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Approaching girls seated at a table: What's the best way to do it?

Approaching girls seated at a table: What's the best way to do it?

Quote: (01-25-2012 12:28 AM)misterstir Wrote:  

I have done fairly well in such scenarios, the trick is to call out any cock blockers on the spot, if she mutters something rude, say very loudly whats that your muttering. Most cock blockers will back down in that way. If she cock blocks you and does it loudly you must confront her head on and challenge her, ignore her and keep chopping away for the pussy you want

Where in the world are you running this approach? How much is this field tested?

Running the above confrontation in the places in the world where I hang out would have me ejected in a heartbeat. Trying this with NYC girls and you'll be picking false nails out of your eyes for the rest of the evening.

Approaching girls seated at a table: What's the best way to do it?

You know kock blocking is just a form of jealousy, I'm running it in Toronto. I test it out whenever I'm in the mood and see a big group and I'd say all in all ran it about 12 times.

This will require you to have lots of plow skills, it is not a move for rookies. If you go to a large group your going to end up being entertainment so you better be able to run lots of stories, you also will need to know how to play the jealousy card. But most of all NEVER BACK DOWN FROM A COCK BLOCQER. A cock block only works if you give up. If you ignore and plow through eventually her own friends will tell her to shut up or she will realize she can't stop you and she will run out of things to say to you. And when she runs out of shit to talk and cocks to block because your cock is unrelenting in its advances she will be force to submit to you because you are a man and she is an emotional woman with no brains.

One set I'll walk you through.

I went up to a group of 9 girls sitting in a cafe, I went on the side farthest from the fattest girl (most likely to cock block). Well guess who the cock block mother hen was, a skinny little short girl who I later found out had a nice booty. Now I sit down directly beside them and start talking to 1 beside me, then when I see the one sitting across her look over I talk to her, I do this and continue to add in people until we get to the point of introduce myself to all of them. Now this cock blocker is muttering and trying to whisper to her friends, and then I heard her say "why is he talking to us" (in an obviously negative way, but she never intended for me to hear most likely or thought it would scare me off). So then I said loudly, WHAT, WHAT'S THAT YOU SAY, and she said nothing and shut up and sit down until I got 4 numbers.

Now there is nothing more argumentative than a group of stupid girls. You have to spark up an argument where you show your personality and you have to be smiling and laughing through your arguments so they know your joking. In fact even openly contradicting yourself on numerous occassions is completly fine and in fact recommended. I remember this group of french girls and then the group fatty said o great now we have to speak english because he is here. And I said damn straight you do, and you better get use to it, every civilized person speaks english and if you don't speak english you're not civilized, why would you want to mumble in french when you can speak the language of intelligence. Now this is total trolling, but all of a sudden I go from being cock blocked to having the attention of the whole group in under a minute, and now I can quickly go into routines, stories, jealousy card, inquisitive card, then say I'll be going soon and usually get numbers if they are not offering them up.

Approaching girls seated at a table: What's the best way to do it?

What's wrong with just pulling up another chair and saying hello?

Don't do it where you sick backwards in the chair though, I think that makes you look like a jackass.

If you have a good rapport at the bar already, you could order an appetizer and time it's delivery to your target table with your initial sit-down move. This would kill in mainland USA. If you're doing it there get a big basket of fried cheese sticks. There will never be four out of four American women that will turn down cheese sticks. At the very least ONE of the girls will take one. If they don't take your cheeses sticks and walk away, I guarantee one will follow.

Even better is sit down with a bottle of wine and five big glasses. There's an older post about a similar move that I can't find, but it's good. Or sneak a flask if you're broke.

The point is, bring something other to the table that hooks besides your witty banter.


Approaching girls seated at a table: What's the best way to do it?

Quote: (01-25-2012 03:29 AM)Kona Wrote:  

What's wrong with just pulling up another chair and saying hello?

Don't do it where you sick backwards in the chair though, I think that makes you look like a jackass.

If you have a good rapport at the bar already, you could order an appetizer and time it's delivery to your target table with your initial sit-down move. This would kill in mainland USA. If you're doing it there get a big basket of fried cheese sticks. There will never be four out of four American women that will turn down cheese sticks. At the very least ONE of the girls will take one. If they don't take your cheeses sticks and walk away, I guarantee one will follow.

Even better is sit down with a bottle of wine and five big glasses. There's an older post about a similar move that I can't find, but it's good. Or sneak a flask if you're broke.

The point is, bring something other to the table that hooks besides your witty banter.


Lol. Thats a straight hollywood G kinda move for sure [Image: smile.gif] Nice.

The point of modern propaganda isn't only to misinform or push an agenda. It is to exhaust your critical thinking, to annihilate truth.
- Garry Kasparov | ‏@Kasparov63

Approaching girls seated at a table: What's the best way to do it?

Sit down with them and game like normal?

Approaching girls seated at a table: What's the best way to do it?

One time I was drinking a beer in a bar and accidentally choked on a sip of it really bad. I started gagging and coughing and immediately sat down in the nearest open seat to catch my breath, which happened to be at a big table with a bunch of girls at it. After I stopped hacking my brains out we had a fun conversation for a minute where I playfully denied that I did that as an excuse to sit with them ("It's not what it looks like, I swear!") and after about a minute one of them asked for my name and we transitioned into other topics. It was loud so I was able to only talk to 2 of them without having to entertain the whole group. Ended up talking to them for about 10 minutes and getting a phone number (agreed to a date but flaked).

I'm wondering if goofy shit like this would be a reliable way to get your foot in the door with groups like this. It was purely an accident when this happened and since then I haven't tried "fake choking" on my beer as an approach, but it seemed like it did a good job of breaking the ice before.

Approaching girls seated at a table: What's the best way to do it?

Quote: (05-01-2012 04:28 PM)silent_scope Wrote:  

Sit down with them and game like normal?

if your gonna dig up an old thread it would be nice if you would add something useful to the discussion.


Even better is sit down with a bottle of wine and five big glasses. There's an older post about a similar move that I can't find, but it's good. Or sneak a flask if you're broke.

Money. I can not wait until I get an opportunity to try this move. Suited at a high class bar or even a regular restaurant targeting a 2-3 set.

Has anyone besides G field tested? I want to hear results.

God'll prolly have me on some real strict shit
No sleeping all day, no getting my dick licked

The Original Emotional Alpha

Approaching girls seated at a table: What's the best way to do it?

The tbest places for table game are places like Denny's late at night after all of the parties have let out and the girls are still hypeed up and buzzed.

When it comes to table game straight up raw daddy alpha direct is the way to go. First position yourself to be sitting down facing your mark. Then start making obvious eye contact until you get a clear ioi. When that happens simply get up from your seat and stroll over to her booth and sit down like you own the place.

When you walk over simply tell the friend that is facing her to "scoot over". Do not hesitate and be absolutely confident when you do this. Like I said, act like you own the place and 99.99 percent of the time the friend will comply and make a knowing face to her friend with a little smile like.."wow...ok then"

Once you sit down put your arms up on the table lean forward and look your mark directly in the eye and just go straight up direct game on her.

Table game is not for beginners but its a very satisfying pull when you can do it.

Approaching girls seated at a table: What's the best way to do it?

This is what I do, curious to get some feedback on it
I open the whole table by asking an open ended question, I let a few of them blah blah blah, and say thank you ladies, enjoy the rest of your night and walk away. I feel this puts all the girls at the table in a less defensive mood the next time they see me.

As they night goes on I run into the ring leader again either at the bar, going to the bathroom, whatever. I ask her how the girls night out is going, yada yada and ask whats the story with one of the girls at the table. Now that bitch shield is already down so the odds of her giving me a true answer is likely. If ring leader says she's single I'll ask her if its ok for me to steal her for a few, then proceed with walk up routine.

Approaching girls seated at a table: What's the best way to do it?

I agree it's better to use them for social proof (honestly, how many guys come to a bar with several girls? you can create that illusion by having a decent conversation with them) OR warming up.

This is the line I've used.

'you guys look like desperate house wives lol'

'you guys seem like sex and the city girls' - you can neg your target by calling her miranda (freak) or samantha (dangerous)

'Which one is the most dominant one here?', 'who's the leader of this tribe?' - after they giggle you can ask her permission to talk to one of her friends.

When girls talking to each other. 'hey is it kind of rude to break into girl's conversation?'

I think a guy approaching 3~4 girls by himself (non-average, well dressed, fit girls) is pretty bold.
Whether you get something out of it or not, you should give yourself high-five and use that motivation towards next target.

Approaching girls seated at a table: What's the best way to do it?

Quote: (05-03-2012 08:59 PM)Sebastian Wrote:  

'you guys look like desperate house wives lol'

'you guys seem like sex and the city girls' - you can neg your target by calling her miranda (freak) or samantha (dangerous)

I have a great deal on a silver Delorean that travels back to 2000 if you plan on using these.

Approaching girls seated at a table: What's the best way to do it?

The last girl I ended up seeing was sat on a huge table of of about 13 women in the middle of a busy joint. We caught eyes a couple of times but I had other places to be.

I simply strolled over bold as brass and offered my apologies to the whole table and said that I briefly needed to borrow this ladies attention for a couple of minutes and squatted next to the girl (8/10) in question.

She immediately said was shocked that anyone would have the balls to it but TBH she'd also already written out her number on a business card to give to me in advance from the earlier exchanged glances. So arguably shooting fish in a barrel. But she got 100% of my attention.

If you want to make it easier
1) get some early eye contact and you can get straight in without any lingering qualms from her-
2) as someone else noted got for the hottest one and the others tend to keep schtum- else you end up potentially having to entertain the lot of them jumping through all kinds of hoops jump for some minimal talk time. I know I don't always have the inclination for that.

Approaching girls seated at a table: What's the best way to do it?

I did that a few times out here in Honolulu nightclubs just to prime myself socially but I was under the influence of liquid courage. The opener that seemed to work most effectively was "whose birthday are we celebrating?" Then I get the whole "she's getting married..blah, blah". I got positive reactions in one case because it was still early (10:30) I believe.
You generally can't stay in the group that long but it's good for getting yourself talking if you're rolling by yourself. I also didn't ask to sit with them, I just sat down. After my opener and the "she's getting married", I asked them about what a typical Hawaiian wedding's like and got them to talk at length about all the festivities that take place. After that, I departed, but I feel like I gained something from that experience.

Approaching girls seated at a table: What's the best way to do it?

Definetly agree with the raw alpha concept, otherwise you'll get blown out from that start.

Approaching girls seated at a table: What's the best way to do it?

If your game is good to awesome, you can use this line. I did this at work though when i went to the cafeteria and had no one to sit with.

Go up to the table and say, "This looks like where all of the popular kids sit. May i join you guys?"

Little funny and confident. Go around and start talking. Worked for me at work, but should work outside of the office.

Approaching girls seated at a table: What's the best way to do it?

Back in the day I would go sit at girls tables eating with their parents. I truly didnt give a fuck..ofcourse I was very polite an well mannered I just didnt care if I got blown out of the water... the first time I did it I was eating with some of my single guy friends I always used to like to show off my boldness when around my friends. To them I was some kind of legend and I fed of it, they knew no game. I got 1 bang and a few make outs from numbers collected by girls eating with their family's. I prally could have done more but most of the time I didnt pursue the girls very hard. I only came across one ANGRY dad ha, he was not amused.. the mothers always loved it tho. Even the older ladies could appreciate a young well mannered alpha male.

The thought of doing that shit now makes me cringe... Oh to be so young, hung an bold again.... what I wouldn't give

Bruising cervix since 96
"I just want to live out my days drinking virgin margaritas and banging virgin señoritas" - Uncle Cr33pin

Approaching girls seated at a table: What's the best way to do it?

Never a good idea. but for me there's a more important rule of thumb. if they're talking a lot to each other and not looking at ppl / surroundings, better not to try. If they seem to be looking at ppl, sometimes take breaks in the chat just to enjoy the atmosphere... then, even if they are a large group, say 4 or 5, it may make some sense to say hi. no need to sit down with them, just finish with something like "there's a cool place nearby where we should go afterwards, let us know if you want to come along". step aside for a moment, go back to your wingman and wait to see what happens... often they come to you and restart the conversation or accept the invitation. this can even be applied in a restaurant.

ps: from my experience this works quite well with tourists visiting my city / other cities. almost never had the balls to try it with girls from my town (5 years ago tried it a restaurant with a friend, with some good results), and I suspect the rates of success would be dramatically lower in such scenario...

Approaching girls seated at a table: What's the best way to do it?

Quote: (05-03-2012 09:26 PM)Mujeriego Wrote:  

Quote: (05-03-2012 08:59 PM)Sebastian Wrote:  

'you guys look like desperate house wives lol'

'you guys seem like sex and the city girls' - you can neg your target by calling her miranda (freak) or samantha (dangerous)

I have a great deal on a silver Delorean that travels back to 2000 if you plan on using these.

How about going up to the table and saying

'you guys seem like the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles. Okay which one of you is Michalangelo and which is Master Splinter?;

Approaching girls seated at a table: What's the best way to do it?

I know you are trying to say it sounds stupid.

It sounds really stupid if someone is looking for a perfect opener.

There are no such things. It depends on the situation, their mood, your vibe, whether you are their type etc.

yes, I used that thing again last night during the conversation.

'so you guys are all single girls?'
'then this is sex and the city, definitely not desperate housewives'

btw, I approached this group by complimenting one of three girl's Spangle.

'hey I really like your spangle and how it matches your outfit'
'[Image: smile.gif]'
'btw, is it weird I know those fashion terms as a straight guy?, oh I like your (other girl) Clutch too!'

Do I think this is going to work again like this next time? NO.

Quote: (06-23-2013 06:42 PM)Therapsid Wrote:  

Quote: (05-03-2012 09:26 PM)Mujeriego Wrote:  

Quote: (05-03-2012 08:59 PM)Sebastian Wrote:  

'you guys look like desperate house wives lol'

'you guys seem like sex and the city girls' - you can neg your target by calling her miranda (freak) or samantha (dangerous)

I have a great deal on a silver Delorean that travels back to 2000 if you plan on using these.

How about going up to the table and saying

'you guys seem like the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles. Okay which one of you is Michalangelo and which is Master Splinter?;

Approaching girls seated at a table: What's the best way to do it?

Quote: (01-21-2012 04:32 AM)K-man Wrote:  

Sadly, it's often necessary to approach like this in countries other than the US where there is no meat-market culture.

In my city of 1m+ people I seriously only know of like two bars that you can just walk in, buy a beer from the bartender, and start walking around the place.
I exclude the neighborhood dive bars, of course - but the classier places nowadays are 99% like this: you enter, the hostess asks you - do you have seats booked? If not, she offers to assign you seats. And not just seats at tables, mind you - every fucking bar stool also has a "reserved" sign before it and the hostess has to give it to you. Of course, if she is not your friend or if you don't grease her, she would put you in the corner, or next to the three old dudes - not next to the couple of hot girls.

The other factor is the bottle service culture, which gets worse year after year. It's pretty much accepted now that when you go out, you have to buy a bottle - to show others that you can spend; to get a good table; or to avoid losing track of the tab and being overcharged (you have probably all been in a situation where the check comes with say 25 items and you are sure you only ordered 18 drinks among your party, but whatcha gonna do, call the manager?)

So more often then not, when going out to a club people combine with their friends in order to get a table and buy a bottle, therefore most approaches have to be in this situation where 6+ other people are judging you as you spit game and are on standby to intervene should they be in the cockblocking mood.

Excellent point and an astute observation. Makes approaching that much more difficult.

I approached a table of 3 (2 White biSHES HB5'S, and my target, Asian, HB8.

I just cut in and said " sorry to interject guys but I was wondering..---eyed in on asian-----if your free sometime and we should grab a drink.

Anyways I was denied, got the I have BF line, but the effort was worth it for the expression on the 2 white girls faces. I love approaching white/Asian girl groups and going for the Asian. The white girls have this "why is she better than me", bitch-it-ude, aura about them. As a white male, i gotta say, North Ameri-bitches are inferior products.

Approaching girls seated at a table: What's the best way to do it?

I know this is an old thread, but here is what worked for me in such an instance:

1). Suss out the friendliest-looking girl at the table and ask her if you can borrow a chair for your friend.

2). Go back and ask the girl who gave you the chair if her table has any ketchup.

3). When she makes the inevitable joke about "So do you want anything else?" that's when you can "open." For me, I said "Yeah, can I get like $20?" Her response was something like "Only if you spend it on me." Game on! The other thing you can do is notice her drink -- or something -- and start talking about that.

Ben Franklin, who understood human nature as well as anyone, once said he turned a hater into a friend by asking for a favor. His idea was that we grow to like people we do nice things for (see here for a breakdown of this). This also worked for me in college, inadvertently, when I needed help in a class I never bothered to go to and asked a girl for assistance. I ended up dating her after she kept leaving helpful notes in my mailbox. And this was someone I considered way out of my league.

Approaching girls seated at a table: What's the best way to do it?

have you tried this?

Approaching girls seated at a table: What's the best way to do it?

walk by, make some eye contact
ask a couple of them what they are celebrating.
make a comment about their response.
ask if they want you to take a picture.
Goof around taking pictures and ramble

Approaching girls seated at a table: What's the best way to do it?

This is something that I am going to be forced to do so more and more. After being in seattle for a couple of months, the best talent I run into usually is seated at tables and not at the bar.

My inner beta got the best of me last week @ the four seasons where I saw a 3-set of all 8's walk in (real 8's not seattle 8's), sit around a table in the far end of the space and then an hour later walk out together. There was a group of 5 7's and one pudgy 'dudebro' type having dinner at a table nearby and they went over to greet them so not sure if the three 8's were stopping in to join a party of some sorts or not but I need to become more ZFG as the talent in seattle is sparse so therefore when an opening presents itself, I need to strike and not make excuses.

Approaching girls seated at a table: What's the best way to do it?

It's gotta be practical. Basically an innocuous question followed by an innocuous observation:

I.E: Hey girls does anyone have a light [Or spare chair, or insert anything tangible]?

While one of the girls pulls one from her purse, innocuous observation about someone at the table [Typically the ugliest one for maximum response, minimum cock blocking].

I.E: Wow… You have the coolest watch. [Yes this sounds lame but it doesn't matter. Keep in mind giving a negative comment to an ugly girl will swiftly be met with a wall and the defence of her friends].

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