see a mixed set of girls and one is Asian. She will cockblock another Asian guy trying to hit on one of her non-Asian female friends in that situation.

Quote: (02-23-2016 03:21 PM)elimanning Wrote:  

Expecting Asian American Men to adapt to a society and learn leaderships, is going to be difficult, due to a hostile climate towards Asian American, especially for those who are seeking to compete for leadership roles.

At least in Dallas/Ft. Worth, my family is well-acquainted with many Americans of Vietnamese descent that are not just well employed but taking on high leadership roles at in their professions. I don't see what the qualm is here. A lot of these "drone" Vietnamese pharmacists with little upwards mobility also run successful nail salons or side businesses outside of their FT professions too.

Only waiting around for "appointed leadership roles" with no initiative or innovative drive is a waste of time. This applies to people of all races.

What if Roosh spent his whole life waiting around for "appointed leadership promotions" in the world of Microbiology? Well, the obvious answer is we would not be reading his game publications or interacting with each other on this thread let alone forum overall.

Point don't need an appointed title to "lead" or "influence those around you." From what it appears, you seem to be a guy who has his hand in different business opportunities abroad. I'm going to guess that you're happily living that dream without relevance to waiting for an appointed leadership role to take control of what brings value into your life.

Quote: (02-23-2016 03:21 PM)elimanning Wrote:  

At the end of the day, very few Asian Americans know that, there image and face in the world, are totally control by non-Asians.[/u][/b] This is very concerning. Because we as Asian American don't even control our own image. How can we expect to be leaders in America, if we can't even control our own image in the Anglo-sphere.

This image thing is hopefully something that will keep changing gradually.

Taking race out of the equation again, do you think Roosh has "full control" of how mainstream media misconstrues him as a rape culture promoter? Did we have "full control" of quickly changing our perception during the shit show that was International Meetup Day? This negative perception doesn't mean that people like Roosh or other standup members on this forum are going to wither away and refrain from "strong persistent leadership roles." All we can do in these situations is to fight back and focus on the factors we can control to sustain our pursuit.

Quote: (02-23-2016 03:21 PM)elimanning Wrote:  

For example, Daniel Wu a famous Chinese American actor who found success in Hong Kong and now produce Badlands for AMC, comments about the image of Asian Men, Diversity in Hollywood Media and, how Asians don't really like each other and more importantly very unsupported of each other: 3:55.

Thanks for this. I found it insightful though it's a well-known topic already. Based on my experiences, the guy was right about Chinese perceiving Japanese unfavorably, Koreans on Chinese, etc. I'd also like to add that Koreans view Vietnamese favorably though Viets look down on their counterparts. This is of course tongue in cheek dislike with humor involved. I'll elaborate another time.

One example where unification is lacking can be the Youtube world. The Fung Brothers are becoming a hit (I'm not a fan) & instead of giving props to the popularity of Kpop and Kdrama, they blatantly complain about how girls & mainstream culture give them way too much credit.

Unified Latino and Black communities have indeed made strides in the entertainment industry. Despite the great progress, both races are still going to be type casted as it too still is a work in progress. Think any of the talented actors from McFarland USA or Tyler Perry flicks will have full control over being in consistent contention for top mainstream roles outside of their race specific genres anytime soon?

The Asian Guy Travel Thread - HOD - 02-23-2016

Quote: (02-23-2016 07:06 PM)Brosemite Wrote:  

Quote: (02-23-2016 06:27 PM)Gas Wrote:  

Quote: (02-22-2016 06:23 PM)Wutang Wrote:  

Quote: (02-23-2016 03:21 PM)elimanning Wrote:  

Expecting Asian American Men to adapt to a society and learn leaderships, is going to be difficult, due to a hostile climate towards Asian American, especially for those who are seeking to compete for leadership roles.
Only waiting around for "appointed leadership roles" with no initiative or innovative drive is a waste of time. This applies to people of all races.

What if Roosh spent his whole life waiting around for "appointed leadership promotions" in the world of Microbiology? Well, the obvious answer is we would not be reading his game publications or interacting with each other on this thread let alone forum overall.

Point don't need an appointed title to "lead" or "influence those around you." From what it appears, you seem to be a guy who has his hand in different business opportunities abroad. I'm going to guess that you're happily living that dream without relevance to waiting for an appointed leadership role to take control of what brings value into your life.

Quote: (02-23-2016 03:21 PM)elimanning Wrote:  

At the end of the day, very few Asian Americans know that, there image and face in the world, are totally control by non-Asians.[/u][/b] This is very concerning.

This image thing is hopefully something that will keep changing gradually.

Taking race out of the equation again, do you think Roosh has "full control" of how mainstream media misconstrues him as a rape culture promoter? Did we have "full control" of quickly changing our perception during the shit show that was International Meetup Day?

Quote: (02-23-2016 03:21 PM)elimanning Wrote:  

For example, Daniel Wu a famous Chinese American actor

Thanks for this. I found it insightful though it's a well-known topic already. Based on my experiences, the guy was right about Chinese perceiving Japanese unfavorably, Koreans on Chinese, etc. I'd also like to add that Koreans view Vietnamese favorably though Viets look down on their counterparts. This is of course tongue in cheek dislike with humor involved. I'll elaborate another time.

I like most Asian American do not want or asking for affirmative action, nor do we need it. At the end of the day, nobody wants or need appointments. I was just sharing a fact that exist. There is a vacuum in leadership of Asian American in important industries that holds us back.

The first step of progress and gradual growth towards leadership role in media, fashion, and etc. Is accepting the facts and the problems.

Its up to each Asian american generation to compete for leadership roles in important industries. That will only create true change. Like Daniel Wu indicated in his video. Its up to Asian American to obtain and compete for producer roles in Hollywood, to change that image.

The Asian Guy Travel Thread - DaveB - 02-23-2016

What will be the better bet for an Asian guy: Latvia or Estonia?
Especially Riga or Tallinn?

The Asian Guy Travel Thread - El Chinito loco - 02-23-2016

Quote: (02-23-2016 02:11 PM)Jack Of All Trades Wrote:  

Quote: (02-23-2016 12:00 PM)Brosemite Wrote:  

Random Thought:

One great thing about being brought up East/SE Asian is the fact that we endlessly hear dumb guilt trips from our families. As annoying as that is, we get so tired of hearing it that we automatically tune out the politically correct agendas of SJWs when getting older. I guess that explains why I myself and a lot of my Asian peers are so politically incorrect about everything.

Yes you get a lot of the stuff about fillial piety, I've noticed this mindfucks a lot of asian men when they're growing up, coming from personal experience. Your supposed to do everything for your parents and listen to whatever they say and even if it doesn't work out their response will always be you didn't try hard enough.

You need to get out of the loop and move ahead.

There's nothing wrong with filial piety in concept. Taking care of your parents is a good thing overall. That is unless of course your parents are total scumbags then it's another story. I think individual actions and moral character can even override that bond depending on the situation.

The main problem is when parents start to view their offspring as literal unthinking property or extensions of themselves. There are parents with wacky upbringing themselves who abuse the concept of filial piety.

Asian parents aren't the only people who do this but they do it at a greater percentage than other ethnicities. Helicopter parenting is everywhere these days but asian parents take it to another level. I was lucky not to grow up with parents like this but I saw first hand how it dicks up social skills in some people.

The Asian Guy Travel Thread - Brosemite - 02-23-2016

Quote: (02-23-2016 07:36 PM)elimanning Wrote:  

The first step of progress and gradual growth towards leadership role in media, fashion, and etc. Is accepting the facts and the problems.

Its up to each Asian american generation to compete for leadership roles in important industries. That will only create true change. Like Daniel Wu indicated in his video. Its up to Asian American to obtain and compete for producer roles in Hollywood, to change that image.

Agreed..and least this is stuff we can voice & bring up though progress isn't where it needs to be at yet.

And this isn't also like...say Brazil where majority of population has some sort of African blood...though a black person is simply not getting roles in movies, sitcoms, or positions as broadcast journalists. Only way is via becoming a popular musician or athlete. There are few exceptions in certain acting roles however.

Quote: (02-23-2016 09:23 PM)El Chinito loco Wrote:  

The main problem is when parents start to view their offspring as literal unthinking property or extensions of themselves. There are parents with wacky upbringing themselves who abuse the concept of filial piety.

Asian parents aren't the only people who do this but they do it at a greater percentage than other ethnicities. Helicopter parenting is everywhere these days but asian parents take it to another level. I was lucky not to grow up with parents like this but I saw first hand how it dicks up social skills in some people.

End of the day, you need balance. My cousins born in Taiwan and now in the North America had overbearing parents who invested heavily in but also spoiled them. Pressure with the expensive international schooling, video games, and occasional great dinner nights out. It was constant guilt tripping and pressure to excel.

The scariest moments occurred when my aunt got pissed off...I knew the severity of her temper when she switched from Mandarin to Taiwanese because the tone became borderline psychotic (majority of my relatives didn't speak or understand Taiwanese).

Everything has worked out as future is bright for the guys. Dialogue between everybody including their mom & dad is quite hilarious because every sentence is incredibly politically incorrect. Despite overbearing childhoods, certain Asian kids become total mischievous jackasses like my cousins while just knowing which buttons to press in order to get the parents off their back at timely moments.

Other kids totally crumble from that type of harsh parenting unfortunately...

The Asian Guy Travel Thread - Excalibur - 02-23-2016

Haha, I did not even know this thread existed.

I will read through it in my spare time.

I want to say though, these days I see way more Asian guy white girl couple than white guy with Asian girls.
Met my friend's cousin couple of weeks ago. Ugly mofo Filipinio guy. Quit his job, lazy mofo, but his girlfriend was this tall, cute, shy, sweet soft spoken white girl with a PhD. This guy is just down right ugly and annoying.

We then went clubbing, and this ugly mofo got totally rejected from this 2nd rate club. The freaking bouncer totally discriminated him for being a ghetto ass Asian and accused him for being drunk and would not let him into the club while he looked totally sober to everyone. He did have 3 drinks over 2 hours, but he looked totally fine. And that m-f-cker started crying. I kid you not. His eyes were pooling up with tears. And his super cute, sweet GF was patting him on the back. lol. I was so jealous. His GF was so cute, nice, and smart.

HEHE. I admit Asain are not seen as sexual commodity, but as BF, a lot of white girls are dating Asian guys now.

The Asian Guy Travel Thread - El Chinito loco - 02-23-2016

Quote: (02-23-2016 10:08 PM)Brosemite Wrote:  

End of the day, you need balance. My cousins born in Taiwan and now in the North America had overbearing parents who invested heavily in but also spoiled them.

Most definitely. There's a big difference between overbearing parenting and strict parents who are trying to instill proper discipline and ethics into their kids. Too much of U.S. culture lacks the latter and a lot of millenials (not just asians) have overbearing parents who also coddle them.

That's the root cause of most of the wacky emotional fragility and spoiled attitudes you see today that's become widespread.

Overbearing asian parents have a habit of policing every single action and thought coming from the kids. It does a number on the social skills. It's extremely bad in the west because the kids never really understand how to interact with the real world on a meaningful level. There is a lack of developed self awareness there. I see it a lot. Asian male children end up coddled and socially awkward and unable to deal with real life situations. Asian female children end up as naive or spoiled sluts.

The other problem is the importance of male father figures. Too many asian households are dominated by loud mom types while the dad just kind of sits back. My dad is what you would call quasi-red pill. He's an old war vet and never verbalized his beliefs into some kind of ideology but his perceptions are all deeply red pill based on his life experience. I benefited a lot from having a dad who wasn't always in tune with western culture but understood the concepts of masculinity. So all the stuff we read about here and a lot of the views came pretty naturally to me.

The Asian Guy Travel Thread - Zerdame - 02-24-2016

Quote: (02-23-2016 10:25 PM)Excalibur Wrote:  

Haha, I did not even know this thread existed.

I will read through it in my spare time.

I want to say though, these days I see way more Asian guy white girl couple than white guy with Asian girls.
Met my friend's cousin couple of weeks ago. Ugly mofo Filipinio guy. Quit his job, lazy mofo, but his girlfriend was this tall, cute, shy, sweet soft spoken white girl with a PhD. This guy is just down right ugly and annoying.

We then went clubbing, and this ugly mofo got totally rejected from this 2nd rate club. The freaking bouncer totally discriminated him for being a ghetto ass Asian and accused him for being drunk and would not let him into the club while he looked totally sober to everyone. He did have 3 drinks over 2 hours, but he looked totally fine. And that m-f-cker started crying. I kid you not. His eyes were pooling up with tears. And his super cute, sweet GF was patting him on the back. lol. I was so jealous. His GF was so cute, nice, and smart.

HEHE. I admit Asain are not seen as sexual commodity, but as BF, a lot of white girls are dating Asian guys now.

I'm an Asian male myself and I have no idea what you're talking about.

The Asian Guy Travel Thread - Travesty - 02-24-2016

I thought Excelsior made that as some grand troll post for the Hall of Fame long game subtle race trolling.

The Asian Guy Travel Thread - Wuking - 02-24-2016

Quote: (02-23-2016 10:25 PM)Excalibur Wrote:  

Haha, I did not even know this thread existed.

I will read through it in my spare time.

I want to say though, these days I see way more Asian guy white girl couple than white guy with Asian girls.
Met my friend's cousin couple of weeks ago. Ugly mofo Filipinio guy. Quit his job, lazy mofo, but his girlfriend was this tall, cute, shy, sweet soft spoken white girl with a PhD. This guy is just down right ugly and annoying.

We then went clubbing, and this ugly mofo got totally rejected from this 2nd rate club. The freaking bouncer totally discriminated him for being a ghetto ass Asian and accused him for being drunk and would not let him into the club while he looked totally sober to everyone. He did have 3 drinks over 2 hours, but he looked totally fine. And that m-f-cker started crying. I kid you not. His eyes were pooling up with tears. And his super cute, sweet GF was patting him on the back. lol. I was so jealous. His GF was so cute, nice, and smart.

HEHE. I admit Asain are not seen as sexual commodity, but as BF, a lot of white girls are dating Asian guys now.

I stopped reading. We don't need this.

This reminds me of a viral video, where an Asian guy proposed to his girlfriend, before he can finish she smacked him on the head.

These are the sorts of behavior we don't need.

The Asian Guy Travel Thread - Brosemite - 02-24-2016

Quote: (02-23-2016 09:06 PM)DaveB Wrote:  

What will be the better bet for an Asian guy: Latvia or Estonia?
Especially Riga or Tallinn?

Never been to both countries so can somebody chime in?

How are you liking Russia by the way?

Dated an Estonian briefly last year as she was a cool open-minded gal (nice body too...) Also have met a couple Latvians in my US city as well. Bit stiffer and not as down to earth.

I would say Estonian women are more casually dressed & down to earth whereas Latvian chicks are flashier & more elegant based on my experiences.

Somebody who has actually visited both countries could elaborate more

Quote: (02-24-2016 12:09 AM)Zerdame Wrote:  

Quote: (02-23-2016 10:25 PM)Excalibur Wrote:  

I want to say though, these days I see way more Asian guy white girl couple than white guy with Asian girls.

I'm an Asian male myself and I have no idea what you're talking about.

I don't think that would ever happen in a place like Singapore or Hong Kong, which is where you are at right Zerdame? lol.

If Asian males in HK with a preference for Western women had the determination to transform their game & appearances, I think they'd have a better chance to increase those numbers than say in Singapore. Just my hypothetical thoughts.

Sounds like poster Excalibur is based out of the US.

At least in Dallas/Ft. Worth, Asian Male (Vietnamese Alpha)-White Female was typically more common than White Male-Asian Female.

I think it maybe had to do with Asian females in DFW not being that attractive until about 2006 and on. Before that period, they were a bit more Fobby but the packs of Vietnamese chicks have really stepped their looks up. White Male-Asian Female pairings just started becoming more common in the recent years.

It's the total opposite in Houston by the way.

Places such as Seattle and New York City area have always and likely always will possess more WM-AF couples, but the AM-WF trend within the young professional age range keeps growing.

San Fran, LA, Vancouver, and Toronto seem like they'd be tougher feats...

Quote: (02-23-2016 10:25 PM)Excalibur Wrote:  

HEHE. I admit Asian are not seen as sexual commodity, but as BF, a lot of white girls are dating Asian guys now.

Bolded this line because it explains the situation more accurately. [Image: lightbulb.gif]