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Interesting facts/stories. An "Everything Goes" Lounge for Random Knowledge - Richard Turpin - 02-25-2019

Quote: (12-19-2018 12:22 PM)Barry Scrotada Wrote:  

Stuff newspaper in your shoes overnight to reduce odor and moisture. Works also under your car seat. The hard part now is finding a newspaper.

I used to do this with my soaking wet football (soccer) boots and it worked perfectly.

Here's something I learned today which took me completely by surprise;

Ask anyone what the largest forest in the world is and they'll all say the Amazon. But no, the Amazon is merely the largest Rainforest in the world!

The largest forest by surface area is actually the 'Taiga Forest' (which I've never, ever heard of until today).

[Image: Distribution_Taiga.png]


Covering more than five million square miles, this vast expanse of land first claimed by the Russian Tsars around the 17th century is also home to the world’s largest terrestrial biome, the seemingly endless taiga forest.

Making up virtually a third of the entire world’s forest cover, the taiga—or boreal forests as they’re known in North America—are a vast collective of pines, spruces and larches found throughout the high northern latitudes, between the tundra, and the temperate forest, from about 50°N to 70°N.

Interesting facts/stories. An "Everything Goes" Lounge for Random Knowledge - 911 - 02-25-2019

It's not one forest though, it's a type of forest.

Interesting facts/stories. An "Everything Goes" Lounge for Random Knowledge - Richard Turpin - 02-25-2019

Quote: (02-25-2019 10:03 AM)911 Wrote:  

It's not one forest though, it's a type of forest.

Yeah, fair enough, lots of forests stuck together maybe. A 'Biome'. Still fucking massive though and the largest 'uninterrupted forest area on earth'. I can't believe I hadn't heard of it before.

Found it when I was researching ancient woodland in the UK (turns out there's hardly any left). That led me to the biggest forest in Poland (Bialowleza Forest, which contains 800 wild European Bison!). I also didn't know that Europe had any wild Bison! That led on to the Taiga forest.

Interesting facts/stories. An "Everything Goes" Lounge for Random Knowledge - christpuncher - 02-25-2019

^ That's just what we call the boreal forest here in Canada...

Interesting facts/stories. An "Everything Goes" Lounge for Random Knowledge - LeBeau - 04-02-2019

A video showcasing the territorial evolution of the United States, with the borders updated every year till now:

And here are the top maps of all time from that subreddit (though there is the cringe Reddit commentary in some of them):

Interesting facts/stories. An "Everything Goes" Lounge for Random Knowledge - Heuristics - 04-02-2019

I'll do a crowd favorite (pretty sure I didn't read it on the forum), leading American-Israeli Hollywood producer was Mossad, helped Israeli nuclear program--goes to show the Hollywood/ Washington/ Israel revolving door:

Hollywood producer Arnon Milchan reveals past as secret agent
Filmmaker, long rumored to be a real-life James Bond, talks about how he helped Israel’s alleged nuclear-bomb program


Acclaimed American-Israeli producer Arnon Milchan has revealed details of his efforts to boost Israel’s alleged nuclear program when he was working in Hollywood during the 1970s and 1980s.

Milchan, 68, who was behind such movie hits as “Fight Club,” “Pretty Woman,” and “LA Confidential,” gave an exclusive interview to Channel 2 investigative reporter Ilana Dayan, to be broadcast on Monday night in the first episode of a new season of her current affairs show “Uvda” (Fact).

In the interview, Milchan spoke about his involvement in clandestine arms deals and efforts to buy technologies that Israel allegedly needed to make nuclear weapons, as detailed in a preview published by the Daily Mail and preview clips screened on Channel 2 Sunday.

As word of his side-line activities in arms-dealing got around, there were some who were reluctant to work with him, Milchan told Dayan.

“In Hollywood they don’t like working with an arms dealer, ideologically,” he said, “with someone who lives off selling machine-guns and killing. Instead of someone talking to me about a script, I had to spend half an hour explaining that I’m not an arms dealer.”

Aside from setting up arms deals, Milchan also tried to get other Hollywood figures involved in his clandestine work, notably the late director Sydney Pollack, according to a Haaretz report previewing the program.

Pollack was allegedly involved in buying arms and military equipment for Israel during the 1970s and, according to Milchan, knew just what he was getting into.

“Pollack knew, but I didn’t want to scare him because he’s American… He could have said ‘no,” Milchan said. “He said ‘no’ many times, but he also said ‘yes’ many times.”

Milchan, who is part-owner of Israel’s Channel 10 television company, also admitted trying to use an unnamed big star to entice a US nuclear scientist to a private meeting in the actor’s house, although the report didn’t clarify if the rendezvous ever took place.

A number of actors feature in the documentary, including Russell Crowe, Ben Affleck, and Robert De Niro, who is a personal friend of Milchan’s.

De Niro told Dayan that he had heard things about Milchan; however nothing that was ever confirmed. “I wasn’t sure,” he said.

Two years ago, authors Meir Doron and Joseph Gelman published a book titled “Confidential: The Life of Secret Agent Turned Hollywood Tycoon Arnon Milchan,” in which they asserted that Milchan was acting for Israel’s now defunct Bureau of Scientific Relations, known as Lekem. The clandestine bureau focused on obtaining information for secret defense programs that reputedly included Israel’s rumored nuclear weapons research and development program. The bureau was disbanded in 1987 after US Navy specialist Jonathan Pollard was caught spying for Israel.

Business as usual in the Media-Industrial-Defense complex.

For more info, just look up "Pentagon Hollywood" on your search engine of choice. The results will be intriguing.

The elites are always connected in some form or fashion, even if it is covert.